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Psychophysiology and
Performance: Considerations
for Human-Centered Design
Anil K. Raj, Margery J. Doyle, and Joshua D. Cameron

In our modern information intensive environment, we increasingly rely on man-made

technical systems to perform or assist our tasks. Interfaces that represent various
system sensors and components, however, o en reflect engineering limitations that
can create improper representations of information between the system state and our
mental models of the system state and expected behavior, creating uncertainty and
ambiguity (Sarter and Woods, 1991; Doyle, 2009). These limitations can adversely
affect human operator command and control capabilities, particularly when using
non-interactive technical interfaces that prevent us from perceiving and correcting
mismatches between incoming data and our mental models. This hampers our ability
to formulate an understanding of the task and surrounding situation, making us more
prone to errors in decision-making that all too o en lead to mishaps. Indeed, working
under conditions with less than optimal socio-technical systems o en forces us to
learn new interaction paradigms (that is, work-arounds) in order to adapt (Doyle,
2009; Doyle and Cole, 2008). While automation can assist human operators with task
execution, many current designs may actually add to workload and increase user
errors (Sheridan, 2002) if automation fails to address the fundamental capabilities
and limitations of human cognition and perception (Kirlik, 1993; Parasuraman and
Riley, 1997). Understanding human sensory data, the cognitive demands and the
task context, as well as their interactions in a specific system, represents the first
step toward effective human-centered design of interfaces that optimize operator
workload (Kass et al., 2003). Along with cognitive workload, other components of
human cognition such as situation understanding (SU) and decision effectiveness (DE)
require consideration (Doyle, 2008). While workload and situation awareness (SA)
have been modeled rather successfully (Laughery, 2000; Plo , Endsley, and Strater,
2004), models that represent the interaction between workload and SA accurately
enough to aid in the design of systems to support human performance have yet to
be developed. Because SA and SU both support effective decision-making (Stanners
and French, 2005), future models must represent how workload transitions from
positive states to negative/inhibitory states and how workload can negatively impact

SA, SU, and decision effectiveness (Doyle, 2008). The field of Augmented Cognition
(AugCog) has emerged with a keen focus on developing such models and metrics
(Schmorrow and Kruse, 2004). A key element of AugCog concerns the selection and
measurement of psychophysiologic changes in the human operator that correlate
with various dimensions of cognitive state during a task or mission. With reliable
estimates of cognitive state shi s, computational augmentation systems can adjust
autonomously to optimize and improve socio-technical team performance (Doyle et
al., 2009; Kass et al., 2003).



Currently, it is possible to model large neuronal networks with biophysically detailed

neuronal and synaptic properties that approach the numbers and complexity found
in living nervous systems (Silver et al., 2007). However, approaches sufficient for
high fidelity modeling will require breakthroughs in our understanding of how to
model cognition (National Research Council, 2008). In the interim, modeling the
interrelationships between critical elements such as mental workload optimization,
SA, SU, and effective decision-making (for example, Adams et al., 1995; Doyle, 2008;
Durso and Gronlund, 1999; Endsley and Garland, 2001) can more effectively guide
system designers when creating interfaces for specific mission and task domains.
Independent but interrelated constructs such as mental workload and SA for
example (Endsley, 1993) contribute to task performance. Workload, defined as the
portion of limited mental capacity actually required to perform a particular task
(O’Donnell and Eggemeier, 1986) and SA, defined as “the perception of elements
in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their
meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future” (Endsley, 1993), as
well as decision effectiveness, can account for as much as 88 percent of human error
(Endsley, 1995). Situation awareness, based in sensation perception, differs from
situation understanding, which results from a sense-making process (that is, how
we understand new information once we have become aware of it). Both SA and
SU provide the context needed to decide how or when to act. Human performance
models that reliably predict human capabilities and limitations, particularly for SA,
SU, and decision-making effectiveness, could assist in the design of novel system
interfaces (Doyle, 2008). Complete models must represent the unified SA of both
the human and machine members of a socio-technical team (Niklasson et al., 2007).
Such models could also drive adjustments to automation assistance in order to
preemptively improve system performance and task effectiveness throughout a task,
workday or mission.
The flow of information (quantity and quality) needed to provide continuous SA
can cause an undesirable increase in cognitive workload (Tsang and Wilson, 1997)
even under ideal conditions, and particularly when urgency and sequencing of tasks
increases. Meanwhile, degradation of information or bo lenecks due to limited
central processing capacity can increase the workload associated with maintenance
of SA and SU. Additionally, diverting cognitive assets to manage non-mission
related tasks in time critical systems can overwhelm the limited human information

processing capacity leading to degraded SA (Wagner, 1976). This occurs when new
stimuli (that is, tasking or information-in-need-of-processing) displace current
or previous information and potentially weaken previously formed hypotheses
driving decision-making processes. While models have proven effective thus far in
estimating tasking and SA related operator cognitive workload, they o en assume
the existence of an optimal cognitive state that supports workload, SA, and effective
decision-making. Though multiple-resource theory (MRT) proposes the existence
of several different resource pools, each with limited scope but responsible for
different types of processing (Wickens, 1980, 1991), current models fail to explain
how some individuals maintain decision-making performance even with apparently
insufficient information for maintenance of SA.
While workload increases do not always equate to decreases in SA, some impact
from the competition for limited resources likely occurs. MRT based modeling
separates, for example, cognitive processing of external visual and auditory
information into spatial/verbal (text) and spatial/verbal (localizing sound/listening
to speech), respectively. Likewise, SA has been successfully modeled using Situation
Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT; Plo , Endsley and Strater, 2004).
However, the interaction of workload and SA has yet to be modeled computationally.
Variations and discontinuities in components of workload and SA (that is, mental
demand, temporal demand, frustration, and so on.) which interact, can lead to
uncertainty in SA and impact effective decision-making (Endsley, Bolté and Jones,
2003; Kirlik and Strauss, 2006). Conversely, very low to no workload can also affect
SA due to vigilance decrement. The absence of workload differs from degraded SA
because very low workload causes the operator to disengage from the task, which
requires additional cognitive resources to reacquire SA when anomalies arise or
workload increases (Figure 2.1). Figure 2.1a illustrates the general concept where
task workload and workload associated with acquiring SA-SU interact, competing
for limited mental capacity during complex tasking. Figure 2.1b shows that DE
interacts with and depends on SA-SU. Figure 2.1c depicts the state where workload,
SA-SU, and DE interact and create an optimal cognitive state that utilizes workload
appropriately, supporting maintenance of SA-SU, and therefore, decision-making,
or DE. Figure 2.1d illustrates the state where DE competes with SA and task related
workload for cognitive capacity.
These interactions will vary as taskload, operator state, mission requirements,
environmental factors, and so on, change over time (Figure 2.2). In this hypothetical
example, when WL, SA-SU, and DE remain within the upper and lower limits while
workload decreases, which frees up cognitive reserve, both SA-SU and DE increase.
This crossover within the upper and lower limits, that is, the optimal state, follows
from these rules: (a) if WL starts within the upper and lower limits (UL/LL), then
when WL increases, SA-SU and DE increase, (b) if WL goes above the UL, then SA-
SU and DE decrease, (c) if WL dips below the LL, then SA-SU and DE also fall below
LL, (d) when WL, SA-SU, and DE are within the UL/LL and WL decreases, SA-SU
and DE will increase creating an optimal cognitive state for supporting SA and DE,
and (e) if WL rises above the UL and SA-SU decreases, the operator can, sometimes,
maintain decision effective (Doyle, 2008).




Interaction Interaction
1a 1b


Optimal Cognitve State Interaction
1c 1d

Figure 2.1 The state where DE competes with SA

Notes: From top le to right then bo om le to right: 1a. Workload/SA-SU interaction, SA-SU related workload; 1b. SA-
SU/DE interaction, DE dependency on SA-SU; 1c. Optimal cognitive state for WL, SA-SU, DE; and 1d. WL/SA-SU/DE
interaction, illustrating co-competiveness and supportiveness of SA-SU and DE for capacity resources.

Optimal WL, SA-SU, DE Interaction

Rules a, b, c, d (optimal), and e

60 Upper Limit
d d d d Lower Limit
c WL
20 DE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Figure 2.2 Graph representing interactions (hypothetical data)

between WL, SA-SU, DE and the optimal cognitive state
over time
Source: From Doyle, 2008.



To reduce cognitive workload and improve operator decision-making, technological

systems such as so ware executing on a computer can assume tasks that a human
operator would otherwise perform (Wickens, Gordon, and Liu, 1997). Such
automated aids and decision support tools control many tasks, including “cognitive”
tasks in complex, dynamic environments. In advanced aircra cockpits, for example,
automation would relieve the human pilot of workload associated with detecting and

diagnosing system abnormalities, navigation, and calculating fuel-efficient routes

(Mosier, Skitka, Heers, and Burdick, 1998). Though simple automation (for example,
a wristwatch) or complex automation (for example, the systems that control a nuclear
power plant) can each implement various levels or modes, adaptive automation
can replace human operator perceptual abilities and assist (or replace) decision-
making processes and actions (Parasuraman et al., 1992; Wickens, Gordon, and Liu,
1997). To ensure effectiveness through adaptive automation, however, designers
must address issues of automation reliability, operator’s level of trust toward the
automation, and operator complacency in the presence of automation (Wickens,
Gordon, and Liu, 1997).
Functionally, automation assists human operators through management by
consent and/or management by exception. In the former, the system suggests
courses of action for the operator that it executes only with the operator’s approval.
In the la er, the system notifies the operator of its intended course of action and
executes on its own unless vetoed by the operator. (Billings, 1997; Endsley, 1987;
Kaber and Endsley, 2004). Unfortunately, many modern automation systems execute
actions without any interaction with or notifications to the operator. While pilots,
for example, have said they prefer management by consent, they can miss half of
the goal conflicts and all of the presented implementation conflict events (Olsen
and Sarter, 2001). Thus, automated decision aids and automation may reduce one
class of errors, but may actually introduce another class of errors (Skitka, Mosier,
and Burdick, 1999). Because users will o en use decision rules of thumb to avoid
detailed analysis (Fiske and Taylor, 1994) and tend to expend less cognitive effort
when working in a group with human (Karau and Williams, 1993) or computational
teammates (Skitka, Mosier, and Burdick, 1999), automation o en gets used as
another heuristic, leading to errors of omission or commission due to automation
bias (Mosier, Skitka, Heers, and Burdick, 1998; Skitka, Mosier, and Burdick, 1999).
Omission errors occur when a decision-maker does not take an appropriate action,
despite non-automated indications that a problem exists, sometimes because an
automated decision aid does not also indicate that the problem exists. Commission
errors occur when a decision-maker acts on erroneous or ambiguous directives of an
automated device (Mosier and Skitka, 1996) or acts erroneously due to confusion
of system state, or system responsibility or responsiveness. While redundancy in
such situations might appear to benefit the additional team members, the increased
system complexity (Mosier, Skitka, Dunbar, and McDonnell, 2001) can make team
situation awareness more difficult to maintain than individual SA (Jentsch, Barne ,
Bowers, and Salas, 1999). Time constraints may also increase the tendency to rely on
as few cues as necessary, leading teams to use the automation as a decision shortcut
(Mosier, Skitka, Dunbar, and McDonnell, 2001). In fact, the presence of automation
may disrupt crew coordination (Bowers et al., 1995) by disrupting the hierarchical
structure necessary for effective team decision-making (Sarter and Woods, 1997;
Wiener, 1989) and decreasing the communication rates between crew members
(Costley, Johnson, and Lawson, 1989). When introduced to a system, automated aids
can disrupt the pa ern of cue utilization and problem evaluation (Layton, Smith,
and McCoy, 1994), and users may act on the decision aid directives, even while
knowing that the automation lacks an adequate model of the “world” and in the
face of conflicting data from other indicators (Mosier, Skitka, Heers, and Burdick,
1998). A decision-maker making such confirmation and assimilation errors may

avoid re-evaluation of the situation (Hamilton, 1981; Wickens and Flach, 1988) or
erroneously judge conflicting secondary indicators as displaying data in agreement
with the automation (Darley and Gross, 1983; Glick, Zion and Nelson, 1988).
Operators who rely heavily on automated devices o en loose proficiency (currency)
in complex task skills including maintenance of situation awareness and increasing
reaction time to correct problems when automation fails (Endsley and Kiris, 1995).
This “out-of-the-loop” performance consequence results from the validation of
automation (Billings, 1991; Moray, 1986; Wickens, 1992; Wiener and Curry, 1980) and
compounds with the loss, typically seen in automated systems, of proprioceptive,
kinematic and other subtle sensory cues (Kessel and Wickens, 1992). When operating
“out-of-the-loop,” the user maintains an inadequate mental model of the system which
can lead to an increased workload and “automation surprises” (Honeywell, Feary,
Polson, and Palmer, 2000) resulting from the failure of the automation-operator
system to establish or maintain a shared understanding of the situation, or agree on
the correct response to the situation (Norman, 1988; Parasuraman, Mouloua, Molloy,
and Hilburn, 1996; Reason, 1987; Sherry and Polson, 1999).
However, automation can benefit situation awareness and keep the operator
engaged when used appropriately to manage taskload (Ephrath and Young, 1981), as
long as it allows users to distribute their a ention, detect system failures and remain
active in the decision-making loop (Endsley and Kiris, 1995). Automation can support
human operator performance and task reliability by: (a) keeping the human informed,
(b) keeping the human current (that is, trained), (c) keeping the operator in the loop,
and (d) making automation flexible and adaptive (Wickens, Gordon, and Liu, 1997).
Depending on the implementation of these concepts, automation may not actually
reduce workload but rather shi the kind of workload experienced, as the operator
moves from a role of control to one of monitoring (Billings, 1991; Wiener, 1989). Both
partial task automation and adaptive automation strategies that keep the operator
in the decision-making loop can avoid some of the pitfalls associated with out-of-
the-loop performance (Endsley and Kiris, 1995). For example, automating early-stage
functions, such as information acquisition, data fusion and analysis, while reserving
decision-making functions for operator supervisory control, facilitates operator
situation awareness, trust, and maintenance of skill sets (Parasuraman, Visser, and
Cosenzo, 2007). This may preclude, however, achieving the highest levels of automation
(Sheridan and Verplank, 1978). Thus, the system designer must determine the most
effective levels and type of automation to support the operator based on four stages
of human–automation interaction: information acquisition, information analysis,
decision, and action selection, and action implementation (Parasuraman et al., 2000).
Though automation can support each of these stages (Sheridan and Verplank,
1978), each stage deals with distinct aspects of information processing. Separation
of information automation (information acquisition and analysis) and decision
automation (decision selection and action implementation) enables a reduction in
operator workload (Billings, 1997). For example, the Theater High Altitude Area
Defense (THADD) ballistic missile interception system has relatively high levels of
automation for information acquisition, information analysis, and decision selection
with a lower level of action implementation automation, freeing the operator to focus
on decisions regarding execution of a specific action (Parasuraman et al., 2007). This
leads to a distributed cognition organizing principle (Hutchins, 1995; Hutchins and
Klausen, 1992), that changes the unit of analysis from the individual to the socio-

technical unit comprised of the human and non-human entities that are interacting,
and can enable estimation of cognitive properties not found at the level of either the
human or system components of that unit.
Human decision-making performance depends on personality and motivation,
level of knowledge, training, and natural abilities. Furthermore, task performance
requires strategic thinking and planning and effective use of short and long-term
memory, all while avoiding natural biasing tendencies (recent effects, premature
closure, anchoring, and so on). Thus, the management of high information and task
load systems could clearly benefit from the application of intelligent automated
workload and decision-making assistance at many levels. Appropriate real-time
task division would reduce cognitive complexity, workload, and short-term memory
demands, freeing the operator to think more creatively about strategic, tactical, and
operational situation states and potential outcomes. Bias of perception and reasoning
can appear from several sources and affect decision effectiveness. Computational
procedures, human intuitions, and both transient and long held beliefs for which
the facts support alternative views or for which li le or no factual support exists
(Stoyenko, Laplante, Harrison, and Marlowe, 1994) may impose biases in the process
of evaluating certain data objects. Such biases may result from lack of knowledge
or awareness about prior probabilities, deciding by similarity or representativeness
(conjunctive fallacy), favoring hunches and personal experience, and/or anchoring to
fixed beliefs or a limited subset of available information. In addition, temporal bias
can manifest, due to the presentation order of data (primacy or recency), hindsight,
prejudgment of effects in a data set, premature closure of the analysis (that is, acting
before all available data arrives to the user), and/or erroneous extrapolation. These
biases contribute to poor performance of human decision-makers, particularly with
probabilistic and statistical calculations and mathematical inference. Model-based
human-centered adaptive systems designed to improve operational safety, however,
can reduce errors associated with making decisions based on probabilistic data, and
their contribution to mishaps (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979).



Neuroergonomics encompasses both the understanding of the neural basis of

cognition and behavior, as well as the design, development and operation of
technology that utilizes this knowledge (Kramer et al., 2005; Marek et al., 2004),
Neuroergonomic, human-centered adaptive automated systems adjust the mode
and level of automation assistance dynamically in response to changes in operator
workload (Scerbo, 2006; Scerbo, Freeman, and Mikulka, 2000), rather than manual
inputs from the operator, which can increase taskload (Wiener, 1989). Adaptive
systems that respond to task specific operator psychophysiological feedback reduce
the workload associated with manually initiated automated systems (Hancock
and Chignell, 1987; Kramer, Trejo, and Humphrey, 1996; Prinzel et al., 2000; Rouse,
1976; Scerbo, 1996; Scerbo, Freeman, and Mikulka, 2000; Scerbo et al., 2001). Such
mixed-initiative approaches allow the human and computational systems to each
contribute to management of the system, performing the roles that each does best

(Ferguson, Allen, and Miller, 1996). Flexible automation can remain robust to human
tendencies of using heuristics to conserve cognitive resources in critical situations
(Skitka, Mosier, and Burdick, 1999).
Modern implementations of this neuroergonomic approach to managing adaptive
automation use real-time understanding of operator cognitive state along with
changes in the mission environment to provide a moment-to-moment adjustment of
information flow and automation assistance. These augmented cognition (AugCog)
based automation systems non-invasively estimate various dimensions of human
cognitive state and use this state information to adapt closed-loop computational
systems to the operator’s needs (Schmorrow and Kruse, 2004; Schmorrow et al., 2005).
For example, if the AugCog system detects a visual working memory overload, it might
redirect critical incoming messages to an auditory display (verbal presentation) in order
to maximize the capability of cognitive resources. Augmented Cognition goes a step
beyond traditional human-centered interface (HCI) techniques to enable adaptation
based upon not only the environment and tasks at hand, but also on the real-time
assessment of operators’ cognitive state (Raley et al., 2004). AugCog platforms have
demonstrated success using technologies from many different disciplines, including
cognitive science, cognitive engineering, neuroscience, human factors, mathematical
modeling, computer science, modeling and simulation, information science,
knowledge engineering, socio-technical science and engineering, complex systems
science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and systems engineering in
order to adapt the presentation of information and task automation to maximize socio-
technical team performance over a mission (Marshall and Raley, 2004). These include,
but are not limited to tracking changes in electroencephalography (EEG), functional
near infrared imaging (fNIR), heart rate variability (HRV), electrocardiogram (EKG),
pulse oximetry, postural changes, galvanic skin response/electrodermal response (GSR/
EDR), body temperature, electro-oculography (EOG), pupilometry, and gaze tracking.
Many of these sensing technologies have been integrated into cognitive state gauges,
which give accurate classification of workload and other measures of cognitive state
such as fatigue, alertness decrement, ina ention, or mental and sensory overload in
real-time by tracking changes in human behavioral and physiological pa erns (Reeves
et al., 2007; Schmorrow and Kruse, 2004). Various research teams have investigated
the feasibility of various psychophysiologic and environmental sensors (by evaluating
their accuracy, operational relevance, and comfort/wearability) and the effectiveness of
novel techniques by which to process sensor data into meaningful gauge information
(Ma hews et al., 2007; Russell et al., 2005; Snow et al., 2006; St. John, Kobus, and
Morrison, 2005; Kass et al., 2003; Doyle et al., 2009). These gauges also take into
account the neurological and physiological delays between a firing event in the body
and the sensing of this event (Belyavin, 2005; Dorneich et al., 2005; Gerson, Parra, and
Sajda, 2005). Using advanced machine learning, algorithms for automated biosignal
analyses have been developed (Koska et al., 1997; Trejo et al., 2003), that, for example,
require as li le as 3.5 seconds of EEG data for a robust multivariate support vector
classifier to correctly identify periods of cognitive fatigue in 90 percent of individuals
performing a demanding 3-hour task (Trejo et al., 2003, 2004). A number of methods
for employing and testing cognitive model prototype AugCog systems have been
developed (Schmorrow and Stanney, 2008), which have demonstrated that incomplete
models or mismatches in context between the system and model can adversely affect
performance despite the human-centered approach (Raj et al., 2006).


Task network (TN) modeling, an approach applied in military domains such as ships,
aircra (Sco -Nash et al., 2000) and ground based vehicles (Laughery et al., 1986),
can represent these interactions for human-system integration, task, and manpower
optimization. TN based models employ activity functional decomposition in a
discrete-event modeling approach with high construct, face, and predictive value
(Zachary, Campbell, Laughery, and Glenn, 1998). By using procedural documentation
such as training manuals and concept of operations (CONOPS) combined with subject
ma er expert (SME) feedback, TN’s provide repeatable, objective, and quantifiable
information about operator workload and timing questions. Networks organized by
task sequence can interact with dynamic system-of-systems (SOSs) models to create
a closed-loop representation of the total system, allowing parameter predictions
such as the effectiveness of computer screen real estate utilization, information flow,
and peripheral integration or placement. TN models can help analysts predict effects
of changes in system configuration, concept of operations and manpower on error
rate, task duration, and so on, and be fined tuned using scenario based simulation.
In most situations, particularly combat command and control (C2), uncertainty
can result from, for instance; (1) lack of good probabilistic knowledge, (2) lack of
information, and (3) lack of situation awareness. O en experience and historical
knowledge can substitute for the missing information and may include recognition
of pa erns and trends, analogical reasoning, case-based inference, and evidential
deductions (Cooper, 1995; Dagum and Chavez, 1993). Reasoning under uncertainty,
however, forces assumptions about the nature, intentions and methods of elements
in the environment (Chickering and Heckerman, 1996). If all these elements behaved
rationally and predictably then one could regain SA and infer likely system behavior,
performance, and future state changes to maximize one’s gain and/or minimize
losses depending on the conditions. Models of explicit and tacit situation knowledge
that have various levels of abstraction include multi-a ribute utility theory (MAUT),
bootstrapping, and composite judgment models (Cooper, 1995; Doyle and Thomason,
1999; Osherson et al., 1997). Each employs a linear modeling technique and can
provide useful types of consistent, reliable advice to decision-makers in a variety of
situations. Although each method varies in approach, they each express explicit and
tacit knowledge, modeled in a linear fashion using a weighted function based on
usefulness (that is, utility) of the information for a given situation.
Other approaches that utilize input from SMEs to guide model development
such as Visual, Cognitive, Auditory, and Psychomotor (VCAP) modeling (Aldrich,
Szabo, and Bierbaum, 1989) and the Workload Index (W/Index; North, and Riley,
1989) fundamentally rely on MRT, breaking task related workload into four and
six channels, respectively. Unlike the VCAP measure of channel utilization, the
W/Index uses a conflict matrix computation for total workload based on visual
perception, auditory perception, verbal cognition, spatial cognition, manual (that
is, psychomotor) response, and speech response channel activity (Bowen, 2005) to
expose the relationship between task related workload and SA related workload
and their effects on cognitive capacity. W/Index can also provide a measure of
backlog related workload, task shedding and operator task overload based on the
time frame, priority, and criticality of tasks le in the process queue. Additionally,
other “information driven decision-making” architectures with reasonably good

predictive qualities (Archer, Warwick, and Oster, 2000), such as SAGAT, represent
SA elements and temporal features to model the time related salience factor of the
information presented to an operator. Also, the recurrent network method can reflect
the short-term memory characteristics of SA by using connections between units to
form a directed cycle, which can exhibit dynamic temporal behavior (Engh, Yow,
and Laughery, 1997).
By using SAGAT to administer queries pertaining to all three levels of SA, a
comprehensive assessment of operator SA related requirements can be determined
(Endsley, 1987, 1988, 1995b). This method taps into the operator’s direct perceptions
rather than behaviors, without requiring that subjects or test personnel make
judgments about situation knowledge. SAGAT provides a straightforward score
based approach that easily informs human performance based measures of a TN
(Plo , Endsley, and Strater, 2004) by briefly interrupting a test scenario to probe
operator short-term memory for SA (Endsley, 2000). Compared to other scoring
methods such as VCAP or W/Index (North and Riley, 1989), SAGAT reveal changes
in SA values over the course of a scenario, identify tasks where an operator would
normally update his or her knowledge base to gain or maintain SA, and select points
in the TN simulation where SA related probes could be embedded. The SAGAT probe
questions relate to task a ributes (that is, state of the system, type of threat, speed of
threat, and so on) that reflect SA and current memory at a coarse level of granularity.
Models built on temporal changes in SAGAT responses have demonstrated high levels
of accuracy (Plo , Endsley, and Strater, 2004) and can estimate future SA when used
to help design and evaluate new system interfaces and automation components.
Game theory and Bayesian models can manage probabilities to identify
stochastic connections between actions and consequences. Bayesian probability (BP)
enables reasoning under uncertainty and combines the advantages of an intuitive
representation with a sound mathematical basis. BP models can assist, using
heuristics and biases, during conditions of uncertainty where decisions must follow
from objective goals. The Bayesian probabilities capture many stochastic-process
factors that affect the a ributes of interest and game theory models. These process
factors can then predict the effects that certain a ribute changes have on data fusion
processes. There are several ways of determining the probabilities for the entities in
the Bayesian probabilities (Hanks and McDermo , 1994). One common approach is
to use the joint probability distributions of the constituent components. Models that
employ Bayesian probability can accommodate both subjective probabilities (elicited
from domain experts) and probabilities based on objective data. A Bayesian reasoning
process can be initialized with certain background knowledge, either manually or
automatically extracted from relevant information sources (Haddawy, 1999). The BP
then can readily handle missing data and avoid over-fi ing of data in a decision-
making process by applying the Dempster-Shafer’s rule of evidence combinations
to the processing of information with multiple uncertain resources (Barne , 1991;
Bogler, 1987). Adaptive so ware can interpret, filter and correlate information (for
example, track histories) more efficiently and correctly by learning and adjusting
Bayesian game models using weight evolution in utility formulae, correlation links,
and so on. Similar to neural net learning, this method also operates with significant
autonomy of constrained decisions and without a detailed, largely static net. Overall,
the data fusion approach for SA could benefit from both evolutionary game models
estimating state determinations and solutions of the mappings between the state

space and the representation hypotheses, and BP models evaluating sensory and
environmental data, quantitatively ranking the action alternatives in terms of cost
Classical neural net and Bayesian classifier “black box” methods, however, suffer
from two problems: they o en fail to accurately predict cognitive state when the
context of the task changes significantly, and they produce cryptic, difficult to interpret
models. Dimensionality reduction methods such as principal components analysis
(PCA) or independent components analysis (ICA) express data more compactly, but
they do not provide much insight into the data’s underlying structure, particularly
its time-varying structure. Current research using statistical techniques have shown
the feasibility of classifying a person’s overall cognitive state into a small number of
categories from EEG data (Koska et al., 1997; Schmorrow and Stanney, 2008; Trejo et
al., 2003), but classification performance suffers dramatically when the data comes
from a future point in time where the operational context or environment has changed
(Berka et al., 2004; Lan et al., 2005). Understanding and modeling the EEG signal
(or SA, workload, and so on) as a collection of independent components, where
some components vary with external stimuli and others vary with internal cognitive
states, would improve model performance. The data signatures of these separate
components vary with time, even with the time frame of a single task, which makes
them difficult to identify. While neurons in the brain handle constantly shi ing sensory
signals without difficulty, learning algorithms that assume a stationary distribution
cannot. Such stationary algorithms include statistical regression, hidden Markov
model learning (Obermaier et al., 2001; Zhong and Ghosh, 2002), connectionist
back propagation, the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, support vector
machine learning, and other learning algorithms that require large amounts of data
to constrain parameters.
Because brain activity associated with processing external stimuli does not remain
stationary over time, traditional statistical methods assuming a stationary process
can fail. Though stochastic statistical analysis methods such as hidden Markov
models do not assume a stationary process, their accuracy depends on the model
designer correctly specifying the possible spatial and temporal structure of the
underlying process generating the data. An entirely different approach, Finite state
machine (FSM) induction, however, models a multidimensional data stream as a
collection of independent, time-varying components with computational efficiency,
while learning pa erns in the data (Hong, Turk, and Huang, 2000). This method can
explicitly represent the modeling process and structure visually and in real-time to
enhance understanding of the underlying process. The model produces an internal
representation, or “memory,” by segmenting the time-varying signal in terms of
the signal’s most frequently occurring parts and detecting temporal relationships
between those parts, which may or may not share the same set of spatial variables.
In a process similar to data compression, individual neuron-like processing elements
come to represent the most frequent components within a signal. FSM induction
can quickly partition a multidimensional signal with many variables into groups
of correlated variables without any prior information about variable relationships.
If the signal represents a collection of independently evolving state trajectories, the
algorithm learns to track each trajectory in the group. FSM models can continue
tracking changes in cognitive state despite changes in the sensory environment
because it can decompose a signal into familiar and unfamiliar parts. The FSM

approach has the potential to model brain activity, SA, workload, and so on, as a
collection of weakly dependent, stochastic processes, where one or more processes
correspond to the socio-technical team internal cognitive state, and other processes
map to sensory processing or noise in the signal. By basing the probability of future
events on the occurrence of prior events without imposing a limit on how far in the
past the prior events have occurred, it can model non-Markov processes such as
operator and system cognitive state (Raj et al., 2009). The FSM can remain robust
to physiologic perturbations in the system and continue to improve its underlying
model over time using new data, as it does not require extended calibrations or
closed training sets for operation.
Data and events generated from real-world systems may be sampled or occur at
greatly differing time scales. Data sampled at high frequency, for example, may relate
to events in a low frequency channel, or some events (that is, anomalies) may occur
much more infrequently than others. By representing the brain from the point of
view of nonlinear control theory (Cohen and Grossberg, 1983), different neural and
behavioral pa erns can be recognized as multiple a ractors in a multidimensional
state/phase space. Activity of these different families of a ractors and bifurcations
can represent different behaviors (McKenna et al., 1994). Nonlinear data analysis
of EEG data (for example) is usually based on the analysis of Lyapunov exponents
trying to catch statistically significant changes in degree of chaotic dynamics. Chaotic
transitions likely emerge in a wide variety of cognitive phenomena (Bob et al., 2006).
Nonlinear observers can improve FSM models of dynamic socio-technical systems
by identifying and tracking chaotic a ractors corresponding to different mental
states automatically. Nonlinear observers not only estimate the state of a nonlinear
system, but also can identify mismatches (anomalies) between the model and the
actual system. Sliding mode variable structure observers (VSOs) can identify chaotic
a ractors in the data and augment the FSM of a given model by providing a longer-
term memory of anomalous events and structural changes in the underlying system
(Drakunov, 1984, 1992; Drakunov and Utkin, 1995). Classical linear observers (also
known as Kalman-Bucy or Kalman filters) model systems using additional control
inputs to match both the model output and the corresponding real-life system output
(that is, the flow of sensor data). For well-known linear models and Gaussian noise
distributions with known intensities, this approach can provide optimal estimates of
a system state. However, in nonlinear systems, especially those with non-Gaussian
noise, nonlinear VSOs with sliding modes perform more effectively. They can
update the model when they detect an anomaly, which becomes a known pa ern,
thus creating a change in the model structure. This property allows reconstructing/
estimating categories of cognitive state that can arise in different situations, such as
stress, surprise, uncertainty, and so on, that are not directly modeled but that can be
identified or extracted from the data prior to or between tests. An automation system
that combines FSM and VSO methods could identify natural variations in human-
generated actions and data from background noise, as well as identify infrequent
events and shi s in the structure of the system from random perturbations.



Modern electronics, radio and computer technology developments have enabled

prototype systems that provide the real-time data acquisition and processing needed
to support AugCog and adaptive automation in real world, operational environments
(Dorneich et al., 2007; Ma hews et al., 2007; Raj et al., 2005; Sellers et al., 2009). While
earlier adaptive automation approaches required user input to change automation
levels (Parasuraman, Sheridan, and Wickens, 2000), current technologies can provide
human-centered control of automation that dynamically tracks the status of the
human–machine system in order to act as a virtual crewmember (VCM). A VCM
adaptively alters multimodal displays and adjusts levels of automated assistance of
the system without requiring operator intervention (Carvalho, Drakunov, and Raj,
2001; Diethe et al., 2004). For example, a VCM system could automatically take over
orientation control of an aircra to allow a pilot to troubleshoot a multiple system
failure, or initiate an emergency descent should the pilot become hypoxic due to loss
of cabin pressure. By continuously monitoring the state of the operator and system,
and optimizing the interface and level of automated assistance, the VCM would
act as an adaptable team member, rather than an independent autonomous control
mechanism. By bringing real-time human operator (or operators) sensing into the
automation reasoning loop, the VCM can perform more like human crew members
when optimizing crew resource management in complex, mundane or emergency
control situations, without imposing any additional workload associated with
changing automation modes. For VCMs to work in the operational environment,
they must exploit management of the operator interfaces to provide a higher level of
interaction in order to avoid issues associated with loss of mode awareness (Sarter
and Woods, 1995). Such loss can lead the user to assume that the automation will
manage certain tasks or that he or she must expend cognitive assets to manage a
task that has been automated. Either of these misunderstandings between the socio-
technical team can lead to increased workload, poor DE and, potentially, mishaps.
By improving the robustness of models of socio-technical team SA, SU and workload
(that is, both the human and computational components), the human-centered
VCM approach could provide improved workload management to maintain
operator engagement, cooperative task sharing, and improved team performance.
Indeed, VCMs could encompass systems comprised of many human operators
and computational assistants by employing unified models of socio-technical team
cognitive state and workload (Niklasson et al., 2007).
With accurate cognitive state detection, the flow of information and level of
automation can adjust dynamically to decrease (or increase) operator workload
in order to maximize socio-technical team performance based on mission
requirements and changes in operator cognitive capacity and reserve. This human-
centered approach avoids pitfalls associated with technology-centered approaches
to automation typical of many modern systems, which tend to increase operator
task load during critical moments when the operator requires the most assistance.
Though overly automated systems may lead to vigilance decrement and decreased
arousal, adaptive AugCog-based systems can decrease automated assistance to

appropriately re-engage the user. The full potential of psychophysiologically driven

human-centered systems has not yet transitioned to operational systems, primarily
due to limitations in development of robust socio-technical team cognition models
and due to transition time for technologies designed for laboratory use to be fielded
in real-world environments. Emerging advances, however, in machine learning
algorithms can automatically build complex system models from small training
sets and operational data in order to continuously learn and tune their underlying
models. In addition, advances in physiologic sensing technologies for operational
environments will soon allow engineers to incorporate human-centered adjustable
autonomy into modern designs to optimize performance of operational human–
machine systems.


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