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Islam has a bad reputation among the informed

Christian church. Many are not informed and
therefore have a naïve approach to the dangers of its
teaching. There is extreme danger to the Christian
and the democratic way of life from Islam and Sharia
rule. I would show here what I think is the mind set
behind their actions.

I do not expect to address these dangers here.

Rather, I would like to expose what I consider to be
their rationale for thinking they need to destroy
Judaism, Christianity and democratic capitalism from
off the face of the Earth. I will share my observations
of what I know of their teachings, watching their
practices, knowing the Bible pretty well, and having
heard some startling things from The Lord, Our God
and Creator.

To begin, let me speak of some of the practice of

followers of Islam. Five times a day the faithful
cleanse themselves, worship and pray. From
childhood, they are taught Islam as the only way of
life in its totality. Many may be busy at work, but
close down shop to attend prayer. It is a community
matter. We even see it in down town New York City
and in Paris where streets are blocked off for Friday
worship services. They do not let business take
precedence over their religion.

In an effort to be pure, even family must not take

precedence over their religion. I recently sent out a
video of a young girl being stoned to death because
she refused to marry an older man to whom she had
been promised. Death of family members is not
uncommon if they transgress their interpretation of
Koran. This is not unusual as we see killings in
animistic tribes of the last century when people
transgressed some of their legends. I have not heard
of them in the 21st century except among Muslims.
Perhaps there are others. How is this similar to the
Old Testament?

I have watched a smuggled out video of a school of

Islam where the only thing taught is Koran. There is
usually no exposure to the sciences, arts, social
studies or vocation preparation we experience.
Muslims do not build hospitals, schools and have no
concept of helping one another. The video showed
the master randomly whipping boys with a buggy
type whip. When one would try to run away, he
would be caught by an adult guard and brought
back. I have seen a video of a car wheel being run
over the arm of an 8-year-old boy who was caught
steeling an apple. Adults were holding him as
another backed the car over his arm, crushing it and
rendering it useless. This is all a form of
brainwashing and mind splitting as shown by
Theophostic to have been developed by the Nazi
experiments of WW II and used in satan worship.

On the other hand, there are some very well

educated Muslims. Perhaps most of them, are quite
useful our society. Some are very useful in the
technology of terrorism. They have done some very
creative things. Yet, in Israel there is a very evident
distinction between the Arab and Jewish productivity,
education and health.

My understanding is that Muhammad wanted to see

a more pure practice of Christianity and Judaism
when he began his search. This is similar to Joseph
Smith of Mormonism. As we have seen Animistic
practices of fasting until one attains a spirit guide so
I suspect Muhammad did the same thing.
Unfortunately, these spirit guides lead one away
from the truth of who God really is and what He has
done to bring us back into relationship with Him. It is
not by law or following a set of rules, ritual or works,
but by God’s grace alone.

Perhaps Muhammad was really on the right track for

a while as he began writing the Koran. Even as
Muslims, Christians, Buddhist and Hindus do today,
persecution began when they saw a deviation from
the expected. His writings became more violent as
he tried to enforce against increasing odds, what he
saw as truth. The same thing happened with Joseph

Oh, that Christians who have weapons that really

make changes in the unseen world would be so
committed. They have at least partially received the
bridge back to God that everyone seeks. It is in our
nature to desire union with the one who gave us our
DNA. We have Love as a weapon and Holy Spirit to
guide, help and comfort us. Even many communists
were committed unto death.

Islam is not as blind as we are. They see what the

Bible would call ‘carnal’ Christians, like many non-
believers, getting high on chemicals, full of adultery,
unloving, uncommitted and greedy. Even eating
ham, which was forbidden for Jews? These things are
abominations to them. To people of the Middle East
there are three kinds of people. Christians, Jews and
Muslim. Therefore, they see all who are not the
latter two as the former. They even saw Hitler as a

Terrorist, as we would call them, make up about 10%

of Islam. That equates to about 100 million. Islamic
countries like Egypt have had to fight them to bring
down their stringent activities.

So how does God see these people? I can give you

some insight that was surprising to me. First,
though, let me say that Allah is the name that even
Christians in Middle East call the One we westerners
address as God.

As is usual after traveling over many time zones I

woke up early the first morning in a Middle Eastern
country. However, I was hearing singing. It was a
one note ‘Hallelujah’ being sung. My thought was
there were Christians waking up and having early
morning worship together. I went to the window to
hear more clearly, but the volume was the same. It
was the same all through the apartment. I had asked
a close friend and seer in the Lord what he felt God
was showing him about that trip. His immediate
response was, “Oh, I see the angels singing. This will
be a very good trip.” It dawned on me. I was
hearing the angels singing.
So, I went back, lay down on the bed, and was really
into worship with the angels when the Muzzien began
their call to worship for the Muslims. There were four
Minarets in the vicinity. I usually thought of those
calls as a very noxious, discordant sound. This time
however, I was hearing beautiful worship in each of
the voices. How astonishing! I could hardly believe
what I was sensing in the Spirit.

At which time the Father began to say to me, “You

worship me because you know me. The Jews worship
me because they expect me. These people worship
me even though they don’t know me.” What a
revelation! What Mercy! What Love!

One must draw an implication from that. I had been

saying and teaching that REAL Christianity is our best
weapon against terrorism. The birth rate among
Muslim women is the highest in the world. Some
predict they will be a majority on the Earth by 2050.
But we know that God wants them to know Him.

Let me say that again. We know that God wants the

Muslim people (and all others) to know Him. In
context of John 17:3 that means He wants them to
have eternal life through Jesus.
Looking at Romans 9, how will they hear unless
someone tells them? Ephesians 3:10 says it is the
responsibility of the church to manifest God’s
dominion even to the unseen.

Do we as a church love Jesus enough to be more

brazen than the audacity of Islam is in its march to
conquer the world with the errors of ungodly Sharia?
Can we lay down business as usual in our ‘dog eat
dog’ capitalism to be about our Master’s business?
Can we trust God as our provider like we sing about?
What about being seated in Heavenly places with
Christ? As He is, so are we! When will the church
start to act like Jesus? When will the body follow the
Head? What are the three things Jesus said in
Revelation 12:11 we would use to overcome the
accuser? What ‘rights’ does a servant of soldier
have? And Who is responsible for the servant’s life?

I have been reading of Dietrich Bonhoffer’s life and

teaching in Germany as much of the church
capitulated to Hitler in order to be ‘politically
correct’. I remember my folks talking about him. He
was executed less than a month before V-E day. I,
for one, am ready to stand with him as another force
is attempting to form a false world government
before the real soon coming King of Kings comes to
take His place. So many times it has been prayed,
‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is
in Heaven.’

Are you for Him or against Him?

Don Woods
Pasco, WA

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