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Document 481 - Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Cuba, Volume VI - Historical Documents - Office of the Historian


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Brows e by Adminis tration
Choos e adminis tration VOLUME VI, CUBA, DOCUMENT 481
Abbreviations &
4 81. Paper Prepared by the 54 12 Committee 1
Cuba Washington, March 16, 1960.

Lis t of Sources

Lis t of Abbreviations 1. Objective: T he purpose of the prog ram outlined herein is to bring about the
Lis t of Pers ons replacement of the Castro reg ime with one more devoted to the true interests of the
Cuban people and more acceptable to the U.S. in such a manner as to avoid any
appearance of U.S. intervention. Essentially the method of accomplishing this end will
U.S. Interes t in the Cuban
be to induce, support, and so far as possible direct action, both inside and outside of
Revolution, the Overthrow of
the Batis ta Government, and Cuba, by selected g roups of Cubans of a sort that they mig ht be expected to and
the Cons olidation of Power could undertake on their own initiative. Since a crisis inevitably entailing drastic action
by Fidel Cas tro, reevaluation in or toward Cuba could be provoked by circumstances beyond control of the U.S.
by the U.S. Government of
before the covert action prog ram has accomplished its objective, every effort will be
the policy of s hipping arms to
the Batis ta g overnment,
made to carry it out in such a way as prog ressively to improve the capability of the
J anuary–J une 1958 U.S. to act in a crisis.
(Documents 1-68)

Kidnapping of U.S. citizens 2. Summary Outline: T he prog ram contemplates four major courses of action:
by Cuban rebels , J une–J uly
1958 (Documents 69-106) a. T he first requirement is the creation of a responsible, appealing and unified Cuban
Continuing violence during opposition to the Castro reg ime, publicly declared as such and therefore necessarily
the Cuban electoral located outside of Cuba, [3 sentences (10 lines) not declassified] (T ab A 2 )
campaig n and reapprais al by
the U.S. Government of its
b. So that the opposition may be heard and Castro’s basis of popular support
s upport of the Batis ta
undermined, it is necessary to develop the means for mass communication to the
g overnment, J uly–November
1958 (Documents 107-151) Cuban people so that a powerful propag anda offensive can be initiated in the name of
the declared opposition. T he major tool proposed to be used for this purpose is a
Fall of the Batis ta
g overnment, November– long and short wave g ray broadcasting facility, probably to be located on Swan Island.
December 1958 (Documents [2 sentences (4 lines) not declassified] (T ab B)

Fidel Cas tro’s as s umption of c. Work is already in prog ress in the creation of a covert intellig ence and action
power, J anuary–April 1959 org anization within Cuba which will be responsive to the orders and directions of the
(Documents 207-272) “exile” opposition. [3 sentences (7 lines) not declassified]
Vis it to the United States by
Prime Minis ter Cas tro, April d. Preparations have already been made for the development of an adequate
1959 (Documents 273-305)
paramilitary force outside of Cuba, tog ether with mechanisms for the necessary
THE CUBAN log istic support of covert military operations on the Island. Initially a cadre of leaders
will be recruited after careful screening and trained as paramilitary instructors. In a
second phase a number of paramilitary cadres will be trained at secure locations
AND THE QUESTION OF outside of the U.S. so as to be available for immediate deployment into Cuba to
ASYLUM FOR Batis ta, org anize, train and lead resistance forces recruited there both before and after the
MAY–OCTOBER 1959 establishment of one or more active centers of resistance. T he creation of this
(Documents 306-369)
capability will require a minimum of six months and probably closer to eig ht. In the
Adoption by the Department meanwhile, a limited air capability for resupply and for infiltration and exfiltration
of State and the Eis enhower
already exists under CIA control and can be rather easily expanded if and when the
Adminis tration of a revis ed
policy toward Cuba, October situation requires. Within two months it is hoped to parallel this with a small air
1959–J anuary 1960 resupply capability under deep cover as a commercial operation in another country.
(Documents 370-423)

Recall of Ambas s ador

[Numbered paragraphs 3–5 (29 lines) not declassified] (T ab C 3 ) 1/2
Document 481 - Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Cuba, Volume VI - Historical Documents - Office of the Historian 17/12/15
Bons al and formulation within
the U.S. Government of a 6. Recommendations: T hat the Central Intellig ence Ag ency be authorized to
prog ram of covert action undertake the above outlined prog ram [2 lines not declassified].
ag ains t the Cas tro
g overnment, J anuary–April
T ab B
(Documents 424-498)
Inaug uration by the U.S.
Government of a policy to
1. [paragraph (8 lines) not declassified]
weaken the Cuban economy,
April–J uly 1960 (Documents
499-548) 2. As the major voice of the opposition, it is proposed to establish at least one “g ray”

Res pons e by the United

U.S.-controlled station. T his will probably be on Swan Island and will employ both hig h
States and the Org anization frequency and broadcast band equipment of substantial power. T he preparation of
of American States to s ig ns scripts will be done in the U.S. and these will be transmitted electronically to the site
of increas ed Soviet s upport for broadcasting . After some experience and as the operation prog resses, it may be
for the Cuban g overnment,
desirable to supplement the Swan Island station with at least one other to ensure fully
J uly–September 1960
(Documents 549-580) adequate coverag e of all parts of Cuba, most especially the Havana reg ion. [21/2
lines not declassified]
Cons ideration by the U.S.
Government of pos s ible
s everance of diplomatic [3 paragraphs (19 lines) not declassified]
relations with Cuba,
September–December 1960 1
S o urce : E ise nho we r Library, Pro je ct “C le an Up” Re co rds, C uba. S e cre t; E ye s Only. An
(Documents 581-629)
undate d, unsig ne d no te attache d to the so urce te xt re ads: “T his do cume nt is o ur basic po licy
Index pape r. It was appro ve d by the Pre side nt at a me e ting in the White Ho use o n 17 March 19 6 0. “
Fo r a re co rd o f this me e ting , se e Do cume nt 486 . Also publishe d, in part, in Declassified
Documents, 19 85, 1537.
2 T ab A was no t de classifie d.
3 T ab C was no t de classifie d.
4 S e cre t; E ye s Only.

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