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5 种作文结尾的优美句子

Closure for essay 英语作文结尾

种类 1 : 旅行 Trip/ 野餐 Picnic


动物园/公园/ 博物馆; 河边钓鱼/海边/海滩

Zoo / bird park/butterfly park/museum/ beach

Suggestion 建议

1. It was a sweet and memorable experience 经历 for them/him/her that

they/he/she could never ever forget.
2. It was an interesting and memorable experience for them.
3. It was a wonderful trip and they had a lot of fun.

种类 2 :意外 Accident / 不好的经历

交通事故-车祸 road accident/火灾 fire/地震 earthquake


Suggestion 建议
1. It was a dreadful 可怕(scary 恐惧)experience that they hope it would
not happen again.

种类 3 : 好玩导致意外/做坏事/偷东西

cheating /stealing/在厨房玩火柴-着火了/在路边踢球/爬树-跌倒/恶作剧导致一些

Suggestion 建议

1. They had learnt their lesson 教训 and promised not to repeat the
mistake 重犯错误.
2. They felt sorry for what had happened. It was a lesson well learnt for
them and they would never forget about it.

种类 4 :做义工/做慈善/gotong-royong 大扫除


Old folk’s home/ orphanage- 主动做义工/做善事

Suggestion 建议

1. Although they we exhausted/tired 疲累, they have a very meaningful 有意

义 day helping the needy 有需要.
种类 5 :运动会 sports/比赛 competition / 得奖


心情 proud / happy

Suggestion 建议

1. His effort 付出 had finally paid off 回报 and he was so proud 骄傲 of


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