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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting

History of Chi Power and Pressure
Points for Healing and Hurting

© 1989-2003 Internationally. All parts may be published without written permission. 1

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting

• Scientific Premium Company - U.S.A.

• Chi Power: The Prolepsis

• For All Races of Mankind

• War of the Worlds: The Prolepsis

• Antediluvian; Postdiluvian; Aftermath

• Terraforming New Worlds

• Atmospheric Pollution on Earth

• Unlocking Atmospheres

• A Space Station to Move Worlds

• Merging Atmospheres

• Introduction of Oxygen Producers

• Moving the Worlds

• Speed of Light?

• Black Star & the Milky Way Galaxy

• Protected by Anti-light & Anti-sound

• A Secret Antimatter Galaxy

• Planet X

• Evolution Theory

• Pressure Points, Healing & Hurting

• Merciful Martial Arts

© 1989-2003 Internationally. All parts may be published without written permission. 2

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting


About fifteen years ago SPC o USA began to sell throughout the world products that are
very unusual. One product can give you super strength, and you can move objects from a
distance without actually touching them.. Another product will permit you to heal a
person with a touch of your hands. Users are now in all 50 U.S. States as well as 6 of the
7 continents. The following statements give more details of these unusual products and
tell why they are now being revived from the very ancient past.


Your movements, when called upon, can be done with blinding speed. There is no
exaggeration when we say you can actually move faster than a cat. The power used is the
same power that keeps the stars and planets rotating and moving. They are forces of
gravity and antigravity. The Chinese call this power Chi (Chee). The Koreans and
Japanese call the power Ki (Kee).
And with this power we will build new worlds. You will be able to extinguish a candle
flame with your eyes only (Yang Chi). You can repel pest-type birds, such as dirty
geckles, starlings or pigeons, from 30 yards distance (Yang Chi). And with Yin Chi, you
can bring fish. birds and animals to you. Some users have caught fish using this power.
The History of Chi Power & Why It Is Now Being Revived.
In antediluvian (pre-Flood) times, huge beasts roamed the Earth. These huge beasts were
used to control the growth of plants. God used plants to build a heavy oxygen atmosphere
that was very healthy for the human occupants. The Earth moved around the Sun at a
much faster speed than it does now. so the Earth year was about 1/10 that of the current
There was a warm, moisture-laden climate throughout all of the Sun’s worlds. And
because there were few air pollutants of dust, there was no rainfall. Plants received water
from a very heavy dew that would fall during the cool nights. All of the worlds were then
occupied. But without the dinosaurs to control the growth of plants, human habitation
would not have been possible.
The people were-not afraid of these great beasts because God made mankind masters
over all other life forms. Using Chi Power methods, the people were easily able to control
the movement and feeding habits of these huge animals.
Then there were other large beasts and birds to control the growth of dinosaurs. The huge
pterodactyl (a bird) would eat the dinosaur eggs. Other large beasts would kill and eat the
dinosaurs after they were fully grown, but destructive to the land use. Then giant fish
lived in the fresh water lakes and controlled the abundant fish population.


The “Creation Account” as written in the Judeo/Christian Bible is of a single family of
people. It is an account of the Jews and the Messiah. This Messiah is a Savior to all
people of every race. Because the Messiah was God Himself in the flesh. And in the
beginning God created everything.

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting

There is now no life that He (in a corporate state) does not permit to exist. Nor is there a
star or star system. But God has not stopped His creative work. God Himself, the
Messiah has allowed such as we to join Him in this joyful work. Some of us are part of
the corporate state. And His Divine Plan is that we are to become equal in every way with


There are various accounts by many ancient civilizations throughout the Earth that tell of
the war and a universal flood (Diluvium) which covered the Earth world. And they are all
very similar. All of the worlds (planets) were then occupied with people and animals. The
people would visit other worlds. Bible accounts tell of the visits of “gods” who enjoyed
relations with fair women on Earth. God created various races of people to occupy each
world, but He made all (male and female) people in His Image. Each world was perfectly
aligned with the Sun’s equatorial belt. All worlds orbited the Sun at about the same
distance. That distance was about the current distance of Earth from the Sun.
All the worlds were without seasons because the magnetic poles were perfectly parallel
with the magnetic pole of the Sun. Seasons require a tilt of a world’s polar axis. The more
severe the tilt. the more extreme the season (hot and cold temperatures). And the worlds
were perfect, because God made them perfect. Yet He gave mankind free will. and
subjected him to temptation because He wished him to overcome temptation. It was then,
because of weakness to temptation, a world we will call Apollo exploded and caused the
chaos that now exists within our Solar System.
Because the Earth was opposite in orbit around the Sun, it was protected by the Sun from
the terrible explosion. The world Moon was blown to mesh rotate with Earth, but lost its
atmosphere. All of the worlds were occupied by different races of people. They spoke
different languages and had different thought patterns. Each developed a very high
technology to be able to travel to other planet worlds in the Solar System.
But there was suspicion and greed. And the worlds began to war with each other. So God
caused a group of people from each planet to migrate to Earth
and live. They were told to seek the very highest mountains to live. And they were to take
the smaller animals with them.

New Worlds
It was only after the Earth was so occupied that God allowed the planet world of Apollo
to be destroyed, along with the life on all the worlds except Earth.
Part of the exploded world of Apollo now orbits the Sun as the Asteroid Belt. Small
moons (satellites) and particles form rings around many of the planets. The most famous
are the rings of Saturn.
The world Mars has two large fragments of the exploded world and they both orbit Mars
like Moon does Earth. Our most distant Planets Pluto and Charon now orbit each other.
The Planet Uranus has its poles now pointing toward the Sun. Some of the planets lost
their atmospheres. Mars, Moon, and Mercury are examples. Currently Mars has water ice
caps at its polar regions and its atmosphere is so thin that life can’t exist. Yet the

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting

atmosphere is strong enough to hold the now very frequent world-wide dust storms. On
Moon and Mercury, the atmospheres can hardly be measured. The atmospheres of both
Moon and Mercury burned with such intensity that the top-soil of these worlds became
liquid. Huge bubbles were formed as the soil became like pudding. When interior heat
caused the bubbles to expand and burst, craters were left as evidence of the burn.
As time passed, the soil turned into dust, much of which continues to be lost and
combined with the atmospheres of other worlds. Because of the explosion of Apollo, the
Planets Mercury and Venus were inverted. This caused their rotation to move against that
of the Sun, so they were drawn closer to the Sun. out of Earth’s orbit. Other planets were
blown outward.

Dust from the exploded Apollo caused the great flood on Earth. Dust from that world’s
explosion entered the Earth’s water-laden atmosphere and combined to fall as rain to
drown nearly all the life on the Earth. Hebrew/Christian Bible accounts speak of a family
of people who had foreknowledge of the flood and built a very large boat. One estimate
places the size of that boat to be equal to a freight train 13-1/2 miles long. Other people
escaped to very high mountains and took smaller animals with them.
After the rain stopped and the flood water receded, all of the large animals and most of
the smaller animals had been destroyed, along with most of the plant life. But many of
the seeds from the plants were suspended in the water and began to grow on the dry land.
Earth is now the only world left in all of the Solar System that contains life.
After the flood on Earth, both people and animals were few in number. The land that
remained above the water was greatly decreased as the oceans evaporated they became
salty and not fit for humans to drink. People became nomadic (they were constantly
traveling) and were always searching for food and shelter. With this very difficult living
style, the people began losing the knowledge of Chi Power methods. They even began to
lose knowledge of how to heal one another or their animals with the use of pressure


Now the world, because of increases in population, has reached a point that requires
learning weather control methods, followed by reclaiming these other worlds.
We must now move to other worlds to terraform (meaning to make Earth-like) and to
occupy them for human expansion. God gives us both wisdom and power, only as we are
able to use them. Currently on Earth, dust from our cities and farms, as well as the
volcanoes, is drawn to the polar regions of the Earth. Because the Earth rotates, wind is
created. Variations in surface temperature cause the wind to flow in patterns. And these
wind patterns all carry the dust to the polar regions of Earth.

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Because the airborne dust particles move with friction, they are magnetically charged
with ions of electricity. The Earth’s rotation causes both polar regions of Earth to be also
magnetically charged. On Earth the magnetic charge matches that of the dust particles.
Since similar magnetic ion charges repel, some of the dust is repelled out of Earth’s
atmosphere over the poles back toward the equator.
Because of the strong gravity pull from the Earth, caused by the same rotation, most of
the dust falls back into Earth’s atmosphere; some of it falling as rain. But some of the
dust is drawn into the Sun. This way, the air on Earth is cleaned. Also in the polar regions
of Earth a vortex of wind aided by the magnetic charge, lifts the pollutants high in the
atmosphere. Some of the pollutants fall back to the Earth as pure water ice crystals that
will eventually melt to create fresh water.
The fresh water is carried by channels deep within the bowels of the Earth. A complex
maze of channels of water are drawn by gravity to the equatorial regions of Earth and
under gird all of our land masses. Some of the water is formed by heat into complex
gasses and liquids. Oil is formed in this way. Some of the liquids form various types of
rock and metal. All of the many chemical compounds are formed in this way.

Currently other planets have atmospheres that are locked with strongly opposing ion
charges over their poles preventing the escape of air pollutants. We will have to change
the atmospheres by directing bomb explosions outward over the planet’s poles to create
an escape for the harmful pollution. When the dust is outside the closed atmosphere, it
will be changed to fall back into the world’s atmosphere as simple elements, and provide
a soil base for oxygen-producing plants to grow.


After building a giant solar powered space station. we can direct a huge electrical charge
at the equatorial pole of a planet to cause the planet to flip and reverse spin. The Sun’s
gravity will mesh with that of the planet’s gravity to cause a gear-type movement. This
will allow the movement of the worlds to any position we choose.

Mercury and Venus are the most logical planets to begin to terraform. Mercury has no
atmosphere and Venus currently has an atmosphere similar to that of battery acid. We
will merge the atmospheres of Mercury and Venus. This will be extremely dangerous be-
cause the worlds will be required to be very close to each other. We can change and
reverse rotation of these worlds. They will first be required to revolve as satellites to each

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting

Then one world will be required to rotate with the Sun while the other will rotate against
the Sun in very close proximity to each other. This will cause Venus to allow Mercury to
gain an atmosphere because of gravity. Then we will match the rotation of both worlds
again to that of the Sun, in order to move them to again orbit as companions of Earth.
Many other methods of terraforming atmospheres are also considered. It is quite likely
that water can be created on any of the planets, including Moon and brought to the
surface to create atmospheres.


After we open the polar holes of the worlds, we will introduce oxygen-producing plant
life. Plants can then change atmospheres to be like the antediluvian atmosphere of Earth.
After these worlds have been seeded with plush vegetation to rebuild the required oxygen
atmospheres, water will then begin to form in the air. Some of the water will then fall as
dew to form small pools. From those pools will flow rivers to form fresh-water lakes.
Then other life will be introduced to these new worlds. Soon we will have the two worlds
of Mercury and Venus that can be re-occupied with people.


Because of the Sun’s strong equatorial pull, all of the planets except Pluto (and Charon)
now orbit the Sun at the Sun’s equator. The large worlds of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune have very active volcanoes that keep a world-wide smoke covering. They have
actual lakes of fire, which pollute their atmospheres. We can begin to terraform these
worlds by first cooling them.

By opening the polar holes, we can release the atmospheric hold of hot polluted air and
permit it to escape. As the cold air hits the volcanoes, lava flow will stop and a crust will
form. This is follow-ed by a covering of dust that will change the soil. permitting the
growth of plant life. Water will also begin to be created in the polar regions.
We must then move these large planets back to near Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
The Sun’s rotation will draw the planets back to Earth’s orbit. As the worlds near Earth’s
orbit, the counter-rotation will stop, reverse and begin again to mesh rotate with the Sun
(with our help, of course). By repositioning the Sun’s satellites to an equatorial orbit, we
can even realign the polar axis of a world to prevent or modify seasons. With
terraforming, all of the worlds can be reoccupied, along with their satellites. All of the
planets must match the rotation speed of the Sun. And the orbit speed of the planet will
increase, to shorten its year to become about the same as it was in antediluvian times.

Contrary to published reports, light is not a constant speed of about 186,000 miles per
second. That is the speed of some reflected light. It is not the speed of light. Light is
energized by strong electrical discharge against the resistances of matter or antimatter of
molecular size. You can see actual light slowly fade like a weak flashlight on a dark
night. The light decreases gradually and finally stops. Light speed should be determined
by resistances, not variable intensity of reflection.

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting


Nearly all of the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy orbit a Black Star at the center of our
galaxy. Most of the stars orbit around the Black Star’s equator, making our galaxy fairly
flat. Black stars have an antimatter force field to create anti-light. Just as bright light will
nullify darkness, anti-light will nullify bright light. Light has the weight of at least a
hydrogen molecule, so all light is subject to the pull of gravity.
Anti-light has a negative weight and is strongly subject to the pull of gravity from a star
or planet. Because of the positive weight of the bright light, some of the starlight behind a
black star orbits the black star to reveal bright stars that are hidden. The same bright star
will often appear in several locations at the same time. All of this gives the illusion that
the black star does not exist. Visible clusters of bright stars surround the black star to help
conceal it from astronomers. Examine most any galaxy and the black star can usually be
found because of the clusters of bright stars surrounding it.

The antimatter of the black star extends to also cause anti-sound, so even radar is not
effective beyond a star system. Sound waves return on the same frequency wave from
whence they began, greatly diminished. Sound, too, reacts like a beam of light that
diminishes and can bounce back to its source.


The anti-sound emitting from our Black Star serves to protect the Solar System from
catastrophic sound vibrations caused by explosions within the Milky Way Galaxy. The
anti-sound modifies sound. Without the anti-sound from the Black Star, no life could
exist. Both anti-light and anti-sound are controlled emissions by the Black Star for our


The most astounding secret of the Black Star is that it is a shell concealing an antimatter
galaxy within it. Stars within the Black Star are dark and radiate anti-light. So the
inside of the shell of the Black Star radiates light to nullify the anti-light dark star system.
At the very center of the dark star galaxy is hidden a great Bright Star. The dark stars
revolve and rotate around this Bright Star. Again the Bright Star radiates light and sound
to nullify the effects of anti-light and anti-sound within.
A huge trail of antimatter from the Black Star has nearly reached Earth. This was caused
by an antimatter flare from the Black Star. The path of this antimatter flare still exists and
is clearly shown on scientific astronomy instruments. The antimatter flare contradicts the
existence of a “black hole” at the center of the Milky Way. Black holes do not exist.
Black stars do. But that is a matter of word terms. Our words continue to change from
year to year.

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting

Outward from our Milky Way Galaxy there are many other black stars surrounded by
galaxies. One black star near our Milky Way Galaxy has consumed all of the stars that
formerly formed its galaxy. Sometimes referred to as Planet X, it now is affecting stars
and planets within the Milky Way. The Planet Uranus now spins by reason of this black
star’s rotation.
The Planets Pluto and Charon are being pulled in an erratic orbit because of it. Some of
the bright stars within our galaxy are moving toward it and will one day merge with it.
This gives the illusion that the heavens are in chaos and without order. It also gives
comfort to the Atheists that God does not exist. The Atheists promote Zero Population
Growth. Because of Zero Population Growth concepts, billions of people are now being
But God DOES exist. We even have unseen galaxies that can one day be occupied by
humans. God. who created all the natural resources, planned from the beginning that we
will not run out of space to live - or natural resources.
When we needed electricity to power our machinery God provided it. Now the much
greater Power of antimatter controlling matter will be ready when we need its use for

The “Theory of Evolution” is without foundation. Not a single verifiable example of it
exists in all of history. If “Evolution” were true, we would be constantly finding new
types of creatures. Just the opposite is true. We are in danger of losing many living
species of life through extinction. Every evidence points to the above account of life as
true. We are very much interested in genetic creation of jungle-consuming creatures, such
as the dinosaurs again.


In antediluvian times. Acupressure was commonly used to heal instead of using drugs.
People at one time had mastery over all plant life, too. Because of their mastery, they
would not become addicted to the derivatives of plant life as is common today with drugs
and cigarettes. But after the war of the planets and the very difficult way of survival,
people lost mastery. Thousands of years after the flood, plants are being used as medicine
instead of Acupressure. But as we are now well aware, plant life holds more people in
captivity than any other life form.
When God in the form of Jesus Christ was on Earth and before He died, arose from the
grave, then ascended into heaven. He gave orders to His followers:
He ordered them to go two by two, meaning husband and wife. into all of the world and
heal people with a touch of their hands. He ordered this action for the purpose of
restoring the Earth and all of the people. He repeated the order after He arose from the
grave. He was again seen by hundreds of people. This proved He was God. He then went
to heaven (a dimension out of time). He returned again as The Holy Spirit, going through
time to every generation. That was His promised return. He is now in every dimension of

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Prolepsis: History of Chi Power and Pressure Points for Healing and Hurting

time available to give Life to anyone who will choose it. All of this was very carefully
documented, first with thousands of very precise prophecies to foretell and then with
many very accurate documents to record the events. Because many people now profess to
believe this account of the mercies of God, and refuse to renounce Him, they are killed by
Atheists. It has been estimated that in excess of 400,000 professing Christians have died
in 1988. God said, “Multiply and fill the Earth”. So we - WILL - stop this evil
killing, and follow the clear orders from God to everyone.


There were, and obviously still are, some very greedy people in each generation, so God
gave the people another gift of survival - merciful martial arts. So the same points that are
used to heal people are also used to disable the greedy people without causing permanent
damage to them. Jesus told His followers to travel throughout the world and heal the
people so that the worlds could be restored. They then tell the God Story (Gospel).
The Acupressure Points are the same pressure points used in the days of Jesus. The
Pressure Points can disable an enemy or erase pain. The new type of non-lethal martial
arts began with God’s visit to Earth nearly two thousand years ago. This martial art is
based upon mercy and love.
Using Acupressure Points is a very fast way to completely erase pain without using
drugs, or a very fast way to discourage an evil aggressor from causing destruction.


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