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A thesis submitted in fulfillment of requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Literature


Nissa Rizki Gusti






Nissa Rizki Gusti


Has been approved by


1st THESIS ADVISER : Adi Prautomo, S.S, M. Hum ................

2nd THESIS ADVISER : Dra. Rosmiati, MA ................

This thesis is dedicated to my parents and my brother,
thank you for all your love and support throughout my life.


I hereby declare that this thesis entitled The Effect of Reinforcer to The
Behavior Modification of The Main Character in The Novel The Secret Garden by

Frances Hodgson Burnett is my own compisition and that it contains no material

previously submited for the award of any other degree. The work reported in this

thesis has been excuted by my self except where due acknowledgement is made in

the text.

Balikpapan, August 2018

Nissa Rizki Gusti


In the process of preparing this thesis it is not only independent effort but
also support from various parties. The researcher would like to thank all the

parties that contributed in completion this research as the final task to achieve the

degree of Sarjana Sastra. Researcher extends special thanks to Allah S.W.T for

the blessing and grace for the researcher, so the researcher can finish this paper.

Researcher has been getting help from the kind people in the form of guidance,

direction, encouragement, to only some of whom it is possible to give particular

mention here.

1. It is a great pleasure to acknowledge my deepest thanks to my parents who

have prayed and helped as much as they can. Then thank you for my brother

Verdi who always help and support me.

2. The researcher would like to express the deepest thanks and sincere

appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Jepri, S.S, M.Pd and the Head of

English Literature Department, Dra. Hj. Siti Hafsah, M. Hum, who have

granted his/her permission to undertake my thesis.

3. The researcher owes the deepest gratitude to Adi Prautomo, SS, M.Hum, as a

1st (first) adviser who has given direction attention and encouragement either

related to final or personal task so that researcher can be eager to finish this

final project. To Dra. Rosmiati, M.A, as a 2nd (second) adviser who has

provided support and direction from beginning to end and from large to

smallest, so that the researcher can complete this research.

4. The researcher also owes a great debt of gratitude to Jepri, S.S, M.Pd, Dra. Hj.

Sti Hafsah, M. Hum, Wahyuni, S.S, M.Hum, Walladin Panggabean, S.S, M.Pd

and Adi Prautomo, S.S, M.Hum, as examiners who have provided criticism

and suggestions for this research, so that researchers can improve errors in this vi

study to be even better.

5. The researcher is highly indebted and thoroughly grateful to all lecturers who

have taught researcher from the beginning of the semester to the end, so

researcher can easily get basic sciences that are very helpful on the completion

of this research. To all academic staffs who always help the researcher in

managing campus administration.

6. The researcher's words will fail to express the deepest heartfelt thanks to all

classmates from the beginning of the semester to the present who have fought

together and has helped researchers to complete this research.

May Allah SWT always bless those mentioned above and all their sacrifice

becomes their merciful deeds to help them gain a success in their future life. The

researcher realizes that this research is far from being perfect. Therefore, any

constructive criticism and suggestion can be gladly accepted. Finally, it is

expected that this thesis can be beneficial for the readers.

Balikpapan, August 2018

The researcher

Nissa Rizki Gusti



Nissa Rizki Gusti1 Adi Prautomo2, Rosmiati3

This study aims to find the forms of reinforcer and to explain how the
reinforcer affecting to the behavior modification of main character in the novel
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
The researcher uses operant conditioning theory by B.F Skinner to discuss
the forms of reinforcer and how it can be affecting to behavior modification of
main character in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The
method used in this research is qualitative method that explained descriptively.
Qualitative research is a research conducted with the source of data that comes in
form of writings and descriptive means that the researcher would describe the
collected data descriptively throughout the thesis.
The result of this research, researcher found the forms of reinforcer that
affecting to behavior modification those are positive and negative reinforcer. The
forms of positive reinforcer such as approval, verbal praise, gift and suggestion.
Whereas the form of negative reinforcer such as insinuation and ridicule. Both the
forms of reinforcer affecting to the behavior modification of main character in the
novel The Secret Garden by helped to increase the behavior.

Keywords:Reinforcer, Affecting, Behavior Modification.

Student. Faculty of Letter, Balikpapan University
1st Thesis adviser, Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Balikpapan University
3 nd
2 Thesis adviser, Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Balikpapan University



Nissa Rizki Gusti1, Adi Prautomo2, Rosmiati3

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bentuk-bentuk penguatan dan

untuk menjelaskan bagaimana penguatan mempengaruhi modifikasi perilaku
karakter utama dalam novel The Secret Garden oleh Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Peneliti menggunakan teori pengkondisian operan oleh B.F Skinner untuk
membahas bentuk-bentuk penguat dan bagaimana hal itu dapat mempengaruhi
modifikasi perilaku karakter utama dalam novel The Secret Garden oleh Frances
Hodgson Burnett. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode
kualitatif yang dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian
yang dilakukan dengan sumber data yang datang dalam bentuk tulisan dan
deskriptif artinya peneliti akan menggambarkan data yang terkumpul secara
deskriptif sepanjang skripsi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan bentuk-bentuk penguat yang
mempengaruhi modifikasi perilaku yaitu penguat positif dan penguat negatif.
positif. Bentuk penguat positif seperti persetujuan, pujian lisan, hadiah dan saran.
Sedangkan bentuk penguat negatif seperti sindiran dan ejekan. Kedua bentuk
penguat mempengaruhi modifikasi perilaku karakter utama dalam novel The
Secret Garden dengan membantu meningkatkan perilaku.

Kata kunci : Penguat, Mempengaruhi, Modifikasi Perilaku.

Mahasiswa. Fakultas sastra, Universitas Balikpapan
Pembimbing pertama, Dosen, Fakultas sastra, Universitas Balikpapan
Pembimbing Kedua, Dosen, Fakultas sastra, Universitas Balikpapan


Title Page ......................................................................................................i

Approval Page ...............................................................................................ii
Dedication Page ............................................................................................iv
Declaration of Originality .............................................................................v
Abstract .........................................................................................................viii
Intisari ...........................................................................................................ix
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................x
List of Tables.................................................................................................xii
List of Figure .................................................................................................xiii
List of Excerpts .............................................................................................xiv

1.1 Background of the study ........................................................1
1.2 Scope of the study .................................................................8
1.3 Research question ..................................................................8
1.4 Research Objectives ..............................................................9
1.5 The Significance of the Study ...............................................9
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms ....................................10


2.1 Theoretical Review ................................................................12
2.1.1 Behaviorism ...........................................................12
2.1.2 Operant Conditioning Theory................................14
2.1.3 Reinforcer ..............................................................16
2.1.4 The Effect of Reinforcer........................................18
2.1.5 Behavior Modification...........................................19
2.2 Theoretical Framework .........................................................21
2.3 Previous Studies ...................................................................22
2.4 Synopsis Novel The Secret Garden .......................................25
2.5 Biography of Author..............................................................26


3.1 Type of Research ...................................................................29
3.2 Sources of Data .....................................................................29
3.3 Data Collecting Procedures ...................................................30
3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation ...........................................31
3.5 Trustworthiness of Data Analysis .........................................31


4.1 Findings .................................................................................33
4.1.1 The Forms of Reinforcer Received by Main

Character .....................................................................33
4.1.2 Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior
4.2 Discussion..............................................................................38
4.2.1 Positive Reinforcer......................................................38
1. Getting a Verbal Praise ..........................................39
2. Getting an Approval ...............................................40
3. Getting a Gift ..........................................................41
4. Getting a Suggestion ..............................................43
4.2.2 Negative Reinforcer ....................................................44
1. Getting a Ridicule...................................................44
2. Getting an Insinuation ............................................46
4.3 Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior
4.3.1 Positive Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior
1. The Increasing of Practice ......................................49
2. The Increasing of Interest .......................................50
3. The Increasing of Behavior to Find
a Bustle ...................................................................51
4. The Increasing of Behavior to Like
Someone .................................................................52
4.3.2 Negative Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior
1. The Increasing of Behavior to Wear Clothes .........54
2. The Increasing of Behavior to Eat and to be
Friendly ..................................................................55


5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................59
5.2 Suggestion .......................................................................60

BIBLIOGRAPHY .........................................................................................62

List of Tables

The Forms of Reinforcer Received by Main Character .................................. 34

Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior Modifications ..................................... 36

List of Figures

Figure 2.2.1 Theoretical Framework ....................................................................21

Figure 2.4.1 Novel of The Secret Garden ............................................................25
Figure 2.5.1 Frances Hodgson Burnett ................................................................26

List of Excerpts

Getting a verbal praise

Excerpts 1 .............................................................................................................39
Getting an approval
Excerpts 2 .............................................................................................................40
Getting a gift
Excerpts 3 .............................................................................................................41
Excerpts 4 .............................................................................................................42
Getting a suggestion
Excerpts 5 .............................................................................................................43
Excerpts 6 .............................................................................................................43
Getting a ridicule
Excerpts 7 .............................................................................................................45
Excerpts 8 .............................................................................................................45
Getting an insinuation
Excerpts 9 .............................................................................................................46
Excerpts 10 ...........................................................................................................47
The increasing of practice
Excerpts 11 ...........................................................................................................49
Excerpts 12 ...........................................................................................................50
The increasing of interest
Excerpts 13 ...........................................................................................................50
Excerpts 14 ...........................................................................................................51
The increasing of behavior to find a bustle
Excerpts 15 ...........................................................................................................52
The increasing of behavior to like somoeone
Excerpts 16 ...........................................................................................................52
Excerpts 17 ...........................................................................................................53
The Increasing of behavior to wear clothes
Excerpts 18 ...........................................................................................................54
Excerpts 19 ...........................................................................................................54
The increasing of behavior to eat
Excerpts 20 ...........................................................................................................55
Excerpts 21 ...........................................................................................................56
The increasing of behavior to be friendly
Excerpts 22 ...........................................................................................................57
Excerpts 23 ...........................................................................................................57


This chapter consists of background of the study to explain about

background of the study; scope of the study is to explain the limits in study focus;

research questions are to describe the problems discussed in the study; research

objectives are to explain about the truth related with problems in study focus;

significance of the study is to explain the result of study; and operational

definition of key terms are to explain the key terms that used in study.

1.1 Background of the Study

Every individual in their life can surely experience what is called a

change. The existence of such change can be known when individual make a

comparison by examining a society at a certain time which then compare with the

state of society in the past. According to Atkinson (1987) states that “Changing is

an activity or process that makes something or someone different from the

previous situation.” (p.86). From the explanation, researcher argues that change is

an activity or process that makes a person different from before and make

someone move from the original state. There is no growth and no impulse that can

occur in humans without change, because by change people can likely experience

fear, confusion, failure or excitement as a result of these changes. Changes may be

a discovery of information or the mastery of a new skill may also be the addition

of existing information or knowledge. It may even be a reduction or eliminate

certain personality traits that are not desired.

One of the changes that humans experience is behavior change. Behavior

is an action or activity of the organism concerned. According to Kwick (as cited in

Notoatmodjo, 1974) states that, behavior is an act or change of an organism that

can be observed and can even be studied. In other words, behavior can be

observed, either directly like laughing, drinking, etc. or indirectly like thoughts

and feelings. People‟s behavior are formed from the environment in which they

live. This behavior lasts quite a long time and may be up to now. Even the same

behavior can be handed down from generation to generation in the community.

This can be the culture of a region's society.

Behavior change itself is the result of the learning process. This is in

accordance with the following opinion which Howard (as cited in Ahmad

Susanto,2013) stated that, “learning is the process by which behavior (in the

broader sense) is originated or changed through practice or training.”(p.3). From

the excerpt, researcher explains that learning is one of the factors that influence

and play an important role in the formation of individual behavior. By learning

then a person can produce a change of behavior, if the person does not experience

a change in behavior, it means the person has not (or not) learned. Behavioral

change is a paradigm that humans can change according to what they learn from

family, friends, or learn from themselves, this learning process that can form the

person, while the formation is highly tailored to the conditions and needs of the

person either in daily or in certain circumstances.

Changes in behavior based on learning outcomes usually tend to be

experienced in childhood. When children learn to find good values in themselves

such as being honest with themselves, and friends accept him in his group, the

child can be used to being honest in learning, such as stopping cheating or lying.

Syah (2005) explains “likewise, when a child takes the initiative to make a work

and the teacher praises and supports the work, the child can also be able to

appreciate the work of others. (p.118). Social support is important to help

children achieve good learning behavior. Children who do not get support

especially by the surrounding environment such as parents, peers and their

teachers can slowly reduce their enthusiasm and interest in learning. This can

result in a decrease in the quality of one's learning. Childhood is a time when

children must be guided, accompanied, and directed to good things by parents

when at home and the teacher while in school. They can only imitate what is in

front of them. Therefore, parents should try their best to provide the best examples

to always get used to good things from an early age. If children are not well

educated from an early age, the consequences that can be caused by children are

the future.

In the principle of learning, actions that aim to change a behavior can be

called Behavior Modification. In line with the explanation of Bootzin (1975) that

“uses the terms behavior "modification" and behavior "therapy" refer to the

"application of learning and other experimentally derived psychological principles

to behavior change.”(p.1). Thus,behavior modification is a technique created or

formulated to increase the frequency of the desired behavior and reduce the

occurrence of undesirable behavior. Wolpe (as cited in Purwanta, 2012) gives a

limitation on behavior modification is “the use of experimentally established

principles of learning for the purpose of changing maladaptive behavior.

Unadaptive habits are weakened and eliminated; adaptive habits are initiated and

strengthened.” In other words, the researcher explains that behavior modification

activities are mostly applied in human behavior. In general, the expected behavior

can be shaped as in the learning process. Conversely unexpected behavior can be


In the process of behavior modification, environmental factors have very

important role in it. According to Skinner (1938) states that “The environment

enters into a description of behavior when it can be shown that a given part of

behavior may be induced at will (or according to certain laws) by a modification

in part of the forces affecting the organism.” (p.9). In the other words,

environment is the most important and fundamental part of human life. Since

birth, humans have been in a new and unfamiliar environment for them. From this

new environment human nature and behavior are formed by itself. A good

environment can form a good person, while a bad environment can shape bad

traits and behaviors.

A person who moves from somewhere else can change the behavior in a

new place in order to be accepted into the new environment. This is in accordance

with the following opinion which Lewin (as cited in Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2007)

stated that, “individual behavior is defined as the result of interaction between

individuals and the environment. Human behavior can not be separated from the

individual state itself and the environment in which the individual is located.”

(p.27). In other words, the environment can change and shape the existing human

behavior. Human can interact and try to survive in the environment where they

are. One effort that must be done is to change behavior according to the

environment in which human lives, thus human can be able to continue to survive

in the environment.

Environment is seen as a source of stimuli that can produce and reinforce

behavioral responses. The nature of environmental reactions in these responses

determines future behavior. The behavior itself is a function of the interaction

between an individual and his environment. According to Skinner (1938) state

that, “reinforcers are responses from the environment that increase the probability

of a behavior being repeated. Reinforcers can be either positive or negative.” In

the other words the reinforcer states that the behavior is determined by

environmental stimuli both before the occurrence of behavior and as a result of

behavior. The condition of individuals who behave badly and deviantly is

expected to be changed by the acceptance of signals or stimuli from the

environment. According to Henley (2014) states that “for Skinner, a reinforcer

was any stimulus influencing a response by changing the rate of the response

occurrence.” The determinants of behavior that are expected to be formed,

structuring the stimulus, and preparing the subject to be changed, it is expected

that the desired behavior can be formed.

The problem of behavior modification has also been told in literary works,

because literary works always express the human life with all its problems.

Literature is a form of literary reflection of one's attitude toward the symptoms of

the surrounding natural environment as outlined in the form of art. Literature is a

work of fiction which is arranged with a wonderful choice of words and it affects

the reader or listener emotion. According to Wellek and Warren (1963) stated


“The term literature seems best if we limit it to the art of literature,

that is, to imaginative literature. Literature is also produced by
imagination of the author. Literature is not just a document of facts,
it is not just the collection of real events though it may happen in
the real life. Literature can create its own world as a product of the
unlimited imagination.” (p.22)

The author may create a literary works based on the true story. However,

the structure of the words which is arranged in that literary works purposed to

bring the reader‟s imagination into the meaning of those literary works. One of

literary works is novel. According to Kennedy (1983) stated that, “novel is a

book-length story in prose, whose author tries to create the sense that, while we

read, we experience actual life.” (p.180). Based on the statement, the researcher

argues the novelist is able to create many characters, characteristic and themes in

accordance with the wishes of authors who are based on a true story. Novels

usually contain messages to be conveyed by the writer to the reader. The message

can be a motivating force, social criticism, religion, and also the struggle of life

conveyed through the interaction of the characters in the novel.

In this study, the researcher chooses Frances Hodgson Burnett‟s novel

“The Secret Garden” as the object of research. The selection of this novel is

because Frances Hodgson Burnett‟s work has appealed to both young and old

alike. The Secret Garden also has wonderful elements of mystery, spirituality,

charming characters and an authentic rendering of childhood emotions and


The researcher is interested in discussing main character in the story of the

novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, because the story tells

about a young English girl who returned to England from India, having suffered

the immense trauma by lost both her parents in a cholera epidemic. However, her

memories of her parents were not pleasant, as they were a selfish, neglectful and

pleasure-seeking couple. Mary was given to the care of her uncle Archibald

Craven, whom she has never met. She traveled to his home, Misselthwaite Manor

located in the gloomy Yorkshire, a vast changed from the sunny and warm climate

she was used to. When she arrived, she was a rude, stubborn and given to stormy

temper tantrums. However, her nature undergoes a gradual changed when she

learned of the tragedies that have befallen her strict and disciplinarian uncle whom

she earlier feared and despised.

In this study the theory used is the theory of Behaviorism by B.F. Skinner

or known as the Operant Conditioning theory. Skinner (1938) explained that

“Operant Conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and

punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an individual makes an

association between a particular behavior and a consequence.” Skinner believed

that the best way to understand behavior is to look at the causes of an action and

its consequences. Skinner used the term operant conditioning; it means roughly

changing the behavior by the use reinforcer which is given after the desired

response, with the reinforcer is be able to modify the behavior.

The use of Operant Conditioning theory because it refers to behavior-

change procedures and related to Behavior Modification, where this study focuses

on the behavior modification reflected in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances

Hodgson Burnett. According to Martin and Pear (1996) states that behavior

modification activities are generally based on behavioristic psychology, especially

the response stimulus theory of Pavlov which was later developed by B. F.

Skinner. The very famous concept introduced by B. F. Skinner is operant

conditioning theory. This operant conditioning concept is new and the

development of Pavlov's respondent conditioning."(p.2). In other words Behavior

modification is a means of changing behavior through various techniques.

Therefore, this study choose the Operant Conditioning theory as a theoretical

reviews in case to solve the problems found in the novel.

1.2 Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the reinforcers received by the main character and

how the reinforcers received by the main character can be affecting to behavior

modifications in the novel The Secret Garden. The researcher uses the theory of

Operant Conditioning by B.F. Skinner to analyze the novel The Secret Garden by

Frances Hodsgon Burnett.

1.3 Research Questions

Based on the scope of the study, the researcher formulates the problems as


1. What are the forms of reinforcers received by main character in the novel The

Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett?

2. How are the reinforcers received by main character affecting to the behavior

modifications in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett?

1.4 Research Objectives

Based on the research questions above, the objectives of the study are as


1. To find forms of reinforcers received by the main character in the novel The

Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

2. To explain the reinforcers are received by the main character affecting to the

behavior modifications in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson


1.5 Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this research is to give a contribution in literary field,

particularly as a reference and additional input in discussing behavior

modification in a novel. It can be used as an appropriate reference in conducting

the further research with similar topic by using behaviorism theory especially the

theory of Operant Conditioning.

Practically, the researcher expects the results of this study can add the

research reference of literary works for Faculty of Letters in Universitas

Balikpapan, and this research can be used to understand the content of novel The

Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. As represented in the novel The

Secret Garden, it also can be used to teach about the the forms of reinforcers.

Besides, how are the forms of reinforcers received by the main character can

affecting to the behavior modifications in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances

Hodgson Burnett.

1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms

In order to clarify the key terms used in this study, some definitions are put


1. Reinforcer is something that increases the likelihood that a specific behavior

or response will occur. Reinforcers occur after the response or behavior that

people want to increase.

2. Behavior is the range of actions and mannerisms made by organisms,

systems, or artificial entities in conjunction with their environment, which

includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the physical

environment. It is the response of the system or organism to various stimuli

or inputs.

3. Modification is a change in an organism that is not inherited and that is

caused by the influence of its environment

4. Behavior Modification is a means of changing behavior through various

techniques to replace undesirable behaviors with desirable ones through

positive and negative reinforcement method that use positive and negative


5. Affecting is to cause a change in something. Affecting is a concept used in

psychology to describe the experience of feeling or emotion. The term

affecting takes on a different meaning in other fields. In psychology,

affecting means mediate an organism's interaction with stimuli.

6. Character is defined as any person, animal, or figure represented a story in a

literary work such as novel.

7. A novel is a piece of long narrative in literary prose. Narrative prose is

meant to entertain and tell a story. It is a description of a chain of events

which includes a cast of characters, a setting, and an ending.



This chapter consists of a theoretical review that explains the theory used

in this study, the theoretical framework describes the conceptual framework of

study showed in chart form, previous study describes some previous studies that

relevant to this study and to show the originality of the undertaken research,

synopsis is to explain briefly the short story of the object of the study and author‟s

biography is to explain the background of the author and to describe some of the

author's successes work including the object of this study.

2.1 Theoretical Review

Theoretical review is arranged from the theories and references concerning

the study which the researcher uses in the process of the research. In analyzing the

novel, the researcher uses behaviorism approach and applies the Operant

Conditioining theory by B.F. Skinner. The theory can be used to analyze the

behavior modification appearing in Mary Lennox who is the main character in the

novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

2.1.1 Behaviorism

Behaviorism is a systematic approach to understanding the behavior of

humans and other animals. It assumes that all behaviors are either reflexes

produced by a response to certain stimuli in the environment, or a consequence of

that individual's history, including especially reinforcement and punishment,

together with the individual's current motivational state and controlling stimuli.

Although behaviorists generally accept the important role of inheritance in

determining behavior, they focus primarily on environmental factors. According

to Skinner (1974) states that “behaviorism is not the science of human behavior; it

is the philosophy of that science.”(p.11). In other words, the researcher explains

that Behaviorism is a philosophy in psychology that is based on the proposition

that everything that an organism does, including actions, thoughts, or feelings can

and should be considered as behavior.

Behaviorism defines learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new

behavior based on environmental conditions. Learning events merely train

reflexes in such a way that they become habits that are mastered by individuals.

Behaviorist theory is better known as learning theory, because all human behavior

is the result of learning. Behaviorism defines learning as nothing more than the

acquisition of new behavior based on environmental conditions. Behaviorism does

not want to question whether humans are good or bad, rational or emotional,

behaviorism just wants to know how its behavior is controlled by environmental

factors. In the concept of Behavior, human behavior is the result of learning, thus

it can be changed by manipulating and creating learning conditions. In the sense

of learning theory which emphasizes more on human behavior. Viewing

individuals as reactive beings who respond to the environment.

Experiments by behaviorists identify conditioning as a universal learning

process. Conditioning adds new controlling stimuli, but not new responses. There

are two different types of conditioning, each yielding a different behavioral

pattern: [1] Classic conditioning occurs when a natural reflex responds to a

stimulus and biologically “wired” thus a certain stimulus will produce a specific

response. One of the more common examples of classical conditioning in the

educational environment is in situations where students exhibit irrational fears and

anxieties like fear of failure, fear of public speaking and general school phobia.

[2] Operant conditioning occurs when a response to a stimulus is reinforced.

Basically, operant conditioning is a simple feedback system: If a reward or

reinforcement follows the response to a stimulus, then the response becomes more

probable in the future. For example, leading behaviorist B.F. Skinner used

reinforcement techniques to teach a rat how to press the lever for food.

2.1.2 Operant Conditioning Theory

B.F. Skinner as a behaviorist believes that individual behavior is

controlled through the process of Operant Conditioning. Skinner (1938) explains

that “operant conditioning, like all physiological processes, is a product of natural

selection throws light on the question of what kinds of consequences are

reinforcing and why. It is commonly said that a thing is reinforcing because it

feels, looks, sounds, smells, or tastes good, but from the point of view of

evolutionary theory a susceptibility to reinforcement is due to its survival value

and not to any associated feelings.”(p.41). Thus operant conditioning is a behavior

that followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the

organisms tendency to repeat the behavior in the future.

Skinner (1938) studied operant conditioning by conducting experiments

using animals which placed in a “Skinner Box”. As the first step to his experiment,

Skinner placed a hungry rat inside the Skinner box. The rat was initially inactive

inside the box, but gradually as it began to adapt to the environment of the box, it

began to explore around. Eventually, the rat discovered a lever, upon pressing

which; food was released inside the box. After it filled its hunger, it started

exploring the box again, and after a while it pressed the lever for the second time

as it grew hungry again. This phenomenon continued for the third, fourth and the

fifth time, and after a while, the hungry rat immediately pressed the lever once it

was placed in the box. Then the conditioning was deemed to be complete.

The action of pressing the lever is an operant response/behavior, skinner

(1974) “operant behavior is felt to be under the control of the behaving person and

has traditionally been attributed to an act of will.”(p.35). The food released inside

the chamber is the reward. The experiment is also known as Instrumental

Conditioning Learning as the response is instrumental in getting food. This

experiment also deals with and explains the effects of positive reinforcer. Upon

pressing the lever, the hungry rat was served with food, which filled its hunger;

hence, it‟s a positive reinforcement.

B.F. Skinner also conducted an experiment that explained negative

reinforcement. Skinner placed a rat in a chamber in the similar manner, but

instead of keeping it hungry, Skinner subjected the chamber to an unpleasant

electric current. The rat having experienced the discomfort started to desperately

move around the box and accidentally knocked the lever. Pressing of the lever

immediately seized the flow of unpleasant current. After a few times, the rat had

smartened enough to go directly to the lever in order to prevent itself from the


The electric current reacted as the negative reinforcement, and the

consequence of escaping the electric current made sure that the rat repeated the

action again and again. Thus, the pressing of the lever is an operant response, and

the complete stop of the electric current flow is its reward.

2.1.3 Reinforcer

The “Skinner Box” experiment clearly explains the working of operant

conditioning. The important part in any operant conditioning learning is to

recognize the operant behavior and the consequence resulted in that particular

environment. Skinner used the terms positive and negative to refer to whether a

reinforcer was presented or removed, respectively. As Skinner explains about

positive and negative reinforcer:

“When a bit of behavior has the kind of consequence called

reinforcing, it is more likely to occur again. A positive
reinforcer strengthens any behavior that produces it: a glass of
water is positively reinforcing when we are thirsty, and if we
then draw and drink a glass of water, we are more likely to do so
again on similar occasions. A negative reinforcer strengthens
any behavior that reduces or terminates it: when we take off a
shoe that is pinching, the reduction in pressure is negatively
reinforcing, and we are more likely to do so again when a shoe
pinches.” (Skinner, 1974 p.41)

The quatation above explains there are 2 (two) forms of reinforcer [1]

positive reinforcer strengthens a response by presenting something pleasant after

the response and [2] negative reinforcer strengthens a response by reducing or

removing something unpleasant. In both cases, the reinforcer makes it more likely

that behavior can occur again in the future.

1. Positive Reinforcer

Positive reinforcer means giving something to the subject when they

perform the desired action so they associate the action with the reward and do it

more often. Positive reinforcer can consist of praise, offering incentives to

continue the behavior or showing appreciation for effort.

“We turn now to the use of positive reinforcement in the

practical control of behavior. This consists in general of the
presentation of food, clothing, shelter, and other things which
we call “goods.” The etymology is significant. Like the behavior
of the individual which is positively reinforcing to the group,
goods are “good” in the sense of being positively reinforcing.
We sometimes speak of them also as “wealth.” This term has a
similar etymological connection with positive reinforcement, but
it also includes generalized conditioned reinforcers, such as
money and credit, which are effective because they may be
exchanged for goods.” (Skinner, 1951: p.333)

The quotation above explains that positive reinforcer is used to control

behavior. There are no limitations to what a reinforcer can be. A reinforcer can be

food when an organism has been deprived of food, water when it has been

deprived of liquid, the opportunity to mate, money, praise, and so on. Positive

reinforcer is given to strengthen the possibility of the emergence of a good

behavior so that the response increases because it is followed by a supportive


2. Negative Reinforcer

Negative reinforcer occurs when a certain stimulus (usually an aversive

stimulus) is removed after a particular behavior is exhibited. The likelihood of the

particular behavior occurring again in the future is increased because of

removing/avoiding the negative consequence.

“We use negative reinforcement in several different ways. An
aversive stimulus which has already been withdrawn to
reinforce a desired operant offers, as we have seen, an
immediate mode of control. One boy holds another on the
ground until the victim cries “Uncle.” An arm is twisted until a
gun is dropped. A horse is whipped until it moves at a given
speed. We use conditioned aversive stimuli in the same way—
when, for example, we “shame” someone into acting. The boy
who does not dive from the high board is called a sissy; and he
can escape from this conditioned verbal stimulus only by diving.
His companions present the stimulus to increase the probability
that he will dive.” (Skinner,1951: p.157)

The quotation above explains, a negative reinforcer is the removal of an

aversive or unpleasant stimulus, which by removing it, is meant to increase the

frequency of a positive behavior. With negative reinforcer, something

uncomfortable or otherwise unpleasant is taken away in response to a stimulus.

Over time, the target behavior should increase with the expectation that the

unpleasant thing can be taken away.

2.1.4 The Effect of Reinforcer

In Skinner's terminology, goals, rewards and incentives may all be referred

to as positive reinforcers; achieving the goal or receiving the reward is positive

reinforcement. Escaping from unpleasant or dangerous situations may all be

referred to as negative reinforcer is classified as negative reinforcement.

Skinner showed how positive reinforcement worked by placing a hungry

rat in his Skinner box. The box contained a lever on the side, and as the rat moved

about the box, it would accidentally knock the lever. Immediately it did so a food

pellet would drop into a container next to the lever. The rats quickly learned to go

straight to the lever after a few times of being put in the box.

“The consequence of receiving food if they pressed the lever
ensured that they would repeat the action again and again.
Positive reinforcer strengthens a behavior by providing a
consequence an individual finds rewarding. The removal of an
unpleasant reinforcer can also strengthen behavior. This is
known as negative reinforcement because it is the removal of an
adverse stimulus which is „rewarding‟ to the animal or person.”
(Skinner,1951: p.158)

Negative reinforcement strengthens behavior because it stops or removes

an unpleasant experience. Skinner showed how negative reinforcement worked by

placing a rat in his Skinner box and then subjecting it to an unpleasant electric

current which caused it some discomfort. As the rat moved about the box it would

accidentally knock the lever. Immediately it did so the electric current would be

switched off. The rats quickly learned to go straight to the lever after a few times

of being put in the box. The consequence of escaping the electric current ensured

that they would repeat the action again and again.

However, by definition for something to be a reinforcer it only needs to

increase the frequency of a behavior. A positive reinforcer increases behavior

when it is present. Likewise, by definition something is a negative reinforcer only

if it increases the frequency of a behavior when it is removed. A child may

misbehave to get increased attention - positive reinforcement, or may misbehave

to get his parents to stop argueing - negative reinforcement.

2.1.5 Behavior Modification

Behaviour modification typically consists of changing the consequences of

an action or applying new consequences to guide behaviour. According to Skinner

(2008) explains that “Behavior modification,often referred to as b-mod is the

therapy technique based on operant conditioning. It is very straight-forward:

Extinguish an undesirable behavior (by removing the reinforcer) and replace it

with a desirable behavior by reinforcement.” (p.234). Skinner formulated the

concept of operant conditioning, through which behavior could be shaped by

reinforcement or lack of it. Skinner considered his concept applicable to a wide

range of both human and animal behaviors and introduced operant conditioning to

the general public in his 1938 book, The Behavior of Organisms.

One behavior modification technique that is widely used is positive

reinforcement that uses a positive reinforcer, which encourages certain behaviors

through a system of rewards. In behavior therapy, it is common for the therapist to

draw up a contract with the client establishing the terms of the reward system.

Another behavior modification technique is negative reinforcement.

Negative reinforcement is a method of training that uses a negative reinforcer. A

negative reinforcer is an event or behavior whose reinforcing properties are

associated with its removal. For example, terminating an existing electric shock

after a rat presses a bar is a negative reinforcer.

In addition to rewarding desirable behavior, behavior modification can

also discourage unwanted behavior, through punishment. Punishment is the

application of an aversive or unpleasant stimulus in reaction to a particular

behavior. For children, this could be the removal of television privileges when

they disobey their parents or teacher. The removal of reinforcement altogether is

called extinction. Extinction eliminates the incentive for unwanted behavior by

withholding the expected response. A widespread parenting technique based on

extinction is the time-out, in which a child is separated from the group when he or

she misbehaves. This technique removes the expected reward of parental


2.2 Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of reinforcer affecting to the behavior

modification explains the theories of methodology and discussion taken in the

study. The theoretical framework can be described as follows:

Figure 2.2.1 Adapted From Operant Conditioning

Based on the theoretical framework above, the researcher chooses a novel

entitled The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett as the object of study.

The researcher uses Operant Conditioning theory to discuss the novel. There are

also problems that can discussed in this research is, 1 (first) forms of reinforcer.

Based on the Skinner‟s theory, forms of reinforcer are divided into 2 (two) points:

positive reinforcer and negative reinforcer. From the explanation of 2 (two) points

in Skinner theory, it can answer the 2 (second) problem in this research, how are

the reinforcers could affecting to the behavior modifications.

2.3 Previous Studies

The novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett had been

analyzed by researcher in one of their research paper. Below are research papers

that is relevant to the research, by using the same object (the novel The Secret

Garden) as the researcher or with the same theory (operant conditioning theory).

1. Brigita Stevany Dyah Nilakandhi

The first study is conducted by Brigita (2015) entitled The Grammatical

Features on Yorkshire Dialect as Seen in Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden.

There are two problems formulated in this study. Those problems are the

grammatical features on the dialect used by Martha and Ben in their utterances to

the children and Martha's and Ben‟s reasons of speaking Standard English and the

Yorkshire dialect to the children.

The researcher finds out 35 grammatical features used by Martha and Ben.

The researcher also finds out two reasons of Martha and Ben of speaking Standard

English and the Yorkshire dialect to Mary and Colin which are solidarity and

politeness. Martha and Ben use the Yorkshire dialect to Mary and Colin to show

solidarity since they are close enough and feel the same one to another. On the

other hand, Martha and Ben use Standard English to Mary and Colin to show

politeness since they have lower social status than Mary and Colin who are their


The research conducted by Brigita has similarity and difference with this

research. The similarity is on the use of the research object that is the novel The

Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The difference is, the research

conducted by brigita discussed about the grammatical features on the dialect used

by Martha and Ben in their utterances to the children and Martha's and Ben‟s

reasons of speaking Standard English and the Yorkshire dialect to the children.

The Yorkshire dialect spoken by Martha and Ben is compared with the theory of

Standard English made by linguistics experts, meanwhile the research that can be

conduct discuss the problem about behavior modifications of main character and

can be use the operant conditioning theory.

2. Binti Muawanah

The second study is conducted by Binti (2006) entitled Archibald Craven's

Efforts in Reducing anxiety and The Symbols of Revival as Described in Francess

Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden. This research aimed at Archibald's

psychological problems and the ways he copes with his anxiety, this study is

concerned with Archibald's defense mechanism. Relating to the analysis, Freud's

defense mechanism as a part of his psychoanalysis is applied in order to see the

defense mechanisms Archibald has used. Furthemore, Freud's interpretation of

dream is also applied in order to his unconscious eagerness which appears in

Archibald's dream. Since the dream has helped to recover his anxiety, the symbols

of revival are also analyzed.

From the analysis it can be found that Archibald uses some defense

mechanisms, such as repression, rationalization, isolation, and displacement in

order to reduce his anxiety. Other things, such as forget-me-not flowers, garden,

lilies and roses can be considered as Archibald's symbols of revival because they

remind him of his wife and give him moral teaching to live longer, since those

abandoned things can still live well.

The research conducted by Muawanah has similarity and difference with

this research. The similarity is on the use of the research object that is the novel

The Secret Garden by frances hodgson burnett. The difference is, the research

conducted by Muawanah discussed about the Archibald Craven's psychological

problems and the ways he cope with his anxiety. Relating to the analysis, Freud's

defense mechanism as a part of his psychoanalysis is applied in order to see the

defense mechanisms Archibald has used, meanwhile the research that can conduct

discuss the problem about behavior modifications of main character and can be

use the operant conditioning theory.

3. Melisa Nugroho

The third study is conducted by Melisa (2010) entitled The Changes of

Mary Lennox‟s Behavior In Frances Hodgson Burnett‟s The Secret Garden. There

are two problems formulated in this study. The purposes of this research are to

find and describe the main reason behind Mary‟s authoritativeness and selfishness

and describe the factors that change Mary to be a livelier girl. The researcher uses

the Rohan Book Company version of the story The Secret Garden to analyze. It is

the primary source of this thesis.

The result of this research shows that, (1) The factor that leads Mary

Lennox to be such an authoritative and selfish girl is she never feels her mother‟s

love since she was born. (2) The factors that change Mary‟s behavior are her

connectivity to Secret Garden, she knew that the garden is alive, and her

acquaintances with Colin and Dickon. Her falling in love with Dickon that makes

her more polite, not rude anymore, and not being a selfish girl anymore. She

realizes that love can make anything change.

The research conducted by Melisa has similarity and difference with this

research. The similarity is on the use of the research object that is the novel The

Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The difference is, the research

conducted by Melisa described the main reason behind Mary‟s authoritativeness

and selfishness and describe the factors that change Mary to be a livelier girl.

Meanwhile the research that can be conduct discuss the problem about behavior

modifications of main character and can be use the operant conditioning theory.

2.4 Synopsis

Mary Lennox was born in India to

English parents. Her mother wasn‟t interested in

her and she looked after by an Indian servant.

Mary was a spoilt, ill-tempered and unhealthy

child. When she was nine, her parents died and

she went to live with her reclusive uncle in a big

old manor house in Yorkshire. Mary met the

Figure 2.5.1 Novel The Secret
Garden housekeeper, Mrs Medlock, and a friendly

maid called Martha, who helped to look after her. Mary spent her time in the

gardens and met the gardener and a cheerful robin. One day she found a secret

garden. It has walls all around it and she can‟t found a door. For once in her life,

Mary was interested in something. The gardener told her the garden belonged to

her uncle‟s wife, and has been locked since she died ten years before. With the

help of the robin, Mary found a key and the door to the garden.

At first, everything looked dead in the garden, but when she found some

little green plants, she decided to make the garden green and beautiful again.

Martha‟s brother, Dickon, an animal lover, brings Mary a spade and some seeds

and she shared her secret with him. Together they began to work on the garden.

Mary grew happier and healthier. One night she heared someone crying. She

followed the noise and finds Colin, a sickly child, who was her cousin. Colin

thought he was going to be a hunchback, so he stayed in bed all the time. Mary

and Colin soon became friends and Mary told him there was nothing wrong with

his back. Mary and Dickon decided to take Colin to the garden. Colin began to

help look after the garden and soon he was able to walk again. Mr Craven came

home and was very happy to saw his healthy son. The magic of the garden has

healed Colin and brought happiness to Mary.

2.5 Author’s Biography

Frances Hodgson Burnett is the legendary

author of classic children‟s novels such as „Little Lord

Fauntleroy‟, „A Little Princess‟ and „The Secret

Garden‟. No one would believe that Frances once lived

in a log cabin since in her later part of life she had

Figure 2.5.1 Frances

Hodgson B.
homes in both England and America.

Frances Hodgson Burnett faced lot of difficulties in her childhood. Born in

Manchester, England on Nov 24, 1849 to couple Edwin Hodgson and Eliza Bond,

Frances was the eldest daughter among two boys and three girls. She started

experiencing financial difficulties when she lost her father at the age of 3. She was

so interested in writing that she wrote little stories on the sheets of old notebooks

as the family could not buy any writing materials.

In 1865, Frances Hodgson Burnett moved to Tennessee, U.S along with

her family. When women of that period never had a career for themselves,

Frances started her career as a writer submitting stories to women magazines. In

1868, one of her stories got published in Godey‟s Lady‟s Book and in few years‟

time Frances‟ work was a regular print in Godey‟s Peterson‟s Ladies Magazine,

Scribner‟s monthly and Harpers.

On the death of her mother in 1870, Frances took full responsibility of her

family and also managed her career. Her first novel, That Lass O‟Lowrie‟s got

published in 1877. She had two sons with Dr. Swan Burnett whom she married in

1873. She divorced Dr. Swan and married Stephen Townshend. Her eldest son

died of influenza. The famous book of Frances, „Little Lord Fauntleroy‟ was

written keeping her younger son Vivian as the model, who in turn wrote a

biography of his mother named „The Romantic Lady‟ after her demise.

Frances‟ two most important works, „A Little Princess‟ and „The Secret

Garden‟ happened when she was in Long Island, New York. Apart from

children‟s novels, she has also written romantic stories such as „The Making of a

Marchioness‟ for adults. Frances Hodgson who has written more than 40 novels

and has got huge success as a novelist, playwright and children‟s author , died on

29 Oct, 1924 in her Long Island, New York home.



This chapter consists of type of research, source of data, data collection

procedure, and data analysis. Research of methodology is where the researcher

places the kind of research being conducted, where the data were obtained, and

how the data can be analyze. Everything can be further explain as follow.

3.1 Type of the Research

The type of research in this thesis is qualitative descriptive research,

whereas qualitative research is a research conducted with the source of data that

comes in form of writings such as quotation from books or journals that were

related to the research and descriptive means that the researcher would describe

the collected data descriptively throughout the thesis. Flick et al (2004) “The label

„qualitative research‟ is a generic term for a range of different research

approaches.” (p.5). As stated by Flick, the researcher uses several approaches to

analyze the object of the research. The objective of using the qualitative

descriptive research is to analyze the reinforcer affecting to the behavior

modification in the novel The Secret Garden Francess Hodgson Burnett.

3.2 Source of the Data

In this section the researcher uses two data sources that are primary data

and secondary data. Primary data is data directly from the object of study. Blaikie

(2003) explains that “primary data is new data generated from the primary

resources through questionnaire, interviews or observations to find answers

related to specific research project.” The primary data selected as the object of this
study is a novel entitled The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

published in 1911.

Secondary data are used to support the process of collecting data in writing

in this study. Blaikie (2003) stated that “secondary data is raw data which already

collected by someone else, either for some general information purpose, such as

government census or another official purpose or for a specific research project. In

this thesis, secondary data are gathered through books, journals, article, and

official sites that fit the problems in this study.

3.3 Data Collection Procedures

In this section the researcher can mention and explain the stages of data

collection used in this study. As mentioned by Bala (2005, para.2) that "Data

analysis procedures help you to arrive at the data analysis. The uses of such

procedures put your research project in perspective and assist you in testing the

hypotheses with which you have started your study". The steps are taken in this

study as follows:

1. Searching and choosing the object of study to be studied. The researcher

chooses a novel entitled The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett,

2. Formulating research questions for the research paper.

3. Collecting reading materials related to the research, such as journals and


4. Reading the novel once again and marks the sentence or quotation that is

portraying the research question as prove to the research.

5. Analyzing the selected sentences or quotation in deeper consideration.

6. Drawing a conclusion from the research that was conducted.

3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

In the data analysis section consists of several stages. In line with the

opinion of Yin (2011) that the stages in the data analysis consists of five phases of

Compiling, Disassembling, Reassembling (and Arraying), Interpreting, and

Concluding. Analysis of the data to be performed, as proposed by the first Yin

collect data in the form of quotations derived from the novel, excerpts that have

been found can be selected first in accordance with the formulation of the

problem, then consulted with the concepts on the theory which, after that

researcher can interpret the excerpts that have been found, and ultimately

summarize the findings of the study undertaken.

To analyze data as Yin stated, the first steps is to collect data in the form of

excerpts from the novel, they can be selected first in accordance with the

formulation of the problem, the next step, the researcher reclassified in accordance

with the concepts on the theory used, then the researcher can interpret the excerpts

that have been found, and ultimately summarize the findings in the study


3.5 Trustworthiness of Data Analysis

According to Denzin (1978, p.294) in triangulation of data there are four

parts including namely the data triangulation, investigator triangulation, theory

triangulation and methodological triangulation. Following the definition are;

The First Data triangulation is method that uses interviews, observations,

and surveys to obtain the truth of reliable information and a complete picture of

certain information. Second, investigator triangulation is method of analysis that

used by the researchers and the material that used are same materials or same

object. Third theory triangulation is method used by researchers with a single

perspective. In this research, it uses the theory to get perspective thus relevant and

to find the accuracy of the conclusions to the results of the study. Fourth

Methodological triangulation is method that can entail within-method

triangulation and between-method triangulation.

In this Study the researcher uses the method of triangulation of theories.

Thus the researcher uses theories to analyze the novel The Secret Garden by

Frances Hodgson Burnett. The researcher uses the triangulation of theories

because it is in line with the statement that looking from different angles is

important like using theories.



This part contains of the findings and discussions of this research, where in

the findings the researcher classifying the findings in accordance with the sub-

chapter that has been written in two. The researcher can describe the findings that

have been categorized in the form of the table into the form of discussions to

answer the research question one that explains the forms of reinforcer received by

the main character in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett 2

(two) describing how the forms of reinforcer received by the main character

affecting to the behavior modifications of the main character in the novel The

Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett in accordance with the theory of B.F.

Skinner described in chapter 2 (two).

4.1 Findings

This sub-chapter is where the researcher compile the excerpts that are

found from the novel in line with the research objectives, namely (1) the forms of

reinforcer received by main character (2) how reinforcer affecting to the behavior

modifications in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

4.1.1 The Forms of Reinforcer Received by Main Character

Reinforcement is a fundamental concept of Operant conditioning, whose

main purpose is to strengthen or increase the rate of behavior. Reinforcement

helps increase certain behavior with the use of stimulus, which is called

No. Reinforcer Pages Amount Explanation

Positive Reinforcer

1. Getting a verbal p.62 1 Verbal praise can increase

praise a person's enthusiasm in

doing something.

2. Getting an approval p.94 1 Approval is given by

someone to show that he

accepted someone's


3. Getting a gift p.67 2 Gifts can be developed to

explain what makes other

people feel happier or

reduce their sadness,

especially as good.

4. Getting a suggestion p.17 2 Suggestion is a process in

social interaction by

giving a view or influence

by someone to someone

else so that it can move or

influence the person's

heart to follow the views

or influence that has been


Negative Reinforcer

5 Getting a ridicule p.29 2 Ridicule is an unkind

words or actions that make

someone or something

look stupid. Ridicule is an

aversive stimulus that

have to remove.

6. Getting an p.32 2 Insinuation is a sly way of

insinuation saying something, usually

something insulting.

Insinuation is an aversive

stimulus that have to


Table. 4.1 The Form of Reinforcer

Based on the table above, the researcher found 10 (ten) excerpts to

answers the first reasearch question that is the forms of reinforcers received by

main character in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

There are 6 (six) excerpts about positive reinforcer that is getting a verbal praise,

getting an approval and getting a gift. There are also 4 (four) excerpts about

negative reinforcer that is getting a ridicule and getting an insinuation.

4.1.2 Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior Modifications

No. Affect Pages Amount Explanation

Positive Reinforcer

1. The increasing of p.63 2 Verbal praise received by

practice the main character can

modify her behavior by

increased the enthusiasm

to continue practicing

jump a rope

2. The increasing of p.133 2 The approval to have a

interest p. 176 plot of land made a

behavior modification on

Mary to be more

interested in gardening

because when she was in

India she could not

gardening like in her new


3. The Increasing of p.85 1 Dickon gave a gift of

behavior to find a garden tools to made

bustle Mary‟s behavior can

increase that is to find a

bustle by doing gardening.

4. The Increasing of p.32 2 Mary changed after
behavior to like listening to the story of

someone her servant that her

brother was a kind boy.

Mary also began to be

interested with boys and

put little interest in

Martha's brother.

Negative Reinforcer

5. The increasing of p.48 2 The ridicule modifed

behavior to wear Mary's behavior that used

clothes to not be able to wear

clothes by herself and

relied on the help of

servants to help her wear

clothes then became able

to wear clothes by herself

because of the learning

process she passed.

6. The Increasing of p.41 4 The insinuation modified

behavior to eat and to the behavior of Mary who
be friendly didn‟t like to eat to be
more like to eat by

proving that her weight

increased day by day. The

insinuation also

successfully modified

Mary's behavior to be

friendly to others.

Table 4.2 Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior Modifications

Based on the table above, the researcher found 13 (thirteen) excerpts to answer

the second research question that is how reinforcer affecting to the behavior

modifications in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. There

are 7 (seven) excerpts about positive reinforcer affecting to the behavior

modifications and 6 (six) excerpts about negative reinforcer affecting to the

behavior modifications.

4.2 Discussion

This sub-chapter is where the researcher discusses the excerpts that are found

in the novel. The researcher explains about the form of reinforcer and also how

the reinforcer affecting to the behavior modification in the novel The Secret

Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The explanation provided below is based on

the Operant Conditioning theory by B.F Skinner as discussed in chapter 2.

4.2.1 Positive Reinforcer

Positive reinforcer involves the addition of a reinforcing stimulus

following a behavior that makes it more likely that the behavior can occurs again

in the future. When a favorable outcome, event, or reward occurs after an action,

that particular response or behavior can be strengthened.

1. Getting a verbal praise

In the novel the main character, Mary Lennox received positive reinforcer

in the form of verbal praise. Verbal praise can increase a person's enthusiasm in

doing something, such as playing. Verbal praise is given to Mary to reinforcing

her operant behavior that is jump a rope. Operant behavior is a behavior that is not

caused by a stimulus that is known but carried out by the organism itself. Thus

verbal praise can makes Mary keeps practice to jump a rope because jumping rope

is one of the things most kids like as illustrated in the following quote.

Excerpt 1 :

“Well! he exclaimed. "Upon my word. P'raps tha' art a young

'un, after all, an' p'raps tha's got child's blood in thy veins
instead of sour buttermilk. Tha's skipped red into thy cheeks as
sure as my name's Ben Weatherstaff. I wouldn't have believed
tha' could do it."
"I never skipped before," Mary said. "I'm just beginning. I can
only go up to twenty."
"Tha' keep on," said Ben. "Tha' shapes well enough at it for a
young 'un that's lived with heathen.” (Burnett, 1993: p.62)

The above quotation explains main character Mary Lennox received a

verbal praise from a gardener named Ben Weatherstaff. Mary was very

enthusiastic with jumping rope because it was the first time she did it from birth.

Ben Weatherstaff saw Mary's effort not believing that she was able to jump rope

because he thought Mary was a child and it was difficult to jump rope. After

seeing Mary's efforts Ben Weatherstaff encourages her by giving a verbal praise

as a positive reinforcer containing motivatioin to made her continues practicing

because Mary looked quite adept at playing jump rope.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher explains that the main

character had received one form of positive reinforcer in the form of a verbal

praise. From the theory that researcher uses, the form of positive reinforcer is

something that is good, thus verbal praise is one of the good things. Verbal praise

is given in the hope that it can modify the behavior, thus the behavior increase.

Based on the quote above, the researcher sees that the verbal praise obtained by

the main character can motivate her to continue practice because by practice main

character can improve her ability in jump a rope.

2. Getting an approval

In the novel the main character, Mary Lennox received positive reinforcer

in the form of an approval to reinforcing her operant behavior. Approval is given

by someone to show that he accepted someone's decision. Gardening is one of the

interesting things to pursue. One of the things that is needed in gardening is land,

therefore the main character asked for approval to develop her interest in

gardening by having a plot of land as described in the quotation below.

Excerpt 2 :

“Do you--care about gardens so much," he said slowly."I didn't

know about them in India," said Mary. "I was always ill and
tired and it was too hot. I sometimes made littlebeds in the sand
and stuck flowers in them. But here it is different."You can have
as much earth as you want," he said. "You remind me of some
one else who loved the earth and things that grow. When you see
a bit of earth you want," with something like a smile, "take it,
child, and make it come alive.” "May I take it from anywhere--if
it's not wanted?""Anywhere," he answered.” (Burnett, 1993:

The quotation above explains Mary Lennox received an approval from her

uncle Mr.Craven. Mary told her uncle that she had never planted before.

However, when in India, where Mary lived before, she tried to plant flowers even

though she always felt sick and tired there. Mary asked her uncle for a plot of land

thus she can gardening. Her uncle then agreed to what Maria was asking for, that

was to have a piece of land. Mary was allowed to take a plot of land wherever she

liked. Plot of land from his uncle was a positive reinforcer in the form of approval,

where Mary could have a plot of land for gardening. Thus she could plant and

made the garden growing to reinforcing her operant behavior that she did when in


From the explanation of the quote above, the researcher describes that the

main character received a positive reinforcer in the form of approval, which is a

good thing for the main character. Based on what has been said by Skinner in his

theory that the positive form of reinforcer can modify one's behavior by increasing

a behavior. Approval that the main character got could make her develop the

interest in gardening.

3. Getting a gift

Mary Lennox received positive reinforcer in the form of a gift of

gardening tools to reinforcing her operant behavior that is gardening. Gardening is

a fun activity and has many benefits. In gardening people usually use several tools

to do activities such as planting. As described in the quotation below.

Excerpt 3 :

She searched about until she found a rather sharp piece of wood
and knelt down and dug and weeded out the weeds and grass

until she made nice little clear places around them. (Burnett,
1993: p.67)

The quotation above explains that the main character tried to dig, removed

the grass and wild plants using a sharp piece of wood. She used a piece of wood

because she did not have other tools for gardening. Seeing this, her friend Dickon

gave some garden tools and some plant seeds as a gift, so Mary could dig and

plant some plants such as flowers that she liked. As described in the quotation


Excerpt 4:

"I've got th' garden tools for you. There's a little spade an' rake
an' a fork an' hoe. Eh! they are good 'uns. There's a trowel, too.
An' th' woman in th' shop threw in a packet o' white poppy an'
one o' blue larkspur when I bought th' other seeds." (Burnett,
1993: p.79)

The quotation above explains the main character Mary Lennox received a

gift from Dickon. Mary got the garden tools such as spade, rake, fork, and hoe,

and some seeds as gift from Dickon because she dug use a sharp piece of wood

before. Dickon also carried plant seeds so Mary can plant flowers that she liked

From the explanation of the two quotes above, the researcher found that

the main character received a positive reinforcer in the form of a gift. Based on

what has been said by Skinner in his theory that the positive reinforcer occurs

when a desirable event or stimulus is presented as consequence of a behavior and

the behavior increases. A gift that Mary got from Dickon is a positive reinforcer

as her consequence tried to dig with a sharp piece of wood. Furthermore the gift

of garden tools can make Mary works easily.

4. Getting a suggestion

Mary Lennox received positive reinforcer in the form of suggestion to

reinforcing her operant behavior. Suggestion is a process in social interaction by

giving a view or influence by someone to someone else so that it can move or

influence the person's heart to follow the views or influence that has been given.

One of the reasons someone gives suggestions to other people is because there is

something that is not liked by that person. As described in the quotation below.

Excerpt 5:

"Go away! cried Mary. I don't want boys. Go away! For a

moment Basil looked angry, and then he began to tease. He was
always teasing his sisters. He danced round and round her and
made faces and sang and laughed.” (Burnett, 1993: p.17)

The quotation above explains that the main character does not like boys,

because she has found a boy who makes her upset. That boy likes to make fun of

women with a sneering look. But one day the main character got a story about a

boy from his servant.

Excerpt 6:

"He found it on th' moor with its mother when it was a little one an' he
began to make friends with it an' give it bits o' bread an' pluck young
grass for it. And it got to like him so it follows him about an' it lets
him get on its back. Dickon's a kind lad an' animals likes him."
(Burnett, 1993: p.32)

The quotation above describes that the main character Mary Lennox

received a suggestion from her servant Martha. Martha told about her little brother

named Dickon. She told Mary that Dickon was a kind boy, the animals also liked

him, because he liked to feed animals, so he was friends with these animals.

From the explanation of the two quotes above, the researcher found that

the main character received a positive reinforcer in the form of a suggestion.

Based on what has been said by Skinner in his theory that the positive reinforcer

occurs when a desirable event or stimulus is presented as consequence of a

behavior and the behavior increases. A suggestion that Mary got from Martha is a

positive reinforcer because before she didn't like boys and for her boys always

made her upset.

4.2.2 Negative Reinforcer

A negative reinforcer is a stimulus or event when its cessation or

termination is contingent upon a response, increases the likelihood that the

response will occur again. A Negative reinforcer is the removal of an aversive

stimulus , which leads to an increase in the behavior that preceded the removal of

the negative stimulus. The examples of aversive stimulus found in the novel can

be explained as follows.

1. Getting a ridicule

In the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett the main

character Mary Lennox received negative reinforcer in the form of ridicule to

reinforcing her operant behavior or response. Ridicule is an unkind words or

actions that make someone or something look stupid. Ridicule is an aversive

stimulus that have to remove. Negative reinforcer in the form of ridicule is given

to made Mary want to wear clothes by herself without needed help from others.

As seen in the excerpt as follows.

Excerpt 7 :

I mean can't you put on your own clothes?"

"No," answered Mary, quite indignantly. "I never did in my life.
My Ayah dressed me, of course."
"Well," said Martha, evidently not in the least aware that she
was impudent, "it's time tha' should learn. Tha' cannot begin
younger. It'll do thee good to wait on thysen a bit. My mother
always said she couldn't see why grand people's children didn't
turn out fair fools--what with nurses an' bein' washed an'
dressed an' took out to walk as if they was puppies!" (Burnett,
1993: p.29)

The quotation above describes that Mary not used to wear clothes by

herself because during her lifetime she was dependent on a servant or called Ayah.

Heard Mary's words, Martha also gave a ridicule to her in the form of a statement

containing advice and satire. Martha said that the children of rich people who

always being bathed and dressed and took out to walk by their nurses, as if they

were like puppies.

Furthermore, Martha also gave a ridicule to Mary by telling her sister's

behavior. As seen in the excerpt below.

Excerpt 8:

"Hasn't tha' got good sense?" she said once, when Mary had
stood waiting for her to put on her gloves for her. "Our Susan
Ann is twice as sharp as thee an' she's only four year' old.
Sometimes tha' looks fair soft in th' head."
Mary had worn her contrary scowl for an hour after that, but it
made her think several entirely new things.” (Burnett, 1993: p.48)

The quotation above describes that Martha gave a ridicule to Mary by

telling that her sister's behavior was better than Mary's, even though her sister's

age was only four years old. Martha asked if she did not have common sense

when asking to be put on something and it made Mary scowl.

Based on the explanation of the two quotations above, the researcher

explains that the main character received a negative reinforcer in the form of a

ridicule. In the operant conditioning theory, negative reinforcer occurs when

something already present is removed as a result of a behavior and the behavior

that led to this removal will increase in the future because it created a favourable

outcome. In this case the researcher can explains that ridicule is an aversive

stimulus experienced by the main character, a ridicule allows to modify main

character behavior by remove it, and the aversive stimulus of ridicule can remove

by want to wear a cloth by herself.

2. Getting an insinuation

In the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett the main

character Mary Lennox received negative reinforcer in the form of insinuation to

reinforcing her operant behavior or response. Insinuation is a sly way of saying

something, usually something insulting. Insinuation is an aversive stimulus that

have to remove. Negative reinforcer in the form of Insinuation is given to made

made Mary want to eat and also to made her to be friendly. As seen in the excerpt

as follows.

Excerpt 9:

"I don't want it," repeated Mary.

"Eh!" said Martha. "I can't abide to see good victuals go to
waste. If our children was at this table they'd clean it bare in
five minutes."
"Why?" said Mary coldly. "Why!" echoed Martha. "Because
they scarce ever had their stomachs full in their lives. They're as
hungry as young hawks an' foxes." (Burnett, 1993: p.32)

The quotation above describes that Mary didn't want to eat. Mary refused

the food Martha had given even though the food given to her was so delicious but

Mary still didn't want to eat. Martha was quite angry when she saw Mary refused

the food, and she released her anger by giving insinuation to Mary. Martha told to

Mary that, if martha's brother and sister were served food like the food served to

Mary, then the food would quickly run out within 5 minutes. This happened

because Martha's siblings rarely ate and rarely found a good food, She also told to

Mary to not threw the food away. Because there were many people who were

hungry and needed food.

Based on the explanation of quotation above the researcher explains that Mary

received negative reinforcer in the form of insinuation in order to eat. Because

eating is a basic human need every day to fulfil the body's needs. One of the

problems that is often experienced by humans is not having the appetite to eat as

experienced by the main character. In accordance with Skinner‟s theory negative

reinforcer is taking away something bad to increase behavior. In this case the

researcher can explain that insinuation is a something bad experienced by the

main character. The main character's behavior can modify by eat the food in order

to stop the insinuation.

In the novel the main character Mary Lennox also received negative

reinforcer in the form of insinuation to made Mary to be friendly, because friendly

attitude is a commendable thing. As seen in the excerpt as follows.

Excerpt 10 :

“What!" she said. "What! You thought I was a native. You--you

daughter of a pig!"

Martha stared and looked hot.
"Who are you callin' names?" she said. "You needn't be so
vexed. That's not th' way for a young lady to talk. (Burnett,
1993: p.29)

The quotation above describes that Mary didn't have a friendly behavior

towards other people, she dared to yelled and scolded her servant Martha. Mary

scolded Martha by said she was a pig. She gave an insinuation to Mary with a

look that depicts her angry at her. Martha said to Mary that the young lady

shouldn't said harshly.

From the explanation above, the researcher found that the main character in

the novel received a negative reinforcer in the form of insinuation. Based on the

theory of Skinner, negative reinforcer is defined as something which, if avoided in

a situation, can increase the probability of response. In this case the main

character can modify her behavior by try to be friendly in order to avoide the

insinuation, thus the behavior can increase.

4.3 Reinforcer affecting to the behavior modifications

One way to modify behavior is to provide reinforcer. The word reinforcer

refers to any object, stimulus or event which strengthens the response which

precedes it. In other words, anything that increase or decreases the probability of

occurrence or non-occurrences of responses is called as reinforcer. When a

behavior is strengthened, the behavior will often reappear or repeat in the future.

In this case the researcher found that there was a reinforcer received by the

main character that was positive and negative reinforcer. The both reinforcer

received by the main character in the previous discussion can influence her

behavior as will be explained below.

4.3.1 Positive Reinforcer affecting to the behavior modifications

Behavior modification is one technique based on the notion that behavior

is formed based on the principles of operant-conditioning reinforced by both

positive and negative reinforcer. With positive reinforcer the frequency of

response increases because it is followed by a supportive stimulus.

1. The increasing of practice

Positive reinforcer in the form of verbal praise affecting to the Mary‟s

behavior modifications, as discussed earlier Ben Weatherstaff gave a statement

containing motivation. As seen in the excerpt as follows.

Excerpt 11:

“Mary skipped round all the gardens and round the orchard,
resting every few minutes. At length she went to her own special
walk and made up her mind to try if she could skip the whole
length of it. It was a good long skip and she began slowly, but
before she had gone half-way down the path she was so hot and
breathless that she was obliged to stop. She did not mind much,
because she had already counted up to thirty. She stopped with
a little laugh of pleasure.” (Burnett,1993: p.63)

The above quotation explains that Mary‟s behavior to practice jumping

rope increasing, this is caused by a verbal praise from Ben Weatherstaff. The

jumps made her happy even though she had never tried to jump rope before. Even

though the jump made her tired, she only needed to rest for a while and then

continued to jump around all the gardens. Thus, positive reinforcer in the form of

a verbal praise given by Ben Weatherstaff is able to modified Mary's behavior.

This is proven when Mary could jump up to tens of times, she can even jump

hundreds of times Whereas before she was not skilled enough to jump. As

illustrated in the quote below.

Excerpt 12:

“She could run faster, and longer, and she could skip up to a
hundred.” (Burnett,1993: p.73)

Based on the two quotations above, the researcher can explain that the

positive reinforcer in the form of verbal praise received by the main character can

modify her behavior by increased the enthusiasm to continue practicing jump a

rope, this is in accordance with operant conditioning theory delivered by Skinner

that positive reinforcer is an act of providing a positive stimulus which can be in

the form of praise expected behavior or results so that behavior increasing. Thus

operant conditioning theory succeeded in modifying Mary's behavior which

previously could not play rope jumping became to be able to jump a rope, it is

because the positive reinforcer of verbal praise affecting to the behavior


2. The increasing of interest

Positive reinforcer in the form of an approval affecting to the Mary‟s

behavior modifications, as discussed earlier Mr.Craven gave an approval to had a

plot of land for gardening. As seen in the excerpt as follows.

Excerpt 13 :

“She had got up very early in the morning and had worked hard
in the garden and she was tired and sleepy.”(Burnett,1993:

The above quotation explains that Mary was very enthusiastic in

gardening. She wakes up early in the moring to do some work in the garden that

made her feel tired. She liked in gardening so much, that was why she asked a plot

of land to her uncle as discussed earlier. Mary‟s love of the garden was proven by

planting several flowers in the garden.

Excerpt 14 :

“The seeds Mary had planted grew as if fairies had tended

them. Satiny poppies of all tints danced in the breeze by the
score.” (Burnett,1993: p.176)

The quotation above explains a result of her hard work that the plants she

planted grew well. Mary‟s hard work was the influence of approval given by her

uncle Mr.craven in the form of a plot of land. Thus, it made a behavior

modification on her to be more interested in gardening because when she was in

India she could not gardening like in her new place.

Based on the explanation of the two quotes above, the researcher can

explain that with the approval of giving a plot of land for gardening is a form of

positive reinforcer that raises the act of modifying behavior by increased her

interest in gardening. This means that there is a positive response from positive

reinforcer in the form of an increase in behavior, as skinner mentioned that

positive reinforcer can stimulate the occurrence of a positive behavior.

3. The Increasing of behavior to find a bustle

Positive reinforcer in the form of a gift affecting to the Mary‟s behavior

modifications, as discussed earlier her friend Dickon gave a gift of garden tools to

made Mary‟s behavior can increasing that is to find a bustle by doing gardening.

As seen in the excerpt as follows.

Excerpt 15:

“ The spade, and hoe, and fork were very useful. He was working
all the time he was talking and Mary was following him and
helping him with her fork or the trowel.” (Burnett,1993: p.85)

The above quotation explains that the gardening tools provided by Dickon

helped him and Mary to do gardening activities so that she could do various works

with him easily. A gift of garden tools from dickon is a form of positive reinforcer

caused by Mary who has tried a new thing, that is gardening where previously she

used a piece of wood to dig up the soil. Based on operant conditioning theory that

postive reinforcer is giving something good to improve behavior, thus the main

character Mary used the garden tools to helped her increase her behavior in

gardening activities, with this increase in behavior means positive reinforcer of

the garden tools had modifiy her behavior.

4. The Increasing of behavior to like someone

Positive reinforcer in the form of a suggestion affecting to the Mary‟s

behavior modifications, as discussed earlier her servant Martha gave a suggestion

to Mary by told about her kindhearted little brother named Dickon . As seen in the

excerpt as follows.

Excerpt 16:

“Mary had never possessed an animal pet of her own and had
always thought she should like one. So she began to feel a slight
interest in Dickon, and as she had never before been interested
in any one but herself, it was the dawning of a healthy

The quotation above illustrates that Mary started to like a boy, whereas

before she was very hateful towards boys because she thought boys always made

her upset and angry. Mary changed after listening to the story of her servant that

her brother was a kind boy. Mary also began to be interested with boys and put

little interest in Martha's brother, because she had told her that his brother was

liked by animals. Mary's behavior continued to increase, as explained in the quote


Excerpt 17:

"Dickon," she said, "you are as nice as Martha said you were. I
like you, and you make the fifth person. I never thought I should
like five people." (Burnett,1993:p.87)

The above quotation describes that Marry believes the suggestion given by

Martha that her brother is a kind person. What Martha had said before to Marry

was true that dickon was a kind-hearted boy so made Mary like him, and made

him the fifth person she loved in her life.

Based on the explanation of the two quotes above, the researcher can

explain that suggestion is a form of positive reinforcer that raises the act of

modifying behavior to like someone especially boys. This means that there is a

positive response from positive reinforcer in the form of an increase in behavior,

as skinner mentioned that positive reinforcer can stimulate the occurrence of a

positive behavior.

4.3.2 Negative Reinforcer affecting to the behavior modifications

Negative reinforcement increases the probability that an operant will occur

when reinforcers (negative) are applied. Simply put, negative reinforcer is the

stimuli that strengthen responses that permit an organism to avoid or escape from

their presence. The stimulus or reinforcer (negative reinforcer) causes the

frequency of operant to increase, as it terminates or removes the undesired


1. The Increasing of behavior to wear clothes

Negative reinforcer by ridicule affecting the Mary‟s behavior

modifications, as discussed earlier Martha gave a negative reinforcer to her in the

form of ridicule to wear clothes by herself without needed help from others. As

seen in the excerpt below.

Excerpt 18:

“Now she was followed by nobody and was learning to dress

herself.” (Burnett,1993:p.48)

The above quotation explains that Mary began wear clothes by herself

without servant's help where before Mary always relied to the servant and she

never learned to use something by herself before during her life. Mary's behavior

continued to increase, as explained in the quote below.

Excerpt 19:

“She had learned to dress herself by this time and she put on her
clothes in five minutes.” (Burnett,1993:p.48)

From the above quotation explains that the ridicule given by Martha had a

positive effect on Mary's behavior. The ridicule modifed Mary's behavior that

used to not be able to wear clothes by herself and relied on the help of servants to

help her wear clothes then became able to wear clothes by herself because of the

learning process she passed. This is proven when she was able to wear clothes by

herself in five minutes.

In accordance with the explanation of the two quotation above the

researchers found that negative reinforcer affecting the behavior modification of

the main character by increasing the ability to wear clothes by herself. Ridicule is

a form of negative reinforcer but produces positive behavior, this is based on

operant conditioning theory that negative reinforcer is an increase in the frequency

of a positive behavior due to the loss of unpleasant stimuli. In this case the

unpleasant stimuli was the ridicule from Martha. Therefore Mary wore the cloths

by herself in order to removed the ridicule from Martha.

2. The Increasing of behavior to eat and to be friendly

Negative reinforcer in the form of Insinuation also affected the

modification of Mary's behavior to made her eat the food, as discussed earlier

Martha gave a negative reinforcer to her in the form of insinuation to made Mary

eats. As seen in the excerpt below.

Excerpt 20 :

“she wakened one morning knowing what it was to be hungry,

and when she sat down to her breakfast she did not glance
disdainfully at her porridge and push it away, but took up her
spoon and began to eat it and went on eating it until her bowl
was empty. "Tha' got on well enough with that this mornin',
didn't tha'?" said Martha.
"It tastes nice today," said Mary, feeling a little surprised her
self.”(Burnett,1993: p.41)

The above quotation explains that Mary started to eat. She also ate

breakfast that was prepared with voraciousness without seeing the food first or

rejecting it, even she did not understand why she could have a good appetite. This

showed that she has been affected by the insinuation given by Martha to not threw

away the food. Because there were many people who were hungry and needed

food. Mary's appetite changed are evidenced by the increased in body weight and

became fat. As seen in the excerpt below.

Excerpt 21:

"I'm getting fatter and fatter every day," she said quite
exultantly. "Mrs. Medlock will have to get me some bigger
dresses."I'm getting fatter and fatter every day," she said quite
exultantly. "Mrs. Medlock will have to get me some bigger
dresses.” (Burnett,1993:p.128)

The above quotation explains that Mary experienced weight gain thus she

looked fat. This was because the negative reinforcer given by Martha in the form

of insinuation not to threw away the food made Mary had a better appetite than

before. The insinuation modified the behavior of Mary who didn‟t like to eat to be

more like to eat by proving that her weight increased day by day.

Based on the explanation of the quote above, the researcher found that

operant conditioning theory has modified the behavior of the main character so

that her behavior changed and increased which the purpose of modifying behavior

is to increase the frequency of the desired behavior. The insinuation received by

the main character is a form of negative reinforcer that should to removed in order

to increase the behavior of eat the food.

Negative reinforcer in the form of insinuation also affected the

modification of Mary's behavior to made her to be friendly, as discussed earlier

Martha gave a negative reinforcer to her in the form of insinuation to made Mary

to be friendly. As seen in the excerpt below.

Excerpt 22 :

She did not feel cross when Martha chattered away. She felt as if
she rather liked to hear her, and at last she thought she would
ask her a question. She asked it after she had finished her
supper and had sat down on the hearth-rug before the fire.
"Why did Mr. Craven hate the garden?" she said.
She had made Martha stay with her and Martha had not
objected at all. (Burnett,1993:p.44)

The above quotation explains that Mary tried to be friendly to Martha by

asked her a question . Martha did not refuse when Mary invited her to sit down

and listen to Mary's question, as her attempt to change to be friendly. Martha who

previously always give insinuation to Mary seemed to reduce her anger towards

Mary. Mary's progress to change quite quickly, she learned some new things to be

friendly as seen in the quotation below.

Excerpt 23:

Thank you." She said it stiffly because she was not used to
thanking people or noticing that they did things for her. "Thank
you," she said, and held out her hand because she did not know
what else to do. (Burnett,1993:p.62)

From the quotation two excerpts above explain that the insinuation given

by Martha had a positive effect on Mary's behavior. Mary really learned how to be

friendly to others. She was not like before who was always rude. One of the things

she started doing in being friendly was learning to thank others who had done

something for her. With an awkward attitude she learned to thank Martha, not

only thanked but she also shake martha's hand. She felt awkward when she

thanked her, because she had never done that before. Thus, negative reinforcer

given by Martha in the form of insinuation successfully modified Mary's behavior

to be friendly to others. Mary tries to be friendly to others in order to avoid

Martha's insinuation.

In accordance with the explanation from the quotation above, the

researcher found that negative reinforcer affecting the behavior modifcation of the

main character by changed her behavior to be friendly. Insinuation is a form of

negative reinforcer that is intended to increase a behavior. In accordance what

Skinner said, negative reinforcer increases the probability that an operant will

occur when reinforcers (negative) are applied. Simply put, negative reinforcer is

the stimuli that strengthen responses that permit an organism to avoid or escape

from their presence. The stimulus or reinforcer causes the frequency of operant to

increase, as it terminates or removes the undesired responses. In this case the main

character tried to be friendly in order to avoided the insinuation.



This chapter contains conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion of this

research is a brief statement from the research that has been described in the

previous chapter and suggestion in the form of recommendation to do research

using the same theory with the different or same research object .

5.1 Conclusion

The conclusion provides the final response to the research question that

the researcher make in the first chapter. From this research, the researcher can

conclude that reinforcer affects behavior modification experienced by a person.

Reinforcer that the researcher intends is reinforcer that can increase behavior to be


In this study there are two problems have solved that exist in the research

question. First is to find the forms of reinforcer and the second is to explain how

are the reinforcer affecting to the behavior modification of main character in the

novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

To discuss the problem in this study, the researcher used operant

conditioning theory as a theoretical study. Operant conditoning is a theory

oriented to the behavior modification. It is about the behavior change procedure.

In this study the researcher found there are two forms of reinforcer that operant

conditioning uses to modify a behavior, those are positive reinforcer and negative

reinforcer. The forms of negative reinforcer that researcher found in this research

are such as approval, verbal praise, gift and sugesstion. Whereas the form of

negative reinforcer such as insinuation and ridicule. Both the forms of reinforcer

affecting to the behavior modification of main character in the novel The Secret

Garden by helped to increase the behavior such as made Mary keeps practice to

jump a rope, make Mary wears clothes by herself, make Mary be more interested

in gardening, make Mary wants to eat, make Mary find a bustle by doing

gardening, make Mary be friendly towards others, make Mary interested with


5.2 Suggestion

This study is expected to provide benefits to the reader. In general, this

study is expected to be a guide of behavior modification, especially to increase a

human behavior to be better.

In particular this research is expected to be a guide in writing thesis by

utilizing the same topic with this research is about behavior. The topic of behavior

is very interesting to discuss, because in human life often experience changes in

behavior and it occurs due to environmental factors. In discussing these changes

can be used learning theory because behavior changes itself is the result of the

learning process.

The researcher suggestes that references about wider and deeper learning

theory for the next research can take an analysis of behavior modification to

know the behavior-change procedures that happen in enviroment by selecting the

novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett as the object of research.

Or else the next researcher can be able to analyze the novel The Secret Garden by

Frances Hodgson Burnett in terms of different objectives.

In this study the researcher focused on behavior modification in the novel

The Secre garden, especially on the forms of reinforcer that affecting to the

behavior modification of main character in the novel. When writing this study,

researcher also has found difficulty when trying to figure out the language in the

novel The Secret Garden. The language used in this novel is quite difficult to

understand because it used Yorkshire dialect. Consequently researcher should be

more careful to understand the story.


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No Aspect Excerpts Page

Getting a verbal “Well! he exclaimed. "Upon my word.

praise P'raps tha' art a young 'un, after all, an'
p'raps tha's got child's blood in thy veins
instead of sour buttermilk. Tha's skipped red
into thy cheeks as sure as my name's Ben
Weatherstaff. I wouldn't have believed tha'
1. could do it." 62
"I never skipped before," Mary said. "I'm
just beginning. I can only go up to twenty."
"Tha' keep on," said Ben. "Tha' shapes well
enough at it for a young 'un that's lived with

Getting an approval “Do you--care about gardens so much," he

said slowly.
"I didn't know about them in India," said
Mary. "I was always ill and tired and it was
too hot. I sometimes made littlebeds in the
sand and stuck flowers in them. But here it is
“You can have as much earth as you want,"
2. 94
he said. "You remind me of some one else
who loved the earth and things that grow.
When you see a bit of earth you want," with
something like a smile, "take it, child, and
make it come alive.”
"May I take it from anywhere--if it's not
"Anywhere," he answered.”
Getting a gift “She searched about until she found a rather
sharp piece of wood and knelt down and dug
3. 67
and weeded out the weeds and grass until she
made nice little clear places around them.”
Getting a gift "I've got th' garden tools for you. There's a
little spade an' rake an' a fork an' hoe. Eh!
they are good 'uns. There's a trowel, too.
4. 79
An' th' woman in th' shop threw in a packet
o' white poppy an' one o' blue larkspur
when I bought th' other seeds."
Getting a
"Go away! cried Mary. I don't want boys.
suggestion Go away! For a moment Basil looked angry,
and then he began to tease. He was always
5. 17
teasing his sisters. He danced round and
round her and made faces and sang and
Getting a "He found it on th' moor with its mother
suggestion when it was a little one an' he began to make
friends with it an' give it bits o' bread an'
6. pluck young grass for it. And it got to like 32
him so it follows him about an' it lets him get
on its back. Dickon's a kind lad an' animals
likes him."
Getting a ridicule I mean can't you put on your own clothes?"
"No," answered Mary, quite indignantly. "I
never did in my life. My Ayah dressed me, of
"Well," said Martha, evidently not in the
least aware that she was impudent, "it's
time tha' should learn. Tha' cannot begin
7. 29
younger. It'll do thee good to wait on thysen
a bit. My mother always said she couldn't
see why grand people's children didn't turn
out fair fools--what with nurses an' bein'
washed an' dressed an' took out to walk as if
they was puppies!"

Getting a ridicule "Hasn't tha' got good sense?" she said

once, when Mary had stood waiting for her
to put on her gloves for her. "Our Susan
Ann is twice as sharp as thee an' she's only
four year' old. Sometimes tha' looks fair soft
8. 48
in th' head."
Mary had worn her contrary scowl for an
hour after that, but it made her think several
entirely new things.”

Getting an "I don't want it," repeated Mary.

"Eh!" said Martha. "I can't abide to see
insinuation good victuals go to waste. If our children
was at this table they'd clean it bare in five
9. minutes." 32
"Why?" said Mary coldly. "Why!" echoed
Martha. "Because they scarce ever had
their stomachs full in their lives. They're as
hungry as young hawks an' foxes."
Getting an “What!" she said. "What! You thought I was
insinuation a native. You--you daughter of a pig!"
Martha stared and looked hot.
10. 29
"Who are you callin' names?" she said.
"You needn't be so vexed. That's not th' way
for a young lady to talk.
The increasing of “Mary skipped round all the gardens and
practice round the orchard, resting every few
minutes. At length she went to her own
special walk and made up her mind to try if
she could skip the whole length of it. It was
a good long skip and she began slowly, but
11. before she had gone half-way down the path 63
she was so hot and breathless that she was
obliged to stop. She did not mind much,
because she had already counted up to
thirty. She stopped with a little laugh of

The increasing of “She could run faster, and longer, and she
12. practice could skip up to a hundred.” 73

The increasing of “She had got up very early in the

interest morning and had worked hard in
13. 133
the garden and she was tired and
The increasing of “The seeds Mary had planted grew as if
14. interest fairies had tended them. Satiny poppies of 176
all tints danced in the breeze by the score.”
The increasing of “The spade, and hoe, and fork were very
behavior to find a useful. He was working all the time he was
15. bustle 85
talking and Mary was following him and
helping him with her fork or the trowel.”
The increasing of “Mary had never possessed an animal pet of
behavior to like her own and had always thought she should
someone like one. So she began to feel a slight
16. interest in Dickon, and as she had never 32
before been interested in any one but
herself, it was the dawning of a healthy
The increasing of "Dickon," she said, "you are as nice as
behavior to like Martha said you were. I like you, and you
17. 87
someone make the fifth person. I never thought I
should like five people."
18. The increasing of
“Now she was followed by nobody and was
behavior to wear 48
learning to dress herself.”
The increasing of “She had learned to dress herself
19. behavior to wear by this time and she put on her 120
clothes clothes in five minutes.”
The increasing of “she wakened one morning knowing what
behavior to eat it was to be hungry, and when she sat
down to her breakfast she did not glance
disdainfully at her porridge and push it
away, but took up her spoon and began to
eat it and went on eating it until her bowl
20. 41
was empty. "Tha' got on well enough with
that this mornin', didn't tha'?" said
"It tastes nice today," said Mary, feeling a
little surprised her self.”

The increasing of "I'm getting fatter and fatter every day,"

behavior to eat she said quite exultantly. "Mrs. Medlock
will have to get me some bigger
21. dresses."I'm getting fatter and fatter every 128
day," she said quite exultantly. "Mrs.
Medlock will have to get me some bigger
The increasing of She did not feel cross when Martha
behavior to be chattered away. She felt as if she rather
friendly liked to hear her, and at last she thought she
would ask her a question. She asked it after
she had finished her supper and had sat
22. 44
down on the hearth-rug before the fire.
"Why did Mr. Craven hate the garden?" she
She had made Martha stay with her and
Martha had not objected at all.
The increasing of Thank you." She said it stiffly because she
behavior to be was not used to thanking people or noticing
23. friendly that they did things for her. "Thank you," 62
she said, and held out her hand because she
did not know what else to do.


NAME : Nissa Rizki Gusti
TITLE OF PROPOSAL : The effect of psychological transformation to
the social relationship of the main character in
the novel The Secret Garden by Frances
Hodgson Burnett
DATE OF THE SEMINAR : Saturday, May 26th 2018
1. Jepri, S.S, M.Pd  Look for theories
that match to the
 Use theories that
discuss psychology
and social relations
 Find another term
of psychological
2. Dra. Hj. Sti Hafsah,  Complete the
M. Hum Background
because it doesn't
represent the title.
 Add understanding
of the novel,
relationship of the
novel to the
problem to be
discussed, add the
subject matter in
the background
 Fix theoretical
review, too much
according to the
expert. Because
each understanding
has a different
 Fix the theoritical
frameworok. The
theory is not yet
strong, it cannot be
taken from
3. Waladdin  fix some
Panggabean, S.S, grammatical errors
M.Pd on the pages 1,2,3,
and 6
 fix the margin on
the page 2
 fix the the
 write about what
the expert say in
his theory that the
researcher use.
 Write the definition
of Novel in the
4. Adi Prautomo, SS,  Search for books to
M.Hum strengthen the

5. Dra.Rosmiati, M.A  find a theory that

fits to the research
 complete the
Background with
according to
research question


Ketua Program Studi,



NAME : Nissa Rizki Gusti
TITLE OF THESIS : The Reinforcement Affecting to The Behavior
Modification of Main Character in The Novel
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
DATE OF THE SEMINAR : Tuesday, August 14th 2018
1 Jepri, S.S, M.Pd  Put an explanation of
. behavior modification
in the theoretical
 Explain the
relationship of
reinforcement with
behavior modification
 Explain that
reinforcement is
related to the
 Change reinforcement
with reinforcer in the

2 Dra. Hj. Sti Hafsah,  Give an explanation in

. M. Hum the background related
to the title
 Determine the forms
of reinforcer with my
own words
 Do not use skinner's
words as a title and
3 Waladdin  Remove the
. Panggabean, S.S, M.Pd explanation from
Watson if it is not
related to research
 Add an explanation in
the sub chapter
 Correct some
grammatical errors
4 Adi Prautomo, SS,  See the theory used in
. M.Hum the previous study to
develop problems in
 Correct the language
used in research

5 Dra. Rosmiati, M.A  Clarify the language

. on the theory to
explain the problem of
the main character


Ketua Program Studi,



NAME : Nissa Rizki Gusti

JUDUL TUGAS AKHIR : The Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior
Modification of Main Character in The Novel
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
DATE OF THE SEMINAR : Thursday, August 30th 2018
1 Jepri, S.S, M.Pd  Make a subchapter for
. reinforcer and the
effect of reinforcer
 Make a display for the
 Use the term aversive
stimulus for negative
2 Dra. Hj. Sti Hafsah,  Add discussion
. M. Hum

3 Waladdin  In acknowledgment do
. Panggabean, S.S, M.Pd not use the word "to"
in each sentence, make
a variation
 Correct some word
4 Adi Prautomo, SS,  Add definition of key
. M.Hum terms
5 Dra. Rosmiati, M.A  -

Ketua Program Study,


NAMA : Nissa Rizki Gusti
DOSEN PEMBIMBING I : Adi Prautomo, S.S., M.Hum
Judul Tugas Akhir : The Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior
Modification of Main Character in The Novel The
Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett


1 21/05/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3

2 24/05/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3

3 4/06/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3

4 7/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3,4

5 23/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3,4

6 25/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3,4,5

7 28/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3,4,5

8 29/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3,4,5


Ketua Program Studi,

Catatan :
1. Lembar control bimbingan wajib dibawa pada saat melakukan bimbingan tugas
2. Lembar control bimbingan wajib di kumpul saat seminar tugas akhir


NAMA : Nissa Rizki Gusti
Judul Tugas Akhir : The Reinforcer Affecting to The Behavior
Modification of Main Character in The Novel The
Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett


1 21/05/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3

2 24/05/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3

3 4/06/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3

4 7/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3,4

5 23/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab 1,2,3,4

6 25/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab

7 28/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab
8 29/08/2018 Bimbingan Bab


Ketua Program Studi,

Catatan :
1. Lembar control bimbingan wajib dibawa pada saat melakukan bimbingan tugas
2. Lembar control bimbingan wajib di kumpul saat seminar tugas akhir

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