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Personality – Related Words

No English Indonesian
1 Honest Jujur
2 Ambitious Ambisius
3 Arrogant Sombong
4 Diligent Rajin
5 Lazy Malas
6 Persistent Gigih
7 Tough Tabah
8 Mischievous Jahil
9 Hot-Tempered Pemarah
10 Truthful/Sincere Tulus
11 Cunning/Sly Licik
12 Two-Faced/Hypocritical Munafik
13 Grudging Pendendam
14 Forgiving Pemaaf
15 Forgetful Pelupa
16 Humble Rendah Hati
17 Ignorant Cuek
18 Cold-Hearted Berhati Dingin
19 Mercenary Mata Duitan
20 Cheerful Periang
21 Calm Tenang
22 Bossy Suka Memerintah
23 Self-Conscious Pemalu
24 Confidence Percaya Diri
25 Naughty Nakal
26 Pious Alim
27 Easy To Get Going Mudah Bergaul
28 Graceful Lemah Gemulai
29 Polite Sopan
30 Liar Pembohong
Appearance – Related Words

No English Indonesian
1 Bald Botak
2 Bangs Rambut Poni
3 Beautiful Cantik
4 Big Besar
5 Curly Hair Rambut Keriting
6 Dark Skin Kulit Hitam
7 Elegant Elegan
8 Fat gemuk
9 Gook Looking Menarik
10 Handsome Tampan
11 Muscular Berotot
12 Obese Obesitas
13 Old Tua
14 Pale Pucat
15 Pigtail Rambut dikuncir
16 Small Kecil
17 Scruffy Semerawut
18 Short Pendek
19 Slim Langsing
20 Smart Pintar
21 Straight Hair Rambut Lurus
22 Tall Tinggi
23 Thin Kurus
24 Ugly Jelek
25 Wavy Hair Rambut Ikal
26 Wrinkles Keriput
27 Young Muda
I have a freind, his name is Achmad Khoirulrijal, you can call him Achmad, he
in 17th years old, he is a student in High School in Jakarta now.

He is thin and tall. His face is round. His eyes is small. His has pointed nose.
His lips are thin. His so handsome. He wearing grey jacket and he listening
music. He love dark colour. He active but shy, his hobby is drawing. He likes
drawing gravity.

His is my best friend.

He is my friend. Her name is Maulana Anggy SetyoFanny. You can call her
Fanny. He is 15 years old. He is a student in SMK PLUS NU Sidoarjo now.

He is young and thin. His face is funny. His eyes are medium. His has flat
nose. His lips are thin. He is so rather handsome. He wears school uniform. He
loves gray color. He is so attractive and charming. His hobby is exercise. He
likes soccer. (Description)

I Like His so much (Conclusion)

I will tell you about my best friend. Her name is Sekar Apriliyanti, you can call
her Sekar. She is 17 years old and now, she is a student at SMK Letris 2
Indonesia. She have one sister and don't have a brother. She lived at
Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan now.

She is tall and thin. Her face is round, she have a brown skin and wide eyed.
Her eyebrows is not too thick and matching with her wide eyed. Her lip is not
too thick and her nose is not sharp and not pug.

She's like sister to me. She is very friendly person, she is a good listener and
she is a funny person too. And last she can be a very sarcastic person when
angry, She always treats me like her own sister. Her hobby is reading, writing a
poems and watching anime.

I love her so much, she is my best friend and my unbiological sister.

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