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Nursing Care Plan and Diagnosis for Mastectomy |Nanda

Goals & Interventions

This nursing care plan is for a patient who had had a Mastectomy and
it includes a diagnosis and care plan for nurses with nursing interventions and
outcomes for the following conditions: Impaired Physical Mobility and
Grieving related to loss of breast. Patients who have experienced a
Mastectomy have limitations in their mobility due to pectoral muscle removal
during the surgery and may experience grieving due to the change in physical

What is a Mastectomy? This is a surgical procedure that is performed to

removal one or both of the breast. Sometimes everything is removed such as
the nipple and areolar or just the breast tissue. A mastectomy is most
commonly performed when a patient has breast cancer.

Below is a case scenario that may be encountered as a nursing student or

nurse in a hospital setting.

What are nursing care plans? How do you develop a nursing care plan?
What nursing care plan book do you recommend helping you develop a
nursing care plan?

This care plan is listed to give an example of how a Nurse (LPN or RN) may
plan to treat a patient with those conditions.

Important Disclosure: Please keep in mind that these care plans are listed for
Example/Educational purposes only, and some of these treatments may change
over time. Do not treat a patient based on this care plan.
Care Plans are often developed in different formats. The formatting isn’t
always important, and care plan formatting may vary among different nursing
schools or medical jobs. Some hospitals may have the information displayed
in digital format, or use pre-made templates. The most important part of the
care plan is the content, as that is the foundation on which you will base your

Nursing Care Plan for: Mastectomy

If you want to view a video tutorial on how to construct a care plan in nursing
school, please view the video below. Otherwise, scroll down to view this
completed care plan.


A 45 year old female is recovery on your unit from a bilateral mastectomy. The patient has difficulty getting up f

the bed to the chair without assistance. She is unable to push herself up in the bed as well, making mobility diffic

for her. After your morning assessment and helping the patient get from the bed to the chair she confides in you s

has been crying and is getting depressed about how her husband (who she just newly married) will perceive her b

She says she “hates” the way her chest looks and is embarrassed by it.

Nursing Diagnosis:

-Impaired Physical Mobility related to lymph-edema, nerve & muscle damage, and pain as evidence by patient u

to get to bed from chair without assistance and unable to push herself up in bed.

Grieving related to loss of breasts and change to appearance as evidence by patient states she has been crying and

depressed about her body appearance.

Subjective Data:

-After your morning assessment and helping the patient get from the bed to the chair she confides in you she has
crying and is getting depressed about how her husband (who she just newly married) will perceive her body. She

she “hates” the way her chest looks and is embarrassed by it.

Objective Data:

-A 45 year old female is recovery on your unit from a bilateral mastectomy. The patient has difficulty getting up

the bed to the chair without assistance. She is unable to push herself up in the bed as well, making mobility diffic

for her.

Nursing Outcomes:

-The patient will discuss her grief openly with her husband concerning her new physical appearance by discharge

The patient will express 2 positive changes in her new physical appearance by discharge.

-The patient will recognize at least 2 family members she can receive support from by discharge.

-The patient will report and exhibit an increase in strength in mobility by getting to and from bed to chair with

minimal assistance by post-opt day 3.

-The patient will verbalize 2 ways to prevent physical injury during ambulation by post-opt 2.

-The patient will perform exercise measures to increase mobility daily as tolerated.

Nursing Interventions:

-The nurse will assess daily the patient readiness to talk about new physical appearance.-The nurse will encourag

patient to talk with husband about new physical appearance until patient feels comfortable doing so.
-The nurse will assist and encourage the patient to focus on 2 positive changes in her appearance daily.

-The nurse will help the patient seek out two family members she has for support by discharge.

-The nurse will assess the patient strength in mobility daily.

-The nurse will demonstrate 2 ways to prevent physical injury during ambulation daily.

-The nurse will encourage and demonstrate exercises for the patient to complete daily to increase mobility.

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