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People thought they know things.

Scientists have proclaimed that they have objective

knowledge. Carpenters declared that they know how to build and fix things. We, seminarians,
might also say that we know how to pray. But, how can we justify that we really know things?
Does anyone know what is the true nature of knowing?

Theaetetus is the story where Socrates asked Theaetetus to answer his question: “What is the
nature of Knowledge?”Theaetetus have answered three ideas of knowledge but as the
conversation continuous we will know that Socrates and Theaetetus didn’t reach the truth in
communion, which is the aim of Socratic method or the Intellectual Midwifery.

Telling you the outcome of story might stop us from reading this book, but if you read the story
of Theaetetus we might not say that the conversation is worthless because of the unsatisfied
ending. In the story, Socrates didn’t waste his saliva, as always, with Theaetetus because of the
fact that this dialogue will never persist in our time if it is not worth reading and understanding.
Thus, it is the time to start our search of knowledge by reading the story.

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