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Romantic nationalism as historical drama

Sons of Greeks! let us go

In arms against the foe,
Till their hated blood shall flow
In a river past our feet.

-Romantic British poet Lord Byron died for Greek.

At present, many of the world's nations were created from principles drawn from romantic nationalism as their source of legitimacy.

“When I go into my grandchildren’s room, everything in there is foreign: the shirts, the jeans, the books, the music . .
. Savages! I want to die a Communist. That’s my final wish.”

Svetlana Alexievich, Russian Nobel Prize–winner

Putin’s continuing popularity should be a warning sign to freedom-lovers around the globe: Cults of leadership are on
the rise. Romantic nationalism gives people a feeling of meaning. In doing so, it allows them to look beyond the
failures of their leadership, and to ignore even material privation. And romantic nationalism is on the rise. Young
Russians are Putin’s most supportive demographic group. They approve of Putin’s approach by an 86 percent. The
young Russians are invested in a return to global greatness.

Definition:Romantic nationalism is the type of patriotism in which the state gains political authority as a natural outcome of the union
of individuals it presides over.

Nationalism was an essential characteristic of 19th century European politics, philosophy, and culture, including
music. The concept of nationalism – that shared cultural, ethnic, linguistic or geographic traits could define a group
identity, and was often equated with a political state. Revival and reinterpretation of ancient myths, customs and traditions
by Romantic poets and painters helped to distinguish their indigenous cultures from those of the dominant nations.

From its beginnings in the late 18th century, romantic nationalism has relied upon the existence of a historical ethnic culture which
meets the romantic ideal; folklore developed as a romantic nationalist concept. The Claims of primacy or claims of superiority is the
claimed inalienable right of a culturally and racially defined people to a geographical terrain, a "heartland" (a vivid expression)
or homeland.

France:The nature of nationalism changed dramatically, however, after the French Revolution with the rise of Napoleon, and the
reactions in other nations. Napoleonic nationalism and republicanism were, at first, inspirational to movements in other nations: self-
determination and a consciousness of national unity were held to be two of the reasons why France was able to defeat other
countries in battle. But as the French Republic became Napoleon's Empire, Napoleon became not the inspiration for nationalism,
but the object of its struggle.

Germny:Because of the broad range of expressions of romantic nationalism, it is listed as a contributing factor from everything from
the creation of independent states in Europe, to the rise of Nazi Germany.

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