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Professional Growth Plan

Name: Megan Fong

Semester: PS III
School Year: Fall 2018

Goal 1 Apply contextually appropriate body language to effectively communicate with students. (TQS #3,
KSA #4)
Through the application of this goal I will be better equipped to successfully communicate positive and/or
constructive feedback to my students. Since it is crucial to provide students with feedback to ensure their
highest engagement, it is my belief that this goal will also aid my students in understanding their strengths
and where growth is needed.
Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement
 Film lessons and watch later in the day. Look for  Students demonstrate a better understanding
cohesion between body language, verbal of and respond to communicated feedback.
communication, and inner thoughts.  Teacher Mentor/Administrator/UC indicate
 Ask Teacher Mentor/Administrator/UC to observe improvement.
lesson, watching for consistency between verbal  Apparent improvement is observed when
communication and body language. watching filmed lessons.
Time Line Resources
September 4 – December 21, 2018  Teacher Mentor
 Administrator
 UC
 iPhone/Computer/iPad
1. How successful was my development of this goal?
Overall, I believe that I have greatly improved in my ability to communicate effectively with my students
using contextually appropriate body language. As practicum progressed, I would conduct and work with
class handbell groups as well as half of the school choir. I found through my own body awareness and
reflection that I was able to maintain a smiley and confident exterior while listening carefully for mistakes
or misunderstandings.
2. What resources were most effective for my development?
The resources I used that I found most effective for my development was my own body awareness and
reflection. By being aware of my own body, I was able to take inventory of the emotions I was
communicating to my students and either adjust or maintain them. Reflection was also a helpful tool for my
development because I was able to sit-down after the fact and consider what I was thinking at a particular
moment and if I was successful in demonstrating those thoughts to my students.
3. If I approached this differently in the future, I would…
If I were to approach this goal differently, I would make more of an effort to film my lessons. Previously,
when I had taken conducting classes at the U of L, we would film ourselves because it can be so easy to be
caught up in the moment and not be fully aware of your body language. By filming ourselves, we were able
to adjust our conducting and fix any gesture that did not make sense. Filming myself has proven to be such a
useful tool that in the future, I would make more of a conscious effort to film and later watch the lessons I
Goal 2 Integrate First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) knowledge into the Elementary Music Classroom.
(TQS #1, TQS #5, KSA #4, KSA #8, KSA #13)
On September 1, 2019 the new Teaching Quality Standard (TQS) will come into effect and one of the
competencies requires the application of foundational knowledge about FNMI. I believe that researching
and understanding how to appropriately incorporate FNMI teachings in the music room in addition to
finding suitable musical resources will make me feel more comfortable and confident when integrating
FNMI knowledge. Through this understanding and subsequent confidence when teaching FNMI topics I
believe that my students will have a better understanding of reconciliation and FNMI knowledge.
Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement
 Research how to incorporate FNMI knowledge  An increased feeling of comfort and
into the classroom as a non-indigenous individual confidence when incorporating FNMI
through printed and online resources in addition to knowledge
conversations with colleagues and other  Creation of central document for resources.
knowledgeable individuals.  Integration of FNMI knowledge in at least 5
 Research FNMI resources that encompass musical lessons per class taught.
elements that fulfill the Program of Study (PofS).
 Create one central document for accumulated
 Confer with mentor, staff, and Edmonton Public
Schools EduKit creators.

Time Line Resources

September 4 – December 21, 2018  Teacher Mentor
 Killarney Staff
 Edmonton Public Schools EduKits
 Edmonton Public Schools EduKit creators
(through mentor)
 U of L Library
 Online resources
1. How successful was my development of this goal?
During my practicum I believe I was relatively successful in accomplishing this goal. The development of
my Professional Inquiry Project (PIP) ensured that I was reaching out to other professionals for help,
researching the ‘how-tos’ of culturally sensitive integration, compiling appropriate picture books for
different age groups, and considered how the picture books could be linked to curriculum and integrated in
the music classroom. Since I was creating my PIP during my practicum, I was unable to integrate FNMI
knowledge in as many lessons as I had initially hoped because I was building the necessary knowledge and
resources required for integration.
2. What resources were most effective for my development?
The resource I found the most effective for my development was first and foremost my Teacher Mentor,
Sue Harvie. Sue was able to guide me and provide suggestions when I was creating orchestrations or
activities for the picture books and linking each activity to curriculum. I was also able to reach out to Dr.
Dawn Burleigh at the U of L who assisted in finding articles and resources pertaining to a culturally
sensitive integration of FNMI knowledge in the classroom. This aspect of my project was especially difficult
because there is not very much material available on the subject. However, Dr. Burleigh was eager to
provide me with suggestions and assistance. Finally, the last resources I found most effective for my
development was the Calgary Public Library (CPL). I was able to read and explore each book featured in
my PIP in addition to many more through borrowing from the CPL. The CPL also has a website that
categorizes books for children that contain FNMI knowledge and teachings or that are written or illustrated
by Indigenous authors and illustrators.
3. If I approached this differently in the future, I would…
If I approached this goal differently in the future, I would be more persistent in my communication with
other professionals. Although I received great help from Sue and Dr. Burleigh, when I reached out to others
they proved more difficult to get in contact with. I did send a few emails and texts to these other
professionals, however I believe if I had been more persistent in my attempt to establish communication my
PIP could have been a more collaborative project and could have been influenced by other opinions and

Goal 3 (Personal Goal) Implement a wellness routine.

In implementing a wellness routine, I believe that I will better my mental as well as physical health over the
course of my internship. When my mental health is improved, I find that my relationships as well as
experiences are more fulfilling because I have more patience and more of myself to give. When I am
physically healthy I have more energy and find that my students model the healthy behaviours I
demonstrate, such as eating a healthy snack.
Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement
 Wake up at 6:00AM to allow for a relaxing  Feeling less tired and stressed throughout the
start to the morning. day.
 Perform yoga in the morning.  Increased amount of patience.
 Eat a healthy breakfast (yogurt and granola,  A feeling of strength and fitness.
big glass of water, and a piece of fruit).  At least three servings of fruits/vegetables a day.
 Pack healthy snacks and lunches for school  Drink at least three full water bottles a day.
(vegetables, fruit, leftovers from dinner,
salads, etc.).
 Drink more water during the day.
 Take the dog for an evening walk.
 Be in bed my 10:30PM.
Time Line Resources
September 4 – December 21, 2018 
 MyFitnessPal app
 Family
 Friends
Unfortunately, I was fairly inconsistent with my wellness goal. I was able to maintain eating healthy and
drinking more water, but I found myself so tired at the end of each day that I did not go out for as many
walks as I had hoped. Since I was so tired at the end of each day, I would often accidentally fall asleep
which created this vicious cycle of staying up late to complete work, which meant I would wake up later and
not have enough time for yoga in the morning. However, I have come to realize how crucial it is to create a
work-life balance. I know that when I use all the strategies listed for this goal, I am generally a more happy
and healthy person.

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