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And Triumphs

Maria B. Woodworth-Etter


Published by the Author. 1886.

Pentecostal Pioneers Series

No. 6

Published by The Revival Library

AFTER the earnest solicitation of my many friends, and those interested in the
cause of Christ, I have decided to publish my “Trials and Triumphs” as an
evangelist, in winning souls to Christ, in the past two years.

In sending forth this book, I do so hoping that it may benefit many souls, be the
means of winning many to Christ, and of inspiring Christians to more active
work for the salvation of souls. Within these pages, I hope each soul will find
some word of comfort and cheer, that will be the means of wafting him onward
to that bright home beyond.

This little volume contains an account of over two years constant service for my
Master. While many trials have shown themselves, and many obstacles been
thrown in my way, I have endeavored, through it all, to work faithfully, and to
perform that which was given me to do. And when this life of toil, so dear to my
heart, is over, I will go up and wear the crown, and dwell in that beautiful home
that is prepared for those who are washed, and made pure and white in the blood
of the lamb.

May you all be ready for that home beyond, is my earnest prayer, and each be
blessed in reading the “Trials and Triumphs” of your humble servant,

Maria B. Woodworth.
Chapter I.

Meeting at Potts Corner, near Van Wert—Conversion of Brother Drake—

Organized a Class and Sabbath-school — Death of a Young Man who Fought
Against. God — A Warning to Scoffers—A Remarkable Circumstance—
Birthday Parties — Conversion of a Fiddler—He saved a Poor Sinner like me

Chapter II.

Meeting at Wood Chapel — Conversion of an old Class-leader — Glorious

Results of this Meeting—Mother and Son who Fought Against God—
Conversion of an Outbreaking Sinner — Visited Pleasant Valley and Zion —
Quarterly Meeting—Meeting at Liberty—Union Meeting— Conversion of an
Infidel, Eighty-five Years of Age —My Dream — At Liberty One Day — Visit
to Fort Wayne— Sermon: The City of God

Chapter III.

Meeting at Monroeville—Wonderful Display of God’s Power in Answer to

Prayer— My Vision—Running to His Death —Winding-Sheet and Coffin—
Good Results of this Meeting — Visions or Trances — On the Way to Canaan—
No; it is too late ” — Sealed for Eternal Life or Death— Meeting at Massilon —
Hold the Fort—An Account of this Meeting by Brother Shaffer

Chapter IV.

Meeting at Hoagland —Manifestation of God's Power—Meeting At

Midddletown—Experience of One in a Trance—An Infidel Seventy Years of
Age Converted — Four brothers—Brother Herad’s Family—Results of His
Meeting — Death of a Young Convert—The Golden City—Meeting at Five
Points—Nature's Chapel

Chapter V.
Meeting at Sheldon —Dry Bones—-A Church-Member Fifty-one Years,
Converted — “My God is Neither Deaf nor Crazy”—“Not Power Enough there
to Bring me Down”—Now or Never — Another Star in my Crown — Warning
to Parents—Bluffton Meeting—A Universalist and a Baptist Minister Obtain a
Good Experience, and the Latter’s Wife Preaches—The Rock that is Higher than
I—The Pilgrim—Sermon; Woman’s Privilege in the Gospel

Chapter VI.

Meeting at Union Chapel —Converted at the Window —A Saloon-Keeper

Converted—Little Jimmie—Trinity Chapel —Leaving the Field of Battle for a
Vacation—Rochester— Michigan City—Behind the Bars—Benton Harbor and
St. Joe, Michigan—The Gospel Ship —Oh! Let me in the Kingdom — Churches
Like a Theater — Import — Home Again—Delay Not

Chapter VII.

Camp-Meeting at Maples—The Ministers—Sabbath the Great Day —Solemn

Farewell Service—The Lord’s Supper in the Grove — Meeting at Zanesville—
Reconciliation—Vast Crowds—Golden Chariot—Preached two Funeral
Sermons—Grand Reunion—Meeting at Markle—A Logger Converted— “My
Sister’s got Religion” —My Heavenly Home

Chapter VIII.

Meeting at Trinity Chapel—Crime—Called to the Ministry— Baptismal Service

— Our Visit to Trinity — Conversion of an Unbeliever—Visit to Sheldon—
Meeting-at New Haven—O God, Send us Help! — Conversion of a Catholic—A
Little Child Shall Lead Them—Swift Judgment—Meeting at Maples—
Reinforcements—A Catholic Girl—Bringing in the Sheaves

Chapter IX.

Visiting the Churches — Little River—Markle—Two Deathbed Scenes —

Quarterly Meeting at Middletown — Brother Spellman—Meeting at Massillon
—Meeting at Liberty and New Haven — The Stranger at the Door —Sermon:
The Second Coming of Christ
Chapter X.

Report of my Work in the Past Year—Results of our Work— Trials and

Persecutions—My Health—Visions in the Night—One More Year's Work for
Jesus — Conversion and Death—Conference at Columbia City—My Ordination
—Preaching at Conference—Closing Scenes—The Macedonian Cry

Chapter XI.

Meeting at Little River—Baptismal Service—The Lord’s Supper— Feet

Washing—The Holy Kiss—Meeting at Cherubusco — Political Excitement —
Wonderful Conversions— Home Again — Visit to Trinity — Meeting at
Garrison’s School-House—Conversion of a Universalist—A Trance—The Child
of a King

Chapter XII.

Meeting at Buzzard’s School-House—The School-House too Small—Moved to

the Grove—The Church of God—Baptismal Service—The Lord's Supper, and
Feet-Washing— Glorious Meeting Saturday Evening— Sabbath Morning—
Closing Scenes of This Meeting—Our Visit to Buzzards

Chapter XIII.

Meeting at Hartford City—Wonderful Display of God's Power —A Trance in a

Store — Results of this Meeting—Press Notes — The Life Point—Meeting at
New Corner — Over Five Hundred Conversions—Report of this Meeting from
the Indianapolis Journal—The Closing Scenes — The Cleansing Stream

Chapter XIV.

Meeting at Summitville—Wonderful Results of This Meeting —Press Notes—

Closing Scenes — Meeting at Fairmount— Opinions of the Press — Closing
Scenes —Meeting at Columbia City— Success of this Meeting—The Far-famed
Evangelist — Fort Wayne Gazette Report of this Meeting —The Lily of the

Chapter XV.
Visiting the Daniel’s Bands — Meeting at Elwood — Cold Church-Members —
A Saloon-Keeper's Daughter—The Closing Scenes—Meeting at Tipton, Indiana
—Conversion of an Infidel Doctor—Results of this Meeting—Meeting at
Pendleton—Conversion of an Out-breaking Sinner—Meeting at Kokomo—Press

Chapter XVI.

Visit to Elwood—Lake Maniteau— Visit to Kokomo—Camp-Meetings at

Rochester, Greentown, Xenia, Willow Branch, Greenfield, and Alexandria —
Press Notes—Mrs. Sarah A. Dilts —Notes of my Last Year’s Labor—
Conclusion— Gathering Home
Table of Contents
Trials And Triumphs
Chapter I.
Chapter II.
Chapter lll.
Chapter IV.
Chapter V.
Chapter VI.
Chapter VII.
Chapter VIII.
Chapter IX.
Chapter X.
Chapter XI.
Chapter XII.
Chapter XIII.
Chapter XIV.
Chapter XV.
Chapter XVI.
The Revival Library
Chapter I.
Meeting at Potts Corner, near Van Wert—Conversion of Brother
Drake—Organized a Class and Sabbath-school — Death of a
Young Man who Fought Against. God — A Warning to Scoffers—
A Remarkable Circumstance—Birthday Parties — Conversion of
a Fiddler—He saved a Poor Sinner like me.

After receiving many calls from Potts Corner, Van Wort County, Ohio, we sent
an appointment, and went. We found a large Methodist Church. It looked
forsaken. The weeds were as high around the door as our heads. There had been
a large class at one time, but there arose trouble, the class went down, and it
looked as if no one could ever do any good after so much trouble. They were
about to sell the house. A Methodist Episcopal and a United Brethren minister,
also a number of Friends, had held about ten weeks’ meeting there and in a
school-house close by with very little good done, there being so much malice
against each other. We commenced the meeting, assisted by Brother Heller, a
United Brethren minister. For all it was such a busy time, the people turned out,
and that large house was crowded.

Among those who came out on tho Lord’s side was Brother Drake, a man of
very bright talents. He went right to preaching.

We formed a class and organized a largo union Sabbah-school. The people were
united in Christian love. The Methodist Episcopal conference sent a minister to
take care of the class. We elected Brother Drake as superintendent of the
Sabbath-school and class-leader. God bless Brother Drake. May he ever be
faithful, and lead the flock onward and upward.

There were some young men who behaved very badly in the meeting. We talked
and worked with them, but it did no good. The night we closed I told them they
had laughed and mocked, but God’s time was coming, when they would mourn;
that the judgment of a just God would soon overtake them; that it was on their
track; that they would think of this warning when it was too late. Soon after the
meeting closed, the leader, the one we talked to so much, was crushed by the
cars, and lock-jaw was about to set in. He said, “Oh, if I could live I would serve
the Lord.” Oh, it was awful! The people remembered how we had talked to him
and warned him, and many were brought to think of their condition; to see that it
is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God unprepared; that it is
useless for the king on his throne or the beggar to fight against God.

I will mention a circumstance which occurred while I was holding this meeting.
On Sabbath several loads of brethren came from a distance, intending to stay for
the night meeting, and wishing to be with me as much as possible. Bro. Heller, a
local minister of the United Brethren Church, told them to drive to his house, a
large and beautiful residence called the United Brethren Hotel. He and his wife
and amiable daughters are always ready to welcome the weary and administer to
their wants. We drove up, and being very weak and weary,—as I always am— I
leaned against the gate, waiting on the others as they passed through. One of the
brethren saw a large rattlesnake. I had been standing over it for some time. It was
the first I had ever seen. As I looked at it I realized my danger; but these words
came to me, “They shall tread on scorpions and not be hurt; shall go through fire
and not be burned; through water, and not be overwhelmed.” “Oh, that men
would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the
children of men.”

The friends and neighbors made a surprise on Father Hudson, it being his
ninetieth birthday. He and his wife lived with their son, who kindly cared for
them in their old age. This son was brightly converted in one of our meetings,
previous to this time. He erected a family-altar, attended to all the means of
grace, and tried to bring his aged parents to Christ, not being satisfied. He was
very anxious for me to attend the party. I held services, hoping to bring them out
into a better experience. It was a beautiful day, and the people kept coming until
the house and yard were full.

We went out into the orchard and took our seats around the table, which was
laden with everything to tempt the appetite. Rev. Johnson, an aged pilgrim,
returned thanks. After doing justice to the meal, we gathered around Father and
Mother Hudson and loaded them with presents. They were very much affected,
and wept for joy. We then opened the service by singing. Rev. Thomas then led
in prayer, after which I talked about God’s wonderful goodness to us and of the
time when we shall meet again to part no more. The power of God was
wonderfully near.
Nearly every one was in tears. Father and Mother Hudson were both blessed.
Several made a start for their heavenly home.

My sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Hashman, and her son were present. Many of the
young converts were there and took an active part. We separated, feeling that we
would never all meet again on earth, that our time had been well spent, and that
we had done no more than justice to the amiable couple.

One of the converts has since passed over the Jordan of death. I was in the midst
of a revival, about thirty miles away. He sent for me, begging me to come and be
with him in his last few hours. He kept asking for me until his last. I felt like
flying to his bedside; but it seemed impossible for me to go, for so many
precious souls were just ready to be led to Christ. The responsibility seemed too
great; I dare not leave the meeting. But I felt satisfied that he was prepared to
meet his God. He went to sleep in the arms of Jesus, to awake in the better and
fairer world above.

This brother was brought to Christ one year before his death. I was holding a
meeting near Wiltshire. They told me of this man. They said he was the hardest
sinner in the community. He was a fiddler, and called for dances. He could
hardly speak without swearing, and was down on all the churches and ministers.
He said they were all d—d hypocrites. I could not go to see him, and he did not
come to meeting. I said we would pray to God to convict him at his home. We
did so, and God answered our prayers. He told his wife he was going to the
meeting, but he expected I was a d—d hypocrite, like all the rest. His wife was
brightly converted; and in giving his experience he said when I went back to him
he tried to make me mad; but the more cross he talked the more earnestly I
pleaded with him, until he had to yield. He did a great deal of good the year he
lived. He continued to praise God till the hour of his death, saying all the time,
“It is so wonderful that Jesus saved such a sinner as I.” I felt, as a brother wrote,
there is another star in my crown. He is not dead—only gone before. I feel that
he will be among the first to meet me at the pearly gate and welcome me to my
Father’s house.

I was once far away from the Savior,

And as vile as a sinner could be.
I wondered if Christ the Redeemer,
Could save a poor sinner like me.
I wandered on in the darkness,
Not a ray of light could I see,
And the thought filled my heart with sadness,
There is no hope for a sinner like me.

As on in the darkness I was walking,

A voice sweetly whispered to me,
Saying Christ the Redeemer hath power,
To save a poor sinner like me.

I listened, and lo ’twas the Savior

That was speaking so kindly to me.
I cried, “I am the chief of sinners,
Thou can’st save a poor sinner like me.”

No longer in darkness I'm walking,

For the light is now shining on me,
And now unto others I’m telling
How he saved a poor sinner like me.

And when life’s journey is over,

And I the dear Savior shall see,
I’ll praise him forever and ever,
For saving a sinner like me.
Chapter II.
Meeting at Wood’s Chapel — Conversion of an old Class-Leader
— Glorious Results of this Meeting—Mother and Son who Fought
Against God — Conversion of an Out-breaking Sinner— Visited
Pleasant Valley and Zion — Quarterly Meeting — Meeting at
Liberty—Union Meeting—Conversion of An Infidel, Eighty-Five
Years of Age —My Dream—At Liberty One Day—Visit to Ft.
Wayne—Sermon: The City of God.

THE Macedonian call from Wood's Chapel, across the Indiana line, being very
urgent, I felt the Lord calling. I commenced the meeting under very discouraging
surroundings. The house was new. The class had been organized principally of
unconverted members. About nine years previous there had been strife in the
church and the members became scattered.

The class-leader, a man tottering upon the verge of the grave, bless God, was
reclaimed. His wife and nearly all his family were also brought into the fold.
Another brother, who had been a great help to the cause, but had lost his power
and experience, said he would never again take an interest in religion. The first
night the house was crowded, and if ever I needed the prayers of the people, it
was then. I was so weak I could hardly get up in the stand. I called on this man
to pray. He commenced, “Lord, thou hast sent her here. If she preaches to the
day of judgment, no one will be saved,” and so forth. I raised my head and
looked to see who he was. I said, “My good man, you will change your mind
before many days; if you cannot pray for me, I can pray for myself.” And I
believe it gave me strength and power.

The next night I called on him again, and the people were rejoiced to hear him
change his prayer. I opened the door and received twelve into the church. He was
among the first to give me his hand, and he was one of my best friends. Praise
God! Those who are prejudiced or ready to light me when I go to a new place of
battle are always the first taken into the gospel net, and to invite me home with
Many whole families were brought into the church. There was hardly a family
for three miles around where there was not one or more of its members
converted in the meeting. The meeting lasted five weeks, day and night, the
interest increasing all the time. The house was crowded to overflowing most of
the time. This was almost twice as long as I had ever held a meeting before.

It has been ten months since I held that meeting. I saw a brother a few days ago
from there. He was converted during the meeting. He said they were all standing
firm at their posts.

During this meeting there was a woman under deep conviction, but she wore it
off, and became defiant. I told her she was going to wait for God to send
judgments on her or her family. She said she would resist it. A few days after the
meeting closed her favorite son went to work on the railroad. Two days
afterward he was brought to her cut to pieces by the train. He had gone through
all the meeting, and refused the last call. Dear reader, take warning and fly to the
rock Christ Jesus for refuge.

There was a man who had been for years trying to break up all the meetings, and
had succeeded. He came to this meeting and commenced as usual. He talked
about me and said all the wicked things he could think of. He did all he could to
keep the people from coming to the altar. The brethren became discouraged, and
said there was no mercy for him. I felt that if he was ever saved it must be that
night. I was very much impressed to pray to God to remove the stumbling-block;
if there was any mercy for him, to convert him at once, or remove him out of the
way. He was in the house, and praises be to God for answering my prayer in
sending conviction so deep that he was glad to cry for mercy. He said he
believed that that prayer saved him. The next night I called on him to address the
congregation. The people were very much surprised to see such a change.

God can and will give us victory if we only trust him.

I went with Brother Cost from this place to Pleasant Valley, and held one
meeting, and from there to Zion (Methodist churches) and held one meeting.

From Zion I went to Union Chapel to attend quarterly meeting. I met Brother
Jacob Clark for the first time. He has attended several meetings since. He is an
efficient worker, and has great power in prayer and singing. God bless him and
keep him faithful.
Bro. Dillon, the elder, seemed very earnest. He is fully given up to the work of
his Master. He was anxious for me to preach at three o’clock, but as I had
promised to commence a series of meetings at Liberty that evening, I had to

Several of the ministers and myself took dinner together, and after a season of
prayer Mr. Woodworth and myself left for Liberty United Brethren Church.

Brother Cost had insisted on my going to Liberty, and had promised to have it
announced. On arriving there we found that nothing had been said in reference to
the meeting and very few were expecting us. The brethren were not ready for a
meeting. I had one meeting and closed.

The Methodists requested me to come to Shiloh, a quarter of a mile from

Liberty. We did so. I visited the members of the United Brethren Church and
invited them to come and have a union meeting. They came over and helped us,
and invited us to their homes. Among the many kind brothers and sisters, were
the Brothers Fredlines and families. I shall always remember them for their
kindness. Elder Bay, from Auglaize County, preached one night. God bless
Brother Bay, the sweet singer in Israel. Brother Miller, the pastor in charge, a
pleasant and talented man, was there part of the time and assisted us. Revs. Cost
and Thomas were present also.

We had a glorious meeting. Nearly every house became a house of prayer. There
were three brightly converted who were past fifty years of age; also one eighty-
five years old, a skeptic and infidel. He had fought all the churches and insulted
the ministers who had talked to him. I called on him at his house. I saw the old
man was very intelligent and well posted on every subject, except the one of the
most vital importance to him. Oh, how my heart went out to him in pity. I saw
something must be done or he was forever lost. I saw him standing on the brink
of the grave, and that was hell to him. He wanted to argue on every point but the
right one. I would bring him back to his lost condition, telling him God sent me
to lead him to Christ. I saw he was getting very uneasy, that the Spirit of God
had hold of him, so I left. He became very much troubled. In a few days he sent
for me tell him what he should do to be saved, and as I talked to him he wept
like a child. His wife said it was the first time she had ever seen him weep. To
the surprise of all, he went with us to church that night. He sat right in front of
the pulpit, where he could look me right in the face and catch every word. I
spoke from the text, “Prepare to meet thy God.” I talked right to and for him. He
thought it a wonderful meeting. He said he never saw anything like it before. A
great change came over him. But I was not satisfied with his experience.

He could not understand the change of heart. Like Nicodemus, he wanted to

reason it out. He came to meeting the next day. I went to him and talked and
prayed with him. He received the blessing like a little child. He gave himself
fully to Jesus, and looked up to heaven for the witness; and bless the Lord it
came. He arose, laughing through his tears, to shake hands. He threw his arms
around the neck of a brother, and they both wept for joy. Nearly every one in the
house was laughing or weeping for joy.

God bless and keep the dear old father. I expect to meet him in heaven and talk
of God’s wonderful mercy in saving him at the eleventh hour.

Brother Smith and wife were among those that stepped into the lifeboat. I met
them a few days ago. They are still sailing for glory.

Brother John Brown, one of the most faithful soldiers I ever met, did a great
work in the meetings, and has helped in several others since. His lovely daughter
came out in a better experience at that meeting, and took an active part. She has
since passed over the river in triumph. I was at Bluffton at the time of her death,
holding a meeting, and knew nothing of it.

About the time she passed away I dreamed I saw the Savior coming in the clouds
in a golden chariot. He came down to earth. My daughter Georgie was with him.
She came and put her arms around my neck and told me the Savior was coming
for me, and told me of the other little ones. She said, “O Mamma, be ready; it
won’t be long till you will come too.” Sister Brown got into the chariot, and they
all went back to heaven. This was before my mind for several days; I could
hardly work. When I came home they told me she was dead.

About eighty joined the Methodist Episcopal Church and several the United
Brethren Church from that meeting. We closed and went over to Liberty and
held one meeting. Two were brightly converted and eighteen arose for prayers.
We elected a steward and urged them to be prompt in paying their pastor,
Brother Cost. We had a glorious time. I would have staid and carried on the
work, but I had another appointment to fill in a few days. I promised to return at
an early day to hold a meeting. The way has not yet been opened. May the
richest blessings of God ever rest on the dear people of that vicinity.
From there we went to Ft. Wayne on business. We called at Brother Stewart's,
the United Brethren minister. They received us very kindly and insisted on our
staying over Sabbath, and that I should preach. We staid. That evening there was
great power and interest manifested throughout the congregation. The members
were very anxious for us to stay and hold a meeting. I never saw a better
prospect for a revival; but I was expected at Monroeville on Monday. We staid
that night and the next morning took the train for Monroeville.


“Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God.”—Psalms lxxxvii. 3.

The whole of this text refers literally to the ancient city of David, yet it is
undoubtedly an encomium of the glory and privileges of the Christian church, of
which Jerusalem was a type. Jerusalem was exalted and fortified by its situation,
but much more so by the favor and protection of Jehovah— verses one and two:
“His foundation is in the holy mountains.” “ The Lord loveth the gates of Zion
more than the dwellings of Jacob.”

What Jerusalem was, the Christian church now is. Built by God “upon the
foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief
corner-stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto a holy
temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of
God.” God loves his church beyond the kingdoms and empires of the earth,
which rise and fall only to subserve his purposes concerning her.

Although Jerusalem was eminently typical of the church on earth, it was no less
so of the triumphant church above.


Jerusalem was truly the “City of God,” the city which he particularly chose, and
the one to which he paid especial regard. It was the capital of the kingdom of
Judah, and the scene of the most extraordinary events, in which men and angels
have and must forever have the deepest interest. This was the place selected by
the Almighty for his dwelling, and here his glory was rendered visible. Of this
place David speaks, saying, “Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the
towers thereof. Mark ye well her bulwarks, and consider her palaces; that ye
may tell it to the generation following.” He says further that the city is “beautiful
for situation; the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion.” It was indeed at one
time “the perfection of beauty and the glory of all the land.” Here David sat and
tuned his harp and sang the praises of Jehovah. Hither the tribes came up to
worship. Here enraptured prophets saw bright visions of the world above and
received messages from on high for guilty man. Here our Lord and Savior came
in the form of a servant, and groaned and bled, and wept and poured out his soul
unto death to redeem us from sin and to save us from the pains of hell. This
ancient city was the emporium of Jewish commerce and the seat of oriental
learning. Above all others, these glorious things were spoken of this city.

There was the seat of the civil government. There were the splendid courts of the
kings of Judah. “There” says the psalmist, “are set the thrones of judgment.”
There the princes and nobles resided. From thence issued the mandates, by
which the people were governed.

There the divine ordinances were celebrated. There was the ark, the altar, the
sacrifices, and the stupendous temple of Solomon. There was, the testimony of
Jehovah. There were the visible symbols of divine glory, the King of heaven
dwelling in the midst of his people. “For now I have chosen and sanctified this
house, that my name may be there forever and mine eyes and mine heart shall he
there perpetually.” David said, “ God is known in her palaces for a refuge.”

There was the general assemblage of all the Israelitish tribes. Three times a year
all the males from all the Jewish dominion came up to Jerusalem, to worship.
How interesting it must have been to see such multitudes all assembled to praise
God in the beauty of holiness, playing on sacred instruments, singing beautiful
songs, and making solemn processions.

They received a glorious name — “Vision of Peace.” It was honored with the
presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was and still is the “ Prince of peace.”



“Jerusalem which is from above, which is the mother of us all;” that is, all
believers. Hence, Christians are represented as fellow-citizens of this spiritual
Jerusalem. (Eph. ii. 19.) Now of this spiritual city glorious things are spoken.

It has been gloriously founded by the living God. It is built upon Jesus Christ,
the sure foundation and precious corner-stone. “For other foundation can no man
lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” “Thou art Peter, and on this rock
[Christ] I will build my church.” The general church, then, is built by God and
securely founded on Jesus Christ. He purchased the church with his own blood.
“Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garment from Bozrah? this that
is glorious in his apparel traveling in the greatness of his strength? I who speak
in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy
garments like him that treadeth in the winevat. I have trodden the wine-press
alone: and of the people there was none with me.” He quickens every member
by his own Spirit. “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and

God protects and supports it by his own power, He has all power in heaven and
on earth. He says the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church. He who is
an inhabitant of the spiritual Jerusalem is safe. The church will live when its
enemies are all dead and their names have perished from the annals of human

It possesses glorious privileges. All ancient enfranchised cities had various

immunities and privileges; but none ever had such as are enjoyed in the spiritual

We enjoy in the church spiritual illumination. Christ says, “I will pray the Father,
and he shall give you an other Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;
even the Spirit of truth; whom the world can not receive.” “But the Comforter,
which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach
you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said
unto you.”

We have peace with God. There is no peace, saith God, to the wicked. But the
apostle says, “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God.”

“The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost which is given
unto us.” Solomon says, “Let the children of Zion [the church] be joyful in their
King” The apostle says, “We joy and rejoice greatly” John says, “Whom having
not seen, ye love; in whom, though now you see him not, yet believing, ye
rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” We are protected from danger.
“Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome
pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou
trust; his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the
terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that
walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand
shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come
nigh thee.”

The constant presence and favor of Christ. He says, “I will never leave thee nor
forsake thee.” Again, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”
“And where I am there shall my servant be also.”

The spiritual Jerusalem contains glorious inhabitants. They are all free. Paul
says, “We are not children of the bond-woman, but of the free.” “Being made
free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and
the end everlasting life.”

They are a heavenly race, suitable to the dignity of the Founder of the city. They
are born of God. “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.” And,
“Whosoever is horn of God overcometh the world.”

They are sons of God. “Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed
upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” John further says, “Beloved,
now are we the sons of God.” Paul says, “They are heirs of God and joint heirs
with Jesus Christ.”

They are a holy people. “Every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself
even as he is pure.” “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all
sin.” “Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not.” “Whosoever is born of God doth
not commit sin.” It is written, “Ye are a holy nation.” Their robes have all been
washed in the blood of the Lamb.

They are priests and kings. The Apostle Peter says, referring to the inhabitants of
the spiritual Jerusalem, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a
holy nation, a peculiar people.” The revelator says of Christ, “He hath made us
kings and priests unto God.” They shall see the great white throne, and have
crowns on their heads and palms in their hands and reign forever and ever.


Heaven, is emphatically the City of God; the city of the great King; a city which
hath foundations, which is to come; the city which the ancient patriarchs sought,
and the city which John saw in a vision and afterward described. The future
home of the saints is represented by various figures, calculated to convey the
sublimest ideas of durability and perfection; such as a house, mansion, city, and
inheritance. It is a located place— a city within bounds. Jesus said, “I go to
prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." That
place is heaven, and glorious things are spoken of it in the Oracle's of God. It is
surpassingly grand in magnificence. There the throne of supreme glory is
erected, and there manifestations of God are witnessed. The sun is a splendid
object here. The radiance of the stars and the beauty of the firmament impress
our senses strongly. But these and all other resplendent objects which glitter in
mortal eyes have no glory by reason of that which excelleth it.

The revelator says, or God through him, “Come up hither, and I will show thee
things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the Spirit: and,
behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat
was, to look upon, like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow
round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the
throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty
elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of
gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices:
and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the
seven Spirits of God. And before tho throne there was a sea of glass like unto
crystal.” (Rev. iv. 1-6.)

The revelator further says, “He showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem,
having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even
like a jasper-stone, clear as crystal; and had a wall great and high, and had
twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels. And the wall of the city had twelve
foundations. And the city lieth four square, and the length is as large as the
bredth. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there
the tree of life, which bore twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every
month. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light
of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign forever and
ever. (Rev, xxi. 10-14.)

Such is the description of heaven, the saints’ future home. ls it not surpassingly
grand in magnificence?

It is complete in its enjoyments. This will appear when we consider that it

perfectly excludes all evil.

“Those holy gates forever bar

Pollution, sin, and shame,
And none shall gain admittance there,
But followers of the Lamb.”

The inhabitants have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the
lamb. The question has been asked, “Who shall dwell in my holy hill?” The
answer is, “He that hath clean hands and a pure heart.” “The pure in heart shall
see God.”

We will enjoy the utmost perfection of soul and body. These bodies, no longer
subject to aches, pains, and disease, will be free and light-winged as thought
itself, and our enraptured spirits will drink in the glory of the celestial world, and
our enraptured souls will be filled with the glory of the King of Kings and of the
ransomed hosts of heaven. We will sing through all eternity, “I’ve been
redeemed, been washed in the blood of the Lamb.” Glory to God.

Glorious visions. We shall see God, Christ, angels, and our brethren and friends
that have gone before. “They shall be like him, for they shall see him as he is.”
“The pure in heart shall see God,” “ Now we see through a glass, darkly; but
then face to face” “They shall see the King in his beauty.”

The most glorious and amicable society will be enjoyed in heaven, and the most
pleasing engagements will be enjoyed by the blood-washed throng, for the
marriage-supper of the Lamb has come. Glory to God, the city is almost in sight.
Dear friends, travelers to the judgment-bar of God, will you not go with us. God
is calling you to-day. Oh, come and be a soldier for Jesus, that you may enjoy a
better country and walk the gold-paved streets with Christ the Redeemer and the
saints of light.

The city above is eternal in its duration. Built by Jehovah, it rests on his
goodness, power, and truth, an immovable basis. “The saints shall sing forever
and ever.” “Believers shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

“There is a city mine eye doth see In visions of enraptured thought;

So bright I that all which spreads between Is with its radiant glory fraught.
A land upon whose blissful shore,
There rests no shadow, fails no stain,
There those who meet shall part no more,
And those long parted meet again.’

“Glorious things are spoken of thee, O City of God.

“ When we’ve been there ten thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we first begun.”
Chapter lll.
Meeting at Monroeville—Wonderful Display of God’s Power in Answer to
Prayer—My Vision — Running to his Death— Winding-Sheet and Coffin—
Good Results of this Meeting— Visions or Trances — On the Way to Canaan —
“No; it is too late”—Sealed for Eternal Life or Death—Meeting at Massillon —
Hold the Fort—An Account of this Meeting by Brother Shaffer.

On arriving at Monroeville, Allen County, Indiana, we called on Brother Miller,

the pastor in charge, and commenced meeting that evening in the Methodist
Episcopal Church, November, 1883. The church, with a few exceptions, was
dead. There had not been a revival in the town for years to amount to anything,
and nearly every one predicted a failure. They had not had a mourner’s bench for
nine or ten years. At the close of the next day’s meeting I asked the sexton to set
the instrument back and bring up front the poor despised mourner’s bench. He
laughed, and said he would, "When the people saw the mourner’s bench they
said it would be a good joke on me, that we would have no use for it. While
preaching that night I shouted victory, and told them to clear the altar, —for the
house was crowded,— and called for seekers. They began crowding to the altar,
and continued to do so for three weeks, day and night.

The church had become so formal, its members walking so inconsistently, that
many of the best men and women had become almost skeptical. I felt that it
would require a great display of the power of God to convince them of the
reality of experimental religion. God has said, “Whatsoever you desire for the
glory of God, I will do it.” Believing on his promises, for three nights I prayed
for God to display his power in his own way, to show the people that God was
working. I prayed with all earnestness, believing he would answer my prayer.

The third day one of the old sisters fell over cold and stiff, as if dead, apparently
no signs of life excepting the heating of her pulse. We laid her on the pulpit sofa.
She remained there the rest of the day, and during the evening meeting two other
ladies fell over in the same way. The people were very much excited. We told the
audience if they would come quietly they could pass around and see them. Some
were afraid to touch them. Several of the brethren and sisters staid, and sang and
prayed all night with them. The next day six more went over, one young lady
becoming stiff while standing, her eyes wide open, A sweet smile was on her
face. It was lighted up with the glory of God, and she looked like an angel. She
stood that way about two hours. They then carried her home, with five others. As
they carried them out, one after the other, without any signs of life, the people
became frightened and some ran from the church. I had never seen the like. Oh,
how my faith was strengthened. I felt God had sent this in answer to my prayer.

I went over in like manner several times during the meeting, while singing or
talking; and sometimes while on my knees I would become stiff and remain in
that condition for some time. The glory of God would come down like a cloud
around me. I seemed to fall into the arms of Jesus. The angels were all around
me. Sometimes I would see my children and others who had passed over. Some
had wonderful experiences.

One night I was pleading with sinners to accept the invitation to be present at the
marriage-supper of God’s only begotten Son. I felt that death was very near. I
told them some one was refusing for the last time; the coffin and winding-sheet
were near. Oh, how I pleaded with them to accept while there was mercy. One
old man was so convicted he could not stand it. He, would not yield. He left the
house, cursing the Methodist Church. He thought to run away from God. But
swift judgment was on his track. In going out of town the train ran over him and
killed him. The next morning before seven o'clock they told me he was in his
winding-sheet and ready for the coffin. It caused a wonderful excitement. Some
said I prayed for God to kill him, and that they would not have me to pray for
them for fifty dollars. Others said I mesmerized the people, and many were
afraid to come to the church. I told the congregation they need not stay away; we
could pray for them at their homes, and God would answer our prayers and make
them so sin-sick that they would be glad to come to church and beg for mercy.
Praise God!. He was working in his own way. Conviction took hold of the

Reformation fire began to spread, till many hundreds have been brightly
converted. About two hundred came out in a good experience in that meeting
and about one hundred united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Several
ministers were present during the meeting. Brother Miller, the pastor, assisted us
in the work. Brother Nash, an old father in Israel, Brother Masters, Elder
Merideth, Brother Fuller, the Baptist minister, and others were present. When we
closed we appointed cottage prayer-meetings from house to house. Sometimes
there would be five or six a week. Several have been converted in these

It has been seven months since the meeting closed and the work is still going on.
Oh, may they all be kept in the fold and led by the loving Shepherd until he shall
lead us all up through the pearly gates, “to go in, to go out no more for ever.”

All through the history of the Bible God has warned his people by visions and
dreams; but more especially in these last days has he promised to do this. These
last days began on the day of Pentecost. When God poured out his Spirit on his
sons and daughters they began to preach and prophesy. But take notice, he says
especially in these last days. We are now living in the days when we may look
for and expect these things. “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” A vision is a trance.. Paul said
while praying he fell in a trance. A good place to go. If we would but pray more
the right kind of prayers and ask for what we want, believing we are talking to
one Father, and continue to look until the blessing comes! Do not ask for a loaf
and be satisfied with the crumbs! The idea of children of a King feeding on
crumbs when the table is richly loaded with heavenly bounties! Oh, let us come
boldly to the throne of grace, that our joy may be full! Let us drive everything
else out of our hearts, that we may be filled with the glory of God; that our
experience my be something like Paul’s, when he fell in a trance. The Lord Jesus
stood by him and talked to him face to face, and told him where he should go
and what be should do. The prophet said, “The time is coming when if a man
dream a dream, or see a vision, he will be ashamed to tell it. That day is here. It
requires, a great deal of the grace of God to tell these; things, the world is so
filled with unbelief. But. Jesus said it should be so: “People should wax worse
and worse.” “There should be a falling-away in the churches.” “False teachers
should arise having the form of godliness, but denying the power: from such turn
away.” How many hundred preachers there are to-day who preach the letter but
deny the power and the Spirit. The letter kills; but the Spirit makes alive. God
pity such leaders—blind leaders leading the blind. They are all on the road to
hell together. Oh, that the churches would arise from the sleep of death and call
upon God that he may give them light. “ As many as are the sons of God are led
by the Spirit of God.” Are we being led by the Spirit of God?

“I’m on my way to Canaan,

I bid this world farewell.
Come on, my fellow-travelers,
In spite of earth and hell;
Yet scripture doth, engage the sword,
And strength of love divine,
Though Satan’s army rages hard
And all his hosts combine.

“I’ll blow the gospel trumpet loud

And all nations call;
For Christ hath me commissioned
To say he died for all.
Come try his grace, come prove him now
You shall the gift obtain;
He will not send you empty hence,
Nor let you come in vain.

“And if you want more witnesses,

We have some just at hand,
Who lately have experienced
The glory of that land.
It comes in copious showers down—
Our souls can scarce contain;
It fills our ransomed powers now,
And yet we drink again.

“Says Faith, Look yonder, see the crown

Laid up in heaven above!
Says Hope, It shortly shall be mine;
I’ll wear it soon, says Love.
Desire says, This is my home;
Then to my place I’ll fly,
I can not bear a longer stay,
My rest I fain would see.

“But stop, says Patience, wait awhile,

The crown’s for those who fight,
The prize for those who run the race,
By faith, and not by sight.
Then Faith does take a pleasing view,
Hope waits, Love sits and sings,
Desire flutters to be gone,
But Patience holds her wings.”

A few weeks after the meeting at Monroeville a young man died who had passed
through the meeting. I had pleaded with him to leave all and come to Christ. But
no; he said he would risk it a little longer. He was sick only a few days, when he
inquired for me. They told him where I was holding meeting, and asked if they
should send for me. “Ho,” he replied; “ it is too late.” “Oh,” said he, “I would
give all the world to be back in that meeting one hour with the feeling I had then.
Oh, if I had listened to the voice of God, calling me from out of darkness into
light, and taken her advice when she urged me to prepare to meet my God and
told of the shortness of life and that dreadful eternity. But it is too late, too late!”
One of the converts offered to pray for him. But he said, “It is no use; I must
meet my God in this dreadful condition.” This was sad news to me. As I look
forward to the judgment-day, when I shall meet him and doubtless see him
banished from the presence of the Lord. Oh, the responsibility of standing
between the living and the dead as a mouth-piece for God!

As I plead with sinners, how my heart goes out to them in love and pity,
knowing that the same message will seal the destiny of some for eternal life and
some for eternal damnation. It is a terrible thing to procrastinate till the Spirit
leaves us to our doom; till we become past feeling, given over to hardness of
heart “As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the
wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from
your evil ways; for why will ye die.” Life is set before you without money and
without price, but it will avail you nothing unless you accept Him as your
personal Savior. The devils believe that and tremble on account of the
punishment that awaits them.

Dear reader, you must come a humble penitent at the feet of Jesus, feeling
yourself lost and believing that he alone can save you. Jesus will lift you up out
of the mire and clay and roll your sins away as far as the east is from the west.
The Holy Spirit quickens the body dead in sin. God breathes the breath of eternal
life into our hearts and gives us the witness of the Spirit that we are born again.
You are now adopted into the family of God, of which part are in heaven and
part are on earth. You are a son or a daughter of the most high God, a child of a
King, and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. Your heart will be full of love to God
your Father, who has given you salvation, and you will go forward in the
ordinance of baptism and all other works of righteousness, working out your
salvation with fear and trembling. Salvation is not of works, lest any man should
boast. Eternal life is the gift of God. If you pay a penny for anything, or work for
it, it is no longer a gift. Praise God! Salvation is free for you and me; I am glad
salvation is free. Oh, let us improve the precious moments, knowing that every
little thing we do for Jesus is precious in his sight. As soldiers for Jesus, we
should put on the whole armor of God, never expecting to lay it down until the
last battle is fought and victory shall be ours through the blood of the Lamb.

I next held a meeting at Massillon Chapel, Allen County, Indiana, commencing

December 27, 1883, which continued two weeks. There were two classes there,
the Lutherans and the Methodists. The classes were both very small and
spiritually very low. Everything looked discouraging. But I commenced with
strong faith, praying that God would give us victory. Revs. Nash, Miller, and
Douglass, and Brother Martin assisted. Brother John Brown and several of the
converts from other places gave efficient aid.

The second night the holy fire broke out. Every one that had a spark of the Spirit
of God in his heart seemed to have it fanned into a blaze. It began to spread from
one to another, until it went for miles around, like fire in dry stubble. Whole
families were swept into the kingdom: twenty-five married men and many of
their wives and children.

One night a father, mother, and three sons were at the altar at once, and all were
brightly converted. The father had at first made light of me. He was opposed to
me going there to hold a meeting. After he was converted he confessed it. He
said I had been the means of saving his soul. Brothers Todd and Shaffer, two
talented men, were almost skeptics, but God through his wonderful power to
save knocked the props out in time and saved them to the uttermost. Brother
Todd was once a class-leader and was respected by all who knew him; but
through some cause he became discouraged, neglected the means of grace, and
for twenty years had been in the enemy’s service. He had got to drinking and
was, as we sometimes say, down in the gutter. Brother Todd will be willing for
me to tell this for the encouragement of others who are addicted to strong drink,
and for the glory of God, who will save all that turn from their wicked ways and
believe on him. I had heard of him before going there and prayed that the way
might be opened for him to be brought back to the fold. Praise God, my prayers
were not in vain, the prodigal came home. There were shouts of joy and weeping
all over the house when the aged man got up and told how miserable he had been
and how the dear Shepherd had followed him and snatched him as a brand from
the everlasting burning.

With, tears streaming down his face, he praised God for saving him from eternal
misery and woe. We organized a Sabbath-school and placed him as a teacher
over a large class of men and women. It is nearly six months, and he is still
climbing Jacob’s ladder and calling the sheep after him.

Brother Vaughn attended the meeting, and although he tried to get others to
come out, he thought there was no hope for himself. I knew he was in a
dangerous condition. I talked with him day after day and told him to come out
and work for feeling. One evening he got up and told the people his heart was
hard as a stone, but if there was any mercy for him he was going to have it. He
dropped on his knees and began to pray. I felt if he was ever saved it must be
there and then. As I prayed it seemed as though heaven and earth came together,
and in a few minutes he was on his feet speaking as if it were with other tongues,
exhorting sinners to come to Christ. He is still on his way rejoicing.

I was very much interested in Brother Smith. I knew he had bright talents that
ought to be used to the glory of God. It was about the close of the meeting. I
made my way back through the crowd to him. He said he wanted to be a
Christian, but was afraid he could not stand. I appointed one more meeting,
especially for his benefit. When the invitation was given he came up with
Brother Vanhorn, through the packed house, singing, “Hold the fort, for I am
coming.” I then felt free to close the meeting. Although it was during the coldest
weather we had that winter, the house was crowded both day and night. There
were about seventy converts, about forty reclaimed, and seventy united with the

I never saw so much solid, substantial material, financially and mentally, with
acquired attainments, gathered together in one meeting. It was one of the most
joyful meetings to me I ever passed, through. Brothers Smith and Brown were
elected superintendents of the Sunday-school, and they have one of the best
schools I know of. After the meeting closed they started with about nine prayer-
meetings a week, sometimes holding three on the same evening, in different
parts of the neighborhood, so that all could have a chance to attend. They still
have their prayer-meetings on Thursday night. It is a union meeting. Quite a
number have been converted in these meetings.

I commit them all to the care of the great Shepherd, believing that he will keep
and present them faultless before the great white throne, where I shall meet them
to part no more; where we shall walk and talk with Jesus, as we join the great
company of the blood-washed throng and raise our voices in singing glory to
Him who bought us with his own precious blood.

Massillon, Allen Co., Ind., Oct. 7,1884.

At the close of the meeting, which lasted a little over two weeks, Mrs. M. B.
Woodworth organized a Sabbath-school under the care of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, with a membership of some eighty scholars, and appointed a
regular prayer-meeting to be held in the church every Thursday evening, and at
private houses cottage prayer-meetings, from three to four each week, all of
which have been kept up regularly. Several persons have been converted at the
cottage prayer-meetings.

And now, after the lapse of nine months, on viewing the ground we find a
flourishing Sunday-School, with a determination to continue all the year, and
prayer-meetings and preaching regularly and promptly attended, and all the
members ready to work for the Lord.

Who can but acknowledge the hand of God in sending Sister Woodworth among
us as an instrument in his hand for the conversion of almost the entire
neighborhood. To his great name be all the praise.

On the 20th of September we held a Sunday-school picnic at Massillon, to

which, with other speakers, we invited Mrs. Woodworth, where we had a grand
Sunday-school reunion, after which she consented to remain with us three
evenings,, and hold a reunion and praise meeting, commencing on Sabbath
evening. God was pleased to meet with us at each coming together and bless his
people. On Tuesday evening, the evening that the meeting closed, was the grand
climax. The good Lord came down in his Spirit’s power and filled the whole
house, and shouts of praise went up from the assembled congregation.

And now, in conclusion, I would heartily recommend Sister Woodworth as a

strictly devoted and pious lady, one whose labors have been blessed of God in
the conversion of sinners, reclaiming of backsliders, reviving and building up of
the Master’s kingdom.

John Shatter.
Chapter IV.
Meeting at Hoagland— Manifestation of God’s Power—Meeting at Middletown
— Experience of One in a Trance—An Infidel Seventy Years of Age Converted
— Four Brothers — Brother Herad’s Family — Results of this Meeting—Death
of a Young Convert—The Golden City — Meeting at Five Points— Nature's

I HELD meeting in the Baptist Church at Hoagland, which continued five days
and was attended with wonderful displays of God's power. The other
denominations were all prejudiced against this church, for some cause or other
unknown to me, and they did not feel like working, and sat back. The Baptists
were very weak and not in working order. Some of the converts from other
places came and went to work with wonderful power.

I never saw such manifestations of the power of God before or since. The house
was full of the glory of God. It was like a mist. People fell down in their seats all
over the house, overpowered with the glory of God. Sinners came out crying for

One lady, who is loved by all, but who had been making light of those going into
trances, came to the altar. It was not long until she received the blessing, and
then she stiffened out in a trance. I closed the meeting, leaving some friends to
stay with her, thinking she would soon come to; but when I came to evening
meeting she was still there, with a great crowd around her. She had been lying all
the time without speaking and with her eyes wide open, preaching the most
wonderful sermon with her hands. By signs she would ask sinners to come to
Christ, to look to the cross, with her hands making the form of the cross, urging
them by signs to come to Christ and give their hearts to God or they would go to
hell. She would try to get their hands and induce them to bow at her side. If they
would not, she would weep as though her heart would break. The hardest sinners
were made to weep. The most skeptical were brought to Christ. No one could
doubt that God was working in a wonderful way to awaken the people from the
sleep of death. She continued that way through the evening. I felt the power of
the Holy Ghost to the ends of my fingers. I seemed to be as light as a feather.
As I knelt down to pray, before preaching, I became overpowered. The next
thing I knew I was walking up and down the aisle, exhorting sinners to come to
Christ. A lady who had been prejudiced against me came to the altar under deep
conviction. She kept praying for more and more of God’s Spirit until she was
filled to overflowing. We laid her on a seat, with no more signs of life than if she
were dead. She remained that way through the afternoon and evening. Her
cousin fell in like manner. We laid them both in a sleigh, as stiff as rails, and
went with them home. We laid them on a bed. After some time the sister threw
up her hands, calling for me, and spoke of seeing something beautiful. I went to
her, but she was again like one dead. They both came to, shouting. I asked the
one if she remembered speaking my name. She said she did. She said the first
thing she saw was the angel Gabriel. He came and took her by the hand and led
her across a terrible gulf. He told her to stop and look at it; that it was hell,
prepared for the damned. She said it was too terrible to describe. There was
wailing and gnashing of teeth. They passed over the beautiful river of Jordan and
into a beautiful city. She saw great companies of angels at the gates and
marching through the streets. She saw the Savior and talked with him. He had
her crown. She wanted it; but he said no, her work wag not done. She-said he
had a beautiful crown full of bright stars for me. Under it was written my name
and my mission—“to call Burners to Christ.” Back of the crown was a band of
angels. He said they were waiting to welcome me home when my work was
finished here below. Oh, how the glory of God came down on us while we were
talking. I could almost see Jesus holding my crown and saying, “Be faithful a
little longer and I will come for you.”

I went to Middletown, and on Saturday evening commenced a revival-meeting. I

was assisted by the pastor, Rev. McCarty, and Brothers Puller, Sellers, and
Woods; also some of the converts, from the former meetings came and went to
work. Among them were those two sisters who had such a wonderful experience
in the last meeting, and God wonderfully used them to his glory.

On Sabbath morning the presence of God was wonderfully manifest, from the
beginning of the services, until we all felt that it was none other than the house
of God and the gate of heaven. After singing, I called on the sister that had the
vision of the golden city to pray. She began with great power, but when about
half way through she suddenly stopped. I looked around and saw her lying stiff
in a trance. The glory of the Lord came down like a cloud. Several fell over in
their seats and sinners were made to cry, '“Of a truth, God is here.”
The meeting continued to grow in interest, the aisles, pulpit, and every foot of
standing-room being taken. One night those two sisters said they wanted to talk
to the people and warn them to repent and flee from the wrath to come. The one
who did the mute preaching began by telling of the terrible gulf she had seen,
with all its horrors, its wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and pleaded with them to
come to Christ. She commenced to tell of the beautiful city, when her voice left
her, and she began to preach with signs, with tears running down her face. She
became stiff, with her hands pointing to heaven and her eyes wide open. The
other one exhorted with most wonderful power, and told of the awful hell and
punishment. She then told of the glorious vision she had seen, and as she talked
she too became cold, as if dead, standing on her feet. The solemnity of death was
all over the congregation. Many said,

“Surely God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.* ”

A Universalist, an infidel, and a Catholic, all seventy years of age, were

converted. Two of these came out the last night. The altar was crowded night
after night.

One brother had four sons. They were very bright and intelligent boys, but they
lacked the one thing needful. I felt that I could not give them up until they were
saved. They all came to the altar at once, with several other young men. Two of
these brothers were twins, and it was their twenty-first birthday. It was a grand
sight to see them all seeking Jesus at once. Two came through very bright; but
the others were not satisfied with their experience. My prayer is that they will
never give up until they have the witness of the Spirit that they are the sons of

We made our home at Brother Herads. He had a large family of young men and
women. I never met a set of more lovely children. The parents were very kind
and gentle, administering to all our wants. They seemed like my own father and
mother. The children were also very kind to us. They were willing to deny
themselves anything for our comfort. Some of them were sweetly saved, The
others I will never give up until they too have found the pearl of greatest price. I
have been wanting to go back and finish the work, but the way has not been
opened as yet.
There were about fifty converted, and many reclaimed. The work has been going
on gloriously. My prayer for the dear people of Middletown is that they may be
kept in peace and love, until God shall say come up higher, where we shall meet

One of the converts has since passed away. She told her folks two weeks before
her death that she was going to die, and that she was prepared. She prepared
everything for the funeral. Truly she accepted the last call of mercy. One by one
the dear converts are passing over.

l am watching by the river,

I am waiting by the shore,
Only waiting- for the boatman, soon
He’ll come to row us o'er,”


When we reach the golden city,

When we pass the pearly gate,
When our friends who went before us
For our coming watch and wait.

Chorus —

“We will walk in the streets of the city,

With our loved ones gone before,
We will sit on the banks of the river,
We will meet to part no more.

“Here our happy hearts already,

Taste of the bliss of heaven,
To our hungry souls the manna
From above is freely given.

“Then we will gladly wait a little,

Gladly still our burdens bear,
Soon we'll hear our Savior’s welcome,
Soon a crown of glory wear.”
By the urgent request of Brother Wilgus and others, we went to Five Points and
held meeting two nights in the United Brethren Church, in the month of March.

Nine came to the altar. Five children were converted. The first night deep
conviction was manifested all over the house. We had a good beginning for a
glorious revival, but were compelled to leave and go to another engagement. The
brethren insisted on our staying, or promising to return. We promised to come
and hold a basket-meeting the last of May. When the time came we had to close
in the midst of a most glorious revival, when souls were flocking to tho altar, in
order to keep our appointment.

On Friday evening we held meeting in the Lutheran Church. Several ministers

were present from the different places where we had held meetings last year.
They all gave good reports of the success of the meetings we had held on their
charges, and of the change in the neighborhoods. We had indeed a time of

On Saturday we went to the grove, where we had a praise meeting. Several

ministers spoke of the fathers and mothers in Israel, and the young converts all
gave witness to the glory of God. The Lord came down in great power. We felt
that it was the house of God and the gate of heaven.

Fourteen ministers were present during this meeting. In the afternoon we had
short addresses from Brother Imler, of the United Brethren Church, Rev. Murray,
from Markle, and Rev. Albertson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at
New Haven. Their remarks were very encouraging and accompanied with power.

Brother Albertson is a noble young man, of bright talents. He is very pleasant

and winning and stands up boldly for Jesus and tells the people plainly what
their duty is, believing in no compromise with the enemy of souls: if we are
Christians, to show our colors and be brave soldiers; and if not, the danger of
trifling with God. May the blessings of God ever rest upon our young brother,
who is only about twenty-one years old, but who has given up all for Christ, to
stand between the living and the dead, proclaiming “the unsearchable riches of
Christ” to a dying world. If he keeps low at the feet of Jesus, taking the Holy
Ghost for his guide, he will be a flaming herald, winning many souls, that will be
stars in his crown when he shall come rejoicing, bringing in his sheaves.

In the evening the people came by hundreds. It is said that there were about two
thousand on the ground; and although the lights were very poor, the best of order

As I was addressing the large multitude of “travelers to the bar of God,” there
was a death-like solemnity upon them, which was broken only by the praises or
amens that burst forth from the overflowing hearts of the brethren. We called the
converts up in front, and after singing a number of the beautiful songs of Zion, in
a few minutes we had near two hundred testimonies. We closed, praising God for
the great reunion and for the outpouring of his Spirit, and thinking if Christians
love each other so here and are so happy, what will it be there, forever free from
sorrow and pain, where we will never take the parting hand!

On Sabbath morning the sun rose in all its splendor, and all nature seemed to
praise God. The buggies and wagons came in from every direction, until several
thousand were assembled in nature’s chapel.

We commenced the meeting with a general praise service. It was a "beautiful

sight to see God’s children from all denominations assembled together as one
family, rising to speak, one after another, of the goodness of God; to see the aged
pilgrims who had been on the way to the heavenly city for so many years, and to
observe their faces light up as they spoke of the city being almost in sight, of the
bright prospect before them, and of the many loved ones they had seen pass over,
who were waiting to welcome them.

“! saw him in the evening,

The sun was bending low,
He’d overtopped the mountain
And reached the vale below;
He saw the golden city,—
His everlasting home,—
And shouted loud, 'Hosanna,
Deliverance will come!’

“Then palms of victory, crowns of glory,

Palms of victory I shall wear.”

There were two or three hundred persons present who had been converted in our
meetings in the past winter. It made my heart leap for joy when I saw their happy
faces and heard them speak of their enjoyments in the service of the Lord. Some
were aged ones who had been as “brands taken from the eternal burning.”

The hour for preaching had come. It was a trying moment for me. For all we had
such a time of rejoicing, the devil was in the camp. As in ancient times when the
sons of men came to worship, Satan came also, as he did in the garden of Eden,
only in a different form, but with the same motive and jealousy. The devil was
always jealous of God and his work. In the beginning he rebelled in heaven and
tried to take the throne, but God cast him out, “and he fell like lightning.” Then,
when God made Adam and Eve, in his own image, Satan came around with his
flattering speeches and lying tongue, and by pretending to do a better work tried
to destroy what God had done. He has been working on the same line ever since.
There never was a glorious work done for God but that the devil came around in
person or in the form of a Judas and tried to overthrow it. So in this case,
everything was done to confuse me in order that I would make a failure. My
head was aching so that I could hardly see. I had not a moment to prepare or
collect my thoughts, and I had never stood before such a multitude,

I felt that I must talk on the deepest subject in the Bible, “the unpardonable sin
and the office of the Holy Ghost.” I cried, “Lord, help me, and glorify thyself.”
The words came, “And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I
will speak unto thee. Be not afraid of their faces, neither their look, lest I
confound you. I am with you to deliver you.” Bless God, I had not spoken five
minutes until I had forgotten the roaring in my head and my enemies, who
perhaps were praying for my failure.

I forgot everything but the multitude before me rushing on to judgment. I never

had more power and liberty. The subject was revealed to me as clear as day. The
words came faster than I could speak, Glory to God, for his loving kindness and
present help in every time of need!

There was an aged minister present who came to me and said surely God was
speaking through the clay; he had never heard the subject made so plain in all
the points; that people had received light, and that eternity alone would tell the
result of that meeting. May it bring glory to God is my prayer. It commenced
raining, so we moved the meeting to the church, closing that night with several
bright conversions.

The ministers present said it was a pity to close, and that they believed if we
would continue the meeting a week there would be a hundred conversions. But
we had to go to another engagement.

God bless and save the dear people around Five Points and send laborers to
gather in the golden grain is my earnest prayer. Oh, for consecrated laborers for
the Lord, who are willing to work for Christ, willing to suffer and die, if need be,
on the field of battle!

“Hark the voice of Jesus calling- —

Who will go and work to-day?
Fields are white and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?”
Chapter V.
Meeting- at Sheldon—Dry Bones—A Church-Member Fifty-one
Years, Converted — “My God is neither Deaf nor Crazy”— “Not
Power Enough there to Bring me Down”—Now or Never —
Another Star in my Crown—Warning- to Parents—Bluffton
Meeting — A Universalist and a Baptist Minister Obtain a Good
Experience, and the Latter’s Wife Preaches— The Rock that is
Higher Than I — The Pilgrim—Sermon: Woman’s Privilege in
the Gospel.

I HELD a series of meetings at Sheldon, Allen County, Indiana, in 1884, in the

Methodist Episcopal Church. I found the membership very weak, a good deal of
contention among them, and very few in working order. Sheldon was said to be
the hardest town in the state. But God can work and give victory, if we only
exercise present living faith, no matter how wicked and forsaken a place may be.

We went to work, trusting in God and shouting victory. Sinners began to flock to
Christ, the church came out for a better experience, and troubles were settled.
Some of the brethren from other churches came in and helped with the work.
Many who had been in the church for years found that they were only dry bones,
and came begging for mercy. They afterward confessed to the church that they
had been in the dark, had been trusting in works without an experimental
knowledge, and that they were now accepted of God.

A lady who had been in the Disciples’ Church for fifty-one years was converted
at home during the meeting. As she shouted all over the house, she praised God
and said that this was the kind of religion she wanted.

The power of God was greatly manifested during this meeting. I was talking
with a brother, who was weeping. He said he had been a church-member nearly
all his life, and had thought he was all right; but as the light had shone in he saw
himself as God saw him— a lost sinner. He did not want to come to the altar and
let the world know that he had been deceived. He was in great distress. After
urging him to come, I turned and left him, and as I did so he fell prostrate. Two
or three men carried him to the altar. It was not long until he was praising God.

There was a dear brother here who had attended one of our meetings at
Middletown. He remarked that his “God was neither deaf nor crazy.” He was
under deep conviction, and was one of the leading church-members. When this
meeting commenced, he came up in front to help with the singing. I kept
watching him. In a few minutes he dropped his book and came to the altar. In a
little while his face was shining with the love of God. He got the laughing
religion. He was filled to overflowing, and rejoiced in the God of his salvation.
He went right to work in earnest, and has been growing in grace ever since. God
bless this brother and keep him faithful to the end.

Several went into trances during this meeting. In one of the day meetings a man
said to those near him that there was nothing in it; that it would take more power
than was there to bring him down. I knew nothing of this. There were two or
three seats full of those who were not saved. I was impressed to go back, and to
ask the brothers and sisters to come and kneel and pray for these men. It was not
long until the most of them were down praying. I went to this man, and he fell
on his knees and began to cry for mercy. I prayed with him, and in a few minutes
he became. cold and stiff, without any signs of life. They then told us what he
had said a few minutes before. Great fear came over many. They saw it was a
fearful thing to light against God. He was brightly converted and is still on the
way to heaven.

Mr. Bowers, a popular and talented moral man, came out in a bright experience.
The churches had been trying for years to lead him into the life-boat. He
attended the meeting. When I saw him I felt that he must be saved in that
meeting. I worked in different ways, praying day and night for him, and was
confident that he would soon be a child of God. One night I felt that the time had
come. The house was crowded and the aisles were full of benches. I climbed
over several and made my way to him and asked him if he was not ready to
come to Jesus. He began to weep and went with me to the altar. Many shouted
for joy. No one could doubt his conversion, for they could see the change in his
countenance. God bless and keep him faithful. He is still growing stronger in the
Lord. I expect to meet him with many of the dear people of Sheldon around
God’s throne, where we will talk of the wonderful mercies of God.

Father Shadel had not been to meeting for twenty years: He was opposed to all
churches and tried to keep his wife and children from coming to the meeting. He
was eighty-three years old. His wife was very anxious for his soul's salvation.
She showed him my picture and tried to get his curiosity aroused. Finally he
came to a day meeting. When I gave the invitation for seekers he started for the
door. I met him, and when I saw how aged and feeble he was, and thought of his
lost condition, my heart was melted in pity for him. I felt that God had sent him
there to be saved and that it must be now or never. I talked with him until he
yielded and went to the altar. In a few minutes he was brightly converted. Soon
after he was immersed and joined “The Church of God.” When he went forward
in the ordinance of feet-washing, a little boy, who had been converted when he
was, washed his feet, and then he washed the boy’s feet. It was an affecting
sight. Surely he came in at the eleventh hour. He said he was just waiting for the
Master to call him home. In the latter part of June he was taken sick and suffered
very much. He only lingered a few days. He was patient, kind, and happy, and
waiting for the Savior to call him to his eternal home. He spoke of me many
times during his sickness and knew that he was going to die. But he was willing
and ready to go to that land where all is peace, joy, and happiness. He died on
the 4th of July, 1884. I felt that this was another star in my crown. He is waiting
to welcome me. One by one they are gathering home. My heart leaps with joy
when I think of the time when I shall meet the loved ones, and above all see my
blessed Savior face to face, and praise his holy name for such a free salvation.

A young man who passed through the meeting was deeply convicted. He wanted
to come to Christ, but his mother was not willing for him to do so. He said he
would have to yield to the voice of God and be saved or stay at home. He obeyed
his parents, and staid away. Soon after he was taken very sick, and was
unconscious most of the time. They told me he died without a change of heart.
Dear friends, you see it was his last call of mercy. Parents, take warning, do not
stand in the way of your children. If you are not willing for them to be
converted, be sure that you are converted yourselves, no matter what church you
prefer. If we are washed in the blood of Jesus, we will never rest until our
children are safe in the ark and securely sheltered from the storms of life.

At the request of Brother Meek, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, I

commenced a meeting in Bluffton. I found the church in a. very cold and formal
condition, and only a few were willing to take hold of the work. Brother
Studenbecker and a few of the leading members stood by me and did all they

Praise God, the church was wonderfully built up. The oldest members said it was
the deepest work ever done in the church. The meeting continued about two

The minister of the Universalist Church came out in a bright experience. He said
henceforth he would preach the new birth, a personal Savior, as the only way to
heaven. A Baptist minister came out in a brighter experience than he had ever
enjoyed. He said he would work with more zeal than he ever had before. His
wife consecrated herself for the work, and in a short time she preached to a large
congregation, and has been preaching some since. She has such sweet, winning
ways that I believe she will be the instrument in winning many souls to Christ.

A minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, who had left the great work,
consecrated himself for the labor, and has been preaching since. Brother Smith, a
convert with great power, gave himself up fully to God for the ministry, and is
preparing for the work.

In this meeting we met an uncle of mine by marriage. He was brightly converted

and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a bright witness for

May the richest blessings of God rest on the people of Bluffton, and may they
ever stand up for Jesus and let their light shine, until the Lord shall call them
from their works to reward. This was one of the hardest battles I ever engaged in
—the cold formality, the style, the pride, and many other things to contend with.
The little physical strength I had was almost crushed out; but I flew to the Rock
that is higher than I, and shouted victory through the blood of the Lamb that
taketh away the sins of the world.

“Oh! sometimes the shadows are deep,

And rough seems the path to the goal,
And sorrows, how often they sweep,
Like tempests, down over the soul.

“Oh! sometimes how long seems the day,

And sometimes how heavy my feet;
But toiling in life’s dusty way,
The Rock’s blessed shadow how sweet.

“Oh! near to the Rock let me keep,

When blessings or sorrows prevail,
Or climbing the mountains steep,
Or walking the shadowy vale.

“Oh! then to the Rock let me fly,

To the Rock that is higher than I;
Oh I then to the Rock let me fly,
To the Rock that is higher than I.”'

“How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim’s ear,
As he wanders in exile from home;
Soon will the Savior in glory appear,
And soon will the kingdom come.

Chorus —

“He’s coming, coming soon, I know,

Coming back to this earth again.
And the weary pilgrim will to glory go,
When the Savior comes to reign*

“The mossy old graves where the pilgrims sleep,

Shall be opened as wide as before, .
And millions that sleep in the mighty deep
Shall live on this earth once more,

“There we will meet all our loved ones in our Eden homes;
Sweet songs of redemption we'll sing,
From the north, from the south, all the ransomed shall come,
And worship our heavenly King.

“Hallelujah, amen, hallelujah again,

In a little while we shall be there,
Oh! be faithful, be hopeful, be joyful till then
And a crown of bright glory we’ll wear.”


“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord
in one place. * * * And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will
pour out of thy Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream
dreams.’’ (Acts ii, I and 17.)

“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind,
and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them
cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all
filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit
gave them utterance.’ (Acts ii. 2-4.)

“Many days and years shall ye be troubled, ye careless women: for the vintage
shall fail, the gathering shall not come. Tremble, ye women that are at ease; be
troubled, ye careless ones: strip you, and make you bare, and gird sackcloth upon
your loins. They shall lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful
vine. Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers; yea, upon all
the houses of joy in the joyous city: Because the palaces shall be forsaken; the
multitude of the city shall be left; the forts and towers shall be for dens forever, a
joy for wild asses, a pasture of flocks; until the Spirit be poured upon us from on
high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, aud the fruitful field be counted for a
forest. (Isaiah xxxii. 10-15.)

There was a wonderful excitement! The people came rushing in great multitudes
from the city to see what was the matter. They saw those men and women, with
their faces shining with the glory of God, all preaching at once; all anxious to tell
what God had done for them and a dying world. Conviction went like daggers to
their hearts. And just as to-day, when the power of God is manifest, instead of
yielding, they cry out, “Too much excitement,” and begin to fight against God,
so then they said, “These people are mad, are drunken with new wine,” and they
mocked them.

Peter arose to defend the cause of Christ. He referred to Joel ii. 28, 29. He said,
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit
upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young
men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on my servants
and on my hand-maidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit: and they
shall prophesy.” Consult I. Cor. xiv, 24-26, and I. Cor. i. 1-5. Paul speaks as if it
was very common for women to preach and prophesy. (I. Cor. iv. 4.)

“But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered
dishonoreth her head.” (I. Cor. xi. 5.) In Acts xxi. 9, we read, “And the same
man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.” (Eph. iv. 11.)

Paul worked with the women in the gospel more than any of the apostles.
Priscilla and Phebe traveled with Paul, preaching and building up the churches.
(Acts xviii. 2,18,26; Romans xvi) He and Phebe had been holding revivals
together. She is now called to the city of Rome. Paul can not go with her; but he
is very careful of her reputation and that she is treated with respect. He writes a
letter of recommendation, saying, “I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which
is a servant [minister] of the church which is at Cenchrea: that ye receive her in
the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she
hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also.”
This showed that she had authority to do business in the churches and that she
had been successful in winning souls to Christ. He is not ashamed to say she had
encouraged him. He speaks in the highest praise of a number of sisters who had
been faithful laborers in the work of the Lord —who had risked their lives in the
effort of saving souls; and not he alone, but all the churches of the Gentiles sent
their thanks. (3 John 5, 6.)

Paul said, “Let your women keep silent in the churches, so saith the law.” We are
not under the law, but under grace, “And learn of their husbands at home.” What
will those do who have no husbands; do you suppose they will remain in
ignorance and be lost? And if some women had to depend on their husbands for
knowledge they would die in ignorance. Paul referred to contentions in the
churches. Paul says you had better not marry. How many agree with him? How
many obey? Referring to contentions in the churches, it is a shame to bring up
questions and have jangling in the house of God. He writes to the brethren, “I
hear there are contentions, and I believe it.” “Help those women which labored
with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellow-laborers,
whose names are in the book of life.” (Phil. iv. 3.) There were also several
women who were prophetesses. (Luke ii. 36.) “Huldah the prophetess, the wife
of Shallum * * * (she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college;) and they communed
with her. And she said unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel,” (II Kings
xxii. 13-15.) Again, “Did I not send you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam as leaders?”
(Ex. xv. 20.)

“And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that
time.” (Judges iv. 4.) See the responsible position that God gave her, to sit and
judge the hosts of the children of Israel. The children of Israel had sinned, and
God would not fight their battles, and for twenty years the nations arose against
them and defied them to come out to battle. Barak dare not meet the enemy
unless Deborah led the van. This brave woman, ever ready to defend the cause of
God, said, “I will surely go; God's people must not be taken by the enemy.” Oh,
no, call out the armies of the Lord, Sisera’s mighty host is gathering! Every
soldier to his post! See the brave woman riding with Barak, the commander, at
the head of the army, cheering on the hosts to victory, and shouting victory as
she led on the armies, sweeping through the enemy’s ranks, carrying death and
destruction, till the king leaped from his chariot and fled for his life, but was
captured and beheaded by a woman. Every man was put to the sword; not one
was left to tell of the defeat. The mother of Sisera looked out of the window for
the return of the king, her son, from the battle, and cried, “Oh, why does he not
come? Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why, oh, why does he tarry so
long?” While she is weeping for her son's return, he is lying cold in death in the
tent where he had been captured and beheaded by a woman.

Queen Esther intercedes at the kings court, and the sad decree of the king is
reversed. Her life and the lives of the Jewish nation are saved.

Paul says there is no difference; that male and female are one in Christ Jesus. Let
us take Jesus for our pattern and example, and see no man, save Jesus only.

Woman was called and commissioned by angels sent from heaven and by the
Lord Jesus Christ to preach the gospel. (Matt, xxviii. 5-10.)

The cowardly disciples had forsaken the Savior and fled, and Peter denied the
Savior and swore he never knew him; but many women followed him, and stood
by the cross, and went to the sepulcher and saw the body laid away and the great
stone rolled against the door. (Matt, xxvii. 55, 56, 61.) These women went home
sad and brokenhearted. But they want to pay a last tribute to their dear friend.
They spend the night in preparing spices to embalm the body of their Lord. They
came to the sepulcher, as it was coming day. The grave was empty! The Lord
was not there! As they stood weeping, two angels stood by them and said, “Ye
seek Jesus. Fear not. He is not here; he is risen. Come see the place where he lay,
and go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead. Behold, he
goeth before you; there you shall see him. So I have told you.” They started at
once, with joy and rejoicing. They could not walk fast enough. They ran to hunt
up the brethren to tell the good news. As they were going, Jesus met them and
they fell at his feet and worshiped him. He said, “Fear not. Go tell my brethren
to go to Galilee. There they shall see me.” It was not only the twelve that were to
tell the good news; there were several hundred brethren, yes, thousands of
followers at this time. They never thought of the blood-thirsty soldiers who had
put their Master to death, and who were seeking for his friends that would dare
to defend him. Observe the wonderful mission that Jesus had intrusted to these
weak women, to preach the first resurrection sermon; to risk their lives in
gathering together the followers of Christ where the wonderful meeting was to
be held. But, just like many to-day, they would not believe. Peter said, “I will not
believe your report.” Thomas said, “I will not believe, except I see the prints in
his hands and feet.” In the midst of all these discouragements they went on with
the work and had grand success. Jesus met with and preached to them, and they
were all made to rejoice. They were called by angels and by the Lord from glory
and sent to preach the gospel. There were the names of four women given, and
many others. God is calling the Marys and the Marthas to-day all over our land,
to work in various places in the vineyard of the Lord. God grant that they may
respond, and say, “Lord, here am I; send me.” This call was made after Christ
had risen. (See John iv. 10, 29, 39-44.)

Jesus sat on Jacob's well to rest. A poor woman, one who was living in sin, came
to the well to get water. She had fallen very low, and was despised by her
friends, with no one to lift her up aud tell her of a better way. But Jesus came to
seek the lost and to lift up the fallen. God help us to follow his example. If we
feel that our feet are slipping in the pit of hell, Jesus is a mighty Savior, he can
lift us up and make us children of a King. Jesus preached salvation, and the
woman was converted. She left her pitcher and took the well of salvation with
her, and ran to the city, going up one street and down another, with her face
shining with the glory of God. Perhaps the people would have scorned her an
hour before; now they saw and felt the change, as she cried, “Look what he has
done for me; he will do the same for you!” The people left their stores, their
places of business, and their parlors and kitchens, and went out in great
multitudes to see the Savior of the world. There was a great revival held at the
well. Jesus went into the city and staid two days. The wave of salvation went on
and on, the results of one sermon by a weak woman. Many were converted,
made to rejoice in a Savior’s love, by the preaching of the woman who said, “He
told me all that I ever knew.” They came to her and said, “We know now for
ourselves;” and, like the Queen of Sheba, said, “The half was never told”

My dear sister in Christ, as you hear these words, may the Spirit of God come
upon you and make you willing to do the work that God has assigned to you. It
is high time for women to let their light shine, to bring out their talents that have
been hidden away and rusting and use them for the glory of God, and do with
their might what their hands find to do, trusting in God for strength, who has
said, “I will never leave you ”

Oh, the fields are white, for the harvest is great and ripe, ready for the gospel
sickle. Oh, where are the laborers to gather in the golden grain into the Master’s
garner! The world is dying; the grave is filling; hell is boasting! It will all be
over soon.

God left the glorious work of saving souls in the hands of the church. What is
the church composed of? Men, women, and children. We are putting up a
building for God, and every one has a part in this building. If we can not be a
pillar or corner-stone, let us he a spike, or a nail, or a brick. Let us not despise
the day of small things. Whatever we do for Jesus, with the right motive, is
precious in his sight. Dear reader, God has called you and me into his vineyard
to work. He says “Why stand ye here all the day; go into my vineyard and work,
and whatever is right I will pay thee.” God’s church is a workshop; no idlers are
allowed there. There should be bills posted, To work! To work! Every one at his
post! You and I should say when Satan tempts us, like Nehemiah, “I am doing a
great work; I can not come down; I am commissioned by the King of heaven to
work for him.” The work is great and the time is short. He offers a great reward.
There are no idle Christians. Like blind Bartimeus, we will tell what God has
done for us, “Once I was blind; now I can see.” We will be like the drowning
man that was rescued. The first word he could whisper was, “There is another
man overboard.”

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let
him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life

If we have been, like David, taken away from that horrible pit where we were
hanging by the thread of life; if our feet have been taken out of the mire and
clay; if the chains of Satan, which were around us like brass and iron, have been
broken; if our feet have been set on solid rock and a new song been put in our
mouths; if we have been adopted in the family of God, of which part are in
heaven and part on earth; if our names are written in the book of life,—we have
the gift of eternal life; we are heirs to the bank of heaven, to an eternal
inheritance, to a mansion in the golden city, to a robe and a crown; we are sons
and daughters of the most high God! Should we not honor our high calling— do
all we can to save those who sit in the valley and shadow of death? Let us not
plead weakness. God will use the weak things of this world for His glory. When
Jesus wanted to introduce his glorious gospel to a dying world he did not go to
the Jewish Sanhedrin and select the wise and mighty; he went along the Sea of
Galilee and chose twelve poor fisherman, saying to them, “Follow me, and I will
make you fishers of men.” They started in the strength of God, setting up the
kingdom of our Lord Jesus, being led on by the mighty Conqueror, till to-day he
sways his scepter from the rivers to the ends of the earth.

Our God is marching on to victory. But the hosts of Satan are gathering. They
are out canvassing for souls. They are trying to defeat the armies of the Lord.
Jesus is calling for soldiers, brave soldiers, who will get on the whole armor and
will not desert the Captain when the battle is raging. There are many cowards in
the ranks, who are a disgrace to the Captain, who run at the approach of the

A few years ago when the war was raging the call was made for six hundred
thousand men, In a short time the tramp of the feet of brave men was heard
coming from every direction, leaving their wives and little ones and all that was
dear to them to fight and even die for their country. Some received a small

To-day the enemy of souls, Satan, is marching through the land with his mighty
army, taking captive thousands of men, women, and children every year and
dragging them down to a turning hell. He has taken some of our mothers, some
of our fathers, some of our children, our companions, our brothers and sisters,
friends and neighbors, and to-day they are wailing with their fruitless cries
where mercy can not come. O God, could we see their misery, we would not be
so careless; we would cry aloud and spare not; we would take our eyes off each
other, and see nothing but dying souls rushing on to judgment.

Oh, hear the Master calling for soldiers. He says he will lead us on to victory.
Oh, who will respond to the call? Who will place their names on the heavenly
roll? Who will enlist in the war and help to conquer the mighty foe? "Who will
help to beat back the powers of darkness? He does not ask you to die, but to live
forever, he will give a glorious bounty— eternal life.

Let us work for rewards. We shall be rewarded according to our works “They
that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars, forever and ever.” We do
not want to have a starless crown. Oh, let us win stars for the Master’s glory.

Dear reader, have you won a single star? Look over your past life — what have
you done for Jesus? The day is far spent, and the night of death will soon
overtake you. Oh, sleeper, arise from the sleep of death and call upon God to
give you light before it is too late. Oh, let us work for Jesus! If we go forth
sowing precious seed, weeping, bearing persecution and trials, having our names
cast out as evil for the cause of Christ, we shall receive a just reward.

“Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” If we weep and
mourn now on account of poor sinners, we shall laugh through all eternity. Oh,
let us work now, and by and by our weeping will be over. We shall come
rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. We can say, “Here am I, Father, and the
children thou hast given me.”

Or should I be brought by the bountiful grace

Of him who delights to forgive,
Pray only for self while I live;
Methinks I should mourn o'er my sinful neglect,
Should no one I love, at the beautiful gate
Be waiting and watching for me,
Be waiting and watching for me.


Wearied and worn with earthly care, I yielded to repose,

And soon before my sight a glorious vision rose.
I thought while slumb’ring on my couch in midnight's solemn gloom,
I heard an angel’s silvery voice, and radiance filled the room.
A gentle touch awakened me, a gentle whisper said,
“Arise, O, sleeper, follow me,” and through the air we fled.
We left the earth so far away that life a speck it seemed,
And heavenly glory, calm and pure, across our pathway streamed.

Still on he went, my soul was rapt in silent ecstacy;

I knew not how we journeyed through the pathless field of light,
When suddenly a change was wrought, and I was clothed in white.
We stood before a city wall most glorious to behold;
We passed through streets of glittering pearl, o’er streets of purest gold.
It needed not the sun by day nor silvery moon by night,
The glory of the Lord was there, the Lamb himself the light.

Bright angels paced the shining streets, sweet music filled the air;
And white-robed saints with glittering crowns, from every clime were there;
And some that I had loved on earth stood with them round the throne,
“All worthy is the Lamb,” they sang, “the glory His alone,
But, fairer far than all beside, I saw my Savior’s face,
And as I gazed he smiled on me, with wond’rous love and grace,
Slowly I bowed before his throne, o'erjoyed that I at last
Had gained the object of my hopes, that earth at length was past.

And then in solemn tone he said, where is the diadem

That ought to sparkle on thy brow, adorned with many a gem?
I know thou hast believed on me, and life, through me is thine,
But where are all those radiant stars that in thy crown should shine?
Yonder thou see’st a glorious throng and stars on every brow,
For every soul they led to me they wear a jewel now;
And such thy bright reward had been if such had been thy deed,
If thou hadst sought some wandering feet in paths of peace to lead.

I did not mean that thou should’st tread the way of life alone,
But that the clear and shining light which round thy footsteps shone
Should guide some other weary feet to my bright home of rest,
And thus in blessing those around, thou had’st thyself been blest.
The vision faded from my sight, the voice no longer spake,
A spell seemed brooding o’er my soul, which long I feared to break.
And when at last I gazed around, in morning’s glimmering light,
My spirit felt o’erwhelmed amid the vision’s awful night.

I arose and wept with chastened joy, that yet I dwelt below
That yet another hour was mine, my faith by works to show,
That yet some sinner I might tell of Jesus' dying love,
And help to lead some weary soul to seek a home above.
And now while on this earth I stay, my motto this shall be
To live no longer to myself but to him who died for me.
And graven on my inmost soul this word of truth divine,
"They that turn many to the Lord bright as the stars shall shine."
A child was dying. “Father,” she says, “I have come to the river, and am waiting
for the ferryman to take me over.”

“Does it seem dark and cold, my child?”

“Oh, no; there is no darkness here. The river is covered with, solid silver, and the
boats they are solid light. I am not afraid of the ferryman. Oh, I see over the
river! There is a great and beautiful city, all filled with light. The angels are
making music. Oh, I see the most beautiful form! He beckons me to come. Oh, I
know who it is! It is blessed Jesus! He has taken me in his bosom.” And thus she
passed over the river of death, made like a silver stream by the presence of her
Chapter VI.
Meeting at Union Chapel—Converted at the Window—Saloon-
Keeper Converted—Little Jimmie—Trinity Chapel — Leaving
the Field of Battle for a Vacation—Rochester — Michigan City—
Behind the Bars—Benton Harbor and St. Joe, Michigan—The
Gospel Ship — Oh, let me in the Kingdom!— Churches like a
Theater—Laport— Home Again—Delay not.

BROTHER MURRAY and myself held a series of meetings at Union Chapel,

commencing in July, 1884, which council continued two weeks. Very few in that
vicinity knew what Holy Ghost religion is. Some that made a profession were
worse than those who had not, and were much harder to reach. Great interest was
manifested in the first meeting which increased until the close.

Although it was in a very busy time and the weather very warm and oppressive,
the house was crowded, the aisles and every foot of standing-room being
occupied, with as many around the doors and windows as there were inside. The
order was so good that nearly every word could be heard by those outside.

One brother came to me and said, “This meeting has done much for me. I came
here, but could not get in. I was anxious to hear you preach, so I pressed my way
through the crowd up to a window, where I could hear and see you. I did not
stand there more than five minutes until I felt a change come over me. I gave
myself to the Lord, and before you were done speaking I was converted.” God
bless him, and his wife, who came out about the same time. They were both very
earnest, and I believe they will prove faithful.

There was a saloon-keeper who had attended several of our meetings at other
places. He came seven miles to this meeting. I was impressed to go and talk to
him. He said I might know he was interested or he would not have come so far.
He had not been to church for seven years, until he came to these meetings. He
promised to sell out. He came again, and said he had fulfilled his promise, and at
last came out and was converted. His wife was also brightly converted. We took
them into the Methodist Episcopal Church. Praise the Lord for victory through
the blood of the Lamb!

There was a man we were all very much interested in. He had a wife and several
dear children, who were all converted. Oh, how we pleaded with the father to
come to Christ. Little Jimmie, only seven years old, went back in the crowd and
got him by the arm and with tears running down his face tried to pull him to the
altar. He yielded and went, and he is now a bright and shining light for Jesus.

Brother Migrants and quite a number of young converts who came from other
places were a great help to us. It always strengthens me to have them come, and
take hold like old soldiers. I know then that the work is still going on.

On Sabbath we held services in the grove, which had been comfortably arranged.
We had a glorious praise meeting. Over one hundred testified that they were on
their way to heaven, we organized a Methodist class of about fifty members. We
closed, believing that a foundation was laid for a great harvest in the future.
Brother Murray expects to preach for them this year.

We went from there to Trinity Chapel, to fill an appointment at three o’clock.

The house was crowded. We had a farewell meeting. A large number spoke of
the love of God, and praised him for the wonderful work he was doing in their
midst, in the salvation of so many precious souls. We staid at Brother Fisher’s all
night, and the next morning they took us to the station at Markle, where we met
a number of brethren and sisters who had come to bid us goodbye, and asked
God’s blessing upon us as we started for Benton Harbor, Michigan, where I
could be quiet and rest aud breathe the pure fresh air from the lake. I had been
working for nine months, not having one good night's rest. We stopped at
Rochester a few hours to change cars, and took supper at the hotel. It is a
beautiful place, with summer resorts, having fine lakes. Excursion trains come
there for pleasure.

We stopped at Michigan City and staid all night. We met two ladies here, one of
whom was a minister’s wife. We all rode out to the penitentiary. We went
through the prison. There were six hundred and ninety prisoners, aud sixty of
them were in for life. Some were so old they could not work, tottering on their
staffs. Some were boys not more than sixteen. Oh, how sad! Oh, how I longed to
point them to Jesus; to tell them they had one Friend who was better than those
they had lost, who loved their souls; to tell them of that country where there are
no prison walls, no grated windows, no chains, no sorrow, and no sin. The
warden wanted me to come on Sabbath and preach to them; but we could not
stay. "We drove around by the lake and saw the great mountains of cream-
colored sand. Oh, how beautiful it was, as it glistened like gold in the sun. It is
said to be three hundred feet high. We saw many such mountains, but none as
large as this.

Michigan is a very pretty country, just rolling enough to be healthy and beautiful.
It is a great country for fruit. For twenty miles around Benton Harbor hardly
anything else is raised but fruit. We stopped at Benton Harbor, but did not like
the place, as the town lay so low. We got on a ferry-boat and went down the river
to St. Joseph, a town on the bluff, where the St. Joseph River empties into Lake
Michigan. You can stand on the bluff and see all over Benton Harbor, and up the
river and over the lake as far as the eye can reach. Oh, how beautiful the waters
look as the sun shines upon them. It looks like a sea of glass, with nearly as
many colors as the rainbow, dotted over with sail-boats, their white sails flying,
and a variety of other boats, some so far away that they look like a man on the
water. Even the capacious steamers look no larger when first seen in the
distance. They were running excursions from St. Joseph to Chicago and return.

How lovely the sight: all the docks covered with men, women, and children,
waving their handkerchiefs, the stars and stripes floating in the breeze, the bands
playing such sweet music, and the shore crowded with friends to welcome the
loved ones as they land! Sometimes it was not so pleasant, as they often met
with storms. I watched the “Noble Veril” as the waves rolled high, It looked as
though it would surely be swallowed up and sink to rise no more. But on it came
till it made the harbor.

Oh, how it reminds one of the gospel ship that is carrying such precious freight
over the sea of of life. Sometimes it meets with storms that threaten to engulf
her. But as we cling to the vessel and obey the Captain we go on rejoicing and
talking of our destination, and as we approach nearer and nearer the city
becomes more visible, until we enter the harbor of the New Jerusalem. There,
amidst the shouts of the loved ones and the glorious music of heaven, we will be
welcomed through the pearly gates, forever free from sorrow, pain, and care. As
we look over the city we see marching through the streets of pure gold the
shining hosts of angels, the great company of the redeemed, shining more
dazzling bright than all the gems which surround them. We see amidst them the
prophets and masters, distinguished from their fellow-saints by their superior
brightness. The gates are guarded and the streets thronged by thousands and ten
thousand times ten thousand angels and archangels, and as we mingle with them
we raise our voices with the great company of the blood-washed throng. The
shouts as we meet the loved ones are like the voice of many waters, exclaiming,
“Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth! Blessing, honor, glory and
power be unto Him that sitteth upon the great white throne, forever and ever.”
And as we raise our eyes to the great white throne we see the loving Father
waiting to welcome us, as Jesus approaches and says, “Here, Father, am I and the
loved ones thou hast given me.”

Oh, let me in the kingdom,

I’m on my way.
My ship is on the ocean,
I’m on my way.

She is sailing for the harbor,

I’m on my way.
She is sailing higher and higher,
I’m on my way.

Chorus.—Oh, let me in the kingdom,

Oh, let me in the kingdom,
Oh, let me in the kingdom,
I’m on my way.

We have children, in the kingdom,

I'm on my way.
By and by we’ll go and see them,
I’m on my way.

Our Savior is in the kingdom,

By and by we'll go and see him,
Oh, let me in the kingdom,
I’m on my way.

Oh, the spiritual death that has come over the churches in this part of the
country! They have drifted into formality and gone out after the world It seems,
like the main object is to make money. Not much difference how, so they get it.
They have festivals and amusements of various kinds in their churches. It is
nothing more or less than gambling. The minister gets up many of these things.
Jesus said, “It is written, my Father’s house shall be of prayer, but you have
made it a den of thieves.” He drove them out with a scourge of cords. Oh, the
shame, the disgrace, the reproach, on the pure and holy religion of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Many of our churches are more like a theater than the
sanctuary of the Lord. They are decorated with everything to lead the mind off
the sermon into another channel.

No wonder so many of our best men and women are becoming skeptical. They
say there is nothing in it. Sometimes, when over-taxed with business, and the
caves of life, they go to church. There is an aching void, a longing for something
this world can not give in their hearts. They go to the house of God, hoping to
find something to fill this vacancy, something to ease the sin-sick heart and sooth
the weary brain. Perhaps they will hear a dry discourse on the ways and
doctrines of the church instead of the great burden bearer, and pointing them to
the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. One may go again and
again. No one speaks to him, not even the minister, unless he is some one of note
or wealth. Some may crowd around, hoping to get his name in the church-record,
caring little for his soul. Such persons go from the church discouraged, feeling
no one cares for my soul, and goes deeper in sin and further away from God.

Jesus told of these days when the churches would leave the old paths, teach false
doctrines, leading the people away; “blind leaders of the blind” and both going
down to hell together; having the form of godliness without the power; from
such to turn away. This is a visible sign of the coming of the Lord. It is high time
for the churches and their individual members to awake from the sleep of death;
but many will never awake from the sleep of sin and death till the angel blows
his trumpet. Then they will awake to eternal misery and everlasting woe.

How needful it is for those who are the true followers of Jesus to stand firm,
immovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord. In these perilous times
which shall try our faith, “Many shall be tried as by fire, and be made white.”

Dear reader, you and I may be among this number, but God has said, “My grace
is sufficient.” Then let us be more faithful in the service of the Lord.

The people around St. Joseph were anxious for me to hold a meeting. They
wanted me to have meetings in the grove but I was not able, and wanted to spend
all my time in writing this book. I felt the work was so great that unless I could
stay for several months, and hold several revivals and raise up new leaders to
carry on the work that my labor would be almost in vain.

We started on our way home for New Bluffton. I felt impressed to stop and hold
a few meetings but we found the churches so dead, and the members so cold that
it would be useless to have our revival and then leave the young converts to
freeze and starve. They pleaded with us to stay, but we left on the four o’clock
train in the morning, praying God would send laborers to gather in the great
harvest of souls.

We stopped at Laport, a beautiful city near which are five lakes, and in one of
them is a lovely island. We went over and spent the day on the island and in a
boat fishing. We caught a nice lot of fish. I was requested to hold a camp-
meeting on the island, and should have done so, but I was anxious to get back to
the great harvest at home.

I held services in the Methodist Church Sabbath morning, and talked to the
people in the Y. M. C. A. room in the afternoon, and preached in the Baptist
Church in the evening. They wanted us to take the meeting to the grove in the
court house yard. They were very anxious for us to locate in that vicinity. Of all
the many professors there were only a few that seemed to have any spiritual life,
and they are so discouraged they have little hope for the church. One dear old
saint, ninety-three years old, wept and said she was afraid she would die without
seeing the walls of Zion rebuilt. She said she was praying night and day for God
to send laborers to Laport to save its churches.

We came home next day to take charge of a camp-meeting at Naples, Allen

County, Indiana.

Delay not, delay not; Oh, sinner draw near,

The waters of life are now flowing for thee ;
No price is demanded, the Savior is here,
Redemption is purchased; salvation is free.

Delay not, delay not; why longer abuse

The love and compassion of Jesus thy Lord?
A fountain is opened; canst thou refuse
To wash and be cleansed in his pardoning blood?

Delay not, delay not; the Spirit of grace,

Long grieved and resisted, may take his sad flight,
And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race,
To sink in the gloom of eternity’s night.

Delay not, delay not; the hour is at hand,

The earth shall dissolve, and the heavens shall fade;
The dead, small and great, in the judgment shall stand;
What then, oh sinner, will you do in that day?
Chapter VII.
Camp-Meeting at Maples — The Ministers — Sabbath the Great
Day — Solemn Farewell Service — The Lord's-Supper in the
Grove—Meeting at Zanesville—Reconciliation—Vast Crowds —
Golden Chariot —Preached two Funeral Sermons.— Grand Re-
union— Meeting at Markle—A Logger Converted — “My Sister’s
got Religion”— My Heavenly Home.

On the evening of the 24th of August, 1884, we found ourselves in Maples. As

we stopped off the train we were welcomed by several of the dear friends. We
went home with Brother Woods and staid all night, and had a very pleasant time
talking of the past and of the meeting just at hand. The next morning we went to
the grove, and were surprised to see such a beautiful place. Certainly, the dear
brethren and friends must have gone to considerable expense and a great deal of
hard labor, besides displaying wonderfully good taste, in making Nature’s chapel
so lovely. Good, comfortable tents were provided for those who wished to camp
on the ground, and a good well of water; also a boarding-tent. Brother and Sister
Roberts made a tent and furnished it very nicely for us, with two beds, a carpet,
and everything to make us comfortable, where we lived two weeks without
going off the campground. God bless Brother Roberts and family and all the dear
people of Maples who treated us so kindly.

We had three meetings a day, which were attended with interest, and we felt that
God was with us continually. All who came with the right spirit were made to

There were fourteen ministers present. Brother Miller, from Monroeville,

assisted us; and with his bright face, which is always lighted with a smile, and
with his inspiring words of encouragement, cheered us on our journey. Brother
Bridge, from Cherubusco, rendered efficient aid. Brother Albertson, of New
Haven, preached one night with great power, the multitude listening with
breathless attention. Brother Eggrie, a young man who was converted on last
New-Year’s day in our meetings at Massillon, is now a minister in the Baptist
Church. He attended the meeting and did much good, in talking and working
with his friends, who saw what God had done for him. He preached with great
power and plainness. Oh, how I rejoiced and praised God for the great change.
Eight months ago he was far away from the Savior, using his bright talents on
the enemy's side; but now he is seen standing up boldly for Jesus before a
number of ministers and thousands of people, sounding the gospel trumpet and
warning sinners to accept Christ before it was forever too late. If he keeps low at
the feet of Jesus we believe he will be instrumental in bringing hundreds to
Christ. Brother Woods assisted all through the meeting. Brother Heller, from Van
Wert, was present and gave a powerful exhortation; also, Brother Stanton, of

The object of this meeting was to have a re-union, bringing the brethren and
those who were converted in the meetings of last year together. In this respect
we had a glorious success. Several hundred converts came together, and all came
up to the front and showed what God had done for then

We had several police on the ground, but they were not needed, as the best of
order prevailed. There was said to be from one to eight thousand on the ground
every night.

On Sabbath it was wonderful how the Lord sustained me and gave me courage
and strength to conduct all the meetings. I had never addressed such a multitude
before. I had a bad cold all the time, but God gave, me a voice so clear and
strong that I could be heard distinctly all over the grove. Many aged people said
they never saw such order and interest at a camp-meeting. There was solemnity
resting over the people. They always seemed sorry to see the meeting close.

There were forty who claimed conversion. One was an old lady seventy-seven
years old, who belonged to the Dunkard Ohurch. Her son and his wife were
converted in the winter, and are great workers in the vineyard of the Lord. One
old man leaning oh his staff, whose locks were white with the frosts of many
winters, was converted. We felt he was a brand plucked from the burning.
Another brother, sixty years old, who had been trusting to morality all his life,
had his eyes opened to see the need of eternal life. Jesus says, “You must be born
again;” “Eternal life is the gift of God;” “It is not by works, lest any man should

Dear reader, seek eternal life; seek to be born of the Spirit, and then go forward
in all the ordinances, working out your salvation with fear and trembling.
With many tears we closed the meeting, feeling that we would never meet all the
converts and Christians again till we would meet around the great white throne.
My earnest prayer is that those under conviction, with whom we labored so hard,
will yet be saved. We held the closing meeting in the church at Maples. I. never
felt more sad at parting. Nearly all over the house there was weeping. I shook
hands with every one, many weeping in my arms. Oh, God bless and keep the
dear people of Maples, and the dear young people who were almost persuaded to
be Christians. I shall always remember them in love. God grant that we may all
meet in heaven.

The last Sabbath day, the day we closed, we administered the Lord’s Supper in
the grove. It was a solemn time. There were the converts with white locks
frosted with the snows of many winters, trembling on their staffs. There were the
lambs of the fold, with their faces shining with the love of God. There were the
young men and ladies just starting in life. There were the middle-aged fathers
and mothers, with the great responsibilities of life resting on them, all sitting
around the table of the Lord; some for the first time and some for the last. I can
not describe my feelings as I assisted in this ordinance and looked upon this
solemn scene, knowing we would never all sit together again till we sit around
the table in the golden city, at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Having received an earnest invitation several months previous, to hold a meeting

at Zanesville, Allen County, Indiana, in the United Brethren Church, I felt a
desire to go, also that it was the will of God’s family. When the time came I was
warmly welcomed by Brother Wilgus, the minister, and the people, and, as I
expected, my heart went out in love to them, which will last through all eternity.

The power of God was most wonderfully displayed all through the meeting,
which continued nearly two weeks. There was a great deal of strife in the church
and trouble in the town, but all this was settled.. Parents and children who had
not spoken for years, came together. Brothers, sisters, and friends united in peace
and harmony. The different churches came together and united as one family in
gathering in the sheaves.

They began to crowd to the altar night after night and day after day. The interest
increased until scores were brought into the kingdom. About one hundred came
out, and we believe most of them were brightly converted. Two thirds were past
fifty; among these were many of the best citizens, good, moral men and women,
only lacking the one thing needful, the religion of our lord and Savior Jesus

Several Freemasons were converted, and nearly all the churches were
represented at the altar as seekers. Some who had been church members nearly
all their lives, when God turned the light in and they saw themselves in his
looking-glass, they saw they were nothing but “dry bones” in the sight of God;
that they had come to the feast without the wedding garment on, and while
others were feasting on the heavenly manna they were starving.

The house, between five and six o’clock, would he crowded full, and every foot
of standing room occupied. The windows were lowered at the top, and some
would climb up on boards, and, although the weather was very cold, some would
be up there during all the meeting. I thought of Zacchaeus climbing the tree to
look down over the multitude. Many went away every meeting, unable to gain
admittance, and we had no room to-work in the congregation.

The day meetings were very interesting. A Dunkard lady was converted and
shouted praises to God for his wonderful goodness to the children of men.

Brother Wilgus had come to Bluffton to engage me. We worked together nicely,
and he raised $1,200 to build a church. Several ministers were present.

A lady was converted, and several of her children. One month from that time I
was sent for to preach her funeral. She had stepped into the life-boat in time to
land safe on the golden shore. She was rejoicing continually in a Savior's love,
and although the messenger came very unexpectedly, she was ready to go. Her
house was set in order; all she had to do was to step into the golden chariot and
be borne away by the angel band up through the gate into the city, where she
waits to welcome her husband and children. God grant she may not watch in
vain. She was getting ready to go with some friends to a meeting I was holding
about five miles in the country. By ten o'clock she had gone to join the church
triumphant. Dear reader, take warning, “For thou shalt die, and not live;”
“Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ” My text was, “ For I know that my
Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth;” Job
xix. 25. Also, part of the fourth verse of the fifth Chapter of II. Corinthians: “Not
for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be
swallowed up of life.”

In the afternoon I preached the funeral of Brother Ward’s little boy, my text
being, “It is well with the child.” Dear parents, he can not come to you, but you
can go to him. "We had meeting in the evening with good attendance. Several
came to the altar and were saved.

Six months after, I went back and held several meetings to encourage the
churches. Rev. Fuller, the minister in charge, Brother Beatty, and other ministers,
assisted in these meetings. We had a meeting in the grove on Sabbath, and had a
grand reunion. They came from all the different churches. Several hundred arose
and testified that Jesus had power to forgive sin. Brother Woods preached a
grand sermon in the grove Sabbath morning. We found all that had been brightly
converted still standing firm. We separated with many tears, feeling that we
would never all meet on earth again, but looking forward to that grand reunion in
our Father’s house, where we will never say farewell, where we will walk and
talk with Jesus and each other, through the streets of pure gold.

By the earnest request of Brother Clark and many others, we held a meeting at
Markle, Huntington County, Indiana, in the Methodist Episcopal Church, which
continued two weeks, and resulted in a grand and glorious victory through our
blessed Lord and Savior.

About one hundred came out in a bright experience. Very few in the church had
experienced a change of heart. The minister had never been satisfied with his
experience. He said it was hard work for him to preach; he lacked the power, so
he and his wife came to the altar with many others. His wife had been brought
up in the Lutheran Church, and had always thought she was all right; she said
she was anxious to work for Jesus. She was brightly converted, and she believed
she could do anything for Jesus now.

Another minister’s wife came out at the same time. After she was converted she
said she had a fearful struggle before she was willing to come to the altar, but
she said she was going to know by an experimental knowledge that she was a
child of God. The way she exhorted you would have thought, of a truth, once she
was blind but now she could see.

In one of our day meetings there were twenty conversions. A man was driving
by on a log wagon with his two little girls. He left his horses and wagon standing
in the road and came in to see what was going on. When he saw the happy faces
and the rejoicing, and others begging for mercy at the feet of Jesus, he said,
surely God is here, and he dropped on his knees, saying, “What shall I do to be
saved ?”

The minister received a wonderful blessing and was so honest and child-like in
confessing that he had been in the dark, and urged others not to be afraid of the
altar, that every one loved him and wanted him to stay another year.

One man had been a Church-member for eighteen years; he came out and said he
had been deceived. He had a name to live, and was dead, so he began to seek
salvation. He said he would never get up without salvation. God gloriously
blessed him, and ever since he has been telling others how Jesus saved him.

A little girl fifteen years old was at the altar. She arose, her face shining with the
glory of God, and commenced walking and exhorting. Looking up to heaven,
like Stephen, she said she saw her sainted mother walking through the gold-
paved streets, and no one doubted it. She labored very hard with her brother,
who was almost a skeptic. He said it was nothing but excitement. He has been to
several of our meetings since; the last time being six months after the meeting at
Markle. I asked him if his sister had got over her excitement. Said he, “My
sister’s got religion, and I am convinced of that. She is happy all the time.” I
asked him, “Do you want this religion too?” Said he, “I do. I know I ought to be
a Christian. I am going away, maybe never to come back. Pray for me and I will
pray for myself.” God bless and save him, is my prayer.

A number of brethren came in from other churches and worked faithfully in

helping to gather in the sheaves. Among these was Brother Migrant, who is full
of the power of the Holy Ghost. He has been an efficient worker in several of our
meetings. God bless him, and may he go home rejoicing, bringing in the
sheaves. Brother Anderson was present and was a great help, and did a great deal
of good in the meeting. Several other ministers were present. Brother Murray,
the new pastor, came from conference and fell in line at once, and went to work
whole-hearted in the saving of souls. He added to the interest of the meeting
very much. He has since baptized nearly one hundred of the converts and taken
many of them into full membership. May they ever be kept faithful, and may
God’s richest blessings rest upon the dear people in and around Markle, is my
daily prayer.

Amid the hours that rapidly fly,

Amid the flowers that soon shall die,
Amid our tears, while here we roam,
How sweet the thought, we’re going home,

Oh, yes, how sweet, as down life’s stream,

Time bears us onward like a dream,
The thought that we shall be there,
And all the joys of heaven share.

We're going home, with saints to be,

Where dwell our friends we long to see ;
To join the glorious ransomed band,
Which stands in bliss at God's right hand.

We’ll cling to Jesus in the hour

When sin and Satan use their power,
And murmur not, when sorrows come,
For by-and-by we're going home.

How sweet, amid life’s toils and fears,

To know that Jesus always hears;
In darkest night he bids us come,
And all our fears and wants make known.

No dying groans shall there be heard,

And we shall speak no parting word ;
Oh, sinner, to our Savior come,
And join the band that’s going home.
Chapter VIII.
Meeting at Trinity Chapel — Crime — Called to the Ministry—
Baptismal Service — Our Visit to Trinity—Conversion of an
Unbeliever — Visit to Sheldon—Meeting at New Haven — Oh,
God, send us Help! — Conversion of a Catholic—A Little Child
shall Lead Them—Swift Judgment—Meeting at Maples —
Reinforcements—A Catholic Girl—Bringing in the Sheaves.

BROTHER Fuller and myself commenced a revival meeting at Trinity Chapel,

Huntington County, Indiana, under very discouraging circumstances. The mud
was hub deep, and many that came to the meeting would not get there until it
was nearly out, The class was very small, and had been in trouble for several
years. A murder had been committed and several of the families had been
connected with the sad affair in some way. The boys who did the deed got clear.
It was proved to have been done in self-defense. There was a great deal of hard
feelings, and of course the church could not prosper. By the third meeting this
was all settled.

I knew the harvest was great and that we must have workers. I prayed for God to
send workers at once. That night several came from Markle and Zion and went
to work. We had a wonderful outpouring of the Spirit.

The meeting lasted a week. We had fifty-three bright converts. Five of Brother
Fisher’s family came out in a bright experience. Rachel is gifted with great
power and liberty for the work, and I believe she will have to leave home and
friends for Jesus and be a flaming herald in winning souls for Christ. Emmet, her
brother, is the most devoted boy I have ever met. He can work any place in a
revival and is successful in whatever he undertakes.

Isaac Fuller came to this meeting and was brightly converted. We believe he is
called to the ministry. We look forward to the time when at least four or five will
be standing in the ministry who were converted in this meeting, if they are
faithful in blowing the gospel trumpet. Brother Beatty, who was considered a
skeptic, was converted and appointed class-leader. He is a faithful worker and
has great power and influence over his class. God bless Brother Beatty. May he
ever go on in the good work.

We went to Markle to the river, where Brother Fuller emersed thirty-five of the
converts. Some were baptized at other places.

Five months after, when we were on our way home from Michigan, we stopped
at Trinity, intending to rest a few days at Brother Fisher’s. We found the dear
friends in the harvest-field. We went to Sabbath-school, and there held a social
meeting. I announced services for the evening. The brothers and sisters came for
miles around. They said there never had been such a crowd at Trinity. The
windows were raised and they gathered around in buggies and wagons, and kept
very quiet, so that they could hear very well.

We continued the meetings all week, in the evenings. There were twenty-six
converted. Two of these had been members of the Disciple’s Church, and were
opposed to the mourner’s bench. When they were converted they could make
about as much noise as some of the rest.

Brother Roe, a young man of bright talents, who was almost an unbeliever when
we first met him, came to the altar twice, but had not an experience such as he
wanted. When I was holding meetings at New Haven, he came in. As he was
coming up front he received the witness of the Spirit that he was indeed the child
of a King. His face shone with the glory of God. He shouted his praises and went
to work praying and pleading with sinners to come to Christ and he saved.
Brother Fuller came also. He and Brother Roe worked like old soldiers of the
cross. They won the confidence of every one, and did a great deal of good. They
both feel that God is calling them to the ministry. They should leave all and go at
once. Brother Roe was at the point of death. We believe God raised him up in
answer to prayer. God help him to say, “Here am I; send me.”

God surely has done a great work for the people at Trinity. Nearly every house
has become a house of prayer, and whole families were brought into the
kingdom. God bless them, is my prayer, and that each one may be kept faithful
until that day, and he presented faultless before the great white throne. How my
heart leaps for joy when I think of the time when I shall meet them face to face,
where parting is unknown; where we shall walk and talk with Jesus; where we
shall go in and out of those mansions that Jesus is preparing for us; where we
shall talk of our joys and of the wonderful plan of salvation.
Dear reader, are yon on the gospel car? Have you a through ticket for the golden
city? Be in haste, the train is in motion, and you will soon be left behind.

We went home to Sheldon to see our daughter and family and to rest a few days.
We held meeting in the Methodist Episcopal Church from Friday evening until
Sabbath evening. We had a joyful time. It was the first time we had been there
since the revival. We found the most of those who had been converted there
ready to take part. I should like to have continued the meeting a week, believing
that much good could have been done. We had to fill an appointment the next
morning, and could not stay. My earliest prayer is that the people of Sheldon will
prove faithful. They have many things to discourage them; but we must bear the
cross if we expect to wear the crown.

By the earnest request of Brother Sellers, the pastor, we commenced a series of

meetings at New Haven, Allen County, Indiana, in the Methodist Episcopal
Church. I realized that we were set down in a valley of dry bones. We found very
few Christians, only two or three that could take hold of the work. We held on to
God, by faith and prayer, expecting to see the walls fall. They at once began to
come to the altar, and came by scores. As many as forty and sixty came at once.
We had cast the gospel net and taken in so many fish that we could not get them
to shore.

I prayed, “Oh, God, send us help.” In answer to prayer, Brother Joseph Saylors,
the singing evangelist, and also Brother Albertson, came. As I saw Brother
Albertson, so young, nothing but a boy, I thought, did they send him here to kill
him? I felt almost a mother’s interest in him, and have ever since. He was the
youngest minister in the Methodist Episcopal Conference.

The churches united in the work. We held the meeting part of the time in the
Methodist Episcopal Church, which continued two weeks and resulted in over
one hundred conversions, most of which were taken into the churches. A
Catholic was converted in this meeting. One dear sister in her seventieth year,
and another fifty, who had been church-members for years, said they had been
deceived, and had been spiritually blind. Now they rejoiced in the God of their

I never saw so many young men come out in one meeting. Two of them have
since been licensed in the Methodist Episcopal Church,
A little girl, eight or nine years old, came to the altar. I asked her several
questions. She said she wanted to be Jesus’ little lamb, and very soon her little
face was lighted up with the love of God. I asked her if her parents were
Christians. She said that her mamma was in heaven, but her papa was wicked;
that he drank. I told her to talk and pray with him, and tell him if he did not
come to Jesus he would be lost.

A few evenings after, she made her way through the crowded house to the pulpit.
I saw the little mite; she was waiting for me to speak to her. I took her in my
arms and asked her if she still loved Jesus. She said, “ Yes, but papa is sick. I
talked and prayed with him, but could not get him to meeting.” The trouble was
he was sin-sick. God had sent conviction to his heart. He saw he was a sinner
and on his way to hell. I told her to tell him to come to meeting to-morrow, that
he might not get well.

He came with her, and I took him by the hand and asked him if his little girl had
talked and prayed with him about his soul. He said she had, and began to tremble
and weep. I told him he was standing in the way of his child; that he did not
want his child to say in the great judgment day, “I never heard my father pray ”
He went with me to the altar. An old man who was converted a few days before,
prayed with him, and it was not long till he was blessed. They had clasped each
other around the neck, their white locks like cotton, both weeping for joy. It was
an affecting scene. Truly “a little child shall lead them.”

Several workers came from Fort Wayne, some of them being students from the
theological school. Rev. Meets, the president of Fort Wayne College, preached a
powerful sermon. Several other ministers were present during the meeting.

I had expected to close on Sabbath and commence at Maples, a town on the

Pittsburg, Fott Wayne, and Chicago Railway, but the interest was so great I could
not close, and had to disappoint them at Maples. They said the house was
crowded, and as many outside as in. It was the same at New Haven. The best of
order prevailed all through the meeting. The people were astonished to see so
great a change in so short a time. Young men who had been playing base-ball on
the Sabbath, drinking, swearing and quarreling, were now in the path of duty,
ready to do anything for the cause of Christ. Many of these have bright talents,
and if they are faithful, will do a great work in the vineyard of the Lord. God
bless and keep them while sailing over the rough sea of life, and anchor them
them safe on the golden shore, is my earnest prayer.
Two young men attended the meeting, and we pleaded with them to repent and
turn to God before it was everlastingly too late. They fought off conviction by
making light of the young converts. One of them went swimming on Sabbath, a
short time after, and he was taken out of the water cold in death. He was
swearing and cursing not half an hour before. The other, while intoxicated, was
thrown from a horse and killed. Surely the way of the transgressor is hard.

God set life and death before them and they chose death. They refused the last
call of mercy. God called; they would not answer. “He stretched forth his hand
and they would not receive.” He mocked at their calamity and laughed when
their fear came; they were cut down cumberers of the ground, showing others
that it is a fearful thing to fight against God.

Dear reader, are you sowing your wild oats? Remember, the reaping time is
coming, and you will reap thorns and thistles. Remember, “for all these things
God will bring you unto judgment.”

I sent word Tuesday morning to Maples, that I would commence meeting there
that evening. In the evening Brother and Sister Roberts met us at the station and
took us to their home, which we found to be very pleasant. We remained with
them most of the time. My health was very poor and I was tenderly cared for;
they did everything they could for our comfort. May the dear Lord reward them
for their kindness. They will always have a warm place in our hearts.

In the evening we went to the chapel and were kindly welcomed by the brethren
and sisters. We found a full house and the little band of faithful workers; and
they did a great work in the meeting. .

About fifty of the converts came from New Haven and went to work. As they
came up the aisle, their bright and happy faces shining with the love of God, I
commenced to sing, “Re-inforcements now appearing, victory is nigh.”

The people at Maples were acquainted with most of these persons, and they were
surprised to see the great change in them, as one after another got up and
testified of salvation and the love of Jesus in their hearts, and exhorted sinners to
flee from the wrath to come. Two of these were little boys. They had walked
from New Haven, five miles, to be at this meeting. They talked like little
preachers. We had a glorious time.

The revival commenced at once. There were seekers at the altar the first night.
We continued the meeting ten days. The power of God was wonderfully
manifested. The house was crowded and the interest increased. People were
convicted all around. Some who had not been to meeting were so troubled they
could not work, and said if we did not soon close they would have to come and
get our kind of religion. We believe if we could have staid a few days longer
many more would have come into the kingdom.

Two Catholics were converted. One of them was a French Catholic girl. She has
since that time passed through bitter persecutions, but she stands firm as a rock. I
have seen her arise before a large congregation and testify that Christ was the
only way to heaven, and that she was so glad her eyes had been opened. Many of
her people were present. God bless and keep her.

Brother Blowers and wife, a noble couple, were brightly converted. They had
been members of the Dunkard Church, but had not experienced a change of
heart. They had a name to live, and were dead. But now they can sing,

“No longer in darkness I’m walking,

For the light is now shining on me,
And now unto others I’m telling,
How he saved a poor sinner like me.”

They are truly bright and shining lights, and we believe they will be the
instruments in God’s hands, if faithful, in saving many of their friends who are
now unsaved.

Brother Woods had been teaching school for several years, and was convinced at
this meeting that God had a wider field of labor for him; that he had been sailing
for Tarshish long enough. He is now about to take a circuit. He is a good
speaker, and with his winning ways, if he keeps low at Jesus’ feet, will be the
instrumentality in bringing many souls to Christ.

The time we spent at Maples will always be a bright spot in our memories.
Brother Staunton has been sent to take charge of the circuit. We think he is a
man called of God and sent to care for the lambs. We expect to hear of the
churches growing and prospering under his labors. God bless him and give him
many souls for his hire. My earnest prayer is, may the shepherd and the flock
work together that they may come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves. To God be
all the glory.
When our weeping’s over,he will bid us welcome.
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Chapter IX.
Visiting the Churches.— Little River.—Merkle.—Two death-bed Scenes.—
Quarterly Meeting at Middletown.—Brother Spellman.—Meeting at Massillon,
—Meeting at liberty and New Haven.— The Stranger at the Door.— Sermon.—
The Second Coming of Christ.

We held a meeting a few days at Little River, assisted by Brothers Woods and
Puller, which resulted in about twenty conversions, who were baptized by
Brother Puller. The church was very much revived. We started a cottage praise
meeting, which is resulting in great good.

Among the converts was Brother Camel, a man of great influence. His whole
soul is in the work of the Master. May the blessing of God ever rest on him and
the Church at Little River, till they join the Church triumphant.

We drove into Merkle one evening at five o’clock, and they insisted on us having
a meeting that evening and we consented. They rang the bell, and in a short time
the house was full. We met Brother Murry, and were rejoiced to see him and so
many familiar faces who had become very dear to us.

After talking awhile, we gave an invitation and four came to the altar, and we
believe they were converted. We have met them since and they are still on the
way. May they all be kept faithful through the storms of life, and anchor safe on
the golden shore.

Two ladies died about the same time. One was converted at Monroeville. She
stepped into the life-boat just in time to safely land on the golden shore. As she
looked at death and the grave she shouted, “Victory.” Death had no sting, it was
only the shadow, and that was lighted with the glory of God. She waited, longing
for the Savior to come. She told her children not to weep for her. A sister who
stood by her bed said she never saw such a death. She said, “ Oh, let me die the
death of the righteous, and let my end he like hers.”

We're going: home rejoicing,

Praise the Lord, we’re going home.
Forever and forever with the Savior we shall roam,
Clad in robes that he has bought us,
Precious garments of his grace.
We shall see him in his glory,
And behold him face to face.

The other lady passed through the influence of a meeting we closed a short time
since. She had made light of God’s work and his children, although she was a
church-member. About two weeks after the meeting closed, she passed into
eternity without God, She died a terrible death, cursing God and religion. Her
ravings were so terrible that her friends could not bear the sight, and gave her
cloroform to quiet her.

She had been given over to hardness of heart. The door of mercy was closed,
When God shuts up a man there can be no opening. She had refused the last call
of mercy. God had set life and-death before her, but she chose death.

We went to Middletown to attend a quarterly meeting and met Brother Spellman,

who is seventy years old. He is a superannuated minister. We had a pleasant time
talking of the wonderful works of God. This aged servant had pitched his tent on
many battlefields and had put the enemies of the Lord to flight with the gospel
sword, and doubtless gained many jewels for the Master's crown. He will soon
leave the battle to go up to wear the crown.

We also met Elder Linch, and were pleased to hear him preach the word, in
simplicity and power. May the blessings of God ever rest on Brother Linch, and
as he goes from point to point may he urge the brethren to be more earnest and
zealous for the cause of Christ.

We were rejoiced to meet the dear brethren, and sisters, and friends of
Middletown, and to encourage them to press forward in the good work. They
urged us to protract the meeting, but we needed rest. We went to Brother
Herod’s, our home last spring during the revival. It seemed like getting home
among our own children, brothers, and sisters. We stayed a week and felt sorry
to leave. God bless Brother Herod and family for their kindness to us. My prayer
is that the children will soon be brought into into the fold.

We went to Massillon on Saturday, where they had a Sabbath-school celebration.

Several schools came together, and several ministers were present. Brother Todd
was the president.he gave his heart to God last winter, and he has won the
confidence and love of the whole community. This meeting will long be
remembered by the many who were present.

We had three meetings in the church, and the house was crowded. Massillon
Church has indeed become “a city set on a hill.” Of the hundred that had been
converted in the past winter, they told me they were all standing firm. Bless the
Lord they were nearly all there to speak for themselves. Six or seven would rise
to their feet at once to speak of the love of Christ,

Oh; how I praised God when I saw the happy faces of the dear brethren and
sisters, fathers and mothers, and the young people, who were almost like my
own children, so strong and steadfast, and determined, by the grace of God, to go
on till they got into the beautiful city of God, God grant we may meet without
the loss of one, in that world where we will no more shed the parting tear, and
where we shall spend eternity together in the presence of the Lord.

We preached once in the United Brethren Church at Liberty.

We also visited the churches in New Haven. We held two meetings in the
Methodist Protestant Church. Brother Staunton, the pastor, and Brother
Albertson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, were present, and both
took part in the services.

We then went to the Methodist Episcopal Church and held a meeting and had a
large congregation. We had a happy time, and were rejoiced to see the most of
those who came out in the winter still standing firm.

Brother Albertson was expected, on the next Sabbath, to take the probationers
into full membership. We should have been glad to have stayed but we had other
engagements. The church hag been refitted and made beautiful, and rededicated.
May the power and blessings of God ever rest on the pastors and people of these

"Behold a stranger at the door,

He gently knocks—has knocked before,
Ha9 waited long, is waiting still,
You treat no other friend so ill.

CHORUS.—O, let the dear Savior come in,

He’ll cleanse the heart from sin;
O, keep him no more, out at the door,
But let the dear Savior come in,

O, lovely attitude — he stands

With melting heart and loaded hands;
O, matchless kindness — and he shows
This matchless kindness to his foes.

But will he prove a friend indeed?

He will—the very friend you need.
The friend of sinners? Yes, 'tis he,
With garments dyed on Calvary.

Rise, touched with gratitude divine,

Turn out his enemy and thine;
That soul-destroying monster, sin,
And let the heavenly stranger in.

Admit him, ere his anger bum—-

His feet, departed, ne’er return;
Admit him, or the hour’s at hand,
You’ll at his door rejected stand.


“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of
the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in
the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”—
I. Thess, iv., 16, 17.

“The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.

“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and them that
obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,

“Who shall be punished with destruction from the presence of the Lord, and
from the glory of his power.—II. Thess. i. 7-9.
“But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
This is the first resurrection.”


“Blessed and. holy ia he that hath part in the first resurrection! on such the
second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God, and of Christ, and
shall reign with him a thousand years. — Revelation xx., 5, 6,

The subject of resurrection is grand, and glorious to contemplate. It should be

taught and explained in all our churches. It is the hope of the church, it was the
theme of the prophets’ and apostles' teaching.

The resurrection and atonement are the key notes of the New Testament. We
believe we are living in the last days, and that the coming of the Lord draweth

A prophetic conference met in New York, November, 1878. One hundred and
forty bishops and ministers from the different states and across the waters, met to
compare the prophecies referring to the coming of Christ. That Daniel’s “seventy
weeks” were about expired. Daniel spoke of many things that the angel revealed
to him that should take place before the coming of Christ, that have already
come to pass. He spoke of the war between the North and South. That the South
should rebel and rise up against the North, and that the North should come with a
mighty army and conquer the South. She should come with great ships of war.
He spoke of the cars and express trains as the chariots rushing through the land
like a whirlwind. You remember that for months and years our trains went like a
whirlwind, crowded with men of war. (Daniel xi., 40.) This was to be near the
end. He spoke of the loss of life, and poverty, by fires and floods. Whole towns
have been swept away, thousands and thousand of families have been left
homeless, and without a penny, by these destroying elements. The last year was
called the black year, over two hundred thousand having been swept into eternity
by accident and pestilence. Over one hundred thousand were swallowed up in
the terrible earthquake in September. Daniel asked the angel, “What shall be the
end of all those things?” When he shall have scattered the power of the holy
people all these things shall be finished. This is the last prophecy.

Jesus, in speaking of the signs of the last day, says, “When you see the fig tree
casting forth leaves, you say the summer is near. Even so when you see these
things come to pass, the coming of the Son of Man draweth near, even at your
door. This gospel of my kingdom shall be preached for a witness of me to all
nations, then shall the end be.” Our missionaries tell us the gospel has been sent
into all the habitable parts of the earth, so, to-day, the power of the holy people is
scattered over the earth, in every nation and kindred, tribe and tongue. There are
those who are witnesses that Jesus has power on earth to forgive sins. So to-day,
the knowledge of the Lord covers the whole earth. A theoretical knowledge at

The lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed. The mighty conqueror is marching
on from one victory to another. To-day he sways his sceptre from the rivers to
the ends of the earth. To-day he is reigning in the hearts of his people all over
our land.

Dear brother in the Lord, cheer up. The end of your redemption draweth near,
much nearer than when we first believed. Some, even ministers, pray for the
time to hasten on when the whole world will be converted. That is contrary to
the teachings of the Word of God. Jesus says the people shall war worse and
worse, and do more wickedly. As in the days of Noah, they ate, they drank, they
married, and went on in their wickedness till the very day that the floods came
and swept them all away. As in the days of Lot, they bought and sold,builded
and mocked at God’s messengers, although God sent angels to warn them, only
three were saved from the storm of fire and brimstone, so it shall be at the
coming of the Son of Man.

Jesus says that time will not come except there will be a falling away in the
churches. False teachers will rise up having the form of Godliness, but denying
the power. From such turn away. There are hundreds of such teachers to-day.
They are blind leaders of the blind. They are going down to hell together. This is
a visible sign of the coming of Christ. Since the late war, our churches have been
decreasing in spiritual power and growing rich in fine houses. Swelling the
membership, making little effort to get the people converted, taking in members
without conversion, dead weights. The abomination of desolation that Daniel
spoke of has been set up in the churches. It takes six living men to carry one
dead one. They come in without the wedding garments on, with the black robes
of sin around them, and while God’s children are feasting on the heavenly manna
they sit back and criticise but they dare not taste of the feast. They fight against
God and all the workings of the Holy Ghost. The devil has them blinded. He
appears as an angel of light trying to deceive the very elect. We are told to watch
and be on our guard; that we shall be tried as with fire and be pure as gold.

Jesus will send his angels to gather the wheat from the tares. God help us, dear
friends, to be among the wheat.

“For many false prophets shall arise and deceive many, because iniquity shall
abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” We are living in the perilous times
when God's children are tried as by fire. Many will not stand the test, but will
fall. “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and you shall he hated of all
nations for my name’s sake.” Those who dare to stand and defend the cause of
Christ, and honor the Holy Ghost in all his teachings, would be shut up in prison
or taken to the stake if it were not for the laws.

“The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars
shall cease to shine.” These signs have been remarkably fulfilled. Thousands are
living who saw the grand display of celestial fireworks when the heavens and
earth were covered with fireballs. People thought the day of judgment had come.
A wonderful excitement prevailed. Men, women, and children were crying for
mercy. Some took their own lives, others became insane. Many remember when
the sun was darkened. It began to grow dark at ten, and at twelve it was so dark
the lanterns were lighted. The fowls went to roost, the frogs began to peep, tho
cattle came lowing into the barn-yards, the moon was full, yet it was so dark you
could not discern white paper from black velvet, and lasted fourteen hours.
“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away till all these things be
fulfilled.” This generation that have seen all these things shall live to see Christ
coming. Every prophecy has been fulfilled except those that shall take place at
his coming.

Christ is a perfect Savior. He came to restore all that was lost in Adam’s fall.
When Adam fell his lost his holy nature. Sickness and death came on the body.
If Christ could not restore the soul and body he would not be a perfect Savior.
The believer’s soul is made perfect in this life, pure and white. The body will be
subject to disease until the coming of Christ. At the crucifixion of Christ the
graves were opened and many of the bodies of the saints which slept, arose and
came out of their graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city and
appeared unto many. (Matthew, xxvii., 52, 53.) Paul says he will change these
vile bodies and make them like the glorious body of the Son of God. The last
enemy that Christ will conquer is death. The time is coming when they that are
in their graves will hear his voice and come forth, some to the resurrection of
damnation in the image of the devil, their father. Elijah went to heaven in a
golden chariot, soul and body. Enoch went up in a whirlwind. Christ took the
same body to heaven that was nailed to the cross and was laid in the grave. Paul
speaks of being perfect in one sense and not in another. He is already perfect in
heart if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead, when he
would be perfect, soul and body united. Clothed upon with immortality, then the
saints will shout victory over death, hell, and the grave.

“Behold he cometh with clouds, every eye shall see him, all the kindred of the
earth shall wail because of him, even so come Lord Jesus. Surely I come quickly,
Amen.” He expects to hear a hearty response from every one who is true to him,
“Even so come, Lord Jesus.” God’s true children are ready, watching morning,
noon, and night, for the coming of the bridegroom in the hour of death, or in the
clouds. They have their lamps trimmed and burning. They are making every
effort to gather in their friends and neighbors before the storms of God’s wrath
shall burst in awful fury on a lost and ruined world, Jesus is preparing the
mansions for the bride; he is preparing the marriage-supper. He is gathering the
hosts of angels together. His chariots are ready. Soon the angel “will stand with
one foot on the land and the other on the sea, and swear by Him that liveth that
time shall be no more.” “The angels sound the trumpet. Come gather yourselves
together, to the supper of the great God;” “for the bride hath made herself
ready;” blessed are they who are called to the marriage-supper of the Lamb.”

When the herald shall shout, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet
him,” oh, what a sight will burst on our raptured vision, as we see the King of
heaven coming on his white throne, and the Bridegroom, with his royal robes, in
all the glory of the heavenly world, with his golden chariot, and all the shining
angels to escort the bride, the Lamb’s wife, to the golden city, the new
Jerusalem, with the spirits of the saints coming back for their bodies. O Grave,
give us our bodies! The mighty Conqueror unlocks the graves, and with a shout
that penetrates the caverns of the sainted dead, the tombs fly open, the sleeping
saints come forth from their dusty beds, set free from the effects of sin. Old age,
gray hairs, withered limbs, deformities, death, disease, are all the effects of sin.
Jesus came to save us from the curse of sin, to restore all that was lost by the fall.
Jesus died in the prime of life, in the strength and vigor of manhood. We shall be
like him. These vile bodies shall be changed and made like unto the glorious Son
of God; not to be unclothed, but clothed upon with immortality. Oh, what a
meeting that will be. Whole families and friends will rise up from the old
church-yards and clasp each other in a long embrace, which will last forever.
Mothers and children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, friends and
neighbors, pastors and flocks, shall meet. Those who are alive will be changed in
a moment, set free from the effect of sin, and be clothed with the glory of
heaven. Then a mighty shout of victory will go up from the millions of saints
—“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” But thanks be to
God for victory over death, hell, and the grave—while the poor lost sinners are
begging for oil.

Good Lord, what groans, what awful cries,

What awful rumblings through the skies.
Poor sinners sink in dark despair,
While saints go flying through the air.

The armies of the Lord and the soldiers of Jesus have left the various battle-
fields and have come together at the sounding of the trumpet. The last battle is
fought; the last sermon has been preached; the last prayer has been offered; the
last tear has been shed for sinners; the last persecution, pain, and sorrow is
forever o'er. Oh, glory to God for victory. I long for that day. Come, O
Redeemer, quickly come! See, oh see, the shining hosts arise, and the Conqueror
leading on the armies to take the city! Hear him shout as he nears the gates, The
everlasting doors, fly wide, and let the King of glory in! Who is this King of
glory? The Lord God of hosts is his name. Jesus, the King of heaven, is coming
with his bride. Ring the bells of heaven, strike your harps of gold! Oh, the
rapture, as we shall march through the streets of pure gold! We shall raise our
voices, which will sound as rushing waters, like mighty thunders in singing glory
to the Lamb, who has bought us and washed us in his own precious blood. We
will have harps and palms in our hands, and crowns on our heads. Yes, Jesus will
place the shining crowns with his own hand upon our heads. Then we shall
march through the streets of the city, with all the music of the saints of heaven,
saying, “ Alleluia, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.” Let us be glad and
rejoice, and give honor to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his
wife hath made herself ready.

Jesus will lead us to the great white throne, and say, “Here, Father, am I and the
children thou hast given me.” We will prostrate ourselves before the throne and
cast our crowns at his feet, saying, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God of hosts ”
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honor, power, riches, wisdom, and
glory forever. Amen.”
We shall all sit down to the marriage-supper of the Lamb. Oh, what a company
—prophets, apostles, martyrs, fathers, mothers, children, friends, and neighbors,
brothers and sisters in the Lord, ministers and converts! Oh, what a reunion;
what a gathering that will be! And what a view, as we look along the table, at the
bright and shining faces; then to behold the dear Savior smiling on his children.!
Dear friends, will you be there?


The great day of His wrath is come, and who will be able to stand.

“The rest of the dead lived not again till the thousand years were finished.”
“Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second
death hath no power. (Rev, xx. 5, 6.)

Many say that Christ will reign on the earth a thousand years with his saints.
That will not be. He only comes in the clouds. We shall arise to meet him and be
priests of God, and reign with him a thousand years.

The perilous times that the prophets speak of shall now commence, when men
will run to and fro, desiring death; but death will flee from them; such times as
have never been since the creation of the world.

The sad separation is past; little children have been taken from the mother’s
arms; some of the loved ones have been taken from every family.

The saints are the lights of the world; they have all gone. The doom of the sinner
is forever sealed. The door of mercy is forever shut. We know the doors once
shut will never open again. The sun shall be turned to darkness, the moon to
blood, and the stars fall from heaven.

O sinner, what will you do in that day? Satan shall be bound a thousand years.
The city will be visible all that time. Oh, to behold the marriage splendor within
the door — and you shut out! When the thousand years have expired, Satan will
come out of his prison. That old deceiver of the brethren makes another effort to
take the throne. As in the beginning he was jealous of God and rebelled and was
cast out of heaven, falling like lightning to the earth, so now as he looks away
and sees the beautiful city with all its glory he again longs for supremacy. The
devil, as a roaring lion, gathers the armies together from Gog and Magog to
battle against the saints of the most high God, exclaiming, “ Come, now, we will
take the city.” They surround the city, fighting against God, trying to take it. Fire
came down from heaven and devoured them. They were burned as stubble, both
root and branch, and Satan was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where
the false prophets are to be tormented forever and ever. Now the great day of his
wrath is come, and who shall he able to stand!

Jesus comes now as the stern Judge; not the despised Nazarene; not the
bridegroom in all his glory for his bride. He comes in flaming fire, taking
vengeance on the wicked. At the sound of the awful voice the sea heaves up its
dead, the graves give up their bodies, hell gives up the spirits, and soul and body
are united. The wicked as Satan’s children will come up in his image. The saints
will come with the Redeemer on the throne and help to judge the world. The
saints will not come to be judged but for rewards. Some men’s sins go before to
judgment and some follow after. When Christ forgives our sins he blots them
out. They are forgotten. He separates them as far from us as the east is from the
west. Our sins go before us, the sinners’ follow after. The Christian’s influence
and good works go on through time. We will never get the last star in our crown
till the great judgment day. I am glad we will stand before the Judge. The world
will see us in our true colors, and hear the Savior say, “ Well done, thou good
and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee
ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Oh, friend, what a
gathering that will be! The whole congregated world will be-there. You and I
will meet. Will you be on the right side? The books will be opened, the book of
death and the book of life, and all whose names are not written in the book of
life will be cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death.

Dear travelers to the judgment bar of God, is your name on the general roll? You
must have it sent up in this life. Parents and children there will part, and
husbands and wives, to meet no more. Oh, how parents will tremble there who
have raised their children without prayer? Me-thinks I hear the children say, “I
never heard my parents pray.” Oh, how will parents tremble who have reared
their children without prayer,

O parents, if you are bound to go to hell, you will say, like Cain, “My
punishment is greater than I can bear,” without seeing your children’s awful
misery through your example. God loaned you those jewels to polish for his
glory. Woe to you if you betray your trust.
Oh, there will be a prayer-meeting, and the kings, the great men, the rich, the
chief captains, the mighty men, the bond and free men, will participate in this
meeting. Those who never opened their lips in prayer will pray. But, O God,
what a prayer! It will not be for mercy, for that time is past. They will pray for
the “rocks and mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the face of Him
that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the day of his
wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?” They will try to hide in the rocks
of the mountains and caves of the earth, and the mountains will flee away. They
will stand naked and guilty before His sight.

Sinners, are you too proud or too timid to come out before the world a humble
penitent, and confess Christ as your Savior? If you do not do it now, while mercy
is offered, you will do it then when there will be no mercy, for God designs that
the whole world shall acknowledge his son as the Savior of men. You will bow
before the congregated world.

The court is over, the last case has been decided before the judge. We see the
ransomed rise, with the shouts of triumph, above a world that is wrapped in
flames. Oh, ye people of America, what will you do with that gold and silver you
have sold your soul for? It will melt like wax before the flames. What will you
do with those fine mansions you have sold your soul to Satan for? You will have
all eternity to repent of your foolish choice. May the spirit of conviction come on
you as you read these words, that you will have no rest, .day nor night, till you
prepare to meet your. God. Till you have the witness of the Spirit that your name
is written in the Lamb's book of life. Make up your mind to hare part in the first

Are you ready for the Bridegroom, when he comes?

Behold he cometh! Behold he cometh!
Be robed and ready, for the Bridegroom comes.

Chorus.—Behold the Bridegroom, for he comes!

Behold he cometh ! Behold he cometh!
Be robed and ready, for the Bridegroom comes.

Have your lamps trimmed and burning when he comes.

He quickly cometh!
He quickly cometh!
O, soul, be ready when the Bridegroom comes.
Chapter X.
Report of my Work in the Past Year—Results of our Work— Trials and
Persecutions—My Health—Visions in the Night— One More Year’s Work for
Jesus—Conversion and Death— Conference at Columbia City —My Ordination
— Preaching at Conference—Closing Scene.*—The Macedonian Cry.

Columbia City, Ind., Sept., 1881

In the past year we held twenty-four revival meetings, preached and exhorted
five hundred and twenty-five times. I preached two funeral sermons and
organized three churches, one of ninety, and the others of fifty members, and
four Sabbath-schools, three of them with a scholarship of from eighty to one
hundred. We went back and visited twelve of these churches to cheer Up and
encourage the young converts and brethren in the Lord to hold out faithful to the
end. We made about six hundred visits and traveled over seven hundred miles.

The result of all this traveling and labor, by the blessing of God, as far as we
know, was two thousand precious souls claimed to be converted, one thousand
were reclaimed, and came out in a bright experience. Mr. Woodworth was with
me all the time, doing all he could to take care of my health, and assist in the
work of saving souls.

As we look over the last year with all its bitter trials and persecutions, the
weariness of body, the many hard battles we were engaged in with the powers of
darkness arrayed against us, cold professors, and false shepherds to oppose the
work when we had to stand alone, leaning on the arm of the Great Shepherd.
Then he would whisper, “I am with you, be not afraid. I will fight your battles”
Then I would shout, “Victory through faith in the blood,” and souls would come
flocking to Christ.

We had meetings twice, and often three times a day. All this time my health was
very poor. I have not experienced an hour without suffering pain, in the last two
years. Nearly all this time, when I would be down at night, which would be from
ten till two o’clock, I would be so exhausted it seemed that I never could rise
again. Often I would spend the night in praying, or working in meetings in my

Often God has given me a vision of the next meeting we would hold, places we
had never been. I would know just what to expect and what the result would be.

In the morning it would seem impossible for me to get up, but I would think of
the morning meetings, and of souls that must be saved now or be lost forever. I
would trust God for strength and go forth knowing that he would not fail. As far
as I am concerned, I never failed to fill my appointments on account of my
health but once, and then it was the fault of some medicine I had taken.

When we see how wonderfully God has led us,, and cared for us, and protected
us, and opened the way where there seemed to be none, we forget all our trials
and give glory to God for using a worm of the dust in bringing so many
precious-souls to Christ. Oh, when I think of the many bright and happy faces
who are on their way to heaven, and those who have passed over the river in
triumph, shouting victory over death! Dear Jesus, they are thine. Thou hast
bought them with thy precious blood. Keep, oh, keep them faithful to the end.
Now to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, be all the glory forever, amen, and

“One more year’s work for Jesus, one less of life for me,
But heaven is nearer, and Christ is dearer than yesterday to me,
His love and light fills all my soul to-night.
One more year's work for Jesus, one less of life for me;
Oh! glorious is my king, 'tis joy, not duty, to speak his love,
Lord, if I may, I work another year.

"While holding meeting at Wood's Chapel, I went with several brethren and
sisters to visit an old man who was not able to go to church. He had been seeking
the Lord for some time but was not satisfied. He sent for me. He could hardly
wait till we got there, and he met me at the door. He was very feeble. The house
was full, and we had a very solemn time. The old man was blest and he exhorted
and praised God. Two other men were converted, and we were all made to
rejoice and praise God. There were shouts in heaven as the angels took the news
back that the prodigal was coming home.

One night, at the close of the meeting, a messenger came, saying he was dead,
and requested me to come and preach his funeral. It rained all night, and when
we started it was still raining, "We had to ride eight miles, and I was hardly able
to sit up. I knew the house would be crowded, and so we found it. I felt very
weak and hardly able to say anything, but I trusted in God, and looked to him to
give me strength, and glory to God, he gave me strength and voice. The words
came to me, “And desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the
mourners go about the streets.”—Eccl. xii., 5.

Out from the region9 of sorrow and night,

Gathering home I Gathering home!
Into the mansions of gladness and light,
The dear ones are gathering home.

We attended the eldership of the Church of God, which convened at Columbia

City, Indiana, in September, 1884, where we met many of the brethren from the
different places where we Lad held meetings. One of the converts was licensed
to preach, and two were preaching who had been elected elders in the church.

Among the ministers who were present was Elder Allen, from Illinois, and Elder
Rice, from Michigan. Brother Wood was ordained elder, and was baptized in the
river. It was a very beautiful place and a very solemn scene. He came up out of
the water shouting.

I was ordained elder, with authority to administer the ordinances and to

solemnize matrimony. My earnest prayer is that I may live low at the Master's
feet, as clay in the potter's hands, fit for the Master's use.

I was called on to preach. It was quite a cross. I had preached in the presence of
as many or more ministers, but this time my health was unusually poor and my
voice was very weak. I spoke from the text, “Here am I; send me.” God gave me
liberty, power, and voice. Oh, praise the Lord for his goodness and help in every
time of trouble. How wonderfully he has verified his promise, “Lo, I am with
you alway, even unto the end.”

Mr. Woodworth and a number of others were given license to exhort by the

Several aged ministers were present who had been fighting the battles of the
Lord for many years, and who will soon leave the battle-field and go up to wear
the crown, while others were just starting out, with all the responsibilities of a
watchman on the walls of Zion. May they ever be kept faithful.
We all felt strengthened, with a desire to be more earnest than ever before in the
cause of Christ. May the blessings of God ever rest on the people of that vicinity
for so kindly entertaining the many friends who attended the conference.

We received over twenty calls to build up the waste places in Zion. The
Macedonian cry is coming from far and near, “Come over and help us.” Oh, for
earnest workers in the vineyard of the Lord. How many are refusing to respond
to the call of God, saying, “I pray thee, have me excused.” How many of my
readers will say,

“Lord, obediently I'll go,

Gladly leaving all below,
Only thou my leader be
And I still will follow thee.”

It if, a glorious work to rally sinners to the cross of Christ.

Chapter XI.
Meeting at Little River—Baptismal Service—the Lord’s Supper
—Feet Washing—the Holy Kiss—Meeting at Cherubusco—
Political Excitement — Wonderful Conversions — Home Again—
Visit to Trinity — Meeting at Garrison’s School-House —
Conversion of a Universalist — A Trance — The Child of a King.

NEXT went to Little River, Union Chapel, where Brother Fuller and I
commenced a revival meeting, which we held from Friday until Sabbath
evening. The power of God was wonderfully manifested at each meeting. The
house was crowded, and hundreds could not get in.

Many of the converts came from Trinity, Markle, Zanesville, and Zion. They
brought the holy fire with them, and sinners were made to tremble and
cry,-“What shall I do to be saved?” Among those that came to the altar was a
Disciple lady, seventy-four years old. She praised God and rejoiced in her
salvation. She said God had taken her into the life-boat at the eleventh hour.
Another dear old sister, sixty-six years old, received a great blessing and is on
her way rejoicing. As powerful prayers as I ever heard, were made by Brother
Isaac Fuller and Sister Fisher, two converts.

Sabbath morning we had a glorious praise meeting. Over two hundred witnessed
for Jesus. After preaching, we went to the river, where Rev. Fuller buried by
baptism forty of the converts. It was a grand sight. About one thousand
witnessed this solemn scene. The results of this meeting were indeed wonderful,
for the short time. Praise God for his powerful works.

On Sabbath evening Brother Fuller administered the Lord's Supper, many

partaking of the emblems of the broken body of our Lord for the first time, after
which the ordinance of feet washing was attended to. It was the first time I had
ever witnessed this solemn ordinance.

When Brother Fuller girded himself with a towel and stooped to wash a brother's
feet, it brought the scene of the last supper as never before to my mind. It
seemed as though I could almost hear the Savior talking to Peter as he stooped to
wash his feet, saying, “As I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, so
ought ye to wash one anothers.” Young men and boys washing aged fathers' feet,
whose locks were white, then greeting each other with a holy kiss. I looked over
the crowded house, and at the doors and windows, to see if any were making
sport, but I am glad to say there were none. Every one was as solemn as death.
Many who participated were made to weep for joy and praise God aloud. “If you
love me, keep my commandments.”

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise him ye creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

The people of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana, had been writing for nearly
a year for us to come and hold a meeting. Brother Bridge had written to us two
or three times, then he came to see us, and we promised to come in a few weeks.
We went sooner than we expected.

The meeting was not announced as it should have been, and hardly any one
knew we were coming at that time. There was a great political excitement. The
night we commenced the meeting the people were wild with excitement. There
was a torchlight procession nearly every night. There were only about thirty or
forty out the first night, but by the third night the house was crowded to
overflowing. The churches were prejudiced against each other. Some thought I
preach too much holiness and others not enough.

Brother Crawford, the United Brethren minister, came and took right hold of the
work. Some of the best workers came from that Church. We believe Brother
Crawford to be a whole-souled Christian. God bless him in his labors of love.

We asked those who had been converted and reclaimed in this meeting to rise.
They said there were about ninety that arose.

Among those who came out on the Lord's side were an old man and his wife
who had never made a profession. They were very wicked and had not been to
church for years. They were both brightly converted and joined the Methodist
Church. They must have been past seventy years old. An Adventist came out and
was a bright witness for Jesus.
Brother Maxwell, a man of very bright talents was converted and went right to
preaching. His wife and daughter were converted.

We took twenty-three into the Methodist Episcopal Church. We started a cottage

prayer-meeting for the young converts, and we learn it has been well attended.
May they all prove faithful is my prayer. There were fifteen ministers who
visited this meeting.

From Cherubusco we went to Sheldon, Ind., to our home, to visit our only
daughter and her family, who had moved from Ohio one year before. We found
them well and they rejoiced to see us once more. She has two sweet little
children. They seem like my own. Mabel is three years old, and is very much
like our little Georgie that went to heaven seven years ago. She looks and acts
enough like her to he her twin sister.

We visited the dear people at Trinity and found them all still climbing Jacob's
ladder. Dear Sister Fisher was still sitting up in bed where she has been for seven
years and not able to move hands or feet. God bless her. She is a happy
Christian, and always has a happy smile on her face. Her children are all on the
way with her to heaven, and she is resigned to the will of the Lord.

We went to Garrison’s school-house to hold a revival meeting. It was the week

of the election and every one was excited. The weather was bad for it was
raining, but we went on with the meeting for two weeks.

Fifty came out bright and firm for God. Among these was Brother Mammoth,
one of the brightest talented men in the country. He had been a a member of
Congress. Brother Silas Briggs and wife and several of the children of the
different families of Briggs, very intelligent and wealthy people, but who trusted
too much to morality for salvation, were converted. Willie Briggs, a school
teacher, says he must preach the gospel. God bless him, and may he be
instrumental in winning many souls to Christ. God grant that they may all be
kept faithful till we meet on the golden shore. Brother Hoyer and wife received a
wonderful blessing, and came out very bright on the Lord’s side. They had been
members of the Dunkard Church.

A Universalist was the brightest conversion we had. Every one thought he was
lost. Nothing ever made any impression on him. I felt if he was not across the
dead-line there were hopes for him. He was so near, there was no time to lose, I
worked with him every night. We could not have day meetings. I prayed for him
in public. His wife came out bright. I called on him to speak. He said he was
glad she came out, as he wanted her to bring the children up for heaven, but to
let him alone, as there was no hope for him.

He promised me he would go home and pray. He said he had never tried to pray
in his life, but he would try. He kept his word. He began to pray and God helped
him. God turned the light in and he saw what a sinner he was. He prayed all the
next day in the corn-field. That night I went to him and took his hand, He could
not speak. He broke down and wept. I told him to come to the altar. He started,
but would have fallen if some one had not caught him. He was soon converted,
and got up and told his experience. He said he had not wept since he was a boy,
and he was now forty years old. He had stood by his mother’s grave, and the
graves of his children and never shed a tear. He said it was his last chance. He
would have been forever lost if he had refused. Dear Jesus, watch over and keep
him faithful.

Brother Mason and wife were brightly converted. They were under conviction
and were trying to fight it off. A young sister, one of the converts, went home
with them to stay all night. She went to bed praying for them, and fell into a
trance, and they, thinking something was the matter, got up and found her lying
and with her hand pointing to heaven. She was preaching and praising God. She
was as cold and stiff as if she was dead. They tried to bend her hands and lay
them down, but they were so stiff it raised her head and shoulders off the pillow.
A girl who was sleeping with her, sprang from the bed and ran from the room.
Brother Mason told me as he stood and listened to her, he shook so that he shook
the house. On the next night he and his wife came to the altar. The sister who
went into a trance was Dr. Oldridge’s daughter from Churubusco,

We organized a class and appointed cottage prayer-meetings for the young

converts, and called them the “Daniel's Band” meetings.

On Sabbath we went to the river where a number were buried in baptism. We

closed in the evening with the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and feet-washing.
The house was crowded to overflowing. Many members of other churches, and
several ministers were present, among them Brothers Garrison and Komp. We all
rejoiced together.

My Father is rich, in houses and lands,

He holdeth the wealth of the world in his hands,
Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold,
His coffers are full, he has riches untold.

'Chorus.—I’m the child of a king-, the child of a king,

With Jesus, my Savior, I'm the child of a king
My Father’s own son, the Savior of men!
Once wandered o'er earth as the poorest of men!
But now he is reigning forever on high,
And will give us a home “in the sweet by and by.”

I once was an outcast, a stranger on earth,

A sinner by choice, and an alien by birth!
But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down,
An heir to a mansion, a robe, and a crown.

A tent or a cottage, why should I care,

They’re building a palace for me over there
An exile from home, yet still I may sing,
All glory to God, I’m the child of a king.
Chapter XII.
Meeting at Buzzard’s School-House—The School-House too Small—Moved to
the Grove—The Church of God—Baptismal Service—The Lord’s Supper, and
Feet-Washing—-Glorious Meeting Saturday Evening—-Sabbath Morning—
Closing Scenes of this Meeting—Our Visit to Buzzard’s.

We next went to Buzzard's school-house near Huntington, Indiana, to hold a

revival meeting. "We had heard of this place as being very hard, and almost
forsaken of God. A number of ministers had labored hard in trying to build up a
church,, but had failed. I felt a desire to go, for I believed many souls would be
saved. But I dreaded to hold meetings in a school-house; it is so hard to labor
without any rostrum or pulpit. But the harder the cross the brighter the crown.

The converts came eighteen miles, and went into the battle like brave soldiers,
who were determined to have victory, or die. Brother Anderson, from Warren,
came and helped us in the good work.

Although it was such a busy time, and several threshing-machines were running
in the neighborhood, yet the house was crowded to overflowing and hundreds
could not get in. They crowded around the windows and door. They were so
quiet they could hear almost all that was said. I had to speak of disorder but

We concluded to take the meeting to the grove. Many willing hands were offered
to assist in preparing nature’s chapel, which was soon made beautiful and
comfortable. Thirteen ministers visited this meeting from the different churches.
We all came together in love as one family, and every one rejoiced to see the
glorious work going on.

Seekers continued to come to the altar by scores, until about one hundred and
forty claimed to be converted, and were very bright, going right to work. Several
Dunkards came out, and several church-members were converted. Among the
converts we counted thirty who were from the ages of fifty to seventy.

I organized a church, and called it the Church of God. Nearly all united. Some of
them were the best and wealthiest citizens. We had over ninety members.

Rev. Fuller baptized, by immersion in the river, forty-nine. It was a lovely night,
as the brethren marched out into the water. There were fathers and mothers who
had spent all the best of their days in the service of Satan, coming in at the
eleventh hour, their hair silvered for the grave, showing to the world that they
were going to spend the few days that remained to them in the service of the
Lord. One old lady was lame, and it took three to take her into the water. Two
little boys, about seven or eight years of age, marched out like little men, their
faces shining with the love of God. They looked like angels, and with many
others came out shouting. This scene was witnessed by hundreds of people on
the banks of the river, and they seemed to feel that God was there.

We attended to the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper in the evening, after which
followed the ordinance of feet washing. Many members of the different churches
participated in these services. The power of the Lord was wonderfully displayed.
I never saw more bright and happy faces. We all feasted on the heavenly manna.
Many of us will never forget that meeting.

On Saturday night hundreds gathered in the grove. The singers came up around
the stand. We sung a number of lively songs, that were soul strengthening, all
who could joining in. After two or three prayers, I preached from these words,
“For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in
unrighteousness,” while the vast congregation stood spell-bound, with
conviction written on their faces. When the invitation was given, seekers came
pressing their way through the crowd, till the altar was crowded. “We then made
another, and it was soon filled with penitents inquiring the way of life eternal.

On Sabbath morning, at nine o’clock, the people were coming from all directions
to the meeting, and assembling in the leafy temple, to be present at the closing
service of this most wonderful revival.

We spent some time in singing, after which we had a glorious praise-meeting.

Over one hundred of those who had been converted in the last few days arose,
one after another, telling of Jesus’ power on earth to forgive sins and to give
them the witness of the Spirit that their names were written there, “on the page,
white and fair.” The old soldiers of the cross wept for joy, and said, “Truly, the
wilderness is made to blossom as the rose.”
Many were received into the society, and we raised several hundred dollars
toward building a church.

I gave a farewell exhortation to them, and closed by shaking hands with them all.
It was a hard trial for me; they seemed like my own children. Brothers and
sisters, fathers and mothers, —we were all weeping together, and many tears
were shed. But we looked forward to that great gathering in the mansions fair,
where God will wipe away all tears from our eyes, where we will never say

"We appointed Brother John Buzzard elder, to take charge of the cottage prayer-
meetings and to keep the young army marching forward to victory. They have
two cottage prayer-meetings a week and two at the school-house. The converts
lead these meetings and all are ready to take part in speaking or praying. They
have a large and interesting Sabbath-school.

"We went to visit them once since the revival. We sent word in the morning that
we would be there that evening and hold meeting. When we arrived in the
evening we found the house crowded to overflowing. We had a glorious time of
rejoicing. Many of the brethren from the different churches were there, with
hearts overflowing witli praises to God for the great change that had taken place
in their friends and neighbors, who were rising, two or three at once, to praise
God for leading them from darkness into light.

Oh, how I praised God for using a worm of the dust to his glory. "When I look
hack to the first night I came there, oh, how dark, how discouraging; now to look
over the many bright and happy faces lighted up with the glory of God. There is
no place too hard for our God, who never lost a battle. Let us remember our
God, who ia great and terrible in his power, and work for the salvation of our
families, friends, and, neighbors, shouting victory through the blood of the

Brother Buzzard, the leader, who was one of the converts, has won the love and
respect of all, who in the hands of God is leading them onward and upward
toward the beautiful city. God bless and keep him faithful, and may he ever be a
bright and shining light with the rest of those who are dear to me at that place.

We left, bidding them good-by with many tears and admonishing them to be
faithful. They expect soon to have a church built. Then, the Lord willing, we will
hold another meeting there.
Chapter XIII.
Meeting at Hartford City—'Wonderful Display of God’s Power—
A Trance in a Store — Results of this Meeting—Pres3 Notes —
The Life-boat — Meeting at New Comer—Over Five Hundred
Conversions — Report of this Meeting from the Indianapolis
Journal—The Closing Scenes—The Cleansing Stream.

After many invitations from Hartford City, and believing that the Spirit of God
was leading that way, I consented to go, and I went believing God would do a
great work. I commenced meeting there about the 1st of January, 1885, in the
Methodist Episcopal Church. The first night it was not known we would be there
to commence that evening. They rang the bell and the people came from every
direction and filled the church to overflowing.

The church was cold and formal, and many of the best citizens had drifted into
scepticism, and I knew that it would take a wonderful display of God’s power to
convince the people. So I prayed for God to display his power, that the sinner
might know that God still lives, and that there is a reality in religion, and might
convict him of a terrible judgment. Praise God he answered my prayer in a most
wonderful manner.

A saloon-keeper came into our meeting one day to make fun of God's work, and
he was smote down by the almighty power of God, and it took three men to
carry him out. So, day after day, hardened sinners were smitten by the power of

One man fell into a trance in his store, when all alone, showing clearly that these
trances are not excitement, but the power of almighty God.

Hundreds were brought into the fold of Christ, of all classes. Lawyers, doctors,
and many of the most prominent business men of the place. Among them were
two lawyers, Brothers Cantwell and Pierce, very bright and talented men. God
bless them and keep them faithful, is my prayer, with all the rest of the dear
young converts, who are very dear to me.
When I think of the trials we had to contend with, and of the formality and
prejudice we had to overcome, and how God has wonderfully led us in being the
instrumentality of leading so many precious souls to Christ, I am made to rejoice
and give glory to God.

We held meetings here over three weeks and over five hundred stepped into the
life-boat and are sailing for glory. Some of the converts have since passed over
the river to join the angelic host and wait to welcome us there.

“One by one the saints are going

To their home beyond the tide,
Where the sunshine ever lingers,
In that happy land so fair.”

The further progress of the movement is thus noted:

“Hartford City, Ind., January 26.— The remarkable revival now in progress at
the Methodist Episcopal Church, in interest and results is unprecedented in the
annals of the city. Mrs. Woodworth, the evangelist upon whom rests the burden
of the triumphs of success, hails from Syracuse, Ind., and is reported as
belonging to the Church of God for the Indiana Eldership. The meeting has been
in progress two weeks. The achievements and reputation of the evangelist
preceded her arrival. Her first appearance electrified the people, and they at once
reposed confidence in her integrity. She assumes entire control of the meeting,
alternately singing, praying and entreating, and pleading with lost souls. Every
night scores rush to the altar. Aged pilgrims gather about to comfort them and
invoke blessings from on high. She sends workers here and there among the
congregation and in the gallery, and simultaneous supplications are offered up
for penitent souls. All at once there comes a pause, the andience arises to its feet,
some one is stricken down in his sin, and the audience, irretrievably lost to order,
blockade the aisles to grasp a view of the entranced. Several of these have been
interviewed, and there appears to be two divisions of this wonderful state,
namely, First, those who are stricken down in their sins represent all as dark as a
mighty chaos; not a single ray of light. Secondly, those who claim to be
converted see a halo of light, a dazzling effulgence; see multitudes of angels,
hear seraphic songs, sonatas of praise, and meet and greet those who have died.
Their faces bask in the sunshine of happiness, their hands uplifted and motioning
sinners to Christ. Up to this time there have been twenty-five entranced. One
young man of excellent character has passed into the ecstatic state five times. A
majority of these are young. The church, which is large and capacious, is too
small to accommodate the crowds that endeavor to secure admission. The
mutterings and discontent which were heard at first have subsided, and the
tongue of vituperation and calumny has been quelled and hushed since laughers,
scoffers and jesters have been stricken down in the aisles.

Mrs. Woodworth, the evangelist, is thirty-five years of age, of medium height,

dark complexion, prepossessing appearance, and wears continually a pleasant
smile that wins approbation wherever she goes. Her constant study and devotion
to her work have rendered her accomplished and refined, though bereft of the
early advantages of education. She has written a book entitled “ My Experience”
which meets with rapid sale. She is a tireless worker, rarely sits down, and when
singing or speaking, keeps her hands uplifted and in constant motion. She
remains at her post of duty from early afternoon till late at night. She is
accompanied by her husband. They are in indigent circumstances, and have no
home, having spent all in preparation for Mrs. W.’s mission. She has just
received an invitation to go to Cincinnati, but she declined on the ground that the
half is not yet done here. The excited populace anxiously await the final result.”

A leading State paper, in the issue of February 14, 1885, contains the following
notice of the meeting:

“Hartford City, February 13. — There is, if possible, increased interest in Mrs.
Woodworth’s meetings. When it became known to her that there was dissension
among the members of the Methodist Church, on the question of permitting the
holding of her meetings in that edifice, she sought other quarters, and for three
nights this week she has preached in the court-house. That building being found
too small for the accommodation of the crowds, the city opera-hall was secured.
The hall has a seating capacity of eight hundred. Every seat was taken, and two
hundred people found standing room only. People were present from all parts of
the county, some of whom came a distance of twenty miles. At the meeting at the
court-house Thursday afternoon, a young woman passed into the trance state,
and several middle-aged men professed conversion. At the first meeting in the
opera-hall Mrs. Woodworth spoke upon the subject of the five virgins, her
discourse having a perceptible effect upon the large audience. Following her
remarks, an experience meeting was held, during which five persons passed into
the ecstatic state. One of the five was a young lady who has passed into the
trance condition eleven times. During the trance she becomes perfectly rigid,
holds one hand uplifted, and claims to commune with heavenly spirits. It is not
known how long the meetings will continue.”

The local correspondent of a leading journal wrote:

“The great revival at the Methodist Episcopal Church, says a Hartford City, Ind.,
dispatch, is still in progress under the supervision of the evangelist, Mrs.
Woodworth. The meeting continues with unabated zeal, and the scenes enacted
on one night are but repetitions of the scenes of the preceding night. Never
before have the people of our town witnessed such a spectacle. Large numbers
from neighboring towns come for the purpose of investigating, traveling
salesmen arrange to return to the place each night, and overwhelming masses
from the country rush in to witness the proceedings. Saturday night two young
women and one young man passed into a trance, and at the close of the services
were carried into the class-room and anxiously watched by near friends till
consciousness should return. Your correspondent examined the young man as he
lay perfectly oblivious and unconscious, limbs outstretched and rigid, hands
lifted toward heaven, eyes open, fixed and staring, and his pulse, which was
examined by a physician, ranged from thirty to forty. His mother stated that this
was the seventh time he had passed into a trance, and that he remained in that
condition sometimes half a day, and that when he revived he spoke each time of
the glory of the celestial world and of a happy communion and reunion with
loved ones who had already “joined, the innumerable caravan.” There is no limit
to this supernatural visitation, and sinners in the rear of the room, laughing,
scoffing, and jesting, are stricken down in the aisles. Day meetings are held with
as much fervor. The evangelist herself has passed into that state three different
times, and while in that condition pleads with sinners to flee from the wrath to
come. A lady from Bluffton, who is personally acquainted with her, stated that
the evangelist bore an excellent reputation, and was a woman of integrity, of
honor, and of merit. She possesses great magnetism, and is pleasant and affable
in conversation, and is an impressive speaker. Upon the streets and in the stores
great excitement prevails, and nothing else engages attention. The oldest citizens
are much amazed, and the aged followers of the Lamb wonder at her marvelous

The following may give some light on the much talked of “trance state:”

“On Wednesday night six persons, five of whom were adults, passed into a state
of ecstacy, and were carried from the room rigid. Happy conversions were
experienced, and the tumultuous andience, after dismissal, had to be almost
forced to leave the room. On Wednesday a merchant, not a member of any
denomination, passed into a trance, and upon being questioned said, “I was
reading a Bible in my place of business, and almost instantly I felt a numbness as
if exhausted, and immediately lost consciousness. When I recovered, my wife
informed me that when found I was lying supinely upon my back, with one hand
uplifted and the other clasping the Bible. All seemed dark to me. When I
recovered I soon passed into that state of ecstacy, and I saw two visions as plain
as day. One was the infernal regions, which seemed to consist of eight squares. I
could hear wailing and gnashing of teeth. It seemed then like an abyss into
which victims were constantly falling, and some standing on the edge. They
appeared of all ages. Then I could look to the right and see the celestial world
shining with a glorious light, could hear the angels singing but could recognize
no one. Last night, upon further inquiry, he stated: This afternoon I attempted to
tell and describe my heavenly vision but found I could not do so, for fear I
should pass into another trance. I could describe the infernal regions, but could
not the other.”

“The evangelist was interviewed about this singular inability to describe the
heavenly vision, and she stated that such had been her observation and even her
own experience. They can portray the vision in its common phase, but can not
enter into details. Yesterday afternoon the evangelist again passed into the
ecstatic state and remained so for two hours. She stated, upon inquiry, that she
saw heavenly visions, but did not attempt to describe them.

“Within the last week a score of editors from neighboring counties have
witnessed the proceedings. The meeting is nearing its end. The evangelist thinks
some of removing to Port Wayne.” The following is from the Cincinnati
Enquirer: “I have endeavored to give a true and impartial account of the very
remarkable revival of religion at the Methodist Episcopal Church in this city, and
I am impressed with the magnitude of the undertaking, at present, more than
ever before, and am convinced that it is beyond the “ken of tongue or pen,” to
give an accurate description of the scenes enacted at each meeting. Scores have
been stricken down at these meetings, and whatever form the limbs or body
chanced to assume, in that position, immovable as a statue, they remained—
sometimes the hand uplifted far above the head, the eyes open wide, and not a
muscle of the entire body moved; they were as immovable as in death. Many
have gone to these meetings in a spirit of jest, and were the first to be under the
influence pervading the assembly. The people are wonderfully excited, and
neighbor asks neighbor, what is it. Is it what is known as catalepsy, or is it a form
of ecstacy, where the mind absorbs an idea until every faculty of the soul is
under its control, and the body becomes stilled as though dead — naught but
circulation and the act of respiration remaining to signify life? The feature are as
pale as marble, the pulse weak and feeble.

“This morning a young lady was found in a trance or ecstacy in bed, and could
not be aroused for hours. The eyes were lifted to the ceiling, and the hand
pointed to heaven. When she was restored to consciousness she shouted, clapped
her hands, and sang hallelujahs for an hour, and said she was perfectly oblivious
and totally unconscious to all about her. Is it contagious, or infectious; epidemic,
or endemic; good, or evil? Many think it is mesmerism; others attribute it to the
works of Satan, while the believers tell us it is the work of the Divine Spirit. We
are loth to give other than facts in regard to the wonderfully marvelous influence
being brought to bear for bringing sinners to repentance, but we have observed
that all, without a single exception, of those affected are very impressible in their
natures, quite excitable in their dispositions, and ready believers in the
wonderful, mysterious, and supernatural.

“The lady evangelist, Mrs. Woodworth, is a lady of fine physique, comely and
commanding appearance, and while not highly cultured and refined, yet she is an
impressive speaker, and when speaking keeps her hands in constant motion. She
was first to become a subject of this form of catalepsy or ecstacy, and soon
others were subjected to the same influences. Each and all of them tell of
wonderful transition from grief and woe to joy and peace, and many of them
assert that while thus unconscious they are feasting upon heavenly manna and
drinking from the fountain of life, conversing with father, mother, or loved ones
in the spirit land.

“The older and sedate Christians are amazed and startled at the scenes enacted
and transpiring before them, and already mutterings of discontent are being
heard. To them it is a new departure — something new under the sun. At each
and every meeting the entire populace is in attendance, and other towns and the
country around are helping to swell the great numbers that flock to see and hear
the wonderful and mysterious scenes.

“For the last few evenings a colored barber named Ananias Frazier has been a
constant and devoted worker, and sings with a ferver and inspiration that
enlivens and awakens enthusiasm to its highest tension. His songs are plantation
melodies, and they help to give variation to the meetings.”
And here is another:

“Hartford City, Ind., February 16.—The wonderful revival at this place assumed
its maximum proportions on Saturday night at the opera-hall. Over one thousand
persons were present, and hundreds turned away that could not gain admission.
Several were in a trance, and a general petition to the heavenly throne by
hundreds rendered the scene most remarkable. On Sunday, John Cantwell and
Elisha Pearce, both men of influence and leading attorneys at the bar, were at the
anxious seat. Mr. Cantwell expressed conversion. Mr. Cantwell’s daughter, a
Mrs. Moller, was tranced for several hours. It seems the influence of this great
evangelist begun its work first upon the lowest stratum of society. Some of the
worst citizens, a few of whom had been incarcerated in jail for misdemeanors,
were first to go to the anxious seat and become recipients of pardon; now all
phases of society are gradually but surely becoming impressed in a manner never
before experienced. It is simply a contagion that pervades all this county. No
such religious demonstration has ever been witnessed here. The Methodist
Episcopal Church still conducts its meeting at the sanctuary, and the church was
crowded last evening, and a grand, good time was had. The very atmosphere
seems impregnated with a religious fervor, and Satan's bulwarks are threatened
with a final and complete overthrow in our midst.

“Mrs. Woodworth expects to visit Cincinnati when her work here ceases, which
will probably be next Sunday.”

Long before the meeting at Hartford City had progressed a week the news of its
results had been spread far and wide through this and adjoining states. People
were anxious to know more about the “stirring up” in Blackford County.

We give another letter from a Hartford City correspondent to the Enquirer:

“The half has not been told concerning the wonderful revival at this place. No
pen could have exaggerated the scenes that have occurred, nor tongue given
expression to words that would have painted, in the least, incidents that have
transpired. The evangelist lady said she received scores of letters from all parts
of the country, many requesting her presence to carry on a revival. Among the
list on Saturday was a letter from a distinguished physician, an infidel, stating
that he had read the accounts descriptive of the scenes enacted at the meetings,
of the tranced condition of so many persons. He wanted the evangelist's opinion
of the cause, and wished her to tell him how to obtain such ‘a pearl of great
price’—that these things were to him truly a mystery.”

“Yesterday John M. Ruckman, ex-editor of the Hartford City News and

postmaster at this place, expressed conversion, and his glowing and impressive
account of the wonderful transition from darkness to light, and his earnest appeal
for others to taste of the riches of salvation, awakened an enthusiasm seldom
witnessed. Last evening the evangelist delivered her farewell exhortation. Her
voice, rendered hoarse and feeble by long-continued labor and over-exertion,
was freed from any embarrassment by these conditions, and rang out clear and
distinct, and her plea was the most impressive of all, and had a wonderful and
telling effect upon the audience. We are not exaggerating when we say that at
least two hundred of that vast andience were engaged in prayer in an audible
voice at once.

“As many as twenty reporters have been here from different states to see, hear,
and give an account of these meetings. This morning a Boston paper sends a
representative, but he comes at the eleventh hour. Yesterday quarterly meeting
services were held at the church, Elder Robinson officiating. In the afternoon
they gave way for Mrs. Woodworth, and a class meeting or experience meeting
was instituted, in which all of the young converts participated, giving evidence
of the change in their condition from death to life, from sin and condemnation to
favor with God.

“Seven were tranced, or in an ecstatic condition last night. The shouts of new-
born souls, prayers by the saints, and singing by that immense concourse of
people, together with the senseless gibberish of a thoughtless and giddy throng
of dudes and dudesses, was ‘Babel confused' Yesterday about forty united with
the Methodist Episcopal Church, and one hundred and twenty-seven expressed
conversion as the result of the revival. The evangelist asks not, and apparently
cares not, for assistance, only to supply her wants, and her husband’s, who is
dependent upon her labor for a living. The lady recognizes the great good done
her by the publication of her meetings in the Enquirer, and makes public
acknowledgment of the same in the presence of the vast throngs that assemble to
hear her.

“By a wise and prudent course, an upright and chaste walk and godly
conversation, she has silenced the tongue of calumny, and secured to her self-
praise arid adulation from the very lips that fired their venom and anathemas at
her, while she was trying to bring them to repentance.
“Last night was the last of this series of meetings, and the evangelist made the
finest plea of all her ministrations at this place. She could have been heard
blocks away. She cried out at one time in a voice that startled every one of that
large assembly: ‘Open your hearts to God, and he will open heaven to you.'
Almost every town and neighborhood around this city for miles has been
represented. Last night a gentleman from Indianapolis was present and
participated. The evangelist does not indicate her destination when she takes her
departure to-day, but Union City is earnestly laboring to secure her services, and
she probably will engage in revival services there.”

And thus was victory perching upon the banner of Christ’s cause! To the King of
kings and the Lord of Lords be all honor.

This was the most wonderful meeting ever held in the state, and was reported
daily in the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Indianapolis Daily Journal. Its influence
reached all over the western middle states.

“The closing scene was wonderful. In the presence of the elder and pastor of that
charge, several clergymen, and nearly three thousand persons, many were struck
down and lay as if dead around the pulpit, and scores were wounded; and amidst
the fire from the battlements of heaven, the earnest appeals of the evangelist, and
the hallelujahs of the blood-washed, stood that mass of people, wondering.”

Come brother sailor,

And don’t fall asleep,
Pray night and day,
Or you'll sink in the deep;
Hope is the anchor,
And this you must keep,
If you want to sit with Jesus In the life boat.

Chorus.—Let me in the life-boat,

Let me in the life-boat,
She’ll stand the raging storm,
Let me in the life-boat,
Let me in the life-boat,
She will bear my spirit home.

Know, brother sailors,

The voyage is short.
Hoist up the sails,
And we’ll soon make the port.
Call for the sailors.
And send them aloft,
For Christ is coming
In the life-boat.

The storm is heavy,

The winds are loud,
The thunder is a rolling,
And a bursting in the clouds;
Father and mother
Are crying so loud,
Jesus will you take us
In the life-boat?

Some at the helm,

And some down below.
The ship is dashing,
Her decks overflowed.
See every sailor
Standing at his post,
Waiting for their orders,
Of the lifeboat

Now, brother sailors,

The voyage is done;
The battle is fought,
The victory is won.
Go tell your shipmates
What Jesus has done,
He took the dying sailor
In the lite-boat.

All glory to Jesus

For what he has done;
The storm is past
And I have reached my home;
With angels in glory,
I now sing the song,
My soul is safely landed
In the life-boat.

While at Hartford City the people from New Corner were very urgent for me to
go to their place and hold a meeting; and believing it was the leading of God's
Spirit, I went, trusting we would have a grand and glorious victory.

I commenced there on the 13th of February, 1885, and continued eight days.
Over five hundred were converted in that time. So anxious were the people to be
saved that I only had a chance to preach once while there. Several times I
thought of preaching, and would get commenced, but sinners would begin to
rush to the altar and I would have to stop and turn it into altar-service. God bless
the dear people of New Corner, and may they ever be kept faithful, until the
Savior shall say, “ Come up higher,”



The following, from an occasional correspondent, will give an idea of the

methods used by Mrs. Woodworth, the evangelist, who recently created such
excitement at Hartford City:

New Corner, Delaware County, Feb. 18.

On yesterday Mrs. Woodworth opened services by singing, “Let Me in the

Kingdom.” Her gestures, voice, and countenance seem not of earth, and she sees
her crown almost within her grasp. Her text was Acts ii. 17: “Young men shall
see visions and old men dream dreams.” She said the last prophecy is being
fulfilled. “Signs and wonders follow God’s word in his way. Don’t expect
blessings in your way, but cry, What shall I do? And be ye also as clay in the
potter’s hands. Remember you are doing business for eternity. Oh, do it well.
May God make sinners sinsick and place great thorns in their pillows. Sinners,
don’t resist the Spirit. You can resist until the key is turned on your heart. Don’t
stray away from God. Don’t cross the dead-line. Change your course; there are
breakers ahead. Leave the poor old stranded wreck and get into our boat. It’s a
life-boat. Christ is our pilot; he never leaves the helm. He will guide us safely
into port. Passage is free for all. We will soon sail for the kingdom. Your country
is in the sky. Oh, come, come now.”

Many lay entranced for hours. Those who resisted most were first stricken.
Many related visions they had seen. Rev. Robinson, of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, said he stood face to face with God. But the reception was not at first
pleasant. God showed him he was weak and erring. Then with a sharp knife he
pruned from his body a branch called impatience; also another branch, that of
passion. Then he passed his loving hands over the wounds and healed them.
“Then,” said Mr. Robinson, “He bade me arise, and led me to the edge of an
awful pit and showed me its terrors.” He saw persons there whom he had known;
and others God told him must go there if they did not repent at this meeting.
Then He took him up into heaven and showed him green fields and bright
flowers, singing birds, and many other beauties of that glory-land. He also
permitted Mr. Robinson to see many friends who had gone before, and many
white-robed angels.

Another said he ascended a ladder with golden rounds, and at the top, in great
golden letters, was the word God, and above that his crown.

No pen save that of the recording angel could describe the scenes enacted here
to-night. Almost the whole house was transformed into an altar, and cries of
mercy from many scores were mingled with shouts of victory. No one can
prophesy where this work will end. Many superstitious persons stay away for
fear of Mrs. W.’s power to overcome them. Others refused to shake her hand.

She came to us, as she does to all her appointments, with the earnest and hearty
recommendations of her former neighbors and friends. Letters are now in our
midst, and can be seen at any time, from prominent citizens of her former home
at Syracuse, Indiana, which sustain her as an energetic, whole-souled Christian
lady. "Whatever may be said of the trances, there is no denying the fact that her
meetings are productive of great good, and that when the sheaves are finally
bound for eternity many will bless the name of the great evangelist.—
Indianapolis Journal.

The closing scenes of this meeting were very affecting, and the meeting was one
of unusual interest, being the last of the series. Many bright testimonies were
given by those who were converted. One gentleman said that that last night was
the first night of sweet repose he had enjoyed for fifteen years.

I gave an invitation to young converts to come forward and unite with any
church they preferred. Seventy persons responded to the call.

After some suggestions as to organizing a Daniel’s Band for the especial benefit
of the young converts, I bade the andience a sorrowful farewell.

Oh now I see the crimson wave,

The fountain deep and wide;
Jesus, my Lord, mighty to save,
Points to his wounded side.

CHORUS—The cleansing stream, I see, I see!

I plunge, and oh, it cleanseth me!
Oh, praise the Lord! it cleanseth me;
It cleanneth me—yes, cleanseth me.

I see the new creation rise,

I hear the speaking blood;
It speaks I polluted nature dies
Sinks ’neath the cleansing flood.

I rise to walk in heaven’s own light,

Above the world of sin,
With heart made pure and garments white,
And Christ enthroned within.

Amazing grace! t’is heaven below

To feel the blood applied;
And Jesus, only Jesus, know,
My Jesus crucified.
Chapter XIV.
Meeting at Summitville—Wonderful Result9 of this Meeting—
Press Notes—Closing-Scenes—Meeting at Fairmount—Opinions
of the Press—Closing Scenes—Meeting at Columbia City —
Success of this Meeting—The Far-famed Evangelist — Fort
Wayne Gazette Report of this Meeting—The Lily of the Valley.

I NEXT went to Summitville, Ind., and commenced meeting on Wednesday

evening, February 25, 1885.

The first night the house was crowded to overflowing, and twenty came to the
altar that night. Praise God for his wonderful work. Over three hundred were
brought into the fold of Christ in one week.

“Mrs. Woodworth, the evangelist, commenced a series of meetings here on

Wednesday of last week. Her work has been marked by singular effect
throughout. Many went into trances at her first meeting, and also expressed
conversion, and this little village seems in a fair way to be shaken to its center. In
every store and business house you can hear nothing but the one theme —
religion. Nothing of a strange character about her method of work is noticed; she
simply sets before her andience the terrible woes of hell and an offended God,
and on the other hand the joys of the hope the Christian has in the promise of an
eternal life in heaven with God the Father. At the night session the house is
crowded to its utmost capacity, and many turn away unable to gain admittance.

The results have been something wonderful. One week ago Mrs. W. commenced
to melt a moral iceberg, and by preaching, prayers and agony, combined with her
great faith, she has shown the people where they were standing, and more than
two hundred and fifty have testified that they were in the life-boat,”—
Indianapolis Journal.

“After an earnest and impressive service, Mrs. Woodworth closed her work here
by bidding the andience a final farewell, saying she had a bright hope of meeting
many of them over the river, and it won't be long. Soon the weary pilgrimage
will be ended, life’s work all done, and we’ll go up to wear the robes and walk
the gold-paved streets! And, O, it is so cheering to think we shall know each
other there. I shall, die in this work, and I shall die praising God. The end may
come suddenly, but sudden death will be sudden glory! If the golden chariot
comes for me first I will wait for you. If it comes first for you I will come to
meet you in the sweet by-and-by.”

By very urgent request I next went to Fairmount, Ind., and held meetings one
week, I commenced meeting on Wednesday evening, March 8, 1885, This was a
most wonderful meeting. There were over four hundred conversions in the week,
there being an average of three conversions every hour from the time tho
meeting commenced till its close, counting the time day and night.

Several ministers were present and took an active part in the work. God bless
them all, is my earnest prayer, and present them faultless before the great white






“The meetings conducted by Mrs. Woodworth in this place, were attended by

hundreds of people from the surrounding towns, some coming twenty or thirty
miles to hear her. Many wore converted at each meeting, and several persons
went into trances, one remaining in the trance state over sixteen hours.”


There was a man in the meeting yesterday who had come sixty miles to attend
the meeting.

The meetings begin at nine o’clock every morning and at four o'clock in the
evening. It is reported that there were a thousand conversions at New Corner and
The favorite songs of the Woodworth revival were “The Happy Christian,” “The
Old Time Religion,” “Climbing Jacob's Ladder,” and “The Life-boat.”

Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth left here yesterday morning for Columbia City, Ind.,
where they will hold their next meeting.—Fairmount News”

I next went to Columbia City, Ind,, and commenced revival meetings in the
Universalist Church, Thursday evening, March 12,1885, which lasted about four
weeks, and God wonderfully blessed us and gave us glorious victory and
wonderful success in this wicked city.

Brother Markley, the pastor of the Church of God, stood by us, holding up our
hands in every possible way, during all this meeting. God bless him, and may he,
with all the dear young converts whom we have learned to love, be kept faithful
till the bridegroom comes to call us home.

The closing scenes of this meeting were very affecting indeed, and it seemed
almost like parting with my own children in leaving these brothers and sisters in
the gospel.

Many of the young converts went to the train to bid us good-by, and as we bade
them farewell we committed them to the care of the Good Shepherd, and in the
sweet by-and-by may they come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.



“The revival meeting in progress in this city,, led by Mrs. Woodworth, is the
subject of a good deal of comment. Not only the worldly take occasion to pass
judgment upon it, but the pillars of the various churches also indulge in opinions
and discussions of its various phases. There is no wrong in people giving their
views of the meeting, so far as we can see, and unless it be considered injurious
or detrimental to the cause of religion and can be proved so, the party who
ventures upon adverse criticism and lends an influence against it, must be
regarded an enemy to the Church and the temple of religion. The purpose of the
meeting is for good. It is intended to influence men and women to forsake the
follies of the world and henceforth to lead a life of morality and Christianity; to
influence them to leave off their evil ways and practices and live like honorable,
honest men and women. If, then, this woman influences one, or two, or a dozen,
bad men or bad women, to be better men and better women, it will be denied by
not one that her work was in vain. The Post has been asked to open its battery
upon the meeting and its leader, Mrs. Woodworth, not by wicked non-church
members alone, but by church members also. We are sorry that their request can
not be granted. It is not our business to denounce anything that purports to
belong to the Christian religion, and although there are features of the revival
that are not in full accord with our notions, we are not here to find fault or
ridicule any part of these. God knows Columbia City abounds in all manner of
wickedness, and if Mrs. Woodworth can just accomplish a little good, we ought
to be thankful for that little.

The Post is not here to oppose or attack any of the various ways in which the
work of saving souls is conducted, and because Mrs. Woodworth’s style is not
Rev. So and So’s style, is no reason why Rev. So and So should say Mrs.
Woodworth is wrong and my way is right, for if there is only one way to
salvation, and only one way of saving souIs, what power on earth below or in.
heaven above can number the lost?—Columbia City Post.




To the Editor of the Gazette:—

Mrs. M. B. Woodworth, the evangelist, came to our city March 12,1885, and
commenced revival meetings in the Universalist Church, under very difficult
circumstances. We had once been disappointed in her coming, so a great many
did not turn out the first evening, but nevertheless there was a fall house and God
was in our midst to save.

The subject the first evening was, “Will a Man Rob God? ” (Malachi iii. 8) Mrs,
Woodworth had a very sore throat, and it was very difficult for her to talk, but
God set his seal to the work and sinners were convicted of sin, of righteousness,
and of a judgment to come. Ministers stood back and shook their heads, and
church-members did the same. But praise the Lord, our God goes marching on
from victory to victory! From the first day men and women began to show their
desire to be saved, and the good work went steadily on, day after day, till there
have been over three hundred seekers, and most of them have been gloriously
saved. Mrs. Woodworth’s theme from the very first has been consecration and
prayer, a surrender to God for service, and that the enduement of the Holy Ghost
is necessary for efficient work for God. And, thank God, the church members are
coming up to the help of the Lord by first getting down in consecration before
God, and rising “to walk in heaven’s own light, with hearts made pure and
garments white, and Christ enthroned within.” A few of the clergy have begun to
take hold in a formal way, so as to be in time to help string up the fish.

The rink was procured after the second evening; but even our spacious rink, with
a seating capacity of fifteen hundred, has been too small to accommodate the
vast crowds that come nightly to hear the sweet songs of redeeming love and the
old, old story of the cross. The revival wave has leaped and surged forward with
resistless energy, the interest developing and enlarging in all directions. From the
first meeting there have been many seeking Christ, and a great many of them are
past the middle of life and some of them have lived out their allotted time. One
old lady over eighty-five years of age and several over sixty have testified that
they have found Christ. Every night the altar is thronged with seekers. Last night
there were over two hundred and fifty testimonials for Christ, and four or five
were in trances during the meeting.

Mrs. Woodworth expects to close here the first of next week, and go from here to
Larwill.—D. in Fort Wayne Gazette.

I’ve found a friend in Jesus, he’s everything to me,

He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul;
The Lily of the Valley in him alone I see,
All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole,
In sorrow he’s my comfort, in trouble he’s my stay,
He tells me every care on him to roll,
He’s the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morning star,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.


In sorrow he’s my comfort, in trouble he’s my stay;

He tells me every care on him to roll,
He’s the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morning star,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.
He all my griefs has taken, and all my sorrows borne;
In temptation he’s my strong and mighty tow’r;
I’ve all for him forsaken, I’ve all my idols torn from my heart.
And now he keeps me by his pow'r;
Tho’ all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me sore,
Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal,
He’s the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morning star,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.

He’ll never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here,

While I live by faith and do his blessed will;
A wall of fire about me, I’ve nothing now to fear;
With his manna he my hungry soul shall fill;
Then sweeping up to glory to see his blessed face,
Where rivers of delight shall ever flow;
He’s the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morning star,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul,


We are building up the temple,

Building up the temple
Building up the temple
Of the Lord, of the Lord;
We are building up the temple,
Building up the temple,
Building up the temple
Of the Lord.

O brother, won’t you help us,

O brothers, won’t you help us,
O brothers, won’t you help us
To build up the temple of the Lord.
O sinners, won’t you help us,
O sinners, won’t you help us,
O sinners, won’t you help us,
To build up the temple of the Lord.
Chapter XV.
Visiting the Daniel’s Bands —Meeting at Elwood—Cold Church Members—A
Saloon-keeper’s Daughter—The Closing Scenes —Meeting at Tipton, Indiana,
— Conversion of an Infidel Doctor — Results of this Meeting—Meeting at
Pendleton^ Conversion of an Out-breaking Sinner—Meeting at Kokomo —Press

WHEN we left Columbia City, on our way for Elwood, we visited the Daniel’s
Bands at Hartford City, New Corner, and Summitville. The following account,
clipped from the Indianian-Republican, gives a correct statement of our visit to
those places.



(Correspondence of the Indianian-Republican.)

Hartford City, Indiana, April 14,1884. On Friday, April 10th, Mrs. Woodworth
left Columbia City, Indiana, with the best wishes and regrets of her many friends
that she could not stay longer, for Hartford City. At Fort Wayne Brother and
Sister Woodworth were met by Lawyer Cantwell, of Hartford City, who escorted
them to his home. In the evening they met the Daniel’s Band at their nicely
fitted-up room, and found them all on fire for God, which cheered their hearts.
The Daniel’s Band arranged to have meetings Saturday night and Sunday in the
Opera House, as Sister Woodworth was going to stay over Sunday. At five
o’clock Saturday evening they began to fill the house, and by the time the
meeting commenced the house was full to overflowing, and God greatly blessed
the people and several souls were saved. On Sunday the house was full all day.
But Sabbath evening was the grandest and most glorious sight I ever witnessed;
fully two thousand people were crowded into the hall, and fifteen - or more were
entranced during the evening, and God was present in mighty power. On
Monday Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth went to New Corner and in the evening met
the Daniel’s Band of that place. The house was literally packed, and there were
not enough sinners in the house to fill the altar, most every one being on the
Lord’s side. There were ten conversions. On Tuesday evening our good Brother
and Sister Woodworth went to Summitville to meet the Daniel’s Band there, and
found them as at the two former places, all on fire for God, and notwithstanding
the stormy night the church was packed full. Twenty-three came to the altar and
were gloriously saved, and after the meeting closed five more came forward and
wanted to be prayed for, and they, too, professed to be saved. Mrs. Woodworth
goes from there to Elwood to commence a revival meeting.

My next meeting was at Elwood, Indiana. We were met at the depot by Brother
Hunter, who conducted us to his pleasant home, where we were made very
comfortable during our stay in Elwood. They did not know certainly that we
would be there that evening, so there was no appointment, but they sent word to
the sexton to light up and ring the bell, and, although it was a wet night, the
Methodist Episcopal Church was well filled, and we had a good meeting. By the
next evening the house was so crowded we had hard work to have any altar

We found a great deal of formality here, and cold professors to work against. But
I trusted in the Lord to fight our battle and give us victory. Praise God, whole
families were brought into the fold of Christ. Annie Meding, a saloon-keeper’s
little daughter, was converted, and as she urged others to come to Christ and he
saved she looked like an angel. It was a sight that caused strong men to weep to
see her so happy with the love of God.

We held meetings here ten days, and with wonderful success. Every night the
church was crowded, and vast numbers stood around the windows and doors
anxious to gain admittance. No one but the recording angel can tell the number
of those who were converted in this meeting. There were over three hundred that
we know of.

We closed here on Friday evening, and many were almost persuaded to be

Christians. God bless them, and may they be saved, is my prayer. And may the
dear Father ever lead the young converts through all the trials and tribulations of
this life into the harbor of eternal rest.

By very urgent request I next went to Tipton, Indiana, and I commenced on

Sunday morning, April 26, 1885, at the Methodist Church, and for two weeks we
held up the cross of Christ to a dying world, amidst all opposition from
professing Christians and the outside world. All hell seemed arrayed against us,
but I trusted in the Lord Jehovah to give us victory. And many hundreds praise
God for the meeting at Tipton,

On the second Sabbath evening, amidst the most intense excitement, when the
altar was filled with seeking penitents, a Mrs. Young went into a trance, and
while in that condition, Dr. Pitzer went to the front part of the house to see a
trance for himself. She soon commenced to motion to him to get down on his
knees. He yielded to the good spirit; as he afterwards said, he believed it was
then or never. God blessed and saved him.. Praise God from whom all blessings

In the two weeks we were here over five hundred came out on the Lord's side.
May they ever be kept faithful to the end of life. The closing scenes were
wonderful. Brother Cone, the pastor, received the young converts into the
church, after which we bade them all farewell, never expecting to meet them all
again till we meet around the great white throne.

I next went to Pendleton, Indiana, where we had a gracious outpouring of God’s

spirit for over a week, and many were brought into the fold of Christ.

One night, during the meeting, a young lady went into a trance, and they sent
word to her father that she wanted to see him. When told about it, he swore he
would tear up the Methodist Church and show them that they should not make
his daughter insane. He came running down to the church, but when he came
into the church the spirit of God got hold of him, and in less than fifteen minutes
he was praising God for saving a poor sinner like him.

After long solicitation, which had been kept up constantly for over four months,
I next decided to go to Kokomo, Indiana, and for three weeks God wonderfully
blessed us, and the people of that city. We had a great deal to contend with here,
and the weather being warm and oppressive, it made it very hard for me, but I
had the pleasure of seeing hundreds of precious souls born into the kingdom; and
may they ever be kept, by the power of God, faithful to the end.


We have not made up our minds hastily or without ample opportunity to know
whereof we affirm.
After twenty-four days with the workers and hearing all the evangelist had to say
and witnessing her in a trance four times, also many others, we are free to say
from the results and good work done that we endorse both her and the gospel
work she so gloriously promotes. The trance we do not understand; we know it
attracts the people and they hear the gospel, believe it and are saved. We do not
propose to flatter or find fault, underrate or over-rate, but to express an opinion
carefully made up.

First. We believe that Mrs. Woodworth is a Christian lady of more than ordinary
piety and natural ability; that she is sincere and earnest in her work and has
consecrated herself wholly to it, and looks at the salvation of a soul from the gulf
of hell as the most important thing committed to her charge. She also believes
that God has endowed her with ability and means with which she can be used by
him in bringing souls into his kingdom, and she is in his hands, willingly given
up, like the clay in the hands of the potter.

In this gospel work she has more faith in prayer, song, testimony, and
exhortation than in fine written essays or even eloquent sermons. In these things,
whether led by divine or human wisdom, results prove that she is not mistaken.
There is perhaps no minister in this county who would not be glad to have the
same results, as to conversions, in his church, that is, if he believes what he
preaches, that the salvation of a soul is worth more than a world. I don’t doubt
that he would take in the trance without a scruple if he knew it was the only
means that would rescue his own son or daughter from a vicious life, miserable
death, and the woe everlasting that he preaches to others. Indeed, if his
prejudices were not too great, he might be willing to undergo the trance feature
himself if convinced that it was his only means to escape the unpleasantness in a
future world that he has so tenderly spoken to others about. We further say that
as to means and methods used there is nothing new to Methodist people. It is the
old Methodist sword with a new blade, longer, brighter, and sharper than the one
used forty years ago. The difference between her meetings and others in this
country consists not so much in the quality as in the quantity, nor in the means
itself as much as the way the means are used. She sings more and sweeter,
repeats oftener and keeps at it longer, and pleases the people better, and her
songs go deeper down from ear to brain, and from brain to heart, and she still
keeps at it singing and singing and still singing, until she gets the song where she
wants it and where God wants it, and who who knows but these oft-repeated
songs will find a place in the heads and hearts of the Kokomo people for God's
Spirit to use for many days to come, and render organ and choir music so stale
that they will get hungry and long for some one to arise and sing with the Spirit
and with the understanding. She can get a better congregation out and keep them
longer than any minister in the country. One minister in town said he could get a
congregation out if he would get a monkey in his pulpit. Perhaps a looking-glass
would serve as well. Another said if he was to turn a somersault a few times on
the platform that would bring ’em. Possibly he is getting ready to turn. These
expressions of ridicule from some clergymen will do in life but afford but little
comfort in death. Your learned preacher, with a well-studied poetical sermon
thirty minutes long, puts his best paying members to sleep, so that they don’t get
a nickle's worth of all he says, and our lady evangelist will talk two hours to
fifteen hundred people and nobody gets to sleep or leaves the house, and all are
sorry when she quits. But you say she repeats. So did Peter and Paul, and that’s
what the people like. We eat the same kind of food three times a day and the
same kind our fathers lived on forty years; ago. The story of the cross is always
new, and not only new, but it satisfies and saves, and that’s what people go to
church for. They want their hearts filled. And if the ministers have the holy Spirit
and get the people to work, they will not go home muttering,“Dry bones—dry
bones.” As a rule, she prays longer, louder, oftener, more earnestly, and more to
the point than some ministers do, and holds on to that God which they never
knew much about. She will not give it up; the sinner must come to God or God
must come to the sinner; if not, she must go. Well, when she comes back again
she says she saw and heard certain things. Now, what will you do, Mr. Minister?
You can't prove it is not so, for you have never been there. You say, ”Blessed are
the pure in heart.” How do you prove it? You can not to another person, but you
can prove the promise true to yourself by being pure in heart. How do you know
but if you would pray as long and as earnestly, consecrate as fully, and get the
burden for souls that she does, but God would reveal to you that which “eye hath
not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things that
God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us
by his Spirit”—not will, but hath done it. (I. Cor. ii. 9.) This is all she claims. Is
it according to Paul? Head further and know more about it.

She often has a hundred praying out loud at once. They often all testify at once.
Fifty will be up speaking at the same time; and to the singing there is no end
seemingly. I am told by her husband she is from fourteen to sixteen hours on her
feet every day, singing and speaking, and when she gets to her room she is
almost helpless until the time comes for her duties. Her voice holds out beyond
all expectation. She attributes this to divine help.
To say the “Woodworth meeting” just closing in this city has been a success, is
an easy thing for me to do. In my judgment, much good has been accomplished,
and many souls have been brought to Christ, because of this meeting,
notwithstanding the opposition of the devil and his stubborn, jealous, and
cowardly agents. I further aver and can prove it, that Mrs. Woodworth has
accomplished more for the cause of Christianity in this city and vicinity, during
the last three, weeks that she has so earnestly labored here, than all the other
advocates of religion, who have seen fit to oppose her, have done within the past
two years, and especially than all those who have skulked behind an opposing
newspaper to express themselves in opposition to her meeting. I have been
benefitted by the coming of Mrs. Woodworth, and I believe hundreds of others
also have. Long may she wave! Freeman Cooper.

Mr. David Ballard was in Kokomo, Wednesday, and attended the Woodworth
revival. He believes in the work and thinks a vast amount of good is being done.
Some of the Kokomo preachers stay away from the services lest they become
converted.—Xenia Journal,

We, the undersigned citizens of Kokomo and vicinity, take great pleasure in
saying that we heartily endorse the Woodworth revival meetings, and believe
they have resulted in much good to our community.

D. D. Bond, H. Y. Wooton, John Steward, Jesse Dyar, J. G. Hockett, J. D.

Murphy, Hayden Rayburn, Samuel P. Brannen, William Brunnell, Dr. T. Y.
Gifford, William Scott, P. A. Hall, D. N. Morrison, Mrs. P. E. Hoon, V. C. Kern,
James Cooper, Martha Rayburn, Lucy Garr, Laura Pleas, Elizabeth G. Scott,
Hannah Hockett, A. E. Hoon, Delilah Cooper, Elizabeth Stover, Mary A. Brown,
Mrs. E. S. Smith, Eva L. Pleas, C. P. Bard, Lou Adams, M. A. Chestnut, H. A.
Brouse, P. M. Thompson, Taylor Jackman, If. G-. Hannah, Wm. H. Imbler, O.
Richmond, T. E. Trueblood, R. T. Groves, Cory E. Hoon, Felly J. Hoon, J. B.
Carter, G. W. McKinney, C. E. Hendry, L. Kern, M. D., Wm. Scott, M. D., C. C.
Sollenherger, Wm, Trueblood, L. P. Rich.
Chapter XVI.
Visit to Elwood—Lake Maniteau—Visit to Kokomo—Camp-
meetings at Rochester, Greentown, Xenia, Willow Branch,
Greenfield, and Alexandria —Press Notes —Mrs. Sarah A. Dilts
— Notes of my Last Year’s Labors — Conclusion — Gathering

AFTER closing the wonderful meeting at Kokomo, I went to Elwood, to visit the
dear young converts there, and encourage them on their Christian experience.
We had a blessed time indeed, and found them all standing faithful and working
earnestly for the salvation of those around them. God bless them and keep them
faithful to the end.

I now decided to take a short vacation, and we went to Lake Maniteau, near
Rochester, Indiana, where I could enjoy the lake breeze and the rest I so much
needed. We had a splendid time fishing, and boat-riding on the lake. A number
of the young converts from Kokomo came up for a picnic, and to make us a visit,
one afternoon, and we had a very pleasant time together. They gave me several
nice presents, and after singing “The Lifeboat,” and having a season of prayer,
we parted, feeling we had many things to be thankful for.

On Saturday, June 27,1 went to Kokomo to visit the Daniel’s Band and attend
baptismal service. On Monday I returned to Lake Maniteau and commenced to
make arrangements for a camp-meeting there. Mr. Woodworth purchased a large
tabernacle capable of accommodating two thousand people, and several small
tents. We held camp-meeting here one week, which resulted in much good.

Following this, we held meetings at Greentown, Xenia, Willow Branch,

Greenfield, and Alexandria. In all these places we found the churches, in a cold,
formal condition, and the vast multitude starving for the bread of life. In many
places they had grieved the Holy Spirit by their half-heartedness. A few among
the many we found true and faithful to God and to his cause. They shall have
their reward in that great day when the Savior shall say, “Well done, good and
faithful servant.” A few of the vast army of clergy stood by till the last, and did
everything in their power to help along the work of saving souls.

Many of the young converts have gone out as flaming fire-brands for God, and
are to-day working to bring others to Christ, and proclaiming the everlasting
gospel of peace. Some have crossed the river and joined the shining host of the

“In a word let us say, the meeting at Greentown was a glorious success. We gave
a partial account of it in our August number, and would like to give the
particulars in this issue, but can't find space."

“At 9:30, on the morning of August 23, the Evangelist Woodworth left Xenia for
Willow Branch camp-meeting grounds. On the cars, before reaching Marion, I
handed her the Times of Xenia, and she read what seemed to be meant to speak
against her, with a smile

“The Evangelist Woodworth began meeting near Alexandria, Indiana, September

10, and with the assistance of the brethren from Alexandria, Anderson, Muncie,
Fairmount, Summitville, Elwood, New Corner, and one from here and there over
the country, with a general coming up of the brethren of the vicinity, to the help
of the Lord, we were able to drive the enemy from the field.”

“Notice: — Brethren and friends, this meeting near Alexandria, which will close
Sabbath evening, the 20th inst., will be the last held by the Evangelist
Woodworth, in Northern Indiana, for some time, and more than likely forever.
We are called to the rescue of the perishing, elsewhere. We look forward to next
Sabbath being the most wonderful meeting ever held in Indiana.”



On Sabbath afternoon, after a powerful sermon by Sister M. B. Woodworth, they

sang, “Lord send us down the power,” she telling the ministers and Christians to
look, and expect the outpouring of tho Holy Ghost, for it was coming.

The power came as a cyclone and struck the ministers and Christians around the
altar, and they began to reel as drunken men. Some began to shout, some to cry,
others to laugh and preach at the same time. Men and women began to fall in the
congregation. The stoutest men and scoffers fell as the mighty oaks in a storm,
and were carried out as dead, and lay till the next morning. The great multitude
of five thousand was swayed as grain in a storm by the mighty power of God,
Stout men were as pale as death and trembled in every limb, and said, “Surely,
God is here, this is power of God.” And, as in the days of old, they cried out, “
What shall I do to be saved?” Others were trying to find their friends and make
their escape out of the tabernacle.

The evangelist stood on a chair and waved her hands over the excited multitude,
and with a loud voice told them not to be so excited, it was only the power of
God in direct answer to prayer, and they knew it deep down in their hearts.
“Many of you heard me pray for God to send his power as a cyclone, to prove to
this people that God was here. God has answered our prayers. You will be
excited worse than this when the mighty trumpet sounds, and the best thing you
can do is to get ready to-day.”

The good news comes to us that the revival is still going on in the city, and in
many other places around. Hundreds of souls have been brought to Christ, still
the work goes on.



One morning, as I went into the meeting, my attention was drawn to a lady
sitting on the platform. They told me she had been taken from bed and brought
there to be converted.

I took her by the hand. She was as pale as death, and reduced in flesh to almost a
skeleton. She said she was convicted of sin, and that she was not ready to die,
and she came to be converted, even at the risk of her life. She said she came
several miles.

I said, God bless you, you will be healed, soul and body at the same time. When
you get the blessing, look for the healing power. Do you believe it? She looked
at me a moment and said, “Yes, I do.”

She staid till night, and went home feeling that the work was done. She came
back and worked for the salvation of of souls.

There has been healing power in the meetings for the last year. Scores have
come, or been brought to the meetings and have been healed, but these are the
first cases I have given to the public.

I feel that God has given me the gift of healing. There have been several
wonderful cures in the last few weeks. Glory to God for such a Savior.




He was afflicted with a disease called diabetes. He felt there was no hope for
him. The best best physicians had given him up, and he was liable to drop dead
any time. He had lost twenty-four pounds in two weeks before his conversion.

He came twice to the meeting at Pendleton. I prayed for God to heal him, soul
and body, and it was done, and be went home praising God, feeling he was every
whit whole.

This was on the 28th of last May. He has a large practice, but he finds a great
deal of time to work for God. He has been a fire-brand for God since his
conversion. Yea, hundreds have been brought to Christ through his labors. Glory
to God for his wonderful works.


Mrs. Mary J. Spence, who resides in the neighborhood where Sister Woodworth
has been holding one of her famous camp-meetings, near Alexandria, Madison
County, Indiana, has been the recipient of one of those exhibitions of the power
of prayer in the cure of disease that are becoming so frequent in these later days.
Mrs. Spence has been the victim of an inveterate form of asthma for five years,
and had been suffering from an unusually severe attack for over two months
previous to the opening of the meeting referred to, her suffering being most
intense, there being days and nights together in which she had to be propped up
in bed to almost a sitting posture to get breath at all, and she was reduced to a
condition of extreme weakness.

This was her condition at the time the meeting commenced, but being
exceedingly anxious to attend, she was taken by kind friends to the camp-
ground, hardly expecting to be able to attend more than a small portion of the

But Sister Woodworth, becoming apprised of her condition, encouraged her to

come right along and she would be blest in the effort. The evangelist then
proceeded to make the case a special subject of prayer, invoking the blessing of
almighty God upon the sister to the end that she might not only be spiritually
blest, but that she might also be healed of her bodily infirmities; and, strange to
say, those prayers have been signally and fully answered. The sister was almost
instantly restored, and before the close of the meeting was enjoying almost
perfect health. She came to all the meetings, working day and night for the
salvation of souls.

I have practiced over thirty years, and I never knew of a case of this kind being
cured at her age, she being over fifty. I have not the least doubt but it was the
power of God in answer to prayer.

Signed, "Wm. J. Morgan, M. D.

Alexandria, Indiana, Sept. 21, 1885.

Just a word or two from the lips of the father of Sarah A. Dilts, of the vicinity of
Alexandria, who, by faith, has been raised almost from the dead. “For years,
with a combination of diseases, my daughter was suffering. For about six months
she lay in bed, most of the time not being able to sit up without being propped up
with pillows. It was decided by her physician, that there was no use in giving her
any more medicine.

“When, seemingly, the last moments had come, when she could not raise her
head, and had to be helped like a child, and was so light, her husband could take
her on his hands as he would a child, when fully given up to die, and when
perfectly submissive to God’s will, she raised herself up in bed, and was
standing on the floor before she knew what she was doing; and then began to
walk around the room, a living skeleton. Her husband was very much alarmed,
thinking death had struck her, and was looking for her to fall.” I see this sister, in
the bloom of health, declaring to the multitudes of dying men and women what
God has done for her.

The Indianapolis Journal said, “Mrs. Maria Woodworth, learning of the illness of
Mrs. Dilts visited her home, and, by permission of her physician, prayed for her
recovery.” This, with much else, in an article of the Journal, is not so. But we
trust they don’t mean it to be.

“Sister Woodworth was sent for to come and pray for her recovery, but she
couldn’t come, but while in a buggy, prayed fervently for her recovery. At the
same hour, Mrs. Dilts went into a trance, in which she saw Christ surrounded by
a bright light, and a crowd of sinners to the left. She felt herself raised up, arose
from bed, walked out and ate a hearty supper. “The prayer of those that abide in
God availeth much.”

This dear sister has since gone into the field as an evangelist, to work for the
salvation of souls, and we learn that she is having glorious success. There were
over sixty conversions in the meeting she has just closed.

I held twenty-five revivals. About five hundred ministers visited these meetings.
Many took part, doing all they could for the glory of God, while many stood
back with the unbeliever, and mocked, talked, and behaved worse than the
hardened sinners. Many came to the meetings. The sick were converted and
healed, soul and body. About ten thousand souls came into the kingdom as the
results of these meetings. God has raised up and sent into the field a hundred or
more of men and women as ministers and evangelists, and is crowning their
labors with glorious success.

About two hundred of those converted were under sixteen years of age, over two
thirds were past thirty, and I believe one thousand were from fifty to eighty-five
years old. Many were so old and feeble that they could not get down to the altar.
Many have crossed over to the other shore and died happy in the Lord.

We traveled about nine hundred miles. God has wonderfully verified his
promise, that “signs and wonders shall follow the preaching of the gospel, in
them that believe,” by displaying his power in many ways, that infidels have
been made to tremble and fall at the feet of Jesus, and cry for mercy. Many times
death has come as a thunderbolt in our midst, and great fear has come on the
people. Congregations of thousands have been shaken as grain or trees in a
mighty storm. The strongest men have turned pale as death, and cried, “Surely
God is here,” while many have fallen as the mighty oak in a storm, and lay for
hours as dead men.

Glory to God for his wonderful works. My faith is getting stronger day by day.
I am now starting for another year’s battle against Satan’s kingdom, not knowing
a step of the way, but shouting victory before a mocking world. Yet all the devils
in hell are on my track, but none of them move me only to more faith and zeal.

The more water they pour the brighter the fire burns, Now, Lord, behold their
threatenings and grant thy servant boldness to speak thy word, that signs and
wonders may follow, in the name of the Holy Child Jesus.

I am expecting much greater victory than ever before, Now, Father, help me to
glorify thy Son, and honor the Holy Ghost. Amen, and amen!

Dear reader, I have tried to give you a true and correct account of the wonderful
way in which God has led me as an evangelist and has given me victory, under
all trials and circumstances, I am led to ask him for greater success, than ever
before in winning souls to Christ.

As I plead with sinners to come to Christ and be saved, how my heart goes out to
them in love and pity, knowing that the same message will seal the destiny of
some for eternal life and some for eternal damnation. It is a terrible thing to
procrastinate till the Spirit leaves us to our doom —till we become “past feeling
and given over to hardness of heart.” “As I live, saith the Lord, I have no
pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that all should have eternal life.” “Turn
ye, oh, turn ye: for why will ye die.” Life is set before you without money and
without price; but it will avail you nothing unless you accept him as your
personal Savior of the world.

Dear reader, you must come a humble penitent at the feet of Jesus, feeling
yourself lost, believing he alone can save you. Jesus will lift you up out of the
mire and clay and roll your sins away as far as the east is from the west. The
Holy Spirit quickens the body dead in sin. God breathes the breath of eternal life
into your hearts and gives you the witness of the Spirit that you are born again.
You are now adopted into the family of God, of which part are in heaven and
part are on earth. You. are a son or a daughter of the most high God—a child of a
king. You are an heir of God and a joint heir with his son Jesus Christ. Your
heart will be full of love and praise to him who has given you salvation.

And now, dear reader, I bid you farewell, praying God that he may bless you
with the bounties of his grace and give you an inheritance incorruptible and that
fadeth not away. I have a bright hope of meeting many of the dear ones with
whom I have associated and labored so happily in the Master's work. I expect to
meet them “over the river,” and it wont be long. Soon this weary pilgrimage will
be ended, life's work all done, and we will go up to wear the robes and walk the
gold-paved streets. And, oh, it is so cheering to think that we shall know each
other there! I shall die in this work, and with my dying breath I will point sinners
to the Lamb of God. The end may come suddenly, but sudden death will be
sudden glory. If the golden chariot comes for me first, I will wait for you; if it
comes first for you I will come to meet you in the sweet by-and-by.

Out from, the regions of sorrow and night,

Gathering home I gathering home!
Into the mansions of gladness and light,
The dear ones are gathering home.

Chorus—Gathering home! gathering home!

Never to sorrow more, never to roam;
Gathering home! gathering home!
God’s children are gathering home.

From the dominion of Satan and sin,

Gathering home I gathering home
Into a city so holy and clean,
God’s children are gathering home.

From the embrace of the friends that they love,

Gathering home! gathering home,
Into the arms of the Savior above,
The dear ones are gathering home.

Swiftly we also are passing away,

Gathering home! gathering home!
Soon in the mansions of unending day,
We’ll be with the dear ones at home.

September 21, 1885.

The Revival Library
The Revival Library is a British-based collection of revival and Pentecostal
source materials. Tony Cauchi, the Librarian, says ‘Our intention is to promote
passion and prayer for authentic revival by making accessible, at affordable
prices, biographies, histories and teachings about great moves of the Spirit
across the centuries.’

The Revival Library has produced over a twenty CD’s and DVD’s which which
hold collections of original books, periodicals and related teaching materials for
worldwide distribution. They include materials on Evangelical Revivals and
more recent Pentecostal and Healing outpourings.

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The Pentecostal Pioneers Series
This series includes materials by or about Maria Woodworth-Etter, John
Alexander Dowie, Frank Bartleman, The Azusa Street Revival, Aimee Semple
McPherson, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, Alexander Boddy, Thomas
Ball Barratt, George and Stephen Jeffreys, and a host of other lesser-known, but
equally courageous and effective pioneers of this great worldwide movement of
God. We plan to include biographies and teachings that will educate and inspire
a new generation of pioneers in our day.
The Evangelical Revival Series
These are a host of materials from church history, particularly covering the six
major waves of Worldwide Revival that broke on the shores of this world from
the Reformation to the Welsh Revival. At the moment these materials number
over 80 and we will add more to them as time proceeds. They include
biographies, teachings, methodology, theology, overviews and everything
Voices From The Healing Revival Series
This Revival which occurred in the 1940-50's was the most powerful and fruitful
move of God in the entire history of Christendom. Despite extreme criticism and
controversy Pentecostalism was revitalised, new evangelistic initiatives circled
the globe and the multifacetted charismatic movement was brought to birth.

Today the world-wide Pentecostal/charismatic community numbers over 550

million members and is the fastest growing branch of the Christian church across
the nations.

We pay tribute to the pioneers who paid such a great price to return the church to
its New Testament foundations and showed all who had eyes to see Jesus Christ
is the same yesterday, today and forever!

We have included biographies and teachings by William Branham, Jack Coe, A.

A. Allen, W. V. Grant, Gordon Lindsay and others.

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