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The SETT Framework

Student: ___Student J________________________________________________ Date: ___11/11/18______________________________

Student Environment Task Tools

Student J is diagnosed Student J is one of 25 -Completing worksheets Hi-Tech:

with ADHD and Anxiety students in my independently -student device (HP
with sensory and Kindergarten class. Revolve)
communication needs. The -Reading independently
areas of concern are in Physical Layout: -Speech to text software
communication and -There are 5 groups of -Reading with a partner
behavior. student tables/desks with Medium Tech:
4-5 students at each table. -Reading with the class -Timers to control work
Student Needs: Student J sits at a separate completion
-Communicating desk beside my desk -Completing Math journal
What we know

effectively without because of his struggle responses

behavior difficulties with body control Low-Tech:
-Writing independently in -Visual schedule
-Completing daily routines -Whole group area on a a writing journal
without behavioral large carpet -Chewing necklace
difficulties -Be present during whole
-Small group area on a rug group and small group -Chewing pencil topper
-Interacting with peers or at a small group table instruction
without behavioral -Calm down strategies (on
difficulties -Reading corner with bean the wall in his own area of
bags and special seating the hallway)
-Sensory needs- uses a available
chewing piece necklace
and chewing pencil topper -Student bathroom in the
to aid his sensory needs classroom
Student Support:
Interests/Abilities: -We have one
-Enjoys learning and Kindergarten assistant
reading about animals, who assists in the
Batman, and bugs classroom for a total of
one hour each day
-Enjoys listening to online
books while using a -Works in whole group
student device (HP and small group settings
Revolve) daily

-Engages in technology -Student J has check-ins

during whole group with a guidance counselor
instruction in school and receives
outside counseling once a
-Positive relationships week
with teacher and guidance
counselor Materials and
-Able to orally count to -Student J uses an HP
100 Revolve device during
small group because we
-Extrinsically motivated, only have 6 student
enjoys receiving positive devices per Kindergarten
reinforcement classroom

-Able to decode and blend -Access to BCPS reading

CVC words materials online

-Knowledge of 40+ sight -Access to hands on

words manipulatives during
math instruction
-Math journal, writing
journal, Wonders reading

-Student J has good
relationships with his
peers who cheer him on
daily to do his best and
make the best choices. At
times he has difficulty
with self- control and
forgets boundaries; this
leads to him becoming too
close to his peers and
hurting them without
wanting to do so.

-Expectations of all
students is to be kind and
accepting while in the
learning environment.

-Give personal space when


-Use “I” messages when

something or someone
may be bothering them

Developed by Joy Zabala

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