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The blatant horse trading going on between political parties, prior to the imminent no-
confidence vote in parliament, once again brings into focus the question: are we Indians
mature enough to handle a democratic system with universal franchise?

The system of requiring a simple majority of votes in the house, in order to attain power,
has displayed time and again that, in this country, it is seriously flawed. It has become
particularly insidious in the past decade, when the Indian public has become so
disenchanted with its leaders that elections usually boil down to making a choice between
the lesser of two evils. In the process, no single party manages to get a majority on its
own. Then the desperate game to gather the requisite numbers begins in earnest.
Disaffected members of rival parties, as well as independents, are literally purchased like
cattle (although some cows would take objection to this unflattering comparison). And
the ones being bought are well aware of their bargaining power. The price is usually a
cabinet berth, or chairmanship of a public corporation. As a result, the most incompetent,
corrupt – and even criminal – individuals end up as ministers.

It does not require a leap of imagination to anticipate how these third rate charlatans will
use their newfound power. The only thing the public can be certain of is that its welfare
will be the furthest thought in their minds – if it occurs to them at all.

The reason democracy does not really work in India is because we, the people, pay only
lip service to it. Those of us who are intelligent and well informed have discovered long
ago that they cannot expect anything from their government. On the contrary, the
government machinery with its myriad of licences – and the resultant bribes – is a
millstone round their necks. Thus, we learn very quickly that we must fend for ourselves.
And, come election tine, we do not bother to vote because we don’t care which bunch of
jokers get elevated to “honourable” status.

At the other end of the spectrum, the uneducated and lumpen masses have learnt to
recognize elections as a golden opportunity to make a quick buck. They are under no
delusions that the worthies – who only remember their existence when they need their
votes – will keep any of the promises that flow so glibly from their lying lips. In any case,
the poor are smart enough to realize that promises won’t fill their empty stomachs. But
they do know that they can barter their votes for hard cash and gifts; and they are quite
happy to do so.

So we end up with “leaders” with minimum qualifications and maximum avarice. And
the rot does not stop there. Since like attracts like, these leaders promptly proceed to
weed out the few honest and efficient public servants that may be around; and replace
them with corrupt and venal police officers, municipal corporators and the rest, who will
to their bidding and – in the process – enrich themselves and their patrons. This then, is
the great Indian democracy that is supposedly the envy of many countries. If they only
knew what we know.

India, politics, elections, democracy

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