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Get the clarity you need to move forward on a path that results in the impact
you were meant to have in the world

“A true Changemaker recognizes and commits to not only their own
greater potential but humanity’s potential to aspire & achieve great
-Melissa Davis, founder @ Values to Brand

Values to Brand exists to help passionate people like you, become the Changemakers
and Impact Entrepreneurs who transform the world. We do this because; for the
world to be a better place, more Changemakers need to move from passion into

Sometimes though, it’s not immediately clear to us that we are Changemakers. In
fact, it took me many years to recognize and accept that I had to take up this charge.
We all come into this path uniquely and recognize it in different ways, but once it is
clear to us, there’s a powerful force that prevents us from turning back.

We are certainly not all Changemakers. In fact, if I had to estimate, I’d say that less
than 5% of us have the unique mentality and grit to accept the charge. I’d also
predict that only a small fraction of that 5% in fact DO take up the charge and step
into that potential. I have intently studied the paths of Changemakers for the better
part of 2 years and in working with my clients over that time, developed a simple
process for recognizing it earlier. I want to share it with you.

Imagine if all 5% of us took up that charge to make a bigger impact in the world?

This exercise is intended to give you some clarity by providing you a strategic way
to evaluate yourself as a potential Changemaker.

Your first clue is that you are still reading this. Grab a new notebook (oh, you are
going to want a fresh new one to start this journey), an hour alone with a tea (or
coffee, a glass of wine, whatever) and dig in. hard.

To impact,

Melissa Davis
Founder, Values to Brand


1. If you knew nothing would prevent you from achieving any goals
you set for yourself, how would you rate your full potential to
make a measurable impact on the world? Rate your full potential
on a scale from 1-10. 1 being “I have no potential at all”, 10 being
“I know I have massive potential.” ___________

2. How much control do you feel you have over your own potential
for impact? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. 1 being “I have very
little or no control over my potential impact, it’s not in my hands”
and 10 being “my potential impact is something I alone am
responsible for investing in, curating and nurturing”. ___________

3. How would you know if you were living your full potential? (Don’t
worry about getting this perfect, or even right. Offer up the first
thing that comes to mind- you’ll come back to this again.)

a. What am I doing?

b. Who am I with?

c. How does it feel?

d. How am I impacting others around me?

e. How does it make them feel about me?

f. What does it afford me? / what benefits am I experiencing?

4. Right now, on a scale of 1 to 10, how close are you to living that
full potential? 1 is not at all, 10 is fully living it. ___________

5. Next, think about what would need to happen in your life to
expand your potential. If you listed your full potential as a 7, what

would make it a 9? If you rated yourself a 9, what would make it at

a. What am I doing?

b. Who am I with?

c. How does it feel?

d. How am I impacting others around me?

e. How does it make them feel about me?

f. What does it afford me? / what benefits am I experiencing?

6. Now, go even further, what would need to happen to make it a 15?

a. What am I doing?

b. Who am I with?

c. How does it feel?

d. How am I impacting others around me?

e. How does it make them feel about me?

f. What does it afford me? / what benefits am I experiencing?

7. On a scale of 1-10, how important is it to you that you figure out
how to move from your initial potential score to what a 15 looks
like for you? 1 being “not important at all, I’m pretty convinced
that I couldn’t get to a 15” and 10 being “I am 100% committed to
getting that 15 and even beyond.” ____________

8. When I think about my overall potential, what is getting in my
way right now from achieving that potential?


1. When you think about the total human potential for progress and
positive change in the world, how would you rate that potential
from 1-10? 1 being “no potential” and 10 being “massive impact”.

2. How close do you feel that we are to living that full potential, on a
score of 1-10. 1 is not at all, 10 is fully living it _____________

3. What would need to change in the world for that potential to grow
by 2 points?

4. What would need to change in the world for that potential to grow
by 5 points?

5. What do I feel is the biggest possible barrier from preventing that
full positive impact?

6. If you think back to your own expanded potential, what do you
see as the role you might play in helping to ensure that potential is


1. Right now, on a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel you
understand your purpose? ____________

2. To the extent that you currently understand your purpose, on a
scale of 1-10, how aligned do you feel you are to living that
purpose? 1 being “I don’t do anything intentional to align to my
purpose as I know it”, 10 being “everything I do is intentionally
aligned to my purpose as I know it.” ____________

3. How important to you is it that you get full clarity on your
purpose? 1 being “not at all important”, 10 being “the most
important to me”. ____________

4. How closely tied do you feel your purpose is to how successful
you will feel in life? 1 being “not at all tied to my feeling of
success” and 10 being “the most directly tied to my feeling of
success in life.” ___________

5. Right now, what do I feel is most standing in your way of getting
clarity on your purpose?

6. How confident do you feel that you will get the clarity you want
on your purpose? 1 being “not at all confident” and 10 being
“absolutely certain.” _____________


Working to understand HOW you will make your impact and focused on
how to refine and scale.

1. Right now, one a scale of 1-10, how well do you understand HOW
you will make an impact aligned to you potential and purpose? 1
being “I have no idea how I can make an impact” to 10 being “I
know exactly how I can make the biggest impact aligned to my
potential and purpose.” __________

2. On a scale of 1-10, how important is it to you to determine HOW
to make the biggest positive impact aligned to your purpose?


The biggest takeaway from this exercise is recognizing your
commitment to identifying and understanding the gap between where
you are right now and where you want to be with regards to living your
full potential, getting clarity on your purpose, and how you will make
your impact.

Your “Right Now” score is not nearly as indicative of you as a
Changemaker as how important it is to you that you peruse growth in
this area. Take a careful look at the questions noted below.

Part 1a- Your Potential:

Recognizing and then accepting your own potential is the first step
towards the path of a Changemaker. You are a Changemaker if you
recognize the gap and can see your expanded potential when challenged.

#1: A starting score here will be relative to how you see your own
potential to those around you and those you aspire to. In general

though, a starting score of 5 or above will be indicative of exploring

#2: It’s also all about how closely you feel you control your own
outcomes in life. If you rated yourself below a 6 or 7 here, you may rely
too heavily on luck or other’s intervention or influence to move you to
impact. A Changemaker, you’ll trusts your own ability to actualize that
potential and actively work and invests to realize it.

#7: I would also look for a 6 or 7 or above on this one. This is where you
really see that recognition and commitment to living your full potential.
Grit and drive are crucial elements of actualizing potential impact in the
world! We got thisJ

Part 1b- Human Potential:

#1: Recognizing the potential in humanity is central to a Changemaker’s
charge to make an impact on the world. Without this basic faith in
humanity, it’s unlikely we would be motivated to take charge and stand
behind what we believe to make it happen. If you rated a 7 or above on
this, move forward my fellow Changemaker!

#6: The ability to see yourself in this way, even if it’s not entirely clear is
a great sign that you are a true Changemaker.

Part 2- Purpose:

#3 & 6: Importance and confidence are tied to your overall commitment
to purpose (even without clarity!), a central element of a Changemaker.
Look for scores over 7 here.

#4: We’re back to control over your own outcomes on this one. A
Changemaker understands that success is self-driven and a central
element of that success is how closely you work to align purpose to your
life’s work. A 7 or above here is a must.
Part 3- Impact:

#2: It’s totally ok to have NO IDEA how you’ll make your big impact on
the world! Your answer to #1 just hives you an idea of the gap you’ll
need to cross to get there. Many of us start with very little here. The real
test is how important it is to you to figure out how to make it happen. If
you rated yourself an 8 or higher, you should feel very confident in your
path as a Changemaker.

What about all of the other questions?

They are for you. They are the nuggets of insight to help you understand
where you are right now, where you want to be, and an idea of how to
start seeing yourself as a Changemaker. They are also an exercise in
expanding your understanding of how you will make an impact as a
Changemaker. Study them and keep them handy- you’ll need them!


My goal for you is to get clarity as a Changemaker and fully engage with
what that means to you.

It’s my job and mission to make sure that more passionate people
recognize and take up the charge to stand behind what they believe and
commit to making a dent in the universe.

I help Changemakers, like you move from passion into action, get super
clear on who you are and what you stand for so you can make the
impact you were meant to have. Moving from passion into action is
different for every Changemaker- you may make your impact as a
writer, an activist, as a leader, an influencer, an innovator, a teacher, an
entrepreneur- or something completely outside of anything we’ve ever
seen before.

If this is you, I’m super excited to support you. So stay tuned, I’m going
to send you some really useful information to get started on your path
and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for all of us!

Let’s begin…

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