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Direction: Put a ( √ ) check mark on the box that corresponds to your

Age 16 - 17 Gender Male Weekly Allowance 200-300
18 - 20 Female 350-450
500 above
II. Students STRATEGIES in Budget Management.

Always Sometimes Often Never

1.Make a budget plan that list your goals.
2.Write down your expenses weekly or daily.
3.Use classic categories strategy; figure out your
income and spending limits.
4.Use cash enveloped strategy; keep track of your
5.Use priority based method of spending that all
priorities are listed and covered first.
6.Use a Budget system that help you in budgeting
7.Track the incoming and outgoing of your money.
8.Make an outline or list of your budget.
9.Set up a savings plan, realistic goals
(housing,deposit etc.),new goals
10.Use three category budgeting strategy and
choose you are most likely to overspend.
11.Increase your spending awareness.
12.Stay motivated and follow your budget plan.
III. DIFFICULTIES met by students in budgeting allowance.

Very Not
Difficult Difficult Difficult
1. Some students budget Plan is based on a set of
2. Some students are first time to experienced financial
independence without parent`s supervision.
3. Some students are not matured enough to handle
Finance`s and they are overspend.
4. Some students not have discipline in their budgeting
and spending money.
5. Some students did not know where their money go and
abuse the money on their hands.
6. Some students plan to budget and not following it.
7. Some students experienced cash flow issues; going in
and going out of money.
8. Some students are doing budget plan without
determining their “wants” and “needs”.
9. Some students considered other things that is not
10. Some students have more expenses than their
income or allowance.

IV. Possible SUGGESTIONS about budgeting allowances.

Yes No

1.Make a budget plan, rank the most important and needs.

2.Create a spending plan, compare the income or allowance and expenses.
3.Make and set goals, short term,intermediate and long term.
4.Make a list to determine what you needs and wants the most and least.
5.Learn to say “No” to your friends, avoid to much spending, mark your
6.Save money by day then put it in your coin bank or account.
7.Put money a side in the half of weeks to help you cover expenses.
8.Review the budget plan on a regular basis.

9.Evaluate of your income or allowance, expenses, most important and

least, where and now your money goes in and goes out.
10.Cut all unnecessary spending at least temporarily.

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