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Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology © 2017 American Psychological Association

2017, Vol. 37, No. 2, 65–76 1068-8471/17/$12.00

In Defense of Teleological Behaviorism

Howard Rachlin
Stony Brook University

Teleological behaviorism (TEB) is a behavioral identity theory that denies what seems
to be the intuitively obvious notion that our minds are contained in our bodies—more
specifically, in our brains. TEB holds, instead, that our minds are identical with
abstract, temporally, and socially extended patterns in our overt behavior. TEB depends
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

not on efficient causes but on a wide (or inclusive) version of final causes. This article
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

illustrates how TEB accounts for mental acts and defends it against other theories of
mind such as neural identity theory and double-aspect theories.

Public Significance
This article presents and defends a way of understanding the human mind, different
from both common sense and modern psychology and philosophy. This view may
lead to advances in the understanding of behavior (such as self-control) normally
attributed to internal causes.

Keywords: behavioral identity theory, consciousness, dualism, efficient causes, final

causes, mentalism, neural identity theory, teleological behaviorism

Teleological behaviorism (TEB) is a behav- The history of science is full of prima facie
ioral identity theory of mind. It identifies the facts proven to be less useful than their contrar-
mind not with internal events but with overt ies. Especially suspicious are those facts that
patterns of behavior observable in principle by put us at the center of the universe (physical or
other people. Overt behavioral patterns are said spiritual). From a pragmatic viewpoint (that of
by TEB to cause the particular acts that com- TEB), something is true because it is useful in
prise them. Thus, according to TEB, the mind the long run to behave as if it were true. The
may cause overt behavior. However, TEB’s no- burden is on TEB to show that this account is
tion of cause differs from our usual notion; for more useful than others. Once that happens,
TEB, following Aristotle (see Rachlin, 1992, what seems obvious will change accordingly. It
1994, 2000), the mind may be a final cause of is perhaps fair to say that there has not yet been
behavior (an answer to the question, WHY?) enough understanding of TEB to give it a fair
but not an efficient cause of behavior (an answer test. The purpose of this article is to correct this
to the question, HOW?). Of course, to explain lack.
behavior fully, one must have answers to both
questions. But mental causes, the domain of Final Causes
psychology, are, for TEB, final causes. Thus,
the notion of final causation is crucial to TEB. It is possible to distinguish between two
kinds of final causes: narrow final causes and
wide final causes (the philosopher, Ackrill,
This article was published Online First April 3, 2017. 1980, calls them “dominant” and “inclusive”
The writing of this article was supported by Grant causes). Let us consider the narrow (or domi-
1630036 from the National Science Foundation. The ideas nant) kind first.
in this article have been previously presented in Rachlin
(1992, 1994, 2014).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed
Narrow Final Causes
to Howard Rachlin, Psychology Department, Stony Brook
University, Stony Brook, NY 11794. E-mail: Howard. Narrow final causes are congruent with the behavioral concept, “reinforcement”; when a

high-valued act (such as a rat eating a food one’s head. But then you see more of the film
pellet) is made contingent on a lower-valued act and he’s hammering a nail. Why is he swinging
(such as pressing a lever), eating the food pellet the hammer?—to hammer a nail. Then you see
is said to reinforce the lever press (Premack, still more of the film, and you see he’s joining
1965). For teleological behaviorism, eating the one piece of wood to another. Why is he ham-
pellet is the narrow final cause of lever pressing. mering the nail?—to join one piece of wood to
Q. Why did the rat press the lever? A. To eat the another. You see more and more of the film, and
food pellet. Suppose that you put a dollar into a you see he’s building a floor, building a house,
candy machine, press a button, and get a candy providing shelter for his family, supporting his
bar. The candy bar is the narrow final cause of family, being a good husband and father, until
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the sequence: put dollar in slot—press button. finally (you would have now have to see a film
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Putting the dollar in the slot, pressing the but- of virtually his whole life) being a good person.
ton, and eating the candy are separate acts. Each more abstract pattern is a wide final cause
Narrow final causes act in the opposite direction of all of the more particular acts. Each more
to efficient causes. Inserting the dollar and particular act is an effect of all of the more
pressing the button cause the candy to appear in abstract ones. Playing Beethoven’s Fifth Sym-
the tray (efficient cause). And, the future appear- phony is the final cause of playing each move-
ance of the candy causes you to insert the dollar ment. Being a good person is a final cause of
(final cause). Q. Why did you put the dollar in being a good husband, a good father, a good
the slot? A. To get the candy. friend, and so forth. Just as particular acts may
have several efficient causes, so particular acts
Wide Final Causes may be part of more than one pattern. For
example, a single note in a Bach fugue may be
Wide (or inclusive) final causes describe the part of two or three or more overlapping
relation of abstract, temporally extended pat- themes, and a single act, such as a person cross-
terns of activity to the particular acts comprising ing the street, may be, at the very same time,
those patterns; the pattern is said to be the wide part of the patterns of shopping, exercising,
final cause of the act. For example, performing visiting a friend, and so forth.1
a dance is a wide final cause of doing the steps From the wide view, a dance is a final cause
of the dance. Q. Why are you doing those steps? (but not the only one) of a step; a program of
A. Because I am doing that dance. Playing a dances is a final cause of a specific dance; a
sonata is a wide final cause of playing the notes dance career is a final cause of a dance program;
of the sonata. Why are you playing those a happy life is a final cause of a dance career.
notes?— because I am playing that sonata. Why Each more abstract and temporally extended
are you pitching, or catching, or running the pattern is a final cause of its narrower compo-
bases?— because I am playing baseball. The nent. A final cause, such as dancing a dance or
pattern is the cause of the particular act, and playing a game of baseball or playing a sonata on
the act is the effect of the pattern. All the notes the piano, may be said to embrace its particular
of a symphony (particular acts) must be played effects (steps, shots, themes). From the wide view,
before the symphony (their pattern) can be said the relationship between a cause and its effect
to be played, and in that sense particular acts
need not be 1:1. For example, living a healthy life
precede their wide final causes, but it would be
may be a final cause of regular exercise, but no
more accurate to think of wide final causes as
particular positive consequence may follow from
embracing their effects than as following their
each push-up. I believe that the wide view is the
effects (as narrow final causes do). Just as effi-
more useful one (Rachlin, 1994, 2000). From now
cient causes may form a chain, with the effect of
one act causing another act, so wide final causes
form nested sequences; relatively particular acts 1
Similarly, for TEB, my trip to the cash machine may be
are nested within relatively abstract acts like a part of two patterns: my desire to get $200 and my knowl-
set of Russian dolls. edge that I have that much in the bank. Aristotle (De Anima,
book III, chap. 3, 429a, 1) compares such overlapping of
Imagine that you saw a snippet of film of a patterns to points of tangency between two circles. That is,
man swinging a hammer. You do not know why a single point is part of both circles as a single act is part of
he is swinging it. He could be aiming at some- both patterns.

on, when I speak of final causes, I will be taking ing that, because wide final causes are relatively
the wide view. abstract, a science using wide final causes will
Efficient causes are followed by their effects; not necessarily be less accurate or less precise
wide final causes are comprised of their effects than one based on relatively particular efficient
as dances are comprised of steps or melodies causes.
comprised of notes. According to TEB, there-
fore, the mind (in the form of an abstract pattern Mental Terms
of overt acts) may be the cause of a particular
overt act. Patterns of overt acts such as wishes, It is beyond the scope of this article to pro-
hopes, intentions, perceptions, imaginations, vide a dictionary of mental terms from the view-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and so forth can thus cause particular acts. Of point of TEB. As examples, the following two
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

course, abstract patterns would not exist without sections illustrate TEB’s approach to the terms
their particulars; a dance, to exist, requires perception and imagination.
steps. Nevertheless, abstract behavioral pat-
terns, such as dances, do not exist in another Perception
world or only in our heads. They exist in our
world and are no less real than the particular For TEB, perception is identical to a correla-
acts of which they are composed. Even a step, tion over time between a person’s overt behav-
although particular relative to a dance, is an ior and an identifiable pattern of events in the
abstract pattern relative to the individual muscle environment. Consider the following question:
movements that make it up. That does not mean What is the difference between two people (say
that a step is any less real than a muscle move- John and Marcia), one of them (Marcia) stone
ment. deaf, both sitting stock still while a Mozart
Final causes are not necessarily any less sci- quartet is playing? A. John is hearing (i.e., per-
entific, less accurate, or even less precise than ceiving) the music, whereas Marcia is not hear-
efficient causes. In physics, Maxwell’s equa- ing it. Q. What does it mean to hear? A. To
tions (and all of field theory) work with final discriminate by overt acts, over a period of time,
causes. According to Max Planck, a founder of between sounds and silence. That is, a nonzero
quantum theory, correlation exists between John’s behavior and
sounds (unsignaled through other senses),
The cause efficiens, which operates from the present
whereas there is no correlation (a zero correla-
into the future and makes future situations appear as
determined by earlier ones, is joined by the cause tion) between Marcia’s behavior and such
finalis for which, inversely, the future—namely a def- sounds. During the past, in the presence of
inite goal—serves as the premise from which there can sound signals, their behavior (perhaps including
be deduced the development of the processes which taking audiometric tests) differed and will differ
lead to this goal. (Yourgrau & Mandelstam, 1968, p.
in the future. (Consider their differing reactions
to someone rushing into the room behind them
Final causes are also fundamental in thermody- yelling, “Fire!”) Their identical behavior during
namics and in economics. The discount func- the Mozart quartet is merely one congruent
tions (delay, probability, and social), prevalent point in two drastically different correlations
in modern behavioral psychology and behav- between behavior and sound.
ioral economics, are also final causes— unless It could be that Marcia’s hearing mechanism
one (erroneously) reifies them as neural states is entirely normal but she is nevertheless unre-
inside the head. Final causes are particularly sponsive to sounds. In that case, we would say
suited to psychology. Self-control and social she was “psychologically deaf.” Is psychologi-
cooperation may better be seen as conflicts be- cal deafness real deafness? From the viewpoint
tween abstract behavioral patterns (healthy or of TEB, the answer must be yes. What counts
moral patterns) and particular acts (impulsive or for deafness as for all psychological (or mental)
selfish acts) rather than as conflicts between states, for TEB, is Marcia’s behavior in the long
inner forces such as “willpower” and outer run. If she was faking deafness, then her sub-
temptations. I am not arguing that just because sequent behavior would reveal what her state
economics or modern physics makes use of final really was. If, despite her normal hearing mech-
causes, psychology should do so too. I am say- anism, she continued to behave all her life as a

deaf person behaves, the question “Was she for TEB they are imagining different things.
faking deafness or psychologically deaf?” The first person is not imagining a lion but a
would be entirely nonpragmatic—like whether picture of a lion. The second person is imagin-
a man and a squirrel chasing each other around ing the lion. The location, intensity, orientation,
a tree are or are not going around each other— or even the existence of an image in the head of
and thus meaningless (James, 1907/1955, pp. either of them would be entirely irrelevant to the
41– 42). imagination of either. And neuroscience bears
this out. There are no pictures in the head for
Imagination either of the two imaginers to look at and, even
if there were, as Aristotle pointed out, there are
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The teleological conception of imagination no sensory receptors in the head to see them
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follows from that of perception. Aristotle says, with. According to TEB, a good imagination is
“Imagination must be a movement resulting not just an aid or a tool in good acting. Rather,
from an actual exercise of a power of sense” good acting is good imagining.
(De Anima, book III, chap. 3, 429a).2 As far as
the overt speech and actions of a person are TEB and Psychological Investigation
concerned, imagination is the same as percep-
tion. If I am doing a good job of imagining that Miller (1962), one of the founders of modern
I smell a rose, I will behave, for a moment, just cognitive psychology, entitled his introductory
as I would behave if I actually smelled a rose. book Psychology: The Science of Mental Life.
The difference between perception and imagi- TEB accepts this implied definition but pro-
nation is that the object is present in the world poses a particular way of studying mental life—
during perception (the rose is there when you not in terms of events within the brain but in
are sensing it), whereas during imagination, the terms of patterns of overt behavior. There are
object is not present in the world (the rose is not (at least) two ways by which mental events,
there when you are imagining it). It is not nec- such as a person’s intentions, may be under-
essary to infer that the rose I am imagining (that stood. One way, that of modern cognitive psy-
would be present in the world if I were perceiv- chology, is to observe the person’s behavior and
ing it) is present inside me (as a representation, infer from those observations what the inner
an internal image, a neural discharge, or any- mechanism must be to have given rise to that
thing else) when I am imagining a rose. When I behavior. (This method is much like trying to
imagine a rose, my overt movements with the infer the program of a computer by typing its
rose absent are the same as those I would make keys and observing what appears on the screen.)
if a real rose was present. In other words, all is Such an endeavor may be helped by using MRI
the same in perception (or sensation) and imag- machines to observe events actually going on
ination except that when I imagine the rose, it is inside the nervous system or by drawing an
not present. analogy to events measured directly in the
If you generally behave one way in the pres- brains of other species. Such cognitive experi-
ence of, and another way in the absence of, red ments (e.g., Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky,
lights, you are perceiving red lights. However, 1982) have improved our understanding of hu-
if, on occasion, you behave in the absence of a man behavior.3 But their ultimate purpose is to
red light as you normally do in its presence, you determine the actual mechanism by which the
are on that occasion imagining a red light. observations are generated. And that mecha-
Imagining is acting and not dreaming: Vivid- nism can best be described (they believe) by our
ness of imagination is not vividness of interior mental vocabulary— hopes, fears, thoughts, and
image but of overt behavior. Suppose two peo- so forth acting as inner efficient causes.
ple are asked to imagine a lion present in the Another way to study mental events, such as
room. One closes her eyes and says, “Yes, I see intentions, is by teleological analysis (Rachlin,
it, a mane and a tail, that’s right, it’s walking 1992, 1994, 2014). This method is observation
around,” and so on. The other runs screaming
for the door. You could say that they are both 2
All references to Aristotle are from McKeon (1941).
imagining a lion but in different ways. TEB puts 3
See Rachlin (1989) for a behavioral interpretation of
it differently: Although they are both imagining, these important experiments.

and analysis of patterns of behavior (including (John’s behavioral patterns) are highly com-
verbal behavior) over time. Mental terms, plex.
claims the teleological behaviorist, refer to For TEB, mental terms are not just a loose
these observable patterns; they exist on what the way of talking about behavior, nor do they refer
philosopher, Dennett (1978), calls the personal to covert events. For TEB, there are no inner
level. Consider how TEB approaches a typical psychological causes at all. It is not that the
mental term such as a person’s intention. organism is in any way empty but that the
Suppose John has asked Mary out for a num- molecular substrate of behavior (its set of inner
ber of dates. (On one occasion, he tried to kiss efficient causes) is held by TEB to be the do-
her but she rebuffed him, hurting John’s feel- main of neuroscience and not of psychology.
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ings.) Mary wonders if John is now serious Psychology should not rely on neuroscience but
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

about the courtship. What is his intention? Is it should stand on its own as a separate discipline.
just casual flirtation, or something long-term, or When some aspect of voluntary behavior is
possibly marriage? For a teleological behavior- unexplained by current observation, a psychol-
ist, John’s past actions (including what he says ogist should look for its explanation, not more
to Mary and to other people) are the only rele- deeply in the nervous system but more broadly
vant data on this question because it is in those in time—in the behavioral history of the indi-
actions where his intentions actually reside. vidual or, if still not found, in the evolutionary
Good data in this regard may be difficult to history of the species.
obtain, and John’s intentions may be obscure. For Aristotle, understanding any particular
But they are obscure, says the teleological be- act of an organism requires study of both its
haviorist, because there is not enough currently inner mechanisms (efficient causes) and the
available behavior to analyze, not because outer patterns into which it fits (final causes).4
John’s intentions are hidden inside his head. TEB does not deny the importance of inner
The teleological behaviorist would never sup- mechanisms— quite the contrary. But TEB
pose that John’s true intentions could be re- views the study of inner mechanisms as the
vealed by a lie detector test that measures his domain of neuroscience and it views the study
brainwaves or his physiological responses to a of overt behavioral patterns as the domain of
series of questions, no matter how probing. psychology. TEB could not and does not object
However, John knows that he is trying to seduce to neuroscience; recent advances in this field
Mary (let us assume) and the moment after he have revolutionized our understanding of how
succeeds, he will up and go. Is this intention (or the brain works. However, TEB does object to
for that matter, his knowledge of his intention) applying the vocabulary of psychology (i.e.,
in his head? No it is not, says TEB. His inten- mental terms) to inner events.
tion is in his past (and to some extent his future) Nor could TEB object to the everyday-life
behavior. The reason why John knows his own use of mental vocabulary to refer to inner states.
intention is not that he has access to something (In the great majority of everyday-life refer-
in his own head and Mary does not, but that ences to the relative motion of the Earth and the
John has access to his own past behavior and
Mary does not. In principle, John’s twin sister,
Jane, may know better than John does what his According to Aristotle (Physics, book II, chap. 7, 198a),
it is the business of physicists (including those whom we
intentions truly are. When John tells Jane about call psychologists) to know all the causes of their object of
his intentions, she may reply, “No you’re study. Aristotle’s concept of cause was much wider than
wrong. She’s got you in her grip with all that ours. A cause, for him, was whatever could follow the word
coyness, that playing hard to get. You’ll never “because” in a sentence (Hocutt, 1974; Randall, 1960, p.
124). Aristotle discusses four types of causes: material,
leave her!” And Jane may be right. John’s be- formal, efficient, and final. The former two refer to all
lief, Mary’s belief, and John’s sister’s belief existing substances. For instance, an object, a piece of
regarding John’s intentions are discriminations cardboard (material cause), may have the form of a circle
among complex patterns in John’s behavior. (formal cause). The efficient and final causes discussed in
this article apply to movements of objects (i.e., behavior).
The expression of the belief at the present mo- For Aristotle, formal and final causes were more scientific,
ment may be a simple assertion, but the discrim- because more abstract and long-lasting, than material and
inative stimuli on which the assertion is based efficient causes.

Sun, the Sun is said to be moving. Yet we all of colors, shapes, smells, tastes, and everything we
believe that in reality, the Earth is revolving.) nonzombies report to experience. In short, zombies are
physical twins of us nonzombies. Zombies differ only
One morning, we observe a piece of behav- in lacking [nonphysical] conscious experiences: They
ior—a person smiles. We say that he is happy, feel no pain, no pleasure, have no sensory or perceptual
but we do not observe his happiness. We ob- experiences, even if their brains and behaviors exhibit
serve only the smile and harmlessly ascribe its everything we nonzombies do when we experience all
cause to a state of happiness within his body. of this. If zombies are logically possible, the argument
goes, conscious experience cannot be physical. (p. 9)
For most everyday-life purposes, this is suffi-
cient. But, in reality, that smile is only one part To a teleological behaviorist, zombies are not
of a pattern in his verbal and nonverbal behavior logically possible. To say that zombies behave
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

all morning. If that pattern is not there, he was in every way (from birth to death) like a normal
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

not really happy (says TEB, and perhaps his person with a mind, including crying in agony
wife and children) regardless of his inner neural when tortured, and yet that they have no more
state or his own introspective report. conscious experience than a toaster is, for TEB,
like saying A and not-A. For TEB, if an organ-
ism behaves consistently like a person who can
TEB and Philosophy
feel pain, she can truly feel pain and is in pain
The notion that our minds must be inside of when she so behaves. How do I know that at
us (let us call this notion “internalism”) is so this very moment I am not the only nonzombie
firmly rooted in common sense that it may seem in the universe? How do I know that my wife is
as if any other use of mental terms cannot not a zombie? By the above conception of zom-
possibly be called mentalistic. But, for many bies, I do not. Any person I meet or any group
philosophers, mentalism is allied just as of people may just as well be zombies.
strongly with dualism as it is with internalism. Dualism of the kind where consciousness is
These dualists (e.g., Block, 1981) cannot con- said to be a nonphysical presence in the brain
ceive how consciousness, for instance, can be makes no sense because it provides no mecha-
purely physical. They attribute to monists, who nism by which a nonphysical interior con-
say that the mind is part of the physical world, sciousness can learn about the outside world.
the implicit construction of homunculi as inter- Descartes himself realized this. The mind, in
nal observers. Yet, despite common sense and Descartes’s view, communicates with the world
common usage, and accusations of implicit in- only through the nerves, which he conceived as
ternal homunculi, many if not most psycholo- the pulling of strings, the opening of valves, and
gists are monists and do believe that conscious- the motion of animal spirits. But we do not see
ness, and all of mental life, is physical. TEB is string-pullings, valve-openings, or the motions
just one of several monistic, physical concep- of animal spirits. We see chairs, tables, roses,
tions of the mind, which differ among them- lions, people. How do ideas of these things get
selves. I therefore ask the reader to suspend into the mind? The answer, according to Des-
judgment regarding which if any of these theo- cartes, is that God puts them there. We are born
ries are properly called mentalistic. Let us now with all of the ideas that we will ever have.
turn to discussion of other theories of mind with Stimulation of our sense organs (the pulling of
regard to their approaches to the meaning of strings) does not give us ideas, according to
mental terms. Descartes; it merely wakes up ideas that we
already have:
Dualism Nothing reaches our mind from external objects
through the sense organs except certain corporeal
Burgos (2015) presents an argument put forth motions [the movements of animal spirits]. . . . But
by many modern philosophers of mind for du- neither the motions themselves nor the figures aris-
alism: ing from them are conceived by us exactly as they
occur in the sense organs. . . . Hence it follows that
Zombies . . . are creatures physically exactly like us, the very ideas of the motions themselves and of the
down to the last particle. They thus have bodies and figures are innate in us. The ideas of pain, colors,
brains exactly like ours, anatomically and physiologi- sounds and the like must be all the more innate if, on
cally. They also behave exactly like we do, exhibiting the occasion of certain corporeal motions, our mind
pain and pleasure behavior, and reporting experiences is to be capable of representing them to itself, for

there is no similarity between these ideas and the are necessary for us to hear the quartet. These
corporeal motions. (Descartes: Reply to Objections are parts of the mechanism underlying hearing.
II, from Beakley & Ludlow, 1992, p. 365)
But they are not the same thing as actually
For Descartes, all of our ideas, everything we hearing any more than the activity of the engine
know, is put into our nonphysical consciousness of a car is the same thing as the acceleration of
by God. This problem, of the transition from the the car. Let me try to clarify exactly what the
physical world to the internal nonphysical mind problem is here. You can say that a Mozart
and back again, is not avoided by modern du- quartet is nothing but the playing of certain
alists. According to them, our entire nervous notes by four instruments. The music would be
system intervenes between the world and con- no less real or scientifically accessible for that.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

sciousness. Only in TEB, where the mind and The quartet is abstract relative to its particular
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the world are in direct contact, is there no such notes, but abstract entities are as real as partic-
intervention. ular ones. In certain senses of real, a chair is as
real as (or more real than) the molecules that
Neural Identity Theory make it up. Neural identity theory is not prob-
lematic because it analyzes hearing and other
According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of mental events into neural events. If you produce
Philosophy (Smart, 2011), the notes in their proper order and nuance, you
The [neural] identity theory of mind holds that states will have all there is to the Mozart quartet. But,
and processes of the mind are identical to states and if you could produce the neural events said to be
processes of the brain. . . . Consider an experience of identical with hearing the quartet in a disem-
pain, or of seeing something, or of having a mental bodied, artificially constructed brain, would that
image. The identity theory of mind is to the effect that
these experiences just are brain processes, not merely brain actually hear the quartet? Those of us who
correlated with brain processes. object to neural identity theory would answer
this question in the negative. It is not conceiv-
Consciousness, according to this theory, able to us that a disembodied brain could actu-
would be reducible to neuroscience. A differ- ally hear anything.
ence in the auditory cortex or still more cen- According to Rachlin (2005),
trally within the brain would be, according to
neural identity theory, all there is to the differ- The problem with this neurocognitive identity theory
ence between hearing and not hearing. Most . . . in the modern version, is that, despite advances in
brain imaging techniques, there seems to be no set of
neural identity theorists do not believe that hear- physiological structures (molecular or molar) corre-
ing itself is just activity in a single nerve; for sponding to each identifiable mental property. Modern
them, hearing is rather a pattern of activity over sensory neurophysiology would not claim that a stim-
a complex of nerves extending over a wide area ulus could be carried by a single chain of afferent
nerves ending at a particular point in the brain. There
of the brain. Some neural identity theories
are many stages on many brain levels as a stimulus
would go beyond the brain to incorporate the affects the brain. Even a simple color is a diffuse
peripheral nervous system. But, according to pattern of nervous stimulation heavily influenced by
these theories, if we knew enough about the contextual factors. Which [pattern] is identical with the
neural connections involved in audition, and we sensation? If these factors came into focus at a “final
common path” in some particular brain location you
were able to build a brain that incorporated could call the focal point the sensation. But no single
those connections, and if we were to feed into neural path for each sensation has been found within
the artificial brain the strains of a Mozart quar- the nervous system. There is no place in the nervous
tet, that brain (which could not otherwise move, system where the incoming stimulus stops. Sensory
could not interact with the world, could not stimulation in its normal form runs right through the
brain and out the other side so to speak without en-
report its feelings, had no functions of use to countering anything identifiable as a sensation. (p. 46)
anyone) would hear the Mozart quartet just as
you or I (assuming you are not deaf) can hear it. This is not to say that you could not build a
Certainly some particular pattern of stimula- robot with a human mind. However, such a
tion in our brains is necessary for us to hear a robot would not need any particular human,
Mozart quartet, and some movements of mole- internal structure. Rather, it would need to have
cules in the air near our ears, and a particular a particularly human relation with human be-
pattern of movement of our basilar membranes, ings—to help people and be helped by them,

that is, to engage in economic interchange with present deep within the brain interacting with
them, to predict its own future behavior and our nerves. Nor is this inherently obvious. Some
theirs, to guide others, and also to mislead them societies and some ancient philosophers be-
(Rachlin, 2014). lieved that our minds as well as our souls were
in our hearts. Epicurus believed that all physical
Double Aspect Theory and mental actions are identical to the move-
ment of atoms. He “maintains that soul atoms
Nagel (1998) and McGinn (2002) have pre- are particularly fine and are distributed through-
sented double-aspect theories of mind: Body out the body. . . . The human mind is . . . that
and mind are two aspects of the same thing. The part of the soul that is located in our chest”
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

question to ask two-aspect theorists is: Two (Konstan, 2014). That is, Epicurus (as well as
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

aspects of what? Both Nagel and McGinn posit Aristotle and other Greek philosophers) located
a third entity that the two aspects are aspects of. the mind elsewhere than in the brain. So it is not
For Nagel, it is Factor X, and for McGinn, it is at all self-evident that the mind is in the brain or
“unknowable.” Are these answers to the tradi- is the brain itself. This is an idea that we have
tional question any more enlightening than Spi- been taught. It is possible to unlearn it. I would
noza’s answer to that question—two aspects of guess that if you name a vital organ, there will
Nature or God? I do not believe so. be or have been some society that believed it to
To the question, “Two aspects of what?” be the location of the mind; there may even
Searle (2004) gives the (almost) correct answer. have been some societies that identified the
He says, mind with the whole organism. Descartes him-
Neural activity and conscious experience are different self believed that the soul (even though it con-
aspects, or levels of description, of the same thing, in trolled the body through the brain) was coex-
the same way that, say, the molecular structure of a tensive with the whole body; thus, actions of the
piston and the solidity of the piston are different as-
pects, or levels of description, of a piston. (p. 208)
whole body were, for him, actions of the soul
(which he did not distinguish from the mind). If
Substitute behavioral activity (overt) for neural the mind is a molar or abstract conception of
activity (covert) and this is TEB. But, if mental some physical activity (as Searle seems to
(or conscious) experience is an abstract version agree), and there is no a priori reason (such as
of physical activity, what is that physical activ- connectivity with an internal, nonphysical soul)
ity? Why is it any more plausible for Searle, and to assume that the physical activity occurs
the many philosophers who have considered within the brain, then where does it occur?
this question, that conscious physical activity In answering this question, usefulness is par-
has to occur inside the head than that it occur in amount, especially as consciousness, and talk of
overt behavior? The word aspect implies a way consciousness, must have evolved along with
of viewing (or “describing” something). Who the rest of our human qualities. If our environ-
views or describes the aspects of one’s neural ment is seen as the source of our consciousness
activity? There is nothing in the brain capable of (as it would have to be if consciousness were a
taking one or another view of neural behavior. product of biological evolution), then it would
On the other hand, different aspects of a per- be our overt behavior, not (as Descartes
son’s overt activity may be viewed or described thought) neural behavior, which is in direct con-
by that person or by other people. Whole organ- tact with the source.
isms, not their brains, have the sense organs There are strains of behaviorism in modern
needed to create that kind of description. Thus, philosophy—for instance, the later Wittgenstein
according to TEB, individual consciousness and (1958) who said, “If one sees the behavior of a
all mental activities are social constructions living thing, one sees its soul” (p. 357). Twenty-
(Gergen, 1985). first century philosophy is not completely neg-
Because Descartes believed that the soul in- ative about behavioristic thought. Rowland
teracted with the body deep in the brain and the Stout (2006) develops Ryle’s (1949) disposi-
physical motions had to directly influence the tional view of the mind. A disposition for Stout
soul, and vice versa, the physical motions also is a behavioral state of the organism. TEB’s
had to be in the brain. But Searle presumably view of the mind differs from Stout’s view in
does not believe that there is a nonphysical soul that for TEB mental terms refer not to immedi-

ate states but to temporally extended behavioral TEB is not a form of eliminative materialism.
patterns. Although TEB would eliminate from scientific
According to Noë (2009), discourse the concept of consciousness as inter-
nal reflection, TEB also claims that the concept
Consciousness is not something that happens inside us.
It is something we do or make. Better: it is something of consciousness (like all mentalistic concepts)
we achieve. Consciousness is more like dancing [overt is extremely useful and has an important place
behavior] than it is like digestion [covert behavior]. . . . in scientific discourse. TEB claims that con-
The idea that the only genuinely scientific study of sciousness resides in abstract patterns of overt
consciousness would be one that identifies conscious- behavior. The difference between TEB and neu-
ness with events in the nervous system is a bit of
outdated reductionism. (p. xii) ral identity theories is not one of physical versus
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

mental; we agree that the mental is real and is

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

After decades of concerted effort on the part of neu- identical to an abstract pattern of activity of the
roscientists, psychologists, and philosophers, only one
proposition about how the brain makes us conscious—
organism. The difference is that, for modern
how it gives rise to sensation, feeling, subjectivity— monistic theories of mind such as neural iden-
has emerged unchallenged: we do not have a clue. tity theory, the pattern occurs in the brain,
(p. xi) whereas for TEB, the pattern occurs over time
in the organism’s overt behavior. It is not the
The reason we do not have a clue is not
word consciousness that TEB would eliminate
because brain research is not important, or not
from scientific discourse—still less from every-
interesting, or not valuable; brain research is
day speech. TEB does acknowledge the exis-
highly important, highly interesting, and highly
tence and reality of consciousness. Abstract en-
valuable. The reason we do not have a clue tities, such as behavioral patterns, are at least as
about how the brain makes us conscious is that real as their components. It is not mental terms
looking for consciousness in the brain is looking but rather introspection or internal reflection as
for it in the wrong place. a means of psychological investigation that
Suppose that, at some time in the future, TEB would eliminate. Nevertheless, reporting
technology will have reached the stage where one’s mental states may be useful in everyday
brains can be removed from human bodies and life. I may say, “I am angry,” or “I love you,”
yet communicate wirelessly back and forth with but not merely to report an internal state any
bodies; the connection between the brain and more than I would say, “The grass is green,” or
the rest of the nervous system will be exactly “The sky is blue,” merely to report an external
the same as it is now except the connection will state. Statements are made for reasons—
be “wireless” (neuronless) and will be applied practical or poetic; they have final causes. The
in football to prevent concussions. The brains of reason, in the case of “I am angry,” and so on,
both teams are stored safely in their locker is to predict one’s own future behavior (on the
rooms while the game goes on. Although there basis of one’s own current behavior and past
are no concussions, there are broken bones and behavior in similar circumstances). Such a pre-
lacerations, and crying out in pain, just as there diction enables the hearer to react appropriately.
are today. Now consider: Who or what is in It follows that a person (who is less observant of
pain? Clearly the players, not their brains, are in her own behavior than is someone close to her)
pain. Their brains bubbling away in the locker may be wrong about an introspective statement.
rooms are essential parts of the mechanism un- I might say, “I am angry,” and truly believe it,
derlying their pain just as the engine is an es- and my wife may say, “No you’re not,” and she
sential part of the mechanism underlying a car’s may be right. It is introspection as a scientific
acceleration. But the pain and all of the rest of method, not the reporting of one’s own mental
the mental lives of the players are in the patterns activity that TEB rejects.
of their overt behavior (see Rachlin, 1985, for a The neural identity theorist may claim that
behavioral view of pain, with commentaries and consciousness must be continuously present
response). Some particularly wide patterns, while we are conscious, whereas a behavioral
such as consciousness, extend beyond the play- pattern (such as playing in a Mozart quartet)
ing field but, in all cases, according to TEB, involves pauses and stops. A violinist playing a
mental life is life—seen in an abstract, tempo- Mozart quartet may pause occasionally but still
rally, and socially extended way. she is playing the quartet, even when she is

pausing. A person who is conscious, on the If conscious experience is analogous to the so-
other hand, seems to be continuously conscious. lidity of the piston (as opposed to its molecular
But neural firing, however rapid, is discontinu- structure), then it cannot also be analogous to its
ous. If consciousness were identical to that firing, molecular structure (as opposed to its solidity).
it would also have to be discontinuous. If the Noë’s (2009) extended cognition theory extends
neural identity theorist replies that the neural firing the domain of consciousness spatially beyond
is so fast that consciousness bridges it over, she the brain, into the peripheral nervous system
must have some nonneural conception of what and out into the world. But it does not consider
that bridging over consists of— other than more, a temporally extended view of cognition that
perhaps still more rapid, neural firing. extends behavior beyond the present moment
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Consciousness is a vital property of our overt into the past and future.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

behavior with a vital function in our complex A kind of neural identity theory claims that
world. Our long-term patterns of behavior— consciousness arises only if a certain complex-
sobriety, moderation, cooperation with others, ity of the nervous system is achieved. Con-
morality, rationality, as well as the language sciousness, for this theory, need not occur in
that guides their organization—all evolved. nerves themselves but could conceivably occur
(The power to learn, behavioral evolution, also in a machine built of transistors and copper
evolved through biological evolution.) These wires; what is necessary for consciousness is
patterns are what we would have to create in an not the matter of brain physiology but the form
automaton for it to leap over eons of biological of brain physiology, including its great com-
evolution and be human. If such a machine were plexity (Tononi & Edelman, 1998). For exam-
created in the future, the internal (or external) ple, a computer might have an internal mecha-
mechanism that will be the efficient cause of nism in which internal representations of input
those patterns may very well turn out to resem- are placed on an internal “blackboard” or
ble our actual nervous mechanism. Or it may “global workspace” and scanned and operated
not. But it will be the behavioral patterns of the on by an internal executive processor. Accord-
machine, not its mechanisms, that count in de- ing to Baars (1988), consciousness operates in
termining whether it is conscious. (a more complex version of) this way. About
The view of consciousness proposed by this kind of theory, Dennett (2001) says, “The-
Noë’s (2009) holds (as does TEB) that the mind orists must resist the temptation to see global
cannot be understood except in terms of the accessibility as the cause of consciousness (as if
interaction of a whole organism with the exter- consciousness were some other, further condi-
nal environment. Nevertheless, for Noë, the tion); rather it is consciousness” (p. 221). This is
brain remains an important component of men- an identity theory where consciousness is held
tal activity. He retains a neurocognitive view of to be identical with some neural organization.
the mind while expanding its reach, beyond the Our brains might indeed work as Baars and
brain, into the peripheral nervous system and Dennett suggest. But, again, if it were possible
the external environment. According to Noë, to construct such a (disembodied) mechanism in
“My consciousness now—with all its particular all its complexity, with no other possible move-
quality for me now— depends not only on what ment, no function in the world, would con-
is happening in my brain but also on my history sciousness occur in it? Psychologists and phi-
and my current position and interaction with the losophers critical of neural identity theory do
wider world” (p. 4, emphasis added). not believe it would.
This is a step in the right direction, but its
problem is that it mixes levels of explanation. Internal Events in Teleological Behaviorism
Consider the following behavioral transcription
of Searle’s (2004) distinction between physical We frequently do talk or picture things to
activity and conscious experience: ourselves. Many mental acts, especially the
“stream of consciousness,” seem to be nothing
[Behavioral] activity and conscious experience are dif- but internal monologues. But can talking or
ferent aspects, or levels of description, of the same
thing, in the same way that, say, the molecular struc- picturing things to oneself or covertly humming
ture of a piston and the solidity of the piston are a tune bear the burden of accounting for all
different aspects, or levels of description, of a piston. mental acts, including consciousness itself?

TEB does not object to inferring internal Beakley, B., & Ludlow, P. (1992). The philosophy of
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herself is like a clock with the mechanism un-
Burgos, J. E. (2015). Antidualism and antimentalism
connected to the hands. From the viewpoint of in radical behaviorism. Behavior and Philosophy,
TEB, that person is not thinking until the mech- 43, 1–37.
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and starts to serve its function. It is true that we nium. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

first learn to read aloud and only then to our- Dennett, D. (1978). Brainstorms: Philosophical es-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

selves. But, looking at a book and saying the says on mind and psychology. Montgomery, VT:
words aloud or to oneself is reading only in the Bradford Books.
sense that a scanner “reads” a document. As Dennett, D. (2001). Are we explaining consciousness
Wittgenstein (1958) pointed out, real reading yet? Cognition, 79, 221–237.
implies understanding. What is the difference .1016/S0010-0277(00)00130-X
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the other a high school dropout? In a narrow
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