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4 healthy 5 perfect

1. Staple Food (Healthy)

What are the basic food categories that are part of 4 healthy 5 perfect? the following is an example:




Cassava, potatoes, or tubers


Do we know what substances are contained in the food? and what is the ideal consumption order for our
body's nutritional intake? Well, here are the benefits of 4 healthy foods 5 perfect and the substances
contained in them:

Staple Food Nutrition Content: CARBOHIDRATE

Rice is a source of carbohydrates for the human body, rice contains sugar which serves as a source of
energy for the body. Consuming rice should not be eaten every time, or you can replace the type of
white rice with brown rice. Here are the benefits of brown rice if consumed every day:

Brown rice contains high fiber and contains simple carbohydrates so that it can increase energy, full
quickly because the intake is not more than 330 calories / day. Brown rice has a low glycemic index in
white rice. The glycemic index shows how much sugar is produced by blood. The higher consumption of
brown rice, the more the glycemic index produces blood sugar and increases insulin production.

Brown rice also contains antioxidant vitamin B6 which maintains the balance of the serotonin hormone
and produces DNA cells, the rest of brown rice can eliminate bad cholesterol.

In addition to rice, other quite carbohydrate sources such as potatoes, wheat and tubers.
2. Side dishes (healthy)

The next 4 healthy 5 perfect food categories are side dishes, for example side dishes:

Meat: Chicken, cow, goat, fish and duck


Tofu and tempe

Nutritional Content of Side Dish: PROTEIN

Indonesians enjoy more protein sources from animals from chicken and fish, for nuts such as tempeh
and tofu. Everyday these foods are more served in the form of fried foods, therefore consumption of
cooking oil in Indonesia is greater than other countries that are more fond of boiled dishes such as Japan
and Myanmar. Protein functions to form the immune system and balance hormone work.

Fish; Fish contain lots of protein because it contains vegetable protein and several types of fish such as
salmon and tuna contain omega 3 which is good for brain development.

Chicken; Chicken contains animal protein and fat, but it is not recommended to consume chicken meat
every day. Part of the chicken's body which contains a lot of fat in the liver and intestine.

Know; tofu is a favorite food of Indonesian people, in addition to cheap prices, this food processing
method is also quite easy. Everyday Indonesian people process tempeh by frying or sautéing, also mixed
with vegetables.

Eggs: Eggs contain high protein sources and especially egg yolks. But it is not recommended to consume
eggs up to 2 eggs a day. Among the types of eggs consumed, eggs that contain lots of fat are duck eggs
and quail eggs. Protein in eggs has the potential to strengthen muscle tissue because it contains
magnesium in the body and regulates the acidity of the body's pH.

Tempe; Tempe contains amino acids and eat it better than eating side dishes that contain animal protein.

Many sources of protein are found in fish meat, chicken, seafood except squid. There are many vegetable
proteins found in broccoli and wheat vegetables.
3. Vegetables (healthy)

Vegetable vegetables are healthy foods that are important enough to pay attention to prevent various
diseases. Example:

Kangkung, Sawi, radish, long beans, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli

Cabbage, sweet potato leaves, carrots, and so on

Nutrient content of vegetables: MINERAL & FIBER

Vegetables that are good for the body are green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and mustard
greens, many green vegetables contain leaf green or chlorophyll which functions as an antioxidant and
affects the immune system. Green vegetables contain lots of Sulfarophane, isothiocynate. The second
function of these substances is to stimulate the breakdown component of cancer-causing chemicals.

Mustard: mustard greens contain green because it can nourish bones, prevent cancer, both for diabetes
and mood.

Carrot; Carrots are very beneficial for the eyes, because they contain natural sugar. The yellow and orany
color of the fruit contains zeaxathin, beta carotene and vitamin c.

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower; has a high content of indoles, this content has anti-cancer protection such
as colon and breast cancer.

The benefits in general are good sources of fiber, anti-cancer, and protein and amino acids.
4. Fruits (healthy)

The next source of healthy food is fruits, it is also very important to maintain a healthy body. Example :

Oranges, apples, mangosteen, soursop, grapes, longan, and avocado.

Fruit Nutrition: MINERAL & FIBER:

Fruits function as antioxidants because the fruit skin contains chlorophyll color pigments such as kiwi
and guava. The darker the color the greater the antidioxidant protection on the body.

Benefits of green fruit: green fruits contain vitamin C, beta carotene, folate and calcium. The function of
vitamins contained in green fruits is to lower cholesterol, support eye health, normalize digestion time
and fight free radicals.

Yellow fruit: contains beta carotene, potassium and vitamin c. Potassium in the fruit functions to reduce
high blood pressure.

Purple fruit: purple fruit contains magnesium for digestion and lowers cholesterol levels.

Red fruit: the red color of the fruit contains ellagic acid and hesperidin which serves to prevent cancer

5. Milk (Perfect)

Its function is very good for bone growth and increases energy. milk is also available from vegetable
protein namely soy milk.

Almond milk; This milk is suitable for someone who is allergic to Lactose.

soy milk: soy milk contains low saturated fat.

Goat milk: Goat milk contains 170 calories. Goat milk has anti allergic properties that are good for the

Cow's milk; cow's milk has very many calories of 80-150 calories. For PMS women can also reduce stress.

The benefits of 4 healthy foods 5 are perfectly good for health and body. Currently what needs to be
done is to combine the types of foods that are stored in the contents of 4 healthy 5 perfect for daily
nutritional intake. Goal 4 is healthy 5 is perfect so that we recognize the types of foods that are
complete. But it is wrong to assume that the perfect 4 healthy foods are consumed at the same time
when eating. How, ready with your new menu?

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