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Analysis of Water and Sanitary Conditions

Note : masukkan terkait dengan

Kerangka pikir analisis , gambaran umum , isu strategis, tujuan, sasaran, analisis aspek, potensi
dan masalah, tujuan Perencanaan, Prinsip perencanaan dan indikasi program u/ 5 tahun

Peninjauan arahan Dokumen : PERIKSA Yang terkait dengan infrastruktur Water, solid waste water
supply dan sanitation

1. TOR
2. Baseline Borobudur-Prambanan- Yogyakarta
3. Indonesia -Tourism PAD
5. ITMP Proposal

Peninjauan arahan dokumen

Perencanaan :
• Rencana Pembangunan , RPJP, RPJM, RPJP Provinsi, RPJM prov, RPJP Kabupaten , rpjm
kabupaten Magelang, kota Yogyakarta, dan prambanan

Rencana Umum Tata Ruang

• RTRW Nasional , RTRW Provinsi, rtrw kabupaten/kota

Rencana Rinci Tata Ruang
• RTR Kawasan, RTR KSN Borobudur, Prambanan dll, RTR KSP
• RDTR Kab /kota dll

Peninjauan Kondisi Existing

• Sarana Prasarana, di seluruh tujuan wilayah study terkait dengan air, sanitasi ,
sampah dll
• ISU pokok Watsan dan solid waste untuk ITMP Borobudur-Yogya-Prambanan
• Methode pengumpulan data dan Analisa data
• Perumusan doumen Fakta danAnalisis

Sumber data yang harus di list dan dimasukkan kedalam laporan

• kebutuhan data sekunder, sumber data

• mengumpulkan seluruh data sekunder yang diperlukan seperti profil wilayah
destination turisme, profil sanitasi dan penentuan awal area berisiko, serta. Sumber
data sekunder yang digunakan dapat berasal dari berbagai dokumen perencanaan
Kabupaten/Kota maupun hasil studi oleh universitas/LSM. Dokumen-dokumen ini
diantaranya adalah RTRW, RPJPD, RPJMD, Renstra, RKPD, RPIJM, dokumen realisasi
APBD, dokumen Masterplan sanitasi.
Baseline Analyses of the ITMP Borobudur -Yogyakarta-Prambanan for the water and wastewater
including solid waste management of key tourism areas. As a part of the above-named Programme are
conducted which assesses the current situation and evaluate key performance indicators based on
verified basic data. The baseline analysis includes

Analyses and evaluation of the current situation of the water supply and sanitation within the service
areas of the water, waste water and Solid waste utilities of Borobudur-Yogyakarta- Prambanan area

• Identification of main objectives of the utilities for supporting tourism destination

• Screening and analyzing of the basic data (standard list of the Benchmarking);
• Evaluation of accuracy/consistency of data Type of services provided:
• In-depth review of the current water supply and sanitation conditions at water and
wastewater of the municipality Key tourism area;
• Water and sanitation service including solid waste management area basic mapping;
• Examine institutional set-up and utilities' organizational structure
• Obtain relevant base data through site visits and stakeholder consultation;
• Preparation of water projection and analyzing Water availability
• Calculation of Key-Performance-Indicators (KPIs) and comparison with benchmarking targets
in the tourism destination;
• Preparation of Baseline Analysis Report.

Each section contains information pertaining to the subject topic, as well as graphic support as
appropriate. Also included is identification of other issues that should also be addressed in the
formulation of the Plan. The Baseline Analysis report provides the information which is the initial basis of
the comprehensive planning process in ITMP, It presents an overview of the key tourism area type 's
infrastructure Water, Wastewater and solid waste management characteristics.

The primary objective of the Baseline Analysis report is to document current conditions in Key Tourism
area and to define the opportunities and constraints the community must consider in addressing and
shaping its future form and character for Tourism Destination area. The secondary objective is to ensure
that the information being used in the planning process accurately portrays Water-Sanitation and Solid
Waste management for Borobudur -Yogyakarta-Prambanan Tourism destination area.

Indicators are measures of the existence or severity of current issues, signals of upcoming situations
problems, measures of risk and potential need for action, and means to identify and measure the results
of actions, Indicators are information sets which are formally selected to be used on a regular basis to
measure changes that are of importance for tourism development and management, there are indicator
should be consider among others are Population, Water Supply, Wastewater Sanitation, Solid Waste

A. Population
From the baseline supply and demand data, market demand forecasts and investment needs use the 2015
base year that requires data updating, collected reasonably close to the project start, with “reasonable”
being defined by the rapidity of change in the context. The greater the time lag between the delivery of
project activities and the baseline study, the more likely it will have a measurable effect on the indicators;
this can lead to an underestimation of the project’s overall impact

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