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Gay Father Tests Tolerance in the Park Cities

Jon Langbert banks on open-minded residents

By Merritt Patterson
Contributing Writer

I'm ashamed to admit that this

summer when Jon Langbert, a
41-year-old gay father of
triplets, moved into the neigh-
borhood, I participated in local '
discussion about whether or
not the Park Cities was ready
for this family.
. I saw the "20/20" episode a
few years ago in which Barbara
Walters positively featured
Langbert with his then infant
children that had been con-
ceived through in vitro fertil-
ization with the use of donor
eggs and carried by a surrogate.
He was living in New York City
This scenario could rock our
predominantly conservative,
.~ heterosexual, traditional com-
o munity to the core. We would
be put to the ultimate test. Are
we truly tolerant? COURTESY PHOTO
Langbert is a graduate of the Park Cities resident Jon Langbert with his triplets
S1.Mark's School of Texas, has _
an MBA degree from Harvard,
and is a wildly successful entre- any allergies or special instruc- be the peers of his children. He
preneur. He, has done a seem- tions. I received the following said, "Successful people don't
ingly excellent job as a single response: get thai way by being closed
IIlIC dad,raisingthree happy, intelli- "She's allergic to vegetables, minded."
N gent, and well-adjusted chil- picking up after herself, and The only difference between'
dren. going to sleep on time. Also, Langbert and other highly
Even though I thought I was keep your liquor cabinet regarded parents in the neigh-
open-minded and accepting, I locked and don't loan her any borhood is his sexual orienta-
felt some anxiety when I found money." tion. Should we care about
out that one of the Langbert From that moment on I was a that?
triplets, 5-year-old Tosca, fan ofJon Langbert. And now I It seems arrogant to say that
would be in my daughter's call him a friend. I can be tolerant of Langbert. I "
kindergarten class at UP Langbert admits that it hope that he can find it in his
Elementary. would be easier if he were not heart to be tolerant of me and
Would I have to answer cliffi- gay. others that were initially skep- '.
cult questions? Was I sure I a
"I wish I was 6-foot-3-inch tical.
knew my own heart well tall heterosexual with blonde As I watched my daughter
enough to do so? hair and blue eyes but I'm not," and Tosca through the kitchen
As it turns out, I did have to he said. window jumping on the tram-
answer a question about Tosca He says that he is prepared poline in full princess attire, ~
- an easy one: Can she come 'for the inevitable issues that his was struck by what I saw: true:
over to play? nontraditional family will face. friendship, not tolerance.
The night before the first However, he feels strongly that
play date, I did the motherly the well-educated residents of Merritt Patterson is a
thing and e-mailed Langbert to the Park Cities are more likely freelance writer who lives
confirm the plan and ask about to raise tolerant kids that will in the Park Cities:

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