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In this report I will state the differences found in a random course book ideas content and the ideas content I
would choose for a specific course, I will contrast the book´s with my ideas content and see what are the facts
that justifies the decisions on both contents, analyze what lacks in them and state some suggestions.


I have analyzed the ideas content proposed in this book and found it interesting, the books covers all the aspects
of its contents, one can find a lot different examples, many of the are related to everyday use of language, many
others focusing on grammar and sentence structure. An interesting choice of contents and examples, with the
right use of material. The ideas inside it can well be implement in any content one planes to put together.


The title of the book I reviewed is: “English A2.1, Student’s book”. The Curriculum plan is based on English
teaching to 2nd year students of secondary, the ideas content I found within it were mainly about imaginary
happenings about daily situations, a typical content one would expect from a course book for high schoolers.
The content successfully achieves its goals, the choice of content is right, it covers all necessities and lacks that
a student at that age might need. It is as effective as it is correctly structured.

I found the ideas inside this textbook really interesting and would definitively adapt some to my curriculum. The
choice for the contents of my course book which is about survival needs, in this case, the community is formed
of majorly native English speakers, nay, in order for the newcomers or tourist to cope with language needs inside
the community, the should learn the basics of the language and of course the common use of within the
community, like, going out shopping, being able to buy food, clothes, etc. and most importantly, being able to
communicate with the people around.

Thus, I believe a textbook dealing with ideas like imaginary happening and daily activities would definitively
come in handy since my course also deals with daily situations, the way I would adapt the ideas inside the course
book to mine would be replacing this happenings with situation very common in the community, using typical
colloquial terms and phrases.

Some practical features inside my course would be, gathering people from around and get them to help in the
teaching by performing dramatizations about happenings and situations inside the community, I would gather
some didactic materials typical of the region, for example: foods, clothes, videos about names of the jobs you
would find around, videos about how to deal with the laundry, shopping, taking the garbage out, asking for
directions, how to take the right transport, etc.

I was quite impress at how the course book i analyzed had many different ideas I can easily incorporate to my
course content, they both share similar characteristics and similar content, despite the fact that the course book
I analyzed were focused on High School student and mine was concerned about specific purposes, in this case,
English inside a native community. We can definitively find good ideas inside textbooks, ideas that could
perfectly fit our intentions when designing our own course books, these ideas will help us programming a good
and successful teaching course.


- Nation, I.S.P., Macalister. John, (2010). Language Curriculum Design. New York: Routledge
- Serna, Hector Manuel. (2018). English A2.1, Students Book. Quito: Ministerio de Educacion del Ecuador.

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