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Fwenty-first Symposium (International) on Combustion/The Combustion Institute, 1986/pp.



Institut fiir AUgemeine Mechanik
RWTH Aachen, West-Germany

The laminar flamelet concept covers a regime in turbulent combustion where chemistry (as
compared to transport processes) is fast such that it occurs in asymptotically thin layers--called
flamelets--embedded within the turbulent flow field. This situation occurs in most practical
combustion systems including reciprocating engines and gas turbine combustors. The inner
structure of the flamelets is one-dimensional and time dependent. This is shown by an asymp-
totic expansion for the Damk6hler number of the rate determining reaction which is assumed
to be large. Other non-dimensional chemical parameters such as the nondimensional activation
energy or Zeldovich number may also be large and may be related to the Damk6hler number by
a distinguished asymptotic limit. Examples of the flamelet structure are presented using one-
step model kinetics or a reduced four-step quasi-global mechanism for methane flames.
For non-premixed combustion a formal coordinate transformation using the mixture fraction Zas
independent variable leads to a universal description. The instantaneous scalar dissipation rate X of
the conserved scalar Zis identified to represent the diffusion time scale that is compared with the
chemical time scale in the definition of the Damk6hler number. Flame stretch increases the scalar
dissipation rate in a turbulent flow field. If it exceeds a critical value Xq the diffusion flamelet will
extinguish. Considering the probability density distribution of X, it is shown how local extinction
reduces the number of burnable flamelets and thereby the mean reaction rate. Furthermore, local
extinction events may interrupt the connection to burnable flamelets which are not yet reached by
an ignition source and will therefore not be ignited. This phenomenon, described by percolation
theory, is used to derive criteria for the stability of lifted flames. It is shown how values of Xq
obtained from laminar experiments scale with turbulent residence times to describe lift-off of
turbulent jet diffusion flames. For non-premixed combustion it is concluded that the outer mixing
field--by imposing the scalar dissipation rate--dominates the flamelet behaviour because the
flamelet is attached to the surface of stoichiometric mixture. The flamelet response may be
two-fold: burning or non-burning quasi-stationary states. This is the reason why classical turbu-
lence models readily can be used in the flamelet regime of non-premixed combustion. The extent
to which burnable yet non-burning flamelets and unsteady transition events contribute to the
overall statistics in turbulent non-premixed flames needs still to be explored further.
For premixed combustion the interaction between flamelets and the outer flow is much stronger
because the flame front can propagate normal to itself. The chemical time scale and the thermal
diffusivity determine the flame thickness and the flame velocity. The flamelet concept is valid if
the flame thickness is smaller than the smallest length scale'in the turbulent flow, the Kolmogo-
rov scale. Also, if the turbulence intensity v' is larger than the laminar flame velocity, there is a
local interaction between the flame front and the turbulent flow which corrugates the front. A
new length scale Lc = V3F/e,the Gibson scale, is introduced which describes the smaller size of the
burnt gas pockets of the front. Here VF is the laminar flame velocity and e the dissipation of
turbulent kinetic energy in the oncoming flow. Eddies smaller than Lc cannot corrugate the
flame front due to their smaller circumferential velocity while larger eddies up to the macro
length scale will only convect the front within the flow field.
Flame stretch effects are the most efficient at the smallest scale Lc. If stretch combined with
differential diffusion of temperature and the deficient reactant, represented by a Lewis number
different from unity, is imposed on the flamelet, its inner structure will respond leading to a
change in flame velocity and in some cases to extinction. Transient effects of this response are
much more important than for diffusion flamelets. A new mechanism of premixed flamelet
extinction, based on the diffusion of radicals out of the reaction zone, is described by Rogg.
Recent progress in the Bray-Moss-Libby formulation and the pdf-transport equation approach
by Pope are presented. Finally, different approaches to predict the turbulent flame velocity
including an argument based on the fractal dimension of the flame front are discussed.


1. I n t r o d u c t i o n Real chemistry is, o f course, more compli-

cated and the question arises whether flamelets
T u r b u l e n t flows with combustion fall essen- can also be defined for detailed elementary
tially into two categories: p r e m i x e d and non- mechanisms. T h e r e has been considerable pro-
premixed combustion. Combustion in spark gress over the last decade in predicting the
ignition engine occurs in the premixed m o d e structure of one-dimensional steady flames by
while n o n - p r e m i x e d combustion is d e s i r a b l e - - numerical m e t h o d s (Warnatz 9'1~ Westbrook
for safety r e a s o n s - - i n furnaces, Diesel engines and Dryer 11, Dixon-Lewis et al. 12, cf. also refs.
and in gas turbine combustion chambers. T h e 13-14, where f u r t h e r references are given).
two categories also are different from a funda- Numerically, it has been shown that lean and
mental point of view as far as the different time rich hydrogen flames r e s p o n d to flame stretch
scales for convection, diffusion and reaction are in a very similar way as one-step model flames ~5.
concerned. Premixing prior to combustion But only recently the gap between the numeri-
eliminates the diffusion process between fuel cal and asymptotic a p p r o a c h was closed for
and oxidizer as a possible rate limiting step. hydrocarbon flames by a systematic reduction
Nevertheless, diffusion and heat conduction of the elementary, kinetic mechanism to four
remain important within the flamelet structure quasi-global steps 16'17. In this review the asymp-
of both, p r e m i x e d and diffusion flames. It may totic structure o f methane flames will also be
even be shown that convection is a lower o r d e r discussed in the context o f the flamelet concept.
term in the chemically reacting part of flamelets An immediate choice for a large n u m b e r in
as long as they are asymptotically thin. This is an asymptotic expansion is the Damk6hler
the most f u n d a m e n t a l p r o p e r t y of a flamelet number of the second kind, which is the ratio of
and will therefore be discussed in the following. the diffusion time scale to the reaction time
scale. It is expected to be large if the flamelet is
1.1 The flamelet as an asymptotic concept to be thin. In one-step large activation energy
If the relevant chemical time scale is short asymptotics the D a m k 6 h l e r number (equivalent
compared to the convection and diffusion time to the flame speed eigenvalue in p r e m i x e d
scales, combustion takes place within asymptoti- flames) is related to the activation energy by a
cally thin layers e m b e d d e d in the turbulent distinguished asymptotic limit ls'~g. This means
flow. These layers, which have a well defined that, as the non-dimensional activation energy
inner structure, now are called flamelets *). T h e (now called the Zeldovich number s) tends to
asymptotic p r o c e d u r e is similar to that initiated infinity, the Damk6hler n u m b e r must also tend
by PrandtP in 1904 for b o u n d a r y layers. to infinity in a very specific way. For the
Zel'dovich and Frank-Kamenetskii 2 in 1938 asymptotic description of the reduced four-step
were the first to use asymptotic reasoning in mechanism it can be shown that none of the
flame theory, but it took until 1961 for a activation energies plays the role of an expan-
systematic asymptotic description of the inner sion p a r a m e t e r and that the overall thickness of
diffusion flame structure by Lififin3 and until the reaction zone is governed by the Damk6hler
1969 for that of a p r e m i x e d flame by Bush and number of the chain breaking reaction H + O2
Fendell 4. + M----~HO2 + M. This reaction is the slowest
In o r d e r to locate a flamelet in a turbulent and therefore rate d e t e r m i n i n g step for the
flow it is useful to introduce a coordinate b u r n o u t of H2 and CO. T h e r e f o r e again, by
system that is attached to the flamelet structure. requiring that the Damk6hler n u m b e r of this
Thereby the influence of external parameters reaction is large, a flamelet can be defined as an
on the flamelet and its response can be quanti- asymptotic concept.
fied. This was first done by Clavin and
Williams5 for p r e m i x e d flames and in ref. 6 for
diffusion flames. All the work in refs. 2 - 6 used
1.2 Why do classical turbulence models fail in the
a one-step reaction model with a large
flamelet regime and what can be clone?
Damkbhler n u m b e r (ref. 3) or a large activation In classical turbulence models, equations for
energy (refs. 2, 4-6). Summaries o f work based the moments o f the d e p e n d e n t variables are
on matched asymptotic expansions in flame derived on the basis of the general balance
theory are given in the recent books by Buck- equations. T h e n it is shown that the hierarchy
master and~Ludford ~ and Williamss. of equations cannot be closed at any level and
empirical closure assumptions are introduced.
These assumptions require that the discarded
*) This definition differs from that of a flame-sheet higher moments can be related in a specific
which is an infinitely thin sheet without a defined and universal way to the lower moments. This
inner structure. is by no means evident, if additional time and

length scales due to chemistry determine the model presumes the shape of the p d f of the
general solution. One may therefore want to reactive scalar or progress variable to consist
avoid the description by moments and turn to essentially of two delta-functions for burnt and
the most general probabilistic description of a u n b u r n t mixtures. This model will be dis-
turbulent reacting flow which is contained in cussed in detail in section 3.3. A presumed
the j o i n t probability density function of all beta-function p d f was used in ref. 26 to
d e p e n d e n t variables, i.e. the three velocity calculate the mean turbulent reaction rate.
components, the t e m p e r a t u r e a n d the concen- T h e composite or p r e s u m e d p d f approach
trations. In principle, this p d f could be calcu- leads again to m o m e n t equations and is there-
lated at each location within the flow field on fore easier to apply than the calculation of the
the basis of a p d f transport equation. Although entire pdf.
this a p p r o a c h avoids some of the modelling
assumptions used in m o m e n t methods and
therefore should yield more general results, it 2. The flamelet concept for non-premixed
still requires modelling of some of the most combustion
i m p o r t a n t terms, in particular the fluctuating
pressure gradient term and the molecular N o n - p r e m i x e d combustion is generally asso-
diffusion term. A recent review on p d f meth- ciated with diffusion flames which owe their
ods for turbulent reactive flow has been given name to the rate controlling step: to diffusion.
by Pope 2~ T h e classical a r g u m e n t to support T h e convective and diffusive time scales are in
p d f t r a n s p o r t modelling for reactive flows has general of the same o r d e r of magnitude but the
always been that the highly nonlinear chemical chemical time scale is very much smaller.
source term does not need to be modelled. Therefore, the assumption of local chemical
However, if reaction occurs in thin layers only, equilibrium has been used quite successfully for
reaction and molecular diffusion are closely diffusion flames, in particular those of hydro-
coupled and the difficulty with the chemical gen or h y d r o g e n / c a r b o n - m o n o x i d e mixtures.
source term is shifted towards modelling of the T h e scalar structure that it implies can be
molecular diffusion term. In a very interesting thought of as flamelet structure for infinite
pdf-calculation Pope and A n a n d 21 use the sum residence times. For h y d r o c a r b o n flames, how-
of the reaction and diffusion t e r m as appropri- ever, the local equilibrium assumption leads to
ate source term for the flamelet regime of unrealistically high levels of CO and H2 on the
p r e m i x e d flames and c o m p a r e the results with rich side of the flamelet structure. Many ad-hoc
the standard modelling, which they call the assumptions have been p r o p o s e d to cure this
regime of distributed combustion. This p a p e r mtsbehavlour (cf. Etckhoff e ). Nevertheless, the
9 9 9 -- 7

will also be discussed in section 3.3. i m p o r t a n t advantage o f the local equilibrium

An alternative a p p r o a c h that provides a assumption is the simplification that it intro-
more direct insight into the physics of the duces, since it eliminates many p a r a m e t e r s - -
p r o b l e m is that of a p r e s u m e d or composite those associated with chemical kinetics--from
pdf. T h e idea here is that well defined struc- the analysis.
tures passing over the point of observation Non-equilibrium effects are not only impor-
should contribute in a quasi-deterministic way tant for the prediction o f CO, H2 and also NOx
to the probability density function. T h e occur- levels, they also provide the basic mechanism
rence o f such structures could manifest itself, that leads to local quenching of diffusion
for example, in a bimodal shape of the pdf. By flamelets and eventually to lift-off and blow-off
postulating certain properties of the structure of j e t diffusion flames. A more detailed review
and randomness o f the s u r r o u n d i n g flow field of flamelet models in n o n - p r e m i x e d combus-
one can construct a composite p d f which tion was given in ref. 28. Here only the basic
d e p e n d s on a n u m b e r of parameters. These can features of the analysis will be repeated.
again be related to conditioned and uncondi-
tioned moments of the fluctuating variables for
2.1 Introduction of a flame-attached coordinate
which, in principle, m o m e n t equations can be
derived. An example o f a composite p d f for the
conserved scalar p d f is given in ref. 22. Here For a two-feed n o n - p r e m i x e d system (index
the viscous superlayer between turbulent and 1 denoting the fuel stream and index 2 the
non-turbulent fluid was expected to provide a oxidizer stream) a fuel element mass fraction ZF
well defined scalar profile. T h e model was may be defined as the mass fraction of all
applied by Pitz and Drake 23, Drake, Shyy and elements originating from the fuel stream
Pitz 24 and Chen 25 for diffusion flame studies. within the mixture. Likewise the oxidizer ele-
For p r e m i x e d flames the Bray-Moss-Libby- ment mass fraction Zo is the mass fraction of the
diffusion flamelet
oxygen originating from the oxidizer stream
(thereby excluding possible contributions from
oxygen contained in the fuel). The fuel as well oir Z Z

as the oxidizer stream may contain inerts like

nitrogen. Denoting the fuel element mass frac-
tion in the fuel stream by Zf,1 equal to Yf, l and
the oxygen mass fraction in the oxidizer stream /I z()<,,.tl
by Zo,2 equal to Yo,2 the mixture fraction is
defined ~ o n luminous
flame contour

z = Z F = 1 - - - . ZO (1)
ZF, 1 Zo,2 Fro. 1. Schematic illustration of diffusion flamelets
attached to the surface of stoichiometric mixture.
The stoichiometric mixture fraction of the eq. (5). T h e n the surface of stoichiometric
reaction mixture can be d e t e r m i n e d from
v~.F + vo Oz --> products Z(x~,t) = Z,,. (7)

is obtained from ZF,,JVFMF = Zo.sjvoMo as Combustion takes place in a thin layer in the
vicinity of this surface if the local mixture
Z~t= [1 + YF,lV~176] -I fraction gradient is sufficiently high. Let us
yo. 2vFMs (2) locally introduce a coordinate system attached
to the surface of stoichiometric mixture. We
replace the coordinate Xl by the mixture frac-
and the relation between Z and the equivalence tion Z and define the original coordinate system
ratio & is given by such that the coordinate xl does not lie within
this surface (cf. Fig. 1). This is a coordinate
z O-z9 transformation of the Crocco-type (Crocco ex-
o - (3)
z,, ( l - z ) pressed the temperature as function of another
dependent variable, the velocity, in a flat plate
showing that the mixture fraction is uniquely boundary layer). Here the temperature T will
related to the equivalence ratio. be expressed as function of the mixture frac-
In the balance equation for the mixture tion Z. By definition, the new coordinate Z is
fraction the chemical source term cancels iden- locally normal to the surface of stoichiometric
tically. If Fick's law for the diffusion flux and mixture. Using Z2 = x2, Z3 = x3, t* = t as the
equal diffusivities of all species and the tem- other i n d e p e n d e n t variables, we obtain with the
perature are assumed, all Lewis numbers are transformation rules

X a a az a a az a
Le,= =1 ( i = 1 , 2 ..... n). (4) at at*4 at a z ' ax~ = ax~ az
cl, p Di (8)
a a az a
+ (k=2,3)
Now the balance equations for Z and the axk az, axk a z '
temperature T are
the temperature equation in the form
az az a az )
P a t -+Ov<~ ax~ ax~ \ Ox,,] =0 (5) (aT aT aT) O(pD) aT
o 5 7 + v2 az-7 + ~3-g27 ax2 o&
aT aT a (oD OT ~ = _ I "
P~'t "Jr"pVc~ ax a axo~ \ ax a / i Cp ,~=1hffh, (6)
O oD) or oD[( az )2 oz
ax, az, - [\-0-2s +2 ax~ aza&
Here hi are the specific heats and rfii the
chemical production rates of the reacting oz O2T a2r] -• (9)
species (i = 1,2 ..... n). T h e specific heat capaci- +2 azaz +-g 2 +-#73 j = <, ,=,
ties cp, are all assumed constant and equal to cp
for simplicity. We follow ref. 28 and assume the If the flamelet is thin in the Z-direction, an
mixture fraction Z to be given in the flow field order of magnitude analysis similar to that for a
as a function of space and time by solution of boundary layer shows that the second deriva-

rive with respect to Z is the dominating term on effect where heat conduction out of the reac-
the left hand side of eq. (9). This term must tion zone exceeds heat generation due to
balance the reaction term on the right hand reaction, which in itself is very sensitive to
side. T h e term containing the time derivative is temperature changes. While this remains to be
only important if very rapid changes, such as the basic mechanism for diffusion flame
extinction, occur. Formally this can be shown by quenching, the details of the flame structure of
introducing the stretched coordinate ~"and the hydrocarbon flames are not correctly predicted
fast time scale r by the one-step mechanism. As Bilger :~~points
out, in the one-step mechanism quenching
/~ = (Z - Z,,) / ~ , r = t*/E 2 (10) occurs due to leakage of fuel and the corre-
sponding temperature decrease on the rich
where E is the inverse of some power of a side, while experiments and numerical calcula-
Damk6hler number. tions of counterflow methane flames show that
A formal asymptotic description of the leakage of oxygen on the lean side is the cause
flamelet structure for a one-step reaction has for quenching. In a 1983 GAMM-workshop on
been performed in ref. 6 using the results from the numerical calculation of the methane-air
Liflikn's x9 asymptotic analysis of a counter flow stagnation point flame measured by Tsuji and
diffusion flame. If the time derivative term is Yamaoka 31 five different groups determined
retained, the flamelet structure is to leading the flame structure of this flame using elemen-
order described by the one-dimensional time- tary kinetics with encouraging agreement 12.
d e p e n d e n t temperature equation Later on, Miller et al. 32 extended the calculation
to more highly stretched flames to determine
the extinction condition. T h e same numerical
P-07-o~- Oz ~ 5 ~=, code was employed in ref. 33 using a reduced
four-step mechanism for methane flames
Similar equations may be derived for the I CH4 + 2 H + H20 = CO + 4 H2
chemical species. In eq.(11) II CO + H20 = CO2 + H2
III 2 H + M = H2 + M
/3Z\ 2 IV 02 + 3 H2 = 2 H + 2 H20
This mechanism was derived using steady state
assumptions for the intermediates OH, O, HO2,
CH3, CH2O and CHO and partial equilibrium
is the instantaneous scalar dissipation rate at
of the reactions H2 + OH = H + H2O and OH
stoichiometry. It has the dimension 1/sec and + OH = O + H2O in the same way as in ref. 16.
may be interpreted as the inverse of a character- The rates are those of the remaining elemen-
istic diffusion time, Due to the transformation it tary reactions of the Cl-chain, where the most
implicitly incorporates the influence of convec- important steps governing reactions I - I V are
tion and diffusion normal to the surface of
stoichiometric mixture. I n ref. 28 the physical I CH4 + H--+CH3 + H_~
significance o f x , t has been discussed in detail. In II CO + OHm-CO2 + H
essence, X,t decreases due to diffusion and III H + 02 + M--~HO2 + M
increases due to straining by the flow field. IV H + O2~,~--OH + O
Chemistry models, including the local equilib- Calculations of the diffusion flame structure
rium model and the flame-sheet model in the for two velocity gradients across the flame, a =
limit )6c-+0, have been presented. In ref. 6 it has 100/sec and a = 400/sec corresponding to X,, =
been shown that local q u e n c h i n g of the flamelet 4/sec and X,t = 16/sec, respectively, are shown in
occurs, if X,t exceeds a critical value Xq. This Figs. 2 and 3. T h e case a = 400/sec is very close
analysis was based on a one-step-reaction model to extinction. T h e m a x i m u m temperature
with a large activation energy. An extension to drops from 2000 K for a = 100/sec to 1800 K
an one-step reversible reaction is presented in for a = 400/sec while the leakage of oxygen
ref. 29. Here we want to discuss the nonequilib- increases by a factor of approximately 2.5.
rium flamelet structure on the basis of a reduced T h e r e is no leakage of fuel through the
reaction mechanism for methane flames. reaction zone. This may be understood by an
asymptotic analysis34 which leads to the flamelet
2.2 The inner structure of stretched steady state structure shown in Fig. 4. O n the lean side of
diffusion flamelets stoichiometry there is a relatively broad layer of
T h e one-step mechanism with a large activa- thickness ~ < i, where E is related to the
tion energy describes quenching as a thermal Damk6hler n u m b e r (assumed to be large) of

, o~z)./0(6)
tT T,,-~ ><~To j"



soo \

Z=t Z 1.0
o.'o5 d~ o.;s o12 6~ d.6 d.8 ~o
Z ----=- FIG. 4. Asymptotic structure of a methane-air
diffusion flamelet.
Fzc. 2. Temperature as a function of the mixture
fraction for a stagnation point diffusion flame9At the section 3.2. An important difference is the
velocity gradient a = 400/see the flame is close to diffusion of oxygen from the lean side and its
extinction. leakage through the i n n e r flame structure. On
the rich side of the fuel consumption layer all
the chain breaking step H + 02 + M---~HO2 + radicals are depleted and the rich part of the
M. The H-radical is in steady state in this layer flame structure therefore remains chemically
which leads to the global reaction inert. With an increasing velocity gradient the
residence time is reduced, such that the reac-
IIIa 2 H2 + 02 = 2 H 2 0 tion IV consumes less oxygen leading to a
larger leakage. This in t u r n reduces the tem-
as a combination of reactions III and IV. The perature due to coupling relations and de-
z-layer is the broadest layer within the reacting creases the highly temperature d e p e n d e n t reac-
part of the flame structure a n d therefore deter- tion rate IV even f u r t h e r until, finally, the
mines its overall thickness. Between this layer flamelet will extinguish.
a n d the inert layer of order O(1) on the fuel rich In Fig. 5 the S-shaped curve for steady state
side, there is a thin fuel consumption layer of diffusion flames is shown schematically. Here,
order O(6), where 6 is small a n d proportional to the m a x i m u m temperature is plotted over the
the ratio of the rates of the reactions H + Damk6hler n u m b e r (for one-step kinetics) or
Oz---~OH + O and CH4 + H---~CH3 + H 2. The over the inverse of X,t, if the kinetics (elemen-
radicals presented by the H-radical (to which O tary or global) are fixed. B u r n i n g of the
and OH are related by partial equilibrium flamelet corresponds to the u p p e r branch of
assumptions) are in steady state except for a thin the curve. If X,t is increased the curve is
radical consumption layer embedded within the traversed to the left until Xq is reached, beyond
fuel consumption layer. T h e asymptotic flame
structure is very similar to that of a premixed
stoichiometric methane-air flame discussed in
T~nlQx i ,osol
T~ax ]
~sculesplit / "tO I
--0= 100Is i / Yi
OZO ~, . . . . . 'OO/s i /"0.75
i CH6/ ~ 0 0O0~- 0000 0012

\ ~, l/a(sl~

0.05 / e_ I
Xq .log Da
Xsf [sl
, . 100_X .,Y i 0z
ol ~--'~ ..... o
0.0 0.05 0.1 015 02 0./. 0.6 08 10 FIG. 5. The S-shaped curve for diffusion flames.
Z---~" The points Q and I correspond to quenching and ig-
nition, respectively. Inserted are numerical results of
FIG. 3. Some species mass fraction profiles corre- the upper branch, using an elementary mechanism 3~
sponding to Fig. 2. - - - -, and a reduced four-step mechanism3 3 . -

which only the lower, extinguished steady state joint distribution function of Z a n d X,t. In ref.
exists. T h e transition from the point Q to the 28 the properties of the j o i n t probability density
lower state corresponds to an unsteady transi- function of Z and g~t have been discussed in
tion. Autoignition, which would correspond to detail and the relation to semi-empirical turbu-
an unsteady transition from the point I to the lence models of the k-E-type have been pointed
u p p e r curve, is unlikely to occur in diffusion out. Liew et al. ~s'39 have applied the flamelet
flames, since the required very large residence concept based on the two variable description
times (very small values o f Xst) never occur. by assuming a two-delta function distribution of
Inserted into this picture are the numerical X which leads to a splitting into a burning phase
results from the calculations with an elementary and a n o n - b u r n i n g phase. They have calculated
mechanism 32 and with the r e d u c e d four-step a library of stretched diffusion flamelets using
mechanism 33. T h e a g r e e m e n t is excellent ex- elementary kinetics which were introduced into
cept close to extinction, where the four-step a numerical code that provides the overall
mechanism predicts a larger velocity gradient turbulence properties o f j e t diffusion flames.
o f approximately a - 400/sec, while in ref. 32 This a p p r o a c h was recently extended using
approximately a = 350/sec is obtained. partially p r e m i x e d diffusion flamelets by Rogg
One o f the shortcommings o f the steady state et al. 37.
analysis o f the flamelet structure is related to Local quenching effects which lead to a
b o u n d a r y conditions. It is assumed that the disruption of the flame surface may have
structure extends (as in a steady state counter- i m p o r t a n t consequences for turbulent diffusion
flow diffusion flame) from x = -oo on the rich flame stability. Starner and Bilger 4~ have mea-
side to x = +0o on the lean side which sured the electrical conductivity between the
corresponds in the mixture fraction plane to nozzle and the main flame brush in a specially
applying the b o u n d a r y conditions at Z = 1 and designed piloted diffusion flame. They found
Z = 0. However, in particular close to the intermittency in the electrical conductivity
lift-off height of turbulent j e t diffusion flames, which points towards an interruption of the
fuel and air are partially p r e m i x e d on both reacting (and therefore electrically conducting)
sides o f the flamelets. Partial premixing of flame surface and therefore towards local flame
steady state diffusion flamelets has been con- quenching. Likewise, Dibble et al. 41, using
sidered in ref. 35 and experimental and nu- C2-fluorescence as well as Rayleigh scattering,
merical investigations o f partially premixed observed increasing local flamelet extinction in
counter-flow diffusion flames, showing excel- a turbulent methane j e t diffusion flame as they
lent agreement, have been p e r f o r m e d by Sesha- increased the j e t exit velocity.
dri et al. 36 and Rogg et al. 37, respectively. In turbulent j e t flames the mean scalar
dissipation rate decreases with distance from
the nozzle. Therefore, if a flame is burning far
2.3 Two-variable statistical description of
downstream, the probability of quenching of a
non-premixed turbulent combustion flamelet increases with decreasing distance
T h e flamelet concept postulates that a turbu- from the nozzle. But also there may be flame-
lent diffusion flame consists o f an ensemble of lets which were not reached by an ignition
thin diffusion flamelets where reaction takes source and therefore stay unignited. Even
place. In ref. 28 five different states of a within the turbulent flame brush there may be
diffusion flamelet have been identified. burnable yet unignited clusters of flamelets that
are not connected to b u r n i n g flamelets. A
1. the steady unreacted initial mixture
theory that is able to account for such a
2. the unsteady transition after ignition
situation is percolation theory 28. Percolation
3. the quasi-steady b u r n i n g state
theory (cf. for instance Kirkpatrick 42) describes
4. the unsteady transition after quenching
the conduction in r a n d o m l y distributed net-
5. the unsteady transition after reignition
works. For example, if holes are punched
I f one assumes that the unsteady transitions are r a n d o m l y into carbon p a p e r 43, there will be a
not very frequent, only the two steady states 1 threshold, beyond which the probability that an
and 3 contribute to the overall statistical de- electric current can pass from one side of the
scription o f a turbulent diffusion flame. The p a p e r to the other decreases to zero. T h e r e is
unreacted state 1 is i n d e p e n d e n t o f Xst but the an analogy to lifted flames, where local quench-
burning state 3 depends on two parameters, Z ing o f diffusion flamelets corresponds to the
and Xst. In a turbulent flow field these parame- holes in the carbon p a p e r and the lift-off height
ters are statistically distributed. To predict to the percolation threshold 2s. In a first ap-
non-equilibrium effects in turbulent diffusion proximation, assuming zero variance of the
flames, it is therefore necessary to predict the probability distribution of X,t and statistical

independence between Z and X~t, the lift-off tude as the velocity fluctuations in a turbulent
height should correspond to the downstream flame at blow-off. This would it)crease the
location where the mean scalar dissipation rate turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation levels of
is equal to the laminar quenching value )(q44,45. the flow and mixing field and therefore should
This prediction provides a basis for a verifica- lead to a better agreement between prediction
tion of the flamelet concept. In ref. 46 measure- and data in Fig. 6. It also points towards more of
ments of stabilization heights in r o u n d meth- a mutual interaction between combustion and
ane-air jet flames diluted with nitrogen were turbulence. Nevertheless, the flamelet concept
performed. T h e stoichiometric mixture frac- for non-premixed combustion, as it incorpo-
tion Z,t was kept constant by also diluting the rates non-equilibrium effects, appears to be a
fuel. The residence times d/uo for each dilution, promising tool for the investigation of impor-
where d is the nozzle diameter and u0 the exit tant questions like flame stability, but also of
velocity, were scaled with the corresponding NOx-and soot-formation, which are yet to be
value of Xq obtained from an evaluation of the explored.
laminar counterflow flame results of Ishizuka
and Tsuji 47. Fig. 6 shows Xq for the different
dilutions, multiplied with the residence time 3. The ltamelet concept for p r e m i x e d
d/uo, plotted over the lift-off height H, divided combustion
by d. It is seen that this scaling of turbulent
flame data with the laminar flamelet quenching In premixed combustion the flamelets are
parameter reduces the lift-off data to a single not attached to a surface imposed by the mixing
curve. The prediction is based on a k-E-type field as in n o n - p r e m i x e d combustion, but they
turbulence model 45 using statistical indepen- propagate normal to themselves into the un-
dence of Z and X~t. b u r n t mixture. T h e i r location therefore de-
In summary, the flamelet concept has proven pends on the flow field itself--rather than on
to be useful for non-premixed combustion the mixing f i e l d - - a n d is determined by the
because it is a straight-forward extension of the interaction of the flame with the entire range of
local equilibrium model and because a two-vari- length and time scales of the oncoming flow.
able statistical formulation, which resulted from The fact that the flame is propagating leads to a
the flame-attached coordinate transformation, characteristic velocity scale--the flame s p e e d - -
appears to be a reasonable approximation. and a characteristics length scale--the flame
However, the importance of unsteady effects, thickness. These scales have to be compared
not only" for the prediction of scalars, needs to be with characteristic scales of the flow field which
explored further. For instance, a recent defines different regimes of premixed turbu-
analysis48 indicates that quenching events, which lent combustion to be discussed below. The
occur on a fast time scale, induce velocity question of flamelet quenching which was quite
changes which are of the same order of magni- important in n o n - p r e m i x e d combustion, is now
to be answered differently for the different
regimes. In principle, premixed flamelets are
t not expected to extinguish as easily as diffusion
X ~ d .lo3 l. flamelets, as they are embedded between the
i X02,oi r
9 0.210
cold u n b u r n t and the hot b u r n t gas rather than
o 0.205 between two cold mixtures. They therefore
Iy.predicfion 9 0.200 loose heat only to one side and can receive heat
9 0.195
, : o.19o and some chemically active radicals from the
.\ 9 0.185 b u r n t gas side. Nevertheless, volumetric heat
9 0.180
\ Lx 0175
loss, for instance by radiation, or differential
9 \', A 0170 diffusion combined with flame stretch, but also
diffusion of radicals out of the reaction zone
~,. and chemical effects close to the flammability
limits49 will enhance local extinction of flame-
10 20 30 ~.0 SO lets. Compared to diffusion flamelets, pre-
Hid mixed flamelets may be expected to recover
much more easily from such extinction events.
FIG. 6. The laminar quenching value Xq, nondi- All these considerations suggest that the un-
mensionalized with the turbulent flame residence steady response of premixed flamelets leading
time d/uo plotted over the nondimensional lift-off to a much more vigorous dynamical interaction
height H/d for different mole fractions Xo2 of oxygen with the flow field must be considered.
in air. A recent review on laminar flamelet rood-

elling that emphasises the c o m m o n features of v' _ /g,\-* '

the approach for both, p r e m i x e d and diffusion
v/., t~,~, '
flamelets, was given by Bray 5~ A forthcoming (18)
review by Pop& 1 on p r e m i x e d flames in general v' 2"3 / f~ "~1/3
-- =Ka '1 I--
focusses on the p d f a p p r o a c h and modelling OF ~k gF ]
as well as the relation
3 . 1 Flamelet regimes a n d the Gibson scale
R e = D a 2 K a 2. (19)
Several authors (Bray 52, Williams 8, Borghi 53)
have supplied phase diagrams to illustrate In the following we will adopt a modified
different regimes in p r e m i x e d turbulent com- version of Borghi's 53 phase diagram and plot
bustion as a function of dimensionless quanti- the logarithm o f v ' / v F over the logarithm of G/fF
ties. Those are the turbulent Reynolds number in Fig. 7. In this d i a g r a m the lines R e = 1, D a =
1 and K a = 1 represent boundaries between the
R e = vpft
- - V' = (13) different regimes of p r e m i x e d turbulent com-
~' N-U' bustion. Another b o u n d a r y o f interest is the
line V'/VF = 1 which separates wrinkled from
the turbulent DamkOhler n u m b e r corrugated flamelets.
T h e regimes of laminar flames (Re < 1) and
the well-stirred reactor (Da < 1) are not of
Da = t~ = Vrf t
(14) interest in the present context. A m o n g the
lF v'f F remaining three regimes the wrinkled flames
and the corrugated flames belong to the flame-
and the turbulent Karlovitz n u m b e r let regime which is characterized by the in-
equalities R e > 1 (turbulence), Da > 1 (fast
Ka = "[fF IF 1 chemistry) and K a < 1 (sufficiently weak flame
OF - - ta ' T = tk (15) stretch). T h e boundary to the distributed reac-
tion zones regime given by K a = 1 may be
In eqs (13)-(15) v' is the turbulence intensity, G expressed in view of
and tt = G/v' are the macro length and time
scales and v is the laminar viscosity. The Ka=tF e~ ~,7
laminar flame speed vF, the laminar flame tk -- e~ - 4 (20)
thickness fF and the flame time te are related to
each other by as the condition where the flame thickness is
equal to the Kolmogorov scale. This is the
ZJF CF = 1J, tF = fFIvF , (1 6) Klimov-Williams criterion 54'~5. T h e distributed
reaction zones regime is characterized by R e >
if we assume a Prandtl n u m b e r of unity, which is 1, D a > i and K a > 1, the last inequality
accurate enough for the o r d e r of magnitude
arguments to follow (alternatively, eq. (16) may
be viewed as definition for fF-) Furthermore, yis 106 .
the inverse of the Kolmogorov time tk = ~k/Vk and v
describes the straining by the smallest eddies of vF

the Kolmogorov size fk = (v~/e) TM which have a 10/'

circumferential velocity vk = (rE) 1/4. Here Eis the
dissipation o f the turbulent kinetic energy in the ..=, ': .... .o=,
u n b u r n t gas. With v' and e prescribed, the 10 2
macro length scale o f the energy containing
large eddies may be defined by
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

e,- (17)
6 t 10 ~ 10~ 106 10 8

These definitions can be used to derive the
following relations between the ratios v'/Vr and
G/fF in terms of the three non-dimensional FIO. 7. Phase diagram showing different regimes in
numbers Re, D a and K a as premixed turbulent combustion.

indicating that flame stretch is strong and that
the smallest eddies can enter into the flame
structure since s < fF, thereby broadening the
flame structure. These eddies produce the
largest straining rates and may lead to local
T ;x1 \
extinction of some i n n e r reaction zone, but unburntmix ; burntgos
nothing definite is known about this interaction
at present.
The flamelet regime is subdivided into the ~ r v o t u r e
regimes of wrinkled flamelets and corrugated - '! o.
flamelets. This b o u n d a r y is viewed by Williams8
as the one between single and multiple flame
sheets. Clearly, i f v ' < VF a n d v' is interpreted as
the circumferential velocity of the large eddies, i

even those eddies cannot enough convolute the

flame front to form multiply connected reaction
sheets. In the regime of wrinkled flamelets,
asymptotic methods using large activation en-
ergy have been a very powerful tool to describe Fro. 8. Schematic illustration of flow divergence
the interaction between weak turbulence and
and curvature leading to flame stretch in premixed
the flame front. A n excellent recent review on
theoretical as well as on experimental verifica-
tions by the group, at Marseille (cf. Sabathier et
al. 56, Boyer et a l l v, Searby et al. 5s'59) is due to decleration if flame stretch is negative and Le <
Clavin6~ Notably the theoretical work by Clavin 1 or positive flame strech and Le > 1. It follows
and Williams5'61, Clavin a n d J o u l i n 62, Clavin and that cellular patterns will form for Le < 1
Garcia 63, Pelc~ a n d Clavin64, Sivashinsk~65-6s (cf. because an initial perturbation of the flame
also the review paper by Sivashinsky6~), Buck- front is enhanced, while the Le > 1 case is
master 7~ Buckmaster and Mikolaitis74, Mata- stabilizing. A numerical simulation of the re-
lon and Matkowsky 75, Margolis and Matkow- sponse of premixed flames in r a n d o m turbu-
sky 76 has contributed to our u n d e r s t a n d i n g of lent flow fields has been performed recentlys~
flame instability a n d of the response of a thin for the two cases Le = 0.5 and Le = 2.0. These
flame to stretch imposed by a n o n - u n i f o r m flow flames had a (v'/vF)-ratio of about one and a
field. Flame stretch, which was introduced by (e/s much larger than one. Excess en-
Karlovitz et al. 77, is the local fractional increase thalpy contours (the excess enthalpy is defined
of f l a m e - s u r f a c e area (cf. Buckmaster 73, as the enthalpy minus that of a plane undis-
Matalon 7s, C h u n g and Law79). In a steady flow turbed flame) are shown for Le = 0.5 and Le =
field positive flame stretch is an addition of the 2.0 in Fig. 9a a n d 9b, respectively. The flames
effect of straining by flow divergence and of propagate from the right to the left in these
positive flame curvature (cf. Fig. 8). For a
one-step reaction an essential additional factor is
differential diffusion of heat and the deficient
reactant characterized by its Lewis n u m b e r
Le = - - (21)

which is enhanced by flame stretch and induces

a temperature change at the thin reaction layer.
Due to the large activation energy of a single
global reaction, that was assumed in all the
theoretical work in refs. 5,61-76, the flame FIG. 9. Excess enthalpy contours of premixed
speed is very sensitive to temperature changes. flames with non-unity Lewis numbers in random
Positive stretch increases the enthalpy and turbulent flow fields8~ Contours of positive and zero
thereby the temperature in the thin reaction excess enthalpies are denoted by continuous lines,
layer if Le < 1 and decreases it if Le > 1. T h e while negative excess enthalpy contours have dotted
flamelet responds therefore by an acceleration lines. Fig. 9a: Le = 0.5, showing manifestation of
if flame stretch is positive and Le < 1 or cellular instability, Fig. 9b: Le = 2, showing a
negative flame stretch a n d Le > 1, and by a stabilizing effect.

pictures. For Le = 0.5 a cellular structure o f the

flame front (represented by the lines c = 0.5
and c = 0.99, where c is the progress variable) is
observed in Fig. 9a with hot spots (positive
excess enthalpy) at the leading parts o f the
front and cold spots (negative excess enthalpy)
at the troughs. On the contrary, in the Le --- 2.0
mixture ( dz


case shown in Fig. 9b, a hot spot develops in the

u p p e r part of the flame that has been left
behind while the m o r e advanced parts o f the
flame front show negative excess enthalpies.
T h e hot spot will cause the flame front to
accelerate locally smoothing out the perturba-
( '5
tions induced by the r a n d o m turbulent flow
field. A total n u m b e r o f 67 numerical realiza-
tions has been analysed. A m o n g other statistical
data a correlation between excess enthalpy and
normal strain has been found, This is a mea-
sure o f the dynamic response o f premixed
flamelets and makes a quasi-static description,
which was successful for diffusion flamelets,
quite suspect.
T h e regime o f corrugated flamelets is much Fro. 10. The interaction of eddies f,, from the
m o r e difficult to analyse analytically or numeri- inertial range of turbulence with a flame front. An
cally. In view of eq. (20) we have with Ka < 1 eddie of Gibson scale Lc has a circumferential velocity
within this regime equal to the flame velocity.

v' -> vf -> vk. (22)

the Gibson scale *). It is the size of the burnt
Since the velocity of the large eddies is larger pockets that move into the u n b u r n t mixture, try
than the flame speed, these eddies will push the to grow there due to the advancement o f the
flame front around, causing a substantial con- flame front normal to itself, but are reduced in
volution. On the other h a n d the smallest size again by newly arriving eddies of size Lv,
eddies, having a circumferential velocity less Therefore, there is an equilibrium mechanism
than the flame speed, will not wrinkle the flame for the formation of b u r n t pockets, while
front. We may construct a discrete sequence of u n b u r n t pockets that penetrate into the burnt
eddies within the inertial range by defining gas will be consumed by the flame advance-
ment. A more detailed derivation is given in
ref. 81, where also some preliminary experi-
f = af._2L,
f,~fk, n = 0 , 1 , 2 .... (23) mental data are presented. In particular, it is
worth noting that L6 increases with v~ if the
turbulence properties are kept constant. At
where a > 1 is an arbitrary number. Then, sufficiently low turbulence levels, the mean
energy cascade arguments require that e is thickness o f a turbulent flame should be influ-
i n d e p e n d e n t of n and dimensi.onal scaling laws enced by this mechanism and therefore also
lead to a circumferential velocity v, as increase with Vr. This is observed in the V-
shaped flame by Namazian et al. sg, where the
v~ = eS, (24) mean flame thickness increases by a factor
between 2 and 3, as the equivalence ratio is
indicating that the velocity decreases as the size changed from 05 = 0.6 to 05 = 0.8, thereby
of the e d d y decreases. increasing vF. On the contrary, the size o f
Now, as illustrated in Fig. 10, we want to
d e t e r m i n e the size o f the e d d y which interacts
locally with the flame front by setting the
circumferential velocity vn equal to the flame *) This scale was derived as an intrinsic length scale
speed v~. I want to call this characteristic size of premixed turbulent combustion in collaboration
with Carl H. Gibson, University of California, San
Diego, La Jolla, during his sabbatical stay at the
Lc= -4- , (25) RWTH Aachen in 1984.

cellular wrinkles due to the instability mechan- changes. A numerical analyses of the problem
ism described above decreases with Vr, since it is in ref. 86, that resolves the thin reaction zone,
proportional to fe which decreases with ve has been performed by Darabiha et al. 9~ Ex-
according to eq. (16). Using eq. (17), one may perimental work on stretched twin flames s9 was
also write eq. (25) in the form performed by Sato and Tsuji 91, Sato 92, Sohrab
et al. 93 and C h u n g et al. 94. Again asymptotically,
L--~G=- ( VF~~ (26) for weak strain the effect of intermediates in a
el \v'} " two-step mechanism was found to retard
extinction9~ (cf. also refs. 96-97), if the activa-
tion energy of the first reaction is large. The
An illustration of the kinematics of the interac- interaction of weak stretch and heat loss with
tion between a premixed flame and a turbu- chemical extinction effects at the lean flamma-
lent flow field may be found in Fig. 9 of the bility limit (due to the modelled competition of
paper by Ashurst and Barr ~3. In this numerical the reactions H + O2---~OH + O and H + 02 +
study the characteristic macro length scale 6 M---~HO2 + M) was analysed in ref. 49. These
was kept constant while the turbulence inten- papers, although they use model reactions,
sity was increased, showing corrugations of indicate that the presence of intermediates may
smaller and smaller size. A similar effect is influence the response of premixed flames
observed in the 2-D visualisations of the flame considerably.
front in I.C. engines by Baritaud and Green a4 Stretched lean (q5 = 0.6) and rich (05 = 1.4)
and zur Loye and Bracco s5 with increasing hydrogen-air flames with elementary kinetics
engine speed. Here it may be argued that the have been analysed numerically in ref. 15. Due
macro length scale is determined by the geo- to the large diffusivity of hydrogen, the Lewis
metrical dimensions of the combustion cham- n u m b e r is 0.3133 in the lean case and due to
ber and that the turbulence intensity increases the large thermal diffusivity it is 3.018 in the
linearly with engine speed9 Since eddies rich case. Therefore, in both cases the Lewis
smaller than LG (but larger than fk) will not n u m b e r differs considerably from one. T h e
wrinkle the flame front, L~ has the character results show that in this case the Lewis n u m b e r
of a lower cut-off scale9 This property of the effect is dominating over details of the chemical
L(;-scale will be used in the context of fractal kinetics and that Sivashinsky's65 analysis for
dimensions in section 3.4. weak stretch is a good approximation for the
flame response. In particular, extinction is
found for positive stretch in the rich hydrogen
flame. The Karlovitz n u m b e r at extinction was
3.2 The response and inner structure of stretched
found to be as small as 0.029 in agreement with
stead~' state prem&ed flamelets prediction. Recently, Rogg 9s has calculated
stretched methane flames on the basis of the
As in n o n - p r e m i x e d combustion it is useful in reduced four-step mechanism derived in ref.
premixed combustion to introduce a coordinate 16 which was discussed in section 2.2. The
system attached to the flame front a n d - - w i t h structure of the corresponding unstretched
the assumption that the flamelet is t h i n - - flame is analysed asymptotically in ref. 99 and is
analyse the one-dixnensional flamelet structure presented schematically in Fig. 1 la. Steady state
and its response to flame stretch. For weak of H has been assumed here which reduces the
stretch in stead~, flow fields it has been shown four-step mechanism to a three-step mechan-
by Sivashinskv65 and Buckmaster and Ludford ism with reaction I replaced by
(cf. ref. 7, p. 146) that flow divergence and
curvature have an equivalent influence. There-
Ia CH4 + 02 = CO + H2 + H20
fi)re, as a first step in analysing the influence of
chemistry and heat loss it is illuminating to
calculate the response of a plane flame in a and reaction III by I l i a (cf. section 2.2). In
diverging flow field9 This has been done nu- terms a coordinate nondimensionalized with fF
merically by Libby et al. 86-89 in a series of the flame structure consists of a chemically
papers ~br a one-step mechanism with a large inert preheat zone of thickness O(1), a thin
activation energy and weak to strong strain. fuel consumption layer of thickness & where
Lewis n u m b e r effects ss's9 and heat loss to the CH4 is consumed and H2 and CO are formed
b u r n t gas s7 as well as density effects are con- due to reaction Ia, and a downstream
sidered9 It is concluded that a Lewis n u m b e r CO/Hz-oxidation layer of thickness ~ governed
larger than one and heat loss promotes flame by the rate of the reaction H + Oz + M----~HO2
extinction, but that it is retarded by density + M. At the leading edge of the oxidation

fuel consumptionlayer 0(6)

preheat zone t
a=22~o~s l
~0(I)-- H2- CO-oxidationlayer Yi.Z~Qx " lkg/m sl
' ~ - ' O(E)~

)~H2-, CO-nonequilibrium
l layer. O(v) 20 000 ~ 04

fuel consumptionlayer
,doo 2~oo ~o
C H ~ ~radical consumption a[11sl~
F16. 12. Maximum H and H2 mass fraction, flame
position 77 and mass flow rate as function of the
velocity gradient in a counterflow premixed stoichio-
metric methane flame from ref. 98. The flame
o position is defined by the maximum of the methane
consumption rate and r/defined as in ref. 86.
Era. 1l. Asymptotic inner structure of premixed
stoichiometric methane-air flamelets. Fig. 1la shows
three layers embedded within each other and Fig. 1lb gas is drastically increased, such that produc-
a blow-up of the fuel consumption into which a tion of H by chain-branching reactions can no
radical consumption layer is embedded. longer balance the losses. In Fig. 12 it is seen
that quenching occurs at a non-zero maximum
value of YH and YH2 with a vertical tangent of
layer there is a nonequitibrium layer of reaction these curves. The mechanism resembles that of
lI with thickness v which tends to equilibrium diffusion flamelet quenching, where heat losses
downstream. The ordering of the relative width to both sides cannot be balanced bv heat
of the layers is 6 < u < e < 1. No activation production and quenching occurs at a tempera-
energy appears as an expansion parameter in ture well above ambient. Again, the Karlovitz
the analysis, the crucial cut-off of the chemistry n u m b e r at quenching, defined as in ref. 15, is
in the fuel consumption layer being essentially 0.15, thereby sufficiently less than one, such
due to depletion of radicals by the fuel accord- that quenching is possible in the flamelet
ing to the reaction CH4 4- H--+CH3 + H2 in a regime.
thin radical consumption layer embedded Another interesting outcome from Rogg's
within the fuel consumption layer as shown in analysis are the plots of the temperature arid
Fig. 1 lb. the mass fractions of H, CH4, 02 and H20,
The numerical calculations by Rogg 98 were shown in Figs. 13 and 14, over that of CO> The
performed for stoichiometric methane flames mass fraction of CO2 was chosen to present the
in a counterflow of u n b u r n t mixture and progress variable c used in the BML-model. It
equilibrium b u r n t gas similar to the flow in ref. has the advantage to be produced only by a
86. As seen from Fig. 12, the flame is quenched single reaction in the downstream oxidation
by a velocity gradient a = 2270/sec, when the layer, while the temperature or any other
fuel consumption layer nearly reaches the species take part in several reactions. Figs. 13
stagnation point. Therefore, the flame velocity and 14 show that the scalar structure is changed
is nearly zero at quenching, which is different by flame stretch, while the BML-model assumes
from the hydrogen flames analysed in ref. 15. linear relations between all scalars, which would
The quenching mechanism here is not differ- correspond to straight lines in these figures. A
ential diffusion of heat and reactants, but formulation similar to the two parameter statis-
enhanced diffusion of the hydrogen radical to tical description of diffusion flamelets could be
both sides of the flame, to the u n b u r n t mixture developed using the mass fraction of CO2 and
as well as to the b u r n t gas. When the inner the strain rate (or an equivalent stretch parame-
flame structure reaches the stagnation point, ter that includes the influence of curvature) as
the gradient of the H-profile towards the b u r n t two parameters in analogy to Z and X, respec-

TI 2500t
[K] l l
a =IO00/S
--- a = 2270/s


1500 0.06 !H

i II Hxl(] -0.04


0 0.05 0.10 0.137
0.05 0.1'0 0.137

FIG. 14. Methane, oxygen and water vapour mass

Fro. 13. Temperature and H mass fraction plotted fractions plotted over the mass fraction of CO2 for
over the mass fraction of CO2 showing the scalar the stretched premixed flamelets from ref. 98.
structure of stretched premixed flamelets (from ref.
m o m e n t s at c = 0 a n d c = 1. T h e expression for
the scalar flux in a n o r m a l flame is, for
tively. H o w e v e r , since Yco2 is not a c o n s e r v e d example,
scalar like the m i x t u r e fraction, its m o m e n t s o r
p d f cannot be calculated i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f the u"c" = ~(1 - ~) (zip - zir), (27)
chemistry that occurs within the flamelets.
g is the Favre m e a n p r o g r e s s variable and zip and
zir are the c o n d i t i o n a l m e a n velocities o f the
3.3 Statistical flamelet models in premixed turbulent reactants and the p r o d u c t s in x-direction, re-
combustion spectively. T h e b o u n d a r y conditions are ~ = 0
at ~ - ~ and ~ = 1 at ~ + ~ . Since in a n o r m a l
T h e most p r o m i n e n t statistical description o f flame there is a self-induced m e a n p r e s s u r e
p r e m i x e d t u r b u l e n t c o m b u s t i o n in the flamelet d r o p , the light p r o d u c t s will accelerate relative
r e g i m e is the Bray-Moss-Libby (BML) m o d e l to the h e a v i e r reactants such that zip > zir, in the
which uses second o r d e r closui'e o f m o m e n t m a j o r parts o f the t u r b u l e n t flame if the density
equations. It has b e e n d e v e l o p e d in a series o f d i f f e r e n c e is sufficiently large. It follows that
papers 1~176176a n d p r o g r e s s has also b e e n pre- u"c" > 0 in contrast to the g r a d i e n t flux
sented in the several reviews 52']I~ The approximation
m o d e l assumes Le = 1 a n d uses a p r e s u m e d p d f
for the progress variable c which may be viewed u"c" = o~ '
- - D t "~x (28)
either as the n o r m a l i z e d p r o d u c t mass fraction
or as the n o r m a l i z e d t e m p e r a t u r e , both varying w h e r e Dt is a (positive) t u r b u l e n t diffusivity a n d
b e t w e e n zero a n d one. By p r e s u m i n g a two- the m e a n p r o g r e s s variable g r a d i e n t is positive
delta function p d f at c = 0 and c = 1, t h e r e b y in the flame.
i n t r o d u c i n g the c o n c e p t o f a thin flamelet A l t h o u g h the B M L - m o d e l uses a certain
e m b e d d e d within the t u r b u l e n t flow, the m o d e l n u m b e r o f assumptions, in particular a b o u t the
is able to express F a v r e m e a n quantities such as chemistry, it p r o v i d e s an i m p o r t a n t physical
the m e a n velocity zi, the scalar flux u"c" a n d insight and predicts a large n u m b e r o f interest-
h i g h e r m o m e n t s as functions o f conditional ing features in a g r e e m e n t with e x p e r i m e n t s ,

such as scalar transport and turbulence produc- flames to 1.5 for large density ratios uT. How-
tion113, and crossing frequency statis- ever, quoting PopeSl: "Pope a n d Anand's result
ticssz'u4-u6. A shortcoming o f the model is its that the turbulent flame speed scales with u'
inability to predict the turbulent flame speed, (specifically ur = 2.1 u') is a direct consequence
which in turn is required as an input to the of the assumption that the mixing rate is
calculations p e r f o r m e d in a phase plane with ~ as proportional to r -1'' (the inverse of the turbu-
i n d e p e n d e n t variable. T h e spatial structure of lent macro time scale, Pc.) " i n d e p e n d e n t of
the turbulent flame could only be resolved, if in uL/u'." This r e m a r k refers to the fact that the
addition the mean reaction rate was known. It model contains, in addition to the consideration
has been shown ~~ that the mean reaction rate is o f diffusion in the flamelet structure, a stan-
proportional to the dissipation rate of the d a r d mixing model which causes pure (c = 0)
progress variable Xc, or to the inverse of the reactants to be mixed with material c > 0 at a
mean crossing frequency tmI~ but this does rate proportional to r -~. It is not clear to what
not close the problem. Since Xc is influenced by extend this modelling assumption, which accen-
both, the straining of the scalar field by the flow tuates the behaviour at the cold boundary, i.e.
field and the scalar gradients generated by the c = 0, predetermines the results.
flamelets, there is no convincing model available
for this quantity. This situation is fundamentally 3.4 Attempts to predict the turbulent flame speed
different from that in n o n - p r e m i x e d combus- In spite of the acquired u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the
tion, where the scalar dissipation o f the con- structure o f p r e m i x e d turbulent flames, the
served scalar Z, which is i n d e p e n d e n t of chemis- central problem of practical interest, the pre-
try, represents the characteristic diffusion time. diction o f the turbulent flame speed, remains
As far as the modelling of the mean crossing unresolved. A large body of experiments has
frequency tm is concerned, it seems evident that been provided by the Leeds g r o u p (cf. Abdel-
the time scale TG = Lc,/vF, the turnover-time of Gayed, Bradley et al. us-123) using the double
the eddies o f the Gibson scale, should enter as a kernel method d u r i n g explosions in a fan-
lower cut-off time. stirred combustion bomb. These data cover a
A n o t h e r promising a p p r o a c h to premixed large range o f v'/vF-ratio, o f turbulent Reynolds
turbulent flamelet combustion is the solution o f n u m b e r and a large n u m b e r o f different fuels.
a p d f equation by Pope and A n a n d 2~, A n a n d Although the scatter o f the data permits a
and Pope 11v (cf. also ref. 51) using a Monte- variety o f interpretations, a general feature of
Carlo method. They consider two cases: the data is the b e n d i n g o f the curves VT/VF
plotted over v'/vr where vr is the turbulent
1. T h e classical pdf-equation formulation
flame speed. This behaviour has been discussed
where molecular diffusion is modelled in
in the context o f spark ignition engines in detail
the same way as for chemically inert turbu-
by A b r a h a m et al. 124 where f u r t h e r experimen-
lent flow, which they call the case of distrib-
tal work is referenced.
uted combustion and
A m o n g the theoretical work based on flame-
2. a flamelet formulation where the chemical
let considerations there is in particular the
source term is replaced by the sum of the study by Klimov 195 (cf. also Klimov126). Klimov
source term and the diffusive term, both
considers the evolution o f the turbulent flame
expressed as a function of the progress
surface, originally convoluted by the turbu-
variable and d e t e r m i n e d from the solution
lence, d u r i n g a time interval until opposite
of a plane laminar flame.
fronts merge due to flame propagation. He
In their recent work u7 they have a d d e d the obtains
effect of density changes and find striking
a g r e e m e n t with many predictions by the BML-
model including the manifestation of counter- -- = n = 0.7 (29)
gradient diffusion. The p d f equation approach UF \ OF/
is more general than the BML-model because a
n u m b e r o f terms, for instance the correlation and claims good a g r e e m e n t with data. A short-
between velocity fluctuations and the chemical coming of the analysis is that only a single
source term u-/r'S and the second and third length scale o f the flame surface is considerd.
conditional moments of the velocity need not to Recently Kerstein lz7 has developed a pair-
be modelled, but are calculated on the basis of exchange model based on the idea o f random
the p d f equation. T h e authors also predict the exchange of fluid elements in direction normal
turbulent flame speed and obtain a linear to the flame. He obtains an e x p o n e n t o f n = 0.5
relation u r - u ' , where the constant of propor- in the relation v r - ( v ' ) '~ for very large values of
tionality changes from 2.1 for constant density the turbulent Reynolds numbers and n > 0.5

for not so large values. This interesting model where eq. (26) was used. As far as the fractal
considers the entire range of length scales, dimension of the flame front is concerned, it is
ranging from the Kolmogorov scale to the expected that D approaches the value 2.35 for
integral scale, to be present in the flame very large values of V'/VF where the motion of
surface. However, in view of the discussion in the front normal to itself is negligible compared
section 3.1 we would expect that scales larger to the turbulent motion. For not so large values
than the Kohnogorov scale but smaller than the of v'/Vr, however, the flame motion would
Gibson scale L~ will not appear in the flame smooth out the surface, thereby decreasing D.
surface because the circumferential velocity of Cheng 135 and T r o m a n s recently have evaluated
these eddies is too small to interact with the some data from ref. 84 and find a fractal
flame motion. dimension of D = 2.167, whereas we find a
A different approach to predict the turbulent value of D = 2.20 for the data ref. 84 and D =
flame speed has recently been proposed by 2.13 for our own V-shaped flame data sl. This is
Gouldinl~s. He applies the concept of statistical shown in Fig. 15. Thus, the combination of
geometry known as fractals advocated by Man- totally i n d e p e n d e n t findings such as Gibson
delbrot " " to the geometry of the flame sur- scale and the fractal dimension of a turbulent
face. The derivation starts from Damk6hler's 1~2 flame front yields exponents in eq. (29) be-
observation that the ratio of the turbulent to the tween n = 1.05 for D = 2.35 and n = 0.4 f o r D
laminar flame speed should be proportional to = 2.13 which cover the entire range of turbu-
the ratio of the instantaneous flame surface area lent flame speed measurements. This does not
At of the turbulent flame to the cross-sectional solve the turbulent flame speed problem, but it
area A of the flow lends additional support for the Gibson scale as
the lower cut-off scale in a turbulent flame
Vv _ At front. More experimental work such as refs.
(30) 84-85 and an evaluation in terms of fractal
dimension and the i n n e r cut-off scale Lc would
Now, according to the concepts of statistical be highly desirable.
geometry, homogeneous turbulence is not
space-filling but has a fractal dimension be-
tween 2 and 3. This concept is related to the 4. Summary
intermittent nature of turbulence (cf. Frisch et
al.l~:~). A recent evaluation of measurements in The inner structure of premixed and diffu-
turbulent clouds by Hentschel and Procaccia TM sion flamelets in a t u r b u l e n t flow consists of
suggests a fractal dimension of 2.35. A basic several layers e m b e d d e d within each other. A
feature of fractal dimension is the dependence common feature of both is the response of this
of the geometry on the length scale f with inner structure to flame stretch and the possi-
which it is measured, for a fractal surface area bility of local quenching. However, the quench-

A e - f2-• (31)
I Fronke, Peters
where D is the fractal dimension. This indicates
that the surface area in a turbulent flow gI[m
okml ~ si0pe = _ O,13
increases like A ~ - f-0.~5, if D = 2.35, as the
o o o
length scale decreases, because smaller measur-
ing scales can better resolve the finer structure
o o o
of the surface, Gouldin 12s argues that as in
non-reacting turbulence the true surface area 1.4 ~ I BaritQud, Green
A, should be the one measured with f = fk, the
Kolmogorov scale, while the cross-sectional 1.3 ~ [ sl0pe =-0.2
area A should be the one measured with the
macro length scale ft.
Again, based on the argument about the "No :
Gibson scale as lower cut-off for the length 12 ' '
-I.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
scales that appear in a flame surface, we want to'
replace (k by L(; and write eq.(30) as log ,t / [ram] --"

FIG. 15. Evaluation of fractal dimension D of flame

(32) contours from ref. 81 and 84. The slope corresponds
\U/ to2 - D .

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