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Observation Task 4: Planning and preparation for learning

Focus: The importance of planning and preparation

Objective: The objective of this task is for student teachers to begin to understand the
relevance of planning and preparation as well as gain insight into how teachers do this.
1. Before the observation discuss the task with the teacher and arrange a good time to
observe her teaching. (this could be for 15 min)
2. During the observation, record and make notes on what the teacher and the learners
are doing.
3. Find out how the teacher planned and prepared for the section you observed.
4. After the observation – Arrange a time to discuss the following points with the teacher:
• How do you plan? Do you plan weekly, daily, as part of a team or individually? We plan
as a team , but sometimes individually .
• Do you do anything you haven’t planned to do? Yes , sometimes .
• What is important to you when planning a lesson? The theme , the challenges , different
between each level of students .
• Do you plan to do the same thing with all the children in the classroom? Why/Why not?
No , because it depend on their level .
5. Arrange to attend a planning session with the teacher/team. Its not allowed for me .
During the observation :
Teacher activity Learner activity
1 -The teacher arranged the students into 1 All the students sat in their group and
groups and each group has an activity for their listening to the teacher instruction.
level. Then she started to explain the activities
for each group.
2 The teacher going around the groups to see if
they understand the activities. 2 They started the activities, and if they
3 -Sometimes she didn’t help the students need help they raise there hand.
during the activity’s because she want them to 3 -They have difficulty on something
depend on themselves and on their friends . they try to ask their friends .


 Why is planning and preparation for learning important?

Because it organizes the lesson and makes things easier for the teachers.
 What do you have to think about before you begin to plan for learning? The theme or the topic
and the learning outcoming.
 What stages did the teacher go through in order to be prepared for teaching? Planning -
preparing the equipment - understanding of the topic.

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