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Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539

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Metering of agricultural power supply in West Bengal, India: Who gains and
who loses?
A. Mukherji a,, B. Das b, N. Majumdar c, N.C. Nayak d, R.R. Sethi e, B.R. Sharma f
International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka
School of Environmental Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Central Groundwater Board, Eastern Region, Kolkata, India
Central Groundwater Board, South Eastern Region, Bhubaneshwar, India
Water Technology Centre, ICAR, Bhubaneshwar, India
International Water Management Institute, New Delhi, India

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As a part of the ongoing power sector reforms in India, the state of West Bengal is in the process of
Received 11 February 2009 metering agricultural electricity supply. This paper presents a first cut assessment of this initiative.
Accepted 11 August 2009 Results suggest that the majority of the pump owners benefit from the reforms in two ways: first by
Available online 6 October 2009
having to pay a lower electricity bill for same usage and second through increased profit margins by
Keywords: selling water. This is because in response to the changed incentive structure, water prices rose sharply
Electricity reform by 30–50% immediately after metering. In contrast, water buyers have lost out by having to pay higher
Ground water water charges and face adverse terms of contract. Impact of metering on operation of groundwater
India markets and volume of groundwater extracted is less clear; they may expand, contract or remain
unchanged, though water use efficiency is likely to go up. At current tariff rates, the electricity utilities
are likely to earn less revenue than before. These findings are context specific and hold good for West
Bengal where high flat tariff had fostered competitive groundwater markets and hence cannot be
generalised for other Indian states.
& 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction electoral tool of appeasement and hence the flat tariffs remained
perpetually low (Dubash and Rajan, 2001). This resulted in losses
Indian policy discourse on the most suitable mode of to the SEBs estimated at around Rs. 270 billion per year (World
agricultural electricity tariff has come full circle. Until the early Bank, 2002). Unmetered electricity supply also became a
1970s, all state electricity boards (SEBs) charged their tubewell convenient garb for the SEBs to hide their inefficiencies in terms
owners based on metered consumption. However, as the number of transmission and distribution losses (Sant and Dixit, 1996).
of tubewells increased manifold during the 1970s and the 1980s, Over time, the SEBs came to treat their agricultural consumers as a
the SEBs found the transaction costs of metering to be prohibi- liability. As a result, quality of power in rural areas deteriorated
tively high as compared to the total revenue generated from the and some states saw ‘de-electrification’ and stagnation in
agricultural sector. In response, during the 1970s and 1980s most agricultural electricity consumption.1 In other states, where
states introduced flat tariffs for agricultural electricity supply electricity consumption in agriculture grew over time (Gujarat,
(Shah et al., 2007). The initial idea was to increase the flat tariff Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Tamil Nadu), the number of
over time to keep it in line with the cost of generation and supply hours of electricity supply came down from 18 to 20 h in the 1980s
of electricity. to as low as 6 to 10 h in the 2000s. Rationing, that too of low
While this solution lowered the transaction costs of bill quality electricity, soon became the norm.
collection, it resulted in a set of still graver problems affecting There were equally serious implications for the groundwater
both the electricity and the groundwater sectors. For one, many sector. Since the marginal cost of extracting groundwater was
state governments soon started using the electricity tariff as an close to zero, it provided incentive for over-pumping. In many
areas this spawned active groundwater markets. These markets

 Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Mukherji), For example, number of electric pumps in Bihar remained stagnant at around
(B. Das), (N. Majumdar), 0.18 million from 1976–1977 to 1997–1998 (Mukherji, 2008a) as did the power
(N.C. Nayak), (R.R. Sethi), (B.R. Sharma). consumption in agriculture (Mukherjee, 2008).

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539 5531

emerged in response to unmet demand for irrigation and the flat be achieved (WBSEDCL, personal communication with an official
tariff system. However, in arid and semi-arid regions with hard of West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.).
rock aquifers, flat tariff was directly responsible for over-pumping West Bengal also differs from some other major Indian states
and, given the low recharge potential of these aquifers, water in terms of both groundwater and electricity use (Table 1).
tables declined sharply. This in turn put in jeopardy the While states like Punjab and Haryana have over-exploited their
livelihoods of millions of poor farmers dependent on groundwater groundwater resources, in West Bengal, the level of development
irrigation (Moench, 2007). In contrast, in areas of abundant of groundwater is only 42% of the net available resources (CGWB,
rainfall and rich alluvial aquifers with adequate recharge during 2006). West Bengal also has the lowest number of electric pump
the monsoon season (e.g. West Bengal, Mukherji, 2007a, 2007b); sets (only 8.5%) as against 93.5% in Andhra Pradesh and 73.3% in
the flat tariff system did not induce over-exploitation of ground- Punjab (GOI, 2003). While electricity is priced at very low rates or
water. is virtually free in many states, West Bengal has the highest flat
Low flat tariff and the resulting electricity subsidy has also tariff rate in India. Also, unlike other states where the flat tariff has
been criticised from an equity perspective. It is often alleged that remained unchanged for a long time, in West Bengal, flat tariff
much of the agricultural electricity subsidy goes to the rural rich was progressively increased from Rs. 1100/year in 1994 to
because they own a major proportion of the water extraction Rs. 8800/year and Rs. 10,800/year in 2007 for submersible
mechanisms (WEMs) fitted with electric pumps (Howes and and centrifugal pumps. As a result, fiscal deficits resulting
Murgai, 2003; World Bank, 2002). However, this particular from agricultural electricity subsidy are almost non-existent
critique of flat tariff is not very well founded as it disregards the in West Bengal (Briscoe, 2005). West Bengal also has a prolific
existence of informal groundwater markets. Under a scenario of groundwater market. That groundwater markets are well
active groundwater markets, it is not the landholding size of the developed in West Bengal means that benefits of electric
pump owners that matters, what matters more is the total tubewells are shared by pump owners and their water buyers.
command area of the tubewell including the area of the water The two most important arguments against flat tariff, that it
buyers as we shall see later in the paper. Recent work has shown leads to over-exploitation of groundwater resources and fiscal
that informal groundwater markets are indeed an all encompass- deficits for the state electricity utility do not hold true in West
ing feature in Indian agriculture and as much as 20 million ha land Bengal. Metering is often espoused on the grounds that it will help
may be irrigated through these markets (Mukherji, 2008a). In improve the quality of power supply for agriculture. However,
most cases these markets also had beneficial impacts on water with an average daily supply of 16–20 h, West Bengal’s farmers
buyers (Shah, 1993; Palmer-Jones, 2001). receive relatively good quality electricity. This is also reflected
Nevertheless, in view of several criticisms of the flat tariff by low incidences of motor burn-outs and associated costs
system, there is a growing pressure from the electricity utilities (Mukherji, 2007b). The fourth argument that flat tariff leads to
and the international donor agencies such as the World Bank and inequity because a lion’s share of the subsidy goes to the large
the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to revert to metering of land owner also is not true in the context of West Bengal. This
agricultural electricity supply. This is also articulated in the is because of the existence of a prolific groundwater market in
Electricity Act of 2003 which states that: the state which means that the net electricity subsidy enjoyed
by a pump owner does not depend on the size of their own
No licensee shall supply electricity, after the expiry of two landholding, but rather on the total area they can irrigate,
years from the appointed date, except through installation including their water buyer’s land.2
of a correct meter in accordance with the regulations to be From the above discussion, it would seem that none of the
made in this behalf by the Authority (Electricity Act, 2003, conditions for which metering of farm electricity is prescribed by
Article 55 (1)). the World Bank or others are relevant in West Bengal. Yet, it is the
state of West Bengal, which has embarked upon the course of
The World Bank and the ADB have also made increase in tariff universal metering. The purpose of this paper is to understand the
coupled with universal metering a pre-condition for financing impact of metering on pump owners and water buyers.
power sector reforms in any state. However, several states such as
Haryana (Dubash and Rajan, 2001) and Gujarat (Shah and Verma,
2008) have resisted any attempt to meter agricultural power even 2. Research questions and methodology
at the cost of foregoing loans from the World Bank and the ADB
respectively. The reason these governments are unwilling to Metering of agricultural electricity supply has been recom-
accept metering in the agricultural sector is the tremendous mended on the grounds of efficiency (both financial and
pressure from their rural vote-bank. Some of the courageous Chief technical), equity and sustainability of the electricity utilities
Ministers (e.g. Chandrababu Naidu of Andhra Pradesh) who and groundwater use. On the other hand, it has been discouraged
bought the metering argument had to pay dearly by losing on grounds of high transaction costs and its possible negative
political power and others were wise enough not to even consider impact on groundwater markets. In this paper, we will therefore
the option. Electricity reforms in India are first and foremost a try to answer the following research questions:
political issue (Dubash, 2007).
Thus, while the donor agencies and the Government of India 1. How is the GoWB proposing to minimise the transaction costs
(GOI) are pushing hard for metering, there are very few takers for of metering?
universal metering. The state of West Bengal is an exception in 2. Who would gain and who would lose under the new metered
this regard. As per a memorandum of understanding signed tariff regimes?
between the GOI and Government of West Bengal (GoWB) in 3. What would be the probable impact of metering on the
2000, the state government has agreed to universal metering of functioning of groundwater markets?
consumers ( In the agricultural sector,
metering has been completed in 70% of the cases, and consumers 2
So, it is perfectly possible that a farmer with 0.5 acres of land can service up
in few districts such as North 24 Parganas, Nadia and Murshida- to 15 acres of land under his tubewell, while a comparatively large landowner with
bad have started receiving bills according to meter readings. It is 5 acres of land in the absence of any water buyers would service only his own land
envisaged that by March 2009, the goal of universal metering will and both would have to pay the same tariff.
5532 A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539

Table 1
Comparison of groundwater and electricity scenario in West Bengal and other states.

Indicators (year) West Bengal Punjab Haryana Gujarat Tamil Nadu Andhra Source

Level of development of 42 145 109 76 85 45 CGWB (2006)

groundwater (%) in 2004
Number of over-exploited 0 (0) 103 (74.6) 55 (50.9) 31 (16.8) 142 (37.0) 219 (19.8) CGWB (2006)
blocks (%) in 2004
Normal average annual rainfall 2074 780 615 1243 995 561–1113 CGWB (2006)
in mm
Nature of aquifer Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial and Hard rock Hard rock CGWB (2006)
hard rock
Percentage of electric tubewells 8.2 73.3 63.1 54.5 82.5 93.5 GOI (2003)
to total tubewells (2001)
Agricultural electricity 1360 8200 5171 14507 9066 11,222 Mukherjee
consumption (MkWh) in (2008)
Percentage share of agriculture 6.1 35.5 47.2 45.9 28.0 40.5 Planning
to total electricity Commission
consumption (2001–2002) (2002)
Flat tariff (Rs./HP/year) (2007) 1760–2160 Free 420 850 Free Free Authors
Electricity subsidy as percentage 0.8 38 78 56 42 54 Briscoe (2005)
of fiscal deficit (2000–2001)
Percentage of households 67.2 19.3 38.5 N.A 24.6 33.8 NSSO (1999)
reporting hiring irrigation
services from others

Source: as mentioned in the last column of the table, N.A ¼ not available.

4. What would be the probable impact on groundwater extrac- The WBSEDCL introduced high-tech GSM cellular modules
tion and use? based meters in the rural areas. These meters can be remotely
read from a distance of 100 ft or more, and meter readings are
To answer these questions, a number of methods were adopted. transferred to the regional and central commercial offices in real
To understand the current dynamics of metering, the officials of time. The re-designed meters are tamper resistant and any
the now unbundled West Bengal State Electricity Board (WBSEB) attempt to bypass or tamper with them is reported instantly to
were interviewed. To understand farmers’ perception regarding the central distribution office (see Fig. 1).3
metering, a primary questionnaire survey was administered to Power theft and tampering with meters have been also
155 respondents in five districts of West Bengal. This is one of the declared a serious offence under the ‘Indian Electricity (West
two surveys undertaken as part of the Groundwater Governance Bengal Amendment) Act 2001’ whereby offenders can be
in Asia project and will be referred henceforth as 1st GGA 2008 imprisoned for up to 5 years or fined up to an amount of Rs.
survey. For understanding the losers and gainers under metering, 50,000 in addition to several other punitive actions. The law was
data from two additional surveys were used. The first is 2004 put to effect in July 2002 and from then until July 2003, 2000 raids
survey data collected by the first author of this paper and will be and 73 arrests had been made (EEFI, 2002). This shows that in
referred to as Mukherji 2004 survey. This dataset contains addition to putting technological solutions to prevent power theft,
observations from 137 electric pump owning respondents spread the GoWB has also created an enabling legal environment for its
across six districts of the state. The second data set is a qualitative implementation.
survey carried out in 2008 in 17 villages spread across three Remotely sensed meters solve many of the traditional
districts of West Bengal. This will be referred to as the 2nd GGA problems with metering, viz. tampering, under-reporting and
2008 survey. The specific purpose of this survey was to see how under-billing by the meter readers in collusion with the villagers,
water prices and other terms and conditions of exchange in arbitrary power of the meter readers and the physical abuse that
groundwater markets have changed in response to metering. the meter readers were subject to at times at the hands of the
Some of the villages were common between 1st and 2nd GGA irate villagers. Meters are now remotely read and reading is
2008 surveys and between Mukherji 2004 survey and 2nd GGA transmitted directly to the commercial office. The meter reader
2008 survey. Table 2 gives the details of all three datasets. neither knows, nor can tamper with the meter reading. As an
Together, these three sets of data contain observations from seven additional safe guard, these tamper proof meters have been
districts in West Bengal and these districts account for more than installed on electric poles at a height of 10 to 15 feet and are
75% of the electrical pump sets in the state. covered with a protective iron casing.
In addition, these meters are also time of the day (TOD) meters,
implying that it records consumption of electricity at different
rates based on the time of the day. TOD is a demand side
3. Metering in West Bengal: the high-tech way
management (DSM) tool, whereby a certain section of consumers
are discouraged to utilize energy during peak hours when there is
According to the WBSEB, there were 112,216 agricultural
huge demand from other sectors. Like other tariffs, TOD tariffs are
consumers of electricity in 2006. This was only 1.9% of the total
consumers in the state. Together they accounted for 6.1% of power
consumption and contributed 2.8% of the total electricity revenue. 3
For this initiative, the WBSEDCL received the ‘PCQuest Best IT Implementa-
In order to meter these relatively small numbers of rural tion Award’ in 2007 in the category of most innovative project (http://www.
consumers, the GoWB adopted a high-tech way.
A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539 5533

Table 2
Details of data used.

Mukherji 2004 survey 1st GGA 2008 survey 2nd GGA 2008 survey

Nature of data Quantitative Quantitative Qualitative

Time of survey August–December 2004 January–Febuary 2008 March–April 2008
Number of districts 6 5 3
Number of villages 22 15 17
Number of respondents 137 155 143
Number of electric pump 137 108 71
Number of submersible 65 86 –
Number of centrifugal 72 22 –
Number of pump owners 7 8 –
who do not sell water
Number of water sellers 130 101 71
Number of water buyers 0 47 72
Name of the districts Birbhum, Bardhaman, Hugli, Murshidabad, Nadia, N. Bankura, Bardhaman, Hugli, Nadia, N. 24 Parganas Murshidabad, Nadia, N. 24
covered 24 Parganas Parganas
Data used for Understanding the losers and gainers under metered Understanding perception of pump owners, water Understanding the losers and
tariff system among the electric pump owners sellers and water buyers regarding metering gainers among water buyers

Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of a generic IT Power Distribution System that is being used in West Bengal (adapted from Tongia, 2004).

also determined by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions clear, if properly incentivised, this might work similar to the way
(SERC) for the respective states and implemented through the village electricians work in rural China (Shah et al., 2004).
SEBs. The GoWB decided to implement the TOD system. For this
purpose, the meters have been devised with three sectors being
activated rotationally in three distinctly different time slabs for 4. Who gains and who loses?
agricultural pump sets. These time slots are from 0600 to 1700 h
(normal ‘N’ tariff at Rs. 1.37/kWh); 1700 to 2300 h (peak ‘P’ tariff at In this section, we will look at two sets of data (Mukherji 2004
Rs. 4.75/kWh) and 2300 to 0600 h (off-peak ‘O’ at Rs. 0.75/kWh). survey and 2nd GGA 2008 survey) to delineate the losers and
The cost of the meters is to be recovered from the consumers in gainers among pump owners and water buyers under the new
eight equal instalments anytime within a period of 24 months metering system. We have defined losers and gainers in a rather
from the date of installation. narrow sense. A pump owner is defined to lose out under the new
As of now, WBSEDCL has outsourced meter reading to the meter tariff system if s/he has to pay a higher electricity bill for
manufacturers of TOD meters on a contract basis for an initial two the same number of hours of operation than s/he was paying
years. About 300 members from 100 self help groups (SHGs) with under flat tariff. A water buyer is defined to be a loser, if s/he has
members mostly from backward castes are now being trained by to pay higher water charges for using the same amount of water or
the WBSEDCL for meter reading, billing, petty repairs, collection of receives a poorer quality of service or adverse terms of contract,
revenues, mobilization of prospective consumers, etc. (Vidyut while the electricity utility is deemed to be a loser if the amount
Baarta, 2007). While the details of such a program are not yet of revenue generated from the same number of agricultural
5534 A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539

consumers under metered tariff is lower than the revenue Since differential tariff rates are applicable for different times
collected previously under the flat tariff regime. of the day, it is not possible to arrive at a single break-even point
There could be other ways of defining losers and gainers. For where total electricity bill under metered tariff will be equal to the
example, a pump owner could be deemed to be a winner if his/her flat tariff. However, our data shows that anyone operating their
crop yields increased due to better water management after submersible pumps for more than 2700 h in a year will certainly
shifting to metered tariff even if s/he had to pay a higher have to pay a higher electricity bill under a metered tariff regime.
electricity bill. Similarly, if s/he was able to irrigate a larger This will be 2200 h in a year for centrifugal pumps.
amount of land with the same amount of water, s/he could be Under the existing tariff rates, the average metered tariff works
deemed to have benefitted under metering. If quality of electricity out to Rs. 1.48/unit. However, cost of power supply for the WBSEB
supply improved drastically as a result of metering and this in was Rs. 3.77/unit in 2001–2002 (Planning Commission, 2002). It is
turn led to savings on part of the pump owner, s/he could be to be expected that the West Bengal State Electricity Regulatory
deemed to be a winner. The same holds true for the water buyers. Commission (WBSERC) will keep revising its tariff rates upwards
For the electricity utilities, if the .... (T&D) losses and theft declined and would try to bridge the gap between cost of production and
as a result of metering, they could be deemed to have benefitted supply of electricity. Quite predictably, as the tariff rate goes up,
from metering. While a broader definition of winners and losers is the number of losers according to our definition will increase
desirable, data constraints prevent us from adopting such while the cut-off hour point beyond which operation of tubewells
definitions here.4 Some reflections on other definitions and likely will prove to be more costly will decline. Since the GoWB has
adaptation of farmers are given later. introduced a TOD system, it is assumed that this system will
continue in years to come. Table 3 shows how tariff rates may be
increased in the future in order to meet the cost of generation,
4.1. The pump owners while Table 4 shows how the percentage of gainers would decline
as tariff rates go up.
Mukherji 2004 survey contains data for hours of operation for
137 tubewells. Hours of operation in a year was calculated by 4.2. Water buyers
multiplying the hours of operation in a day with number of days
in a particular season of the year when the pumps were reported Water buyers would lose out under the new metered tariff
to be operational. This was also triangulated with the cropping regimes if: (i) price at which they buy water goes up; (ii) if water
pattern and water use data. All these tubewells were subject sellers show unwillingness to sell water; and (iii) if other terms
to flat tariff which was Rs. 8800/year and Rs. 10,800/year in 2006– and conditions of water sales become unattractive for the buyers.
2007 respectively. The 2nd GGA 2008 survey was specifically aimed at capturing
As has been already mentioned, the GoWB has introduced a village level changes in terms and conditions of water selling after
TOD system for metered tariff with three different tariff rates metering of agricultural tubewells.
(Section 3). On an average, a 5 HP pump consumes 3.73 unit of It was found that in all the villages without any exception,
electricity per hour of operation (at 0.746 kWh/HP). Given the water rates for all crops have increased after the introduction of
different tariff rates, the average electricity bill works out to Rs. the metered tariff. In West Bengal, usually three modes of
5.54/h. To this, meter rent at Rs. 22/month per connection has payment are found, these are (i) crop and season wise cash
been added. Based on the number of hours of operation of a pump contract (Rs./bigha/crop); contracts for aman and boro paddy are
in a day and the type of crop grown5 and assuming that the pump of this kind; (ii) hourly rate (Rs./h) is common for all other crops
owners would operate their pumps for the same number of hours and (iii) one time crop and area specific contracts (Rs./bigha/
under metered tariff as they did under flat tariff, metered bills for irrigation) usually found in case of crops with low water
our sample tubewells were calculated. requirement such as mustard, wheat and sesame. Table 5 shows
Under the current meter tariff rates, it was found that out of 65 the increase in water rates for different types of crops after the
submersible pump owners, 41 (or 63.1%) would pay a lower introduction of metered tariff.
electricity bill under metered tariffs than they were paying under Table 5 shows that water rates for all crops have gone up by
the flat tariff. This means that according to our definition, 63.1% of 30% to over 50% in just a year in response to metering. This
submersible owners in our sample will be gainers under the new increase in water price is not in anticipation of a higher electricity
metered tariff, while 36.9% of the respondents would lose out. In bill as we have shown that under the current tariff rates, 63% of
case of centrifugal pump owners, the figures would be 73.6% submersible owners and 76% of the centrifugal pump owners
winners as against 26.4% losers. Fig. 2a and b show the gainers would have to pay a lower electricity bill than before. In some
and losers for submersible and centrifugal pumps respectively. villages, the pump owners also acknowledged that they had
received a lower electricity bill under metered tariff than they did
under flat tariff. According to the water buyer, the reason for
Installation of meters had started in 2006–2007 and it was only in
2007–2008 that the pump owners in the districts of Nadia, N. 24 Parganas and
increasing water charges was the changed incentive structure for
some blocks of Murshidabad district started receiving bills based on metered the pump owners. Unlike high flat tariff, under metered tariff,
consumption. Since we do not yet have data to measure changes in farmers’ crop they are no longer under a compulsion to sell and as a
yields and incomes in response to metering, we have adopted a narrower consequence the bargaining power of the water buyer has
definition than what would have been ideal.
5 declined. A water buyer in a village in Murshidabad district
Here’s an example of the way metered tariff was calculated. Assuming that a
pump owner operated his tubewell for 24 h during the boro season, his per day captured this issue of changed incentive structure when he said:
electricity consumption was Rs. 132.97 (Rs. 19.58 at Rs. 0.75/unit for 7 h, plus Rs.
56.51 at Rs. 1.37/unit for 11 h plus Rs. 106.87 at Rs. 4.75/unit for 6 h). If however, he Till last year, my water seller would come to my house before
operated his pump only for 18 h in a day and grew paddy, it was assumed he did the boro season just to make sure that I would buy water from
not operate the pump during the peak time from 5 pm to 11 pm and his electricity him for the season. I usually paid at the end of the season. This
bill was calculated based on normal and off-peak tariff. If, however, he operated his year, he increased the water charges from Rs. 800/bigha to Rs.
pump for say, 15 h in a day and grew potato instead of boro paddy, it was assumed
that he used all 11 h of the normal tariff, plus 2 h of off-peak tariff (from 4 am to 6
1200/bigha. I objected. He told me that I can buy water from
am when the day starts breaking) and 2 h of peak time (from 5 pm to 7 pm when him if I want to; otherwise I can go somewhere else because
there is daylight). now that he has a meter, he will not bother much about selling
A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539 5535

Predicted bill under metered tariff

Electricity bill (Rs/year)

Electricity bill under flat tariff in 2006-07




1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64
Number of submersible tubewells
Predicted electricity bill under metered tariff
Electricity bill (Rs/year)

20000.0 Electricity bill under flat tariff in 2006-07




1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70
Number of shallow tubewells

Fig. 2. (a) Predicted electricity bill under current metered tariff rates versus electricity bill under flat tariff for submersible pump owners in West Bengal (N ¼ 65), source:
Mukherji 2004 survey. (b) Predicted electricity bill under current metered tariff rates versus electricity bill under flat tariff for centrifugal pump owners in West Bengal
(N ¼ 72), source: Mukherji 2004 survey.

Table 3
Some changes that may be made to the TOD tariff in the future.

Time of the day Existing tariff rates (Rs./unit) Enhanced tariff plan A Enhanced tariff plan B Enhanced tariff plan C Enhanced tariff plan D

11 pm–6 am 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

6 am–5 pm 1.37 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
5 pm–11 pm 4.75 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
Average 1.49 2.46 2.95 3.46 3.95

Table 4
Change in number of gainers and losers and the cut-off point beyond which pumping will become costlier under alternative metered tariff rates.

Tariff rates Submersible pump owners (N ¼ 65) Centrifugal pump owners (N ¼ 72)

Percentage Percentage Maximum cut-off point in hours Percentage Percentage Maximum cut-off point in hours
gainers losers gainers losers

Existing (at 1.49/ 63.1 36.9 2700 73.6 26.4 2200

Plan A (at 2.46/unit) 29.2 70.8 1900 50.0 50.0 1800
Plan B (at 2.95/unit) 18.5 81.5 1530 34.7 65.3 1345
Plan C (at 3.46/unit) 7.7 92.3 1250 23.6 76.4 1075
Plan D (3.95/unit) 4.6 95.4 1030 19.4 80.6 930

Source: authors calculations based on Mukherji 2004 survey, for details on different tariff plans see Table 3.

water. He also asked for an advance of Rs. 300 saying he now active in selling water under a metered tariff than they were
needs to pay his electricity bill every month. (English before. In 10 out of the 17 surveyed villages we found evidence
translation of an of an interview in Bangla with a water buyer that the water sellers were more interested in leasing land than
in a village in Murshidabad on 4th April 2008, 2nd GGA 2008 selling water to their erstwhile water buyers. A part of the reason
survey) is certainly the buoyant paddy prices since 2006, but the main
reason is the shift to metered tariff whereby the previous
Based on our discussions with the water sellers and buyers, we compulsion for selling water just to recover the electricity bill
also found that in all villages, the water sellers were less pro- has been removed. Our interviews with the water buyers also
5536 A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539

Table 5
Change in water rates after metering.

Crop Unit Water rates under flat rate tariff in 2006–2007 Water rates under metered tariff in 2007–2008 % increase

Min Max Av. Min Max Av.

Aman paddy Rs./bigha 350 800 500 500 1000 660 32.0
Boro paddy Rs./bigha 600 1200 850 800 1500 1100 29.4
Any crop Rs./h 15 40 25.8 25 50 37.0 43.4
Wheat, mustard, sesame Rs./irrigation/bigha 50 200 97.6 100 300 150.0 53.7

Source: 2nd GGA 2008 survey.

revealed that in many villages, the water sellers were asking for least remain constant. Based on the rather simple assumption that
advance payments—a concept unheard of just a year ago. pump owners would try to recover the entire electricity bill
(including for their own consumption) from the water buyers,
three hypothetical cases out of several possible cases are shown
4.3. Groundwater markets (Table 6). In the first case, the pump owner reduces the hours of
water sold to others, in the second, he sells the same number of
There were 6.1 million farming households in West Bengal, of hours as before and in the third, he expands his hours of water
which only 1.1 million households owned water extraction selling. On an average, under the metered tariff, cost of pumping
mechanisms, while another 3.1 million households reported for an hour is roughly Rs. 6/h, while the price at which water is
hiring irrigation services from their neighbours (NSSO, 1999). being sold works out to Rs. 18/h (1st GGA 2008 survey). Note that
There is evidence to show that recent expansion in groundwater the profit motive does not come into play; here the intention of
markets has been a direct result of the steep rise in flat rate tariffs. the pump owners is only to break-even by recovering the
Earlier when the flat tariff was low (in the early 1990s), pump electricity bill from their customers. These calculations would
owners were more interested in leasing land from the prospective obviously change once profit motive is taken into consideration or
water buyers than selling water to them (Webster, 1999). if it is hypothesized that a pump owners’ pumping behaviour
However, work by Mukherji (2007a, b, 2008b) show that in would change in response to meter (see next section).
recent years, high flat tariffs gave a positive incentive to the pump
owners to sell water and in the process recover their electricity
bill and also earn additional profits.
What would happen to the size and intensity of groundwater 4.4. Groundwater use
market transactions as result of metering of electricity supply?
Earlier, Shah (1993) had found that with switchover from metered One of the most important assumptions behind marginal cost
tariffs to flat tariffs in Gujarat in 1986, water rates were lowered pricing of water or electricity is that it would reflect the scarcity
and groundwater markets expanded. In West Bengal, whether value of water and therefore increase water use efficiency.
water markets would expand, shrink or remain unchanged is an Evidence on this however is at best sketchy. The World Bank
empirical question that can only be answered definitively once (2002) study simulated various scenarios and concluded that with
metered tariffs are introduced in all places in the state and metering and subsequent improvement in quality of electricity
pumping and water selling behaviour of the pump owners are supply, the current tendency of the farmers to over-use ground-
studied and compared with their behaviour under the earlier flat water would reduce. Venot and Molle (2008) in their study in
tariff system. At this point, in the absence of such data, we can Jordan, did not find any evidence of declining groundwater use in
only hypothesize on the impact of metering on the size of the response to marginal cost pricing of water. Kishore and Verma
water markets. (2004) did not find any difference in pumping behaviour of
Given that the incentive to sell water to others as was present farmers subjected to meter tariff and flat tariff in Gujarat. Thus,
under the flat tariff system is missing under the metered tariff whether or not metering of pumps in West Bengal would lead to
system, those pump owners who were not overly motivated by reduction in pumping or increase in water use efficiency is an
profits, yet were under compulsion to sell water just to recover the empirical question and can be answered only when we have
electricity bill, would possibly exit from the market. Under this comparative data in the future. However, data from our 2nd GGA
scenario, water markets would shrink in size. From our 2nd GGA 2008 survey found that there has been no change in gross
2008 survey, we found that in four out of 17 villages, area under irrigated area in any of the villages, though in four villages out of
boro paddy had declined in 2007–2008 in response to hike in 17, area under water intensive summer boro paddy has declined in
water rates for boro paddy. This is in spite of the fact that paddy response. In these villages, it is likely that groundwater extraction
prices were at their historical high during this year. In these would have reduced, but not so in other villages. However, we did
villages, the depth of water market transactions would have find evidence that pump owners are trying to minimise seepage
certainly gone down. Similarly, we also found that in 10 out of 17 losses by using rubber pipes (in 10 out of 17 villages, rubber pipes
villages, pump owners had shown greater interest in leasing land were used for the first time after metering), maintaining their
from their erstwhile water buyers instead of selling water to them. unlined channels better and in some isolated cases, also by
In these villages too, both breadth and depth of water markets are constructing underground channels. Water use efficiency there-
likely to have gone down. fore might go up, but whether or not it will lead to conservation of
On the other hand, pump owners who were motivated by the groundwater is a tricky question. There is also no evidence to
profit they made from selling water, would continue to do so and show that quality of electricity supply, which was relatively
get a higher profit margin due to lower cost of pumping and high satisfactory in the past, has improved in response to metering.
water rates under metered tariff as we saw in the previous Improvement in quality of electricity supply is often projected to
section. If pump owners are driven pre-dominantly by the profit be the most important positive outcome of metering (World Bank,
motive, water markets might even expand in the long run or at 2002).
A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539 5537

Table 6
Impact of metering on the size of groundwater markets.

Cases Hours of operation of a Electricity bill under current Number of hours of water to be sold to Expansion, contraction or no change in hours
submersible pump under flat metered tariff of Rs. 6/h recover the meter bill at Rs. 18/h of water sold after metering
rate tariff

For For selling Total

self to others

Case 800 700 1500 9000 500 Contraction by 200 h

Case 1200 600 1800 10800 600 No change in hours sold
Case 1500 600 2100 12,600 700 Expansion by 100 h

Table 7
Loss or gain in revenue from the agricultural sector under metered tariff as compared to flat tariff under present tariff rates and future tariff rates.

Tariff rates Loss () or gain (+) in Rs. per submersible Loss () or gain (+) in Rs. per centrifugal Overall loss () or gain (+) in revenue for
tubewell/year tubewell/year the WBSEB in million Rs./yeara

Existing (at 1.49/unit) 1530 1572 175.4

Plan A (at 2.46/unit) +1710 +932 +122.1
Plan B (at 2.95/unit) +5739 +4047 +492.1
Plan C (at 3.46/unit) +9767 +7161 +862.1
Plan D (3.95/unit) +13,795 +10,276 +1232.1

Source: Mukherji 2004 survey for average hours of operation of tubewell data. Also see Table 3 for details of each of the tariff plans.
This assumes that there are 112,216 electric tubewells in the state of which 20% are fitted with submersible pumps and 80% with centrifugal pumps.

4.5. Electricity utilities current tariff and under several scenarios of future tariff hike.
However, this calculation does not take into account the fact that
The MoU signed between the GoWB and GOI in 2001 states in response to metering pumping behaviour of the pump owners
that ‘‘the reform measures are being undertaken with the might change, they can either increase or decrease pumping.
objective of achieving break-even in the SEB by March, 2003
and getting positive returns thereafter’’ (
According to a statement made to the West Bengal Assembly in 5. Conclusion and policy implications
2006, reform measures have led to a turn around in the financial
performance of the SEB from a loss of Rs. 520 crores in 2001–2002 While universal metering is often thought to be a panacea of
to a commercial profit of Rs. 81 crore in 2005–2006 (http:// all ills in the electricity and groundwater sector, high transaction Note that from 2001 to 2006, the costs often impede such an initiative. The initiative of GoWB in
flat tariff for agriculture increased from Rs. 3350 to 8950/year for this regard is quite innovative and worth emulating elsewhere. In
centrifugal pumps and from Rs. 5031 to 10,930/year for sub- terms of design of the program, the GoWB has adopted a hi-tech
mersible pumps. This increase contributed in part to higher approach aimed at reducing the transaction costs of metering.
revenues for the SEB. The introduction of GSM based electronic and remotely read
According the WBSEB, there were 112,216 electrified tubewells meters with tamper proof properties takes care of many of the
in the state. Roughly, 20% of these were submersible pumps and conventional shortcomings of metering in rural area.
the rest were centrifugal pumps (personal communication with Metering is often advocated on the grounds that it would be
an official of WBSEDCL). Based on the current TOD rates and the beneficial to farmers and to the state electricity utilities. Our
fact that a submersible tubewell on an average operates for 2160 h study found that metering has indeed been beneficial to the pump
in a year and centrifugal tubewell for 1670 h in a year (Mukherji, owners. Under current tariff rates and assuming unchanged usage
2007a),6 it was calculated that on an average, the WBSEB would patterns, the majority of the pump owners in West Bengal would
be losing Rs. 1530/year and Rs. 1572/year per submersible and have lower electricity bills than under the flat tariff regime. At the
centrifugal pump respectively. This will translate to a loss in same time, they have been able to increase the rates at which they
revenue of Rs. 175 million/year from agricultural pump sets. If sell water to others by 30–50%. Electric pump owners number just
however, the WBSEB progressively increases its tariff as proposed above 100,000 and hence constitute less than 2% of the
in Table 5, it will earn additional revenues from the agricultural agricultural households in the state. They also happen to be
sector. Table 7 shows the revenue inflows from agriculture under larger and wealthier farmers (Mukherji, 2007a).
Water buyers have lost out under the new metered tariff
system in several ways. First, they now have to pay a higher price
While calculating the electricity bill under the current TOD rates, it was for buying water. Second, their bargaining power vis-a-vis  the
assumed out of every 100 h of operation, 57 h are during the night time off-peak water sellers has declined considerably and as a result they are
rates of Rs. 0.75/unit, 40 h are during the normal daytime tariff of Rs. 1.37/unit and
3 h are during the evening peak tariff of Rs. 4.75/unit. This is based on detailed
now being forced to buy water at disadvantageous terms and
analysis of around 20 electricity bills under meter tariff from April 2007 to March conditions. This has happened because the pump owners no
2008. longer need to sell water to cover high and fixed electricity costs.
5538 A. Mukherji et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 5530–5539

This unwillingness of the pump owners to sell water is manifested carefully replicated at a larger scale keeping in mind issues of
in their eagerness to lease land from the erstwhile water buyers. If corruption and local elite capture.
this occurs, it will make the current water buyers increasingly This paper is the first of its kind that examines the impact of
dependent on the market for procuring food grains for self- metering on agricultural groundwater users. In doing so, it
consumption or push them out of farming. Water buyers contributes in two important ways. First, it questions the
constitute 50% of the rural farming households (NSSO, 1999) and orthodoxy that universal metering is impossible in India because
often belong to the poor and marginal sections of the society. of high transaction costs involved (Shah et al., 2007). This paper
Under the existing electricity tariffs, even the state electricity shows that modern IT technologies offer new possibilities for
utilities are likely to lose out in terms of revenues. This therefore overcoming old problems and the GoWB has indeed adopted such
puts in to question the claim that metering by itself can improve technology to great success. Second, it also questions another
the incomes of the SEB. Another justification for metering, that is, orthodoxy that now prevails among the donor agencies and
it will lead to better energy auditing can be effectively taken care researchers, viz. that metering will ‘improve the lives of India’s
of through metering at the transformer level without metering farmers’ (World Bank, 2002; Ruet, 2005). This paper shows that it
individual agricultural consumers and this could have been done need not necessarily be so in a region where farm sizes are
at a lower cost. That the largest section of the rural community, extremely small, groundwater resources are abundant and
namely, the water buyers has been negatively affected by competitive groundwater markets which benefit the small and
metering also calls into question the assertion that metering will marginal farmers have developed in response to high flat rate
improve the lives of India’s farmers (World Bank, 2002). tariffs. All these conditions prevail in West Bengal and it is here
Marginal cost pricing through metering might lead to that metering, by changing the dynamics of the competitive
improved water use efficiency and this will be a positive outcome. groundwater markets has benefited electric pump owners at the
However, whether or not it will lead to water savings is a cost of majority of water buyers. However, this paper in no way
debatable issue. More debatable is whether or not conservation of generalises its finding by claiming that metering will have similar
groundwater should be the prime policy objective in a state that is negative impacts elsewhere. Indeed, in regions of large land
flush with groundwater and steeped with poverty and where holding, over-exploited groundwater resources, absent ground-
groundwater may be used for poverty alleviation (Kahnert and water markets, free or low flat tariff regimes (e.g. Punjab,
Levine, 1993). Metering and therefore proper auditing and Haryana), metering might as well be the best policy option. The
accounting of energy supply is also thought to ultimately improve findings of this study thus are context specific and in itself is an
the quality of electricity. However, as mentioned earlier, farmers indicator of how generic policy prescriptions such as universal
in West Bengal receive relatively high quality electricity supply metering are not always likely to produce desirable outcomes
and during our survey, we did not find any evidence that quality unless they are put into the right context.
has further improved after metering.
Given that the GoWB has already invested millions of rupees in
metering and that the lending agencies also insist on it as does Acknowledgement
India’s national policies, it is unlikely that metering will be
revoked. Under such a scenario, what are the policy options that The authors are grateful to the Challenge Program on Water
might soften the blow to the poorer water buyers? and Food ( for funding the Groundwater
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electrification of tubewells in the state. This will enhance paper is an output from the project.
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