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Worse Case Scenario

Opening scene
The film starts with a man in a business suit entering into each of the
intelligence agencies listed below on the pretence that he has vital information
about a plot to assassinate their political leader. He proceeds to show her some
intelligence that he says that he was able to gather about the plot and demands
to see someone in authority to discuss the matter with. Once she realizes that he
may indeed have some vital information that needs to be acted upon she
arranges for him to be ushered into one of the interview rooms and promises that
an agent will be with him shortly. Once the has been shown inside the interview
room, he is asked if he would like a something to drink. He request for a coffee.
The scene changes to show the person agent coming and the assistant with the
coffee coming to the interview room to find that it is empty. We are then show a
scene of the outside of the agency and the man in his car as he drives away from
the agency while speaking to someone on a cell phone stating that “Phase one is
now completed”. With that we see a huge explosion that completely levels the
CIA headquarters to the ground. Before the world has had a chance to respond
the NSA, S.S, FBI, KGB, M15, Moosad’s the Chinese & French intelligence head
quarters are similarly destroyed because this same scene is being acted out
simultaneously worldwide. Thus the camera switches to each intelligence agency
to show that this is indeed a synchronized attack.

Brutus Keagan the man behind these series of explosions has spent a huge sum
of money funding scientists to come up with a powerful but totally undetectable
bomb for such a purpose as this. He had thought of blowing up the White House
with threats of blowing up other prominent buildings or landmarks if his demands
were not met. He had long been planning for his retirement and the installation
of the satellite defense system coinciding with the arrival of the Pope on U.S soil
posed the perfect opportunity to implement his master plan.

Three months earlier

America has launched it Star Wars Defense System & President William Cassidy is
reassuring the people that they are now finally safe from the threat of a nuclear
attack from countries in the axis of evil. He goes on to talk about America’s
victories in the war on terror and the role that the fully instituted Homeland
Security Agency has played in stamping out all domestic threats of terror against
this nation.
Present day
Meanwhile on a privately owned & highly fortified island the most ingenious
crime boss whose prior activities up until now have been drug trafficking, oil
bunkering, international espionage, weapons trading & having the largest team
of highly trained mercenaries; now decides that it is time to execute his master
plan to become not only the most powerful crime boss in the world; but also the
most powerful man in the world: if only for a while. In order to achieve this goal
he decides that he is going to gain control of this newly installed space defense
system. But how is he going to gain control of it. He then comes up with the
idea to kidnap the Pope who is scheduled to visit the states later that same year
and demand that The President turn over the control of the space defense
system in exchange for his life. It should be pointed out that this is Rome’s first
black Pope. Not only that, he is also the youngest person ever to hold such a
prestigious position. To make matters worse He has spoken out in the past about
America's use of violent force to get other nations to comply with resolutions he
believes they bullied the U.N.’s Security Council into passing. Now he is coming
to for his first official visit to the States and the world media are already
speculating that he is going to further condemn this country for installing this
heaven based weapon of mass destruction. His favourite catch phrase with
regards to America’s foreign policy is: “A nation who lives by the sword will
inevitably perish by that same sword”.
The scene changes and we see Brutus Keagan detailing his plan on how this
operation is to be carried out.
He summarizes on how phase one was completed yesterday. He then answers a
question from one of his syndicate members regarding the bombs used to destroy
all the intelligence agencies. How did his men get them through security
undetected? (The scene changes as we see exactly how Keagan was able to
accomplish this feat) I have spent millions, answers Keagan with a proud look on
he face, funding a small group of scientists to develop such a bomb. I had sent a
team of people who had obtained the relevant documentation to show that they
worked for the Pentagon. They were then lead to believe that they were being
contracted by the U.S government to develop such a bomb. The bomb, Keagan
goes on to explain, is made of a specially formulated odourless material that can
be cast into a mold. It hardens just like plastic. Another coating of material is
placed over it. Then there is a catalyst chemical placed in a time release jell
pack disguised as shaving jell. When the jell leaks into the briefcase it erodes
the special covering and completes the chemical chain that sets off the bomb.
He then goes on to inform his syndicate members that phase two which is being
carried out as he speaks, is to kidnap the newly elected and first ever African
Pope who has refused to cancel his rally Saint Petersburg Russia to ordain the
first Russian Cardinal in spite of recent threats be Cheznian rebels to blow up the
venue . The Pope does however agree be driven in an armoured car, instead of
the customary open air vehicle that Pope’s since John Paul II have driven around
in. Brutus, who was counting on this move, then begins to explain how this will
be accomplished as well as the importance of the successful completion of phase
one as it creates the perfect opportunity & condition needed to carry out such
an outrageous plan. As he details each step of the plan we are simultaneously
shown just how such steps were actually carried out.

Phase two
Step 1: A team of people hack into traffic control so that they can re-direct the
Popes’ motorcade to take an alternate route;
Step 2: Another team of people dressed up as gas workers rush in to respond to
an organized gas explosion and thus force the motorcade to further change its
Step 3: Someone on a roof with a long range rifle who shoots at the drivers’ side
front tires causing it to spin out of control. This causes a car pile up and several
injuries both to pedestrians and those in the motorcade
Step 4: The driver who himself is injured then radios for help. The radio signal
has been routed to be picked up by a mock police department dispatcher (who
we are not immediately made aware of until later) who say’s that help is on the
Step 5: A tactical police unit arrives in minutes to take custody of the Pope.
Other police units in the immediate area have been told to rush to the area to
secure the scene by this same mock dispatch clerk. Ambulances have also been
called to respond to the scene.
Step 6: The tactical team in a special armoured vehicle takes custody of the
Pope and whisk him away at high speed with sirens blaring.
Step 7: The mock dispatcher who turn out to be the gunman on the roof now
places a call to Brutus (who has just finished detailing this plan to his syndicate
members) to say that phase two has now been successfully completed.

The scene changes back to the motorcade

Normal communications have been restored by the mock dispatcher. A radio
transmission comes through to the driver of the armoured car asking about the
expected time of arrival of the Pope to Saint Petersburg. To which the driver
who is already in shock and receiving treatment for a gash on his forehead, goes
into an almost stupefied state at hearing the question. He then pulls himself
together and explains everything that has happened including the arrival of the
tactical response unit which took the Pope back to his hotel. Suddenly it dawns
on both parties on the radio that the most revered man on the face of the earth;
His Holiness, The Pope of Rome has been kidnapped on Russian soil. Can things
get any worse than this? The Moscow police chief who currently has his hands full
along with the Head of the KGB trying to figure out who bomb the KGB
headquarters, is notified of the current events. After the colour finally returns
to his stupified face he ends the call and in turn relays the news both to the
head of the KGB and the President who immediately demands that a special
taskforce be set up to find the Pope, NOW!!!
Meanwhile the US President has been in a meeting with the joint chiefs of staff
and the head of all the the security agencies at the pentagon to figure out how
all of his intelligence agencies and those of his allies and foes had been bombed
and by whom. Not only that but he has also been on the phone with the Heads of
state of all the countries to see if they had manage to get a handle on the
current state of affairs. None of them was able to. However, they all demanded
to know why this has happened and what America intends to do about it. The
U.N Security Council has also arrange an emergency meeting to decide on a plan
of action to find some answers to this puzzle and to map out a plan of action as
to how best to deal with it. As of yet no one has claimed responsibility and they
have been going through their list of possible suspects but as of yet no one fits
the bill. It is during this meeting that they received notice that an audio tape
marked urgent had arrived at the office of the Secretary General who upon
opening and playing the tape quickly forwarded it to the chairman of the
Security Council. On the tape the details of the bombings of the various
intelligence agencies are given as well as proof that they have the Pope in
custody. A demand is then made that the Star Wars Defense System be destroyed
in order to be destroyed in order for the balance of power is returned to the
world, or they will broadcast the execution of the Pope live over the internet
and satellite to every country of the world. If the President destroys the Star
Wars Defense System, then the Pope would be ransomed back to the UN for
$100b. The voice on the tape went on to say they would be contacted within a
week for a response to their demands. Everyone around the table just sat in
complete silence for what seemed like an eternity as the realization that they
has been presented with an impossible proposition. Until now they were unaware
that the Pope had been kidnapped. An overwhelming sense of shock and
helplessness seemed to permeate the room. If they agreed to destroy the space
defense system who knows what other atrocities these people would do with
such a powerful weapon out of commission. It was because of a real threat from
North Korea and Iran plus a real threat that Bin Laden has finally got his hands on
one of the many missing Russian nukes; that the President was finally able to get
the Stars Wars Defense bill passed. If they refuse to meet their demands then
the whole world would accuse them of sacrificing whom millions revere as God’s
representative on earth. It would be like crucifying Christ all over again to save
the world from sin. The sin in this case would be terrorism. They had truly found
themselves to be between the proverbial rock and a hard place. It was decided
that they had to find someone to investigate this matter but who? All of their
intelligence agencies have been destroyed and now they knew why. They were
having trouble getting their backup system back on line because it had been
discovered that a virus had been put into the system that is seriously hindering
the recovery of the backup data of all the agencies hit. The way in which the
bomb was able to escape detection by security and the synchronized nature of
the attack has lead everyone to believe that this was an inside job. Who on earth
would have the resources to pull of such a huge operation and which of their
agents were responsible for this terrorist attack on their intelligence agencies?
One fact that was obvious to all is that the people behind this obviously wanted
to greatly limit their ability to take any meaningful action to prevent them from
achieving their as yet unstated objective. But they just could not do anything. A
motion was thus passed that they should come up with some possible candidates
that they could pick from. But such a candidate had to be from outside these
agencies because it is becoming increasingly clear to them that who ever did this
must have had some inside help. They would meet again tomorrow to decide who
that person may be.
The Scene changes and Brutus is having dinner with his new guest the Pope of
Brutus who himself was an atheist has a respect for the political views of this
new Pope and respected his shunning of the material trappings associated with
his position. This Pope honestly did care about making this world a better place
for all despite a persons religious affiliation or non affiliation as was the case
with Brutus. Brutus’s mother who was a devout catholic died of cancer and there
was nothing his prayers could do to prevent this tragedy from happen. The
Father at his mother parish had said that his mother’s life was in God’s hands
and that is up to Him if his mother lives or dies. He assured Brutus that if she
died that she would be going to a better place. But Brutus needed her here to
protect him from his abusive father who soon after his mother passed away put
him up for adoption at the prompting of social services who on an unscheduled
visit saw how poorly he was being looked after at home. As soon as he was taken
out of the home to await the adoption his father was never seen by him again.
No one is ever born an atheist although Brutus right then at his mother’s death
bed wished that he was. He also wished that he had been born without a father,
because the one that God has given him had caused him and his now dead
mother so much pain and sorrow. He therefore made a life changing decision
right their and then that he would have no further use for a father and for that
matter God either. Now in the presence of His Holiness the Pope he felt just a
tinge of guilt for what he has done and what he was planning to do. After
steeling his resolve to carrying out this scenario to the end, he returned his focus
to the here and now. After introducing himself to his honoured guest he
proceeded to strike up a conversation with him. Perhaps the Pope would be able
to convince him to see the errors of his ways. Perhaps he could explain why God
took his mother away from him.
“Hello, my name is Brutus Keagan. I hope that you like your hopefully temporary
accommodation, your Holiness, Your Eminence, Father or how should I address
“How about Daniel? I doubt that my being the Pope is going to matter much in
this place, so I think it best for now just to consider myself as a regular kidnap
victim. I take it that you have told the world that you are planning to kill me if
they don’t meet with your demands?”
“Yes I did, but I seriously doubt that they would ever consider denying my
request knowing that the world would hold them responsible for allowing you to
be put to death.”
“No one is indispensable. Yes you have a point when you say that no one would
want to take responsibility for my death. But if the cost of saving my life is too
high then they will have to sacrifice it for the greater good.”
“You mean like how Christ sacrificed his life for the greater good?”
“Something like that. Are you a religious man?”
“No I am not!” Brutus replied. “I decided long ago that I have no use for God”
“Why is that?”
“I would rather not talk about it right now if you don’t mind.”
“Okay! May I ask how much I am being ransomed for? I am sure the Vatican will
meet any reasonable demand for money that you make.”
“I am not ransoming you back to the Vatican Daniel. That would be too easy.”
“Then to whom pray tell am I to be ransomed to?”
“To the world, namely the U.N Security Council in exchange for the destruction
of the space defense system. Why should America be the ultimate superpower,
the benefactor and protector of civilization.”
“I told you earlier that if the cost of saving my life is too high, then they would
have to sacrifice it for the greater good.”
“They’ll meet my demand. You just wait and see, you just wait and see.”
“What do you stand to gain, assuming of course that they are prepared to meet
such an outrageous demand? Are you being sponsored by some rogue nation who
has an agenda to see America become a toothless bulldog.”
“I will demand that the U.N pays me a $100b in exchange for your life once they
have met my first demand. You see Daniel; I believe that the leaders of this
world would be prepared to part with anything short of their sovereignty to get
you back. You see I do know how much you are worth to those greedy
bureaucrats who would be charged with the responsibility of your safe return to
the Vatican.”
“Maybe you have a point there. But you are forgetting the moral issue. Will
conscience eventually win out over greed? You are also forgetting that America
and the rest of the western world does not do business with terrorists.”
“I guess then that this is going to be a test of wills isn’t it?”
“I guess it is. But tell me would you really want to kill me without first trying to
finding out if God is truly to blame for what ever tragedy that happened in your
life times past? Experience has taught me that everyone has a reason for being
an atheist just like everyone has a reason for believing in God. What’s your
reason for becoming an atheist? What did God do to make you not want to
believe in his existence any longer?”
“I said that I don’t want to talk about that subject!” Brutus snapped and with
that he left the table.
“See to it that he gets anything and everything else he requests for to feel at
home here. And be sure to treat this man with every once of respect that his
title deserves” Said Brutus to the man responsible for his care, before returning
to his office. He has been visibly shaken by the coolness and directness of the
Pope. He had thought to have had the upper hand with him, since he had home
court advantage over him as it were. But it was soon apparent that the Pope was
indeed an interesting individual and one that Brutus was determine to get to
know before he would be faced with the decision to kill him or not. Again as if in
defiance to what the Pope had said earlier, he said to himself: “They’ll meet my
demand. You wait and see, you just wait and see.”

The scene changes back to the Security Council

The Security Council has gone down their list of possible candidates and has now
agreed on one person ex- Special Ops Unit Cornel Femi Tyron Palmer (or FEM to
his friends). He worked under the command of the President who had him court-
martialed for insubordination. The charges were dropped after he agreed to
resign. His services were now being called upon to help the most powerful man
in the world, rescue the holiest man in the world. The President had hoped that
they would come up with another candidate as he knew that it would be his
responsibility to get Femi to agree to taking on this assignment. Fortunately
Femi’s best friend Former Major (Special Ops Unit) Wilson Thomas is currently
serving as President Cassidy’s National Security Advisor; and so the task of
getting Femi to accept the assignment was now his headache. It was he who
finally persuaded Femi to resign rather than going through with the court-
martial than he knew he would loose because the then General William Cassidy
had too many friends who would ensure that the case against him would stick.
Therefore it was better for him to quit with dignity and still retain his pension
than to be dishonourably discharged and loose everything. He now had the
daunting responsibility of persuading Femi to save the President from having to
make a very painful decision. After leaving active duty in the Special Ops Unit
Femi had started a security company that provided body guards to the rich and
famous. The company also provided high tech state of the art security systems to
protect the homes of the rich and famous too. Not only that he had provided the
financial backing to enable a another member of his former Special Ops team
Captain Bradley Thomas, to open up a company that specializes in writing
encryption and decryption software for banks and other fortune 500 companies
looking to protect their company secrets. He resigned in protest to Femi being
forced to quit the Special Ops Unit. He said that he could not see himself
working under the leadership of anyone else. A few other less distinguished
members also quit the special ops unit along with him some of whom work for
Femi and the rest work for Bradley. Femi also opened up a dojo where he taught
self defense to the same rich and famous people. It was here that Wilson finally
managed to track him down. After exchanging greetings and catching up on old
times Femi eventually asked the question that had been hanging in the air just
waiting to be asked.
“Okay Wilson, why are you here? It is obvious that you are not just here to see
how your old buddy and former commanding officer is doing. Does your visit have
something to do with the recent events that have been dominating every TV
station and newspaper these past few days?”
Wilson nodded “I’m afraid it is. And not only that I have been asked to recruit
you to, and forgive the cliché, save the world” The President is under
tremendous pressure to come up with a plan of action that will convince the
world that he is still the leader of the free world and that he is very much in
control of the current crisis.”
“What makes you think that I am the most suitable person to get the job done?
As you well know, I have been out of active duty for several years now. I am not
saying that I couldn’t take on this assignment but I would need some time to
mentally prepare for it. That is if I was interested in taking on such a mammoth
assignment which considering who I would be working for makes it very unlikely
that I would.”
“You would not be working for or reporting to the President. Instead you would
be working for and reporting directly to the U.N Security Council. As you know
all of the intelligence agency head quarters have been destroyed. It is going to
take a while to recover all the backup data to locate and verify the identities of
all of our remaining agents and to appoint new leadership. This is because not
only did they bypass all of our security protocol, they also managed to put a virus
into our backup data system which has re-encrypted our files so that we can’t
read them. Our best guess is that someone compromised a high ranking official
at Homeland security since that is where all of the intelligence activities our now
being coordinated from. I have always had my doubts about centralizing our
intelligence agencies. This is my worst case scenario come true.”
“How long do you think it will take to get some kind intelligence that you can
use to track down who is behind this?”
“We currently have a team of decryption technicians trying to decrypt the data
now. As I have just said whoever is behind this most have had inside help, which
is why the Security Council has mandated that we look for outside help to
resolve this grave situation. The person or persons behind this have given us a
week to respond to their demand.”
“What would that be?”
“He wants the President to destroy the space defense system or be responsible
for the live execution of the Pope on every news station around the world. He
said that if the President complies with his demand, he would rasome the Pope
back to the UN for $100b.”
Femi was visibly stunned by this demand and the consequences of not meeting
this demand. Finally he snapped himself out of his daydream and said with mock
sinisterism: “So I guess you weren’t kidding when you said that I would have to
save the world, were you?”
“No I wasn’t. Though I truly wish that this time I was.”
“Do you have any idea who may be behind this? Who has the resources and the
organizational skill and need I say the intelligence to pull of such a coup like
“Not really. We are desperately trying to get the backup data we have on
terrorist organizations and criminal entities online so that we can draw up a
possible profile that may enable us to draw up a list of possible suspects. Again
this is going to take time that we don’t have right now. We have been given a
week to respond to their demands.”
“You are a true bearer of good news aren’t you?” Said Femi attempting to defuse
this tense moment. “You said that you were given a week. How was this
communicated to you?”
“A tape marked “for your ears only” came into the office of the Secretary of the
“I would like to have one of my guys analyze that tape.”
“No problem, I’ll arrange it to be sent over to Bradley’s office when I get back.
Does this mean that you are going to take this assignment?”
“No it doesn’t. I simply want to consider what I may be going up against should I
decide to risk my life for my country again.”
“If it makes you feel any better, you were picked by the U.N Security for the
job. The President, even though he maybe an idiot at times, was secretly proud
of the fact that they had picked you. He has invited you to come down to see
him to discuss your taking up of this assignment. He is hoping that you will put
the seriousness of this grave situation above whatever resentment you have
towards him. I am also appealing to you to consider taking up this assignment
and you have my word that I will get the President to comply with all of your
“Do I get to change first? Is my hair okay? What should I wear? It’s not everyday
that a person gets an invitation to the White House. What’s the protocol there?”
“Just put on what you have, I’m sure it will be okay. Trust me on this I know a
thing or two about these things.” Said Wilson smiling. He was glad to see that
Femi had lost none of his charm or his sense of humour.
The scene changes to Femi and Wilson being ushered into the Presidents
Femi offers the President his hand to be shaken which the President promptly
accepts and with a motion of his hand invites his guest to be seated.
“I want to thank you for honouring my request to come in and see me. I am sure
that Wilson has filled you in on the reason why you have been asked to come
“Yes he has. But, I want it to be known from the very beginning so that there are
no misunderstandings later on down the road that I have only agreed to hear
what you have to say. I have not agreed to take this assignment.”
“I understand that. And again I want to thank you for being kind enough to come
in. Is it okay now for me to proceed or do you have any questions based on what
you have already from Wilson or do you have any personal opinions about what
has happened?”
“Proceed for now. I will ask my questions as and when they need to be asked.”
“Wilson, is there anything you want to say at this point?”
“No not at this point Mr. President, please continue.”
The President then went on to summarize the current situation from the
bombing of all the intelligence agencies and the kidnapping of the Pope and
finally the ransom demand and the Security Council decision to choose Femi as
their point man to save the day. This is why Femi has been invited into his office
today, with the hope that he could be persuaded to accept the task of getting
the world out of this colossal mess.
“For what it is worth I would like to apologize for what happened in the past. I
guess my ego got the better of me. I would be most honoured as would the
Security Council and the Pentagon who recommended you to the Security
Council, if you would indeed accept this assignment. I will make every available
resource at my disposal available to you in order to aid you in getting this
mammoth task done. Needless to say I have six days from tomorrow to comply
with the demand or the world will witness the execution of the Pope. This is a
choice that even Solomon would have a problem making. Do I give in and save
the Pope and be hailed as the defender of the faith? Or do I enforce our non-
negotiation with terrorists policy? And even though I may save the world from
being held to ransom by this terrorist, I will still be condemned as the man who
sacrificed the life of the Pope for the sake of global security.”
“I guess that is why you are the President and I am not. You need to decide
which of the two outcomes you can best live with.”
“Okay Femi, I have laid my cards out on the table. What is it going to take for
you to make the decision to take on this assignment? I have been given as much
leverage as possible by the Security Council to provide you with whatever you
think that you will need to get the job done. You will be reporting as Wilson told
you directly to the Security Council. I have asked if they would nominate Wilson
here as your handler for this mission. So you will report your progress to him and
he will be responsible for providing whatever you need to get the job done. The
ball is now in your court Femi. What’s it going to be? Are you in?
“Before I can make a decision on this I would need to make a call to my
insurance broker”
“Dare I ask why?”
“I want to know if my accepting this assignment is going to adversely affect my
Wilson struggling to keep a straight face said “FEM, this is not the time for
“You’re damn right.” Echoed the President.
“I’m not trying to be funny here. It’s very likely that I am going to get shot at
quite a lot on this assignment. Also there is a real possibility that I could get
killed. I notice that you both neglected to mention that to me when you asked
me to accept this assignment.”
This time Wilson could not suppress his laughter any longer.
On seeing his old commanding officers face beginning to take on hulk like
qualities, Femi quickly answered in a much more business like tone of voice.
“Give me tonight to think about it. I will do some research of my own and
hopefully I will come up with a lead and a plan of action. If I can achieve that by
tomorrow morning then my answer will be yes. I will also give you my non-
negotiable shopping list of things I will need to complete the mission plus my fee
which will be $10million tax free. Plus I want a further $5million tax free to pay
the people who skills will be required if I am going to successfully complete this
assignment and a reimbursement of all expenses incurred to get the job done. I
also want a strong guarantee that I will be given complete autonomy as to how I
am going to carryout and successful complete this assignment, Deal?”
Wilson shot a quick look of disbelief at Femi as if to say that he never believed
him to have the audacity to make such a demand on the President like the one
he’d just made. He then look apologetically at the President (who for a moment
stood seemingly frozen it time) as if to say I didn’t put him up to this.
“Deal!” Said the President taking hold of Femi’s out stretched hand as if he had
just finished brokering a peace deal with the Senate minority leader. With that
Femi got up to leave. Again the President thanked him and reassured him that he
would get his and the Security Council’s fullest cooperation. He said that he
hoped to receive a positive answer to his request first thing tomorrow morning
and again reiterated that Wilson would be the go between, between him and the
Security Council and his office. Before departing company with Wilson, Femi
reminded him to have the tape sent over to Bradley’s office for analysis tonight.
“I’ll be on it as soon as you leave here.” Wilson promised. “One second I need to
make a call to have my driver pick me up”
“No problem.”
Wilson finishes making his call and puts his cell phone away and turns and looks
at Femi with a pleading look in his eyes.
“Please accept this assignment, if not for the sake of saving the President’s skin,
but also as a favour to me. I was the one who got the Pentagon to accept your
candidacy for this assignment to much resistance from the brass up there.
Surprisingly enough the President was the one who finally persuaded them to
nominate you as our candidate for the job. Anyway I will await your decision
tomorrow. It’s really nice to see you again sir. I would have quit in protest too
but I had just been given charge of a very special assignment and if I were to
quit then it would have put many lives in jeopardy.”
“Hey! You did what you had to do. I don’t hold anything against you. I am very
proud of what you have become. I voted for the President purely because you
were mentioned as his choice of National Security Advisor.” With that the two
men parted company.
Femi has a new model Lexus 300 series SUV that is fitted with a rear view
camera. He had one of his security company members re-wire it to switch on
anytime something touched the car. He thus had another camera fitted towards
the front of the vehicle so that he would get a front and rear view of the road
and had the lenses of the cameras changed to give him a near 180 degree front
and rear view of the road. This proved to be of great value to him because as
soon as he had sat down behind the wheel he noticed the camera’s indicator
light flashing signifying that one or both of the cameras had recorded something.
At first Femi wanted to brush it off as being probably some off the students in his
class who had come up to the vehicle to check it out since it was brand new and
that it was also a customized model with gold alloy wheels and burgundy leather
interior. He was about to start the engine with a view to play the tape back as
he drove towards home but something alerted his senses that something was up.
He therefore decided to play the tape. He therefore turn the ignition key to the
accessories position. He then began to replay the tape. Femi let out a sigh and
his heart began to pound as he watched someone in a popular roadside
mechanics overall with a toolkit get down from a company van and approach his
vehicle. The man who was of Italian decent, 6 foot 3 inches, blue eyes, and male
model like features, opened up the hood and spent about three minutes and this
roadside mechanic has finished whatever he had to do under the hood of his
vehicle. He then as if for affect checked the pressure of the tires, gave the
vehicle an admiring parting glance before returning to his van and driving away.
This whole thing according to the clock on the audio tape monitor had taken
place about 20 minutes ago which is about 25 minutes after the start of his
meeting with The President. The bomb he realized, after thinking why this guy
didn’t simply choose to shoot him from a roof top; was meant to send a clear
message to The President and his administration that their activities were being
monitored. He immediately realized that whether he liked it or not he had now
been drawn into this unfolding chain of events. Whoever was behind this was
making every effort to ensure that the odds remained firmly in his favour. He
pulled out his cell phone and called to warn Wilson to check his car though he
was saw that Wilson would be okay because Wilson had called to have his driver
pick him up soon before they parted company. However he felt he should call
him if only to inform him of what had happened.
“Hi Wilson it’s me Femi, is everything alright with you?”
“Yeah FEM everything’s fine. What’s up? Are you okay?
“Someone left a present under the hood of my new ride. I was definitely the job
of a pro. Unfortunately for him however, I caught the whole thing on video
“How’d you manage that?”
“I have one of the new model Lexus 300 series SUV’s that are fitted with a rear
view camera. I tweaked the rear view camera and fitted a front side camera to
give me an almost panoramic view of the Vehicle. I also had a special sensor
fitted that turns the cameras on to record anytime something touched the
“I’ll have to look into getting myself one of those.”
“I was also curious if to find out if you had a similar visit but then I remembered
you calling your driver to have you picked up.”
“Yeah, that’s right, but thanks for looking out for me anyway. Look! don’t touch
anything, I will get the bomb squad down to you plus a forensic team to check it
over for prints though the way you describe it, it doesn’t sound likely that we
will find anything. This guy planned this in such a way as to not draw any
attention to himself whilst he did what he came to do. We may however get
lucky and be able to I.D this guy, I hope.”
“So do I. Well you wanted to know if I was going to take this assignment, didn’t
“Yes I did.”
“The answer is yes, I will take it as it has now become a personal matter. No one
messes about with my new ride and gets away with it. I will get you guys a copy
of the tape. I want Bradley to analyze it too.”
“No problem. Just sit tight until I get there, the bomb squad and forensic team
will be notified as soon as I hang up. See you in a few.”
“Yeah, later.”

The scene changes to Femi being in Bradley’s office.

“Hi FEM what’s going on? And what’s up with this tape that was sent special
attention Bradley Thomas from the office of the National Security Advisor? I had
to listen to it a couple of times before I believed what I heard. Have you agreed
to help sort this mess out?”
“Yeah, something like that. I’ll fill you in later. But for now I need you to
analyze this tape from my SUV along with the one that you already have.”
“Well I checked out the first tape and came up empty. Who ever put this tape
together is a genius. It is a completely computer generated voice. This means
that it is not going to show up on anyone’s data base.”
“How do you know that it is a computer generated voice?”
“The human voice modulates at a certain frequency. This one modulated at a
frequency that was slightly higher than normal. This leads me to believe that it
was computer generated. I agree that I could be wrong about this but I have
done several voice checks in the past and have done a lot of work developing
voice recognition software and voice activated security systems for some of your
clients too, so I know what a human voice print looks like on a computer. This
one doesn’t fit that pattern. Again I am prepared to accept that I may be wrong
about this, but I strongly doubt it. Sorry FEM this tape tells me nothing.”

“Okay let see if you have better luck analyzing this one”
Bradley loads the tape into a VCR. They both watch the tape in silence. After
watching the tape the two still remain silent for a minute or two. Bradley is the
first to speak.
“Okay, FEM what is the deal here? Who’s the wannabe model who tried to send
you on a permanent vacation to the big house? What exactly have you gotten us
into here?”
Femi brings him up to speed about everything that has happened today.
“So there you have it! I have been asked to find out who’s behind this terrorist
plot and hopefully foil there plans, rescue the Pope and save the day. The near
blowing up of my new SUV was the deciding factor, so please tell me that you
can give me some clue as to who this guy might be. I know that you have
routinely updated your database of know bad guys by means that I’d rather not
mention so tell me that this is one of the guys that you have on file.”
Bradley runs the face of the mechanic through a data search program and comes
up with a match.
“Yes!” Exclaims Femi to himself as a profile of the mechanic is now being
prepared on the screen.
“His name is Tony Valdini. He is a freelance hitman. He has worked for a list of
people mainly rival crime families, the IRA and the Russian mafia. The Fontanas,
Gabriellis, Brutus Keagan who is believed to be the man responsible for having
these crime bosses killed so that he could take over their operations. He sounds
like someone that was have the balls, brains and resources to pull off something
like this.”
“Yes he does. But terrorism is not his modus operande, is it?
“No it isn’t, but of all the candidates we have looked at he seems like the most
likely of the pack. Yes it could be the Russians but none of their top men have
been spotted on our shores recently. Though that doesn’t necessarily mean that
they did not hire local talent to take care of business for them on this end.”
“No it doesn’t. Do we have a last know whereabouts for our mechanic?”
“I am access INS files now to see when he entered the country.”
“You know one day you are going to get caught snooping on the powers that be. I
do hope that you have a good exit plan if that happens?”
“Don’t worry I have enough dirt an all the right people to ensure that I won’t be
facing any hard time should that time come. Sorry FEM I can’t give you a time of
arrival into the country.”
What about this Brutus Keagan character? What do we know about him? Where is
he calling the shots from?
Give me a couple of hours to cross reference some files that I downloaded
sometime ago. Hopefully something in them will give us a lead as to his current
operations and whereabouts.
“Fax over what you find out about him to my office tomorrow morning. I think it
is time for me to call it a day. What have I gotten myself into? Things are really
not looking too positive right now. Call in whatever favours you have, hack into
whatever files you need to hack into. Just make sure that you have a solid lead
for me to go on tomorrow. I will check in with Wilson before going to bed to let
him know what we have been able to find out and to see if he can shed more
light on our mechanic. I have also asked him to give you clearance to see if you
can decrypt the CIA and FBI backup files. Get in touch with Wilson and set up a
time with him. Or have you already gained access to these files and have started
to decrypt them?”
“I thought you didn’t want to know about these things?”
“Today’s an exception to that rule. Well have you?”
“After hearing about everything that happened on the news I started wondering
who could have had the intelligence needed to have successfully carried out such
a precision operation. I then went through my data base of names but could not
decide who could have done it. Since I knew that the CIA would have to recover
their backup data in order to get up and running again I waited for a couple of
hours and then hacked into their backup computer only to discover that the data
had somehow been corrupted. I downloaded a sample of the data and have been
running it through various decryption codes but nothing has yielded any
substantial results yet. However I am making some headway and hope to be able
to repair that data that I have in a couple of days time. Which of course I know is
time that we don’t have. Hopefully when I do find something out it will still
come in very useful to you in your efforts to save the world. Forgive the mellow
“Okay! I guess we have found out as much as we can for now. Let’s hope we get
a major break tomorrow. We have six more days before the President has to
make an impossible decision. Let’s hope we can save him the burden of having to
do so.”
And with that Femi said goodbye to Bradley and returned to his apartment in a
cab. Wilson had left him a message stating that the Bomb Squad was able to
successfully defuse the bomb and the forensic team had his SUV in their lab.
Hopefully the mechanic left a clue behind. After having a light snack and
catching up on today’s events on the news that he has now become a part of. He
said his prayers and went to bed.

The scene changes

Femi is woken up by a phone call from Bradley.

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