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Lesson Plan

School: Secondary School “Victor Popescu”, Valea cu Apa, Farcasesti

Teacher: Canavea Elena-Cristina
Class: 2nd grade
Level: Beginners
Time: 50 minutes
Textbook: Limba engleza –optional pentru clasele I-II.( Ed.ErcPress).
Type of lesson: mixed (introducing new vocabulary, reinforcing
previous thought material ) .
Topic: My house – My room ( Prepositions )
Vocabulary: related to the house, the rooms, the furniture;
prepositions of place.
Skills: Speaking, Reading ,Writing ,Listening.
Techniques: conversation, observation, discovery and discussion,
dialogues, explanation, exercise, game.
Resources: notebooks, handouts, blackboard, audio-visual materials -
;PowerPoint presentation , textbook, pictures.
Interaction- T-S, S-S, pair work , group work, CL
Anticipated problems: The Ss may not understand some oral
commands or tasks; if this happens, they will be translated into
Bibliography: Vizental, Adriana – Metodica predarii limbii engleze,
Polirom, Iasi, 2007

- To revise and consolidate the main words and

structures learnt so far- the rooms of the house, the colours,
the adjectives.
- To develop reading, speaking, writing, listening skills.
- To introduce new vocabulary related to the rooms of the
house, to the furniture
- To introduce new vocabulary related to prepositions of place;
- To encourage students to learn the English language through
dialogues, games, conversation
- To give students more practice on grammar, pronunciation
and vocabulary .
- to stimulate students’ imagination.

~ Stages of the lesson:

Stage The teacher’s The student’s Interaction Skills Objectives
of lesson activity activity
The teacher greets
the pupils: The pupils answer:- ~To prepare the children
1.Warm-up -Good morning Good morning for the lesson, to remember
children! teacher.. CL Speaking the greetings.

Checking - How are you ? -We’re fine, thanks…

Homework check. The pupils present ~To check the homework,
the previous
The pupils present their projects . T-S correct the mistakes.
their homework- a ~To check the previous
project called “My knowledge.

The teacher asks ~To revise previous

2.Passage to pupils questions The pupils answer the T-S Speaking knowledge on the house . 3min.
the new about their house, questions, listen to the
lesson (Lead and about the teacher and write the

in) furniture in the house title .

and shows them ~To practice grammar and
pictures . vocabulary structures
related to the topic.
The teacher Listening
announces the topic.
~To check the Students’
ability to read sentences in
The teacher shows The pupils look at the English;
Activity 1 the pupils a images, read the text Reading ~To introduce the new
PowerPoint ,answer the questions T-S Speaking vocabulary on the furniture 10min
presentation on the and write the new Writing in the rooms of the house.
furniture in the words in their
rooms of the house. notebooks.

___________ ________________ _______________ ______________ _________ _________________ ________

The pupils look at the

Activity 2 The teacher shows images, read the ~To introduce the new
the pupils a sentences in pairs, T-S Reading words (prepositions);
PowerPoint answer the questions ( Speaking ~To use the new
presentation on the Where is the …?) and vocabulary ;
prepositions: on,in, write the new words in PW Writing ~ To practice the structure :
under… their notebooks. Listening -Where is the….? – It’s ….
Activity 3 ~To consolidate the
The teacher asks the knowledge on the topic
students to read and introduced.
translate a text in The students read and T-S Speaking ~To practice pronunciation.
their translate the text. Reading 5min.
textbooks.(pag.44). Whole-class

~ To check S’s
understanding of a text.

Activity 4 The teacher divides

the students into four Reading ~To revise and consolidate
groups and gives Speaking the new structures
them students In groups,the students Group work Writing ~ To stimulate
students’ imagination.
handouts and complete the task .
pictures.The teacher They present their Whole class
~To revise and consolidate
asks them to work in front of the
the new structures 10min
complete the task (- class. S-S
~To check the S’s ability to
they have to place the
use the information
furniture into a house
previously presented.
and to complete
some sentences).

Activity 5 The students answer

The teacher asks the the questions . They Reading ~to develop listening skills
students questions ~to check their
can also ask questions T-S Speaking
understanding of the topic.
related to the task . to their colleagues.
S-S ~to develop listening skills

The teacher asks the The students write in Listening

~To develop writing skills
students to make a their notebooks the T-S
~To consolidate their
project called – My instruction for the Writing
Homework knowledge .
room , following the written assignment.
model in the class.


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