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Name Date

Write the correct answer.

1 5x3=Q·
2. 1s = 2. D

3/omplete the mul~iplication sent_ence.

7x'3 = 3xQ

Jlciy uses 3 ba~ahas in each of 5 loaves 9f . -' SJ-io~ ·your Work.

banana bread he is baking. Write a
multiplication expression to represent the total
· number of bananas Andy uses. ·

~rite and solve a multiplicatio~ equation ~ith

an unknown to find the answer. ·

35 : n =·7

. J .
Name Date

Write the correct answer.


3. ya . 81

. / Complete the pattern .. · ...

. 6 X 5 = 30 .


s·x 5 = 40

s x s D
-Narne Date

Multiply or dlvide. ·

8.· 6 X 2 =.[I[] 9. 5 X 8. =@ 3/1+1 D


/-54+9=0 . ~
12. 6 ~ 0 . ITl] ,1,3.12+9=0

. 14.· 5 4=[2Qj

·1 DX

3 =2_1

,c 4x0=12 ,Y 3o+s· D /·Dx94s

Name Sc) ok, I I
I c1 · Date·

Write an· equation and solve the problem. · SJ-,ow your Work.
1. A 3-story apartment buildin.g_ has a to_tal of : Q_(-j".
/ 24 apartments, There are the same number of
apartments on each floor. How many apartments t1i
are there on one floor? ' 1L/
7rz_ 71,
• •

2. · Marcus puts shoes on 5 horses at his family's farm.

/_ How many horseshoes does Marcus put on the
t ........

J ~t-½
. horses altoqether>
t 17·
. ~-r

3. ~\e 14 players on the basketball team line up i_n

2 equal rows to practice passing. How many l ...
/players are there. in each· row? . ._;_ C
7 D[o"c I ( iv~ .
. /'. . .
4. M,arla uses 4 cups of chicken stock for some soup
/~he- is cookinq. There are 8 ounces in e~ch cup.
How many ounces of chicken stock does Marla

Show the area of this rectangle in square units.· ·
. • . '. . \. • • , . I '·.··

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