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Huzzah Hobbies’

Warhammer 40k Night

Narrative Tome
Table of Contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Experience Points……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Permanent Upgrades……………………………………………………………………………………….... 8
Consumable Upgrades………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
Fame/Infamy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 14
Narrative Descriptive/Narrative Secondaries……………………………………………………………………….... 16
Narrative Secondary Pools…………………………………………………………………………………... 19
Narrative Secondaries………………………………………………………………………………………... 17
Mission Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 24
Winning a Mission…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
Other Missions Points………………………………………………………………………………………... 26
Point Exclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………... 26
Preparing to Play ……………………………………………………………………………………………... 26
Mission: Assault………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28
Attacker Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………... 29
Defender Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………. 30
Mission: Fall back………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 32
Attacker Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………... 33
Defender Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………. 34
Mission: Counter Attack…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35
Attacker Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………....36
Defender Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………..37
Mission: Siege……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 38
Attacker Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………... 39
Defender Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………. 40
Mission: Blitz……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41
Attacker Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………. 42
Defender Objective Pools…………………………………………………………………………………… 43
Mission: Standoff ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44
Attacker and Defender Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………. 45
Mission: Consolidate……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46
Attacker Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………... 47
Defender Objective Pools……………………………………………………………………………………. 48
Story Elements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49
Campaign Rules…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 50
Army Construction Rules………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Factions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 50
Intra-Faction Fighting………………………………………………………………………………………... 50
Fall to Chaos…………………………………………………………………………………………………... 51
Intra-Faction List Bonus and Negatives……………………………………………………………………. 51
Pre Battle Rules……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 51
Seasons………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 51
Awards and Prizes……………………………………………………………………………………………. 51
Battle Weariness Effect……………………………………………………………………………………….. 52
Match Ups…………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 52
Change Log………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 53


This document contains rules and design decisions to develop a narrative campaign system for

Narrative Golden Rule: - The design of this document is around narrative play in 40K. It is
intended to be considered from the perspective of players wishing to engage in a fun, rpg-like,
story environment with purpose whilst engaging in a game of 40K. It is therefore understood by
the designers that a certain amount of self-policing is required by players in order to maintain a
narrative, non-competitive environment, and should players be unable to do this, further rules
will be added to ensure it which may infringe on the ability of other players to enjoy the game.
Please respect the format.

Major Topics:

Story Telling - The Story Telling topic presents rules and design decisions based on how games
of 40K will translate into an ongoing campaign story line. It will provide the basic framework for
how the story line will interface and grow as well as how interactions between players and the
story occur. This framework can then be used to expand into further topics. This also contains
the hard mechanics behind how numbers are used to further a story.

RPG Element - Defines the RPG mechanics behind the narrative which defines how a player’s
army can grow over the course of a narrative.

Mission Design - This topic covers how missions are designed mechanically to work with the
narrative. Mission Design begins with the Story Telling topic and then fleshes out hard
mechanics for missions. This will also incorporate RPG growth elements as well as narrative
elements defined by Story Teling Mechanics.

Story Elements - This topic discusses hard mechanics behind any miscellaneous story based
mechanics that may occur during a narrative. This could include story tie ins, random events, or
any other rules that are dreamed up to enhance the narrative.

Campaign Rules - This topic discussion Rules specific to any Campaign which marries the
actual game of 40K to the Narrative. This might be rules such as Army Construction rules, how
Match-ups are determined, or etc.

Story Telling

A narrative campaign is draped around a storyline developed against the 40K Universe. There
are several key elements to any given campaign story line which must be present to fit the
mechanics provided.

Mission Progression

Mission Progression is a concept used to define how a portion of a narrative can be built from
battle to battle. Mission Progression provides a logical, cohesive means of translating a table
top mission into a story element as well as progressing from one mission/story element to

Mission Graph

The Mission Graph provides the logical framework that marries story to game mission. This
graph represents a set of Mission Nodes. Each Node has a logical name which also ties it to a
logical story. Simultaneously, this logical tie in provides the basis for a mission to be designed
to implement that story.

For example, a Node title “Assault” represents an Attacking Force assaulting a Defending
Force. This thusly provides a framework for Mission Design to actually flesh out a mission
around what an Assault might play out as. This then translates into a game of 40K.

The logical conclusion then of a Mission is either Progression or Stagnation depending on the
outcome of the game. If the game is essentially a tie, then the outcome of the battle is
Stagnation. If it is not, then the outcome of the game is story Progression.

Using the concepts of Stagnation and Progression, a story can be developed around describing
an Assault and its outcome. For example, a small piece of story can be generated around a
Massive Assault launched by forces of the Imperium to destroy a Chaos Force. If the game
results in Stagnation, the next piece of story will reflect that the Assault stagnated and thusly
continues. If the result is Progression, the story can then continue reading that, for example, the
Chaos Force successfully crushed the Assault.

Progression then leads to 2 possible outcomes. There is an outcome based on who won, either
Attacker or Defender. All Missions and Nodes assume there is a labeled Attacker and
Defender of some kind. On the Mission Graph, Outcomes are the lines which tie Mission
Nodes to each other. So, when a given outcome occurs, you follow that line to the next Mission
Node. This new Node then becomes the next Mission and subsequently, the next piece of the

For example, the Chaos Force from before crushes the Imperial Assault. Following the
Outcome of “Defender Wins” from the Assault Node, you arrive at the Counter Attack Node.
Notice that this is a logical story progression for what might happen if an Attack fails. The
Defender launches a counter attack! Thus, the story remains coherent for the story writer while
also provided an infinite chain of concrete missions.

Lastly, logically, it is possible for a role change to occur as the result of an outcome. For
example, since our Chaos Force won the assault and is now launching a counter attack, there is
a logical role change in that the Chaos Force now becomes the Attacker in the subsequent
Counter Attack mission/story/game.

Mission Graph

Mission Node Attacker Wins Role Change Defender Wins Role Change

Assault Blitz No Counter Attack Yes

Blitz Siege No Fall Back Yes

Counter Attack Stand Off No Consolidate Yes

Siege Fall Back No Blitz Yes

Fall Back Consolidate Yes Stand Off Yes

Stand Off Assault No Siege Yes

Consolidate Counter Attack No Assault Yes

Assault - The Assault Mission represents one army launching a full scale attack on an enemy
position. This represents the traditional thought of an attack.

Blitz - Blitz represents an attacking force moving at rapid speed to either destroy a fleeing
enemy, to quickly take ground after a massive victory, or other similar fast attack actions.

Counter Attack - A counter attack represents a scenario in which an attacking army has just
gained a significant advantage and is now leveraging that for a strategic counter attack against
a reeling enemy force.

Siege - A Siege represents an attacking force laying siege to a strong enemy fortification. This
represents a scenario in which a Defender is heavily dug in and the Attacker is attempting to
dislodge the Defender.

Fall Back - A Fall Back scenario represents a fighting retreat in which an Attacker is attempting
to cut down fleeing enemy and/or consolidate new territory while the Defender is retreating to a
position of greater strength.

Stand Off - A Stand Off represents a scenario in which an Attacker and Defender are evenly
matched on a strategic battle field. This represents a traditional sense of a battle line being
drawn and two enemies jockeying for position. In this scenario an Attacker will be attempting to
gain advantage over a Defender to some goal.

Consolidate - A consolidate mission represents a force attempting to consolidate gains by

establishing fortifications or battle lines. Meanwhile an attacking force will attempt to harry that
army attempting to weaken their position or to otherwise put them at a tactical disadvantage for
a future campaign.


Factions represent the major warring entities in a campaign. This could be any collection of
forces found in the 40K Universe or even a single force. Factions drive the greater storyline of
the campaign pitting large, definable forces against each other in a struggle for story developed
goals. A Faction could be the Forces of Chaos whose overall goal is to Conquer a system close
to the Eye of Terror. A Faction could be as simple as the Grey Knights attempting to purge a
demonic invasion on a fringe world.


Each Faction has an entity called a Gauge which exists between it and every other faction.
There is a different Gauge between a given faction and each other faction The Gauge is the
current story representation of where the overarching storyline currently resides between those
two factions. Where the Mission Graph represents the sort of moment to moment progression
of the story, the Gauge represents the grander scope of the story.

For example, the story of how battles unfold from moment to moment is one thing, but the story
about how one side is currently winning the war is another. The Gauge represents the idea of
one side winning towards its goal over another.

A requirement for any given Gauge, since it defines the overarching story, is to define end goals
for each side attached to the Gauge. For example, Faction A and Faction B have a Gauge that
exists between them describing the unfolding storyline between these two factions. Faction A,
perhaps the Forces of the Imperium has a Goal against Faction B, represented by the Forces of
Chaos, to eradicate them from the planet Arcturus IV. Meanwhile, Faction B’s goal might be
hold off the Imperial Forces long enough to extract an ancient Necron artifact from a long dead
Tomb below. Thus, if you imagine the Gauge between these two Factions, if the storyline is
currently that the Imperium is defeating Chaos, the Gauge will be closer to the Imperium’s Goal
or vice versa if Chaos is winning.

The reason why we represent this as a Gauge is that a Gauge shows a story progression, not
just two results. Thus, a Gauge can fill towards one Goal or diminish towards the opposite goal
and anything inbetween. Thus, to progress the overarching storyline, the Gauge must be
moved by one faction or another.

The way in which the Gauge moves can be defined in many ways. Typically, you would see this
Gauge being filled towards one Goal or another through actions in a particular Mission.
Perhaps a mission grants +5 points towards a Faction’s goal if that Faction earns those points in
that Mission. Do this enough times, and the Gauge moves closer to that Factions goal also
representing it moving farther from the opposing Faction’s goal.

There are many ways to represent the progression of a Gauge. You could do a simple addition
and subtraction of points. Or, you could simply do a difference. We will be using a Difference
mechanic for our story progression meaning that the difference in Points between two Factions
represents the current state of the Gauge.

Goal Markers

Goal Markers are another part of the Gauge. Goal Markers represent distinct points in a
storyline that can be achieved once the Gauge hits a certain level towards a Goal. For
example, suppose the Forces of Chaos in our previous example are attempting to hold off the
Imperium while extracting a Necron artifact. The Goal Markers or milestones along that path to
complete victory might be things such as “Discovered the Tomb Entrance”, “Discovered the
Artifact Location”, and “Breached the Inner Sanctum”, all of which are Goal Markers along the
way towards the last Goal Marker which would be “Claimed the Artifact” thus signaling a Chaos
success. As the Gauge grows closer to that final goal, it may pass these markers, and these
markers can represent distinct points in the storyline which are useful for a grander sense of
where the plot currently is.

Faction Points

Faction Points are the actual points used to fill a Gauge towards one Faction or another. These
can be rewarded in various ways.

Using all of the above elements of the narrative, a cohesive and dynamic storyline can be
written which can effectively be never ending and provide a rich storytelling environment.

RPG Element

A Narrative can and probably should contain an RPG style element. This is defined as a way in
which players can see some sort of progression for their Army as they continue to engage in the
Narrative as a whole. This provides the mechanics for how an Army will grow over time, and in
the end, it will provide a way for players to feel like they have progressed and grown with their
Army as they do battle for their Faction.

Experience Points

Experience Points are earned through Missions and the ways in which they are earned are
defined either by the Mission itself or by special rules which may be applied at the time of the
Game. For example, a Mission might define a way to earn Experience Points such as capturing
a specific objective. Experience might also be gained during that game if an army has the
ability to earn Experience points through following its Narrative Secondaries.

Experience Points can then be spent to upgrade an Army by purchasing those upgrades at the
cost listed. Upgrades can either be Permanent or Consumable. A permanent upgrade is an
upgrade which stays with the Army forever. A Consumable upgrade is one which once used,
the Army no longer has access to it. These upgrades are described where applicable and
provide rules to follow. Furthermore, Permanent Upgrades can only be purchased 1 time.
Further, your Army can only have 1 Consumable Upgrade of any given type and may only
re-purchase that same upgrade after having consumed it.


An army gains a Level after earning a certain amount of Experience Points. Level is simply a
way of describing how advanced a particular Army is, and Level could thereby be used both for
story elements, for match-ups, or any other number of things.

For our purposes, an Army gains a Level for each 100 Experience Points that it earns. Keep in
mind that a Level is based on Experience Earned and has nothing to do with how many
Experience Points the Army currently has left unspent on upgrades.

Permanent Upgrades

Upgrade Name Description Rules Cost

Shielding Technology Your warlord has found This gives your warlord a 5+ 40
mysterious ancient invulnerable save. If your warlord
technology that helps has wargear that already gives
protect him from attacks him an invulnerable save this
instead gives him +1 to his
invulnerable save. Please note
that a invulnerable save cannot
be made to be better than a 3+
with this upgrade.

Martial Your Warlord grows in his Warlord gains +1 WS 15

melee abilities.

Skillful Your Warlord grows in his Warlord gains +1 BS 25

shooting ability.

Strength Your Warlord grows in Warlord gains +1 S 30


Toughness Your Warlord grows Warlord gains +1 T 35


Fortitude Your Warlord is able to Warlord gains +1 W 40

withstand more

Keen Your Warlord grows in his Warlord gains +1 I 30

ability to anticipate all

Swift Your Warlord becomes Warlord gains +1 A 25

quicker with his/her strikes.

Tactical Expertise Your Army has grown in its You may nominate a Unit from 50
tactical ability. your Primary Source in your list to
be Objective Secured.

Formation: Impetus Your Warlord has adapted You may now field a formation
Pattern - Sever to utilize his Heavy Support called the Impetus Pattern
options to their fullest. Formation. This Formation
consists of two Heavy Support or
Infantry options from your Primary

Source. These two Units gain the 60
Relentless USR.

Formation:Tyrannous Your Warlord has adapted You may now field the Tyrannous 50
Pattern - Shred to utilize his Fast Attack Pattern Formation. This
Support Options to their Formation consists of two Infantry
fullest. or Fast Attack Support options
from your Primary Source. These
two Units gain the Shred USR.

Formation: Unbreaking Your Warlord has adapted You may now field the 75
Anvil to utilize his Elite Support Unbreaking Anvil Formation. This
Options to their fullest. Formation consists of two Infantry
or Elite Support options from your
Primary Source. These two Units
gain the FnP USR. This bonus
may NEVER be improved upon.

Strategic Genius Your Warlord’s prowess in Your Warlord may roll an extra 30
predicting his enemies dice when determining their
movements is unmatched. Warlord Trait. If you are allowed a
reroll for any reason you must
reroll both dice.

Wings of War Your Warlord can now Fly. Warlord uses the rules for FMCs 50
for purposes of Flying.

Enraged Your Warlord’s wrath is to Warlord gains the Rage OR 50

be feared. Furious Charge OR Rampage
USR (May be taken multiple

Unbowed Your Warlord bows to no All friendly units within 12” of your 15
man and his armies kneel Warlord gain the Stubborn USR.
only to him.

Truculent Your Warlord’s fury is Your Warlord and any unit he 25

endless. joins gains the Hatred USR.

Merciless Your Warlord is more apt to Your Warlord gains the Crusader 25
butcher fleeing enemies. USR.

Formation: Staggered Your Warlord is adept at You may now field the Staggered 100
Column keeping his infantry from Column Formation. This
being blown apart by Formation consists of four Troop
artillery. Choice infantry units. When a unit
is hit by a template, blast or large
blast attack, only a maximum of
three models may be hit per

Psychic Mastery Your Warlord’s inner power Your Warlord gains +1 Mastery 100
grows with each passing Level and has access to powers
battle. that his Codex has access to, he
may take any Wargear
associated with a Psycher in their
Codex. This upgrade may be
taken up to FOUR times but the
Warlord’s Mastery Level may
never exceed 4 (or 2 if he was not
a psycher before he took this
upgrade) by any means.

Formation: Armored Your Warlord commands an Three tanks can be taken as a 100
Advance armored force that can single unit. They gain the
grind entire worlds under its Thunderblitz USR.

Formation: War Council Your Warlord has staff Choose 2-4 HQ choices as a 75
officers that tirelessly work single choice. Any units they join
on tactics and strategic gain a 6++(or themselves if solo).
planning. If all join a single unit then that
unit gains a 4++ instead. They
may never leave the units they

Formation: Decimator Your Warlord is merciless in Choose 2-4 units that have the 125
Pattern - Raze his planning and would Deepstrike USR. They must be
sacrifice anything to held in reserve and use
achieve his goals! Deepstrike to enter the battlefield.
When they arrive from reserve
you must attempt to place them
within 6” of an objective. After all
have been deployed you then
gain one 7” Apocalyptic Blast for
each unit that arrived this turn,
these blasts can be used
separately or combined to give
Barrage X (X being the number of
units that arrived). The blasts
must also be placed touching one
of the models in this formation
that arrived this turn. They scatter
as normal, 7” Blast, Barrage X,
S8, AP3.

Formation: War Engine Your Warlord has Choose 2-4 Walkers from your 50
Pattern - Indomitable squadrons of the greatest Warlord’s Codex. They are each
War Engines in the sector! a separate unit. All Walkers in this
formation gain the Invincible
Behemoth USR (pg 94 BRB).

Formation: Aberrant Your Warlord commands Choose 2-4 Monstrous Creatures 150
Pattern - Implacable monsters that instill fear in from your Warlord’s Codex. They
all who must face their form a single unit and gain the
overwhelming advance! Stomp USR (not each, the unit
gains a Stomp attack). Nominate
one MC that is base contact with
an enemy model during the
assault phase to make the stomp
attack. This nomination may
change on a turn by turn basis.

Consumable Upgrades
Upgrade Name Description Rules Cost

Orbital Strike Your Warlord can call down an See C:SM 5

Orbital Strike.

Command Vehicle Your Army may field your Used during list building, you may 20
Warlord’s personal vehicle this purchase one dedicated transport
game. from any available Designated
Transport in your Primary Army
source. This vehicle counts as a
HQ Unit and gains +1 Hull Point,
5++, and can never take more than
one HP or be destroyed by the
Vehicle Damage Chart..

Narthecium Your Warlord has discovered During your Turn, your Warlord 10
some tech to heal himself. regains d3 lost wounds.

Orbital Deployment Your Army deploys from drop You may deploy any Unit using the 6
ships. Deep Strike Special Rule.

Order: Skyfire Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 4
unit to shoot down a Flyer or of your Warlord gains the Skyfire
FMC this turn. USR.

Order: Furious Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 2
Charge unit to charge an enemy with of your Warlord gains the Furious
greater effect. Charge USR.

Order: Counter Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 2
Attack unit to set for an enemy charge. of your Warlord gains the Counter
Attack USR.

Order: Hit & Run Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 8
unit to fall back and regroup. of your Warlord gains the Hit & Run

Order: Precision Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 2
Shots unit to unleash a volley of fire of your Warlord gains the Precision
focusing on an enemy model. Shots USR.

Order: Precision Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 2
Strikes unit to assassinate an enemy in of your Warlord gains the Precision
close combat. Strikes USR.

Order: Outflank Your Warlord can command a Before deployment a single unit in 3
unit to outflank your enemy. your army gains the Outflank USR.

Order: Stealth Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 3

unit to take cover to protect itself of your Warlord gains the Stealth
from enemy fire. USR.

Order: Infiltrate Your Warlord can command a Before deployment a single unit in 10
unit to recon an enemy force your army gains the Infiltrate USR.
before the battle begins.

Order: Scout Your Warlord can command a Before deployment a single unit in 8
unit to advance into forward your army gains the Scout USR.
positions before the battle

Order: Interceptor Your Warlord can command a At the end of your opponent's move 10
unit to respond to any units phase a unit within 12” of your
attempting to break your lines. Warlord gain the Interceptor USR.

Order: Split Fire Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 1
unit to split their fire. of your Warlord gain the Split Fire

Order: Strikedown Your Warlord can command a For a single round a unit within 12” 1
unit shellshock an enemy unit. of your Warlord gain the Strikedown

Order: Heavy Your Warlord orders the biggest A single Heavy Support choice may 7
Support guns to the front of this battle! be taken as a Troop Choice for this

Order: Elite Your Warlord orders the Elite of A single Elite Support choice may 7
Support his army to the front for this be taken as a Troop Choice for this
battle! battle.

Order: Fast Attack Your Warlord orders the fastest A single Fast Attack choice may be 7
Support units of his army to the front of taken as a Troop Choice for this
this battle! battle.

Outside of upgrading an Army using Experience points, Players themselves may earn Fame or
Infamy. Fame and Infamy is used as a Badge of Honor for the player and has no real in-game
effect. However, it might have a storyline effect as the storyline can reflect that a Battle has
taken place involving a Famous/Infamous general, for example.

Fame/Infamy is earned through accumulating Fame/Infamy points. A person can not be both
Famous and Infamous. Earning points towards one category lowers the other category by
the same number of points. Points are made available either through a Mission or through
Narrative Secondaries. Often these Points are mutually exclusive towards other Goals such as
earning Faction Points or Experience Points meaning that in order to accumulate Fame, you
sacrifice your ability in a game to earn other types of points. This creates a scenario in which a
Player must often choose between either increasing his/her personal fame, contributing towards
his/her faction winning the war, or training and growing his forces.

Fame/Infamy Designation

As you accumulate Fame/Infamy points, you may earn a designation or title. These titles are
listed below. Remember, for every point you earn towards Fame, you lose that many points
towards Infamy and vice versa. Designations are lost if the Player falls below a certain

Fame/Infamy Track Designation/Title Points Required

Fame Known 100

Fame Renowned 200

Fame Hero 300

Fame Great Hero 400

Fame Magnificent 500

Fame Illustrious 600

Fame Unequaled 700

Fame The Epic Hero 800

Fame The Living Legend 900

Fame The Great 1000

Infamy Despised 100

Infamy Villan 200

Infamy Dreadful 300

Infamy Terrifying 400

Infamy The Vile 500

Infamy The Cruel 600

Infamy The Butcher 700

Infamy The Destroyer 800

Infamy The Conqueror 900

Infamy The Terrible 1000

Narrative Descriptor/Narrative Secondaries
When constructing an Army to be apart of the Campaign, each player will select a Narrative
Descriptor. This Descriptor is useful to provide a storytelling element which describes how an
Army sees itself and functions. It also opens up a game mechanic called Narrative
Secondaries which provides access to Experience, Faction, and Fame/Infamy points which
rewards a player for sticking to the storyline that describes his Army while also playing the

The Narrative Descriptors available are as follows:

Narrative Descriptors

Name Description Narrative Secondary Pools

Brutal A brutal army is one in which the army relishes in blood shed ● Ambush
and destruction. These armies seek to destroy their foes at all ● Total War
cost and favor tactics which involve utter destruction. ● Bloodshed

Gallant The army is led by a General who believes in the arts of ● Maneuver
gallantry and chivalry in combat. ● Heroism
● Gallantry

Heroic Your army is led by an epic hero of the ages! Each soldier ● Heroism
attempts to prove himself worth of his general, and the general ● Tactics
acts as a living legend. ● Legendary

Iron Breakers Your army is obsessed with big guns and things that go BOOM! ● Defense
The bigger the better and the side with more explosions will ● Total War
most likely win the fight! Your Warlord is obsessed with huge ● BOOM
weapons of war as are your troops.

Lord of Your army is led by a master of stealth, shadows, and trickery. ● Ambush
Darkness Your army is adept at laying traps, lying in ambush, and ● Traps
executing cruel machinations from the shadows. ● Shadow

Maneuver Your army is trained in the fine arts of maneuver, choosing ● Maneuver
speed and re-deployment as its primary means of defeating the ● Tactics
enemy. You have a need for speed and it shows! ● Need for Speed

Merciless A merciless army is one in which the relative value of its own ● Without Regard
troops is irrelevant when compared to completing the mission. ● Total War
Merciless armies sacrifice their own troops with abandon to ● Send in the Next
achieve victory sending in their own men, wave after wave. Wave

Sadist Your army is led by a true sadist and psychopath. Obsessed ● Without Regard
with suffering and cruelty, your army is feared for their cruelty, ● Total War
torture, and brutality. ● Sadism

Stalwart Your army is trained in the fine arts of stalwart defense favoring ● Traps
tactics and action which leads them to rally to the cause, to ● Defense
blunt the sword of the enemy, and to act as sworn protectors of ● Stalwart

the galaxy.

Strategic The army is led by a General who is a Strategic Genius, ● Tactics

Genius training and favoring military actions which involve complex ● Traps
planning, tactical wit, and other such narrative elements. ● Gambit

Narrative Secondary Pools

These pools describe a list of available Narrative Secondaries that an Army has access to
during a MIssion. These Pools are available to certain Narrative Descriptors as described in the
table above.

Pool Name Description Narrative Secondaries

Ambush Secondaries in this pool represent ambushing or ● Lie in wait

surprising the enemy. ● Surprise Attack
● Commando

Bloodshed Secondaries in this pool represent destroying the ● Kill

enemy to the last man. ● Maim
● Burn

BOOM Secondaries in this pool revolve around creating huge ● KA-BOOM

explosions. ● BA-BOOM

Defense Secondaries in this pool represent tactics revolving ● Dig In

around harden defense and holding ground. ● Hammer and Anvil
● Impenetrable

Gallantry Secondaries in this pool represent fighting a battle in ● To me, brothers!

style! ● Fight with Honor
● Ride to Glory

Gambit Secondaries in this pool represent cunning or daring ● Fight where we choose
tactical gambits. ● Let them think us weak
● Sudden Death

Heroism Secondaries in this pool represent tactics which ● Lead the Charge
revolve around insane bravado and uncalled for ● Onward, to Glory!
heroism. ● We will not falter

Legendary Secondaries in this pool represent fighting a battle in ● I have inside me, blood of
the way only a living legend could! kings
● Good. Bad. I’m the guy
with the gun.
● Inspiring Presence

Maneuver Secondaries in this pool represent tactics revolving ● Flank Speed

around speed and maneuver ● Cantabrian Circle
● Parthian Shot

Need for Speed Secondaries in this pool represent tactics revolving ● Supercharge
around pure speed. ● Crossing the Finish Line
● Leave them in the dust

Sadism Secondaries in this pool represent acts of pure cruelty ● Torture
upon the enemy. ● Bleed
● Cruelty

Send in the Next Secondaries in this pool represent sending your own ● Once more into the fray!
Wave troops to their certain death to achieve victory. ● Go, my minions!
● Superior Numbers, kid

Shadow Secondaries in this pool represent striking the enemy ● Spies and Turncoats
with stealth and trickery. ● Assassinate
● Poison

Stalwart Secondaries in this pool represent unshakeable will. ● For the Emperor!
● Break like waves
● You shall not pass

Tactics Secondaries in this pool represent the use of ● Hold the line till the cavalry
advanced tactics to win a battle. comes
● Horns of the Bull
● Bait and Switch

Total War Secondaries in this pool represent battlefield ● Break their will
destruction or annihilation. ● War is Hell
● Salt the earth

Traps Secondaries in this pool represent laying traps from ● Minefield

the oncoming enemy. ● Step into my Parlor
● Entrapment

Without Regard Secondaries in this pool represent sacrificing one’s ● Pyrrhic Victory
own troops to accomplish victory. ● Sacrifice
● Lead from the Rear

Narrative Secondaries
Narrative Secondaries are Secondary mission objectives that can be selected for any given
mission an army participates in. Secondaries are made available by selecting a Pool (above).
The Pool then unlocks all of those secondaries for that mission. Different missions may allow
different numbers of Pools to be accessed or limit the number of secondaries that can be

Secondaries always reward either Experience, Faction, or Fame/Infamy Points as listed.

Secondary Name Description Pts


Lie in Wait Nominate up to 3 Units just before rolling to seize the initiative that are on Fac / 2
the board. These Units count as having the Shrouded special rule until they Exp / 1
either move, shoot, are engaged in assault, or manifest psychic powers.
When a Unit loses the Shrouded rule in this way, gain the reward of this

Surprise Attack While deploying, nominate up to 3 units to hold in Deep Strike Reserve. Fm-Im / 5
Before rolling to seize the initiative, place 3 markers on the board anywhere Exp / 5
you choose but not closer than 12’’ from each other. One marker, hidden
from your opponent, is the ambush marker. if an enemy unit ends its
movement within 6’’ of any marker, reveal it. If it is the ambush marker, you
must immediately deep strike your ambush units, and they immediately
make an out of sequence shooting attack. When the ambush happens, you
claim this secondary.

Commando Nominate an IC in your army, this IC cannot join a Unit the entire game. Fm-Im / 5
This IC gains the Stealth and Shrouded rules for the entire game.


Kill Gain the reward for this secondary each time you kill an enemy unit in close Exp / 1

Maim Gain the reward for this secondary each time you charge an enemy unit that Fac / 1
is not already engaged. This can only be gained once per enemy unit
charged in this way.

Burn Gain the reward for this secondary each time you kill an enemy unit with Im / 1


Ka-Boom Fire an Ordnance weapon and cause a casualty or wound with the fired Exp / 1
weapon. Earn the reward for this secondary. Max: 5 Fm-Im / 1

Ba-Boom Fire a Barrage weapon and cause a casualty or wound with the fired Fac / 1
weapon. Earn the reward for this secondary. Max: 5 Exp / 1

Sha-Boom Drop a bomb on an enemy unit and do a casualty or wound with the fired Fm-Im / 2
weapon. Earn the reward for this secondary. Max: 5 Exp / 1


Dig In Nominate a piece of terrain and bolster it using same rules as Techmarines. Fac / 2
Nominate a Unit at the same time. That Unit must enter that piece of terrain Exp / 2
and never leave it afterwards except by dying.. You can do this up to 3
times and earn the reward for each Unit that completes the task before the
game ends.

Hammer and Anvil Your Warlord must enter your opponent’s deployment zone and stay there Fm-Im / 10
for the rest of the game or die while there.

Impenetrable Lose one point from each category from this secondary for each Unit that Fac / 15
leaves your deployment zone during the game. Exp / 15


To me, brothers! Form a super Unit with consists of at least 3 ICs in the same Unit and must Fm / 5
consist of every IC in your army. This Unit may never break apart. Exp / 5

Fight with Honor Accept every challenge issued to you during the course of the game and Fac / 5
declare a challenge at every opportunity. If no challenges are possible Fm / 5
during the game, instead, kill your opponent’s Warlord. If at least one
challenge is declared (or the Warlord killed in the alternate), you accomplish
this secondary.

Ride to Glory Your entire army must leave its deployment zone on the first turn and no unit Fm / 5
of yours can ever voluntarily re-enter your deployment zone for the duration Fac / 5
of the game. Exp / 5


Fight where we Just before the roll to seize the initiative, you may move any objective your Exp / 2
choose opponent placed 12’’. It may not end up within 12’’ of another objective. Fm|Im / 1
Likewise, he may then choose to move one of your objectives. You may
move each objective once if you choose. You receive the reward for this
secondary for each objective you move.

Let them think us Keep your entire army in reserve. On Turn 1, d6+1 Units will enter play. Fac / 1
weak Receive the reward for this secondary for each Unit that enters play. Exp / 1

Sudden Death Three times per game, at the start of your movement phase, nominate a Unit Fact / 2
you control and destroy it. Units can be destroyed ‘around” ICs. Your Fm-Fm / 1
opponent must then choose to destroy a Unit of his/her choice. Earn the
reward for this secondary each time you do this.


Lead the Charge! Your Warlord ends his movement in the enemy deployment zone during the Fm / 5
game and once there cannot leave it. Exp / 5

Onward, to Glory! The game ends with none of your units in your deployment zone. Fm / 10

We will not falter None of your units retreat off the battlefield or die due to instability. Fac / 5
Exp / 2


I have inside me, Have your Warlord be killed. At the start of your next turn, he will Fm-Im / 10
blood of kings! immediately resurrect. Place him as close as possible to where he fell while
maintaining 1’’ from the enemy and not in impassable terrain. It is never
“impossible” to place your Warlord. Your Warlord does count as defeated for
the purpose of enemy objectives, but counts as alive for the purpose of your
objectives provided he doesn’t die again. If he dies again, he stays gone.

Good. Bad. I’m Earn the reward for this secondary for every wounds your Warlord deals to Fm-Im / 1
the guy with the the enemy. (Max 10) Exp / 1

Inspiring Presence All models within 12’’ of your Warlord (enemy and friendly) gain +1 A and Fm-Im / 1
automatically pass morale tests. You gain the reward for this secondary Fac / 1
each time if at the start of your movement phase, there are more enemy
models within 12’’ of your Warlord than friendly models. (Max 5)


Flank Speed Each time a unit outflanks, guess the result of the outflank roll before rolling. Fm-Im / 1
If you are right, gain the benefit of this secondary. (You may of course use Exp / 1
abilities like Acute Senses to attempt a re-roll to be correct!) Max: 5

Cantabrian Circle If a Unit whose base movement speed is 12’’ kills a enemy unit in the Fac / 1
shooting phase and is also subsequently not charged in the enemies Exp / 1
ensuing turn, gain the reward of this secondary. Max: 5

Parthian Shot Put a wound on an enemy unit during the shooting phase from a Unit of your Fm-Im / 10
own which is falling back or has regrouped that turn.

Need for Speed

Supercharge Earn the reward for this secondary each time you successfully assault an Fm-Im / 1
enemy unit with a friendly unit that is at least 10’’ away. Max 10 Exp / 1

Crossing the Finish Earn the reward for this secondary for every friendly unit that enters your Fac / 1
Line opponent’s deployment zone at some point during the game. Max 10 Exp / 0.5

Leave them in the Have at least 5 units in your army that can turboboost and also turboboost Exp / 10
dust every unit in your army in the same turn. Units with ICs in this count as one Fm-im / 5
unit for these purposes.


Torture At the end of the game, earn the reward for this secondary for every enemy Im - 1
unit on the table with 10% or less of its starting wounds, rounded up. Exp - 1
Enemies Units killed in close combat also count. Max 8 times.

Bleed Nominate an enemy unit at the start of the game. At the end of the game, Im - 1
you earn the bonus for this secondary for each wound that unit has suffered Exp - 1
(max 5), but the unit must still be alive. You may opt to “not attack” this unit
in close combat even if you are engaged.

Cruelty Your opponent must field 3 Units which cannot be placed in reserve. These In - 4
Units are equivalent to 5 man squads using Imperial Guard base state lines Fac - 1
for Conscripts. These units are considered non-combat units (like medical
units, engineers, or civilians). These units have no guns. Earn the reward
for this secondary each time you destroy one of these units.

Send in the Next Wave

Once more into the Assault a unit and lose the subsequent combat in the same turn. Earn the Im / 1
fray! reward for this secondary each time it happens. You may only earn this Exp / 1
secondary once per turn.

Go, my minions! Earn the reward for this secondary for each unit you started the game with Fac / 1
which ends its movement in your opponent’s deployment zone. Max 10

Superior numbers, Get tabled. Im / 10

kid Exp / 10


Spies and At the start of your first turn and third turn, roll a d6 for each enemy Unit Im / 1
Turncoats regardless if its on the board or not. If a 6 is rolled, that unit suffers d6 S6 Exp / 1
AP - hits that do not ignore cover. Gain the reward for this secondary for Fac / 1
each unsaved wound that the enemy suffers. If the enemy unit is a vehicle,
on a 4+ it takes a glancing hit with no saves of any kind and also triggers this
secondary.(Max 5)

Assassinate Nominate an enemy unit in secret at the start of the game on a piece of Fac / 5
paper. Do not show your opponent. If that unit is destroyed, immediately Exp / 5
reveal the paper. Claim this secondary.

Poison Before the game, secretly nominate an enemy unit. At the start of your Im / 1
second turn, reveal the nominated unit to your opponent. That Unit is now Exp / 1
Poisoned. Furthermore, any Unit (friend or foe) within 6’’ of that Unit is
Poisoned on a 4+. Roll for this immediately. This nominated Unit cannot be
your opponent’s Warlord. A Poisoned Unit must pass a toughness test using
the lowest toughness value in the Unit or take a wound with no saves of any
kind (also no FnP or RP) at the start of the owning player’s movement
phase. Gain the reward for this secondary for each enemy Unit that suffers
a wound in this manner. (max 10)


For the Emperor! Your Warlord must move to the center of the table and once there, never Fm - 10
leave or die while there.

Break like Waves Earn the reward for this secondary for each enemy Unit killed while inside or Exp - 2
within 12’’ of your deployment zone. Max 8 times. Fm - 1
Fac - 2

You shall not pass! At the end of your turns, earn the reward for this secondary by having more Fac - 1
units in your table half than your opponent has in your table half. Max 5 Exp - 1



Hold the line till the Hold or contest one specific objective for the entirety of the game Fac / 10
cavalry arrives.

Horns of the Bull Never have a unit voluntarily end its movement within 9 inches of the center Exp / 8
of the table. Fac / 2

Bait and Switch Once during the game, at the start of your movement phase, you may elect Fm|Im / 5
to sacrifice a character in your army. Your Warlord immediately is placed Exp / 5
where that model once was and joins his unit if applicable. Treat this as if
the Warlord had already been there previously.

Total War

Break their will Gain the reward for this secondary each time an enemy Unit fails a Morale Im / 1
test. If the Unit is automatically passes morale, due to Fearless or a psychic Fac / 1
power, wargear, or being a demon, destroy the Unit. This secondary can
only be accomplished once per enemy Unit. If an IC is part of the unit at the
time, count both the IC and the Unit as having been affected but only get the
reward for this secondary once.

War is Hell You may call in a bombardment at the start of your shooting phase, each Exp / 1
turn. Treat this just like an orbital bombardment from C:SM, but it always Fac / 1
scatters the full distance. If at least one wound or hull point is caused to the
enemy, gain the reward for this secondary.

Salt the Earth When a friendly unit ends its movement in or on a piece of terrain, you can Im / 1
choose to destroy it. The piece of terrain immediately becomes dangerous Exp / 1
and provides -1 cover save for all cover purposes. Gain the reward of this
secondary each time you affect a piece of terrain.


Minefield Place 6 objective markers on the board. If an enemy unit ends its movement Exp / 5
within 3 inches, roll a d 6. On a 2+, the objective explodes dealing d6 S6 Ap Im-Fm / 8
- (do not ignore cover) hits to that unit. Vehicles are hit on rear armor. If any
mines are set off in this way, you complete this objective.

Step Into my Parlor At the start of your opponent’s movement phase, any unit sitting in a piece of Exp / 8
terrain must roll a die. On a 4+, that Unit takes a Wound with no armor or Im-Fm / 5
cover saves allowed or a glancing hit if a vehicle. This effect can only occur
once to each unit. If a Unit is harmed in this way once during the game, you
complete this secondary.

Entrapment Once per game, at the start of your opponent’s movement phase, roll a d 6 Fac / 5
for each enemy Unit. On a roll of 6, that Unit’s movement is reduced by d6 Exp / 5
inches. If any unit is effected by this, you complete this secondary.

Without Regard

Pyrrhic Victory Start the game with at least 10 units and end the game having less than ⅓ Im / 10
(rounded down) of your units left.

Sacrifice At the start of your every turn but the first, elect to destroy any unit you Exp / 5

control that you had not previously selected during the game. This may not Im / 5
be your warlord or any IC. A unit joined by an IC can be destroyed “around”
the IC. That unit may enter ongoing reserve and return the next turn as it
appears on your army list (i.e. full strength) or you can simply choose to
leave it dead. You can choose not to use this ability but forfeit this
secondary and the ability to use it for the rest of the game.

Lead from the Rear Your Warlord may not voluntarily leave your deployment zone. Fac / 5
Exp / 5

Mission Design

Mission Design marries actual rules for table top Missions of 40K to the Mission Graph as
described in the Story Telling topic.

All Missions will have the following elements:

1. Name - Name of the Mission. This is already defined by the Mission Graph as there
exists a mission for each Mission Node (i.e. Assault, Stand Off, etc.)
2. Fame/Infamy Objectives, Faction Objectives, and Experience Objectives
3. Mission design for Attacker and Defender Roles
4. Special Rules
5. Suggest Terrain Layout
6. Game Length
7. Deployment

Suggested Terrain Layout

This is merely a suggestion. If you and your opponent wish to create a different more theatrical
board, do it!

Objective Pools

An Objective Pool is a set of Objectives which are designed to earn Points towards either
Fame/Infamy for a player, towards the player’s Faction, or towards the player’s Experience.

At the start of each mission, a Player will select two of the three available Objective Pools for
each mission. The player can then complete Objectives within that Pool. Doing so will grant
points towards the designated category.

There are three Objectives in each Pool. An Objective is a simple 40K game term which just
describes a goal to be accomplished. Once a player achieves an Objective, the player receives
the points immediately, and they cannot be taken away. Objectives are categorized as Easy,
Medium, and Hard. The Easy Objectives award more points and are intended to be easy
enough for someone to accomplish within a game without much effort. Medium Objectives are

harder to accomplish and provide less points. Hard Objectives are the hardest to achieve in
general and provide the fewest points.

From a story perspective, Easy objectives are considered the Main Objective for an army to
achieve. Medium objectives are like secondary objectives, and Hard ones are essentially
stretch goals or goals of opportunity.

Winning a Mission

To progress a Mission requires a certain amount of points be achieved greater than an

opponent over time. This results in Progression (see above). Until that threshold is met, the
result of a battle is Stagnation meaning the overarching battle will continue to take place as far
as the story is concerned.

In the narrative, one does not “win a game”. This is a gamey concept and has no place
in a narrative. What one does is to further their Faction’s goal in that particular battle until the
battle swings in favor of one side or another. Some battles are quick and decisive (end in a
single game!). Others might take days or even months to accomplish in a story (requiring
several games of 40K to resolve).

At the end of a Battle, both players will add up the Points they accumulated from their Objective
Pools. (This does not include Narrative Secondaries). The difference between these two
values is the Battle Outcome Score. This is then added to the Battle Outcome Gauge for that
faction for that Mission. Once the Battle Outcome Gauge reaches a value of 15 for a Faction,
Progression occurs with that Faction as the victor. Otherwise, Stagnation occurs.

For example, Joe is playing for the Forces of Chaos. Phil is playing for the Imperium of Man.
Currently in the story, the storyline between Chaos and the Imperium is focused on an Assault
Mission where the Forces of Chaos are Assaulting an Imperial City. Joe is the Attacker and Phil
is the Defender. They play the mission. At the end, Joe was able to earn 6 points from the
Fame/Infamy Objective Pool and 8 points from the Faction Objective Pool. Phil was able to
earn 4 points from the Experience Objective Pool and 8 points from the Faction Objective Pool.
Thus, Joe’s Battle Score is 14. Phil’s Battle Score is 12. The difference is 2 (14 - 12), and
therefore, the Battle Outcome Score is 2.

The last time this storyline was examined had left the current Battle Outcome Gauge as 7
points in the favor of the Forces of Chaos. Now, Joe’s 2 is added to that Battle Outcome
Gauge Now, the Battle Outcome Gauge is a 9. Since it is not a 15, the Battle results in a
Stagnation when examined. The Assault continues as neither side has gained an advantage.
The next time someone plays, if the Forces of Chaos manage to score 6 points, Progression will
occur in the storyline and mission. Or, if the Forces of the Imperium manage to score some
points, the Battle Outcome Gauge will move in favor of the Imperium.

Points in a Battle Outcome Gauge do not carry over during Progression. The score is reset to
0 for the next mission.

Using this system, multiple players can all be participating in the same battle for each Faction!
All of these points are pooled together in the Battle Outcome Pool to determine if Progression
occurs at a specified examination time. Keeping games in line like this will require some
organization by the Campaign Organizer setting times and dates when Battle examination
occurs. For example, for a long Campaign, you might give everyone 2 weeks to complete as
many battle as they desire and then examine the state of the Battle Outcome Gauge at the end
of those 2 weeks to see if Progression occurs or Stagnation, which will determine the next set of
battles. If Stagnation occurs, do not reset the Battle Outcome Gauge. Simply continue to Battle
until one side wins or they are locked in an endless struggle for all time!

Other Missions Points

While in a mission, you are also earning Fame/Infamy Points, Faction Points, and Experience
Points. Only Points earned from the Objective Pools are considered for the Battle Outcome
Score of any given game, but points earned in those pools as well as from other sources still go
into a player’s Faction Points, Fame/Infamy Points, and Experience Points pools. For example,
even if a Battle is a draw, Faction Points you earned will still contribute to your Faction’s Pool
which may advance the overarching storyline! Likewise, you can continue to gain levels as you
fight each battle even if a Mission stagnates.

Point Exclusion

Missions are designed on purpose to sometimes cause certain objectives to be mutually

exclusive. This is all part of the fun of the narrative! For example, you may find it impossible to
achieve Faction Objectives in some cases while also achieving Fame/Infamy Objectives!
Sometimes, as a general, you have to decide which is more important to your cause.

In all cases, you cannot accomplish an Easy Objective in Fame/Infamy and one in
Faction/Experience. If you do accomplish both, you may only choose to score points
from one. You may accomplish both the Easy Objectives in Faction and Experience.

Preparing to Play

These are the steps that go into preparing to play a Mission.

1. Determine Factions and select current Mission as determined by the current Mission
Graph between those two Factions.
2. Swap lists, shake hands, grab beer, etc.
3. Each player selects 2 Objective Pools from the 3 available in a mission (Faction,
Fame/Infamy, Experience). These will be the objectives available to that Player.
4. Each player select 1 of their Narrative Secondary Pools from those available to their
Army based on their Army’s Narrative Descriptor. The Secondary Objectives in that

Secondary Pool are now available to that Player during the game to earn more points.
(Remember, these points do not count towards the Battle Outcome Score)
5. Set-up Board according to Mission Special Rules.
6. Roll for Table Sides/Deployment Zones
7. Psychic Powers
8. Other Army Randoms (like Demon gifts)
9. Warlord Traits
10. Night Fight
11. First Turn (if not already determined by mission)
12. Deploy Armies with First Turn deploying first (unless mission specifies otherwise)
13. Infiltrators
14. Scout Moves
15. Seize the Initiative
16. Open Beers and toast!
17. Start Playing

Mission: Assault

Attacking Forces are pressing an assault against Defending Forces attempting to dislodge them
and gain ground.

Deployments: Randomize Dawn of War / Hammer and Anvil

Suggested Terrain Layout: NOVA Style - Standard Layout
Objectives: Each player will place 3 objective markers on the board. The defender MUST place
their 3 objectives anywhere within their deployment zone but must be at least 12” apart from
each other. The attacker MUST place one objective in their deployment zone (to signify their
supply lines), then the next two objective markers MUST be placed in “no man’s land” (the area
between deployment zones) and must still follow the rules for placing objectives from the Base
Rule Book.
Attacker Role: Always has first turn. Always deploys second.
Defender Role: Entire army has Stealth USR during Attacker’s First Turn.
Game Length: Variable Game Length
Special Rules: None

Attacker Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Death before Glory.” Kill at least a single Model with your Warlord or his Unit. Warlord or any 12
Easy Unit he has joined may not be used to claim an Objective in an Objective
Pool other than Infamy. However, may claim Narrative Secondaries.

“Look them in the eye.” Destroy an Enemy Unit in Close Combat with your Warlord and/or the 8
Medium Unit he has joined.

“Fools! I shall handle this, Have your warlord (by himself) destroy a unit in your opponent’s 4
myself!” Hard deployment zone or a unit holding an objective.

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Glory before End your Warlord’s movement within your opponent’s deployment zone. Your 12
Death.” Easy Warlord nor any Unit he has joined may not be used to accomplish an Objective Pool
Objective outside of Fame. He may still accomplish Narrative Secondaries.

“I live for Win a challenge with any model. While this Objective remains unfinished, challenges 8
challenge!” from your Army may not be declined. If the opponent has no Characters or
Medium Independent Characters, you may give him/her a free one either through an upgrade
or new unit using one of the sources he/she used to build his/her army.

“I challenge you Kill the opposing Warlord in a challenge with your Warlord. His Warlord may not 4
to a dual!” Hard decline challenges from your Warlord.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Press the Assault” End your turn in control of both objectives in “No Man’s Land”. Your 12
Easy Warlord must either be controlling or be in a Unit that is controlling one of
these objectives.

“Break their lines” End your turn in control of an Objective in your opponent’s deployment 8
Medium zone.

“Dominate the Battlefield” End your turn in control of your supply line objective, both objectives in “No 4
Hard Man’s Land” and two of the objectives in your opponent’s deployment

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“This is how it’s done..” Have your Warlord claim or contest an objective in your opponent’s 12
Easy deployment zone at the end of your turn.

“Study the Enemy.” End any player turn, but the first with, more Kill Points than your opponent. 8

“Their Hearts and Minds.” At the end of one of your turns, control all the objectives in your opponent’s 4
Hard deployment zone.
Defender Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool
Category Description Pts

“I will finish what you Keep your warlord in Reserves. Doing so will make your Warlord (and any unit 12
Fools started!” he joins) count as a non-scoring unit. Kill at least a single model with your
Easy Warlord or with a Unit he has joined.

“Look them in the Eye” Destroy an Enemy Unit in Close Combat with your Warlord and/or the Unit he 8
Medium has joined.

“Fools! I shall handle Have your warlord (by himself) destroy a unit in your opponent’s deployment 4
this, myself!” Hard zone or a unit holding an objective.

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“I shall ride forth to End the Game with your warlord defeated or in No Man’s Land. Your Warlord 12
meet the enemy!” and any Unit he joins can only claim the Objective in your opponent’s
Easy deployment zone.

“Hold the line, men!” Control all 3 Objectives in your Deployment Zone at the end of 2 of your turns. 8

“Lead by Example.” Have your warlord or a unit he has joined claim your opponent’s objective in 4
Hard their deployment zone at the end of your turn.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“You shall not pass!” Control all the Objectives in your deployment zone at the end of one of your 12
Easy turns except the first. Your Warlord must be controlling or in a Unit controlling
one of the Objectives.

“All is not lost!” Control at least 1 of your objectives at the End of the Game 8

“A decisive victory.” Control all of your objectives at the end of the game 4

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Art of War” End your turn with your warlord or a unit he has joined capturing an 12
Easy objective in No Man’s Land

“Fix bayonets!” End your turn with at least 3 units having been in close combat during your 8
Medium turn.

“Live to Fight Another Fail at least 3 morale checks during the course of the game. If your army 4
Day!” does not have at least 3 units which can fail morale checks due to special

Hard rules, nominate 3 Units to no longer be fearless/demonic instability before
the start of the game.

MIssion: Fall Back

Attacking forces are moving with ferocity and determination to run down and destroy regrouping
defending units and also to seize new ground.

Design Notes: It is best if the attacker’s Warlord is on a bike/chariot or has a transport of some

Deployments: The attacker will choose one long table edge and then have 12” from it. Only
units with at least a 12” move in the movement phase and Dedicated Transports may be
deployed. Gargantuan Creatures must be deployed in swooping mode. If a Gargantuan
Creature cannot fly, then it must be held in reserves. The Defender will have the rest of the
board to deploy all his units. The Defender may not deploy within 12” of any of the Attacker’s
units. Also the Defender may not deploy any of his units within 6” of any of his other units. The
Defender’s Warlord must be deployed within 6” of the center of the board.
Suggested Terrain Layout: NOVA Style - Alternate Layout
Objectives: The Defender will place 3 objectives within 2” of his long table edge and at least
12” apart. These three objectives signify waiting Transports. The Attacker will place 1 objective
in his deployment zone, this signifies his supply line. Then he should place 2 objectives
anywhere else on the table but at least 24’’ away from his long table edge following the normal
rules for placing objectives found in the Base Rule Book.
Attacker Role: Always has first turn. Always deploys first. Please note that ONLY ON THE
ATTACKER’S TURN ONE may the Warlord and his unit disembark from a non Assault/Open
Topped vehicle and charge.
Defender Role: Unit’s have a -2 to their leadership for the first two turns, unless they are in the
Warlord’s unit or within 12” of the Warlord. This debuff overrules the benefits of Stubborn
Special Rule for the first two turns.
Game Length: Variable Game Length
Special Rules:

Retreat to Regroup
The defender may not deploy within 12’’ of one of his objectives.

Starting on Turn 2 the defender may exit the board via one of his waiting transport objectives. To do so, move a
model in a unit into base to base contact with a transport objective. Each transport objective may only be used once
per game turn. You can only exit the board during your movement phase.

Destroy the Transports

Transport objectives can be destroyed. These objectives are considered to be of infinite height for LoS purposes.
These objectives count as AV 14 HP 4 vehicles. Penetrating hits are always downgraded to a glancing hit. Transport
objectives have a base 5+ invulnerable saving throw that can never be improved and may not receive any other type
of save. You may not target a Transport objective during the first game turn.

Attacker Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool
Category Description Pts

“Cut them down!” Easy Have your Warlord charge a unit that doesn’t contain your Opponent’s 12

“Cowards!” Medium Have your Warlord and/or his unit kill an enemy unit in your opponent’s table 8

“No quarter!” Hard Destroy all 3 enemy transports.. 4

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Running away are you?” Never move any Unit to within 12’’ of your opponent’s table edge. 12

“Back to the shadows!” Your Warlord moves within 6’’ of the center of the board and stays there 8
Medium until he dies or the end of the game.

“I will not stab a man in Do not destroy any enemy transports. Your warlord can never move into 4
the back.” Hard your opponent’s table half. Your Warlord must survive the battle.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Scatter them to the End the game with all your units either dead or in your opponent’s table half. 12
winds.” Easy

“Establish ground.” Your opponent is not controlling your supply line objective at the end of the 8
Medium game.

“Hard Won.” Hard Control or destroy the Defender’s 3 objectives and at least 1 of your own at 4
the end of one of your player turns.

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Gaining ground.” Have your warlord claim an objective which is not in his deployment zone. 12

“Block the retreat.” ½ of your opponent’s army must not have retreated off the board. 8

“That’s how it’s done!” Deny 2 of the Defender’s 3 objectives and control 2 of your objectives at the 4
Hard end of your opponent’s turn.

Defender Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Come get some!” Your Warlord is defeated (finally!) Earn up to 2 bonus points if your Warlord or 12
Easy any unit he is with earns a Kill Point (for each one earned)

“Pay the iron price.” Your Warlord does at least a single wound in close combat. 8

“Anyone who runs, None of your units may retreat off the board. Destroy your own transports! 4
gets the sword!” Hard

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“I will hold them back!” Your Warlord and any unit he is with cannot be in your table half at the end of 12
Easy the game or must die Earn up to 2 bonus points if your Warlord or any unit he
is with earns a kill point (for each one earned)

“Rear guard.” Medium Control an opponent’s objective at the end of your turn. 8

“Stand and deliver” Control or contest your opponent’s supply line with your Warlord or the unit he 4
Hard is with at the end of one of your opponent’s turns.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Take word back to At least one of your units must retreat off the board. 12
HQ.” Easy

“Strategic Withdrawal” At least ⅓ of your units (rounded up) must retreat off the board OR ½ of your 8
Medium army (rounded up) must be defeated (as they die trying).

“Passionate Defense.” Control all 3 of your opponent’s objectives at the end of your turn. 4

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Sound the retreat.” End the game with no units outside of 24’’ from your long table edge. 12

“Stall them.” Medium Control or Deny 2 Attacker’s Objective at the end of your opponent’s turn. 8

“Skilled retreat”. Hard You get tabled. However, at least ½ of the units in your army must have 4
retreated off the board.

Mission: Counter Attack

Having weathered an attack by the enemy, the previously defending forces now muster to bring
the fight back to the enemy!

Deployments: Randomize Dawn of War, Hammer and Anvil, or Vanguard

Suggested Terrain Layout: NOVA Style
Objectives: There are no objective markers used in this mission.
Attacker Role: Always has first turn. Always deploys first.
Defender Role: Defender may not deploy within 24’’ of the center of the board.
Game Length: Variable Game Length
Special Rules:

Ground Control:

Some objectives in this game required controlling table quarters. To control a table quarter, you must have more
Units in the quarter than your opponent at the end of your turn. (ICs count as separate units even if they are joined to
a squad). Units partially in a table quarter count towards the quarter the majority of the unit is in.

Battlefield Control:

Some objectives in this game require controlling the center of the table. To control the center of the table, you must
have more Units within 12’’ of the center of the table than your opponent at the end of your turn. Units partially within
12’’ count as within if the majority of the Unit is within 12’’.

Attacker Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Sweet, sweet, revenge” Take revenge on the enemy for the previous battle! Inflict a wound on the 12
Easy enemy with your warlord or his unit. You will earn a bonus point for each
additional wound you cause, 6 maximum. (Max 12 for category)

“Let me show you how it Control a table quarter in your opponent’s table half at some point during the 8
feels” Medium game while also controlling one quarter in your table half.

“Total Domination” Hard Control 4 table quarters at some point during the game. 4

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Leading the Charge” Have your Warlord join 3 different Units during the game. If your Warlord 12
Easy does not have the IC special rule, he does for this game.

“Heroism isn’t easy, but Control the center of the board at some point during the game. Your 8
necessary” Warlord must be within 12’’ of the center of the board.

“For honor and glory!” Have your Warlord and no other Units control a table quarter in your 4
Hard opponent’s table half.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Gaining Ground” Easy Control both quarters in your table half on any game turn but the first. 12

“Seizing Opportunity” Control both quarters in your table half and the center of the board on any 8
Medium game turn but the first.

“Driving them back.” Control both table quarters in your opponent’s table half at some point 4
Hard during the game.

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Come together and Control the center of the board on any turn but the first. 12
attack” Easy

“Base of operations.” Control the board center at the end of 2 turns in a row. 8

“Out maneuvered” Hard Control one table quarter in your opponent’s table half at the end of 2 turns in 4
a row.

Defender Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts”

“Suffer for your Your Warlord or any Unit he is with earns a kill point during the game. 12
insolence” Easy

“Repel them you dogs!” Control a table quarter in your table half and the center of the table at some 8
Medium point during the game.

“I can smell fear” Hard Control the center of the table with your Warlord, alone. 4

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Rally to the defense!” Control both table quarters in your table half on any turn except the first. Your 12
Easy Warlord must be in one of your table quarters at the time.

“I shall bring them the Control the center of the table at some point during the game. Your Warlord 8
light” Medium must be within 12’’ of the center of the table at the time.

“Come fiends, and be Your Warlord and/or his Unit must earn a kill point while in your opponent’s 4
vanquished!” Hard table half. You must control both of your table quarters at the time.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Dig in and prepare to Once during the game, except for first turn, at the start of your movement 12
fight!” Easy phase, declare you are digging in. No unit in your army may voluntarily move
this turn (except if arriving by reserve). All Units in your army gain the stealth
USR. You must also control at least 1 table quarter in your table half. You can
only dig in once per game.

“Damage Mitigation” Control both quarters in your table half for at least 2 turns in a row. 8

“Consider this battle, Control both quarters in your opponent’s table half for at least 2 turns in a row. 4
won” Hard

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Anyone got a light?” Booby trap the center of the board to prevent the Attacker’s from claiming it. 12
Easy Move a Troop Unit to within 12’’ of the center of the board and declare you are
setting a trap. This Unit can’t shoot, run, assault, or cast psychic powers until
its next turn (this includes attacking even if charged). At the start of your
opponent’s next turn, any of his units within 12’’ of the center of the table take
d6 S4 Ap - hits. Vehicles hit on rear armor.

“Defend to the last” Your opponent has more kill points at the end of any game turn but the first. 8

“Just to see what Control no table quarters at the end of one of your turns (you must not be 4

happens”. Hard tabled at the time)

Mission: Siege

Attackers are laying siege to an enemy stronghold!

Deployment: Roll for table sides as normal. Defender chooses a table quarter on his long
table edge. He may only deploy in that quarter. Attacker may deploy in any other table quarter
but must be 18’’ away from enemy units.
Suggested Terrain Layout: NOVA Style - Alternate
Objectives: Defender will place one objective in his deployment zone. Attacker will place one
objective in his deployment zone.
Attacker Role: Always has first turn.
Defender Role: Defender deploys first. Defender receives a free fortress of redemption. This
free fortress may not fire missiles and has no emplaced weapons. It also cannot be upgraded
and has no upgrades.
Game Length: Variable Game Length
Special Rules:

Ground Control:

Some objectives in this game required controlling table quarters. To control a table quarter, you must have more
Units in the quarter than your opponent at the end of your turn. (ICs count as separate units even if they are joined to
a squad). Units partially in a table quarter count towards the quarter the majority of the unit is in.

Attacker Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Let them starve” Easy At the end of any game turn but the first, have your units in all 3 table 12
quarters outside your opponent’s deployment zone and none in his
deployment zone.

“Kill them all” Medium End the game tabled or with your entire army in your opponent’s deployment 8

“Burn!” Hard Destroy all sections of Defender’s free fortress. 4

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Storm the gates!” Easy You Warlord must enter your opponent’s deployment zone at some point 12
during the game and once there, never leave it.

“Come fight me with, At some point during the game, issue a global challenge by your Warlord. 8
honor not behind your Once done, your Warlord or the Unit he is with, must assault an enemy unit
walls!” Medium before the game ends to earn the listed points. At the start of your next turn
and each subsequent turn, you will earn a bonus point for each round your
Warlord is alive (max 4). Due to the challenge, if the enemy never charges
your Warlord or his unit, he receives -4 points to an Objective pool of his

“Scale the walls!” Hard Have your Warlord enter the opponent’s free fortress in any section at some 4
point during the game.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Tighten the Siege” Easy Control the table quarter your objective is in and your objective on any turn 12
but the first.

“Tear down these walls” Destroy 1 or more sections of your opponent’s free fortress of redemption. 8

“Overrun their position.” Control the table quarter that is your opponent’s deployment zone. 4

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Siege Experience” Easy Have Units in all 4 table quarters at some point during the game at the same 12

“Siege Experience 2” You are tabled or your opponent never controls your objective during the 8
Medium game.

“Siege Experience 3” Control your opponent’s objective at some point during the game. 4

Defender Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool
Category Description Pts”

“You will break on our Earn a kill point with a Unit either inside or on top of your free fortress of 12
walls!” Easy redemption.

“You dare attack me in You Warlord causes a wound in close combat. Earn a bonus +1 (max 4) for 8
my stronghold?” each wound caused.

“Your petty tactics are Control your opponent’s objective at some point during the game. 4
meaningless to me”

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Stand Defiant.” Your Warlord is either on or in (or in the ruins of) your free fortress of 10
Easy redemption the whole game, or dies doing so.

“Protect the book!” Get tabled or your objective is never controlled by your opponent. 8

“Maybe I’m a chinese Your opponent never controls your objective before the game ends. 4
jet pilot” Hard

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Sacred Ground” Easy Control the table quarter that is your deployment zone for 2 turns during the 12

“Break the Siege” Control 2 table quarters except on the first turn. 8

“Sally forth!” Hard Control the table quarter that you deployed in. Control the table quarter that 4
your opponent’s objective is in. Have at least 1 unit in the other able quarters.

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Hard Fought” Easy End the game with none of your units inside your deployment zone. 12

“Repel them at the Your opponent has no models in base to base contact (or inside) your fortress 8
gate” Medium of redemption for 2 turns in a row (check at the start of your turn)

“Stop the breach”. The majority of the sections of your fortress must be alive at the end of the 4
Hard game.

Mission: Blitz

This is a lightning attack scenario in which the attacker is moving to quickly seize ground from a
reeling defending force.

Deployment: Dawn of War

Suggested Terrain Layout: NOVA Style
Objectives: Defender will place 6 objectives using the normal objective placement rules.
Attacker Role: Always has first turn.
Defender Role: Unprepared for the attack, the defender will deploy one third of their armies’
unit count (not counting dedicated transports and rounded up). The Defender will then roll for
reserves starting on Turn 1. On Turns 1 and 2 units come on from reserve on a 4+. On Turn 3
units come on from reserve on a 3+. And Turn 4 reserves will come on automatically.
Game Length: Variable Game Length
Special Rules: None

Attacker Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“If we kill them, we win Never control or contest an objective with your Warlord or his Unit. Do at 12
just the same.” Easy least a single unsaved wound with your Warlord or his unit.

“Slaughter-fest” Medium The enemy is unprepared and ripe for the picking. Earn two kill points with 8
your Warlord or his Unit.

“Salt the Earth” Hard Rather than gaining ground, make sure the enemy can never keep it! Move 4
your Warlord or his Unit into base contact with each corner piece of terrain.
If he moves into contact, remove the terrain. (If you can’t remove it cleanly,
just pretend like it isn’t there)

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Heroic Attack” Easy Your Warlord or the unit he is with must control an objective at the end of 12
your turn.

“Capture before Kill” Control 3 objectives at the end of your turn. 8


“Rise to the Challenge” Before the roll to seize, have your opponent nominate 2 objectives on the 4
Hard board. You must control these objectives at the START of one of your

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Gain Ground” Easy Control at least 2 objectives at the end of your turn for two turns in a row. 12

“Strategic Advantage” Control 4 objectives at the end of one of your turns. 8


“Overrun their position.” Control all 6 objectives at the end of one of your turns. 4

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Surprise Attack” Easy Nominate a unit in your opponent’s army at the start of the game. Kill it 12
during the game.

“Fighting a winning war” Have more kill points than your opponent at the end of any game turn but the 8
Medium first.

“Force them back” Hard Control 4 objectives at the end of one of your opponent’s turn except the first. 4

Defender Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Let the come!” Easy Earn a kill point with your Warlord or his Unit. 12

“Like flies into a web” When you capture an objective, it becomes a Mysterious Objective. Roll 2 8
Medium dice and select which type of objective it will be for those 2 dice (re-roll one
if the same). Do this to at least 3 objectives.

“Attacking me was your Earn more kill points than your opponent by the end of the game. 4
first mistake” Hard

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Rally the men!” Easy Have your Warlord join 3 different units during the game. If your Warlord is 12
not an IC, he becomes an IC for this game.

“You shall not pass!” Nominate a single objective before rolling to seize the initiative occurs. Your 8
Medium Warlord cannot end his movement phase (if not in assault) farther than 6’’
for this objective. Control or contest this objective till the end of the game.

“Not this day!” Hard Control or contest all 6 objectives at the end of one of your turns. 4

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Rise to defend” Easy Have ⅔ of the Units in your army on the board at the end of one of your 12

“Defense Pattern Omega” Control 3 objectives at the end of one of your turns. 8

“Repel the attack” Hard Control 4 objectives at the end of one of your opponent’s turns. 4

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Independence Day” Nominate 3 of your units during the battle, secretly. Once per game, a Unit 12
Easy is in close combat, at I10, remove your unit. Center the apocalyptic blast
marker where one of your models used to be. Resolve it at Strength D: Ap 3
against any models (friend or foe) touched. Do this once to earn this reward.

“Surprise, not surprised” Have more kill points than your opponent at the end of any game turn. 8

“Cool story, bro” Hard Kill your opponent's Warlord with your Warlord in a challenge. His Warlord 4
cannot refuse your Warlord’s challenges. Your Warlord must survive the

Mission: Standoff

“Well, looks like we got ourselves a Mexican stand-off.

Deployment: Dawn of War

Suggested Terrain Layout: NOVA Style
Objectives: Place 5 objectives along the center line of the board, space 12 inches from each
other and from each short table edge.
Attacker Role: Deploys first and has first turn.
Defender Role: Has an additional +1 to seize the initiative.
Game Length: Variable Game Length
Special Rules:

First come First serve

The first player to capture to an objective may select what type of Mysterious Objective it is from the Mysterious
Objectives chart.

Attacker and Defender Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Bwahahaha!” Easy Declare an objective to be Sabotaged! from the Mysterious Objectives 12


“Lord of Destruction” Your entire army must end the game dead or in your opponent’s table half. 8

“Kick Puppies” Hard Your Warlord or his Unit must earn 4 kills points against enemy Units that 4
are at or already below half strength.

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Fair and Square” Easy If you ever have more Units than your opponent does, only voluntarily use 12
the same amount of Units she has during your turn. (Use means to move,
shoot, manifest psychic powers, or declare charges). If you never have
more units than your opponent you automatically get this Objective.

“Hearts and Minds” Control the left most, right most, and center objectives at the end of one of 8
Medium your turns.

“Save Puppies” Hard Never contest an objective your opponent controls at the end of your turn. 4

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Find advantage” Easy Control an objective at the end of one of your turns except the first. 12

“Raise flags” Medium Control more objectives than your opponent at the end of one of your turns 8
except the first.

“End the stand-off” Hard Control the 3 center-most objectives and at least contest the outer 2 at the 4
end of one of your turns.

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“So, that’s how this Use the ability (other than booby-trap) of a Mysterious Objectives during the 12
works” Easy game.

“Equal Footing Fight” Control the same number of objectives as your opponent at the end of 2 of 8
Medium your turns (do not count the first turn)

“Rage of Sigmar” Hard Once per game turn (but not on the same turn as your opponent( declare a 4
Rules Off. Each player secretly invents the most ridiculous game rule they
can think of. Ask a neutral party to decide which one is more ridiculous. If
your rule wins, you earn this reward. Or, control the center objective for 3
consecutive turns.

Mission: Consolidate

The attacker attempts to fortify and consolidate his/her recently hard-won gains while the
defender attempts to harry the attack with lightning strikes to weaken him.

Deployment: Vanguard or Hammer and Anvil

Suggested Terrain Layout: NOVA Alternate
Objectives: There are no objective markers used in this mission.
Attacker Role: Attacker must deploy first but may choose first or second turn.
Defender Role: Defender may choose to deep strike units even if they don’t have the deep
strike special rule.
Game Length: Variable Game Length
Special Rules:

Securing Ground

The Attacker in this mission is set to consolidate and fortify gains on the battlefield. He may secure a piece of terrain
by moving a unit into base to base contact with the terrain and forgoing that Unit’s ability to manifest psychic powers,
run, shoot, use special rules or ability to declare a charge. If he does so, the terrain permanently gains a +1 cover
save (or a 6+ if it didn’t have one) and is considered fortified.

Slash and Burn

The Defender in this mission is trying to destabilize the attacker from consolidating ground. A defender unit which
moves into base to base contact with a piece of terrain may choose to slash and burn the terrain. If the unit does so,
it may not shoot, run, manifest psychic powers, or declare a charge that turn. Mark the terrain. The attacker must
now attempt to secure that piece of terrain twice before it can be fortified. A fortified piece of terrain cannot be
Slashed and Burnt.

Attacker Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Fortifications are not Never secure a fortification with your Warlord or his Unit. Declare a charge 12
needed” Easy against an enemy Unit with your Warlord or his Unit.

“We’ll see about that” Immediately after your opponent uses Slash and Burn, call in an air strike to 8
Medium decimate him. The Unit which used Slash and Burn immediately takes d6
S6 Ap “-” hits which ignore cover. Vehicles are hit on side armor. If you do
a single unsaved wound or hull point during the game, earn this reward.

“No pain, no gain” Hard Order your own Unit to Slash and Burn a piece of terrain. Other Slash and 4
Burnt terrain is reverted to normal. Destroy one of your own units. Do this 5

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Pitch in” Easy Fortify a piece of terrain with your Warlord and/or his unit. 12

“Lead the effort” Medium Use your Warlord or his Unit to destroy an enemy Unit that has used Slash 8
and Burn this game. If no enemy uses Slash and Burn during the game,
you get this reward as well.

“True Grit” Hard Join your Warlord to a Unit. If he is not an IC, he is for this game. Use that 4
Unit and only that Unit to Fortify a piece of terrain that has been Slashed
and Burnt. If not piece of terrain is ever Slashed and Burnt, earn this

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Consolidate” Easy Fortify a piece of terrain on any turn but the first. 12

“Repair Job” Medium Fortify a piece of terrain that has been slashed and burnt or have no terrain 8
be slashed and burnt.

“Consider it done” Hard Fortify 6 pieces of terrain. 4

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Job Done Right” Easy Fortify a piece of terrain that hasn’t been slashed and burnt on any turn but 12
the first.

“Counter Tactics” Slash and Burn and then Fortify a piece of terrain outside your deployment 8
Medium zone.

“Altered Reality” Hard Fortify all terrain that has been slashed and burnt. If no terrain is slashed 4
and burnt, you score this objective.

Defender Objective Pools:
Infamy Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Burn!” Easy Slash and Burn a piece of terrain with your Warlord. 12

“Jokes on you” Medium Immediately after your opponent uses Fortify, call in an air strike to decimate 8
him. The Unit which used Fortify immediately takes d6 S6 Ap “-” hits which
ignore cover. Vehicles are hit on side armor. If you do a single unsaved
wound or hull point during the game, earn this reward.

“We’ll see about that” Your Warlord and a Unit he is attached to (if your Warlord is not an IC, he is 4
Hard one for this game) move into base to base with a piece of Fortified terrain.
Sacrifice the Unit and remove the piece of terrain. The Warlord is not

Fame Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Fair Play” Easy Do not use your Warlord or his Unit to Slash and Burn a piece of terrain. 12
Your Warlord and/or his Unit does at least a single unsaved wound to the

“Save the Day” Medium Kill a Unit that has Fortified a piece of terrain. If no terrain is fortified, gain 8
this reward.

“Self Sacrifice” Hard Move your Warlord into base to base contact with a piece of Fortified terrain. 4
Remove him from play. The terrain is no longer Fortified. If no terrain is
ever Fortified, gain this reward.

Faction Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“Burn it all” Easy Slash and Burn at least 2 pieces of terrain. 12

“Stall them” Medium Slash and burn as much or more terrain than your opponent fortifies. 8

“Let nothing stand” Hard Destroy ⅔ of the units in your opponent’s army. 4

Experience Objective Pool

Category Description Pts

“There’s going to be Secretly note two pieces of terrain on the table as being booby trapped. If 12
cake!” Easy your opponent enters one of those pieces of terrain, it explodes dealing 1
wound with no saves of any kind (Nor FNP or RP or similar). Gain this

“Precision Strikes” After a Unit enters from deep strike, select an enemy unit within 12’’. That 8
Medium unit takes d6 S6 Ap “-” hits (vehicles hit on side armor). Earn this reward if
you do a single unsaved wound or hull point. Earn a bonus for each
additional wound or hull (max 4).

“Make an example” Hard Destroy every opposing unit that has Fortified a piece of terrain prior to Turn 4


Story Elements

Story Elements are any additional elements that the narrative storyline may define as part of the
story. This simply provides a place to define campaign wide special rules. When authoring a
story, the author may choose to institute these special rules or story elements because they
make sense for the story.

For example, the ubiquitous story element of “crevaces opening up to swallow unit” may be
occurring because the planet is destabilized due to all the fighting. Those Special Rules and
Events can be defined in this section and then called upon by the story author to forge the best
narrative possible that also gets reflected on the tabletop.

This section is merely intended to be a reference section for new rules to be created and
available for the narrative campaign.

Zero Atmosphere Conditions - When battle are fought on asteroids or planetoids with no
atmosphere, things become more deadly. Ordnance and Large Blasts have a tendency to
literally blow you away. When a Unit is hit with a Ordnance or Large Blast, in addition to other
damage, roll a d6. On a 6, the Unit loses a Model of owner’s choice with no saves of any kind.
Further, the AP value of all weapons is increased by 1 provided it has an AP value. This
represents armor having chunks blown into it and massive depressurization.

Ship Board Combat - When battles are fought on a Ship, suitable terrain should be used.
Furthermore, anytime an Ordinance or Large Blast hits, any Units within 3’’ of the final resting
place of the Template will roll a d6. On a roll of a 6, a model is removed from the Unit with no
saves allowed chosen by the controlling player. It is sucked into space before the hole is

Campaign Rules:

This section contains the rules which are specific to “our” Campaign. These define other
requirements outside of the basic Narrative concepts listed above.

Army Construction Rules:

- Battle Forged Armies of any type are allowed.
- Come the Apocalypse Allies are NOT allowed in the interest of being a Narrative.
- A player must choose a Codex (or supplement) to be their Primary Army. This must
remain the same so long as she plays that Army. She can of course, switch armies, but
will lose experience points AND Fame/Infamy as this is effectively starting a new
character. The Primary Detachment of any list must also be pulled from this Codex.
- Typical games are played at 1850, but players must decide before a Battle how many
points to play.
- No army list can contain more than 1 Super Heavy or Gargantuan. Further no Super
Heavy or Gargantuan can be fielded which has a weapon that Ignores Cover. Lastly, if
you intend to field a Super Heavy or Gargantuan, your opponent must be informed prior
to the game and allowed to modify his/her list.
- WARLORD Selection:
- Your Warlord may not be a character with the “Unique” trait.
- Your warlord MUST be an Independent Character or a Monstrous Creature
- Your Warlord MAY be a Company Commander even though it is not an
Independent Character.
- Your Warlord MAY be a Tank Commander even though it is not an
Independent Character.
- This campaign will consist of 5 Factions (note that belonging on the same Faction
represents a general like mindedness but in no way insinuates you are friends or allies.
Come the Apoc rules still apply. CSM will not ally with Space Wolves, etc.)
- Forces of the Imperium (any Imperium Faction from Rulebook)
- Forces of Chaos (CSM, Demons, and respective Supplements, any Imperium
Faction except Grey Knights.)
- Forces of Order (Necrons, Tau)
- Forces of Disorder (Orks, Tyranids)
- Forces of the Eldar (Eldar, Dark Eldar)

Intra-Faction Fighting
Sometimes you just can’t find an opponent that isn’t playing the same Narrative Faction as you
are! You can indeed play them but your faction and mission totals won’t count towards the story.
But you can still earn Experience and Fame/Infamy points!

In a game of two players playing the same Narrative Faction, treat this game story wise as a
training exercise between the two forces. First pick any mission you and your opponent would

like to play, no having to check faction progress. Then play the mission! Just remember that you
gain no faction points and if any faction points are gained during the game take that number and
divide it by half (rounding up) and apply that number to BOTH Experience and Fame/Infamy.

Also when reporting your games please make sure to report them if this is a training exercise.

Fall to Chaos
- When building a new Army, you may declare it to be a fallen Army. This applies to any
Army built using a Primary from the Forces of the Imperium except Grey Knights.
- A Fallen Army can build lists considering other armies from the Forces of the Imperium
as allies because they are also fallen. However, CSM and Demons/etc. are still
considered CTA as newly fallen armies have yet to be incorporated into true Chaos.

Intra-Faction List Bonus and Negatives

- To encourage narrative play, in any game where your list consists of only units found
within your Faction, you will receive a +2 bonus to Fame/Infamy, Faction, and
Experience pools.
- Please note these bonus points do not go towards determining the winner of a
- An army which consists of Units that are from different Narrative Factions cannot
contribute points to Faction pools through any means.

Pre Battle Rules:

- Players must announce the Detachments and Codices they will build their lists from prior
to a battle. Both players, should they choose, are allowed to make changes to their list
in anticipation of that Battle but not change the Codices or Detachments they are using.
In a sense, this represents armies having intelligence about upcoming engagements and
not just charging in headlong. Also, it makes for a funner game of 40K!

- Our Campaign will be organized around a “season”, which is simply a chunk of time
defined maybe in weeks or months. At the end of seasons, awards may be granted or
just the story forwarded more, and so on. This is TBD.
- At the end of a Season Fame/Infamy will be reset.

Awards and Prizes

- Awards may be given during specific “seasons” of a Campaign.
- Awards will be given for:
- Most Famous/Infamous Generals
- Most experience gained
- Most points gained for faction
- ???

Battle Weariness Effect

- To curb players from simply steamrolling their way across the battlefield, after the 3rd
engagement that a Player accrues more Battle Score Points than his opponent, in a
row, the amount of points that this player can accrue from all Objective Pools is reduced
by 1 for all subsequent games, increasing by 1 each game. This effect resets once the
player has a game where his/her Battle Score Points is not higher than his/her
opponent. However, this player will also receive a bonus of Fame/Infamy (his/her
choice) for each game played equal to the penalty for each time this effect takes place.
- For example, if Chuckles the Clown plays 6 games in which he scores more Battle Score
Points than his opponent in a row, on his 7th game, he will now receive a -4 penalty to
the value of all Objective Pool objectives but he will also receive a Bonus +4 to his
fame/infamy score for that game, for free. If Chuckles fails to score more Battle Point
Score Points than his opponent in that 7th game, he still gets his Bonus +4 Fame/Infamy
Points, but on his 8th game, everything returns to normal.

- TBD determining number of players and such.

● 8/8/2015
○ Updated the missions that said “there are no objectives used in this mission” to
“there are no Objective markers used in this mission.”
○ Changed references of Secret Objectives to Mysterious Objectives
○ Changed a reference about consulting the Booby-Trapped Secret Objective to
Sabotaged! Mysterious Objective
○ Created a Cover Page
○ Created a Table of Contents Page (both by hand)

● 8/10/2015
○ Changed experience for Consumable Upgrades. Most were reduced by 50% ish.
○ Added Fortitude to permanent experience rewards. +1W for 40 points.
○ Increased range of Unbowed from 6” to 12”.
○ Decreased points of Unbowed from 25 to 15.
● 8/15/2015
○ Updated the Warlord selection process to allow a Company Commander and
Tank Commander to be valid Warlord Choices
● 8/24/2015
○ Updated the Blitz Defender Roll deployment
● 8/29/2015
○ Alphabetized the Narrative Descriptors and Narrative Secondaries
● 9/16/2015
○ Added Shielding Technology Permanent Upgrade.
● 9/21/2015
○ Fixed the Fall Back defender’s deployment. Changed the cannot deploy within
18” of the transport to 12” of the transport and the defender cannot start leaving
till turn 2.
● 9/28/2015
○ Noticed some of the missions didn’t have their objectives set to 12/8/4. Changed
them to be 12/8/4.
● 10/7/2015
○ Added the Intra-Faction Fighting section in the Campaign Rules
○ Cleaned up the Table of Contents to match the document


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