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Admission Process



Passed entrance exam of University

(90% grade to be accepted in the
program BS Accountancy) Temporary Account


Passed (85% Failed (85%

and above) below)

No additional Additional units

in Accounting)


Admission Process

In the admission process for being accountancy student, you must first pass the general
entrance examination. You need to get a 90% grade to be able to enroll the units for BS Accountancy.
After that, you will create a temporary account in University automate which is termed by the
students as NEU Automate. If you are able to get a 90% grade, you are capable for the college
assessment examination covering the topics of Fundamentals of Accounting (Accounting 1).

If your result, gives 85% and above, you are able to continue in BS Accountancy with no
additional units to look back and will fortunately continue to take the units required in CPA Licensure

However, if you failed to achieve the 85% and above grade in the assessment exam, you are
still able to continue BS Accountancy but you’ll need to enroll for additional units concerning the
Fundamentals of Accounting (Accounting 1) and still be able to continue to take the units required in
CPA Licensure Examination.
Retention Process


Able/Unable to
maintain quota
(2.25 for major
and 2.50 for
Able to
minor) Unable to

Continue first
to second year
(1)Shift to
Technology, (2)
shift to other
college, or (3)
transfer school

Second year

Passed Failed End

Continue to End
third year
Retention Process

Part of being an Accountancy student is to maintain the required quota grade. The New Era
University College of Accountancy is requiring all students under the program of Bachelor of Science
in Accountancy to have at least not below 2.25 for major subjects and 2.5 for the minor subject. Any
student which grade did not qualify has three options, first is to shift for another program which is BS
accounting Technology, for this they need to file a shifting form approved by the Dean.

Second is to shift for other college, they need to fill up also a shifting form approved by the
dean of accountancy and noted by the dean of the receiving new College Department. And last is to
transfer another school who offer the same program, student must have a clearance form approved
by the University registrar. For those who luckily maintain the required quota grade will need to
continue their endeavor as second year BS Accountancy.

If they can passed the second year they need to pass the Qualifying exam in order to continue
the program. If they failed to meet the required score they will undergo the same process stated in
failing to meet the quota grade.
Staff hiring

Before an academic practitioner can be involved in teaching accountancy students, he/she

must file an application form to the Dean of College of Accountancy in order to get a note
recommendation. After that, he/she will undergo demo teaching in front of chosen panelists.

It will depend to the panelist whether he/ she will pass or fail their standards in teaching. From
the time he/she passed the assessment, he/she needs to pass the requirements needed which
includes the following:

 CPA board passer

 MBA degree holder
 With at least 3 years work experience
 BOA accredited

However, if he/she failed the panelists, of course he/she doesn’t need to comply with the said
Staff hiring

Filling up of
application form and
pass to the dean

Note recommendation
from the dean

Demo Teaching

Decision by
the panelist
if pass or fail

Failed (not
Passed for requirements

 CPA board passer

 MBA degree holder
 With at least 3 years work
 BOA accredited

Schedule for
subject load,
start teaching

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