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Lecture – 8

SOYBEAN Glycine max (2n=40)

Soybean is one of the most important legume food of the people of

far eastern countries like China and Japan and are chiefly used as a
pulse. The seeds are rich in protein and are of high biological value. It is
also rich in fat and vitamins, being good source of calcium and
phosphorus. Soybean flour is being used in many foods. The important of
soybean in the recent years has been increased because of its oil content
and the byproducts. Soybean oil is yellow or light brown in color and is
used to a great extent as edible oil. Since it has low carbohydrate and
high protein content soybean flour is considered as an excellent food for
diabetics. It is sometime used as a substitute for Black gram for
preparing iddli, vada etc. Soybean milk extracted from the seed is also
useful for invalids and infants. Curd and cheese are also prepared. Soya
sauce is also prepared. It is considered to be beneficial for patients with
various disorders because of the high phosphorous content. Unripe
seeds are used as vegetables. It is both a oil seed and pulse crop. It has
oil content upto 20 % and protein 40 %.

Industrial uses: The soyameal is a good source of protein as it contains

40- 50% protein. Soybean protein is extensively used to produce the
foam liquid used for extinguishing fire and also for making synthetic
fibers, plastics and adhesives. It a drying oil. It is used for mixing up with
other oils, in paints and varnishes. Soya flour is used in bakey. Soymeal is
used as a manure and also as stock feed. The plants are also used as
green forage in many parts of the tropics.

Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (2n=22)

(Thattai payeru, Kaaramrani, Maanpayaru, Lobia chowli)
It is grown in warm parts of the world.Tender leaves are used as
greens from the vegetable type cowpea. Sprouted seed as vegetables.
Grain as pulses. Whole plant as green fodder. Cow pea and maize green
fodder mixture is excellent for cattle.
Vigna unguiculata sub species unguiculata grain cowpea
Vigna unguiculata sub species sinensis grain cowpea
V. unguiculata sub species sesquipedalis yard long bean- vegetable

Dolichos group of pulses

The dolichos are twining herbs with stipullate, trifoliate leaves. Flowers
are racemose or axillary, calyx tube short, corolla is much exerted petals
equal in length keel is obtuse not spiral, stamens are diadelphous. Ovary
nearly sessile. The pod is flat linear or oblong,

Lab-Lab: Lablab purpureus 2n=22, 24 (var. typicus)

(Hyacinth bean, Pandal avarai, garden bean)

Garden or pandal avarai is perennial, but cultivated as annual. The

pods are long tapering. It was no oil glands and no smell. Entire pod is
edible.Lablab purpureus var lignosus (Field bean, Mochai) it is a semi
bushy type. Podes relatively shorter, oblong, and fibrous seeds. Plant
give a mochai odour

Dew gram Phaseolus aconitifolius (moth bean, mat bean)

It is widely grown throughout India, parts of Asia and in USA as a
pulse crop and
forage crop.
Non traditional pulses
Lima bean- Phaseolus lunatus 2n= 22 (Sieva, butter bean)
French bean P. vulgaris ( Common bean, Kidney bean Haricot
avarai, Bengloon chikkuda)

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