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Create FAres - GO SP - do we have advance editor or edit??

Pass product details needed to be added ---- DATA MODEL

acceptance creteria for edit daily cap

Cross boundary file Lat and long configurations ???

Publishing the version --> Global settings??

Universal versions in the landing page for presto

US : 108238 --> 7. Checked Out to, (Deployed to and status)

---> View History
---> View Package Linkage
--> View all Notes
--> Sorting is not mentioned
--> Latest notes should be editable(provision to add new note)
--> Latest notes will be displayed
---> ID ?? (VersionID , DocumentID)

US : 108241 -->
---> Deployed to ??
--> Discrepancy presto and SP version landing checked out to and other columns
after expansion

US : 108244
5. User can select mutliple versions ( Only for delete)

US: 108247
User can select multiple versions (only for delete)

US: 108250
Attachement missing(word doc)

assumption that ADMIN and Users (presto) have the same previleges
Delete permssion for Presto user not available but mentioned in the vesrion actions
(108244) & 108259

2. SP Users/PRESTO Users can only delete "Open" versions. PRESTO Admin (not PRESTO
users) can delete both "Open" and "Closed" versions.(contradicting)

For all the US's --> should defferentiate between the presto user and admin

US 108262
Attachment is missing

US 108274
Concession Type?
save icon should not be there in the acceptance creteria
Word Doc is missing

US 109391
when do we call the version as Checked in?

US 108277
Starting Discount (Value), Starting Discount (Percentage) whether these are base
discount and percentage discount if not what are these fields reffered to ??
Word Doc is missing
9: Product: Refer to "Configure Products" user story. Embed it here.???dependency

Edit Configuration Type" User Story.??? dependency

Edit Fares user story??dependency

US 108286
Unit and mode fields are missing
mappings from table 1 to table 2 we are not clear
Word Doc is missing

US 108289
Word Doc is missing

Word Doc is missing

Word Doc is missing
Daily cap should be under capabilities (point 1)

Location is present in the acceptace cretearis and there in UI
same route cant be premium and regular
Word Doc is missing

from capabilities we should navigate (p 1)
"Edit Configuration" Type dependency
"Configure Products" dependency
Word Doc is missing

from capabilities we should navigate (p 1)
Word Doc is missing

User can select mutliple versions ( Only for delete)
Antipassback is in this context reffered to? (point 6)
Word Doc is missing

Word Doc is missing

if publish package is going to rolled out ??

Word Doc is missing

Word Doc is missing
Antipassback is in this context reffered to? (point 6)

Discusion on -Create new package/publish package/update package

Capabalities only for TTC

Creation for Fares/loyalty/dailycap/Capabalities from create concession

Creation from both service class


Data model for OCT as the fields mentioned are completely different from TTC -

Data model for UPE Fare is not defined (point to point fares and underpayment and

Data model for MSP fares(108304)

108319 - multiple Daily caps from create concessions and daily caps section

Route Data model

Save as XMl or blob -- excel -- 109467 what are we going to do after importing

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