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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help from Allah, writers
finished writing the paper with entitled “PRELIMINARY REPORT AND NURSING
CITY PHILIPPINES” right in he calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Ms.
Cory C. Manuel as clinical instructure in Hospital
In arranging this paper, the writers truly get lots challenges and obstructions
but with help of many individuals, those obstructions could passed. Writers also
realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper. Because of
that, the writers syas thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of writing
this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all the writer realized that
this paper stll imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then the writers hpe
thecritism from the readers can help the writers in perfecting the next paper. Last but
not the least hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge

Baguio, January ,2018

Subdural hematoma is the accumulation of blood within the subdural cavity.
In severe acute form, both cerebrospinal and cerebrospinal fluid enter the space as a
result of brain laceration or arachnoidal rupture, thus increasing the subduction of the
direct lesions in the brain. In chronic form, only effusion of blood into the subdural
space due to rupture of the connecting veins. Generally caused by a closed head
injury. The effusion is a gradual process that causes weeks after injury, headaches
and progressive focal signs indicating the location of blood clots.
Based on these explanations, the authors compiled a paper on subdural
hematoma on Ny E at Notre Dame De Chartes Hospital as one form of nursing care
in the case of subdural hematoma.

Formulation and Limitation Problems

By looking at the background previously mentioned, some of the issues that will be
formulated in this paper are:
1. What is the meaning of Subdural Hematoma?
2. What is the etiology of Subdural Hematoma?
3. What are the risk factors of Subdural Hematoma?
4. What is the pathophysiology of Subdural Hematoma?
5. How to Pathway Subdural Hematoma?
6. What is the clinical manifestation of Subdural Hematoma?
7. What are the complications of Subdural Hematoma?
8. What is the management of Subdural Hematoma?
9. What are the investigations of Subdural Hematoma?
10. How is nursing care Subdural Hematoma?

Writing purpose
1. General
To explain and know about how nursing actions are performed in patients
with Subdural Hematoma.
2. Special
a) To know and understand the meaning of Subdural Hematoma
b) To know and understand the etiology of Subdural Hematoma
c) To know and understand the risk factors of Subdural Hematoma
d) To know and understand the pathophysiology of Subdural Hematoma
e) To know and understand the pathway of Subdural Hematoma
f) To know and understand the clinical manifestations of Subdural
g) To know and understand the complications of Subdural Hematoma
h) To know and understand the management of Subdural Hematoma
i) To know and understand the supporting investigation of Subdural
j) To know and understand nursing care from Subdural Hematoma
k) Benefits
For theoretical educational institutions is expected to add information and
insight in health sciences especially nursing science related to the level of
independence of patients Subdural Hematoma, while for practical is expected to be
used as a reference source for lecturers and students in developing the science and
theory of nursing and used as a subject matter in giving nursing care materials and
promkes on Subdural Hematoma patients.
For health agencies in the hope that this nursing care can be used as one of
input and reference materials in the provision of education to the community,
especially the initial handling and identify disease Subdural Hematoma.
For the nursing profession this paper becomes the source of reference for the
action of the nursing process, and as a reference in nursing care Subdural
For the community as knowledge and information about factor factors related
to Subdural Hematoma incident so that people know more about its prevention, as
well as become source of reference by family in early handling and identify early
symptoms of Subdural Hematoma disease.
A. Definition
A subdural hematoma (SDH) is a collection of blood below the inner
layer of the dura but external to the brain and arachnoid membrane (see the
images below). Subdural hematoma is the most common type of traumatic
intracranial mass lesion.
Subdural hematoma occurs not only in patients with severe head injury
but also in patients with less severe head injuries, particularly those who are
elderly or who are receiving anticoagulants. Subdural hematoma may also be
spontaneous or caused by a procedure, such as a lumbar puncture (see
Etiology). Rates of mortality and morbidity can be high, even with the best
medical and neurosurgical care (see Prognosis).
Subdural hematomas are usually characterized on the basis of their size
and location and the amount of time elapsed since the inciting event age (ie,
whether they are acute, subacute, or chronic). When the inciting event is
unknown, the appearance of the hematoma on neuroimaging studies can help
determine when the hematoma occurred. These factors, as well as the
neurologic and medical condition of the patient, determine the course of
treatment and may also influence the outcome.
Generally, acute subdural hematomas are less than 72 hours old and are
hyperdense compared with the brain on computed tomography scans. The
subacute phase begins 3-7 days after acute injury. Chronic subdural
hematomas develop over the course of weeks and are hypodense compared
with the brain. However, subdural hematomas may be mixed in nature, such as
when acute bleeding has occurred into a chronic subdural hematoma.
Presentation varies widely in acute subdural hematoma (see Clinical).
Many of these patients are comatose on admission. However, approximately
50% of patients with head injuries who require emergency neurosurgery present
with head injuries that are classified as moderate or mild (Glasgow Coma Scale
scores 9-13 and 14-15, respectively). Many of these patients harbor intracranial
mass lesions.
In a large series of patients who developed intracranial hematomas
requiring emergent decompression, more than half had lucid intervals and were
able to make conversation between the time of their injury and subsequent
deterioration. In a more comprehensive review of the literature on the surgical
treatment of acute subdural hematomas, lucid intervals were noted in up to 38%
of cases.
These patients may be more likely to benefit from medical and surgical
intervention when instituted in a timely fashion (ie, before further neurological
deterioration). Acute subdural hematoma is commonly associated with extensive
primary brain injury. In one study, 82% of comatose patients with acute subdural
hematomas had parenchymal contusions. [1] The severity of the diffuse
parenchymal injury shows a strong inverse correlation with the outcome of the
In recognition of this fact, a subdural hematoma that is not associated
with an underlying brain injury is sometimes termed a simple or pure subdural
hematoma. The term complicated has been applied to subdural hematomas in
which a significant injury of the underlying brain has also been identified.
Acute subdural hematoma is the most common type of traumatic
intracranial hematoma, occurring in 24% of patients who present comatose. This
type of head injury also is strongly associated with delayed brain damage, later
demonstrated on CT scan. Such presentations portend devastating outcomes,
and overall mortality rates are usually quoted at around 60%.
Significant trauma is not the only cause of subdural hematoma. Chronic
subdural hematoma can occur in the elderly after apparently insignificant head
trauma. Often, the antecedent event is never recognized. Chronic subdural
hematoma is a common treatable cause of dementia. A minority of chronic
subdural hematoma cases derived from acute subdural hematomas that have
matured (ie, liquefied) because of lack of treatment.
For the most part, this review discusses acute and chronic subdural
hematomas; less information is available about the less common subacute
subdural hematomas. Atraumatic subdural hematoma and subdural hygroma are
briefly addressed.
Causes of acute subdural hematoma include the following:
 Head trauma
 Coagulopathy or medical anticoagulation (eg, warfarin [Coumadin], heparin,
hemophilia, liver disease, thrombocytopenia)
 Nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage due to cerebral aneurysm,
arteriovenous malformation, or tumor (meningioma or dural metastases)
 Postsurgical (craniotomy, CSF shunting)
 Intracranial hypotension (eg, after lumbar puncture, lumbar CSF leak,
lumboperitoneal shunt, spinal epidural anesthesia Child abuse or shaken
baby syndrome (in the pediatric age group)
 Spontaneous or unknown (rare)
Causes of chronic subdural hematoma include the following:
 Head trauma (may be relatively mild, eg, in older individuals with cerebral
 Acute subdural hematoma, with or without surgical intervention
 Spontaneous or idiopathic
Risk factors for chronic subdural hematoma include the following:
 Chronic alcoholism
 Epilepsy
 Coagulopathy
 Arachnoid cysts
 Anticoagulant therapy (including aspirin)
 Cardiovascular disease (eg, hypertension, arteriosclerosis)
 Thrombocytopenia
 Diabetes mellitus
In younger patients, alcoholism, thrombocytopenia, coagulation disorders,
and oral anticoagulant therapy have been found to be more prevalent.
Arachnoid cysts are more commonly associated with chronic subdural
hematoma in patients younger than 40 years.
In older patients, cardiovascular disease and arterial hypertension are
found to be more prevalent. In one study, 16% of patients with chronic
subdural hematomas were on aspirin therapy. Major dehydration is a less
commonly associated condition and is found concurrently in only 2% of
Symptoms of subdural hemorrhage have a slower onset than those
of epidural hemorrhages because the lower pressure veins bleed more slowly
than arteries. Therefore, signs and symptoms may show up in minutes, if not
immediately but can be delayed as much as 2 weeks. If the bleeds are large
enough to put pressure on the brain, signs of increased ICP (intracranial
pressure) or damage to part of the brain will be present.
Other signs and symptoms of subdural hematoma can include any
combination of the following:
• A history of recent head injury
• Loss of consciousness or fluctuating levels of consciousness
• Irritability
• Seizures
• Pain
• Numbness
• Headache (either constant or fluctuating)
• Dizziness
• Disorientation
• Amnesia
• Weakness or lethargy
• Nausea or vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Personality changes
• Inability to speak or slurred speech
• Ataxia, or difficulty walking
• Loss of muscle control
• Altered breathing patterns
• Hearing loss or hearing ringing (tinnitus)
• Blurred Vision
• Deviated gaze, or abnormal movement of the eyes.
• Third or sixth cranial nerve dysfunction
1. Acute subdural hematoma
Investigation of brain physiological and biochemical parameters in
patients with acute traumatic subdural hematoma has suggested variables
that might be associated with secondary injury to the brain.
In a study of brain biochemical patterns after acute subdural hematoma
evacuation, Hlatky et al found that postsurgical patients who succumbed to
their injury exhibited lower values of brain tissue oxygen tension and higher
dialysate values of lactate and pyruvate in the brain underlying the
hematoma. They suggested that identification of this brain biochemistry
pattern after surgery might signify an evolving brain injury that warrants
further evaluation or treatment.
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) can become markedly reduced. Schroder et
al reported that in 2 patients with acute subdural hematoma requiring
emergent craniotomy, the hemisphere ipsilateral to the subdural hematoma
demonstrated lower CBF than the contralateral hemisphere. Furthermore,
CBF in both hemispheres was lower than normal.
Impressive increases in CBF and cerebral blood volume (CBV) that
could not be attributed to pCO2 or blood pressure changes were noted
immediately after surgery. The authors speculated that the decreased CBV
caused by the subdural hematoma was a result of a compressed
microcirculation, which was caused by increased ICP.
2. Herniation
Like other masses that expand within the skull, subdural hematomas
may become lethal by increasing pressure within the brain, leading to
pathologic shifts of brain tissue (brain herniations). Two common types of
brain herniation are subfalcial (cingulate gyrus) herniation and transtentorial
(uncal) herniation.
Subfalcial herniation may cause a cerebral infarct via compression of
the anterior cerebral artery, and transtentorial herniation may cause an infarct
via compression of the posterior cerebral artery. Transtentorial herniation is
also associated with pressure on the third cranial nerve, causing decreased
reactivity and then dilation of the ipsilateral pupil.
With progressive transtentorial herniation, pressure on the brainstem
causes its downward migration. This tears critical blood vessels that supply
the brainstem, resulting in Duret hemorrhages and death. Increased ICP may
also decrease cerebral flood flow, possibly causing ischemia and edema; this
further increases the ICP, causing a vicious circle of pathophysiologic events.
3. Chronic subdural hematoma
Chronic subdural hematoma is commonly associated with cerebral
atrophy. Cortical bridging veins are thought to be under greater tension as the
brain gradually shrinks from the skull; even minor trauma may cause one of
these veins to tear. Slow bleeding from the low-pressure venous system often
enables large hematomas to form before clinical signs appear.
Small subdural hematomas often spontaneously resorb. Larger
collections of subdural blood usually organize and form vascular membranes
that encapsulate the subdural hematoma. Repeated bleeding from small,
friable vessels within these membranes may account for the expansion of
some chronic subdural hematomas.
Chronic subdural hematomas may also evolve from the liquefaction of
an acute subdural hematoma, particularly one that is relatively asymptomatic.
Liquefaction usually occurs after 1-3 weeks, with the hematoma appearing
hypodense on a CT scan.
Some chronic subdural hematomas may also enlarge from an osmotic
gradient, drawing more fluid into the subdural space, or through the separate
mechanism of calcification.
In 1989, Kawakami discovered that the coagulation and fibrinolysis
systems were both excessively activated in chronic subdural hematoma. This
results in defective clot formation and recurrent hemorrhage. Katano et al
reported that elevated concentrations of tissue plasminogen activator are
found in some chronic subdural hematomas, and indicate a relatively high
probability of recurrence.
As a subdural hematoma expands in the subdural space, it raises the
ICP and deforms the brain. The rise in ICP is initially compensated by efflux
of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) toward the spinal axis and compression of the
venous system, expediting venous drainage through the jugular veins. During
this stage, ICP rises relatively slowly, because the intracranial compliance is
relatively high; in other words, the initial changes in intracranial volume are
associated with small changes in ICP.
However, as the hematoma (and edema from associated parenchymal
injury) expands, a limit is reached beyond which compensatory mechanisms
fail. The intracranial compliance begins to decrease; small increases in
intracranial volume are associated with larger increases in ICP. The ICP rises
exponentially, leading to decreased cerebral perfusion and global cerebral
ischemia. In a rapidly expanding hematoma, this whole process can happen
in minutes.
In patients with chronic subdural hematoma, blood flow to the thalamus
and basal ganglia regions appears to be particularly affected compared to
that to the rest of the brain. Tanaka et al suggested that impaired thalamic
function can lead to a spreading depression that impairs various cortical
regions, thereby producing various clinical deficits. They found that a 7%
decrease of CBF was commonly associated with headache, whereas a 35%
decrease of CBF was associated with neurological deficit such as
Given that the pathophysiology of chronic subdural hematoma is often
directly associated with cerebral atrophy, the fact that subdural hematomas
are associated with conditions that cause cerebral atrophy (eg, alcoholism,
dementia) is not surprising. In a series reported by Foelholm and Waltimo,
alcoholics constituted over half of the patient population. Most chronic
subdural hematomas are probably caused by head injury; other causes and
predisposing factors include coagulopathy, use of anticoagulants (including
aspirin), seizure disorders, and CSF shunts.
4. Herniation syndromes
In addition to increasing the ICP, the hematoma deforms and displaces
the brain. Eventually, transtentorial or subfalcine herniation can develop as
the brain is pushed past the dural folds of the tentorial incisura or falx,
Tonsillar herniation through the foramen magnum may develop if the
whole brain stem is forced down through the tentorial incisura by elevated
supratentorial pressure. Although much less common than supratentorial
subdural hematoma, infratentorial subdural hematoma can develop and
cause tonsillar herniation and brainstem compression.
Characteristic herniation syndromes may develop as the brain shifts. As
the medial temporal lobe, or uncus, herniates past the tentorium, it can
compress the ipsilateral posterior cerebral artery, oculomotor nerve, and
cerebral peduncle. Clinically, the consequent oculomotor nerve palsy and
cerebral peduncle compression are often manifested by an ipsilaterally
dilated pupil and a contralateral hemiparesis.
The patient also may develop a stroke of the posterior cerebral artery
distribution. In approximately 5% of cases, the hemiparesis may be ipsilateral
to the dilated pupil. This phenomenon is called the Kernohan notch syndrome
and results when uncal herniation forces the midbrain to shift so that the
contralateral cerebral peduncle is forced against the contralateral tentorial
Subfalcine herniation caused by midline brain shift may result in
compression of anterior cerebral artery branches against the fixed falx
cerebri, leading to infarcts in an anterior cerebral artery distribution.
5. Spontaneous subdural hematoma
Spontaneous subdural hematoma is rare. The literature is limited to
sporadic case reports. These cases often have an arterial source; they are
usually associated with the same pathology as that involved in subarachnoid
or intracerebral hemorrhage. The blood from a ruptured aneurysm may
dissect through the brain parenchyma or subarachnoid space into the
subdural space.
Likewise, the blood released from a "hypertensive" intracerebral
hemorrhage can dissect into the subdural space. In fact, a case has been
reported of an acute spontaneous subdural hematoma precipitated by
cocaine abuse.
Coagulopathy, occasionally associated with malignancy, also has been
associated with spontaneous subdural hematoma. Subdural hematoma also
can be caused by bleeding from intracranial tumors. The treatment of
spontaneous subdural hematoma is similar to that of subdural hematoma
caused by trauma, but the underlying cause must be sought and treated.
6. Subdural hygroma
Some chronic subdural hematomas may be derived from subdural
hygromas. Brain atrophy or loss of brain tissue due to any cause, such as
alcoholism, or stroke, may provide either an increased space between the
dura and the brain surface where a subdural hygroma can form (see the
image below) or traction on bridging veins that span the gap between the
cortical surface and dura or venous sinuses.

Atrophy of the brain, resulting in a space between the brain surface and
the skull, increases the risk of subdural hematoma (SDH).
Hygromas probably form after a tear in the arachnoid allows CSF to collect in the
subdural space. A subdural hygroma may therefore also occur after head trauma;
they are frequently asymptomatic.

The usual mechanism that produces an acute subdural hematoma is a
high-speed impact to the skull. This causes brain tissue to accelerate or
decelerate relative to the fixed dural structures, tearing blood vessels.
Often, the torn blood vessel is a vein that connects the cortical surface of
the brain to a dural sinus (termed a bridging vein). In elderly persons, the
bridging veins may already be stretched because of brain atrophy (shrinkage
that occurs with age).
Alternatively, a cortical vessel, either a vein or small artery, can be
damaged by direct injury or laceration. An acute subdural hematoma due to a
ruptured cortical artery may be associated with only minor head injury, possibly
without an associated cerebral contusion. In one study, the ruptured cortical
arteries were found to be located around the sylvian fissure. The head trauma
may also cause associated brain hematomas or contusions, subarachnoid
hemorrhage, and diffuse axonal injury. Secondary brain injuries may include
edema, infarction, secondary hemorrhage, and brain herniation.
Typically, low-pressure venous bleeding from bridging veins dissects the
arachnoid away from the dura, and the blood layers out along the cerebral
convexity. Cerebral injury results from direct pressure, increased intracranial
pressure (ICP), or associated intraparenchymal insults.
In the subacute phase, the clotted blood liquefies. Occasionally, the
cellular elements layer can appear on CT imaging as a hematocrit-like effect. In
the chronic phase, cellular elements have disintegrated, and a collection of
serous fluid remains in the subdural space. In rare cases, calcification develops.
Much less common causes of subdural hematoma involve
coagulopathies and ruptured intracranial aneurysms. Subdural hematomas have
even been reported to be caused by intracranial tumors.
It has been asserted that the primary brain injury associated with
subdural hematoma plays a major role in mortality. However, most subdural
hematomas are thought to result from torn bridging veins, as judged by surgery
or autopsy. Furthermore, not all subdural hematomas are associated with diffuse
parenchymal injury. As mentioned earlier, many patients who sustain these
lesions are able to speak before their condition deteriorates—an unlikely
scenario in patients who sustain diffuse damage.
Using a primate model, Gennarelli and Thibault demonstrated that the
rate of acceleration-deceleration of the head was the major determinant of
bridging vein failure. By using an apparatus that controlled head movement and
minimized impact or contact phenomena, they were able to produce acute
subdural hematomas in rhesus monkeys. In all cases, the sagittal movement of
the head produced by an angular acceleration caused rupture of parasagittal
bridging veins and an overlying subdural hematoma.
Gennarelli and Thibault reported that their results were consistent with
the clinical causes of subdural hematoma, in that 72% are associated with falls
and assaults and only 24% are associated with vehicular trauma. The
acceleration (or deceleration) rates caused by falls and assaults are greater than
those caused by the energy-absorbing mechanisms in cars, such as dashboard
padding, deformable steering wheels, and laminated windshields.

Complications of subdural hematomas may occur soon after the injury or
sometime after the injury has been treated.
These complications may include:
 Brain herniation, which puts pressure on your brain and can cause a coma or
 Seizures
 Permanent muscle weakness or numbness
The extent of complications depends on the severity of your brain injury.
Other health issues may affect either chronic or acute subdurals. People who
take anticoagulants (blood thinners) are at higher risk. People over the age of 65
also have a higher risk, especially for the chronic type.

Approach Considerations
As with any trauma patient, resuscitation begins with the ABCs (airway,
breathing, circulation). All patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of
less than 8 should be intubated for airway protection.
Despite prompt surgical evacuation of hematomas, patients with acute
subdural hematomas often have a poor prognoses because of associated
underlying brain injury. Patients often require intensive care postoperatively for
ventilator-dependent respiration, strict blood pressure control, and management
of intracranial hypertension.
The mechanism, exact pathophysiology, and optimal treatment for
chronic subdural hematomas has still not been definitively determined. Further
work in delineating why membranes form and how to prevent or reverse their
formation may lead to improvements in treatment strategies.
When deciding whether to operate, consider the patient's prognosis. The
ideal is to maximize the likelihood of appropriate resource allocation and, more
importantly, allow for appropriate family counseling; keep in mind that no method
of assessing the prognosis is 100% accurate.
Consult a neurosurgeon as soon as the diagnosis is suspected and
initiate transfer if another facility is required for diagnosis or management.

Chronic subdural hematoma

In patients who have no significant mass effect on imaging studies and
no neurologic symptoms or signs except mild headache, chronic subdural
hematomas have been observed with serial scans and have been seen to
remain stable or to resolve.
Although hematoma resolution has been reported, it cannot be reliably
predicted, and no medical therapy has been shown to be effective in expediting
the resolution of acute or chronic subdural hematomas.

Surgical Decompression
Surgery for emergent decompression has been advocated if the acute
subdural hematoma is associated with a midline shift greater than or equal to 5
mm. Surgery also has been recommended for acute subdural hematomas
exceeding 1 cm in thickness. These indications have been incorporated into the
Guidelines for the Surgical Management of Acute Subdural Hematomas
proposed by a joint venture between the Brain Trauma Foundation and the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, released in 2006.
These guidelines also call for emergent decompression in a comatose
patient with an acute subdural hematoma less than 1 cm in thickness causing a
midline shift of less than 5 mm if any of the following criteria are met:
 The GCS score decreases by 2 or more points between the time of injury and
hospital evaluation
 The patient presents with fixed and dilated pupils
 The intracranial pressure (ICP) exceeds 20 mm Hg
In a series of patients with acute traumatic subdural hematoma initially
treated conservatively, Wong found that if patients presented with a GCS
score of 15 or lower and a midline shift greater than 5 mm, their condition
usually would deteriorate and they would require surgery. In another series
reported by Matthew et al, all patients initially treated nonoperatively who
subsequently required surgery presented with subdural hematomas that were
at least 10 mm thick on their initial CT scan.
Surgery has been advocated when a subdural hematoma is
associated with compressed or effaced basilar cisterns. In one large series of
patients with severe head injuries, the mortality rates were 77%, 39%, and
22% for patients with effaced, compressed, or normal cisterns, respectively.
A meta-analysis comparing the efficacy of various methods of chronic
subdural hematoma evacuation supported twist drill craniostomy drainage at
the bedside for patients who are high-risk surgical candidates with
nonseptated chronic subdural hematomas. Chronic subdural hematomas
with significant membrane formation were most effectively treated with
A decision analysis performed by Lega et al revealed that bur-hole
craniostomy was the most efficient form of surgical drainage for
uncomplicated chronic subdural hematomas. Intraoperative subdural
irrigation or postoperative subdural drainage did not significantly affect
treatment outcomes.
Although significant acute traumatic subdural hematoma requires
surgical treatment, temporizing medical maneuvers can be used
preoperatively to decrease intracranial pressure. These measures are
germane for any acute mass lesion and have been standardized by the
neurosurgical community. They are discussed only briefly.
Adequate respiration should be initially addressed and maintained to
avoid hypoxia. The patient's blood pressure should be maintained at normal
or high levels using isotonic saline, pressors, or both. Hypoxia and
hypotension, which are particularly detrimental in patients with head injury,
are independent predictors of poor outcome.
Short-acting sedatives and paralytics should be used only when
needed to facilitate adequate ventilation or when elevated intracranial
pressure is suspected. If the patient exhibits signs of a herniation syndrome,
administer mannitol 1 g/kg rapidly by intravenous (IV) push.
The patient should also be mildly hyperventilated (pCO2 30-35 mm
Hg). Hyperventilation may decrease cerebral blood flow, thereby causing
cerebral ischemia.
Administer anticonvulsants to prevent seizure-induced ischemia and
subsequent surges in intracranial pressure. Do not give steroids, as they
have been found to be ineffective in patients with head injury.
A patient with coagulopathy or a patient with an acute SDH who is
receiving anticoagulant medication should be transfused with prothrombin
complex concentrate, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), platelets, or both to
maintain the prothrombin time (PT) within the reference range and the
platelet count above 100,000. Heparin may need to be reversed with
protamine; patients receiving warfarin are given vitamin K. Dabigatran can be
reversed with idarucizumab, and other reversal agents for the novel
anticoagulants are under investigation. In patients who are receiving
therapeutic anticoagulation, the potential effects of reversing the
anticoagulation need to be considered.
The use of other factors, such as recombinant activated factor VII
(rFVIIa), is under investigation. With traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in
patients taking warfarin, use of rFVIIa was associated with a decreased time
to normal International Normalized Ratio (INR). However, no difference in
mortality was identified. Use of rFVIIa in patients on warfarin requires further
study to demonstrate improved clinical outcomes before being routinely
incorporated into clinical care.
The use of sequential CT scanning is important. Although each
patient must be treated individually, patients who have small acute SDHs
thinner than 5 mm on axial computed tomography (CT) images without
sufficient mass effect to cause midline shift or neurological signs have been
observed clinically, with acceptable results (see the image below).

A left-sided acute subdural hematoma (SDH). Note the high signal density of acute
blood and the (mild) midline shift of the ventricles.
Hematoma resolution should be documented with serial imaging because an acute
subdural hematoma that is treated conservatively can evolve into a chronic
hematoma. For serial imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be more
sensitive, but CT may be more convenient and less expensive.
1. CT Scan
2. MRI
MRI is more sensitive for detecting nonhaemmorrhagic brain lesions,
contusions, and diffuse axonal injury
3. Histologic findings
Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale
Ineffective 1. Monitor vital 1. Monitoring 1. Irregularise in
Cerebral Tissue sign vital sign every these are
Perfusion r.b 2. Monitor and 30 munites, indication of
Brain Injury document noting : problems /
neurological hypertension complications of
status or the brain function
frequently hypotension, 2. Assesses trends
3. Monitor heart rate, in LoC, potential
intake and pupillary for increased ICP
output reaction and and that is useful
4. Promote rest respirations in determining
and comfort 2. AssesedLoC : location, extent,
5. Collaborate GCS and progression
for give the 3. Monitoring or resolution of
medicine intake ( IV line, CNS damage.
medicine, and 3. To shows the
Food ) and status of
output ( Urine circulating
and drains) volume, fluid
4. Promoted of transfer /
high back rest improvement and
position response to
5. Gave the theraphy.
medicine by 4. Reduce arterisl
doctor’s pressure by
order….. promoting venous
drainage and may
improve cerebral
circulation and
Ineffective 1. Monitor vital 1. Monitoring 1. A normal
Airway sign respiratory respiratory status
Clearance r.b especially status, pattern, rate for an adult
Excessive RR and spO2 including rate, without dyspnea is
mucus 2. Promoted deoth, and 12 to 16. With
rest and effort secretions in the
comfort, 2. Promoted high airway, the
position back rest and respiratory rate
client to semi-fowler’ will increase.
optimize position 2. An upright
respiration 3. Maintained on position allows for
3. Maintain on suction and maximal air
suction and nebulizing as exchange and
nebulizing as needed lung expansion
needed 4. Deep 3. Suctioning may
4. Deep breathing stimulate
breathing exercise coughing and help
exercise to remove
4. This technique
can help increase
sputum clearance
Impaired skin 1. Monitor site 1. Monitoring for 1. Systematic
integrity r.b of impaired color inspection can
surgery tissue changes, identify impending
integrity at redness, problems early
least once swelling, 2. To reduces the
2. Keep a wramth and risk for infection
sterile pain 3. Wound infections
dressing 2. Dressing for may be managed
technique wound care well and more
during 3. Ceftriaxone efficiently with
wound care …. topical agents,
3. Administer 4. Checking although
antibiotic as every 2 hours intravenous
ordered antibiotics may be
4. Check every indicated
2 hours for 4. Mechanical
proper damage to skin
placement of and tissues is
restraint often associated
with external
Risk For Injury 1. Assess 1. Assessed 1. To determine the
general GCS, pupil, etc patient’s condition
status of the 2. Avoid use of that may cause
patient restraints as injury
needed 2. If px are
restrained, they
can injuries,
asphyxiation, or
head injury from
leading with their
heads to get out
of the bed
Risk for Infection 1. Observe and 1. Observed and 1. With the onset of
report signs report signs infection the
and and immune system is
symptomps symptomps of activated and
of infection infection such signs of infection
2. Monitor vital as redness, appear
sign warmth, 2. Laboratory values
especially discharge, and are correlated with
temperature increased body client’s history and
3. Note and temperature physical
report 2. Monitoring examination to
laboratory vital sign every provide a global
values 30 munites view of the client’s
4. Assess skin 3. Noted and immune function
integrity reporting and nutritional
5. Maintain laboratory status and
sterile values ( e.g., develop an
technique as white blood appropriate plan
needed cell count and of care for the
differential, diagnosis
serum protein, 3. Intact skin is
serum nature’s first line
albumin, and of defense against
cultures) micoroorganisms
4. Assessed skin entering the body
of color, 4. Use of sterile
moisture, technique
texture, and prevents infection
turgor in at risk clients
5. Maintained
technique as
6. Using clothes,
gloves as



Name : Ma’am C
Date & Birth : February 7, 1967
Gender : Female
Address : B, Philippnes
Religion :Chatolic
Civil Status : Married
Medical Diagnostik : Suboccipital Hematoma
No. Reg : xx1xx
Addimted in ICU : January 5, 2018
Date of Asessment :January 6, 2018


Name : Mr.A
Date & Birth : June 12, 1963
Gender : Male
Address : B, Philippines
Relationship with the patient : Husband

1.History of disease
a. History of the disease now
On January 5, 2018, the patient has complain dizziness and brought to
Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center for Craniotomy. The patient was
sleep most of the time.
b. Past medical history
Patient had reoperating evacation of hematoma ligation and cauterization
of bleedes date January 5, 2018. Anesthesia began : 10.05 pm, Anesthesia
ended : 11.24 pm, OR started : 10.20 pm, OR ended : 11.24 pm with
procedures (s) : Subocipital Craniotomy Reopening Frontal Tube
Ventricolostomy Suboccipital Decompressive Craniotomy
c. Family history of disease
Patient had family with history of disease hypertension
d. Medical diagnosis
Suboccipital Hematoma
2. Primary survey
a. Airway
Patient intact and patent of ET connected to mechanical ventilator and NGT.
b. Breathing
Noted cough, no noted abnormal breathing sounds, balanced chest wall
c. Circulation
BP : 146/67 mmHg, PR : 99x/m, with intact and patent ET tube that
connected to mechanical ventilator, IV line PNSS 1000 ml in the left arm,
CRT < 2 second with no noted sign of cyanosis and dry lips.
d. Dissability
Patient no paralyzed

3. Secondry survey
a. B1 (Breath)

The patient intact and patent of ET tube that connected to mechanical

ventilator. There is no noted changes in breath pattern, depth, frequency or
rhythm.RR : 25 x/m

b. B2 (Blood)
The blood pressure of patient is high, BP : 146/67 mmHg, HR : 99 x/m, T :
c. B3 (Brain)

Patient sleep most of the time with GCS 10 E4V1M5 , patient with down
eyes, pupil isokor 2,5 mm. intact and patent ventriculostomy and JP drain

d. B4 (Bowel)
There is no abdomen distension, 10 x/m of bowel sound and mucosa of
the mouth was dry.
e. B5 (Bladder)
Patient intact and patent of urine catheter that connected to urinal bag with
200 cc/hr of urine ( yellow of the color, no blood and sediment )

4. Physical assessment of the head to toe

a. Vital Sign
BP : 146/67 mmHg
HR : 99 x/mnt
RR : 21 x/mnt
T : 36,2ºC
SPO2 : 100 %

b. Head
The patient intact & patent ventriculostomy in right frontal, JP drain in
c. Neck
There is no enlargement of thyroid gland and jugular vein
d. Eye
Pupil size of 2,5 mm with down eyes, reaction to the light and accommodation
e. Ear
Patient has symmetrical ears, no secretions, no hearing aids
f. Nose
The patient intact & patent NGT, there is no more bleeding and polyp.
g. Mouth
The patient intact & patent ETT that connected to mechanical
ventilation.Mucosa of the mouth was dry.

h. Wound
The patient has wound in right frontal, post op craniotomy with
ventriculostomy in frontal and JP drain in suboccipital.
i. Thorax (Respiration and Circulation)
The patient no complain of chest pain
j. Abdomen
The abdomen of the patient was not distended
k. Extremities
Upper extremities : The patient with IV linein the left arm and restrain on
theright arm, without scars and lesions on both upper extremities.
Lower extremities :There is no scars and lesions on both lower extremities.

4444 4433

3332 3332

Notes :

5 : Against gravity, against full resistance

4 : Against gravity, against minimal resistance
3 : Against gravity
2 : Against gravity if with support
1 : With visible / palpable muscle contraction
0 : Complete paralysis
l. Genetalia
The patient intact and patent Catheter with yellow color without blood
m. Hip
The patient intact and patent has lumbar drain
n. Supporting investigation
The Family supporting the patient for her health.

5. Psychosocial and spiritual data

The patient’s religion is Catholic, she can’t talk to anyone but she can respond
and follows command of nurses.
Lab. Procedure of Patient C

1. Complete Blood Count Result

Test Name Result Reference Range
Hemoglobin 149 120 - 160 g/L
Hematocrit 0,45 0,37 - 0,47 L/L
WBC count 9,66 5,0 - 10,0
Differential Count
Neutrophils 50 50 - 70 %
Lymphocytes 39 20 – 40 %
Monocytes 9 0 – 10 %
Eosinophills 2 0–7%
Basophils 0 0–1%
Total 100
RBC Count 5,13 4,04 – 5,48 12/L
Platelet Count 285 150 – 400 9/L
MCV 82,72 80 – 100
MCH 29,04 27 – 31 pg
MCHC 331,10 310 – 360 g/L
RDW-CV 12,00 11 – 16 %
RDW-SD 39,10 35 – 56 %

2. Chemistry

SI Conventional
Unit Unit
Test Instrument Result Unit Range Result Unit Range
Sodium Dimension 138 mmol/L 136- mEq/L 136-
EXL 145 145
Potassium Dimension 2.9 mmol/L 3.5-5.1 mEq/L 3.5-
EXL 5.1
Chloride Dimension 101 mmol/L 98-107 mEq/L 98-
EXL 107
Blood Dimension 5.8 mmol/L 2.5- 16.25 mg/dL 7-18
Urea EXL 6.4
Dimension 84.57 mmol/L 43- 0.96 mg/dL 0.49-
EXL 115.0 1.30
SGPT/ALT Dimension 32 U/L 12 - 78

3. ECG
Minnesota Code :
4-2-0 (II, V6)
5-2-2 (V4)
5-2-1 (V5)
9-4-2 (V4)

Diagnosis Information
800 : Sinus Rhythm
621 : Negative T (V4,V5)
632 : Slight ST-T Abnormality (II,V6)

4. Chemistry ( January 5, 2018 )

Analyte Result Normal Result Normal
(S.I.Units) Range (Conventional Range
Creatinine 0.61 mg/dL 0.50-0.90 54 mmol/L 44.20 –
Sodium 143.50 135.00- 330 mg/dL 310.50 –
mmol/L 148.00 340.40
Pottasium 3.51 mmol/L 3.50-5.30 14 mg/dL 13.69 –

( January 6, 2018 )
Analyte Result Normal Result Normal
(S.I.Units) Range (Conventional Range
Creatinine 0.72 mg/dL 0.50-0.90 65 mmol/L 44.20 –
Sodium 146.60 135.00- 337 mg/dL 310.50 –
mmol/L 148.00 340.40
Pottasium 3.51 mmol/L 3.50-5.30 14 mg/dL 13.69 –

5. Prothrombin time/partial and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)

Test Time Result Reference Range
Prothrombin Time
Patient 12.80 12.46-15.75 seconds
Control 13.80 10.5-16.7 seconds
INR 0.91
% Activity 105.00
Activated Partial
Thromboplastin time
Patient 33.70 28.73-42.71 seconds
Control 32.50 25.6-39.2 seconds


No previous study for comparison

Plain CT Scan of the head was done revealing the following findings :
1. Craniotomy defect in the occipital convexity with acute hemorrhages in
the cerebellar and retrocebeller areas as well as in the 4 ventricle, 3rd
ventricle, tentorium, CP angle, basal cisterns and in the interhemispheric
2. A draining tube is likewise noted traversing obliquely the right
superofrontal lobe with its tip at the ipsilateral posterior lateral ventricle
which appers severely contracted
3. Small air locules are likewise seen in the left frontal horn, 3rd ventricle,
cerebellum and inner left frontal convexity.
4. Post surgical changes in the scalp soft tissues
5. There is no hydrocephalus nor brain herniation
6. No define recent infarct
7. Tympanic cavities and mastoids are well-aerated.

Would recommend follow up studies.

Clinical Chemistry

Analyte Result(S.I.Units) Normal Result Normal

Range (Conventional Range
Pottassium 3.37 mmol/L 3.50-5.30 13 mg/dL 13.69-

Note : Pottassium is low ( 3.37 mmol/L )

No Generic Brand Classific Dose MoA Indication Contraindication Side Effect Nursing
. ation Responsbility
1. Cefepime Maxipime Cephalos 2 gram Cefepime 1. Pneumonia 1. Hypersensitivi 1. Allergic 1. Assessme
porin considered to be 2. Bacterial ty to cefepime reaction nt the
a fourth meningitis 2. Penicillin or 2. Dizziness drug
generation 3. Urinary tract other beta or effects
cephalosporin infections lactam allergy passing 2. Family
antibiotic, is 4. Skin out education
similar to third structure 3. Feeling
generation infections very
cephalosporisn sleepy
with respect to 4. Sore
broad gram throat
cefepime has
broader gram
coverage than
third generation
It is highly
resistant to
hydrolysis by
most beta
2 Carvedilol Coreg Alpha 12,5 mg Carvedilol is 1. Hypertensio 1. Hypersensitivi 1. Hives 1. Assessme
and Beta both a non- n ty severe 2. Difficulty nt
adrenergi selective beta 2. Treatment of chronic heart breathing 2. Intervensi
c blocker adrenergic mild to failure, 4. Swelling on
and receptor blocker severe CHF bronchial of your 3. Teaching
antihyper (β1, β2) and an of ischemic asthma or face, lips, points
tensive alpha adrenergic or related tongue,
receptor blocker cardiomyopa bronchospasti or throat
(α1). The S(-) thic origin c conditions, 5. Chest
enantiomer with severe hepatic pain
accounts for the digitalis, impairment 6. High
beta blocking diuretics, 2. Cardiogenic blood
activity whereas ACE shock or sugar
the S(-) and inhibitors severe
R(+) enantiomer 3. Left bradycardia
have alpha ventricular
blocking dysfuncion
activity. (LVD)
amoldipine AmLODIPin cardiovas 5 mg These 1. Hypertensio Amlodipine 3. Dizziness Monitor BP
eBes+SyrSp cular medications n besylatetabets, USP are . for therapeutic
end SF, agent, block the 2. CAD contraindicated in 4. Feeling effectiveness.
Norvasc calcium transport of patients with known sleepy. BP reduction
channel calcium into the sensitivity to 5. Feeling is greatest
blocker, smooth muscle Amlodipine tired or after peak
antihyper cells lining the weak. levels of
tensiv coronary 6. Flushing. amlodipine are
e agent arteries and 7. Upset achieved 6–9
other stomach. h following
arteries of the 8. Belly oral doses.
body. Since pain. Monitor for
calcium is S&S of dose-
important in related
muscle peripheral or
contraction, facial edema
blocking Monitor BP
calcium with postural
transport relaxes changes.
artery Report
muscles and postural
dilates coronary hypotension.
arteries and Monitor more
other arteries of frequently
the body. By when
relaxing additional
coronary antihypertensi
arteries, ves or
amlodipine is diuretics are
useful in added.
preventing chest
pain (angina)
resulting from
coronary artery
spasm. Relaxing
the muscles
lining the
arteries of the
rest of
the body lowers
the blood
pressure, which
reduces the
burden on the
heart as it
pumps blood to
the body
Citicoline Nicholin Neuroprote 1 gr Citicoline seems 1. Parkinson’s Hypertonia 1. Sleeping 1. Monitor
ctiveCNS to increase a disease of parasympathethicnervous (insomnia bloodpressure
Drugs brain chemical 2. Head injury system.Meclofenoxate(clop ) , pulseand
called 3. Cerebral henoxate) 2. Headache heart rate.
phosphatidylcho vascular ,diarrhea 2. Assess
line. This brain disease 3. Low or allergicreactio
chemical is 4. Alzheimer’s high n like
important for disease blood GIdisturbance
brain function. 5. Cerebral pressure s
Citicoline might surgery or 4. Nausea 3. Instruct
also decrease acute 5. Blurred relativeto
brain tissue cerebral vision give
damage when disturbance 6. Chest onlyprescrib
the brain is 6. Disturbance pains, ed dose
injured.It is of and 4. Advise
usually known consciousne others. relativeto
that ss following consult
phospholipid, brain thephysicia
especially surgery n if
lecithin, anyproblems
decreases occur to the
following patientdurin
decline in brain gmedicatio
activity with n
cerebral trauma.
which is a co-
accelerates the
biosynthesis of
lecithin in the
Solu-cortef Hydrocortisone Anti 100 mg Decreases 1. Severe Contraindicated in 1. Flushings 1. Monitor
inflamma inflammation by inflammation,adre patientwith 2. Weating any sign
tory suppression of nal insufficiency hypersensitivity todrug 3. Edema of
agent, migration of 2. Shock or its ingredients 4. Diarrhea anaphylac
corticoste polymorphonucl 3. Adjunct treatment 5. tachycardiaverti tic
roid, ear leukocytes for ulcerative go reaction
glucocort and reversal of colitis andproctitis 2. Assess
icoid increased client’s
mineralo capillary urine,
corticoid permeability muscle
and wasting,
Telmisartan antihyper 12,5 Blocks To reduce risk of MI, Hypersensitivity 1. Dizziness 1. Check
tensive angiotensin stroke, or death from 2. Fatigue patient’s
IIfrom binding cardiovascular causes 3. Headache blood
toreceptor sites in patients at high 4. Orthostatic pressure
in manytissues, risk who are unable 5. Hypotension regularly
includingvascul to take ACE 6. Peripheral 2. Monitor
arsmoothmuscle inhibitors edema liver
and 7. Abdominal function
adrenalglands. pain test
This 8. Diarrhea result
actioninhibitsthe 9. Nausea 3. Instruct
vasoconstrictive patient to
and aldosterone- change
secreting effects position
of angiotensin slowly
II, To
whichreducesbl minimize
oodpressure effects of
4. Urge
patient to
r about
, nausea,
5. Adequate
of fluid
KCL KaliumDuru Mineral 10 meq Maintain acid- To prevent 1. Oliguria 1. Arrhytmi 1. Make sure
le and base balance, hypokalemia, 2. Anuria as the
electrolyt isotonicity, and prophylaxis during 3. UtreatedAddis 2. Heart powder
e electropysiologi treatment with ion’s disease block are
replacem c balance of the diuretics or with acute 3. Hypotens completel
ents/supp cell dehydration ion y dissolve
lements 4. Heat 4. Cardiac before
5. Cramp Arrest giving
6. Cardiac 5. Hyperkal 2. Monitor
disease emia renal
7. Renal 6. Respirato function
impairent ry 3. After
paralysis surgery
7. Nausea don’t give
8. Abdomin drug until
al pain urine flow
levofloxain levaquin Antiinfec 500 mg Inhibits the 1. Acute Hypersensitivity todrug, its 1. Nausea 1. Assessme
tive, enzymeDNAgyras bacterialexacerbation components,or other 2. Diarrhea nt sign
antibiotic e insusceptible of chronicbronchitis quinolones 3. Headache and
, gram-negative and 2. Community- 4. Dizziness symptoms
quinolon gram-positive acquiredpneumonia 5. Lighthea 2. Assessme
e aerobic 3. Conjunctivitis dedness nt liver
andanaerobicbacteri 4. Corneal ulcers 6. Trouble function
a,interfering with sleeping 3. Assessme
bacterialDNA nt renal
synthesis function
4. Assessme
nt for

Mannitol Osmitrol, Diuretic 1. In the 1. Acute oliguric 1. Susceptibility 1. Dehydration 1. Vital sign
Resectisol oliguric renal failure 2. Dehydration 2. Anuria 2. Intake and
phase of 2. Toxic overdose 3. Intracranial output
acuterenal 3. Edema bleeding 3. Central
failure, 4. Increased 4. Headache venous
Mannitol intracranial 5. Blurred vision pressure
increase pressure(ICP) 6. Nausea and 4. Pulmonary
osmotic 5. Intraocular vomiting artery
pressure pressure (IOP) 7. Volume pressure
(pressure expansion 5. Signs and
needed to 8. Chest pain symptoms
stop the 9. Pulmonary of
absorption edema dehydratio
of 10. Thirst n (e.g.
something 11. Tachycardia poor skin
or osmosis) 12. Hypokalemia turgor, dry
of the (increase the skin,
glumerular risk of fever,
filtrate, digoxin thirst)
thereby, toxicity) 6. Signs of
promoting 13. Chronic renal electrolyte
dieresis failure imbalance/
(treating the deficit
oliguric (e.g.
phase of muscular
renal weakness,
failure) and parethesia,
excretes numbness,
toxic confusion,
materials tigling
(manageme sensation
nt for toxic of
overdose) extremity
2. It also and
elevates ecessive
blood thirst)
plasma 7. (for
osmolality increase
thus, ICP)
inhibiting neurologic
the status and
reabsorption intracrania
of water and l pressure
electrolytes readings.
(for relief of 8. (for
edema) and increase
mobilizing IOP)
fluids in the elevating
cerebral and eye pain
ocular or
spaces decreased
(lowers visual
intracranial acuity.

Nicardipine Cardipine. Calcium Nicardipine is a 1. Hypertension Patients with advanced Pedal oedema, 1. Establish
Cardilon, antagonis dhydropyridine 2. Angina Pectoris aortic stenosis, unstable tachycardia, baseline
cardimed, Ca channel 3. Short-term angina, cardiogenic hypotension, data before
nicardin, blocker. It treatment of shock, acute angina abnormal ECG, treatment
perdipine inhibits Ca ion hypertension attack. Use with in 1 palpitations, is started
from entering mth of MI flushing, incluiding
the slow headache, BP, Pulse,
channels or asthenia, and tab
select voltage- dizziness, values of
sensiive areas of paraesthesia, liver and
vascular smooth somnolence, kidney
muscle and myalgia, nausea, function
myocardium vomiting, 2. Monitor
during constipation, BP during
depolarization, dyspepsia, dry initiaton
producing a mouth, rash, and
relaxation of polyuria, titration of
coronary dyspnoea, dosage
vascular smooth hypokalaemia, carefully.
muscle and increased urinary Hypotensi
coronary frequency, on with or
vasodilatation. haematuria, without an
It also increases nocturia. increase in
myocardial heart rate
oxygen delivery may occur,
in patients with especially
vasopastic in patients
angina. who are
Duration : hypertensi
immediate- ve or
release cap:≤8 whoare
hr. already
Sustained- taking
release cap: 8- antihyperte
12 hr. IV :≤8 hr. nsive
Absorption: medication
Rapidly and 3. Avid too
completely rapid
absorbed from reduction
the GI tract. in either
Biovailability: systolic or
Approx 35%. diastolic
Time to peak pressure
plasma during
consentration: parenteral
immediate- administrat
release cap: 30- ion
120 min; 4. Discontinu
sustained- e IV
release cap:60- infusion if
240 min hypotensio
Distribution: n or
Plasma protein tachycardi
binding: >95% a develop
Metabolism : 5. Observe
undergoes for large
hepatic peak and
metabolism via trough
CYP3A4 differences
isoenzyme. in BP,
Saturable initially,
extensive first- measure
pass effect BP at peak
Excretion: via effect (1-2
urine and faeces after
mainly as dosing)
inactive and at
metabolites. trough (8
Terminal half- hafter
life: approx 8.6 dosing)

No. Assesment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

1. O : Px intact and patent of Ineffective 6. Monitor vital 6. Monitoring 6. Irregularise O:
ventriculostomy and JP Cerebral sign vital sign every in these are Px with GCS 11
drain, sleep most of the Tissue 7. Monitor and 30 munites, indication of E4V2M5 , 2,5
time, with GCS 10 E4V1M5 , Perfusion r.b document noting : problems / mm of pupils,
vital sign : Brain Injury neurological hypertension complication reacted to the
BP : 146/67 mmHg status or s of the brain light, With vital
frequently hypotension, function sign
HR : 99 x/mnt
8. Monitor intake heart rate, 7. Assesses BP : 126/70,
RR : 25 x/mnt and output pupillary trends in PR : 90 x/mnt,
9. Promote rest reaction and LoC, RR : 20 x/mnt,
Temp : 36,2ºC
and comfort respirations potential for T : 36,3ºC
SPO2: 100 % 10. Collaborate for 7. AssesedLoC : increased sPO2 : 100%
give the GCS ICP and that Ventriculostomy
medicine 8. Monitoring is useful in : 136 cc, JP
intake ( IV line, determining drain : 40 cc,
medicine, and location, 200 cc/hr of
Food ) and extent, and urine ( yellow of
output ( Urine progression the colour, no
and drains) or resolution blood and
9. Promoted of of CNS sedimen )
high back rest damage.
position 8. To shows Input : 5580 ml
10. Gave the the status of Output : 376
medicine by circulating ml/hr
doctor’s volume, fluid
order….. transfer /
response to
9. Reduce
pressure by
drainage and
may improve
2. O : Px intact and patent of Ineffective 5. Monitor vital 5. Monitoring 5. A normal Px still using ET
NGT and ET tube ( Vti : Airway sign especially respiratory respiratory that connected
400 ml, Peak plow : 29,3 Clearance r.b RR and spO2 status, pattern, status rate to mechanical
,Size : 7,5 , BUR : 10, PSV Excessive 6. Promoted rest including rate, for an adult ventilator (Vti :
: 11, FiO2 : 40% with AC mucus and comfort, deoth, and without 400 ml,
mode) position client effort dyspnea is Peakflow : 29,3
Ineffective cough, to optimize 6. Promoted high 12 to 16. ,Size : 7,5 ,
alteration in RR and respiration back rest and With BUR : 18, PSV
pattern 7. Maintain on semi-fowler’ secretions in : 8, FiO2 : 30%
suction and position the airway, with Spont
nebulizing as 7. Maintained on the mode) and
needed suction and respiratory possible to
8. Deep nebulizing as rate will remove ET .
breathing needed increase. With vital signs
exercise 8. Deep 6. An upright :
breathing position BP : 126/70,
exercise allows for PR : 90 x/mnt,
maximal air RR : 20 x/mnt,
exchange T : 36,3ºC
and lung sPO2 : 100%
7. Suctioning
and help to
8. This
can help
3. O : Px intact and patent of Impaired skin 5. Monitor site of 5. Monitoring for 5. Systematic
ventriculostomy in frontal ( integrity r.b impaired color inspection
) surgery tissue integrity changes, can identify
at least once redness, impending
6. Keep a sterile swelling, problems
dressing wramth and early
technique pain 6. To reduces
during wound 6. Dressing for the risk for
care wound care infection
7. Administer 7. Ceftriaxone 7. Wound
antibiotic as …. infections
ordered 8. Checking may be
8. Check every 2 every 2 hours managed
hours for well and
proper more
placement of efficiently
restraint with topical
may be
8. Mechanical
damage to
skin and
tissues is
with external
4. O : Px with GCS 10 Risk For Injury 2. Assess 3. Assessed 3. To determine Px with GCS 11
E4V1M5 , LoC, Px try to general status GCS, pupil, etc the patient’s E4V2M5 , 2,5
take the NGT and ET tube of the patient 4. Avoid use of condition that mm of pupils
sometimes, restraints as may cause and react to the
needed injury light, Px can
4. If px are follow and
restrained, response the
they can command of
injuries, nurses, restrain
including on the right arm
or head
injury from
leading with
their heads
to get out of
the bed
5. O :Px intact and patent of Risk for 6. Observe and 7. Observed and 5. With the Px with vital
ventriculostomy, JP drain, Infection report signs report signs onset of sign
Lumbal drain, NGT, ETT and and infection the BP : 126/70,
and Urine catheter. symptomps of symptomps of immune PR : 90 x/mnt,
Px on bed rest infection infection such system is RR : 20 x/mnt,
7. Monitor vital as redness, activated and T : 36,3ºC
Lab Result sign especially warmth, signs of There is no
temperature discharge, and infection signs of
WBC : 16,3 (4,0 – 10,0) 8. Note and increased body appear infection
Neutrophils : 0,88 ( 0,40 – report temperature 6. Laboratory (redness,
0,70 ) laboratory 8. Monitoring values are warmth,
Lymphocytes : 0,12 ( 0,20 values vital sign every correlated discharge, and
– 0,40 ) 9. Assess skin 30 munites with client’s increased body
integrity 9. Noted and history and temperature)
10. Maintain sterile reporting physical
technique as laboratory examination
needed values ( e.g., to provide a
white blood global view
cell count and of the client’s
differential, immune
serum protein, function and
serum nutritional
albumin, and status and
cultures) develop an
10. Assessed skin appropriate
of color, plan of care
moisture, for the
texture, and diagnosis
turgor 7. Intact skin is
(elasticity) nature’s first
11. Maintained line of
sterile defense
technique as against
needed micoroorgani
12. Using clothes, sms entering
gloves as the body
personal 8. Use of sterile
protective technique
equipment prevents
infection in at
risk clients

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