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Group Member’s Names: Due Date for Project:

12 Angry Men PSA Project

Part 1
You have just completed your first experience of being part of a jury that
was in charge of deciding a man’s fate. (Hopefully while we read Rose’s
play you were actively participating and creating your own thoughts and
opinions as the evidence unfolded.) Now that the trial has concluded you are
now free to speak out about your feelings and opinions on how effective the
American Justice System hands down “Justice”. In a group (hint: make sure
you pick a group that matches your stanch and not just a group of your
friends) you will creatively develop a public service announcement (PSA)
by using evidence from the novel opposing or supporting the quality of the
American Justice System.

Miss. Bailey what is a PSA?

What do you want the world to know? That's the central question asked
when you are creating a public service announcement (PSA), which is any
message promoting programs, activities or services of federal, state or local
governments or the programs, activities or services of non-profit

Often in the form of commercials and print ads, PSAs are created to
persuade an audience to take a favorable action. PSAs can create awareness,
show the importance of a problem or issue, convey information, or promote
a behavioral change. Whether you have a cause of your own or you are an
educator, PSAs create a forum for learners to actively participate in a project
that allows them to become stewards of — and advocates for — social
***Each group will present their PSA to the class no matter what format they choose

Creative Suggestions but not limited to:

 Film  Live performance
 Create a poster board  Movie trailer
 Commercial  Print Ad
 Pamphlet  Radio Broadcast

Where do we start?
1. Choose your topic: (This has been provided in the above prompt.)
 Keep your focus narrow and to the point.
 More than one idea confuses your audience, so have one main
idea per PSA. (This idea should be your stance)

2. Time for some research: (You will be using evidence that you can pull
from the novel as your proof and research.)
 Try to get the most current and up to date facts on your topic.
 You will be required to have 3 statistics/ references from alternate
sources and a minimum of 3 pieces of evidence your pull from the
 Please include a source list of your 3 alternate sources in
MLA format.

3. Consider your audience: Are you targeting parents, teens, teachers or

some other social group?
 Consider your target audience's needs, preferences, as well as the
things that might turn them off.
 They are the ones you want to rally to action. The action suggested
by the PSA can be almost anything. It can be spelled out or
implied in your PSA, just make sure that message is clear.

4. Grab your audience's attention: You might use visual effects, an

emotional response, humor, or surprise to catch your target audience.
 Be careful, however, of using scare tactics. Attention getters are
needed, but they must be carefully selected.

5. Time limit: Minimum 2 minutes, Maximum 4 Minutes (The time length

does not determine your grade. It is about the effective use of all the
aspects mentioned above.)
 Highlight the major and minor points that you want to make.
 Be sure the information presented in the PSA is based on up-to-
date, accurate research, findings and/or data.
6. Storyboard your script. DO NOT DO THIS PORITON !!
7. Film your footage and edit your PSA. (This will depend on how your
group decided to creatively approach the project)

8. Find your audience and get their reaction:

 How do they respond and is it in the way you expected?

 Your goal is to call your audience to action. Are they inspired? (We
will do this as a class at the end of the unit where we will vote for
the best PSA and this group will get some extra credit  )


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Each student in the group will write a one page paper in MLA format
answering the unit EQ (we have discussed this throughout the unit I
hope you were paying attention). When answering this question make
sure to insert your groups chosen stance on the PSA. I want the two too
cohesively mesh together.

EQ for the unit: How can humans overcome individual flaws and prejudices to
serve justice and work towards the greater good?
PSA PART 1 Rubric
Points Grade A (100-90) B (89-80) C (79-70) D/F (69-50)
Content Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
Accurate and well organized. semi organized. not organized.
well organized. Stance is clear, Stance is clear Stance is semi
Stance is clear, some fact and but to many clear, little to
25 pts 3 facts and 3 evidence ideas present no facts and
pieces of present, causing evidence
evidence are audience is confusion, some present,
present, and addressed. to no facts and
audience is evidence are
clear and grabs used.
their attention.
Technique Eye contact Some eye Poorly prepared. Not prepared.
with audience. contact. Able to No eye contact Could not hear
25pts Well prepared. hear and at all. Could not or understand.
Easy to hear understand. hear or
and understand.
Visual (If Appropriate Appropriate Questionable Not appropriate
appropriate) and well visual. Referred appropriateness. or no visual.
prepared. to and Little to no
25pts Referred to and somewhat reference or
explained explained explanation in
during during presentation.
presentation. presentation.
Cooperative All members All members Some members One a few
Learning speak in an speak did the speaking group members
organized throughout the and contributed. spoke and did
25pts manner and presentation all the work/ no
provide a and one did
substantial contributed. anything.
contribution to
the project.
TOTAL 100 pts

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