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Organizing and Delivering a Manuscript Speech

When speaking from a manuscript, you write and deliver a speech word for word. The question is, for whom is
the manuscript method most advantageous?
1. Public figures. Since public figures are always constrained by a hectic schedule, they need ghost writers.
Consequently, they would have to read the text of the speech as it is. The President’s State of the Nation
Address (SONA) is a concrete example of this situation.
2. Media personalities. Speakers on radio and television always battle with time limits. For example, a televised
panel discussion about a social issue may require radio and TV anchors to critically choose and refine the
words of their speech in advance.
3. Spokespersons for government and private organizations. This public speaking role requires a great deal of
contemplation and preparation. For example, we have speeches of different country’s spokespersons in an
international seminar on climate change.

Potential Problems with the Manuscript Method

1. Since this type of speech follows a word-for-word method, you might be tempted to skip practicing
the speech.
2. In relation to the previous point, if you fail to practice your speech and decide to read it during the time of
delivery itself, you might be glued to the speech all throughout. You may overlook making eye contact with your
audience. Note that glancing at the audience only at the end of a sentence is not sufficient to establish and
maintain rapport during the speech.
3. Lastly, because everything is planned based on the time allotted, you will surely want to cover everything in your
speech before you run out of time. This might affect your connection with the audience, as there is a tendency
to ignore the audience and neglect responding to their feedback when busy with the speech. Pay attention and
make sure to check and adjust if the audience displays anxiety, impatience, or boredom.

Strategies in Organizing and Delivering the Manuscript Speech

1. Practice! Practice delivering the speech several times. Mark the text. Even if it’s a manuscript, know the speech
by heart. Only if you do these can you keep frequent eye contact with the audience.
2. Adapt! Even if you have a manuscript, feel free to modify the text when the situation demands it. If you observe
that your audience is bored, you may use shorter yet more vigorous words. If your audience is impatient, add
words of strong motivational power. If your audience is anxious, share personal anecdotes to lighten the mood.

Tips in Using the Manuscript Method

1. Prepare! Keep your text easy to use by neatly composing it in triple space.
2. Mark! Own your manuscript by highlighting key words and phrases. This way you will be guided during the
speech delivery.
3. Practice! You can make a lot of notes on the draft of your manuscript during the first few rehearsals, but make
sure to reprint your script, especially if you make too many changes.
4. Practice some more! Read the text over and over orally. This will help you avoid mispronounced words, faulty
starts, and wrong pauses. As you practice, vary the volume, rate, and pitch of your voice during appropriate
points in the speech.
5. Concentrate! Concentrate on keeping eye contact, but do not stare at only one section of the audience. It is best
if you familiarize yourself with the most important parts of your speech. If you do this, you will be more
confident in looking at your audience during the key points of the speech.
6. Act it out! Use a lectern or a podium when practicing the speech. If you can find one before the actual speech
delivery, practice using it so that you will be used to laying your notes flat on thepodium and looking at them
once in a while.

II. Organizing and Delivering a Memorized Speech

A memorized speech requires you to commit the speech to memory so that you do not bring your notes when
delivering it. As with the manuscript speech, you also run the risk of sounding mechanical during a memorized delivery.
For this reason, keep your memorized speech short and work harder on your facial expressions and the tone of your

When should you memorize?

Although keeping a speech in memory is needed only on very rare occasions, memorizing a speech can help you
achieve a smooth and effortless delivery. You do not need to focus on notes or a manuscript. You can concentrate on
maintaining eye contact with your audience, establishing rapport, and interacting with your audience.
Since memorizing can be very tough and mechanical, it is best that you memorize short speeches for special
occasions. A memorized speech works best for the introduction of a guest, acceptance of award or recognition, toast,
eulogy, tribute, and the like.
Disadvantages of the Memorized Speech
1. You might forget what you are supposed to say. Long pauses can create a very awkward moment
between you and your audience.
2. You might memorize the speech mechanically. This can result in a very unnatural delivery.
3. You might focus on content. Consequently, groping for the right words might make you look uptight and
4. You might be too tied to remembering your script. This will give you no chance to pay attention and respond
to audience feedback.

Advantages of Delivering a Memorized Speech

1. You do not need notes anymore. Since the speech is memorized, you do not have to worry about when to
read and when to glance at your audience.
2. You can plan gestures, facial expressions, and movement. When you know the speech by heart, it will be
easier for you to work on nonverbal communication.
3. You can concentrate on visual aids and props. A memorized speech will help you focus more on your props if
you have any.
4. You will feel more confident. If you know that you have committed the speech to memory, you will not be
anxious about running out of words or not knowing what to say.

Tips in Memorizing a Speech

1. Break it down! You cannot memorize a speech in one sitting. If your speech has four paragraphs, you should
focus on one paragraph at a time. Once you have memorized the first paragraph, focus on the next one.
2. Build it up! After memorizing the speech in snippets, you need to put them together. Recite the first paragraph
and move on to the second. After this, recite the first and second paragraphs and move on to the third. The next
thing you know, you have completed your speech.
3. Speak out! Do not memorize the speech silently. When you recite your speech over and over while memorizing
it, your brain multitasks and aids your memory retention.
4. Identify keys! Identify a key point in every paragraph. Even if you miss out some of the words in the actual
speech delivery, you can easily expound on the key points.
5. Have a break! After memorizing some parts of your speech, take a break for some hours or for a day. After this,
recite the speech again. This will test how well you can recall what you think you have memorized.
6. Record and listen! Record yourself delivering the speech and listen to it over and over again. Like a song, the
speech will get stuck in your head.
7. Use note cards! Write one key point on one note card. Bring these note cards wherever you go and take them
out whenever you have extra time to memorize, especially during idle times of the day.

III. Organizing and Delivering an Impromptu Speech

Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no time for preparation. In most instances, you are called to
speak at the spur of the moment because you are expected to be knowledgeable about the subject.
For example, your teacher assigned you to read an article before the class starts. Then, during the class you
were asked to deliver an impromptu speech about what you have learned from the article. Another instance to illustrate
an impromptu situation is when you are asked by a friend or a relative about your current or planned vacation trip or
when you are campaigning for a position in school and you are asked by your fellow students to respond to their

Strategies in Organizing and Delivering an Impromptu Speech

Below are some of the strategies that you can follow when you organize and deliver an impromptu speech.
1. Past, Present, Future
Example: In the past, I was not comfortable in making impromptu speeches because I could not think right
away of what to say; maybe it was because of nervousness and lack of time to prepare. At present,
however, I am enjoying it because I constantly practice and keep on exposing myself to any
speaking situation. In the future, I look forward to teaching others how to survive impromptu
speech situations.
2. Point-Reason-Example/Explanation-Point
Point I love Facebook.
Reason I have two reasons for this: one, it helps me easily reconnect with old friends; and,
two, I am updated on the happenings around me.
Example/ Through Facebook, I am able to contact my old friends from other countries and
Explanation reminisce about wonderful memories. I am glad to be able to reconnect with friends
even if it’s only through online means. Also, through posts on Facebook, I learn
about the current events in the country—a fact which has a bearing on my role as a
citizen of this nation.
Point Facebook, indeed, is a useful social network site. That is why I love it.
3. Opening, Rule of Three, Clincher
Opening Every time I see homeless families, it breaks my heart. That is why I try to do at least
three little things to help them.
Rule of Three • First, I feature them in my writings which I submit to editors for publication. I
highlight their sad and bad experiences living in the streets and their dreams and
aspirations in life.
• Second, I actively participate in organizing and facilitating livelihood programs for
these families.
• Finally, I join different nonprofit organizations in campaigns and awareness
activities against poverty.
Clincher These three are my baby steps toward achieving my vision of helping homeless
people and freeing this nation from the bondage of poverty.
In some cases, you may find yourself unaware of or uninterested in the topic. This usually happens and it
is inevitable. Distinguished Toastmaster Craig Harrison (2010) shares the following strategies that can help
you address the problem.
a. Bridging. This entails building a connection between what you do know and what you do
not know.
Topic You are asked about your reaction on the conflict in Russia.
Problem You have no knowledge about the existing conflict in Russia because you do not
follow it.
Solution Find a way to bridge what you don’t know and what you do know.
Response “I would imagine the conflict in Russia to be like a conflict in my own family. The
following are some steps that I observed in patching up the conflict, which, in a
micro level, may be considered by the Russian government…”
b. Reframing. This means rephrasing or redefining the topic into something that you want to talk
about. This usually occurs if you think the topic is inappropriate or it is not meant for you.
If you are given a topic that you do not like or is not right for you, don’t despair. Simply reframe it as
a topic you’d like to respond to. Redefine the topic as you believe it should be, or at least the way
you’d like it to be. Keep the structure but alter the subject. Rephrase the question or even challenge
it; you can even argue why the question given is not the right question at all.
Topic You are asked to compare two forms of government: democratic and
Problem You think that it is not right for you because you are a science major.
Solution Find a pair of anything that you think is worth comparing. You can compare
natural science and social science in terms of concepts and processes, or
computers and humans in terms of capacity and efficiency.
Response “This question reminds me of the complexities in differentiating two concepts in
science. These are natural science and social science. Just like democractic and
parliamentary, these two differ in terms of concepts and processes…”
c. Playing Devil’s Advocate. This refers to you standing on the opposite side.
Topic You are asked whether or not the government should allocate a bigger budget
for national defense.
Problem You have no idea about the defense system and you are more knowledgeable
with education.
Solution Say no to defense and yes to education.
Response “Instead of allocating more money to national defense, why not allot it to
education? Let me tell you why education should be prioritized…”

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery

1. Smile.
2. Relax by thinking about positive things. Keep telling yourself, “I am a brilliant speaker. I
will nail this presentation.”
Before the Speech 3. Identify your purpose. Is it to inform, to entertain, to welcome, to congratulate, to
apologize, or to give birthday greetings?
4. Think of one big word that can serve as your main point. If you think you have enough,
think of the rule of three.
5. Start outlining in your head. Focus on what to say first. Be reminded that your first few
words are crucial, so make them strong, powerful and catchy.

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery

1. When you are called, keep composed. Walk slowly to the lectern or the center stage.
2. Shake hands with the one who introduced you, if necessary.
3. As you stand to deliver, establish eye contact, and begin right away with your opening
During the Speech statements. Part of your opening is greeting your audience.
4. From your initial idea to the next, use appropriate transitional devices.
5. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
6. Observe time limit. Remember, you barely have five minutes to say something.
After the Speech 1. Say thank you.
2. Return to your place comfortably.

IV. Organizing and Delivering an Extemporaneous Speech

Definition of Extemporaneous Speech

An extemporaneous speech is a planned and prepared speech. Unlike memorized or manuscript speeches which
are delivered word-for-word, an extemporaneous speech is delivered with the help of short notes and a clear outline.
Most people who speak in public often prefer the extemporaneous method of delivery. Although it might look
more challenging than the manuscript or memorized speeches, it is more spontaneous and personal.

Three Steps in Studying your Extemporaneous Topic

1. Identify the type of extemporaneous question that you have to answer.
• Is it a question of fact?
This type of question is typically answerable by “Yes” or “No.” It revolves around whether something is
true or not, existent or not.
 Is Syria’s crisis a problem of the whole world?
• Is it a question of value?
It is centered on whether a topic is good or bad, moral or immoral, just or unjust.
 Is it better for the European nations to step in and aid Syria or ignore the country’s civil crisis?
• Is it a question of policy?
It is focused on what policy or rule should be followed.
 Should European countries enforce laws to accommodate Syrian refugees?
2. Determine the purpose appropriate to your topic.
3. Stick to your topic and look at all of the sides and angles of the problem.

Steps in Preparing for a Successful Extemporaneous Speech

1. Reinforce! You may explore other main points, but always refer back to your thesis. This will greatly help
your audience remember your message.
2. Capture! State the central idea of your extemporaneous speech in one declarative sentence. Keep your
sentence specific. Ask yourself what you want your audience to know exactly.
3. Develop! Now that you have a clear central idea, you are ready to map out the supporting points in an
4. Introduce! In the introduction, make sure you:
• grab the attention of the audience with a striking one-liner.
• give a short background by explaining why they have to listen.
• state your thesis.
5. Check! Develop at least three main points and check each of them with these questions:
• Does each point have one single idea?
• Does each point reiterate the thesis statement?
• Does each point prepare the discussion of the next main point?
6. Supply! Make sure that each main point has enough examples, testimonies, statistics, or cases. In doing this,
you give the audience new information or views to learn from.
7. Conclude! Reinforce your introduction by coming up with a closing attention-getter that is related to your
opening. Connect the needs and interest of your audience with the theme of your speech.
Restate your thesis or review your main points.
Sample Outline for an Extemporaneous Speech

I. Introduction
A. Opening attention-getter
B. The need to listen
C. Thesis Statement
II. Body
A. Main Point 1
1. Subpoint 1
a. Evidence
b. Statistics
2. Subpoint 2
a. Evidence
b. Statistics
B. Main Point 2
1. Subpoint 1
a. Evidence
b. Statistics
2. Subpoint 2
a. Evidence
b. Statistics
III. Conclusion
A. Closing attention-getter
B. Restatement of thesis or review of main points

V. Organizing and Delivering an Entertainment Speech

Aims of an Entertainment Speech

An entertainment speech aims to share goodwill, joy, and pleasure to the audience. The purpose of an
entertainment speech is not to educate, inform, or inspire because the primary goal is to make the audience relax,
enjoy, and even laugh. This means that you, the speaker, are expected to be friendly and relaxed, but still courteous
during the speech delivery. Moreover, you should know your audience well in order to entertain them effectively.

How to Make your Speech Entertaining

To make your speech entertaining, you may:
• tell jokes;
• share funny stories;
• dramatize experiences; and
• recall a scary story.

Steps in Writing an Entertaining Speech

1. Choose! Choose a light topic. Remember, you are there to give the audience a good time.
2. Enjoy! If you exude confidence and you obviously enjoy the moment, the audience will enjoy your presence,
3. Simplify! Simplify the flow of your speech. Your audience does not need a mentally exhausting message.
4. Visualize! Your words should be highly descriptive. Use vivid words and keep them flowing to make your
audience feel as if they were in your story.
5. Surprise! Astonish your audience with unexpected twists in your presentation. The more you surprise them,
the more entertaining your speech will become.
Suggested Outline
1. Introduction
1.1 Open with an anecdote or funny story which captures the interest of
the audience.
1.2 Introduce the main message of your speech.
1.3 Provide a sneak peak of the content of your entertaining speech.
2. Body (you may use any of the techniques below)
2.1 Talk about the series of events that made you think of your main
2.2 Use a humorous quote which highlights your message.
2.3 Share related stories and anecdotes of others.
3. Conclusion
3.1 Recall the main points you talked about in your speech.
3.2 Recount your main message.
3.3 Make a final statement which connects to the opening anecdote.
VI. Organizing and Delivering an Informative Speech

Types of Informative Speeches

Generally, there are four types of informative speeches which vary depending on the topic. These are speech
about objects or people, speech about processes, speech about events, and speech about concepts.
Types Descriptions Specific Examples Purpose
Speech about objects This focuses on tangible items Yourself To inform the audience about
or people like gadgets, products, your background, interests,
structures, or people. Visual and ambitions
aids may be necessary.
Sherlock Holmes To inform the audience about
this fictional character’s
profile, including his traits and

New iPhone model To inform the audience about

the features and capabilities
of this new model

Manila Cathedral To inform the audience

about the historical and
architectural features of the
Manila Cathedral
Speech about This focuses on a process or First aid To inform the audience
processes sequence of events. Visual aids about how first aid for an
are necessary. ankle sprain is administered

Short Story Writing To inform the audience about

how a publishable short story
is written

Photography To inform the audience how

to take good pictures

Web designs To inform the audience

about how basic web designs
are created
Speech about events This focuses on an event that Martial Law To inform the audience
happened, is happening, or about the impacts of Martial
might happen in the future. Law on economy and politics

Zombie Invasion To inform the audience

about the possibility of a
zombie invasion

Accident To inform the audience about

the details surrounding a car

Cosplay show To inform the audience about

cosplay shows and the
preparations made by
cosplayers and organizers
Speech about This focuses on beliefs, Big Bang Theory To inform the audience
concepts knowledge, theories, principles about the development of the
or ideas. Big Bang Theory

Bermuda Triangle To inform the audience

about the mystery of the
Bermuda Triangle

Public-Private To inform the audience

Partnership (PPP) about the advantages and
disadvantages of PPP
Feminism To inform the audience
about a feminist’s perspective
on the patriarchal state of the

Organizational Patterns
An informative speech can follow different patterns of organization to arrange and frame the details effectively.
A. Chronological Pattern. This can be used if you want to present the history, evolution, or development of
your topic in a sequential order, from past to present or beginning to end.
Below is an example of an outline following a chronological pattern.
1. Introduction
1.1 Attention getter
1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point
2. Body
2.1 Step A, Year A, First
2.2 Step B, Year B, Second
2.3 Step C, Year C, Third
2.4 Step D, Year D, Fourth or Finally
3. Conclusion
3.1 Summary of the Points
3.2 Memorable Statement

Sample Speech Outline:

Chronological Informative Speech Outline
Topic: The 9/11 Attacks
Type: Speech about events
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about one of the greatest tragedies in
the 21st century.
Thesis Statement: The 9/11 attacks were unforeseen and have changed the world

1. Introduction
1.1 Attention-getter: One of the most recent tragedies that the world has
seen happened on what was supposed to be a typical September day
in 2001.
1.2 Thesis statement: The 9/11 attacks were unforeseen and have
changed the world forever.
2. Body
2.1 The attacks were planned by the terrorist organization as an act of
retaliation to the United States of America.
2.1.1 Nineteen militants associated with the Islamist extremist group
known as Al- Qaeda were involved in the attacks.
2.1.2 The 9/11 attacks were reported to be financed by Osama bin
Laden’s Al-Qaeda terrorist organization as an act of revenge for
the involvement of America in various issues in Israel and the
Middle East.
2.2 The attacks happened on September 9, 2001 in various parts of the
2.2.1 The north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City
was hit first.
2.2.2 Afterwards, the Pentagon in Washington DC was attacked.
2.2.3 And then, another plane hit the south tower of the World Trade
2.2.4 Lastly, another plane crashed in a rural field in western
2.3 These vicious attacks had profound effects.
2.3.1 Over 3,000 people were killed in the attacks in New York and
2.3.2 This event also plays a huge factor in distorting people’s
perception of Middle Eastern people even during current times.
3. Conclusion
3.1 Review of main points: The 9/11 attacks were a planned assault by militants
against the US to exact vengeance against their interference in international
3.2 Memorable statement: This attack has changed the world in profound ways
that we still experience and has opened many wounds of conflict. Someday
the wounds will heal, but until then, we keep moving forward.
B. Spatial Pattern – this pattern is used when you want to talk about the physical structure of an object or
the way things fit together in a certain space (Glendale Community College; University of Washington
Tacoma). Topics that deal with geography fit this pattern best.
Below is an example of a speech outline following a spatial pattern.
Topic: Speech about a place
Specific Purpose: To inform tourists about the beauty and mysticism of the Mayon
Volcano, while at the same time recognizing the threat that it is very
active and can erupt anytime.
Thesis: Mayon Vocano’s beauty and mysticism belies the fact that it is very
active and lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire.

1. Introduction
1.1 Majestic Mayon Volcano rises 2,462 meters above the Gulf of Albay in Bicol
Region with an almost perfect cone. Legend has it that the volcano was
formed from the grave of ill-fated lovers.
1.2 Mayon Vocano’s beauty and mysticism belies the fact that it is very active
and lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire.
2. Body
2.1 Mayon Volcano is the highest point in Albay province in Bicol and can be
viewed from eight municipalities and cities in the region. It is a perfect
stratovolcano that is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.
2.2 It is very active, having recorded a total of 49 eruptions in the last 400 years.
The most violent eruption, which happened in 1814, buried the town of
2.3 Despite the dangers posed by Mayon, people still prefer to live in the
surrounding areas.
2.4 Farmers benefit from the bountiful harvest of crops because of the fertile
3. Conclusion
3.1 Mayon Volcano is a beautiful volcano which has a past of dangerous
3.2 It is indeed a wondrous combination of beauty and danger.

C. Topical/Categorical Pattern. This can be used if you want to inform your audience about the
main features, descriptions, or categories of your topic.
Below is an example of an outline following a topical/categorical pattern.
1. Introduction
1.1 Attention getter
1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point
2. Body
2.1 Feature A, Description A, First Category
2.2 Feature B, Description B, Second
2.3 Feature C, Description C, Third
2.4 Feature D, Description D, Fourth or
Final Category
3. Conclusion
3.1 Summary of the Points
Sample Speech Outline: Informative Outline
3.2 Memorable Statement
Topic: Theories of Development
Type: Speech about a concept
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the different development models
Thesis: Development can be defined depending on a theoretical approach.

1. Introduction
1.1 Disagreement of scholars on the development concept
1.2 Theoretical approaches to development
2. Body
2.1 Modernization and Green Revolution
2.2 Integrated Rural Development
2.3 Participatory Development
2.4 Sustainable Development
2.5 Millennium Development
3. Conclusion
3.1 Development as a complex concept
3.2 Development as a discourse
D. Cause-Effect Pattern. This can be used if you want to show the causal relationship of events
or phenomena.
Your outline may follow different patterns of organization depending on the relationship between the
causes and effects of the event.
Single Cause-Multiple Effects Single Effect-Multiple Causes

1. Introduction 1. Introduction
1.1 Attention getter 1.1 Attention getter
1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point 1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point
Highlighting the cause of an event or Highlighting the effect of an event or
phenomenon phenomenon
2. Body 2. Body
2.1 Effect A 2.1 Cause A
2.2 Effect B 2.2 Cause B
2.3 Effect C 2.3 Cause C
2.4 Effect D 2.4 Cause D
3. Conclusion 3. Conclusion
3.1 Summary of the Points 3.1 Summary of the Points
3.2 Memorable Statement 3.2 Memorable Statement

Multiple Causes-Multiple Effects Domino Effects

1. Introduction 1. Introduction
1.1 Attention getter 1.1 Attention getter
1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point stating 1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point stating
The multiple causes and effects of an the domino effects of an event or
event or phenomenon phenomenon
2. Body 2. Body
2.1 Cause A 2.1 Cause A
2.2 Cause B 2.2 Effect A
2.3 Cause C 2.3 Cause B
2.4 Effect A 2.4 Effect B
2.5 Effect B 2.5 Cause C
2.6 Effect C 2.6 Effect C
3. Conclusion 3. Conclusion
3.1 Summary of the Points 3.1 Summary of the Points
3.2 Memorable Statement 3.2 Memorable Statement

E. Comparison-Contrast. This can be used if you want to compare objects, events, or concepts underscoring
their similarities and differences.
Your outline may follow either a block or point-by-point format.
Block Point-by-Point
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
1.1 Attention getter 1.1 Attention getter
1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point 1.2 Thesis Statement/Main Point
highlighting the concepts compared highlighting the concepts compared
2. Body 2. Body
2.1 Object/Event/Concept A 2.1 Comparison Point A
2.1.1 Comparison Point A 2.1.1 Object/Event/Concept A
2.1.2 Comparison Point B 2.1.2 Object/Event/Concept B
2.1.3 Comparison Point C 2.2 Comparison Point B
2.2 Object/Event/Concept B 2.2.1 Object/Event/Concept A
2.2.1 Comparison Point A 2.2.2 Object/Event/Concept B
2.2.2 Comparison Point B 2.3 Comparison Point C
2.2.3 Comparison Point C 2.1.1 Object/Event/Concept A
3. Conclusion 2.1.2 Object/Event/Concept B
3.1 Summary of the Points 3. Conclusion
3.2 Memorable Statement 3.1 Summary of the Points
3.2 Memorable Statement

VII. Organizing and Delivering a Persuasive Speech

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