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Research Log #Model

Name: John Doe

Date: March 7, 2017
EQ: Should Hawaii institute the death penalty?

Three Points to Prove: #1: The death penalty is not a deterrent to crime.
#2: The death penalty is inhumane.
#3: The death penalty is not cost effective.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 1: The death penalty is not a deterrent of crime.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“When the smaller crimes go down--the quality of life crimes--then the murder rate goes down,” Mr. Carlisle said.

“We haven’t had the death penalty, but we have one of the lowest murder rates in the country,” he said. “The F.B.I.
statistics for 1998 showed Hawaii’s homicide rate was the fifth lowest.”

“At Michigan’s constitutional convention in 1961, the delegates heard arguments that the death penalty was not a
deterrent, that those executed were usually the poor and disadvantaged, and that innocent people had been sentenced to

“Culture and religion play a role, as well as political vagaries in each state.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This website provides arguments against capital punishment. The author suggests the death penalty is not a
deterrent to crime. Surprisingly, the homicide rates of several different states that do not have the death penalty are
actually lower than those with the death penalty. Hawaii is one of these states. There are quotes from judges, governors,
and the prosecuting attorney from Hawaii, Peter Carlisle. Carlisle makes a reference to the Bryan Uyesugi case – where
the defendant shot seven of his co-workers at the Xerox copy machine company.
There is specific evidence against the death penalty that indicates it is not a deterrent to crime. For example, even without
the death penalty, Hawaii has the fifth lowest homicide rate in the nation. This proves, at least to some degree, that a state
without the death penalty can thrive as one of the safest states in the nation. Along these same lines of reasoning,
homicide rates in the states that do have the death penalty are still high, such as Texas and California. This indicates that
the death penalty doesn’t necessarily deter crime. To ground this in more specific data, the NY Times found that during
the last twenty years, the homicide rate in states with the death penalty has been 48% to 101% higher than states without
the death penalty!
Culture, religion, politics, and the overall ideologies that dominate a community influence whether the death penalty will
remain law. In more conservative states, the death penalty is more prevalent. Interestingly, at Michigan’s constitutional
convention in the 1960s, some argued that those who were executed were predominantly poor and of racial minorities. If
valid, this is concerning as it indicates corruption in the system (a system that can end life). If the death penalty remains,
more efforts must be taken to ensure the quality and fairness of the justice system through which they will be punished.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Bonner, Raymond and Ford Fessenden. “States With No Death Penalty Share Lower Homicide Rates.” The New York
Times. The New York Times. 22 September 2000. Web. 4 Jan 2004.

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it was published in The New York Times Magazine.

Research Log #1

Name: Aaliyah Cruz

Date: September 12, 2017
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities. (Physical
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people who have
mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people who
have mental disabilities

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

The APA said that “In addition to being all-around great companions, dogs help people in numerous ways ranging from
assisting emergency workers with search and rescue, to helping people with hearing, sight and mobility challenges, to
aiding law enforcement officers.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)

This source proves the point to prove because the author states that dog therapy can help a person improve their
mental function. The author states dogs are used due to them being a safe point to start conversation and also that they are
unable to reply back. Therapy dogs are pets who are accredited to visit people in need. They provide the person in need
with comfort and affection when no one does.
With the use of therapy dogs, it is said that with therapy dogs people can have a decrease of anxiety, increase of
comfort and safety, a decrease of loneliness and also they can enhance our confidence. In this article, a study is done with
people with Alzheimer's. There they found that with therapy dogs, they are able to remember memories. Another study
was done with autistic children and with the help of therapy dogs, it was proven to increase social interaction and
communication with others. It also cut down on problem demeanor, autistic severity.
Therapy dogs is not the same thing as service animals because service animals live with the owners themselves,
while therapy dogs are directed by a health professional. Therapy dogs provide a comfort, supportive, and engaging
environment for those who are in need of a friend. There are many examples of how therapy dogs are used but in a
general gist, they are used to help humans with mental disabilities, such as facing depression and anxiety. Therapy dogs
are a good for our health a

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Staff, APA. "Therapy Dogs: Helping Improve Lives of People with Mental Illness." Therapy Dogs:
Helping Improve Lives of People with Mental Illness. American Psychiatric Association, 22 Dec.
2016. Web. 13 Sept. 2017.

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from the American Psychiatric Association site.

Research Log #2
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: September 22, 2017
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?
Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Melissa Winkle stated that, “Children and adults with physical disabilities report that service dogs most commonly assist
them with retrieving items out of reach, opening doors, getting around the community, getting around the house,
shopping, and the dog barking to alert others in emergencies”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)

This source proves the point to prove because the author of this book states that both children and adults who have
some sort of physical disabilities have said that their service dogs helps them with everyday needs such as: getting items
that are out of their reach, opening their doors for them, and etc.
Few studies have been done to determine whether or not a service dog had a decrease in the need to help others in
their daily tasks. Having a service dog may contribute to an increase in sense of independence but the down side to it is
that it gives a decrease in reliance on other people. Service dog conserves energy and also prevents further injury for the
physically disabled patient, stopping them from injuring themselves further. Dogs can retrieve items and do about
anything a normal human being could do themselves. They also could be trained to detect and also respond to any medical
Twenty-Seven countries in America, Asia, Europe, New Zealand and Australia are members of the ADI. ADI’s
mission is to assist interactions and acquiring among member organizations, educate the public and to set the minimum
amount of standards for assistance dog trainers, the dog being trained, and also he recipients.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Winkle, Melissa & K Crowe, Terry & Hendrix, Ingrid. (2012). Service Dogs and People with
Physical Disabilities Partnerships: A Systematic Review. Occupational therapy
international. 19. 54-66
I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from a well-known author who specializes in the
topic of service and therapy animals.

Research Log #3
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: September 22, 2017
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

As GpSolo stated, “a therapy dog is specially trained to offer comfort, companionship, and affection to those in need of a
friendly presence”.

Service dogs are also frequently called companion dogs: “Service dogs are canines that play an important, defined role in
the life of a disabled human partner”.

Therapy dogs are used to “help people relax, reduce their level of stress, and feel more comfortable in their environment,
whether it be a hospital or a courtroom”.
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)
This source proves my point to prove because this article states how both therapy dogs and service dogs benefit
humans both physically and mentally. Therapy dogs are used to help a person relax emotionally, whether it would be in a
hospital or somewhere as simple as a school. We can use therapy dogs to help us destress at school when it is exam week
or when we are just having a bad day. The use of these animals, therapy dogs, help in many ways. They help people relax
when they are stressed and also to feel more comfortable in an environment they are not used to.
Service dogs are put through long months of training. The animal must be well trained, good natured, and
obedient to protect its owner. According to Americans with Disabilities Act, a service dog, or animal in general, must be
allowed places where their owner is and they are not to be treated as a pet. For example, some restaurants might not allow
dogs, but the law says that they must allow the dog in as the dog is a service dog, not a regular dog. Service dogs are used
for many things such as guiding a blind person around or just to help someone with a broken leg.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

"Therapy Dogs Versus Service Dogs." Gpsolo, vol. 26, no. 5, July 2009, p. 56. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from a EBSCO, which is a page with only reliable
articles. Also I am assuming this article is reliable because it came from the American Bar Association.

Research Log #4
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: October 4, 2017
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people who
have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Aubrey Fine mentioned that “Louis Sabin once stated that “No matter how little and money and how few possessions you
own, having a dog makes you rich””.

It is reported that “animal companions have been found to provide important social support for children”

As Aubrey H stated, “some reported studies have found that pet ownership appears to decrease depression and improve a
healthier morale state”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)

This answers my point to prove because it is said that the presence of an animal calms you. It is proven even
further with an experiment with children. When the child is with their dogs, they seem more relaxed and seemed more
cooperative. The greatest benefit an animal can give to a therapeutic setting, is to enhance the relationship between the
therapist and the client. The presence of the animal has proven to calm the client, making the session easier. With a pet, it
is said to have decrease depression and also create a healthier morale state. Animals help other people by using their
strengths and they be sensitive to other people’s feelings and emotions, which helps the person.
Animals provide several benefits to the emotional well-being of humans. These benefits include, being their
friend and a confidant. Animals comfort their owner and act as their butler. They also enhance social stimulations. In
hospitals it is proven that animal-based programs are a good distraction for the patients from their medical treatments.
These services also have positive health factors such as decreasing pain.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Fine, Aubrey H. "Animal-Assisted Therapy." Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy. California State
Polytechnic University, n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2017.

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from a writer from a reputable university. I am also
assuming this is a reputable and reliable article because it is coming from a Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy.

Research Log #5
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: October 11, 2017
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Chad Miron said that his experience in war left him “traumatized and I knew that it would affect him later on but at the
time I just kind of took it all in buried it”.

The effects he had left him “angry all the time” and also he started “drinking quite a bit”.

Describing his dog Chad Miron says, “You can see how calm he is right just having the presence around you kind of helps
you keep grounded and keeps me calm too”.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)

This helps me answer my point to prove because it shows that service dogs help you calm down. Like Chad said before he
was angry all the time and he kept on drinking. With his service dog, that was calm, it made him feel calm. Also because
it is a dog, he had no choice but to go outside to walk him. Chad was diagnosed with PTSD and with his service dog, it
helped him to cope with the effects of PTSD. This answers my point to prove because it shows that with a dog you can get
over your disabilities, or help lessen the effects.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

cbcnews. “Watch How a Dog Helped One Veteran Conquer His PTSD.” YouTube, YouTube, 12 Nov. 2015,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from a reliable news site, CBC News.

Research Log #6
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: January 4, 2018
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3 Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities.
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Therapy dogs can be trained to assist humans in many ways. “Therapy dogs can be trained to assist in a medical crisis (eg,
fetching medication, dialing 911), with treatment (eg, alerting someone with intense startle reflexes to the approach of
another person), with emotional reactivity (eg, physical contact to help ground someone with an extreme fear reaction),
and with security (verifying safe situations, turning lights on for those suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder)”.

Compared to humans, animals are a better choice because “Animals are seen as useful in changing such behavior because,
unlike many people, their feedback is both quick and honest”.

Animals and the human form a bond and the animal “serves as a confidant and provides solace during times of stress”.

With the help of service dogs, “The study also indicated a reduction of seizure activity”.
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)
This scholarly article supports my point to prove because it shows that animals are the best choice for those who
are in need. This proves that an animal can be trained to assist those in medical need and they are the best choice because
they are honest. For example, the article has an report that the with the help of service & therapy dogs, showed a reduction
of seizure activity. The dogs are able to sense oncoming seizures and are able to warn the person before it happens. This
proves that the dog benefits the owner because without the dog, they might have a seizure where no one is present and
could die because they hit something hard. With the dog they are able to stay safe and move to a place where they can
have their seizure without harming themselves. A dog is a better choice compared to a human due to the fact that their
honesty and love is genuine.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Shubert, Jan. "Dogs and Human Health/Mental Health: From the Pleasure of Their Company to the Benefits of Their
Assistance." U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, Apr-Jun2012, pp. 21-29. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from EBSCO which is a database full of reliable
resources. This is also a scholar peer reviewed journal.

Research Log #7
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: January 8, 2018
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1 Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

A review from a study shown in this journal, revealed that, “service dogs improved body functioning, activities,
participation, and contextual factors. Also, children with disabilities who use wheelchairs and are partnered with service
dogs received more frequent social acknowledgments (e.g., friendly glances, smiles, conversations) than when no service
dog was present. Eddy et al. found that service dogs enhanced social interaction and reduced the tendency of nondisabled
people to ignore or avoid persons with disabilities”.

“A more recent study noted that the vast majority of service dog owners reported that their canine companion had a major
positive effect on their lives and that it helped reduce hours of paid assistance”

A service dog has many specialities including, “self-care ADLs such as dressing, transferring to and from the MWC,
retrieving the telephone, opening doors, picking up objects like keys, facilitating social relationships, and pulling the

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)

People who have been hurt or were just born with a disability live a hard life. Their life is suddenly turned around
because now they have struggle doing things that once was easy for them. But with the help of a service dog, those who
have these kinds of disabilities no longer have to worry. With these service dogs, they are able to do things they were once
able to do. Not only does it help them physically, it also helps them financially. Paying for 24/7 assistance may be pricey,
but with a service dog you save a lot of money.
Service dogs don’t just help people physically and financially, but also they help with them mentally. Those who
have disabilities may show a sign of decrease of socialization because they either get depressed or feel helpless. Studies
show that with the help of service dogs, they improve in body functioning, social skills and etc. This proves my main
point because it shows how service dogs help those in need, both mentally, physically and even financially.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Hubert, Geoffroy, et al. "Effect of Service Dogs on Manual Wheelchair Users with Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study."
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, vol. 50, no. 3, May 2013, pp. 341-350. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from EBSCO which is a database full of reliable

Research Log #8
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: January 10, 2018
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2 Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people who
have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

With the help of his new therapy dog Ryan Garrison had fewer anxiety attacks. “After being paired with Luke in March,
Garrison - who recently received a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder - saw a marked drop in the anxiety attacks
that had been a twice-a-week affair”.
Julie, Ryan’s wife, also agrees that Luke is a great investment. “Julie Garrison broke into tears as she described Luke’s
impact. The stress of combat and chronic pain had led to bouts of “blind rage” in her husband, she said, but Luke had all
but erased them”.

“I was in a really bad place. . . Being with my men, training them, living with them - you know, there’s a real special
bond, and it was something that I felt like was taken from me. That was going to be the rest of my life. When I lost it, I
felt like I had lost everything”, said Moorse.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)

This answers my point to prove because it shows that animals have a mental impact in our lives. Ryan Garrison
experienced anxiety attacks due to his post-traumatic stress disorder. But with the help of his therapy dog, he is able to
calm himself. The dog provides him with a source of comfort and it is a positive effect because a dog is always there for
you. Though you can never stop yourself from having anxiety attacks due to PTSD, a dog can always soothe you back
from the anxiety attack, which hence will reduce the amount of anxiety attacks you will experience.
Moorse had suffered injuries that caused him to end his career and he was absolutely heartbroken that he had to
leave his family. This left him constantly feeling empty but it soon changed when he was introduced to his golden
retriever, James. James provided Moorse similar comfort he would get from his men. Not only did James comfort him but
he created a bond with Moorse. This helped Moorse greatly as he gained back the confidence he once lost.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

SIDDIQUI, FAIZ. "Dog Therapy for Veterans Injured in Mind and Body." Fort Worth Business Press, vol. 29, no. 39, 07
Nov. 2016, p. 18. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from EBSCO which is a database full of reliable

Research Log #9
Name: Aaliyah Cruz
Date: January 10, 2018
EQ: What is the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs and how to they benefit humans?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Service dogs are specialized in helping people with disabilities.
(Physical disabilities)
#2: Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people
who have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill
#3: Both service dogs and therapy dogs benefit humans by helping them
overcome both mental and physical disabilities

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2 Therapy dogs are trained to give affection and comfort to people who
have mental disabilities or are emotionally ill

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Leica works with ”children suffering from a range of ailments: everything from removing casts and pins to treating spinal
cord injuries, brain tumors, cerebral palsy, and neuromuscular diseases“.

“A big part of Leica’s job is to run this type of interference”. Rory’s mother says, “With the way Rory’s brain works, it’s
all about distractions. Sometimes when she starts crying, it takes her a long tim e to calm down—is, 20 minutes. [But] this
was perfect. She loves dogs”.
Many people love Leica. “Leica is a celebrity at Children’s, strolling the halls like Michael Jordan on the streets of
Barcelona during the 1992 Olympics”.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?)

Children in the hospital face a lot of stress whether they are in the hospital for cancer, or just a simple injury like a
cast. It is very intimidating to be in a hospital continuously and children tend to become anxious because of it. This is
where Leica comes in. Leica may be just a dog, but she has a great effect on the children at this hospital. She provides the
children with comfort as they are going through the rough times in their lives. Mostly all children love dogs and to have a
dog by your side will give you some sort of comfort.
Rory is a great example of how dogs can provide comfort. “Rory suffers from spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy,
which hinders cognition and speech and renders her muscles \ spastic and weak. The Botox helps loosen them up—
sometimes very quickly”. Rory’s mother says that with Rory it is all about distractions. Leica distracts Rory from the
botox being inserted.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

WILLIAMS, JUSTIN. "Hello. The Dog Will See You Now." Cincinnati Magazine, vol. 50, no. 4, Jan. 2017, p. 78.

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is from EBSCO which is a database full of reliable

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