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Data Structures and Algorithms Lab

By: Sir Numan Shafi

Lab No. 7 Section : A

 Make a separate project for each task.
 Indent your code properly.
 Use meaningful variable and function names. Follow the naming
 Make sure that there are NO dangling pointers or memory leaks in
your program.

Note : You have to solve issues of syntax error, compilation error, linker error by your own.
If the TA is unable to solve this issue then it is not the TA’s problem.

Task 1: (40)

Implement a Double linked list class.

1. sortedInsert(Node *)

function which given a list that is sorted in increasing order, and a single node, inserts the node

into the correct sorted position in the list .

2 . void remove(int pos)

Remove node at that position.

3. void insertSort()

sort the overall linked list.

4. frontBackSplit(Dll<T> &source, Dll<T> &frontRef, Dll<T>&backRef)

Given a list, split it into two sublists. One for the front half, and one for the back half. If the
number of elements is odd, the extra element should go in the front list. So FrontBackSplit() on
the list {2, 3, 5, 7, 11} should yield the two lists {2, 3, 5} and {7, 11}. Getting this right for all the
cases is harder than it looks. You should check your solution against a few cases (length = 2,
length = 3, length=4) to make sure that the list gets split correctly near the shortlist boundary
conditions. If it works right for length=4, it probably works right for length=1000. You will
probably need special case code to deal with the (length <2) cases.
5. alternatingSplits(Dll<T> &source, Dll<T>& head1, Dll<T>& head2)

Write a function alternatingSplit() that takes one list and divides up its nodes to make two
smaller lists. The sublists should be made from alternating elements in the original list. So if the
original list is {a, b, a, b, a}, then one sublist should be {a, a, a} and the other should be {b, b}.

Task 2: (10)
Implement a function bool delBinarySequence(); of above class, which will take a binary
string(e.g. 101000, 11, etc.) from user and delete all nodes of list which correspond to 1 in the
input string. Please note, deletion can only take place upto the end of list OR end of input

Sample Output:


4.16 => 7.48 => 1.005 => 9.64=>8.11=>5.2 =>

Backward Direction: 5.2 => 8.11 => 9.64 => 1.005=>7.48=>4.16 =>

Enter Delete Binary Sequence: 01101

Forward Direction: 4.16 => 9.64 => 5.2 =>

Backward Direction: 5.2 => 9.64 => 4.16 =>

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