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Understanding the Self Final Exam

1.The Principle of Individuation asserts that

 identity is only linked to physical experience

 identity is a myth

 people change identities several times

 a person keeps the same identity over time

 identity is linked to religion

2.Which of these exists to healthily regulate the id?

 superego

 ego

 religion

 parents

 shame

3.Which of these were written by Ryle?

 the Design Argument

 Will to Believe

 Teapot Argument
 Concepts of the Mind

 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

4.Which would Hume agree with?

 Self is just an idea formed by our impressions.

 Physical properties and religion make up a valid self.

 Self is valid without physical properties.

 Self is valid if based in religion.

 The idea of self is superior to any physical properties.

5. Which school of thought holds that all knowledge is derived from human

 existentialism

 materialism

 ethnocentrism

 empiricism

 theism

6. Which of these would Paul Churchland agree with?

 Sense of self is found in the mind.

 Traditional psychology's view of the mind is correct.

 Belief in the mind is unnecessary

 Evolution proves the existence of the mind.

 Belief in the mind is imperative.

7. Which of these is how we mentally assimilate a new idea into old ones?

 materialism

 apperception

 monism

 existentialism

 dualism

8. Which of these is true?

 Merleau-Ponty believed the mind and the body are interconnected.

 Empiricism asserts that the intangible mind is the seat of all


 Rationalism devalues reason and the mind.

 Merleau-Ponty was a strict empiricist.

 Merleau-Ponty was a strict rationalist.

9. Which of these were written by Merleau-Ponty?

 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

 The Problem of Philosophy

 The Will the Believe

 Summa Theologica

 Phenomenology of Perception

10.What would Kant define as our psychological state and our rational

 non-self

 benign-self

 outer-self

 inner-self

 irrelevant-self

11.If a man continually berates himself for having impure thoughts, Freud
would blame it on

 id

 fate

 ego

 biology

 superego

12.According to Locke, what gives us our identity?

 religion

 myth

 memories
 soul

 sensory perception

13.Which of these would Churchland disagree with?

 The existence of the mind is incongruent with evolution.

 Dualism is wrong.

 Traumatic brain injury is incongruent with the concept of the mind.

 For something to be real it must be physical.

 The existence of the mind is proved by modern medicine.

14.Immanuel Kant was a/an

 20th century philosopher

 15th century philosopher

 18th century philosopher

 12th century philosopher

 11th century philosopher

15.What causes the superego?

 id

 repressive parents

 alcohol as a child

 ego
 genetics

16.According to Ryle,

 our behaviors make up our sense of self

 the brain is controlled by the mind

 the mind exists as a control center for the body

 there are ghosts in machines

 the mind gives us our sense of self

17.The Bundle theory asserts that

 religion is provable

 the properties we can sense are the only real parts of an object.

 myths are real

 ideas are real

 impressions are inferior to ideas

18.Which of these were written by Descartes?

 Tripitaka

 Will to Believe

 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

 Summa Theologica

 Meditations on First Philosophy

19.According to John Locke, which of these makes up consciousness?

 religion

 memory

 physical senses

 emotions

 intellect

20.Which of these would a dualist most likely agree with?

 The physical brain in the seat of human consciousness.

 Humanity is a purely physical existence.

 The soul is a myth.

 The soul exists apart from the body.

 Their is no reality beyond the physical laws.

21.Ordinary language philosophy asserts that

 language does not affect meaning

 problems and false assumptions develop as we distort meanings of


 poor grammar is linked to intelligence

 language plays no role in philosophical thought

 proper grammar proves intelligence

22.Which of these would Locke agree with?

 Memory is not imperative for identity.

 Identity is only linked to the body.

 Identity is made up of material substance.

 Identity is not made up of material substance.

 Identity changes as we age.

23.What school of thought asserts that the mind and body are separate?

 dualism

 materialism

 monism

 Hinduism

 Buddhism

24.Which of these asserts that our physical senses are our only source of

 rationalism

 empiricism

 indeterminism

 dualism

 compatiblism
25.Which of these were written by David Hume?

 teapot argument

 Design Theory

 Will to Believe

 watch analogy

 Essay Concerning Human Understanding

26.Which of these would Merleau-Ponty most likely agree with?

 Action is independent of perception.

 The mind is independent of the body.

 The mind is imprisoned in the body.

 The body is a subject.

 Perception is independent of action.

27.Which of these would Plato most likely agree with?

 The body exists before the soul.

 The soul and the body are created together.

 The soul exists prior to the body.

 There is no soul.

 The soul dies with the body.

28.Which of these men held to the principle of dualism?

 Descartes

 Gassendi

 Ryle

 Lucretius

 Churchland

29.Which of these assert that reality or existence is divided into two parts?

 materialism

 monism

 eliminative materialism

 dualism

 Hinduism

30.According to Hume, impressions are

 all that makes up a religion

 inferior to ideas

 faint ideas formed by our senses

 everything we learn from myth

 everything that originates from our senses

31.According to Freud, which of these is the center for our urges and desires?
 id

 ego

 norms

 morals

 superego

32.What is defined as mental imagery based on past sensations and


 apperception

 existentialism

 representation

 monism

 rationalism

33.What does eliminative materialsim argue concerning folk psychology?

 It is backed up with fact.

 It is wrong.

 It is correct when linked to religion.

 It is correct.

 It is superior to materialism.

34.What school of thought is the belief that nothing but matter exists?
 dualism

 deism

 materialism

 minimalism

 theism

35.Which of these asserts that reason and mental perception, rather than
physical senses and experience, are the basis of knowledge and self?

 empiricism

 rationalism

 theism

 determinism

 materialism

36.What does the id seek?

 instant gratification

 security

 acceptance

 fairness

 moral superiority

37.Which of these is a category mistake?

 thinking the earth is flat

 falling from a ladder

 crashing a car

 telling a lie

 walking through the woods yet asking where the forest is

38.Which of these would Socrates most likely agree with?

 The soul dies with the body.

 The soul is a myth.

 The body outlasts the soul.

 The soul is immortal.

 The body is eternal.

39.Which of these men compared dualism to believing that ghosts inhabited


 Davidson

 Descartes

 Russell

 Ryle

 Fodor

40.According to Augustine, the soul

 is myth.

 souls continue to reincarnate.

 is immortal because it possesses truth.

 dies with the body.

 the physical body is all that is real.

41.Which school of thought argues that knowledge is only attained through

the senses?

 theism

 dualism

 empiricism

 rationalism

 monism

42.Which of these assert that reality or existence is divided into two parts?

 eliminative materialism

 determinism

 materialism

 dualism

 monism

43.Which of these is attributed to Ryle?

 the teleological argument

 Teapot Argument

 the watch analogy

 the ghost in the machine

 the ontological argument

44.What philosophical argument asserts that a person is only the same person
if he remembers being that person?

 Theory of Froms

 Teapot Argument

 Design Argument

 Watch analogy

 Day Man and Night Man Theory

45.Which of these would Ryle consider a category mistake?

 materialism

 denying gravity

 watching fans cheer at a game, then asking to see team spirit

 asking a poor man for water

 biology

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