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Praise and gratitude writer prayed to God Almighty for His mercy so that the
writers can finish the task for Critical Book Review (CBR), this task is as the
complementary of six kind of task in Medan State University. In this paper the book that
reviewed is The Teacher’s Pocket Guide for Effective Classroom Management written by
Tim Knoster.

Hopefully this work can increase the knowledge for the reader and for the writer
self. Due to the lack of knowledge and experience from the writer, the writer sure that
there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses in the results of this work, therefore
the writer welcome any suggestions and constructive feedback, so that writer can make
a better result in the future.

Medan, 20 October 2018


1|Critical Book Review


PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Rationalisation the Importance of CBR ....................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Purpose..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Benefit ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Bool’s identity ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Summarizing .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Evaluating ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
CONCLUSION & SUGGESTION ..................................................................................................................................... 8

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1.1 Rationalisation the Importance of CBR

Critical Book Review (CBR) is one of six kind of task in Medan State University. It
is a required task that must be done by the students. Critical book review is important,
because by reviewing a book students can get a lot of precious information from the
book, students also can improve their summarizing ability, comparing a book with the
other, and the ability to evaluate a book from its cover, contents, grammatical, diction,
and also strength and weaknesses of the book.

Several students usually don’t want to read a book, even though there are many
benefits by reading, by doing Critical book review students are not only reading a book
but also summarizing and evaluating the book. From the statement above we can see
that there are many advantages by doing critical book review, so CBR is important.

1.2 Purpose

The general purpose of critical book review is as the complementary of six kind of
task. And also it used to improve the student ability to summarizing and evaluating the
book content.

1.3 Benefit

Hopefully this paper can be useful for the reader and for me as the writer to get
new knowledge and information about Classroom management from the book I
reviewed, and also improve my ability of writing a paper.

3|Critical Book Review

1.4 Book’s identity

1. Title : The Teacher’s Pocket Guide for Effective Classroom

2. Writer/Editor : Tim Knoster
3. Publisher : Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
4. City : Baltimore, United States
5. Edition : Second Edition
6. Year : 2014
7. ISBN : 978- 1- 59857- 498- 2

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2.1 Summarizing

The book that reviewed has eleven chapters, but in this paper, the chapter that
summarized is only chapter three - So How Do I Prevent Problem Behaviour in My

Chapter III – So How Do I Prevent Problem Behaviour in My Classroom

The reality is that teacher will be unable to prevent inappropriate behaviour

from ever occurring in the classroom. Rather, what teacher can do is establish a few
basic operating procedures that will enhance the learning environment in a way that
can dramatically reduce the likelihood of both nuisance and problem behaviours.
Nuisance behaviors are those that in and of themselves are essentially inconsequential,
such as a student’s appearing fidgety and calling out to get teacher attention as opposed
to raising his or her hand. It is often inconsequential behavior that should be ignored
that, however, historically (or perhaps hysterically) has been known to get strong
adverse reactions from teachers. Yet problem behavior must be immediately stopped,
and the student must be redirected to act in a more appropriate manner.

Three specific preventative principles of practice serve as the foundation for

effective classroom management that is within your immediate control as a classroom
teacher. The following principles of practice are relevant for teacher:

1. Rapport

2. Clear expectations

3. Reinforcement of expected behaviour

The importance of establishing rapport with your students is (for the most part) a
universally accepted understanding in our schools today. Oddly enough, however, many
teachers struggle daily with establishing rapport with all their students, especially those
who appear difficult to reach. In other words, we have somewhat of an understanding
as teachers regarding the importance of connecting with our students, but as a field, we

5|Critical Book Review

are somewhat limited in our understanding of time- efficient, systematic practices that
we can use to establish rapport. Thinking of your personal experiences in your
classroom, you most likely have established rapport with those students with whom
you are most comfortable. As teachers, however, we don’t have the luxury or right to
pick and choose those with whom we will successfully establish rapport within our

Establishing expectations is all about developing a set of cultural norms within

your classroom and ultimately about fostering social competence in all your students.
To be clear, I am not talking about simply creating a list of rules or a list of “thou shalt
nots.” Rather, what I am referring to is identifying three to five broad expectations
toward which you will foster growth and progress with each of your students on an on-
going basis (e.g., “Be Respectful,” “Be Responsible,” “Be Safe”).

Reinforcement is the third principle of practice in this three- legged stool of

preventative approaches to classroom management. Look, we all know that we can
attract more bees with honey or more ants with sugar. What I mean to say is that the
best way to help students develop appropriate behavior is by being clear on expected
behavior and, as the saying goes, “catching them being good.” Simply stated,
reinforcement serves as one of the three Corner stones of prevention.

6|Critical Book Review

2.2 Evaluating

The strength and weakness of the book

1. As we can see from the face value, for the book cover, the book that reviewed
Teacher’s Pocket Guide for Effective Classroom Management, it looks attractive and
colourful, In my opinion with the cover like that it will attract the readers to read the

2. In the books, the lay out has arranged properly, it can be seen from the position of the
title in every chapter, the using of punctuation is also good. And the font and the font
size are also appropriate.

3. The materials in the books are suitable to each titles of the chapter.

4. For the grammatical used in the book, the writers has used a good grammatical, it is
also same as the diction, the word that used is simple and easily to understand.

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After reviewing the book titled The Teacher’s Pocket Guide for Effective
Classroom Management written by Tim Knoster, it can be conclude that, realistically
teacher will be unable to prevent inappropriate behaviour from ever occurring in the
classroom. Rather, what teacher can do is establish a few basic operating procedures
that will enhance the learning environment in a way that can dramatically reduce the
likelihood of both nuisance and problem behaviours. There are three following
principles of practice are relevant for teacher:

1. Rapport

2. Clear expectations

3. Reinforcement of expected behaviour

Rapport means teacher must have create a positive relationship with their students,
clear expectation means developing a set of cultural norms within your classroom and
ultimately about fostering social competence in all your students. Lastly, reinforcement
of expected behaviour is praising student while they are doing something good in the
classroom. Those three aspects can significantly reduce students’ problem behaviour in
the classroom. So for the teacher, I suggest that, it is better to create a positive
connection with students, establish clear expectation, and reinforce student when they
are doing something good rather than scold and shout to students while they are
showing problem behaviour in the classroom.

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