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Ok, First of all I made this for RO player lovers to at least have a rough idea what may be pros and cons of Tencent RO Mobile 

or  TROM  for  short  (well,  I  love  to  pronounce  it  this  way).  I  wrote  this  also  for  comparison  between  the  currently  existing  XDROM 
(xindong)  and  TROM.  Well  to  be  honest,  all  of  Youtube  videos  are just footages and not actually in-depth reviews of what TROM has 
and  XDROM  has  not  (FFS  youtuber).  ​Please  open  this  document  on  your  PC  browser.  You  can  read  it  on  mobile  though, but it’s not 
All  of  the  contents  I  wrote  here are features that I could find while I playing this game, since I’m not playing this game from 
day-1  so  I’ll  just  put  together  what  I  could  find while on the game. All contents I put here is not the end product features, so Tencent 
might  probably  change  it  by  the  time  they  release  the  game.  Keep  it  in  mind.  And  I  won’t  put  anything  related  to  leveling  system, 
since you probably have seen how this works everywhere on Youtube. I’ll focus on game elements. Let’s get started, shall we. 
1. The  game  is  hard  to  play  on  an  emulator…  for  now​.  (wow  I’m  such  a  hater).  No really, I hardly open the game on emulator 
(currently  is  MuMu).  Yes  I  know  you’d  probably  say  “I  am  able  to  open  it  on  NOX  and  there’s  nothing  wrong”.  Here  is  the 
thing,  I  already  made  a  benchmark  for  all  emulators  that  are  commonly  used  by  everyone  and  made  the  conclusion  that 
MuMu  has  the  best  performance  in  terms  of  graphics  (you  can  do  your  own  benchmark).  It’s  not  MuMu  not  being  able  to 
open it, it’s just sometimes the game is stuck at the first screen when the Tencent logo is shown — it just shows a blank white 
screen. So, probably not all emulator will be compatible with the current state of the game. So be prepared if you really want 
play this game on emulator. 
2. You  need  to  install  the  QQ  app  to  login  the  game​.  What  does  this  mean?  Well,  basically  you  need  to  install  QQ  chat  (the 
chinese one, not international) to login to the game. Probably this is the only option for now.  
Note:  when  WeChat  is  available,  you  don’t  have  to  install  WeChat  on  emulator  and  just  scan  the  login bar code using your 
phone  since some messenger app not allowing their app installed on emulator which probably could lead to account suspend 
like WeChat (you can read about their License and Agreement). 
3. Channel or Line (what chinese people says) are selected on very first time after you login​.  

The  bad  things  about  this,  when  you  need  to  change  channel to… for example looking an specifics drops from MVPs (which 
no  need  require  to  kill  just hit like XDROM) you have to log out first to the very first scene. ​There is option to select channel 
in  game  and  show  the  drop  down  list  of  channel,  but  since  there  is  only  one  channel so not sure if you able to change it on 
game directly​. 
4. 4 Characters for every IDs​. Yes, you’ll be given 4 characters slot for every ID you make. This probably changes when the game 
is launched officially (not beta). I​ nb4 you have to pay for every slots you open :p​.

Finally into the game, yay!​ I’m not going to explain how character creation is, there is video about it on Youtube. 
5. A​ 4 Graphics option menu​. Low, Medium, High, and PLUS ULTRA (lol). 

Also  how  many  player  can  be  shown  (10,  20,  30,  40),  and  everything  else  just  preference  stuff  (you can set them as you like 
when the game release for public). 
6. A bit tricky menus​. For low sense gaming peps, yeah! (will explain the other features later). 

7. A ​360° View​. Hell Yeah! This is big plus for TROM. 

8. The  ​Control  is  actually  pretty  good​.  Well  yeah joystick like on Mobas game? Sure why not (finally MMORPG game that I able 
play with my DualShock controller lolol). This is very comfort esp for touchscreen users. 

Skill  shortcut  switch  (recycle  arrow  icon  ot  the  bottom  right)  apparently  will  unlock  at  base  Lv  30.  I  won’t  judge  5  skill 
shortcut slot are enough or not right now, since this is still Limited Close Beta Test. So it will improve sooner or later. 
9. Why Chat bar... on the fckin bottom center of screen.​ Hey tencent, put this of lower left, It’s bugging me out! 

10. Fashion Right of The Bat! ​No need adventure lv, no need quest. Need materials ofc! 

Good for you fashionistas! 
11. A  ​Skill  Preview.  Ffs  XDROM,  I  hope  you  can  implemented  this  one,  but  Tencent  really  better  at  this point. Not all skills but 
yeah this Good ​User Experience. 

12. Similar  skill set​. Compared with XDROM you’ll given with 3 auto slot skill for the very early game after change to 1st job. You 
can have 5 auto skill slots at this game right of the bat (this may can be change on the future). 
Skill shortcut settings (left) and Auto skill settings (right). 

13. Improved classic game equipments placements. And similar inventory menu. 

The  equipments  placements  is  similar  to  Classic  Ragnarok  I  assume.  If  you  wondering  what  the  bottom right button is, the 
left  one  is  for  sorting  items,  and  the  right  one  is item shortcut for battle. Well, probably you could guess what another else 
14. A similar Auto Battle.​ If you experiencing XDROM, this is nothing new. 

15. Auto walk route preview. ​I could say this is a plus. 

16. Auto  walk  quest.  ​A  good  things?  A  Bad  things? I couldn’t give valuation to this one at the moment. I personally didn’t like it 
because  you  didn’t  have  to  think  and  experiencing  the  game  for  the  fullest,  also  this  will  just  create  a  lazy  people  just  my 
opinion. In other way this is convenient. 

17. A similar game stats?. ​If you already experienced with XDROM, they has similarity in their characters stats. 

18. An  Unimplemented  ​Stamina  system?.  ​Tbh  there  is  no  way  a  chinese  game  without  stamina  system  (since  they  have 
regulation about limitation of playing games on each week for underage people). The only things I suspect to be stamina is a 
“Vig” (Vigor?) stats on character status information. But I tried to battle with monster and this not even decreased. 

Update:  ​This  Virgor  or  Genki  apparently  a  stamina  used  for  ​life  skill  (you can read about it below). And Stamina system still 
About Genki 
◆ Genki can be used for Life skill . 
◆ Genki can be obtained by completing daily activities, getting poring point reward. 
◆ Reset everyday 5am. Genki that exceed the maximum amount will be cleared. 
Translated by Clo 
19. A  ​Fckin  bad  self  recovery.  Well  probably  tencent  still  focused  on  other  things,  but  yeah  I  tried  to  sit  for  5  mins  in order to 
recovery my HP and SP but not being recovered at all :(. You’re forced to use potion (probably for now, hopefully).  
Well  I  know  you  probably  blame  me  because  I  didn’t  have  recovery  stats  yet.  But  compared  to  XDROM  this  is  minus  for 
beginner  who  learn  their  first  ragnarok  game  tbh.  Esp  with  peps  who doesn’t have good direction and sense, they probably 
confused where to get HP/SP Potion etc, also which one. 

20. Daily login reward.​ Well this feature are really common on mobile games, but idk why XDROM doesn’t have this. 

21. Straight  forward  headgears  crafting​.  ​Yes  no  need  to  give  the  NPC  a  photo, kill achievement, and drop like competitor. Just 
need Base Level. 

22. A  Item  market  (unlocked  at  lv  25?).  There  are  2  tabs  here.  The  first  tab  presumably  a  ​Premium  Market  which use ​R Coin to 
buy/sell. And normal market which use Zeny to buy things.  

Oh  well  I  assume  this  ​R  Coin  to  be  a  cash  currency,  so  you  basically can trade with other players what you can sell with cash 
point. But hey, Elunium is threaten as cash item? Idk. 
23. A  ​Potential  of  RMT​.  OMG  Yes,  this is very bad. Some of you will probably love this feature, but not for me because this could 
ruin  the  game  and  attract  farmers  :’(.  Even  the  game  itself  is  a  very  good  game,  but  when  RMT  (Real  Money  Trading)  is 
happening  on  there,  I  wouldn’t  even  trust  my  guildmates.  I  could  say  this  is  personal  preference  but  it’s  up  to  you  to 
evaluate this one. For me, this is BIG MINUS. 
So  you  basically  can  set  item  you  want  to  sell  maximum  to  ​50%  of  default  market  price.  And  minimum  of  -​50%  of  default 
market price. Each steps of increment (+/-) it increase for ​10%. 

Basically,  this  is  hole.  For  example  if  someone  want  to  sell  zeny  for  Real  Money,  they could use this as transfer option. Not 
really big hole, but this could be potential as RMT scheme :(. Tbh XDROM has better system for avoid this kind of things. 
And apparently not all materials/item could be sell on the market, idk why. But there is should be reason for this. 
24. A  ​Harvest  Moon-like  features​.  Idk  how  this  called,  let  me  know  if  you  have  idea  what  should  this  be called. Let’s call it ​Life 
Skill​ for now (I don’t have another idea). Keep in mind, the Vigor will be used. 

YES  YES,  You can Harvest, Mining, and Fishing!!. OMG this is very big plus for TROM. There are lots of activities, but I’ll cover 
just 3 of them, and figure it yourself when the game release on public. 
Harvesting & Fishing 


25. Weather  system  is  surprisingly  cute,  and  very  highly  game  texture  and  effect  details​.  Hey  you  guys  might  be already know 
this  but  I  can’t  help  myself  to  not  cover  this  up.  Basically  characters,  NPCs,  even  Monster  are  reacting  with  the  weather. 
Cute,  isn’t  it?.  Let’s  be  honest  here,  this  game  absolutely  overwhelming  XDROM  in  graphics  contents.  But  yeah,  be  aware 
heavy graphic lags on your device (at least I can play Ultra on MuMu). 
Weather reaction, Skill effects, and detailed effects. 

26. A Fancy... Wagon? ​Umh... err... Nothing I could say. 

27. Input username and password every login​. Yeah, everytime I log in the game prompt me QQ login screen. Not really big deal, 
but  I  prefer  XDROM  way  which  just  need  login  for  first  time  and  logged  in  everytime  you  open  the  game  without  input 
username and password again. 
28. Big Adventure Ahead​. I could say this has similarity with Classic RO on PC. 

29. A Complete guide of weekly and daily. ​You can check Rom So videos about this one. 

30. Forging System. ​I’m not really sure about this one. I’ll update this later when I figure this out. 

31. A Party as simple as click. 

32. Rich  feature  camera  mode  and  selfies.  ​You  are  probably  already  familiar  with  this  on  in-game  footage  videos,  but  I’ll  just 
cover it up here. ​Big cheese with toast! 

33. Nothing special Guild UI. ​Probably not on tencent top list at the moment?. 

34. Hollgrehenn at correct place. ​Heh… this is remind me of classic RO when peps desperate over in one room. 

Right at the moment someone on refining and failed :D 
Note: Your equipments will gone after you failed upon refining. 
There are 3 menus from Hollgrehenn: 


Card (unplug/remove)​. 

35. Mora Cat also there 

No  option  given  by  Mora,  I  assume  this  is  similar  to Mora’s Enchant? Not really sure. I’ll update this when I got information 
about Mora. 
36. Endless Tower start at Lv. 45. 

Sorry, No review about this at the moment. Probably on next TROM release. 
37. Built-in fashion preview​. Good for you fashionista, again. 

38. Usual Stats and Skill reset. 

You can access reset stats and skills directly on its menu. Well, you should able to figure this yourself. 
39. An Improved Kafra’s Storage. 

25 Items Slot of each boxes. You can rename your storage boxes and have maximum of 25x6 item storage space. 
40. Mysterious  Rainbow  Crystal as Currency​. I don’t have much information about this. But apparently this used for expand item 
slot that you can sell on Market. 

41. Foreigner  friendly  teleport  menu​.  Yes  you  don’t  have  to  remember  towns  name,  or  fields  name  anymore.  Just  pick 
destination and chose where the Kafra’s point you want teleported to. 

42. No  in-game  wikipedia​.  Ugh  seriously,  I got used to journal system on XDROM. It’s very convenience to check about monsters 
and their stats and attributes. I’d like to review about it but seems no journal system on TROM. So yeah... 
That’s  it  for  now.  I’ll  cover  up  more  if  I  got  time.  I’ll  add some FAQs. later. And about how battle, leveling, as well as skills compared 
with XDROM will comes up later since I’m not the one covered that. Will put it on FAQs. 
Also August 22 will be last day the Limited Beta Test will last, so unfortunately. 

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