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List of Assignments

Programming Laboratory
Class: S.E. (Computer) Sem I (2009-10) Teaching Scheme:
Staff: 1) Ms. Y. B. Bhavsar Practical: 4Hrs/Week
T/W: 25 Marks
Practical Exam: 50 Marks
01 Write a ‘C’ program to perform Set operations - union, intersection, difference, symmetric
difference using arrays, functions and pointers.

i) Implement this assignment for simple sets such as Set1={1,2,3,4} and Set2={3,4,5,6}
ii) Implement this assignment for multisets such as Set1={1,1,1,2,2,3,3}and Set2={2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5}
iii) Implement this assignment for string sets such as Set1={“ait”,”mit”,”vit”}
and Set2={“ait”,”iit”,”pict”}
02 Write a ‘C’ program to perform various string operations such as length, copy, reverse,
palindrome, compare two strings, concatenation and find occurrence substring, find no. of vowels
in given string, convert given string to upper case, convert given string to lower case, compare
two strings by ignoring case .
i) Implement this assignment using library functions.
ii) Implement this assignment by making use of your own functions to perform these string
ii) Implement this assignment by making use of your own functions and pointers to perform these
string operations.
03 Write a ‘C’ program to perform matrix operations such as addition, multiplication, transpose ,
determine whether given matrix is symmetric or not, determine whether given matrix is skew
-symmetric or not.
i) Implement this assignment using functions and 2D arrays.
ii) Implement this assignment using functions and pointers.
iii) Find inverse of a n X n matrix. Cross check the result of matrix inverse using identity matrix.
04 Write a ‘C’ program to represent a polynomial using structure and array. Perform operations
like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Evaluation of a given polynomial.
i) Implement this assignment for polynomials such as poly1= 4x2+5x+3 and poly2= 6x2+3x+4
ii) Implement this assignment for polynomials such as poly1= 6x5+5x3+4x2+7 and
poly2= 2x4+3x2+4
05 Write a ‘C’ program to represent sparse matrix using array.
i) Implement this assignment to perform addition, multiplication
ii) Implement this assignment to perform simple transpose and fast transpose.
06 Write a ‘C’ program to understand the use of command line arguments.
i) Implement this assignment for performing addition of two numbers using command line
ii) Implement this assignment for copying the contents of one file to another file using command
line arguments.
07 Write a ‘C’ program to perform following operations on employee database using files:
Add, Delete, Modify, Display, Search.
08 A bag consists of zero or more balls (Objects) of the same type. Each ball can be described by its
color and weight. Write a ‘C++’ program to create a new ball. This can be done in two ways. If
the user provides information about color and weight of the ball to be created, then this
information will be used to create the ball .otherwise the ball will be created using default values
for these attributes. Provide a facility to keep track of total number of balls and total weight of
balls in a bag at any time. Also provide facility to delete a ball by its serial no. from the bag. Use
constructors (default and parameterized) destructors, static data members, new, delete
09 Write a ‘C++’ program using 3 classes.
a) Student’s Personnel information.
b) Student’s Academic information.(such as 10th %,12th % and B.E. %)
c) Student’s other information(such as Seminar given,Project done,Hobby,Sport)
Use multiple and multilevel inheritance and print information of a particular student.
Also provide facility to insert and delete a particular student record.
10 Write a ‘C’ program to implement Stack as an ADT using Array.
i) Implement this assignment to use this Stack ADT to perform expression conversion:
infix to postfix and postfix to infix .
ii) Implement this assignment to use this Stack ADT to perform expression conversion:
infix to prefix and prefix to infix .
iii) Implement this assignment to use this Stack ADT to perform expression conversion:
prefix to postfix, and postfix to prefix.
iv) Using this ADT, evaluate any given expression.
11 Write a ‘C’ program to implement Queue :
i) Implement Simple Queue using Array to perform operations a) Insert b) Delete c) Display.

ii) Implement Circular Queue using Array to perform a) Insert b) Delete c) Display.

iii) Implement Double Ended Queue using Array to perform : i)Insert from rear ii) Insert from
front iii)Delete from rear iv)Delet e from front v) Display .

12 Write a ‘C’ program to implement Linked List:

i) Implement SLL to perform operations such as : i)Create, ii)Insert – at Start, at End, at specified
position, iii)Search iv)Delete , v)Reverse , vi)Display

ii) Implement CLL to perform operations such as : i) Create, ii)Insert , iii)Search iv)Delete ,
v) Display

iii) Implement DLL to perform operations such as : i) Create, ii)Insert , iii)Search iv)Delete ,
v) Display form start to end vi) Display form end to start.

13 Write a ‘C’ program to Create two Singly Linked lists, sort one after creation and one while
creation using pointer manipulation. Merge these two lists into one list without creating a new
node or swapping of the data.
14 Write a ‘C’ program to represent Stack using Linked List and perform operations like Push,
Pop and Display.
15 Write a ‘C’ program to represent Simple Queue using Linked List and perform operations like
Insert, Delete, Finding front and rear element.
16 Write a ‘C’ program to represent a polynomial using Circular Linked List and perform
Addition, Multiplication and Evaluation of a given polynomial.
17 Write a ‘C’ program to implement Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, and Insertion sort.
18 Write a ‘C’ program to implement Quick sort and Merge sort using recursion.
19 Write a ‘C’ program to implement Sequential search, Binary search, Fibonacci search.
20 Implement the Mini Project of Student Database using Linked list for following requirements:
a. Creation of Student Database in memory containing student roll_no, Name, Class,
Branch ,Address, Contact No and Date of Birth
b. Insertion, Deletion, Modification of student record for a given student roll_no
c. Sorting on names and searching a particular student record on roll_no

Subject Teacher
Ms. Bhavsar Y. B.

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