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Heri Dwi Putranto, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D

Program Pascasarjana
Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan
Faperta – Universitas Bengkulu

Interpretasi “Populasi” :
a. Demografi Manusia : a set of humans in a given area.
b. Genetika : a group of interbreeding individuals of the
same species, which is isolated from other groups.
c. Ekologi Populasi : a group of individuals of the same
species inhabiting the same area.

1 sendok air desa benua

seluruh spesies
Biologi Ekologi
Populasi Populasi

more frequently used more frequently when

when studying diseases studying plants and
viruses and microbes. animals

Investigative research in population biology spans the

biological sciences from molecules to ecosystems and has
input from the physical, chemical and earth sciences.
Definisi Biologi Populasi :

The study of ecological and evolutionary processes that

create and maintain biological diversity.

A study of biological populations of organism, especially in

terms of biodiversity, evolution and environmental biology.

Early population biologist:

* Malthus
* Charles Darwin (1876)
Biologi Populasi Biologi Konservasi

An interdisciplinary field of
study that integrates both basic
and applied biology.

Population and conservation

biology lies at the interface between
basic and applied sciences.
Basic Biological Science

Zoology Wildlife
Microbiology Population Fisheries
Genetic and Agriculture
Evolution Conservation Range
Ecology Biology science
Physiology Forestry

Applied Management Science

Definisi Biologi Konservasi : “The application of population

biology principles for the management and conservation of
endangered or threatened species, biodiversity and natural
Population ecology relative to other
ecological disciplines

PE Populasi

Physiology (Ph): studies individual characteristic and individual process.

Community ecology (CE): studies the structure and dynamics of animal
and plant communities.
Population genetics (PG): studies gene frequencies and microevolution in
System ecology (SE): studies interaction of human population with
Landscape ecology (LE): studies regional large-scale ecosystem with the
aid of computer-based geographic information
Definisi Ekologi Populasi :
Branch of ecology that studies the structure and dynamics
of population.

Masalah utama dalam ekologi populasi :

Age Population number

Stage (density).
Size ekologi Age (stage) distribution.
Sex populasi Sex ratio.
Behavior Spatial distribution.

Karakteristik Karakteristik
Individual Populasi
Population growth
(changes in
Development numbers or
Growth density).
Feeding ekologi
Reproduction populasi Changes in age
Death (stage)

Individual Population
processes processes
Main axiom of population ecology

Organism in a population are ecologically equivalent.

1. Organism undergo the same life-cycle.

2. Organism in a particular stage of the life-cycle are
involved in the same set of ecological processes.
3. The rates of these processes (or the probabilities of
ecological events) are basically the same if organism
are put into the same environment
(however some individual variation may be allowed).
Mechanism of Population Regulation :

•Concept of population regulation is closely tied to density

•Conservationist are interested in why some species are rare
and what keeps them so.
• Conservationist also concern with the factors that might
regulate population size.
• A population can be regulated if it has tendency to increase
when rare and to decline when common.

Howard and Fiske (1911) :

Catastrophic mortality factors : kill a constant
proportion of a population independent of its
Facultative mortality factors : kill an increasing
proportion of the population ad density is increased.
Serupa dengan Howard and Fiske

•Density-independent factor (DIF)

•Density-dependent factor (DDF)

influence birth and/or death rates in a man-

ner independent of population density.

DDF intensity changes with population density.


Rate a

low high

In case of density-independent responses

(a), density has no influence on a given
parameter such as mortality or birth rate.
In case of density-dependent, a parameter
such as mortality may increase at higher
densities (b), while other parameter such as
clutch size or individual growth rate may
decrease at higher densities (c).
Habitat-Specific Demography
(Source and Sinks Dynamics)

Definisi Source and Sink Dynamic :

The concept that population dynamics may depend on the

relative quality of good and poor habitats.

sources (good habitats) : areas where local reproductive success is

greater than local mortality.

Population in source habitats produce an excess of individuals, who

must disperse outside their natal patch to find a place to settle and

sinks (poor habitats) : areas where local productivity is less than

local mortality.

Without immigration from other areas, populations in sink habitats

become extinct.
Konsep Metapopulasi (Metapopulation)

Definisi metapopulasi :

A population that consist of several subpopulations

linked together by immigration and emigration.

Dicirikan oleh:
“minimal satu populasi utama/dasar (core populations) yang
memiliki jumlah tetap/cukup serta didukung oleh beberapa
daerah penyangga (satellite areas) dengan jumlah populasi yang
berfluktuasi/tidak tetap.”

Probabilitas yang ada:

Populasi pada daerah penyangga bisa punah disuatu masa te-

tapi wilayah tersebut bisa di”rekolonisasi” kembali oleh imi-
gran dari populasi utamanya saat kondisi daerah tersebut
Metapopulation structure affected by source and sink

source habitats
sink habitats
Fungsi metapopulasi:

“untuk menggambarkan struktur populasi yang tersebar di

potongan-potongan kecil wilayah yang terisolasi, berada
dalam status ancaman ataupun wilayah yang belum men-
dapatkan perhatian.”

Tujuan analisa metapopulasi:

“untuk mengidentifikasi fakta-fakta pada subpopulasi,

potongan kecil habitat ataupun hubungan antar habitat
yang bersifat urgen untuk memelihara keseluruhan
Monitoring Population

Fungsi aktifitas monitoring (pengawasan):

“melihat respon sebuah populasi terhadap perubahan
lingkungan sekitarnya.”

Data sensus jangka panjang (long-term census records):

Akan membantu membedakan tren populasi dalam jangka
panjang (peningkatan atau penurunan) serta kemungkinan
penyebabnya (gangguan manusia) ataupun fluktuasi jangka
pendek yang disebabkan oleh cuaca atau kejadian alam yang
tidak terprediksi oleh manusia.

Studi monitoring (pengawasan):

• pemerintah ataupun NGO : proteksi spesies terancam
punah ataupun spesies langka.
• didukung oleh perangkat hukum
Tahapan Pengawasan Populasi :
1. Inventarisasi (inventory) : catatan jumlah individu yang
berada dalam satu populasi.
Sisi positif inventarisasi
a. inventarisasi yang berulang-ulang dapat digunakan
untuk melihat tren populasi: stabil, naik atau turun.
b. biaya operasional murah dan cocok untuk tujuan
2. Survey populasi (population survey) : menggunakan
metode sampling untuk mengestimasi kepadatan satu
spesies dalam sebuah komunitas.
3. Studi demografi (demographic studies) : aktifitas yang
dilakukan pada individu tertentu pada sebuah populasi
untuk melihat rerata pertumbuhan, reproduksi dan
ketahanan. Tidak memandang umur dan ukuran.

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