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B. W. Jäkel, A. B. Müller
Siemens AG Erlangen, Germany

Abstract: Conventional current and voltage transform- protection concept – today’s current and voltage trans-
ers of medium voltage distribution switchgear are going ducers are not ideally compatible. Conventionally, a
to be technologically replaced by modern low-power voltage transformer converts the primary voltage from,
sensors. In order to ensure their undisturbed operation in for example, 30 kV to 100 V and the input transformer
future applications fundamental investigations have to in a digital relay converts that 100 V further into 10 V.
be done about the electromagnetic stress to which sen- A sensor converts the primary voltage directly to 10 V.
sors are supposed. Measurements of transients on the Additionally, the power requirement of a digital relay is
secondary lines to transformers in general and particu- so small that the output of the sensor can be allowed to
larly to the sensors as well as on the primary circuit shrink into the milli-watt range. The significant reduc-
were performed for typical switching actions. Corre- tion of the signal power increases the possibility that
sponding results of the transient voltages and of the these signals might be influenced or disturbed by exter-
transmitting behaviour of transformers and sensors are nal electromagnetic stress. Investigations of these new
presented. A kind of transfer function is introduced in relations with the consequent change and matching of
order to describe the transmitting behaviour of the sen- EMC measures to the new situation have to be per-
sors and transformers also in the frequency domain. formed.

Keywords: Transients, Substation, Switchgear, Medium

2. Switchgear interference sources
Voltage Switchgear, Sensor, Non-Conventional Trans-
former, Transmitted Overvoltages Test, Transfer Func-
tion 2.1 Switchgear emissions
An essential issue in the frame of an EMC considering
product development is the knowledge of the interfer-
1. Introduction ence sources which emissions might influence compo-
nents of the concerned installation or other nearby in-
The electromagnetic compatibility in distribution stallations. The propagation paths of the emissions must
switchgear installations has to be regarded under two be examined and disturbance levels at the interfaces to
aspects: the interference between the components inside the sensitive components can be derived. These levels
a substation and the interaction of the switchgear with have to be compared with the immunity levels and in
the environment outside [1]. Particularly the first aspect the case that they do not match, suitable EMC measures
has to be considered when new technologies regarding must be performed. In principle, measures can apply to
the sensitive secondary equipment will be introduced. the source, the propagation path or to the involved com-
This is now the situation in medium voltage distribution
switchgear where the technology of conventional cur- Several disturbance sources are to be considered in
rent and voltage transformers will be replaced by mod- connection with switchgear installations. They are pres-
ern low-power transducers. In the absence, as yet, of an ent in the steady-state operation mode of the switchgear
internationally adopted term – they are referred to sim- where magnetic and electric fields at the power fre-
ply as 'sensors' [2]. This trend is induced by the pressure quency and higher-order harmonics are generated. Par-
to decrease costs which forces optimisation of the whole ticularly in connection with other components such as
switchgear supply sequence. Simultaneously, the wide transformers these fields may have significant ampli-
range of functions, which must be individually selected tudes at least in the close vicinity leading there to possi-
to suit the particular user, cannot be restricted - a con- ble disturbances of sensitive equipment like computer
tradiction which cannot be resolved with conventional monitors. An evaluation of these fields under the point
technology. The new way to achieve this goal is the of view of personnel risk must also be taken into ac-
consistent use of electronics and software. It requires count which is increasingly recommended or required
suitable sensors that are compatible with the digital by several standards.
2.2 Transients in switchgear A length of approximately 80 m represents a worst case
condition in so far as travelling waves come fully into
The more significant interference sources occur in con-
effect but damping is still almost negligible. The voltage
nection with transient phenomena such as switching
shows the typical behaviour of such actions with the
actions or lightning discharges [3]. These phenomena
phenomena of several pre-strikes and damped oscilla-
cause transients with relatively high frequency contri-
tory waves with relatively high frequency contributions
butions in the currents and voltages in the primary cir-
after each arcing. Figure 2 shows an interval of 20 µs of
cuits. The interference transients lead to high frequency
the first rise of the voltage with three subsequent oscil-
radiation from connected bars and cables as well as to
transient overvoltages on the secondary circuits. Since
the main connection between the primary and the sec-
ondary circuits exists via instrument transformers re-
spectively sensors, their high frequency behaviour as


well as that of connected lines determine the spectrum
and magnitude of the coupled transient overvoltages. 1.50E+04

Detailed transient electromagnetic interference in sub- 1.00E+04

stations is described in a number of studies, such as [4]
and the references cited therein. But the main emphasis
in this area is on the effects in high voltage (HV) sub- 0.00E+00
stations, as there knowledge is essential for the substa-
tion design and operation. There is little data available -5.00E+03
for the case of switchgear in the medium voltage (MV) -5.00E-06 0.00E+00 5.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.50E-05

range from 1 to 52 kV. This might be due to the fact that TIME (seconds)

the transient interference sources in these stations are of

relatively low levels compared to those of HV substa- Fig. 2: Transient voltage on the primary circuit for
tions and that the immunity of secondary equipment is the first µs after the voltage rise
sufficient enough not to be influenced by those emis-
sions. These assumptions might be true in the case of A frequency of about 200 kHz can be derived from the
conventional technology, but must be proved in the case oscillating behaviour. This dues to the resonant circuit
of using modern sensors in switchgear installations. formed by the equivalent circuit elements of the cable
self-inductance and the earth capacitance. Since these
2.3 Switching of circuit breaker parameters depend on the actual installation parameters,
The main interference source, i.e. the source producing i.e. type and length of cable, this dominating frequency
varies in different installations.
emissions with the highest levels, in HV switchgear is
the switching of disconnectors in Gas insulated switch-
gear (GIS). In medium voltage installations switching of 3. Investigation of instrument transformers
the circuit-breaker is assumed to produce the most rele-
vant emissions. Closing the breaker produces transients Instrument transformers in switchgear transfer current
on the primary circuit which for example can be de- or voltage from the primary to the secondary side in
scribed by the time behaviour of the transient voltage on order to obtain data from the primary circuit for protec-
a primary conductor. An example of corresponding tion, control, metering etc. Thus primary and secondary
measurements is shown in Figure 1 for the situation circuits are coupled. At power frequency the coupling is
when the breaker energises a cable. defined by the rated transformation ratio of the instru-
ment transformer. There is also a coupling at higher
frequencies resulting in propagation of transients from
the primary circuit to secondary equipment. This cou-
2.5E+04 pling is due to parasitic capacitances between the pri-

mary and secondary side inside the transformers and

sensors and results in interference current and voltages
1.5E+04 in the secondary circuits. This kind of coupling is es-
sentially one of a common-mode type. This means that
both wires of the secondary cable are influenced in
5.0E+03 nearly the same way and the same voltages are induced
in them with respect to the ground potential. Due to the
non-symmetrical properties of the transformer and the
-5.0E+03 connected equipment in the high frequency range a
-5.00E-04 0.00E+00 5.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.50E-03 2.00E-03 differential-mode voltage is produced which is superim-
TIME (seconds) posed upon the actual useful signal.
Magnitude and frequency behaviour of the coupling is
Fig. 1: Transient voltage on the primary circuit essentially due to the properties of the transformers and
when switching on a long cable sensors. This behaviour is specific for each type.
Knowing the transfer behaviour between both sides transmitted only for a short moment during the rise
should therefore allow estimations of the overvoltages period of the applied test impulse.
to be expected at the secondary terminals when defined
Figure 5 shows the result for a configuration where –
transients on the primary terminals occur.
common installation practice – the burden of the trans-
former is connected by a cable of 2m length and one
3.1 Description in the time domain
terminal is grounded. Peak-to-peak values of 40 V at the
A measurement method for the transmitting behaviour secondary terminals were measured.
in the time domain is suggested for current transformers
in [5] and for voltage transformers in [6]. The proposed 1200
procedures use special types of low voltage impulses to
be applied to the primary terminals. The measured
overvoltages transmitted to the secondary winding for 800

VOLTAGE (volts)
the low voltage impulses have then to be extrapolated to
the situation of realistic primary impulses and must
finally lie below 2 kV - a typical test level of standard 400
immunity impulse tests of secondary equipment.
The test set-up is shown in Figure 3. In order to repre- 0
sent the occurrence and propagation of transients in the
primary circuits realistically the test impulse as well as -200
-1.00E-05 0.00E+00 1.00E-05 2.00E-05 3.00E-05
the transmitted impulse to the secondary side were ap-
plied and measured under the common-mode point of TIME (seconds)

view. This transmitted overvoltage test is a procedure

which can be performed quickly and allows a general Fig. 4: Low voltage impulse for overvoltages test
comparison of the transmitting and coupling behaviour
of different transformers as well as sensors. Using this type of current transformer for example in a
medium voltage system with a nominal voltage Um=12
kV, a peak value Up for the applied voltage on the pri-
mary terminals of

Transfor- Up = 3 U m = 29.4kV (1)
mer/Sensor 3
has to be considered. Extrapolating the measured value
to the actual high voltage results in an overvoltage of
Impulse - 1.18 kV at the secondary terminals, which is well below
Generator Burden
the limit of 2 kV stated by the draft standard.

VOLTAGE (volts)


Fig. 3: Schematic representation of the transmitted
overvoltage test set-up -10

Measurements were performed for a couple of current
and voltage transformers. Figure 4 shows the shape of
-5.00E-07 0.00E+00 5.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.50E-06
the test impulse at the primary terminals with a peak
TIME (seconds)
value of 1000 V, a rise time of about 0.3 µs and a time
to half-value of 20 µs. The transmitted voltage to the
secondary terminals of a block type current transformer Fig. 5: Transmitted overvoltage measured at a sec-
is presented in Figure 5. ondary terminal of a block type current transformer

The time behaviour of the primary test impulse does not

exactly correspond to the test impulses stated in the 3.2 Description in the frequency domain
above mentioned documents where an impulse with a Not every voltage transient on a realistic primary circuit
longer time to half-value of at least 50 µs is required. will have the above stated wave shape. Thus the results
But as the measured overvoltages at the secondary ter- for the test impulse cannot be transferred to the real
minals show, see Figure 5, significant overvoltages are situation in any case. A more general description of the
transformer transmitting behaviour in the higher fre- the amplitude transfer function ac and the phase transfer
quency range would therefore be more convenient. function and a subsequent inverse Fourier transform
will result in the transmitted impulse on the secondary
This can be done by using a transfer function which
describes the transmitting behaviour between the volt-
ages at the primary and secondary terminals in depend- The curve calculated in such a way is shown in Figure 7
ency of the frequency. Such a transfer function allows and is quite comparable with that of Figure 4 which was
considering the transmitting or coupling of arbitrary measured directly in the time domain. Both of the
impulses of other shape data than the test impulse ones transmitted impulses show a similar time behaviour as
by means of Fourier transform. well as a similar peak-to-peak voltage.
Figure 6 shows a transfer function in the frequency
domain with data in the frequency range from 400 kHz
to 10 MHz. The results are for the above investigated 20
block type current transformer. The plotted curve repre-

VOLTAGE (volts)
sents the attenuation ac between the voltage Up at the 10
primary terminals and the voltage Us at the secondary
terminals each referred to ground potential. The at- 0

tenuation depends on frequency is defined by the rela-

ac = 20 log [dB ] (2)
Us -30
-5.00E-07 0.00E+00 5.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.50E-06
The measurement set-up corresponds to that of the draft TIME (seconds)
standard [5] with the extension that a sinus wave gen-
erator is used instead of the impulse generator. A small
Fig. 7: Transmitted impulse calculated by means of
value for ac means that there is good coupling or trans-
the transformer transfer function (block type cur-
mitting of primary transients to the secondary terminals.
rent transformer)
The curve shows a nearly continuous decreasing be-
haviour of ac with increasing frequency. This means that The equivalence of both the descriptions of the trans-
higher frequency voltages or transients with significant former/sensor transmitting behaviour can in principle be
contributions in the higher frequency range will better used to investigate the transmitted voltages and there-
transmit to the secondary terminals as lower frequency fore also the stress of the secondary electronic equip-
ones or transients with contributions in the lower fre- ment when other impulses than those in the draft stan-
quency range. dards or actual realistic impulses will be considered.

4. Coupling from primary to secondary circuits
The coupling between the primary and secondary cir-
cuits via the instrument transformers results in trans-
Attenuation (dB)

50 mitted overvoltages at the input of the secondary

40 equipment, when transients occur on the primary side.
The measured overvoltage in the case of a realistic tran-
sient (figure 2) is presented in figure 8 for the case of a
20 conventional toroidial-type current transformer. Both
10 figures show the same period of time.
0.1 1 10 The transmitted overvoltage shows a similar frequency
Frequency (MHz)
behaviour as the transient and has an amplitude of 180V
(peak-to-peak). This relation between primary transient
and transmitted overvoltage is true only for the actual
Fig. 6: Measured transfer function between the sides
current transformer and oscillating frequency of 200
of a conventional current transformer (block type)
kHz. Transients with contributions of higher frequencies
are expected to produce higher transmitted overvoltages
Applying the transfer function in the frequency domain
as can basically be seen from the transfer function in
to the test impulse of Figure 4 shows the validity of this
figure 5 which shows decreasing attenuation with in-
type of description. Precondition for the following pro-
creasing frequency but which describes the transfer
cedure, however, is beside the knowledge of the voltage
function of a block-type transformer. Preliminary meas-
amplitude transfer function that of the phase transfer
urements show that a toroidial core transformer is ex-
pected to show an analogous behaviour. In the fre-
A Fourier transform of the test impulse gives its spectral quency range of interest transmitted overvoltages of
density. Combining the spectral density amplitudes with several hundreds of volts must be taken into account.
The overvoltages represent the disturbance levels whilst the lower voltage resistor R2 shall be as small as
against which equipment connected to the secondary possible, so that the load impedance of the connected
terminals have to be immune. In principle these levels measurement and protection devices does not over-
combined with a certain safety margin can be used as a proportionately influence the divider ratio. In practice,
basis for determining immunity test levels. R1 lies in the region of 100 MΩ and R2 about 10 kΩ.

5.2 Current sensors

Current sensors compared with conventional measure-

ment transformers master the primary current dynamics
in only one core. The range covers a ratio of 100 dB -
seen from a few amperes operating current to 100 kA
peak value of a fault current. The technical advantage
becomes immediately apparent, when one considers the
two essential, demanding measurement requirements: at
the lowest end of the scale one needs to measure small
operating currents with high accuracy - for example, for
revenue metering - and at the upper end of the scale to
-5.00E-06 0.00E+00 5.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.50E-05 reproduce short circuit currents reliably, to satisfy the
TIME (seconds) demands of protection systems. With conventional cur-
rent transformers one requires separate cores for opera-
Fig. 8: Measured transmitted overvoltage in the case tional and short circuit currents (measurement and pro-
of a conventional torodial core current transformer tection cores) - with power outputs of multiple VA - to
overcome the problems of saturation. As a result of the
many possible combinations of cores, determined by
5. New secondary technologies: Sensors replace rated current, overcurrent factor, power output and ac-
conventional instrument transformers curacy, an almost limitless number of variations is pos-
sible - to the delight of current transformer manufactur-
ers and the despair of switchgear builders. Current sen-
The change to new voltage and current measurement
sors, which have to produce no power because their
systems leads to sensors providing only relatively small
signals are processed electronically, create the "univer-
output voltages for the electronic processing in protec-
sal current transformer". Figure 10 shows a picture and
tion, control and metering equipment [2].
a schematic construction of a current sensor.
5.1 Voltage sensors metal case or screen
The voltage sensor consists of two resistors R1 and R2,
dimensioned specifically for the required division ratio,
which form a resistive voltage divider. Figure 9 illus-
trates a divider in thick film technology mounted in a u2
shunt twisted pair, 2-screen cable
cast resin support insulator.
Primary connection
U1 Measuring
and protection
R1 equipment
Current sensor for
gas-insulated switchgear
with external cone plug-in
R2 system
Case GND
Mounting plate

Fig. 10: Low-power current transducer as sensor

Fig. 9: Resistive voltage divider
Current sensors operate on the proven instrument trans-
The lower voltage is measured between U2 and GND. former principle of specific matching to an internal
The specially brought out connection GND ensures ohmic resistance (shunt). The secondary current pro-
decoupling between the reference ground of the meas- duces a voltage u2 across the internal shunt (≈ 1 Ω)
uring or protection device and the switchgear earth.
which is directly proportional to the primary current i1.
The higher voltage resistance R1 shall be as large as The load impedance must be higher than 10 kΩ. This
possible, so that losses in the divider remain small, current sensor operates linearly and saturation-free up to
short circuit currents. It is so accurate, that it can be This value remains relatively constant also for higher
used for revenue metering. frequencies.
Similar results concerning the behaviour in the time and
5.3 Transient behaviour
frequency domain were achieved for other sensors. As a
Nevertheless, in spite of the distinguishing design of the basic result they show smaller transmitted voltages
sensors, transmitted overvoltages have also to be taken compared to the conventional transformers. Neverthe-
into account. Figure 11 shows the measured overvolt- less the transmitted transients in those cases are not so
ages for the primary transient presented in figure 2 insignificant that immunity issues of the connected
when the conventional current transformer in the secondary electronic equipment could be neglected.
switchboard is replaced by a current sensor.
6. Conclusion

Achieving the internal EMC of the switchgear requires

5.00E+01 particular interest to the coupling mechanism between
the primary and secondary circuits which mainly takes
place via the instrument transformers. This mechanism
0.00E+00 and its resultant transmitted overvoltages can be de-
scribed in the time domain by using specific test pulses
and from a more general point of view also in the fre-
quency domain. Both descriptions are equivalent but the
more general one in the frequency domain also allows
-1.00E+02 the investigation of transmitted overvoltages for arbi-
-5.00E-06 0.00E+00 5.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.50E-05 trary primary transients. An analogous description can
TIME (seconds) be performed in the case of sensors. Finally suitable
immunity test levels for the secondary equipment can be
Fig. 11: Transmitted overvoltage in the case of a derived from investigations of the overvoltages in de-
current sensor
pendence of the different primary transients.
Also in this case the time behaviour of the transmitted
voltage corresponds to that of the primary transient 7. References
regarding the oscillating frequency. Compared to the
results of the conventional transformer shown in figure [1] Jäkel B W, 1998, "Electromagnetic Compatibility of
8, the overvoltages are now at least by a factor of 2 Distribution Switchgear Installations", 5th Intern.
smaller. This mainly dues to the smaller capacitances Conference on ’Trends in Distribution Switchgear:
between the primary and secondary windings of the 400V - 145kV for Utilities and Private Networks’,
transducer and the screening. IEE Conference Publication No. 459, London, UK,
[2] Luxa A H, Mueller A B and Noble T J, 1998, "Sen-
sors and Non-Conventional v.t. and c.t. for Medium
Voltage Switchgear, ", 5th Intern. Conference on
’Trends in Distribution Switchgear: 400V - 145kV
Attenuation (dB)

80 for Utilities and Private Networks’, IEE Conference

70 Publication No. 459, London, UK, 173-180
[3] Strnad A, 1993, Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
in Anlagen der Energieversorgung, Elektrie, 47,
40 325-328
[4] Wiggins C M, Thomas D E, Nickel F S, Wright S E
100 1000 10000
and Salas T M, 1994, Transient Electromagnetic In-
Frequency (kHz)
terference in Substations, IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1869-1884
Fig. 12: Measured transfer function between the
[5] TC 38/WG 24 (Secretary), 1996, Draft amendment
sides of a GSWSE sensor
to IEC 44-1: Adjunction of a measurement of the ra-
dio interference voltage (r.i.v.), Reference number
An example for the description of the transmitting be-
IEC 38/172/CD
haviour in the frequency domain is shown in Figure 12
for the case of a voltage sensor (type LPVT). The meas- [6] TC 38/WG 24 (Secretary), 1996, Draft amendment
ured results for the grounded connector - see Fig. 9 - are to IEC 44-2: Adjunction of a measurement of the ra-
represented in the dashed line, the results for the U2 dio interference voltage (r.i.v.), Reference number
conductor in the solid line. A value of about 75 dB at IEC 38/173/CD
low frequencies is due to the deliberate divider ratio.

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