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Sixteen Week Plan

Faculty of Computing & Information Technology

Department of Computer Science
Hafiz Hayat Campus, University of Gujrat

Title Artificial Intelligence

Code CS-
Credit hours 3.0

Waqas Haider Khan Bangyal

Course Instructor
Instructor Email

Course This course serves as an introduction to the techniques and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) including a treatment of intelligent
Description agents, search techniques, logical agents, knowledge representation and reasoning formalisms, learning paradigms and some of machine
learning techniques like neural networks, decision trees etc.

On completion of this module, students should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental ideas of problem solving in AI
, Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental ideas of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Demonstrate an understanding of
the principles of a number of different approaches to machine learning, Demonstrate the ability to apply AI and Computational Intelligence
 Objectives techniques to a variety of research and application projects.
a) course will be evaluated on the following basis’s:
Quizzes 05 %
Assignments 10 %
Mid Term Exam 30 %
End Semester Exam 50 %
Project 10%
Grading Policy
Class Participation (marks may be allocated if the need arises)
b) To pass a course, student must obtain at least ‘D’ grade (50% marks)
c) The final term examination will cover the entire course.
Marks in Letter Grade Numeric Value of Grade Description
85 and above A+ 4.00 Exceptional
80-84 A 3.70 Outstanding
Grading System 75-79 B+ 3.40 Excellent
70-74 B 3.00 Very Good
65-69 B- 2.50 Good
60-64 C+ 2.00 Average
55-59 C 1.50 Satisfactory
50-54 D 1.00 Pass
49 and below F 0.0 Fail
W Withdrawal
I Incomplete

A minimum of 70% attendance is required for a student to be eligible to sit in the final examination
Class Attendance

Text Book • S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Second Edition, Pearson Education
Series in AI
 Luger, George & Stubblefield, William (2004), Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex
Problem Solving (5th ed.),
Reference Books  Nils J Nilson, Artificial Intelligence – A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Elsevier, USA.
 Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Third Edition, Pearson Eucation Series in AI.
 Ivan Bratko, PROLOG – Programming for AI, Third Edition, Pearson Education Series in AI.
 Basic algorithms and data structures
Pre-requisites:  Reasonable programming skills.

Collaboration and group work is encouraged but each student is required to submit his/her own contribution(s).
Plagiarism Policy: Your writings must be your own thoughts. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be referred to the
HoD & Dean for appropriate action(s).

Quizzes will be announced/unannounced.

Late submission of assignments will either not be entertained or will result in the deduction of marks.
Source for
Week# Lecture # TOPICS (Book, LearningA
Chapter No) ctivities

Introduction: What is AI, Major AI areas, History of AI, Intelligent Agents: Agents and environments, Rationality
01 01, 02 PEAS (Performance measure, Environment, Actuators, Sensors) Environment types
02 03, 04 Intelligent Agents: Agent Types ….Problem solving through Uninformed search: Breadth First Search
Problem solving through Uninformed search: Depth First Search
03 05,06 Problem solving through Un informed search: Iterative DFS, Comparison of Search Algorithms Assignment + Quiz
Problem solving through informed search: Heuristically Informed Methods, Hill Climbing, Beam Search,
04 07,08 Problem solving through informed search: Best First Search A*Procedure,
Problem solving through informed search: Adversarial Search, Min-Max Procedure, Static Evaluation Function, Alpha Beta Pruning (Assignment +
05 09,10 Quiz)
Expert Systems: Introduction to Expert Systems, Knowledge Base Expert System Their Types and Application,
Expert Systems: Working of Expert Systems with its different components, Typical examples, its benefits, the down side
06 11,12 Expert Systems: Developing an Expert System, Identifying the problem
Neural Network: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), ANN Applications
07 13,14 Neural Network: Topologies of ANN, Single Layer perception (SLP).
Back Prop algorithms: Multi Layer Perception (MLP), Back Prop Algorithm
08 15,16 Neural Network: Implementation for AND, OR, XOR

Mid Term Exam

Genetic Algorithm: Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, Genetic Algorithm (GA)
09 17,18 Genetic Algorithm: Applications of Genetic Algorithm and its examples , Genetic operators (Crosse over and Mutation) and its applications
10 19,20 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO): Introduction to Swarm Intelligence (SI), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Pseudo Code and Example

11 21,22 Fuzzy System: Fuzzy Set Theory, Fuzzy Inference

12 23,24 Classification: Decision Tree, Bayes Classification

13 25,26 Mining Frequent Patterns, Association and Correlation

Introduction to Computer Vision (CV)
14 27,28 Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning: Introduction to Learning, Supervised Learning
15 29,30 Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning, K-means Clustering Algorithm
16 31,32 Advance Topics in A-I

Final Exam

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