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 20 多年打拚成為国際聞名連鎖品牌培訓中心, 全世界有 10 多家連鎖教室
 獨特發明有版權(加拿大 1069744)多科組合教學法教材
 數學 + 國際象棋 + 謎題 = 趣味遊戲智能數學

Frankho ChessDoku™

只见棋谜不见题 劝君迷路不哭涕
数学象棋加谜题 健脑思维眞神奇

安排免費测試, 請用普通話電 Amanda 604-781-3688 or 604-263-4321

智能数学= 独特文字问题+ IQ 谜+ 数棋谜

Intelligent Math = Unique math problem solving + IQ Puzzles + Chess and math

何数棋谜研発出一种独特数学教学法, 即智能数学. 智能数学强调啓発式教学,但
与眾不同的是将各国文字问题解法包含美加,中国 (奥数),及新加坡数学的解法都
容入. 何数棋谜独刽的算独逻辑及算谜也奇妙的与国际象棋数学结合.

学生不但是加强训练计算能力, 而且是利用独特的教材開發有深度的鑽研能力,
分析, 理解力, 逻辑力, 耐力, 舉一反三, 记憶力等. 这些能力不是一种材教材
可以有效的達成的. 智能数学 = 独特文字问题+ IQ 谜+ 数棋谜.

进行. 附加价值, 物超所值. 教材使用何数棋谜出版的专用教材。本课程提供给
5㱑以上至 7 年级小学生, 其效果顕著如下:

增進学習的㒷趣, 提分, 提升脑力及智能, 及国象的能力

通过我们的教学棋具,5 岁以上的幼儿即可达到见棋即会下的效果。我们的教材


何數棋謎数学教材可以提高学生解文字题能力及参加数学竞赛思维能力. 何數棋
謎数学教材達到中国奥数及新加坡数学标干, 並超越小学 IB 学数课程程度.


现在考 Mini school 或数学升初中考的竞争越来越强,Mini school 对学生的要

求也越来越高。根据这一形势变化,何数棋谜特别根據学生反应, 為小学生争取
考 mini school math 高分而研发了数学教材. 此教材可以准備私校考, Min-
school, 政府评估考等. 内容高於 IB. 何数棋谜教材可用於教天才或高智慧兒

我们的推荐信不但可以强调数学并可以突显出国际象棋及谜题才艺, 比一般学生
亮点多. 百分之九十经过我们培训及推荐的学生都顺利进入私校或数学资优班.

数学,微积分,物理,化学, 科学综合班

学习多个科目,包括高年级数学, 十一、十二年级物理,化学,微积分。教学完全

小学生 SSAT 私校入学考准備班

自 1995 年何数棋谜成立以来,何数棋谜就致力于教材的研究、开发和学生的头脑
训练。经过将二十多年的积累、沉淀及创新,我们为小学生考 SSAT 特别撰写了
一套数学教材。这套教材包括了所有 SSAT 常见题型,并且为了配合考试,加深题
才艺, 比一般学生亮点多. 百分之九十经过我们培训及推荐的学生都顺利进入私

Elementary School Intelligent math
Multi-subject teaching method

There are many different kinds of learning centers with more

or less the same goal. But because each centring center's
mission and teaching method is different, the teaching results
are not all the same. Ho Math Chess created a unique math
worksheet called Intelligent Math 智能数学 which is to
implement the idea of exploratory math teaching into practice
by inventing the intelligent math worksheets which integrate
North America, Chinese, and Singapore math problem-solving
methods all into one workbook. Ho Math Chess workbooks also
encompass its own inventions such as Frankho ChessDoku which
teaches logic and Frankho ChessMaze which teaches
visualization in the workbook. Both puzzles integrate chess
into math. ChessDoku integrates math, chess and Sudoku
altogether and is the world's first.

When working on intelligent math worksheets, students not only

fostered and trained in using their thinking skills on word
problems but also on computation worksheets. Intelligent Math
= Unique math problem solving + IQ Puzzles + Chess and math

This class offers to kindergarten to grade 7 elementary

students. Its results are significant as follows:

Enhance a student's math interest, raise math marks and

improve brain power and intelligence and chess playability

Ho math Chess invents a unique copyrighted math teaching set
which is to teach children as young as 5 years old what you
see is what you move. Ho Math Chess's teaching material is
world's first and unique in effective teaching by integrating
math, chess, and puzzles all in one workbook. Children learn math
with fun while working on Ho Math Chess workbooks.

Raise word problem solving and math contest competition ability

Ho Math Chess math workbook reaches Chinese math contests problems

level and also integrates Singapore math in the workbooks. The
aforementioned contents combine with North America problem-solving
methods make Ho Math Chess workbooks very unique in preparing students
for the world math contests.

Prepare private school entrance exams, mini-school or enrichment math


Ho Math Chess has analyzed different exams' contents based on student's

feedback after taking different kinds of exams to produce the
workbooks. These workbooks can be used for preparing private school
exams, special math program entrance exams, mini-school math exams, and
even the government's math assessments. Ho Math Chess workbooks'
contents are more advanced than the IB math program. Ho Math Chess can
be used to teach gifted students who have a keen interest in learning
advanced problems in depth.

Secondary School
Math, Calculus, Physics, and
Chemistry combined class

The student pays one fee to get assistance in multiple subjects such as
mathematics, calculus, physics, and chemistry al in one class and at the
same time. No more headache to hire multiple tutors and arrange many
different tutoring times.

SSAT Preparation
Ho Math Chess has researched and created unique teaching
workbooks since 1995. We have created SSAT workbooks after
many years of our teaching experience and researching. Many
problems are more difficult than the typical SSAT problems to
train students in problem-solving ability in depth. By using
our workbooks and working hard, we are sure that students
would be able to get high scores in SSAT math.

Our reference letter not only can point out a student's

strength in math ability but also can stress a student's
unique ability in chess, IQ puzzles problems, chess and
Sudoku combined problems. Over 90% or our recommended
students got accepted into their desired schools or special
math programs.

Free Information, 中文在後封面

Specializing in teaching children fun math using math, chess, and puzzles integrated
worksheets. All classes are conducted in English.
Frankho ChessDoku™


For a free assessment, please phone Amanda at 604-781-3688 or 604-263-4321

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