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Webquest #1- The 6 Regions of Canada

Canada is broken down into 6 regions:

1. Arctic Region
2. Cordillera Region
3. Interior Plains Region
4. Canadian Shield Region
5. Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Lowlands Region
6. Atlantic Region (Appalachian Region)

You will be finding information related to all of Canada's 6 regions. The information you will be
collecting includes:
- population size
- land size
- important physical features (mountains, rivers, etc)
- languages spoken
By the end of this web quest lesson, you will be able to:

 identify the 6 different Regions of Canada

 identify the important physical features of each
 identify the regions with the highest and lowest population
Welcome to the web quest!

First, you will find and record the following for ALL regions of Canada:
- population size
- land size
- important physical features (mountains, rivers, etc)
- languages spoken
You can use the following websites and videos, or any others they you find.

Second, you will create a way to express this information visually.

Third, you will answer the following questions:

1. Which region has the highest population? Why do you think it is the highest?
2. What region has the most land?
3. What region (or regions) is Ontario located in?
By completing the web quest, you have become more familiar with Canadian regions. As well,
you will have a general understanding of what we will learn about in Grade 5 Social Studies.
Webquest #2- What Makes a Region?
We know that Canada is made up of 6 regions. But how can we describe regions?
You can describe the regions of Canada by physical features, climate and natural resources.
A physical feature (landforms or water bodies) of a region can show what a region looks like. It
can also affect climate, the work people do, what they wear and what people do for fun.
Different regions of Canada may have different climate. The weather may be different from the
humid St Lawrence Lowlands to the dry Interior Plains. The climate changes from water bodies,
landforms, elevation and latitude. Water bodies and landforms can change the climate as
mountains can create snow or rain and water can warm or cool the shore.
Natural Resources are connected to both the physical features and the climate of the regions.
Each region has unique qualities that effect what type of resources they have.

You will be finding information related to all of Canada's 6 regions. The information you will be
collecting includes:

1. What is the climate like in each region (Hottest and Coldest)?

2. What is the latitude and elevation of one of the major cities in each region?
3. What are the names of some of the major landforms and bodies of water in each
4. What are the main natural resources of each region?
5. What region do we live in?
6. Which region would you like to live in? Why?

By the end of this web quest lesson, you will be able to:

 Understand what changes the climate of each region

 Identify the main physical feature of each region
 Identify the major natural resources these regions produce

Welcome to the web quest!

First, define and describe what latitude is in your own words. How does it affect the climate?

Second, you will find and record the following for ALL regions of Canada:

1. What is the climate like in each region (Hottest and Coldest)?

2. What is the latitude and elevation of one of the major cities in each region?
3. What are the names of some of the major landforms and bodies of water in each
4. What are the main natural resources of each region?
5. What region do we live in?
6. Which region would you want to live in? why?

Last, arrange questions 1-4 on mind maps- one mind map per region (create 6 mind maps).
You can use the following websites and videos, or any others they you find.

By completing the web quest, you have become more familiar with Canadian climates,
landforms and latitude and how this effects the natural resources.
Webquest #3 – What Affects Life in a Region?
There are many different ways of life across Canada and not everyone lives the same way.
Examples of Canadian living are: some people live on boats instead of in houses, some people
eat seal and moose meat and some people take the subway to get to school every day. Even
though there are some differences, there are many things we all have in common. For example,
everyone goes to school.

You will be finding information related to all of Canada's 6 regions. The information being
collected will allow you to see the differences in how people live in the different regions of
The information you will be collecting includes:
- Clothing
- Transportation
- Recreation
- Housing
- Jobs

By the end of this web quest lesson, you will be able to:

 Understand the uniqueness of the Canadian regions

First, collect the following information for all 6 regions.
- Clothing
- Transportation
- Recreation
- Housing
- Jobs
Second, create and contrast 2 regions in their types of clothing, transportation, recreation,
housing and jobs (try to pick 2 regions that have different climates). You can create a mind map,
a table, visuals or use any medium that is appropriate.
You can use the following websites and videos, or any others they you find.

By completing the web quest, you have become more familiar with the differences between
the Canadian regions.
Webquest #4 – Where Are You From?
Traditions you have reflect your heritage. Heritage is what has been passed down to you from
the past. For example, if your family heritage is Ukranian, then your holiday might include some
traditions that are different than someone with a Japanese heritage.
If your ancestors were Inuit, you might speak a different language than someone whose
ancestors came from Britain. Ancestors are the people in your family who came before you
(Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents etc.)
People come from all over the World to live in Canada making it a very multicultural and diverse
country. This means there are may different types of religions, foods and cultures around our

You will be finding information related to where your ancestors have come from. This will help
show the different multicultural backgrounds of Canada.
By the end of this web quest lesson, you will learn:
- What a family tree is and how to interpret who is who
- Where your family originated from
- The path taken to lead to being in Lethbridge

First, you must learn about a family tree is. Explore the following pages to get an
Second, you will answer the following questions about this family tree. You will answer the
questions as if you were Magna Snow.

1. Who is your Mother?

2. Who is your Grandfather?
3. Who is your Great-Grandmother?
4. Who is your Aunt?
Next, you will create your family tree (digitally) This will include the names of the family
members and where they came from originally.

Last, you will create a pathway that your family took to get to Lethbridge. Create a PINK line for
your mother’s pathway and a BLUE line for your father’s. Using a digital map
For example, Miss Gallimore’s Great Grandparents came from Austria and moved to Edmonton,
Alberta- so there would be a pink line from Austria to Edmonton. From there, they moved to
Abbotsford, British Columbia- so there would be a pink line from Edmonton to Abbotsford.
Then Miss Gallimore’s Grandmother moved to Calgary, Alberta- so there would be a pink line
from Abbotsford to Calgary. Next, Miss Gallimore’s mother moved to Medicine Hat- so there
would be a pink like from Calgary to Medicine Hat. From there, Miss Gallimore moved to
Lethbridge- so there would be a pink line from Medicine Hat to Lethbridge. This would be the
end of the pink line for Miss Gallimore’s mothers side because this is where she lives!
This will show you where your ancestors originated from and the different paths that families
take to arrive in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Webquest #5 – Who Else is From Canada?
Canada has been home for many famous and influential people. Sometimes Canada gets pooled
with the United States because of the close geographic connection. However, we have made
many important discoveries and accomplishments that should be celebrated.

To highlight some accomplishments and contributions that Canada has made to the world. You
will be finding 15 influential people who are from Canada. The list should consist of people from
different backgrounds and include what city and region they are from and what their
contribution was. Your list must include:
- 1 person from each region of Canada
- 1 researcher who has made a great discovery
- 1 astronaut
- 1 politician
- 1 actor
- 1 athlete
Canada has also been involved in creating inventions that are used around the world. You will
be finding 5 inventions that were created by a Canadian. You must include:
- The inventor
- The year it was invented
- What the invention is
- What the invention is used for
By the end of this web quest lesson, you will learn:
- The inventions that Canada has created and contributed to the rest of the world.

First, you will research 15 famous people who are originally from Canada. The list should
consist of people from different backgrounds and include the city and region they are from and
what their contribution was. Your list must include at least:
- 1 researcher who has made a great discovery
- 1 astronaut
- 1 politician
- 1 actor
- 1 athlete

Second, you will be finding 5 inventions that were created by Canadians. You must include:
- The inventor
- The year it was invented
- What the invention is
- What the invention is used for
Last, you will create a PowerPoint presentation about each influential person and invention.
Canada has been home to some very important and influential people who have made a
difference. This web-quest will allow you to learn about them and how they have contributed
to the world.

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