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2010 年 12 月

前 言

写作(from imitation to production and creation)。翻译部分每一单元都包括了段

课 程 说 明


《商务英语写作》王晓光 王家宝主编 华东理工大学出版社 2008 年
《商务英语语篇翻译》王晓光 林伟主编 华东理工大学出版社 2011 年

1. 边毅主编.商务英语写作.清华大学出版社,北方交通大学出版社, 2003 年
8 月第 1 版
2. [美]霍莉罗迪克著,郁震等译.如何写出完美的商务英语信函,世界图书出
版公司,2005 年 5 月第 1 版
3. 秦世福主编.英汉对照应用文实例汇编.复旦大学出版社,2001 年 3 月第 1

4. 刘鸿章、孔庆炎主编.英汉商务应用文手册.汉语大词典出版社,2004 年 12
月第 1 版
5. 杨文慧主编.现代商务英语写作集萃.中山大学出版社,2005 年 4 月第 1 版
6. 丁树德、陈大中主编.英语应用文模板.天津大学出版社,2004 年 4 月第 1 版
7.张光明主编,旅游与购物应用文大全,江苏科学技术出版社,2004 年 1 月第
8.易露霞、陈原编著,实用英语商业信函,广东经济出版社,2004 年 1 月第 1

9.李先庆编著,英语应用文写作,新时代出版社,2002 年 4 月第 1 版
10.管春林主编,国际商务英语写作(第一辑),浙江大学出版社,2006 年 8
月第 1 版
11.玛丽·艾伦·古费 (Mary Ellen Guffey),商务沟通精要(第 5 版),中
信出版社,2003 年 7 月版
12.郝绍伦编著,商务英语,电子科技大学出版社,2006 年 7 月版
13.张彦、李师君编著,商务文体翻译,浙江大学出版社,2005 年 11 月第 1 版
14. 李朝主编,大学商贸英语翻译教程,复旦大学出版社,2007 年 7 月第 1 版
15. 古今明编著,英汉翻译基础,上海外语教育出版社,2002 年 2 月

16. 穆雷主编,英汉翻译基础教程,高等教育出版社,2005 年 10
17.方梦之主编,英汉翻译基础教程,中国对外翻译出版公司,2005 年 18.
18,陈宏薇主编,汉英翻译基础,上海外语教育出版社,2010 年 1 月
19. 冯庆华主编,汉英翻译基础教程,高等教育出版社,2008 年 10 月


Part One Business Writing

Unit 1 Abstract …………………………………………… 6
Unit 2 Application letter …………………………………………… 20
Unit 3 Resume …………………………………………… 38
Unit 4 Contracts and Agreements …………………………………….. 53
Unit 5 Complaint ………………………………………….………….. 71
Unit 6 Letter of Thanks ……………………………………….. … 86
Unit 7 Business Reports ……………………………………………….. 94
Unit 8 Business proposal ……………………………………………… 112

Part Two Business Translation

Unit 1 Trade and Busienss……………………………..…………… 127
Unit 2 Contract and Related Material ………………..………….… 144
Unit 3 Commercial Law Related Materials …………..…………… 158
Unit 4 Accounting Related Materials……………………..…………….. 170
Unit 5 贸易与企业 …………………………………….……………….. 184
Unit 6 合同 ……………………………………….. .……..….. ..… 202
Unit 7 商事法律………………………………………….……… ……….. 219
Unit 8 财务会计…………. ……………………………….……………… 233

Part One Business Writing

Unit 1 Abstract 摘要


Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合)

 学术论文摘要
 学术文摘征集
 学术会议、论坛信息收集
 期刊投稿
 目录摘要
 文献检索数据库

Part II How to Write (如何书写)
 开头部分的第一句话通常称为主题句(topic sentence),开门见山地点明主体,指出论文
的主旨和主要内容,常见句式有 this paper focuses on/ analyses/ argues… ,the object/
primary goal of this paper is…
 展开部分进一步阐明主题句所包含的具体内容如主要论点、论证要点和分析过程等,

 结尾部门是对全文做出的结论,有时还要指出该项课题的研究意义和价值所在,必要

还可提出进一步研究的建议,常见句式有 in conclusion…,it is concluded that…
 重点突出:摘要是原文主要观点的提炼,因此,应该抓住下列几方面:文章主题句
(thesis statement), 段落主题句(topic sentence), 重要人物,重要细节和结论等。
 语言简洁:摘要最重要的语言特点是简洁明了,通俗易懂。摘要的长短视文章的长度和

 意义完整,表达清楚:一篇好的摘要,在思想表达、句子结构方面应该清楚严密。不能
简单地罗列文章的要点, 而应该在句与句之间加进一步连接词语,如:
although,while, in conclusion 等等,使得摘要成为一个有机体。
 忠实原文,客观再现:摘要写作,注意不要加入缩写者的任何观点,也不要把原文变

Part III What not to Write (避免提及)

 避免使用缩略词,至少要避免使用非常用的缩略词。即使实在避不开时,在该缩略词
 避免使用过长的描写,和陈述详细的信息。
 避免使用过长的直接引语。
 避免使用列出详细的实例。
 摘要不使用疑问句或感叹句。

Part IV Tips on Writing (注意事项)
 摘要的文字要简洁,篇幅要短小精悍,通常不超过 450 个英文单词,一般不分段,而
 如原文为英文,摘要则位于“标题”之后,“引言”之前。当然摘要也有“小结”形式出现在
 摘要一般都按背景、目的-材料、方法-结果-结论这个顺序排列,结构比较固定,读
 摘要的内容比较完整,它囊括了原文献中的基本要点和重要信息,有头有尾,自成篇
 摘要各部分的时态表达也有一定的特点,如表示研究的背景和目的常要用一般过去时;
 摘要中不应出现重复的句子,尤其是第一句话,往往是主题句,更不能同原文献的题
 摘要通常使用第三人称,不用第二人称,目前有些文献的摘要开始使用第一人称,以
 通常在摘要之后附有 5-8 个关键词或词组。

Part V Useful Words and Phrases(单词和短语)
A. Words (单词)
1 focus n.(兴趣活动等的)中心, 焦点, 焦距,

vi.聚焦, 注视
vt.使集中在焦点上, 定焦点, 调焦, 集中
2 analyses n.分析, 分解
3 explore v.探险, 探测, 探究
4 argue vi.争论, 辩论
5 discuss vt.讨论, 论述
6 aim n.目标, 目的, 瞄准
v.对...瞄准, 打算
7 research n.研究, 调查
vi.研究, 调查
8 object n.物体, 目标, 宾语, 对象
vi.反对, 拒绝, 抗议
9 conclusion n.结束, 缔结, 结论
10 account n. 陈述,报导
11 indicate vt.指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明
12 theory n.理论, 学说, ...论, 原理, 意见, 推测
13 implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示
14 meaningful adj.意味深长的
15 thesis n.论题, 论文
16 effort n.努力, 成就
17 further adj.更远的, 更多的, 深一层的
vt.促进, 增进, 助长
adv.更进一步地, 更远地, 此外
18 perspective n.远景, 前途, 观点, 看法
19 dissect v.仔细研究
20 factor n.因素, 要素
21 result n.结果, 成效, 计算结果
vi.起因, 由于, 以...为结果, 导致
22 subjective adj.主观的, 个人的
23 dependence n. 依赖
24 regression n.衰退
25 progression n.行进
26 reveal vt.展现, 显示, 揭示, 暴露
27 foundation n.基础, 根本, 建立, 创立
28 reflect v.反射, 反映
29 system n.系统, 体系, 制度, 体制, 秩序, 规律, 方法
30 transformation n.变化, 转化, 改适, 改革, 转换
31 commentary n.注释, 解说词
32 introductory adj.介绍性的
33 remark n.备注, 评论, 注意, 注释

vt.评论, 注意, 谈及
34 significance n.意义, 重要性
35 scientific adj.科学的
36 conform vt.使一致, 使遵守, 使顺从
vi.符合, 相似, 适应环境
adj.一致的, 顺从的
37 trend n.倾向, 趋势
vi.伸向, 倾向, 通向
38 assessment n.估价, 评估
39 contribution n.捐献, 贡献, 投稿
40 criticism n.批评, 批判

B. Phrases (常用短语)
1. to meet one’s performance standards (机器)的性能达到标准
The machine manufactured at your factory does not meet our performance
2. to conduct an inquiry 调查
The committee conducted an inquiry into this case.
3. in one’s estimation / judgment/ opinion/view 据某人的判断/评价/意见/看法
In his view, the price of gold will again moving upward.
4. to have expectations 抱有希望
We have great expectations of his plan.
5. to put a false construction on 对……进行曲解
Please do not up a false construction on his kind intention.
6. to put sb. in a dilemma 使某人左右为难
You put me in something of a dilemma.
7. ticklish situation 棘手的局面
I have a ability to handle ticklish situation.
8. as a token of our gratitude / appreciation 以表示我们的感激之情
We would like to present you with a small gift as a taken of our gratitude.
9. generous / humble contribution 慷慨的/微薄的捐款

I enclosed my humble contribution towards the found of our society.
10. without your dedication and expertise 没有你们的奉献精神和专业知识
This project cannot be successfully finished without your dedication and expertise.
11. achievement in the field of … 在……一方面的成就
The tunnel in your city is an great achievement in the field of engineering
12. to win recognition from sb. 赢得某人的评
Our products soon wan recognition from the consumers.
13. be illustrated with … 用……加以说明
The present invention is illustrated with examples and pictures.
14. to become effective 生效
The agreement will become effective from May 1.
15. to recommend / suggest that 推荐/建议
The author recommended that we adopt this method.
16. standard operating procedure 标准操作程序
A standard operating procedure is strongly recommended.
17. to acquire information relative to … 获得关于……的知识
He would like to acquire information relative to power engineering.
18. to help you answer the following questions 帮助你回答下列问题
After reading the paper you can find it can to help you answer the following
19. to point out 指出
The author points out that there was little chance of success if it went on like this.
20. to act upon 按照……行动
We acted strictly upon instructions.
21. credit rating / standing / status / record 资信评级
It will not affect the credit rating of our company.

22. to disagree with … 意见不一致
We are sorry to disagree with you but we are sure you are mistaken.
23. it seems to me that 据我看
It seems to me that many of them took exception to the statement.
24. in response to 回答
This article is in response to a recent criticism by Mr. Smith.
25. a considerable / significant / important advantage 有利的/重要的优势
An adequate knowledge of English is a considerable advantage in communication
with others countries.
26. close inquiry 详尽的调查
He has made close inquires into these matters.
27. follow-up report 补充报道
Follow-up reports must be given soon.
28. in-depth account of … 对……作全面的报道
It contains an in-depth account of the whole business.
29. to merit serious consideration 值得认真考虑
These views merit serious consideration.
30. to size up 判断情况
As soon as we have sized up the situation we can make up our minds whether to
take any actions or not.

Part VI Useful Sentences and Paragraphs (常用语句和段落)

A. Sentences (语句)
Exercises are as useful and important as your work.
The vision and the wing power take the reader from the realm of present reality to a
splendid future world replete with promises.
Science is now advancing in our country much more rapidly than every before and is

being more quickly applied to the needs of life and national defense.
This book was published by your publishing house in 1951.
该书是贵出版社 1951 出版的。
Mr. Norman has raised some interesting points, but there’s one thing he has
completely failed to account for.
Nobody can ignore the fact that the experiment is a success.
If Mr. Smith is right in saying that, he cannot explain the fact that employment is still
a big problem.
The speaker is apparently unaware that dogs have become a public nuisance.
It is self-evident that inflation rates are higher than interest rates.
The analysis shows that this has nothing to do with the question of pollution.
The paper presents the data in terms of basic inputs for double and four storeyed
The model describes both the static and dynamic aspects of the security system.
Performance goals and various approaches to achieve them are briefly described.
The results on system thruput and benchmarks are reported.
Steps taken to improve the competitiveness in the UK manufacturing industry are
Program development tools are introduced.
The Organizational Modeling methodology involves the construction of a
comprehensive model of all or part of an organization.
The article looks at what is happening across the UK as well as at new design
techniques and materials now in use.

The author identifies some simple procedures to highlight both hardware and software
This report contains a compilation of selected bibliographic data specifically relating
to recent publications.
Included in the report are the measuring results before and after the following tests.
Also presented is a detailed summary of the considerations that led to the group’s
This paper seeks to justify them in terms of the final secure applications and discusses
how they may be implemented.
One of the purposes of this study is to show that the second approach is promising,
and it substantially deduces the development cost.
Significant and predictive trends were established.
A messenger brought in newspapers with accounts of the affair.
An analysis is carried out in this article about the consumer’s reaction towards the
color change on the label.
The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually
makes jobs easier to do.
The use of this new method was not approved of in this article.
This paper gives a brief account of the unfair arbitration of the dispute between the
workers and the employers.
The two embodiments can ensure a correct comprehension of the advantage of this
At the end of the conclusion, the author puts forward his suggestion and measures.
A discussion of the interrelationship between the two parties in this matter has been

carried out in this article, too.

B. Paragraphs (段落 )
a. Do not think that time spent in exercises is wasted. Exercises can improve you
physical constitution and refresh the mind. After one or two hours of exercises your
can study better. With a strong body you can keep on working without felling fatigue.
With a broken health your work will be interrupted from time to time by fatigue or
b. It is not advisable to study hard right up to the examination. What you want above
all things in the examination hall is a clear head. If you go on studying right up to the
last minute, you will probably feel mentally tired and confused when you come to do
your first paper. So put your books aside a day or two before the examination, and get
out into the open air, and get some exercise and amusement.
c. It gives an impression that it is a history of physics in more senses than one. Being
full of delectable stories and academic disquisitions, it may rightly be regarded as a
masterpiece of literature as well as a good textbook of physics.
d. At present, everywhere you go around the world you will not be surprised to see
Chinese goods at every corner in the supermarket and free market. Most of them are
articles for daily use such as clothing, hats, shoes and toys, and the low price and
appropriate quality really benefit the people all over the world from China’s economic
e. The reason for China’s unexpected economic and trading growth is that the many
experts tend to ignore an important factor, which is the scale economy effect in a
country with the largest population in the world. The so-called scale of economy
refers to that with the extension of production scale, the direct and indirect cost of

each item will be eventually cut down so as to reduce the production costs and
increase the income. The latest trade theory has proved that assuming two countries
with the same resource gift but different economic scale, the one with larger scale will
take the advantage under the free trade circumstance.
f. Characteristics such as discretion, decision making, design, organization, etc. are
areas on which various researchers have based their definitions and studies. There is
sufficient evidence today to indicate that the entrepreneurial spirit abounds in “high
tech” corporations.
g. In recent years, the highly protective Korean market has been slowly opening up to
international trade partially in response to continuing pressure from the U.S. and
western European countries. As a result, a growing number of Korean businesses have
established production facilities as well as trading facilities abroad.
h. The subject of internal control has emerged as one of the three most important
concerns of business management in the 1980’s. Peter Drucker argues that ideas are
not stifled by the size of the organization but by the organizational structure itself. For
less structured tasks, such as preliminary analysis and problem solving, the use of
inappropriate or inadequate tools can severely constrain performance.
内部控制已成为 20 世纪 80 年代商业管理的三大重要课题之一。彼得·德鲁克认为,扼杀思

Part VII Sample Letter (信函范文)
A survey is made on the control strategies in pattern analysis. Discussions are made on the
problems of (1)combinatorial and sequential methods, (2)bottom-up and top-down
processes, (3)feedback processes, (4)procedural and declarative methods, (5)use
of knowledge, and (6)recursive analysis processes. Merits and demerits are pointed out
contrastively in and among these methods, with the author’s personal research results. The
important of the feedback and recursive applications of analysis algorithms is also
mentioned to obtain the accurate results.


通过对模式分析的控制策略进行了调研。就下列问题展开讨论:( 1)组合和排序方法;
How Competitive is Your Management of Technology?
In today’s competitive business environment, market share and profits are very
dependent on the professional management of technology. Trends are
illustrated to represent significant changes that for some engineering
companies present major threats. For others, with insight and courage, they
present new challenges and business opportunities. Some guidelines for
devising and regularly updating a technical review within a corporate business
plan are suggested.
Abstract: Productivity management is generally acknowledged as being essential to
the economic well being of any business. However, many business managers are
unaware of productivity improvement methodologies. A primary reason for this
imbalance resides within the nation’s colleges of business. Despite recent efforts to
improve productivity education, there are very few colleges of business preparing
managers for production and operation related fields. This paper presents the results
of a study designed to develop a production and operation management curriculum
to be used as a model for institutions offering major programs in the emerging field
of productivity management.

The author discussed the factors which make “strategic management” effective.
Among these, a dominant factor is the organization climate which, in its turn, is
determined by the quality of the managers and the availability of alternatives.
He suggests that to improve the organization climate in which strategic
management can be effective, the quality of the managers is a crucial factor.
The scope for alternatives is an important constraint. This article assesses
common problems and failures in strategic management and gives some
suggestions for organizing it, including the use of consultants and the role of
formal procedures.
Cross-cultural Communication

Abstract: Since 1990s, the world economic integration has influenced the
development of the world economy. The author starts with the analysis of the
merging of the agents in the globalization, the multinational enterprises have been
playing increasingly important roles in shaping the world economy. Then, he
discusses the situation that the tremendous cultural differences exist among
(between) the employees, managers and the corporate cultures as well. He argues
that different mindsets, values and behaviors influence the decision making and
implementation of multinational enterprises’ strategies. Finally, he gets a
conclusion that along with the trend toward a global economy, more and more
people recognize that cultural differences affect all factors of international
business. Therefore, only through the cross-cultural communication and effective
management can enterprises build up their good reputation and achieve their
success in the world market.

Key words: economic integration, globalization, multinationals, corporate culture,


A Commentary on Part-of-Speech Labeling
in A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary

Abstract: This paper makes some introductory and commentary remarks on the part-
of-speech labeling of the Chinese headwords and the lexicographical significance of
A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary. It points out that such labeling is
scientific, systematic, and unique in China’s Chinese-English dictionary making,
conforms to the trend of modern dictionary development, and will be a great help to
C-E dictionary makers in their choosing proper English equivalents and users in their
learning and translating.


On Circulation Characteristics of Natural Resources and
Policies of Circulation Economy

Abstract: The issues of resources crisis or resources security brought by continuous

growth of the world economies urges the quest for a new idea of aggregate resources
conservation and circulation economy. This paper starts with the analysis of
circulation characteristics of natural resources and explores the mutual relationship
between resources circulation utilization and resources product chain. It also brings
forward the scientific connotation of resources flow , resources circulation utilization
and circulation economy theory. Finally , some policies and measures of macro adjust
and control for realizing circulation economy in
developed countries are put forward. Author considers that the circulation utilization
of all natural resources is determinate by their characteristics of resources product
chains. There are some ways of steady resources product chains in various kinds of
economic activities. The production process of social living materials and producing
materials is both the transformation process of resources product chains and
circulation of materials and energies as well , by ways of resources industrial
conjunction. The circulation utilization of natural resources exists in different sectors
of circulation economy by their closed loop of resources
flow. Any resources could not become wastes and ever accumulate in the environment
but flow in some special and perpetual circulations in changing ways. Author argues
that resources circulation utilization is the foremost measure to realize the circulation
economy and improve the efficiency of resources utilization by three Rs (that is ,
Reduce , Reuse and Recycle) . It also is both the innovation of resources development
technologies and the change of resources utilization manners in three fields of
industries , regions and society. Author still suggests that it is of very importance to
realize resources circulation utilization by establishing and perfecting its legal
systems and favorable economic policies , fully playing the active role of social
organizations and encouraging the public to widely participate in different activities
of resources circulation.

Key words: resources security ; resources circulation utilization ; circulation

economy ; policy

Part VIII Exercises (练习)

1. 请为自己的论文设计一份英文摘要

Unit 2 Application letter 申请信


Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合)

 申请工作职位
 申请加薪、职位晋升
 申请出国签证
 申请入学
 申请加入某些组织
 申请奖学金、贷款
 某些俱乐部、社团组织入会申请
 申请某项学术专项活动、团队项目
 参与课题申报、专利申请、著作发表

Part II How to Write (如何书写)
 用简短的开场白明确陈述写信的目的,即申请什么,从何得知申请信息等。如入学申
明应聘哪个职位。申请函一般用:I am writing to apply for the post of … you advertised on

 主体段用来概要介绍自己的情况,包括年龄、专业、学历、资历、特长、兴趣等,旨在给
 结束段主要用来敦请对方关照,说明附件,或提出面试请求等。写申请函除了应注意

Part III What not to Write (避免提及)
 措词项直接,避免转弯抹角。要给对方一个印象你所感兴趣的是他的公司和他所提供

 表示礼貌,但不要太过分,更不要表示谦卑,避免使用过度自负的语言
 不要为你的技能、经验过分夸张而使人产生自吹自擂的感觉,也不要过分谦躬
 避免自称品学兼优、勤奋好学、工作态度认真等等,这些应该是担保人说的话,不是你
 如果是有过职业经历的,在信函中避免表示因为你对现任的工作厌烦,才申请此职
 避免说出你所希望的薪水和待遇,只提及你现职的薪水数目

Part IV Tips on Writing (注意事项)
 记住你申请的目的
 确定申请书打字准确,格式整齐,并使其与众不同
 信函语言简洁,做到言简意赅
 语言中肯,以很友善的语气,并有分寸
 如果你前赴面试的时间有所限制,也须于信中说明,但不要把时间限制得太紧。
 提供两三个担保人的姓名及其电话号码。他们能够对你的为人及工作知识有所了解,
 告诉对方与你有关的教育、工作经验,甚至是与此有关的个人兴趣、嗜好等。如果你只

Part V Useful Words and Phrases(单词和短语)
C. Words (单词)
1 apply vt.
申请, 应用
申请, 适用
2 recruit vt.
使恢复, 补充, 征募
征募新兵, 复原
3 position n.
位置, 职位, 立场, 形势, 阵地
安置, 决定...的位置
4 vacancy n.
空, 空白, 空缺, 空闲, 清闲, 空虚
5 professional n.
自由职业者, 专业人员, 职业运动员, 职业艺人
专业的, 职业的
6 expertise n.

7 advertisement n.
广告, 做广告
8 employment n.
雇用, 使用, 利用, 工作, 职业
9 career n.
事业, 生涯, 速度
10 reemployment n.
重新雇用, 重新使用
11 seek v.
寻找, 探索, 寻求
12 inquire v.
询问, 问明, 查究
13 request vt.
请求, 要求
请求, 要求, 邀请
14 enclose vt.
放入封套, 装入, 围绕
15 enclosure n.
16 valuable adj.
贵重的, 有价值的, 颇有价值的
17 attract vt.
有吸引力, 引起注意
18 successively adv.
接连着, 继续地
19 pertinent adj.
有关的, 相干的, 中肯的
20 expect vt.
期待, 预期, 盼望, 指望
21 interview n.
22 grant vt.
同意, 准予, 承认(某事为真)~
23 available adj.
可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的
24 arrange v.
安排, 排列, 协商

25 schedule n.
时间表, 进度表
26 convenience n.
便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的
27 provide v.
供应, 供给, 准备, 预防, 规定
28 consideration n.
体谅, 考虑, 需要考虑的事项, 报酬
29 attention n.
注意, 关心, 关注, 注意力, (口令)立正!
30 sincerely adv.
31 truly adv.
真实地, 不假
32 faithfully adv.
忠诚地, 如实地, 切实遵守地
33 autobiography n.
34 presentation n.
介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达
35 academic adj.
学院的, 理论的
36 certificate n.
证书, 证明书
发给证明书, 以证书形式授权给...
37 award n.
奖, 奖品
授予, 判给
38 recommendation n.
推荐, 介绍(信), 劝告, 建议
39 qualification n.
资格, 条件, 限制, 限定, 赋予资格
40 reference n.
提及, 涉及, 参考, 参考书目, 证明书(人), 介绍信(人)

D. Phrases (常用短语)
1. I wish to apply for the post … advertised in the … on … 我希望应征……号……的广

I wish to apply for the post of Financial Manager advertised in the Business Weekly
on July.
2. I was interested to see your advertisement in … and … 我对你们在……上所登的广
I was interested to see your advertisement in Job Market and wish to apply for this
3. I am writing to enquire whether you have a suitable vacancy in … which 我特此写
I am writing to enquire whether you have a suitable vacancy in Human Recourse
Department which I might be usefully filled.
4. I understand from Mr. … one of your suppliers, that there is an opening in your
company for ….我由……先生系你们的供应商之一……得知贵公司有一……空缺。
I understand from Mr. Wilton Mills one of your suppliers, that there is an opening
in your company for sales representative.
5. Mr. … informs me that he will be leaving your company on … and in his position
has not been filled, I …先生告诉我说,他将于……离开贵公司,如果他的职位仍然未
Mr. Jerry King informs me that he will be leaving your company on October 8 and
in his position has not been filled, I should like to be considered.
杰里王先生告诉我说,他将于 10 月 8 日离开贵公司,如果他的职位仍然未决定人选,我
6. ability to deal with difficult problems 处理棘手问题的能力
He has always tried to train his ability to deal with difficult problems.
7. several years’ experience in education 在教育领域有多年的经验
You will see that I have had several years’ experience in education (teaching and
8. consider sb. as a good candidate for… 认为某人是良好候选人
Please consider me as a candidate for the regional sales manager.
9. to believe I have a excellent skills in … 认为我在……方面有卓越的才能
My colleagues believe I have a excellent skills in communication.

24 think highly of 对……给予很高的评价
I think so highly of your products that I would consider it an honor to represent your
11.quite familiar with 熟悉
I’m quite familiar with office administrative work.
我对办公室管理工作非常熟悉。 and administration experience 设计和管理经验
In the past ten years he has accumulated mush design and administration
在过去的十年中他积累了丰富的设计和管理经验。 receive specialized training in … 在……接受专门训练
When I was at university I received specialized training in logistic management.
我在大学的时候接受过物流管理方面的专门训练。 response to your advertisement 对贵公司招聘广告的应聘
My application for the position is in response to your advertisement in The Wall
Street Journal (May 18) ---supervisor of build site.
我的申请是对贵公司 5 月 18 日华尔街日报上招聘建筑工地监督的应聘。 any time that would be convenient for you. 在您方便的时候
I would be very pleased to discuss my application at any time that would be
convenient for you.
我将十分高兴的在您方便时讨论一下我的职位申请。 qualified to do the work well 有资格做好这项工作
With his qualification and experience I believe that he is qualified to do the work
从他的学历和经历上看,我认为他有资格做好这项工作。 very enthusiastic in pursuing a career in … 在……热情地追求事业
He is very enthusiastic in pursuing a career in your company.
18.make enormous contributions to 对……做出重大贡献
I am convinced that my ability and experience will make enormous contributions to
the growth of your company and I am most eager to prove it to you.
我的能力和经验将对公司做出巨大的贡献,我也急切地要向你证明这点。 have the privilege of an interview 有幸参加面试
Seeing is believing and I an eager to have the privilege of an interview to show
眼见为实,我急切希望有幸参加面试来展示自己。 arrange a interview at your convenience 在您方便的时候安排面试
I would be very grateful if you could arrange an interview at your convenience.


Part VI Useful Sentences and Paragraphs (常用语句和段落)

B. Sentences (语句)
The enclosed resume indicates my broad experience in the area of public relations and
management communications.
All of my professional experience has been in manufacturing organizations.
I’d like to have your attention to page 2 of my resume, on which I describe my
concept of public relations.
I am responding to your advertisement in the Job Market for a civil engineer.
I was very much pleased to see that you are advertising for a bookkeeper because I
have long admired your firm’s work.
I would have applied to your for a position some time ago, if you had a vacancy.
I also handle trade acceptances, drafts and notes and see that they are met on due
For the past five years, I have been with Smith and Jones.
I am a skilled software designer.
I am interested in your position for a operator of the drill.
This is a task that calls for technical skills.
I trust you will consider my application favorably and grant me an interview.
I look forward to the opportunity of attending an interview, at which I can provide
further details.
Recommendations and references are available upon request.
All my colleagues found me responsible and innovative.

A summary of my qualifications is enclosed.
I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given
above, or by telephone at 32333416.
如若可能给予面试机会,请联系上述地址或拨打电话 32333416,不甚感激。
I would be glad to have a personal interview,and can provide references if needed.
Thank you for your consideration.
I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and
your needs.
I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review.
I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

B. Paragraphs (段落 )
a. I think is now time for me to take the jump. Here are my qualifications: I can keep a
full set of books by double entry; make out weekly and monthly trial balances; make
out monthly profit and losses accounts and balance sheets.
b. At the suggestion of Mr. Dick Holmes, I am writing to apply for a position in the
Instrumentation and Control Group. My work experience in instrumentation should be
of value to the group’s latest project, as should my engineering experience at
University of South Carolina in automatic control and power plant systems.
c. I am expecting to receive my Bachelor of Science degree in ECUST in June 2007.
My career goals include a desire to advance in the area of technical management. I am
ready to discus my credentials with you at your convenience. If this is possible, I can
be reached at 021-63899265.
预计 2007 年 6 月我就会拿到华东理工大学的机械工程学学士学位。我的职业目标之一就是

此可能,请打 021-63899265 便可联系到我。
d. I am writing to request your support for my application as a PhD candidate for the
Georgia Graduate School of Business. My qualifications include a Master of Science,
a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of California and the
following abilities:
e. To stay competitive in the future, I have decided to further my study as a PhD
candidate. I would be happy to provide any further information you might wish. Your
consideration will be appreciated.
f. That is why I think you may be interested in my application. I do know the
fundamentals of newspaper work, having been for two years editor of my university
paper and for one year editor-in-chief of the Nanjing University Journal. I have just
settled in Shanghai. I love this community and I would like to earn my living here.
g. I truly believe that responsible business experience, expertise in secretarial skills
and procedures, and a sincere love of teaching make an ideal combination for the
position you advertised. At age 24 I feel ready for a new challenge, and I hope you
will offer that challenge to me.
件的人才,正是贵公司刊登广告的所要找的理想人选。 24 岁的我已经准备好,要迎接人生
h. You will see that my original plans were to teach geography, but jobs in this area
just didn’t exist at the time I graduated; thus I chose a secretarial occupation where
there were many opportunities. I am very glad that I have an unusual talent for
administrative office work.
i. Yet the desire to teach remains. You will see that I have been taking coursers in
word processing and related subjects during the past two years. I find teaching
immensely exciting and rewarding.
j. I enjoy working with people very much. I look forward to hearing from you and

could be available for interview any time. I would be glad to supply any further
information required. I am sure I have the enthusiasm and abilities you are looking

Part VII Sample Letter (信函范文)


(Your address)
(Your telephone number)
The Advertiser
(His Address)

Dear Sir,
............................( Beginning of the letter)
(Introducing yourself)
(About your personal ability)
(About the enclosure and other)
Yours faithfully,

a. Apply for a Master degree candidate

Department of Electrical Engineering
East China University of Science and Technology
130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, 200237
People’s Republic of China
April 2, 2007

Admissions Officer
Graduate School of Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
United States of America

Dear Sir,
I left ECUST (East China University of Science and Technology) as a graduate亲
in electrical engineering in June. 2007. Now I am an assistant and experimenter,
working in the Department of Electrical Engineering of ECUST. To pursue further
studies I wish to enter the Graduate School of Engineering of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology to study for the degree of Master of Science.
Your institute has a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship. It is well
staffed and equipped, enjoying world-wide fame. To find a place in such an ideal
school of higher learning is indeed a matter of the greatest honour. It is my long-
cherished hope that I will be fortunate enough to be admitted into it.
I should be grateful to know the conditions under which the applicants are
accepted. Would you please send me an application from and some related
I am looking forward to your early reply.
Respectfully yours,
Liu Feng
我于 2007 年 6 月毕业于华东理工大学电机工程系,目前在电机工程系工作,担任助教
声誉。 能在这样一所理想的高等学府深造,实为一件无上光荣的幸事。我很久以来一直向

b. Apply for a job

NO.130 Meilong Rd.

Shanghai, 200237
November 12, 2007
Human Resources Department
International Import & Export Co., Ltd.
1265 Jinjiang Rd. Shanghai 200056

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am very interested in your advertisement for a sales manager in this week’s
Marketing Report and would like to apply. My education background and my
summer jobs should be of value to my future career.
My major is International Trade, with emphasis on international marketing and
trading policy. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I have minored in
English, which I considered would be closely connected with international trade. I
am very pleased to say that I have been a student with brilliant academic record.
You may ask my department about my academic ability and my character.
I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in International Trade in June
2008 and I will be available for employment immediately thereafter. If you would
like to grant me an interview, I will be most grateful.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Enclosure: A resume
上海市梅陇路 130 号,200237
锦江路 1265 号,上海,200056
我将于 2008 年 6 月份获得国际贸易专业理科学士学位,一俟毕业我就可以参加工作。
c. Apply for a job

135 Xingang Road
Shanghai, 200037
November 8, 2007
Mr. CAO Zheng
International Import & Export Co., Ltd.
1265 Jinjiang Rd. Shanghai 200056

Dear Mr. Cao:

I have seen your advertisement in Shanghai Morning Post of October 30 and wish to apply for the
post of English Secretary. I am very much interested in securing a position while still in my 4 th
year at college. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I am well qualified and have had some
experience with some Shanghai based foreign companies or joint ventures.
I have concentrated on English language skills, English and American Cultures, and some
secretarial courses. I have taken various courses that I felt would be of value to an English
secretary. A few of these courses are Fundamentals in Computer Use, Business Law and
International Trade.
I enjoy working with people very much. I look forward to hearing from you and could be available
for interview any time. I would be glad to supply any future information required. I am sure I have
the enthusiasm and abilities you are looking for.
Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,
Enclosure: A resume

上海市新港路 135 号,200037

上海市锦江路 1265 号,200056
我看到了贵公司刊登在 10 月 30 日的《上海早报》上的广告,愿意申请英文秘书一职。

d. Apply for a school
Dear Sirs,
I would like to apply for the Research Studentship which was advertised in the
2004 brochure of Study and Research in the United Kingdom, issued by the
British Council.
I am twenty-eight, and have a first degree in economics from East China
University of Science and Technology (2002). Since graduation I have been
working in economic practice which specialized in foreign trade. I am particularly
interested in the setting up small business in a Chinese context and in the
application of entrepreneurship to Chinese business field generally.
If you think I might be suitable, I would be very grateful if you could send me
some information about the Studentship and an application form.
Thank you

Yours faithfully,
e. Applying for Scholarship
Dear Sirs,
I would like to apply for a British Council Scholarship to study in Britain.
I am in my final year of a 4-year degree course in Civil Engineering at East China
University of Science and Technology In our last two years we have to choose an
optional subject, and I have opted for Urban Planning, with special interest in the
planning of traffic-free city centers. Moreover, I have had some working experience: I
worked as an unpaid assistant for three months (May to July last year) in the Planning
Bureau of the Shanghai Municipal Government.
I am not involved in any current research, but my reading has included many
articles and reports, several of which were from Great Britain and the USA, on
traffic-free shopping centers of many Chinese cities suffer from the dense traffic
The reason I would like to study in Britain is to have the opportunity of learning
from those planners who are responsible for present and future developments in the
I understand that Leeds Universities is heavily engaged in this work, and
consequently, I have applied to the admission. I would be most grateful if you can
grant me a scholarship so that I can pursue my graduate study in Britain.
Yours faithfully,

f. Applying for Job Vacancy

Dear Sirs,
I am writing to apply for the post of Accountant you advertised in yesterday’s
China Daily.
My professional training and experience all contribute to my qualifications for the
job. I graduated from Shanghai University in 2006. Apart from courses in Finance and
Accounting, I learned English and Secretarial Practice at school and passed the
College English Test Band 6. You will note from my enclosed resume that I was
awarded First-prize Scholarship two times for my excellent academic performance.
After graduation, I worked as a secretary in a chemical company in the suburbs. My
routine work involved a lot of typing and computer operation. I believe that such
secretarial experience will be taken into favorable consideration.
I have enclosed a resume for your reference. Please let me know if any further in
formation is needed.
I should be grateful if you could let me know the result of my application in due

Yours faithfully,

g. Applying for a Job

Dear Mr. Smith,
It has come to my attention that your current Director of Public Relation is on the verge of
retirement, and that that position may be open shortly. If this is true, would you please consider
this as my application for it.
The enclosed resume indicates my broad experience in the area of public relations and
management communications. It seems to me that this experience, together with my education
has given me ideal preparation to assume the role of the director of public relations in a firm
such as yours. All of my professional experience has been in manufacturing organizations. My
current employer, John and Smith manufactures products closely allied to your own, so I am
quite familiar with the kinds of issues and problems that your public relations people have to
deal with.
I’d like to call your attention to page 2 of my resume, on which I describe my concept of
public relations. I am convinced that this function can make enormous contributions to growth
and profits, and I am most eager to prove it to you.
Let me say that I have been very happy with my work at John and Smith. However, I see no
opportunity in the near future to direct a full-scale public relations program and I am eager to
become established with a large company where I can assume this broader responsibility.
May I have the privilege of an interview? If you will let me know when it is convenient for
you to see me, I will arrange my calendar accordingly. You may telephone me on 1338-1692-

Sincerely yours,

h. Applying for a Visa

Yours Excellency,
I am writing to apply for a visa for Mr. Li, the Chief Executive Officer of this corporation, to
visit London.
Mr. Li will be leaving Shanghai on 3 May for a business tour of London, subject to issue of
the visa, proposes to arrive in London on the same day, and to stay for about a week. His address
in London will be the Holiday Inn.
The purpose of Mr. Li’s visit is to gain information about the latest development in business
in order to explore possibility of increasing trade between our two countries. Our corporation
would guarantee Mr. Li’s financial security during his stay in London and payment of all
expenses he may incur. We enclose the following supporting documents:
1. Mr. Li’s passport.
2. A check for the visa fee.
3. A registered, stamped, addressed envelop for return of the passport.
4. A copy of our corporation’s catalogue for your reference.
Should you require any further information, if you will let me know, I shall be happy to
supply it.

Part VIII Exercises (练习)

The following is the letter of application from John Smith, but the order of the letter is illogical,
please rearrange it logically.

a. My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in public
relations today. I am sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations
of sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my
mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would definitely enjoy working in a German-
speaking environment.

b. Although I am presently employed by a non-profit making organization, it has always been my

intention to work in a commercial environment. I would particularly welcome the chance to work
for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its
position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my enclosed resume, the job
you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests.

c. Dear Ms Bausoin

d. I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the
meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to
haring from you.

e. 18th Match 2007

f. I am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in the Job Market.

g. 58 Hanover Street

EH 6 6LK

h. Nathelie Baudoin
Patagonia Gmbh
Reitmorstrasse 50
800800 Munich 22

Fiona Scott

Yours sincerely

Unit 3 Resume 简历

国英语借用了一个法语词 résumé 来表示,也可以写作 resume。英国英语中使用的是 CV
出自拉丁文 curriculum vitae。写好一份简历并不是件容易的事。它要求我们能遵循某些约

Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合)

 工作广告应聘
 工作申请
 询问公司职位空缺
 职位晋升
 大学入学申请
 某些组织成员资格申请
 某些俱乐部申请
 申请某项学术专项活动
 参与课题申报、专利申请、著作发表

Part II How to Write (如何书写)
 个人资料:包括姓名、性别、地址、联系方式与电话,必要时,还可以加进更具体的内
 求职目标:注明你想要申请的具体工作或职位,有时还须简要说明自己对将来发展方
 工作经历:具体表述自己的工作经历、职务和职责,注意突出自己的能力、承担的责任
 教育背景:强调自己拥有适合应聘职位的知识结构,通常说明获得的学位、专修辅修
 特殊技能:所列出来的技能应该是与从事的工作紧密相关、有助于做好工作的技能
 荣誉奖励:介绍获奖情况,注明获奖的时间、奖项等细节
 资格证书: 表明自己在本专业领域内达到的层次和水平,专业越对口、证书级别越高
 推荐人士:提供证明人的姓名、地址、电话,推荐人最好是你的老师、主管或是在相关
 最后表示:I hope to have the opportunity of discussing the position further…

Part III What not to Write (避免提及)
 主次分明,避免遗漏重要信息,同时避免提供无关紧要的信息
 准确简明,简历提供的资料力求准确无误,切忌无中生有、弄虚作假
 重视细节,避免在语法、拼写以及标点符号等方面出错
 避免使用过分的词汇,措词力求专业规范
 版面设计整洁美观,避免涂改和污点
 避免强调个人能力、提及个人收入
 避免使用模棱两可的词汇

Part IV Tips on Writing (注意事项)
 记住你撰写的目的
 确定打字准确,格式整齐,并使其与众不同
 简洁,做到言简意赅
 不要表示是因为你对现任的工作厌烦才申请此职
 语言中肯,以很友善的语气,并有分寸
 注意长度一般不超过两页
 不要寄学历证书的原件,复印件与申请信一起寄,原件在正式会晤时带上
 若简历中注明推荐人士,一定要事先征得对方的同意
 打印并签名

Part V Useful Words and Phrases(单词和短语)
E. Words (单词)
1 gender n. 性别
2 male/female n. 男性/女性
3 nationality n. 国籍
4 address n. 地址
5 zip code/post code n. 邮编
6 major n. <美>[教]主修课
adj. 修的, 成年的, 大调的
vi. 主修
7 minor n. 未成年人, 副修科目
adj.较小的, 次要的, 二流的, 未成年的
vi. 辅修
8 required course n. 必修课程
9 elective course n. 选修课
10 dissertation n. (学位)论文, 专题, 论述, 学术演讲
11 degree n. 学位, 地位, 身份
12 diploma n. 文凭, 毕业证书,荣誉等的证书,奖状
13 Master of Science degree abbr. 硕士,理科硕士
(M.S., MS)

14 Master of Arts degree abbr. 学硕士
(M.A., MA)
15 bachelor n. 理学士
16 undergraduate n. 大学肄业生, (尚未取得学位的)大学生
17 graduate n. (大学)毕业生, 研究生
18 Ph D candidate abbr. 博士学位研究生
19 scholarship n. 奖学金, 学问, 学识
20 student union n. (大学的)学生活动大楼,学生会
21 Youth League committee n. 共青团
22 student leader n. 学生干部
23 monitor n. 班长
24 on-campus job 校内兼职
25 off-campus job 校外兼职
26 adviser/advisor, boss n. 导师
27 ability n. 能力
28 candidate n. 候选人
29 certificate n. 证明
30 comprehensive a. 全面的
31 distinguish v. 区别
32 encourage v. 鼓励
33 imagination n. 想象
34 implement v. 执行
35 volunteer v. 自愿
36 professional n. 职业
37 opportunity n. 机会
38 integrate v. 结合
39 inspire v. 鼓励
40 equivalent a. 相当于

F. Phrases (常用短语)
1. ability to adapt to a new environment 适应新环境的能力
His ability to adapt to a new environment is unquestionable.
2. interpersonal skills 人际之间交往能力
Her interpersonal skills win her friends everywhere.
3. technical skills 专门技术
Technical skills are required to do this job well.
4. collaborate with 合作
John collaborates with his father in writing the book.

5. able to explain facts and statistics clearly and succinctly 能简明地解释事实和数据
He is able to explain facts and statistics clearly and succinctly in any cases.
6. a good working knowledge of 良好的专业知识
I have a good working knowledge of environment protection.
7. best quality 最大优点
Enthusiasm and sympathy are his best quality.
8. strong candidate 强有力的候选人
Please consider me a candidate for the job.
9. be responsible for …
The pilot is responsible for the passengers’ safety.
10. have specialized in … 专门从事
Our company has specialized in import and export of light industry.
11. have an opening for … 正在招聘
From the advertisement of July 8, I know that you have an opening for regional
business representative, which I’d like to apply.
12. regional business manager 地区业务经理
During the time when he was the regional business manager, sale in the territory
increased 22 percent.
他担任地区业务经理职务期内,区域业务量增长 22%
13. become interested in …产生兴趣
I became interested in selling because I felt it provided broader opportunities for
14. a wide range of responsibilities 具有较广的责任范畴
In my present post of Private Secretary to the General Manager at a manufacturing,
I have a wide range of responsibilities.
15. in my employer’s absence 当老板不在时
My responsibilities include attending and taking minutes of meetings and
interviews, and supervising junior staff, as well as the usual secretarial duties in my
employer’s absence.

16. curriculum vitae is enclosed 附上简历
A copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed giving further details, together with
copies of previous testimonials.
17. give further details 提供进一步的详细资料
My former boss has written the enclosed testimonial and has kindly agreed to give
further details should they be needed.
18. satisfactory arrangement 令人满意的安排
I am looking forward to your satisfactory arrangement.
19. valuable experience 宝贵经验
I thoroughly enjoy my work and am very happy here, but feel that the time has
come when my valuable experience in marketing has prepared my for the
responsibility of full sales management.
20. in charge of 负责……
A position that in charge of management training programs.

Part VI Useful Sentences and Paragraphs (常用语句和段落)

C. Sentences (语句)
说明应聘职位( Stating Your Job Objective)
A responsible administrative position which will provide challenge and freedom
where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.
An executive assistant position utilizing interests, training and experience in office
A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in
the management rank of marketing.
An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal: manager of marketing department.
A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field.
To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager.

An entry-level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to
financial management.
A position as data-processing manager that will enable me to use my knowledge of
computer systems.
An entry-level position responsible for computer programming.
Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be
A position which will utilize my educational background in biology, with prospects of
Responsible managerial position in human resources.
A position in Foreign Trade Department, with opportunities for advancement to
management position in the department.
An administrative secretarial position where communication skills and a pleasant
attitude toward people will be assets.
A position as a design engineer in an engineering department.
Looking for a position as a computer programmer with a medium-sized firm.
To serve as sales promoter in a multinational corporation with a view to promotion in
position and assignment in parent company's branch abroad.
说明教育程度 (Stating Your Education )
Useful Courses for English-teaching include: Psychology, teaching methodology,
phonetics, rhetoric, grammar, composition.
Specialized courses pertaining to foreign trade: Marketing principles, international
marketing, practical English correspondence and telecommunications, foreign
exchange, business English.
Courses taken that would be useful for computer programming are: Computer science,

systems design and analysis, FORTRAN programming, PASCAL programming,
operating systems, systems management.
对计算机编程有用的课程有:计算机学、系统设计与分析、FORTRAN 编程学、PASCAL 编程
Academic preparation for management: Management: Principles of management,
organization theory, behavioral science. Communication: Business communication,
personnel management, human relations. Marketing: Marketing theory, sales
Major courses contributing to management qualification: Management, accounting,
economics, marketing, sociology.
Among the pertinent courses I have taken are: office administration, secretarial
procedures, business communication, psychology, data-processing, typing, shorthand.
说明工作经历 (Stating Your Work Experience)
Sales manager. In addition to ordinary sales activities and management of department,
responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members.
Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Petrochemical Industrial Corporation
Ltd. Handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager. Met clients as a
representative of the corporation. Helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the
Secretary to president of Silverlion group Corporation Ltd.. Responsibilities:
Receiving visitors, scheduling meetings, taking and typing dictation, writing routine
letters and reports.
Public relations girl at Guangzhou Holiday Inn. Full-time in summers, part-time
during school.
Assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise. Analyzed
data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements.

Worked 21 hours weekly as a salesgirl at the bookstore of Shenzhen University.
Earned 45% of college expenses.
在深圳大学书店当售货员,每周工作 21 小时,砖了大学费用的 45%。
Production manager: Initiated quality control resulting in a reduction in working
hours by 20% while increasing productivity by 25%.
生产部经理:引入质量控制,使工作时数减少了 20%,而生产力则提高了 25%。
Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company. Handled import of
textiles from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan. Increased sales by 25% from 1990 to 1993.
Made frequent business trips to these places to negotiate with textile mills.
山西纺织品进出口公司职员。处理从香港、澳门、台湾进口纺织品事宜。从 1990 年到 1993 年
增加了 25%的销售额。经常出差到这些地方跟纺织厂商洽谈。
Tourist guide during the summer vacation for Beijing International Travel Service.
Conducted tours for foreign tourists on trip around the city.

B. Paragraphs (段落 )
a. In spite of my success in my present work, my desire to teach remains strong.
During the past two three years I have been taking graduate courses in education,
thinking one day I would enter the teaching profession.
b. Administrative Assistant to the Executive Vice President, More Manufacturing
Company, Duties: supervise general office activities and assist the Executive Vice
President with such matters as writing letters and reports, doing research, planning
conferences and meetings.
c. When I finished my university, with a major in advertising, I took a job in the
university’s Athletic Department, where I organized and directed miscellaneous
sports, such as basketball matching, boating, fishing and backpacking.
d. Although I enjoyed the work, it paid very little, and I admitted to myself that I kept
the job simply because I was reluctant to leave the university environment.
e. After graduation in my university, I decide to face the real world and start on career
in my chosen field.

Part VII Sample Letter (信函范文)

a. Example 1
Contact Information
Name: Zhao Wei Gender: female

E-mail: Cell phone: 13817988274

Address: Shanghai ECUST dorm 14 room 508 Tel: 021-64250083
Zip Code: 200237

Self Evaluation
 Honest and credible, passionate and respect of work, possessing the sense of duty and a person of moral
 A sound knowledge of economics and enterprise management. Excellent ability of learning
 Excellent English skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Qualified as an accompany interpreter
 Skillful application of software Office including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and so on.
 Good sense of time, emphasis on efficiency and nice interpersonal communication skill.
 Good organizing and practicing ability.

Education Background
Graduate from East China University of Science and Technology in June 2005
First Major: International Economic and Trade (four years)
Second Major: English (three years)

Work Experience
On campus: 2001/10—2002/7 Deputy manager of public relationship department in college of economics,
in charge of activities such as helping the orphanage.
2002/9 —2004/3 Head of public relationship department in MBA association, fully responsible for
“TCL on campus”, in charge of inner publication and finding financial
support out of university for “ECUST all around”, assisted in holding “Forum
of six doctors”, in charge of receiving doctors.
Society: 2002/3 Work as information collector in Shenzhou marketing Research Company.
2002/11 Volunteer in activity of collecting signatures for supporting
Shanghai’s bidding for 2010 World Expo.
2003/11 Volunteer as a guide in Shanghai Science and technology museum.
2004/4 Assistant in Shun chi Real Estate Company responsible for
collecting information.
2004/5 Interpreter volunteer in the 10th Asia Forum on Business and Education.
2004/7—8 Assistant in : FI GROUP(Shanghai),responsible for translating

clients-visiting material and preparing data analysis reports.

Certificate and Awards

Certificate: Awards:
2004/ 6 Shanghai Post Credential for Advanced 2004/ 6 the Third prize in“ the First Contest of Interpretation
Culture and Economics Knowledge”
2003/12 Shanghai computer certificate Grade Two 2004/ 5 “Outstanding interpreter”in Asia Forum
2003/8 Shanghai Post Credential for intermediate on Business and Education
Interpretation 2004/ 4 “Powerful Existence ”of“the Forth
2003/ 5 Test of English Major(TEM) Contest of Existence Simulation Practice”
2003/3 College English Test(CET) Grade 6 2001/ 9—2004/ 9 Scholarship Grade Two for each year
2002/ 9 College English Test (CET) Grade 4 2001/ 9—2003/ 9 “Excellent Student”for each year

b. Example 2

Postbox 742, East China University of Phone: 086-21-64241053

Science and Technology, 200237 Mobile: 13671896442
Shanghai, PR. China

Summary of Qualifications
 English certificates: Intermediate Interpretation Certificate, CET--6, TEM Band 4 (Test for
English Major), IELTS 6.5 (Speaking Task Band 7.0)
 Computer skills: Level 2, National Computer Hierarchical Exams, SPSS, Access,
PowerPoint, Office.
 Excellent academic record with above-average grades
Sept.2000-now East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai
Major: International Economics and Trade
Minor: English
 Regarded as Excellent Student every year for good performance both in studying and practice
 Awarded integrated scholarship every year
 Granted BaoGong Scholarship
 Best thesis writer in the 15th University Academics Festival
 Rank 2 in the program called Collegers’ Creation Practice
Jan.2000-Aug.2000 Shenzhen LongCheng Senior Middle School, Shenzhen City
Sept.1997-Jan.2000 Jilin East YnWen Middle School, Jilin City
 Regular individual and group seminar presentations demonstrating sound teamwork and
ability to present information in a clear and concise manner
 Valuable experience of learning to adapt to cultural differences

Sept.1994-July,1997 Attached Junior School of Jilin Education Bureau, Jilin City
 Honored graduate
 Wined an award in many math matches and composition matches
Professional Experience
 Part-time jobs: Private tutor
 May-June,2003 Volunteer for defecting SARS
 Feb.2003 Inspector of freshmen.
 Dec.2002 Work as an inspector for Shanghai Statistics Bureau
Collegiate Activities
East China University of Science and Technology:
Assistant-chairperson in Students Envoys Commission
Administrator of Inspection Department
Jilin East YinWen Middle School:
Monitor: directing the class to be one of the best classes in the whole city
 Wide range of hobbies, including traveling, swimming, reading, music, movies and so on
 Enjoy meeting people from different backgrounds and make friends with them
 Good at calligraphy

c. Example 3

Kyla Sample
Personal Details
Kyla Sample
123 Main Street, Metropolis, NY 10001-0001
phone: 123-456-7890,
fax: 234-567-8901,

Work Experience
10/05-present Big Giant Company, Metropolis, NY
Director of Purchasing
Initiate sweeping vendor review and cut materials costs more than $4.2Wyear.
Collaborate with sales, production, receiving, and suppliers to implement just-in-time
deliveries and eliminate $800K/year in carrying costs. Renegotiate contracts and replace
vendors to cut facility, travel, technology; and supply costs $1.6M / year.

4/02-2/04 XYZ International, Metropolis, NY

Purchasing Manager
Launched, taught, and enforced purchase requisition system for use at all levels to
eliminate non-approved spending. Designed purchase order forms to meet complex
federal and international regulations. Developed secondary suppliers for 100+ key
materials to avoid sole sourcing. Managed 8 staff. Served as Acting Director as needed.

7/96-2/02 ABC Inc., Metropolis, NY

5/99-2/02 Senior Buyer

7/96-4/99 Buyer

6/94-6/96 Little Tiny Company, Metropolis, NY

Assistant Buyer

Volunteer Experience
3/03-present Tutor, Literacy Volunteers of America, Metropolis, NY

9/97-5/99 Metropolis Business School, Metropolis, NY (nights)
Master of Business Administration
9/90-5/94 Metropolis University, Metropolis, NY
Bachelor of Science, Economics, summa cum laude

9/02-present APICS, The Association for Operations Management
8/02-present NAPM, Institute for Supply Management

Software Skills
Windows, MAC-OS, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Netscape, Explorer Language Skills
Read, write, and speak Spanish
Language Skills
Read, write and speak Spanish

d. Example 4

Tern Example
123 Main Street, Metropolis, NY 10001-0001
phone: 123-456-7890, fax: 234-567-8901, e-mail:


Transition to and establish career in technical sales.

Work Experience
9/03-present WidgetLand, Metropolis, NY
Assistant Network Administrator
Help maintain server, Internet/e-mail, and software to support 120-
user local area network comprised of human resources,
sales/marketing, customer service, purchasing, accounting, and
receiving/shipping applications. Train staff on sharing data among
disciplines to improve performance in all areas. Initiate disaster plan
to protect vital data.
12/02-present Metropolis Technical College, Metropolis, NY
Technology Aide (part-time)
Support 600+ users of various skill levels on 40 PCs, 2 printers, 1
scanner, 1 fax, and 2 copiers. Help non-traditional students overcome
fears of computing. Troubleshoot tech issues. Inventory supplies to
prevent shortages. Select and install security software. Create popular
“cheat sheets” for users to more easily navigate common

Volunteer Experience
1997 Girl Scouts of America, Metropolis, NY
Recognized for achieving highest cookie sales in Metropolis.

9/02-5/04 Metropolis Technical College, Metropolis, NY
Associate of Science, Computer Science

Continuing Education
3/05 Dale Carnegie Training, Metropolis, NY
How to Cold Call and Build New Customers

1/04-present Toastmasters International
12/02-present Association for Computing Machinery

Software/Systems Skills
Windows NT, Novell, Word, Visual Basic, Access, HTML, Netscape,

Part VIII Exercises : :::

Fiona Scott decides to apply for the job at Patagonia. Study her resume carefully to see how she
has presented the information about herself. Where do you think each of the following headings
should be placed?

References Personal Details Activities

Education Professional Experience Skills

1. Personal Details
Fiona Scott
52 Hanover Street
Edinburgh EH2 5LM
Phone: 0131 448 2222

2. _________
1991 --- 1992 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Diploma in Public Relations
1988 --- 1991 University of London
BA (Honors) in Journalism and Media Studies
1981 --- 1988 Broadfield School, Brighton
A levels in German (A), English (B), History (B) and Geography (C)

3. _________
1995 --- present Public Relation Officer, Scottish Nature Trust
Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects of the
Trust’s activities and ensuring their distribution to the press
Editor of the Trust’s monthly journal
In charge of relations with European environmental agencies
1992 --- 1995 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board
Preparation of promotional materials and brochures
Co-ordination of media coverage

Summers of The Glasgow Tribune Newspaper
1990 --- 1991 Two three-month training periods as assistant to the Sports Editor
Arranging and conducting interviews. events
Arranging and conducting
Preparation of articles covering local community sports events

4. _________
IT Office 2003 and Windows NT, Excel, Internet, Power-point
Languages Fluent German and proficient in French
Additional Driving license (car and motorcycle)

5. _________
Cross-country skiing, rock climbing and swimming.
Ski Instructor (grade 11)
Secretary of the local branch of “Action” an association organizing sports activities for
disable children. ”

6. _________
Geoffrey Williams
Jeoffrey Williams Brenda Denholm
Prefessor of Journalism Sports Editor
University of London The Glasgow Tribune

Unit 4 Contracts and Agreements :: ::

::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::: :::: ::::::::: ::: ::: : :::: :::::::: :::: ::: : ::::: Contract
::::: Agreement: :::::: ::::::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::: :: ::: ::: :::::::::: ::::::::
:: : ::: ::::: :: :::::::::: :: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::

Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (:: :: )

:: :::: :: :::: ::: : ::: ::::::::: ::: ::: :: :::::::::: ::: :: ::: ::: :: :::: :::::: ::::
:::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::: ::::::::: :::::
 ::::: :::::::::::::: :::: :: ::: ::: :: :::: ::: :::::::: :::: :: ::: : :: : :: :::
:: ::: ::: :::: :::: :::: ::: :::::::::: ::::: :::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :
:: :::::: :::: :::: :::: :::
 : ::::: ::: :::::: ::
 ::::::::::::::::
 :: ::: ::: :::::: ::
 ::::: ::: ::: :
 : ::::: ::::: ::
 :: :::: :::: :: ::
 ::: ::::: :::: :: ::
 ::::::: :::
 ::: ::: : ::::: ::
 : ::: ::: :::: ::
 : :::: ::: : :::
 : ::::::::::: :::: :: :::::: ::
 : ::: :: :: :::: ::::::: ::::: :::: ::
 :::::::::: ::
 :: :::::: ::: ::: :::: ::
 ::::::: :: :::
 : :: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::::: ::
 :::::: :::: ::
 :::::::::::::::::
 ::::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::

Part II How to Write (:: :: )
::::::: Original::::: Copy::::: :: ::: ::: : : ::: : ::
:Head:::::Body:::::: :End:::: :::: ::::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::::::: :
:: :::::::::: ::: ::: ::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::: :
 :::::::::::::: :::::::

 : :::: :::::
 : :: ::: ::: ::: :
 : ::::: :::: ::: ::: ::::::
 :::::::::::
 :: ::::::::: :::::::::: :: ::
 : :::: ::: ::: ::
 :: : :: ::::: ::
 : :::: :::::::
 :::::::::::
 :: :::::: :: ::: ::::
: ::: :::: ::: ::::::::::::::::
::: head::
 ::::::::: ::
 :::::::::
 ::: :::::::: ::::
 ::
 ::::::::Commodity and Specifications::::::::::Quality:::::::Quantity::::::
 :::::::Time of Shipment:::::::Insurance:::::::Packing:: :::: /::: Shipping
Mark:::::::Guarantee of Quality:: ::: :::: Inspection and Claims:
 :::::Terms of Payment:::::::Terms of Shipment:::::::::Force Majeure::::
: :: :::::Late Delivery and Penalty:::::::Arbitration:
::: Remarks/End::
 :::::::::::::::: ::::
 ::::
 ::: ::::

Part III What not to Write (:::: )

 :::::::::::::::::
 ::: :::: ::::: :::::::::
 ::: :::: ::: :::
 :: :: :::::: :::::::: :::::: :::::: :
 ::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::
 :::::: ::::::: “::+::+: :”:::: :
 :: ::::: ::: :: :::
 ::::: :::::::::::::::::::
 :: :: ::::: ::: ::
 :::::::::::

 :: ::: :::::::
 :::::::::

Part IV Tips on Writing (::: : )
 :: ::: ::::::::::::: ,:: :::: : ,:::::::::
 ::::: :: ::::: :::: :: :::::::: :
 :::: ::::: ::: :: ::::: :::::::::: :::
 :: : : ::::::::::: :: : :::::::::::::: terms and
conditions:::: ::: ::: : :: ::: :::: :: ::: :::::::: :::::: :::: :: ::: ::::::::: ::: ::
 ::"shall":: "will":"should": ::: : :::::::: shall :: ::: ::: :::::::::::: ::
:: : ::::: ::::: ::“:”:“::”:“: : ”: will : ::: :: ::::: shall ::: :: “:”:“:”:“:”:
should ::::::: :: :::: :::: “:: ”:
 ::::::::::::::::::: "::::":description of goods::"::":quantity):"::":Price::":
:":shipment::"::":delivery::"::::":terms of payment:::::::"::":::::::::::::::":
:":remarks: :::: ::: :::: ::::: ::::::::

Part V Useful Words and Phrases: ::: : ::
G. Terms (::)
1 agency agreement  ::::
2 bilateral/ multilateral trade agreement :/: ::: ::
3 compensation trade agreement  ::::::
4 exclusive distributorship agreement :: :: ::
5 guarantee agreement ::::
6 joint venture agreement  ::::
7 commercial contract ::::
8 installment contract ::::
9 patent licence :::::
10 contract for service ::::
11 contract for guarantee ::::
12 break of contract :::::::
13 cancellation of contract : :::
14 performance of contract ::::
15 buyer ::
16 seller/ vendor ::
17 licensor :::
18 licensee :::
19 transferer :::
20 transferee :::
21 main/ principal office ::::
22 branch office ::
23 agreement price ::::

24 international market price : :: :::
25 invoice price :: ::
26 CIF(cost, insurance and freight) ::::::::: ::: :::
27 FOB(free on board) ::::::: ::
28 easy payment ::::
29 advance payment ::::: ::
30 due payment ::::
31 payment on demand :: ::
32 neutral packing ::::
33 packing cargo ::::
34 packing list :: :
35 nude cargo :: :
36 insurance certificate ::::
37 acceptance certificate :: :
38 certificate of import licence :::::
39 certificate of origin ::::
40 certificate of soundness ::::
41 irrevocable letter of credit ::: ::: :
42 negotiation credit :::::
43 documentary letter of credit : ::: :
44 applicant : :: ::
45 beneficiary :::
46 commercial invoice ::::
47 bill of lading ::
48 tax on added value : ::
49 Force Majeure ::::
50 arbitration ::

H. Phrases :::: ::
1. agree to… ::…
This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the
Buyers agree to buy the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions
as stipulated hereinafter:
::::: :::::::::: :: :::::::
2. be responsible for… :…::
The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very
of the goods.
: :: ::: ::: :: ::::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::
3. due to… ::… :: : …
Due to Force Majeure, the sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in
shipment of the goods.

4. take measures to… :…::::
Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to
take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.
::::::: ::: :::: ::::: :::
5. under the obligation to… ::…::
The Sellers are under the obligation to dispatch the goods.
6. in connection with… :…::
All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled
friendly through negotiation.
::: ::::: :::::: ::: ::: :::::
7. in case ::…
In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration
to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council
: ::::::: ::::::::: :::: :: :: :::::
8. make out ::, ::
The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate.
::::::::: ::::::::::::
9. apply to… for ratification :…: :::
After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government
Authorities for ratification.
:: :::::::: ::::::::: ::::
10. be valid for… ::::…
The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the contract:
:::::::::::::::: 10 ::
11. on the expiry of… …: :: …
On the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically
become null and void
12. pays up debts : :::
The debtor shall be kept liable until the debtor fully pays up his debts to the
::: :: ::: :::: :: :::
13 subject to… :: … ::…
The Buyers agree to buy the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and
conditions as stipulated hereinafter:
14. at the request of… :…::
At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to
install the equipment.
:: ::::::::::: :: ::::::: ::
15. in accordance with… :…::
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
::::::::: ::::::::: ::

Part VI Useful Sentences and Paragraphs ::: :: ::::

D. Sentences ::::
The outstanding claims and liabilities existing between both parties on the expiry of
the validity of the contract shall not be influenced by the expiration of this contract.
:::::: ::::: ::::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::
The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq.
::: :::::::::::::::: ::
The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.
:: :::: :: :::::: :: ::
Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to
:: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its
authorized representatives who is incompetent.
:: ::::::::: :::::: ::::: ::::::: ::
The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-
third of the total number of directors.
:: :::::::: : 1/3 :::: :::: ::::: ::
In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed, the
other party shall have the preemptive right.
::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: :: ::::
In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the
materials or the finished products.
:: ::::::: :: ::: :::::::: ::
The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed
by the parties hereto.
“:::”::::: ::::::
This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.

This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two
::: :::::::::::::::: :::
The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an
integral part of this Contract.
:::: :: ::: :::: :::::: :::::
This Contract can only be altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with
documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties.
:::::::::: ::: ::::::: :::::: ::
All activities of ABC Co. shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules
and regulations of China.
ABC :::::: :: ::::::::::::: :::::: ::
Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (:: )
:::::: :::::::: :::::
Licensee may terminate this Contract 90 days after a written notice thereof is sent to
Licensor upon the happening of one of the following events:
::::::::::::::::: 90 :: ::: :: :::::::: :::::
Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed.
:: ::: :: ::::: :::::::::
The patent described in Article 2 is not issued within 30 days from signing this
::: ::: :::: ::: 30 ::: :::
Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contract.
This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full.
:::::::::: ::: ::::::
Party A shall make an appointment of its representative within 30 days after signing
the Contract.
::::::: 30 ::::::::::
Party A will give consideration to Party B’s proposal of exclusive agency.
::::: ::::::::: ::
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by
their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.
: :: ::: :: :::::: ::::::::::::::: ::: ::: : :::
Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein, contained,
the parties hereto agree as follows:
:: :::::: :: ::: :::: :::: :::::
In consideration of the payment to be made by Party A to Party B, Party B hereby
covenants with Party A to complete the building in conformity with the provisions of
the Contract.
::::: ::::: :::: ::::::: :::::::::: :::
NOW,THEREFORE, it’s hereby agreed and understood as follows:
:: ::: :::::
NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties
hereto as follows:
IN THE PRESENCE OF the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands
and seals:
Description of Goods: “Victory” Brand Portable Radio Cassette Tape Recorders
Model VEC-8160.
:::::":: ": VEC-8160 :::: :::::
Quantity: 5000 sets with the packing as per Manufacturer\'s standard.
::::::::::::::: :::::
Price: Total Amount HK $ 1, 000, 000. 00 with the unit price of HK$ 200.00 per set
F0B Hong Kong Net.
::: ::::::: F.O.B :: ::::::: ::: :::: ::::::
Shipment: August 1982 subject to receipt of L/C by the end of May.
: ::::::::::::::: :::::: ::
Terms of Payment: By Confirmed Irrevocable L/C to be opened by Buyers.
:::::: :::::: :::::::: : .
Packing: 12 sets per carton box and 6 carton boxes per wooden box.
:::: ::::::::: :::
Accepted and Signed by Buyers.
All business shall be transacted between the Buyers and the Sellers on Principals to
Principals basis.
::::: ::::: :::: :: :: ::: ::: ::::
Quantity, unless otherwise arranged, shall be subject to a variation of 5% plus or
minus at Sellers’ option.
:: :::::::::: :: ::::: : 5:: :::
At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install
the equipment.
Each party to the joint venture company is liable to the joint venture company within
the limit of the capital subscribed by it.
: :::: :::::: :::: :::: ::::: ::: :::: ::::

B. Paragraphs (:: )
a. PRICE: The currency manifesting the price shall be the basis currency of payment,
unless otherwise specified, US $ means the U. S. Dollars, HK$ the Hong Kong
Dollars. The price specified in this contract shall be based upon the present exchange
rate (HK $ 5. 65 per U. S. Dollar). In case of variation of such rate by more than 3 per
cent after the date of this contract, the price shall be adjusted and settled according to
the corresponding change. In such case, however, the Sellers shall have the right to
decrease the contracted quantity and/or cancel this contract in part or in whole at their
option at any time.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::US$::::: HK$::: :::: :::::: :: :: :::::: :5: 65 ::::
::::: :: :: : ::: :: ::: ::: :::::::: :::: :: :::: :::::: :::::: :::: :: ::::: :: ::::::::::
b. PACKING: Unless otherwise requested and/or instructed by the Buyers in time,
packing and marking shall be at the Sellers’ option. In case special instructions are
necessary, they shall be intimated to the Sellers in time so as to enable the Sellers to
comply with them.
::::: ::: ::::::::::::::: :: :: :::::::::::::::: :: :::::: ::::: ::::: :::
c. SHIPMENT: The Date of the Bill of Lading shall be accepted as a conclusive
evidence of the date of shipment. Partial shipment or transshipment shall be permitted
unless otherwise stated on the face hereof. The Sellers shall not be responsible for no
shipment or late shipment of the contracted goods due to causes beyond the Sellers’
control or causes due to the failure of the Buyers to provide in time the relative letter
of credit or other instructions requested-by the Sellers.
: ::: ::::: ::: ::: ::::: :::: :: :::: :: ::::::: ::: :::::: :::: :::: :::::::::::: ::::: :::::
::: :: ::::::::::::: :: :: :: ::: ::::
d. PAYMENT: A confirmed irrevocable letter of credit shall be established within 15
days after the conclusion of any contract and such letter of credit shall be maintained
at least 15 days after the month of shipment for the negotiation of the relative draft. If
the Buyers fail to provide such letter of credit in the Sellers I favor as prescribed
above, the Sellers shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the
account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or canceling any orders at any
time on the Buyers’ account and risk.
:::::: ::::::::: ::: ::: :: :::::::::::: :::: ::: : :: :::::::::::::: ::: :: ::: ::::::
:: ::: :::: :::: : ::: :::: : :::: :: ::: :: :::: :: :: ::::::::: ::: ::: ::: :::::
e. INSURANCE: Unless otherwise contracted, the insurance on CIF or C & I contract
shall be effected for the amount of the Sellers’ invoice plus ten per cent ( 10 % )
covering marine insurance only for WA War risk and/or any other additional insurance
required by the Buyers shall be at their own expenses. In case of F0B or C & F

contract, the Buyers shall provide an open cover or provisional insurance before the
time of shipment.
::::::::::C:I:F:: C. & I (cost & insurance :::: ::: :: :: :: ::: ::: ::: : :: ::: :: :: :: : ::
:::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: ::: :::::::: F:O:B:: C:& F::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::: ::: :::
f. CLAIM: Any claim to the Sellers of whatsoever nature arising under this contract
shall be made by registered mail within 45 days after the arrival of the merchandise at
the destination specified in the Bill of Lading and further full particulars of such claim
shall be made in writing and forwarded by registered mail to the Sellers within 15
days after notifying, accompanied by such particular's survey report is sued by
leading, first class and international sworn authorized surveyor (s). If the Buyers fail
to notify and/or forward full details within the period specified above, the Buyers
shall be deemed to have waived his right to assert any claim.
: :::: :: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: ::: :: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::: :: :: ::: ::
:: :::::::: ::: :::::::::::::: :: ::: :::: :::: :: :::: :::::: ::::::: :::: ::::::::::::: :::
:: :::: :::::::::: :: :::
g. INSPECTION: Inspection performed under the export regulations of Hong Kong
and/or Manufacturer\'s inspection, unless otherwise arranged, shall be final and
conclusive in respect of quality and conditions of the merchandise. As to the
merchandise controlled by no such regulations, the Buyers shall appoint an
inspector(s) to inspect the merchandise in Hong Kong prior to delivery within fifteen
(15) days from the effective date of this contract. In the event the Buyers’ such
appointment does not arrive in time, the Sellers’ system of inspection shall be final
and binding upon the parties concerned.
::: :: :::::::::: :::: :::::::::: ::::::: :::::: :::: ::::::::::::: :: :::::::: :: :::: :
h. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, ETC.: The Sellers shall be held free from any
dispute regarding the infringements of patent, design, trade mark or copyright of the
goods contracted for.
:: :: ::: :: :::::::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: :: :::: ::
i. FREIGHT& INSURANCE: Any increase of freight and/or insurance rates from the
current rates available at the time of contract shall be on the Buyers’ account.
j. ARBITRATION: All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise
between the Sellers and the Buyers, out of or in relation to or in connection with this
contract, or the breach thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in Hong Kong.
The award rendered by: the arbitrator (s) shall be final and binding upon both parties.

k. Remarks: Subject to the procurement of the necessary permits in Hong Kong and
Nigeria. Insurance covers FPA and W. A. only if the Buyers require it to be added.
Shipping particulars including marks and port of entry must be advised to the Sellers
before 20th July, 1982. The goods can only be sold in Nigeria and other parts of West
:: :::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::: :: :: :: ::::::: :::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::: :: :
::::::::::::: ::: :: :::::::: :::::::::::
l. This Agreement (THIS AGREEMENT) made this 8th day of December, 1981 (this
eighth day of December in the year of nineteen eighty one) , by and between Victory
Electronic Trading Co. , Ltd. (hereinafter called “the Sellers”) , a corporation duly
organized and existing under the laws of Hong Kong, with its head office (principal
place of business) at X X Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong and Panafrican
Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “the Buyers”, a corporation duly organized and
existing under the laws of Nigeria, with its head office. At Imo State, Nigeria.
: ::::: :: :: ::::::::: "::"::::::::: ::::::::: :: ::::::::: XX :::::::::
:::::::::"::"::::: ::::: ::::::::: :: ::::: :::::::::::::::: :::
m. The Sellers are desirous of exporting the under-mentioned Products to the territory
stipulated below; and WHEREAS, the Buyers are desirous of importing the said
goods for sale in the said territory; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and
understood as follows:
:: ::::: ::::: :::::::: ::: :::: :::::::::: :::: :::::
n. Sold by VICTORY ELECTRONIC TRADING CO., LTD. (hereinafter called “the
Sellers”) to PANAFRICAN TRADING CO., LTD. (hereinafter called “the Buyers”) at
_______________ Imo State, Nigeria the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms
and conditions stated on the face and back hereof.
o. Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the
quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of
the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the
vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection
certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation
to the Sellers
:::::::::: 45 ::: :::: : :: :::::::::::::: :::::: :::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::: ::::

Our letters/ cables reference:
Your letters/ cables reference:

Part VII Sample Letter ::::::

a. Sales Confirmation (S/C)
S/C NO.:
Dear Sirs:
We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on terms and
conditions as set forth below:
OF P.I.C.C. DATED 1/1/1981.
Confirmed by:


合同编号 .:
日 期:
装货港: 目的港:
装运日期: 在×××日期前装运,不允许分批装运,转运允许。
支付条款: 买方负责经由卖方可接受的银行于×××日期前开立并送达卖方的不可撤销即期信
保险: 由卖方承担按发票金额的 110%投保一切险,并按照中国人民保险公司 1981 年 1 月 1
卖方: 买方:

b. Sales Contract

Whole Doc.
For Account of:
Indent No:
This contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers; Whereby the Sellers
agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the undermentioned goods according to the
terms and conditions stipulated below and overleaf:
(1) Names of commodity (ies) and specification(s)
(2) Quantity
(3) Unit price
(4) Amount TOTAL: __________% more or less allowed
(5) Packing:
(6) Port of Loading:
(7) Port of Destination:
(8) Shipping Marks:
(9) Time of Shipment: Within ____________________days after receipt
of L/C, allowing transhipment and partial shipment.
(10) Terms of Payment: By 100% Confirmed, Irrevocable and Sight Letter of Credit
to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after shipment.
(11) Insurance: Covers all risks and warrisks only as per the Clauses of the People's
Insurance Company of China for 110% of the invoice value. To be effected by the
(12) The Buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit before _________; failing
which, the Seller reserves the right to rescind this Sales Contract without further
notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Contract, non-fulfilled by the
Buyer, of to lodge claim for direct losses sustained, if any.
(13) Documents: The Sellers shall present to the negotiating bank, Clean On Board
Bill of Lading, Invoice, Quality Certificate issued by the China Commodity
Inspection Bureau or the Manufacturers, Survey Report on Quantity/Weight issued by
the China Commodity Inspection Bureau, and Transferable Insurance policy or
Insurance Certificate when this contract is made on CIF basis.
(14) For this contract signed on CIF basis, the premium should be 110% of invoice
value. All risks insured should be included within this contract. If the Buyer asks to
increase the insurance premium or scope of risks, he should get the permission of the
Seller before time of loading, and all the charges thus incurred should be borne by the
(15) Quality/Quantity Discrepancy; In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be
filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination;
while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days
after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Seller
shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which
the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organizations and/or
Post Office are liable.
(16) The Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot
or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force
Majeure incidents.
(17) Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof
shall be settled friendly through negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached,
the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic And
Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional Rules of
Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The arbitration shall 66
take place in Beijing and the decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final
and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court nor
other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision. Arbitration fee shall be borne
by the losing party. Or arbitration may be settled in the third country mutually agreed
日 期:
(4)金额 合计 允许溢短装__%
(9)装运期限: 收到可以转船及分批装运之信用证__天内装出。
(10)付款条件: 开给我方100%保兑的不可撤回即期付款之信用证,并须注明可在
(11)保 险: 按发票110%保全险及战争险。由客户自理。
(13)单 据: 卖方应向议付银行提供已装船清洁提单、发票、中国商品检验局或工厂出
(15)质量、数量索赔: 如交货质量不符,买方须于货物到达目的港30日内提出索赔
(17)仲裁: 凡因执行本合同或与本合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,应由双方通过友
卖方: 买方:

c. The Contract for Joint Venture


Whole Doc.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using
Chinese and Foreign Investment (the "Joint Venture Law") and other relevant Chinese
laws and regulations, __________Company and___________ Company, in
accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly
consultations, agree to jointly invest to set up a joint venture enterprise in ________of
the People's Republic of China.
Chapter 2 Parties of the Joint Venture
Chapter 3 Establishment of the Joint Venture Company
Chapter 4 The Purpose, Scope and Scale of Production and Business
Chapter 5 Total Amount of Investment and the Registered Capital
Chapter 6 Responsibilities of Each Party to the Joint Venture
Chapter 7 Transfer of Technology
Chapter 8 Selling of Products
Chapter 9 The Board of Directors
Chapter 10 Business Management Office
Chapter 11 Purchase of Equipment
Chapter 12 Preparation and Construction
Chapter 13 Labor Management
Chapter 14 Taxes, Finance and Audit
Chapter 15 Duration of the Joint Venture
Chapter 16 The Disposal of Assets after the Expiration of the Duration
Chapter 17 Insurance
Chapter 18 The Amendment, Alteration and Termination of the Con- tract
Chapter 19 Liability for Breach of Contract
Chapter 20 Force Majeure
Chapter 21 Applicable Law
Chapter 22 Settlement of Disputes
Chapter 23 Language
Chapter 24 Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous

The contract is signed in ___________, China by the authorized representatives of

both parties on __________, __________.
For Party A For Party B

(Signature) (Signature)

第一章 总则
第二章 合资双方
第三章 合资公司的成立
第四章 生产和经营的目的范围和规模
第五章 投资总额与注册资本
第六章 合资双方的责任
第七章 技术转让
第八章 商标的使用及产品的销售
第九章 董事会
第十章 经营管理机构
第十一章 设备材料的采购
第十二章 准备与建设
第十三章 劳动管理
第十四章 工会
第十五章 税务、财务和审计
第十六章 保 险
第十七章 合资公司的期限及正常终止
第十八章 合同的修改、变更和终止
第十九章 违 约 责 任
第二十章 不 可 抗 力
第二十一章 适 用 法 律
第二十二章 争议的解决
第二十三章 合 同 文 字
第二十四章 合同生效及其它
中国__公司代表 __国__公司代表

(签字) (签字)

Part VIII Exercises : :::

:: :: “:: ::::::::”:: :: :::: ::: ::::::

Unit 5 Complaints :::: :

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: ::: : :: : : : : : : : :: :: : : : : : ::: : :: : : : : : : : : : :: :: : : : : :
::::: ::: :::::: ::::::::: ::::: :::::: :: ::::: :::::: ::: :::::: :::::: :::: ::::::::: ::::
:: :: :: :: ::: :::::

Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (:: :: )

:: ::: ::: :: ::: :: :::: ,:::: ::: ::: :: :: ::::: :::::: :::: :: : :::: ::: :: :: : ::: ::: :
: :::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
 : :::: :: :
 :: :: ::: :::
 :: :::: ::::: ::
 :: ::::: ::::::
 : ::::: :::

Part II How to Write (:: :: )
:: :: ::: ::: :: ::::::::: :::::::: ::: ::::::::::: :::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::: :: :::::
:: :
: :: : : : : :: : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : :: :: : : : : : : : :: : : :::
::: :::::
1) :: ::: :::::: :: :::
2) :::: ::::::: :::: :::
3) ::::: :: ::::::::::::

:: ::::::: ::: ::: :: :: ::::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::::::::: :: ::: :::: :::: :: :: ::: ::: :
1) ::: :: :::: ::: :::::
2) :: ::::: ::: ::: ::: ::::: ::: :::
3) :: :::: ::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::::: ::: ::
4) : ::: ::::: ::: :::
::: ::::::::::
1) : ::::: ::::: ::: :: :::::::::
2) : ::::: :::: ::::: ::::::
3) :: :::::

Part III What not to Write (:::: )
 :: : :::: ::: ::::
 :: :::::: :
 :: :::: ::: :: :::::: :::::

 :::::::::: ::::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::::: :::::: :::
 ::::: ::::::::: :: :: :::: :::

Part IV Tips on Writing (::: : )
::: :::: ::::::::::::
 ::::: :::: :: ::::: :: ::::::
 : ::::::::: ::: :::: : :::::: :: ::: :: :::
 :: :: :E-Mail :::: E-Mail ::::::: ::: : : :: : :: : ::: : ::::: :: :::
 :: :::::: :: ::::::
 :::: ::::: ::::
 ::: :::::::::::::
 :: ::: :::::::: :: :::

Part V Useful Words and Phrases: ::: : ::
I. Words (:: )
1 complaint n.
2 claim n./v.
3 survey n./v.
4 blunder vt.
:…..::: ::
5 botch n.
6 medium adj.
7 corked adj.
8 recommend vt.
:::: :
9 blame vi.
10 awful adj.
11 cunning adj.
::::: :::::: ::
12 depressing adj.
:: ::::::: ::
13 gloomy adj.

:::::::: ::::: ::
14 impatient adj.
:: :::::::
15 inconsiderate adj.
:: ::::: ::::::: :::::
16 jealous adj.
17 miserable adj.
:::: :::::::::
18 nasty adj.
::::::::: :::
19 ridiculous adj.
: ::::::
20 stubborn adj.
: :::: ::: :::
21 mishandle vt.
: :: :: (::: ):::: ::: :::::::
22 defect n.
23 invalid adj.
:::: ,:::: ;:::,::::: ::
:: :
24 succinctly adv.
::: ;:::
25 shatter v.
:: ;:: ,:::
26 adequate adj.
: :: ;:::
27 appreciate vt.
:::: :
28 sufficient adj.
::: ,:::
29 remedy v.
:: ;:: ;::
::: :::::: : (:),:: : ;:::::
30 disagree v.
:::,::: ;::: ,:::
31 substitute n.
::: ,:::

32 supersede vt.
::,::,:: : …:::
: :: :
33 dispute n.
: :,::,: :
::,::,:: ,::
34 compensate v.
35 reimburse v.
36 inferior Adj.
:::,:: ,::: ,:::
37 guarantee n.
::,:::,:: ,:::
38 omit vt.
:: ,:: ,::
39 stipulation n.
: :,::
40 merchandise n.
::(:: ),::

J. Phrases :::: ::
1.Turn-off :::: ::
That movie was a turn-off.
:: :::: :::::::
2. to put a false construction on :……:: ::
Please do not put a false construction on his action.
3. be dissatisfied with…:……::: :
I’m deeply sorry you were dissatisfied with our product.
:: ::: :::: ::::: :::
4. be pleased with…:……::::
I have been pleased with your services for years, but now I feel very disappointed.
::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::::

5. make a mistake ::
As you rightly pointed out, a mistake has been made on your June bill.
::::::::::::: :::: ::
6. embarrass about :: ::::::::
I am extremely embarrassed about my behavior last night.
: :::::: ::::::::
7. get…settled ::
I would like to get this matter settled by the end of this month.
8. I am writing to make a complaint about...::::::::……
I am writing to make a complaint about my recent holiday in Paris which was
organized by your company.
:::: ::::: ::::: ::: ::::::::::::
9. I am most reluctant to complain, but... ::::::: ::: ……
I am most reluctant to complain, but the room I live in is really dirty.
::::::: :::::::: :: :: ::
10. One annoying aspect of your service is... : ::: ::::::::: ::::: ……
One annoying aspect of your service is your tour guide.
11. I am sorry to inform you that… :::::::: …
I am sorry to inform you that the heating system in the house stopped working
some time ago.
::::::::::::::: :::::::
12. take …seriously ::::
Trust you will take my complaints seriously.
::::: :: ::::: ::
13. It would be highly appreciated if you could... :::: ……::::: ::
It would be highly appreciated if you could answer me as soon as possible.
14. I could not be more satisfied if you can kindly... ::::……::::::::
I could not be more satisfied if you can kindly help me to solve this problem,
15. be disappointed…:…:::::
I am disappointed that you appear to have withheld information relative to
::: :: :::::::::::

Part VI Useful Sentences and Paragraphs ::: :: ::::

E. Sentences : :::

Making a complaint ::::
I’m afraid I have a complaint to make.
::::::: : .
I’m sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake.
:: : ,:: :::: : .
Do you have to act like that?
:::::: : ?
Would you mind not doing it?
I do wish you wouldn’t do that.
Please don’t do it without asking.
: :: ::::::: .
Can’t you do something about it?
I hate to bring this up, but this is a nonsmoking zone.
:: ::::: ,:: :::: .
Would you please try to keep quiet at this hour?
::::,:::::::::: .
Saying that you are dissatisfied with something :: :: :: ::
That won’t do. ::::.
Is that it? ::::?
Is that all? : :: :?
I'm afraid it just isn't good enough.
That’s not what I had in mind.
It’s not what I hoped for.
:::::::::: .
That leaves a lot to be desired.
:: :: ::: .
That doesn’t quite suit me.
::::::: .
I was hoping for more.
::: ::: ::: .
I was counting on more.
I expected something better.

It’s a far cry from what I expected.
:: ::::: :: .
I am not getting what I bargained for.
I got a bum deal. ::::.
I got a raw deal. :::: . (a raw/bum deal: :::: ::::: )
Complaining about a messy place :::: ::
What a mess!
What a junk heap.
::: ::: .
This place is a mess.
Never in my life have I seen such a mess!
: :::: :::: :::: .
This place is a pigsty.
:: ::::::
You live like a pig!
: :::::: :::
This place is a disgrace.
:: :: ::::
This place looks like a disaster area.
:: : ::::::
Were you raised in a bam?
:::::: ::: ::
How about cleaning up a bit around here?
:::: :: :::::::
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to pick up your room?
Get this place picked up immediately. Do you read me?
:: : ::::: : ,::::: ?
Asking someone to stop complaining :: :: ::::
Stop complaining. :::::
Quit whining. ::: ::
For heaven's sake stop whining.
: :: :: ::::
Don't be so grumpy.
:::: ::::
Don't be such a grouch.

:: ::: ::::
Don’t be such a moaner.
:: : ::::: :
I wish you’d stop nagging me.
I don’t see why you are kicking up such a fuss.
::::: :::: ::: ::::
I know how you feel, but there’s no need to go on and on about it.
:::::::::::::: :::::::
Indicating that you are losing patience ::::::::
This is too much.
That’s really the limit.
This is more than I can bear.
This is more than I can take.
I needed that like a hole in the head.
:: :::::::
That’s just what I need!
:::::::::(: :::: :: ::: )
That’s just great!
:::::: (::::::::::)
That’s the last straw!
: : : : : : : (the last straw: : the last straw that broke the camel's back, : : : : : : : : :
:: :: ::::::::::)
Now what? :::::
Look here! I’ve had enough of that!
:::: :: :::

B. Paragraphs (:: )
a. We are unable to deliver the fabric samples by the date promised. The product
supervisor promises me that you will have them by March 18. If this is unsatisfactory,
please telephone me. It isn’t often we have renege on a delivery date, and we’re not
very happy about it. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay.
: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::: :: :::: 3 : 1 ::: :::::::: :: ::: ::::: ::
::: ::::: :: ::::::: :::: :::: :::
b. I regret that you have not sent us all the goods we ordered. You have sent us 80

Laptops (model 516) as agreed, but you have omitted to enclose the keyboard which
we also ordered.
::: ::::::: :: ::::: :::: :::::: :::: :: :::: 80 :::
c. I would be very grateful if you could repair the bicycle as soon as possible, or
exchange it for a better model. Otherwise, I will have to ask for solving the problem at
the Consumer Association.
:::::::::: :::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::::: ::::::: :: :: :::: ::::::
d. The product I purchased from you on March 2, 2007 turned out to be quite a
disappointment. While it looked the same as the one I saw in your commercial, it did
not perform in the same way.
2007 : 3 : 2 ::: :::: :: :: ::::::::::: :::: :::::: :::
e. Having received neither the merchandise nor a response to my previous letter, I am
requesting that you refund the remitted with my order. Attached is a copy of my
cancelled check.
:::::::: ::::::::: ::: :::: :::::::: :: ::::::
f. This matter is causing us great inconvenience. Since we have now included the
S888 in our new catalogue and we are receiving a large number of enquires about it.
We shall now be faced with cancelling it from our catalogue, and explaining to
customers that it is no longer available.
:: :::: :::::::: ::: : :: :: s888 ::::: :::: :: :::::::: ::: : ::: : :: : ::
: :::::::::: :: :::::::::
g. After investigating your complaint, we have ascertained that an error was made in
our housekeeping department.
::::: :: ::: :::::: ::: :: :::::: :::
h. We are shipping you a new computer today to replace the broken one you received.
Thank you for your letter of August 21 pointing out a problem with your new
computer order.
::: ::::::: :::: ::::::::: ::::: :: :: 8 : 21 ::::::::::::::::::
i. Regardless of whether you are in a manufacturing or service industry, you are
required by law to operate your business in a manner which is safe and healthy for
your workforce. Our courses will help you provide a safe and legally sound working
environment for your staff.
: :::::: ::: ::::: ::: :::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::: ::: :::::::::::::::: :::
j. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Thank you for
your prompt attention to this matter.
:::::::::::: ::: :::::: ::::

Part VII Sample Letter ::::::

a. Complaint for the wrong packing
Dear Mr. /Miss._ ,
We found P051 & P061 had many errors in packing .
P051, you packed 10PCS in a carton without inner box instead of 5PCS/inner bo
x & 2inner box/carton as we ordered.
P061, you packed 1000 sets of DVD-I instead of 1000 sets of DVD-II.
We are sorry that due to the currency crisis, there is little demand for the goods th
at you have sent us. Therefore, we would be grateful if you would arrange for their col
lection and send us those we ordered soonest possible.
As we are your regular client, we hope that you will take urgent action to remedy
the situation.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,

:::::::: 051 ::: 061 ::: :: :::
:: 051::::::: 5 ::::: 2 ::::::: :::: 10 :::::::::
:: 061:1000 : DVD-II ::: 1000 : DVD-I:
: ::: ::: :: :::::: :: ::::::::::: :::: :::: :::::::: ::: ::::: :: ::::: ::::::::: ::::: :
::::(::::: )
b. Adjustment to the complaint
Dear Mr. MacDonald,
Providing quality customer service is a major priority of our company, however we
understand that we sometimes fail to meet customer's satisfaction. It is a frustrating
event for everyone when an order has been mishandled.
Please accept our sincerest apologizes for any inconvenience you may have incurred
from your recent order. We hope your order has been fixed and any other problems
have been resolved to your satisfaction. Also, for your information, our employees
are undergoing further company training in order to prevent such mishaps from
happening again. If there is anything else we can do for you now or in the future,
please do not hesitate to let us know.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Yours faithfully,
Sandy Fei
Customer Service Manager
::: ::: ::::
:: ::: ::: ::: :::::::: ::: ::::::: :::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::: :,:: ::::: :::::: ::::
:: ::::::: :: ::::: ::: :::: :: ::::::: ::::: ::::::::::: :::: ::::: ::: :::::::
: :: :::: :: ::::::: :::::: ::::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::::: :: ::::
c. Complaint for low quality

Dear Sirs,
The beans under S/C No.123 dispatched on June 12, 2007 have arrived at our
port yesterday. The commodity Inspection Bureau has carefully examined the quality
of the beans, and we regret to say that they found it is far low from the standard
stipulated in the S/C. The covering Inspection Certificate is going to be airmailed to
you as soon as it comes to hand.
We think you will look into the matter at once and take immediate measures to
correct the mistakes and ensure that nothing like this will happen again in the future.
The inferior quality of these beans has caused us considerable difficulty and it is
hard for us to dispose of it, even at a rather low price. We think we can reserve the
right to lodge a claim against you for the loss thus incurred.
Yours Sincerely,

2007 : 6 : 12 :::: :: 123 ::::: S/C :::: :: :::::::: ::: :: ::: ::: :::: :: ::: :::
:::: S/C :: : ::: ::::: ::: :::::::
:: :: ::: ::: ::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::: :::: ::: :: ::::::::: :::
d. Adjustment to the complaint
Dear Sir,
We feel deeply sorry that the beans No.123 dispatched on June 12, 2007 were
below the standard stipulated in the contract and that you are reserving the right to
lodge a claim against us.
Naturally we hope this transaction will be concluded to your satisfaction. Now
that you have found the quality of the beans do not comply with that stipulated in the
contract, we want to have the problem clarified without any delay. So we have sent
our representative to your end to investigate the matter in detail. We will not give
any comments before our representative inspects the goods. We will let you know
the date of his arrival and hope you will give him your best cooperation.
You may be assured that the matter will be settled in a reasonable manner to our
mutual benefit.
Yours Sincerely,


Dear Sir,
With reference to our order No.2008, the 160 computer sets supplies to the above
order were delivered the day before yesterday, but we regret that 20 sets were badly
The packages containing the computer sets appeared to be in good condition and we
accepted and signed for them without question. We unpacked the computer sets
with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at
some stage prior to packing.
We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we
have put the damaged computer sets aside in case you need them to support a claim
on your suppliers for compensation.
Yours sincerely,
:::::::2007 : 6 : 12 :::::: 123 :::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::: ::: ::::::: :: ::::::: :::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: :::::: ::: :::: ::::::: ::::::: ::
:: ::::: :::: :::: :::: ::: :::::: :::: :: ::::: :::::::::: :::::::::
:::::: ::::::::::::::::::
e. Complaint for bad service
Dear Sirs,
We are surprised and disappointed to note from your letter of August 6 that you
are not prepared to consider our offer of 10 percent discount to compensate you for
the defects in the goods supplied according to S/C No.1141.
Although we think our offer adequate, and even generous, we are prepared to
admit that our viewpoint may not be all justified. At the same time we regret with
disfavor that you threaten to suspend business connection if we do not entertain your
claim. Such being the case, we suggest that this dispute be settled by arbitration.
We shall be pleased to discuss with you where and how the arbitration is to take
Yours Sincerely,

: :: ::::::: 8 : 6 :::::::::::::::::::: 10 :::::::::: ::: ::
1141 :::::::::::
:: : :::: ::::::: :: ::::::::: :::: :: :: :::::::::::::: ::: ::::: ::: : ::: :::: ::: ::: :::
: :: ::::: :::::::: :: :: ::::: ::::
: :::::: :::::::::
g. Complaint for overcharge

Dear Sirs,
I got my phone bill yesterday. To my surprise, my bill was for $440! I was
outraged that AT&T delayed billing me for 6 months and has decided to now
bill me for these calls that I have to make payment arrangements. It’s not fair.
For the past four years they’ve always billed me promptly. I have to suffer for
something they call a “mistake” and won’t do anything to help me.
Yours Sincerely,
::::::: ::::: : :::::::: ::: 440 :::::::: ::::: ::::: :: ::: 6 ::::
::::: :: ::: ::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::::::::::: :: :: “::” ::::::::::
h. Complaint for the awful food and service
Dear Sir/Madam,
I had the misfortune to spend an evening on the 24th of August in your place and I am
writing to you to complain about the awful quality of your food and service.
I reserved a table at your restaurant because a colleague of mine in Shanghai
recommended it as a perfect place to show foreign visitors (especially business
people) the very best of Shanghai cuisine. My experience leaves me with little doubt
that this is one of the worst restaurants I have ever eaten in.
I arrived with a group of important business clients from Japan at the correct time
only to be told that there were no free tables and no record of my reservation. We
were told to wait and not offered a drink at your bar or any alternative arrangements.
This was embarrassing enough; after 25 minutes’ waiting, I began to get angry and
my clients began to show signs of irritation. We were eventually seated at a very
small table in a dark corner of the restaurant and still had to wait a further 10 minutes
for a menu and someone to come to offer us drinks.
Our two waiters were cold and unfriendly and made no extra effort to help my
Japanese clients, even though they were well aware of the fact that I was entertaining
them on business. Most of the food was either cold or the portions were very small
and one of your waiters refused to return one of the dishes to the kitchen.
I now wonder why my colleague recommended your restaurant and was disgusted at
having to pay so much for very little.
I will not be returning and will be warning all my colleagues and business associates
to stay away from your terrible restaurant.
Yours sincerely,
:: :::: 8 : 24 :::: ::::::::::: :::::::: ::::
:: :: ::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::: ::: ::::: ::
: ::::::::::: :: ::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::: :: :::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :
: :::: : :: 25 : ::::::::::::: ::::: ::::::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :::: :::: 10 :::
:::: :: ::: :::
: :: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::::::::::::
:::::: ::: :::::::::
::::: :::: :::::::::::::: :: :::::::: ::
i. Complaint for bad living condition
Dear Sir,
I’m John smith, one of your lessees. My lease started from July 1, 2007. I’ve
been living here for about three months. Unfortunately, the heating system has
stopped working for about two weeks.
Last week, I phoned your agency. A clerk promised me he would solve this
problem. I waited for some days but no one came for this. I phoned again and got
the same answer, therefore, I am writing to you now for the last try. I’d like to see
your agency take actions immediately to make the heating system work well.
Thank you for your prompt attention.
Yours Sincerely,
John smith

:: :: ·::::::: :: ::::::: 2007 : 7 : 1 :::::::::::::::::::: :
:::::: :: :::: ::::: ::: :: ::::::::::::::: :: :::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::
::: :::: ::::::::::::: ::::::

Part VIII Exercises : :::

1. : ::: :::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: :: :::::::::::::: ::: ::: :::: :: :::::::: ::::: ::: :::
2. : :::: : :: ::: ::::: ::: :::: ::: ::: :::::: :::: :::::::: :: ::::::: :::: ::: :::::: ::
3. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::: : :: : : : : :: : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : : ::::: :: : : : :: :: : :
:: :: :: :: :::: :::: :::: ::
4. ::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::: :: :: ::: :
5. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Unit 6 Letters of Thanks : ::

:::( Letters of Thanks) :: :::: ::: :: :: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::::::::::::: ::: ::::::

Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (:::: )

√:: :::::::::: ::::: :: :::::
√:: ::: ::
√:: :::: :

Part II How to Write (:: :: )
: ::: ::::: ::
√:: :: :: :::::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::::: :
√::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::
√::: :: ::: ::::::: ::::::::: :: :::: ::::::::::::

Part III Tips on Writing (::: : )
√:::::::::::: ::::: :::::::
√:: ::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::: :
√:: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::: ::: ::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::: :::: :: ::::::: ::::::::::: :

Part IV Useful Words and Phrases: ::: : ::
K. Words (::)
1 acknowledge vt.
2 appointment n.
3 appreciate vt.
4 assistance n.
5 association n.
6 at your convenience ::::: ::
7 colleagues n.

8 confidence n.
9 congratulation n.
10 demanding adj
::::::: :::
11 ease v.
12 encourage v.
13 enhance v.
14 generously adv
:: :
15 grateful adj
16 highlight n.
17 hospitality n.
18 indebted adj.
19 indicate vt
20 inspire vt
: ::: ::::
21 maintain v.
22 oblige vt.
23 opportunity n.
24 persistent adj
:: :
25 personally adv
26 pleasure n.
::: ::
27 promotion n.
28 thoughtfulness n.

29 transition n.
:: ::
30 value n.

B. Phrases :::: ::
1 all the more ::
2 best wishes :::::
3 firm order :::::::::
4 first order :: ::
5 I had long looked forward to :: :::: …
6 in a position to do… :::…
7 large order ::::
8 mutually beneficial cooperation :::::::
9 prior engagement :::::
10 prompt settlement of accounts ::::
11 regular business ::::::

Part V Useful Sentences and Paragraphs :::::::::

F. Sentences ::::
I’m indebted to all the staff who have been working so hard.
:::::::::::::: :::
We acknowledge the continued support from the embassy.
: :: ::: :::::::::
I am grateful to you for helping me.
I am greatly indebted to you for the trouble you have gone.
: ::::::: :::: ::::
It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work.
I realize that the task took a lot of your precious time.
:::: :::::::: :: :: :
Believe me, I am truly grateful for your good understanding.
Thank you for your generous spirit of cooperation.
: ::::::::::
I enjoyed the short stay at your home which is both delightful and memorable.
::::: ::::::::: ::::
This is to thank you again for you wonderful hospitality.

:::: ::::::::

B. Paragraphs (::)
a. I received your letter of 30th March this morning, returning the draft of the
catalogue we propose to send to our customers, and wish to say at once how grateful I
am for all the trouble you have taken to examine the draft and comment on it in such
detail. Your suggestions will prove most helpful.
::::::: 3 : 30 ::::::::: :::: :::: : : :: : :: :: : : :: : :::: : : ::: ::: :: : :: ::
b. I have just returned to China from my American trip and it is only now that I have
the opportunity of sending you a message of deep thanks for the cordial reception and
hospitality extended to me and all my friends during our one-week stay in New York.
:: ::::::: :::::::: :: ::::: ::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::::::::
c. Thank you for your order for furniture and the check that accompanied it. Welcome
to our ever-growing list of satisfied customers. The furniture is being shipped today—
by special instruction from me.
: :::::: :::: :::::::::::::: :::::: :::: ::::: :::::: :: ::::::::: :::::: ::::
d. At any rate, I want to thank you for your help. The job looks very challenging, but
because of the thorough training, I received at USC, together with your own informal
coaching, I’m confident I can handle it.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: USC :: ::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::
e. Your assistance on my recent trip was much appreciated. Without your advice and
guidance I couldn’t possibly have achieved as much as I was able to in so short a
period of time.
::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::: ::: ::::::: ::
f. Following my recent business travel to your country I now feel we have cemented
the foundation of both a valued friendship and mutual rewarding business partnership.
I look forward to entertaining you when you visit us later this year.
::: :::: :::::::: :: ::::: ::: ::::: :::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::

Part VI Sample Letter ::::::

a. Expressing Thanks for Generous Hospitality
Dear Bernie:
Lisa and I are still talking about the great afternoon and evening you gave us in
New York. It is an occasion that will be long remembered.
Although you probably take New York in stride, everything we saw and did was
a grad adventure: the boat trip around Manhattan Island, dinner at the Four Seasons,
the Broadway revival of our favorite musical, “The Oracle”, and finally the famous
cheesecake at Lindy’s.

The buying trip was very successful, and my boss was immensely pleased with
my selections. Never again will believe the old adage , “You can’t mix business with
pleasure.” You provided the pleasure—and, incidentally some of the business. Thank

::: :::
:: ::: ::: :: ::::: :: ::: :::::: ::::::::::::: ::: ::
: :: :::: :: ::::::: :: :: ::: :: :: ::::::: :::: :: ::: :::: :::::::: :: ::: ::: :: “::”:::
:: ::: :::::::::
:: : ::::::::: ::: :::::: :::::::::: “::: ::::: :: :”:: ::: :
: ::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::

b. Thanking a Customer for a Referral

Dear Paul:
Yesterday I received a large order from Binghamton Auto Supply and was told by
the owner, Janet Rosenberg, that you were responsible for my getting the business.
I was mighty pleased to have the new business, Paul, but even more pleased that
you thought well enough of me to recommend my company to Janet Rosenberg.
That’s the highest recommendation I can imagine, and I’m grateful for it. Thank you!

::: : ::
:::::: :: :: :: ::::::::: :::: : :: :::: ·:: ::: :::::: :::
::: ::::::: :::: :::: :::: ::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ·:: ::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::
:: ::

c. Expressing Appreciation for Past Support

Dear Mr. Vargas:
On March 16 Warbucks, Inc. will celebrate its third anniversary. It’s a wonderful
occasion for us, and we’re not so quietly strutting a bit about the process we’ve made.
Yet we’re fully aware that our accomplishments are not simply attributable to
“genius” leadership or hard-working employees. We grew and prospered only because
we found some great friends like you who gave us loyal support along the way.
So this is a thank-you note—for buying and pushing our products, putting up with
occasional errors due to “growing pains’’, and just helping to put Warbucks on the
map. The future looks bright, and we want to acknowledge your contribution to this
rosy outlook. As we say in Georgia, “Preciate it!”
Very sincerely yours,

::: ::::::
::::: :::: 3 : 16 : :::: 3 :::: :::::: :::::: :::: ::: :: :::: :::::::::: :
: :: ::::::::::: ::“::”:: ::: ::: ::::::: :: ::::::: :::::: :::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::
::: ::: ::: :: ::: :::::: :: ::: :::: :: :: :: ::::: ::::: :: :: :::: ::: :::::::: :::: :::::::::::
:: :::: ::: :: :: :::::::: :::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: “:::: ”:
:: ::

d. Thanks for a first order

Dear Sirs,
You will already have received formal acknowledgement of your order of 24th
August, but as this is your first order with us, I fell I must to tell you how pleased we
were to receive it and to thank you for the opportunity you have given us to supply the
goods you need.
I hope our handling of this order will lead to further business between us and to a
happy and lasting association. We shall certainly do our best to make it so.
Yours faithfully,

: :::
:::::::: 8 : 24 : ::: :::: ::: :::: :: :::::: ::::::: :::::: :::: ::::: ::::::: :::::::
:: :: ::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: : :::::

e. Thanks for prompt settlement of accounts

Dear Mr. Williamsons,
I must write to you to say how much we appreciate the promptness with which
you settled your accounts with us during the past year, especially as a number of them
have been for very large sums. It has been of great help to us at a time when we
ourselves have been faced with heavy commitments connected with the expansion of
our business. We hope you will continue to give us the opportunity to serve you.
Sincerely yours,

:::::: ::: ::::::::: :: :: :: :: :::: :::::::::::: :: ::: :: :::::: ::: :: :: :: : :: :: ::

f. Thanks for attending the meeting
Dear Mr. Yi,
Thank you for attending our meeting last Friday and for sharing your suggestions
and experience with us. As beginners in telecommunication business, our group found
your suggestions and recommendations extremely helpful.
We hope we can return the favor some time in the future. Just give us a call when
we can assist in any way.
Yours sincerely,

: ::::: ::::::: ::::: :::::: :: ::::: :::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::

Part VII Exercises ::::

1:: :: :::: :: ·::: (Russell R. Buchanan) ::::: :::::: ::: ::: : :: ·::: (Tom
Quackenbush):::::: ::: ::: :::::: “::: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: ::
::: ::::::::”::::::::::“::::: ::: ::::::: :: :::::::::::: ::: ::: :::::: ”::::::::::::::
2::::: :::: :::::::: :: ::: ::: ::: :::: : (Howell):::::::::::

Unit 7 Business Report : :::

: ::::: ::::: ::: :::::::::: :::::: :::: :::: :::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::
:: :: Investment: ::: (Finance):::( Production)::: (Sales)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:1:::::::2: ::::: : 3:::::::4: :: ::: ::

Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (::::)

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
√:::::(Trip Report):::::::::::::::::::::
√::::::(Recommendation Report): ::: ::::: :: :::::: :: ::
:::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :::: :: :: :::::
√:::::(Investigation Report):::: ::::::::: :::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
√::::::(Feasibility Report): ::: ::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::
:: :::::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::

Part II How to Write (::::)
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (Informal Report):::::(Formal
:::::::::::: ::: :::::::::(Memo Report)::::::(Letter Report):
√:: ::::: (Reader’s Address)
√::::::: (Writer’s Name)
√::: (Date)
√::::/: (Subject Line or Title)
√::: ( Body)
:: : :::::: ::::::::: ::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::: ::::: ::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::
√: ::::: (Writer’s Address)
√::: (Date)
√:::/::::: (Inside or Reader’s Address)
√::: (Salutation)
√:::: (Subject Line)
√::: (Body)
√:::: (Complimentary Close)
√: :: (Signature)

:::::::::: ::: 5 :: ::: ::: ::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: ::::::::: :::::::::: ::: ::::::: :1:::: :::: :::::::2:: ::::: :::: :: ::: :: ::::3:::::::

::: :::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::
1) :::: (Title Fly)

Promotion a Brand

2) ::: (Title Page)

Promotion a Brand

Prepared for Lorry Smith

Marketing Manager

Prepared by Susan Jones

The Assistant Marketing Manager
Date: September 10, 200_

3) :: (Letter of Transmittal) ::::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::: :: :: ::: ::::: :: :: :: ::::

Dear Mr. Smith,

The report is presented with our team’s three-month survey on the feasibility of the
promotion of a new brand. I hope it may be of some help for our marketing plan-setting.

I personally think the promotion is likely to be a sound one and worth trying. I also
hope some budget could be put on it next year.
Looking forward to your further advice and instruction.

Yours truly
Susan Jones

4) :: (Executive Summary) ::::: :::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::: ::::::: 5-10%

:: :::

Executive Summary of the Report:

For successful globalization of our broad of brands, a survey has been made. It is done in the
three lights:
1. our logo concept;
2. the product itself;
3. the response of customers in Asia, Europe and Oceania area.

1. the existing logo is very popular among people above 30 but not so appealing to under 20,
who are our potential customers in no more than 5 years.
2. The design of our product should be more with high-tech looks.

Though our present logo and products are suitable for globalization as they stand, we propse
that a new brand can be marketed to be adapted for younger customers.

5) :: (Table of Contents)

Table of Contents
Introduction ··························································· 1
Illustration ··························································· 12
Discussion ··························································· 23
Conclusion ··························································· 42
Charts of the Progress ··················································· 43

Memos about the Progress ··············································· 51

6) :: (Body)
7) :: (Appendix) :::::: :::: :: ::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::
8) :::: (Bibliography)

Part III Tips on Writing (::::)
: ::: :::::: :::: ::::::::::::: ::
√::: ::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::
√:::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::: :: :: ::: ::: ::: :::::: ::::::: ::::
√::: ::::::: ::: :: :::::::::::::: ::: :::: ::::::: :::::::::::
√: ::: ::::::::::
√:::::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :

Part IV Useful Words and Phrases:::::::

L. Words (::)
1 abstract/synopsis n.
2 accident n.
3 alphabetical adj.
::: :::
4 analyze vt.
5 appendix n.
6 arbitration n.
7 arrangement n.
8 audit n.
9 authority n.
10 bibliography n.
11 conclusion n.

12 consequence n.
13 consistency n.
14 ending n.
15 evaluate v.
16 finance n.
17 findings n.
18 format n.
19 heading n.
20 personnel n.
21 introduction n.
22 recommendation n.
23 signature n.
24 standardized adj.
25 summary n.
26 text n.
27 topic n.

C. Phrases ::::::
annual report ::::
body part ::::
feasibility report :::::
incident report ::::
investigation report ::::
letter of authorization :::

letter report :::::
list of illustration : :: :
market analysis ::::
memo report :::::
periodical report ::::
preliminary part ::::
Profits & Losses ::
progress report ::::
project plan ::::
proposal report ::::
short documents report :::::::
table of contents ::
title fly title page :::::::
trip report ::::

Part V Useful Sentences and Paragraphs :::::::::

G. Sentences ::::
a. Here is the report about the work done by the Marketing Department for May 2002.
:::::::: 2002 : 5 :::::::::::::
b. The objective of this report is to summarize the achievements we’ve made as well
as the setbacks we’ve experienced in the past year.
: ::::::: ::::: :::::::::::::::::
c. The above figures suggest that our staff members have made great efforts to meet
the challenge.
d. It is my purpose of the visit to find out about the conditions of the premises and the
possible measures to be taken to improve business.
:: :::::: :::: ::: :::: :::::::::: :::::
f. It is clear that are very keen to do business with us and they will be important
customers in the future, I therefore suggest we offer them our best terms.
:: : ::::: ::::::::: :: :::: ::::::: ::: :::: ::::::
g. The report examines the supply and demand of the target market and recommend
some market developing approaches.
h. The majority of respondents (80%) though that the system helped in meeting their
personal needs, and the majority (60%) wanted the scheme to be formally
:::::: : (: 80%)::::::::::::::::(: 60%):::::::::::
i. I’ve chosen the second among the ten alternatives simply because it is more

:: 10 :: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::
j. The first program has obvious advantage over the others.
:::::::::::: :: :::

B. Paragraphs (:: )
a. If we attend the NEWTECH Exhibition, we probably will double our turnover in
the Far East. We will find new customers. We will get new orders. If we spent the
money on promotion in Landon, then we would lose all these opportunities.
::: ::::: ::: :::::: :::: :::::: :: ::: :: :: :::::::: :::::: :: ::: ::: ::: :: ::: ::: :
:: : ::::::: ::::::
b. I would therefore like to make two suggestions, which should be considered with a view to
making our presence more effective at future exhibitions. First, the stand should be larger so as
to make a greater impact and to keep up with our competitors. Second, the staffing should
always include at least on one of our technical experts, preferably a senior one, so that we can
give on-the-spot advice to our potential customers.
:: :::::: ::: :: :: ::::::::: ::::::::::: :: ::: :: :: : ::: ::: :: ::::::: ::::::::::::
:: ::: ::::::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::
c. I am proud to present you with the Arizona Executive Office 2004 Annual Report. This report
illustrates the scope and depth of the work of this office, and its talented staff. It is impossible to
read this report without coming away with an enormous respect for the bright and committed
staff that serves Arizona through the Attorney Executive Office.
::::::::: 2004 :: Arizona ::: ::::: ::: ::: :: :::: ::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::: :: :
:::::: Arizona :: :: ::: ::::::: :::: :::: :::
d. Sales Volumes in the European Region grew at twice the advantage rate the company had as a
whole, while trading profit was 30% up over a previous year. Excellent results were achieved in
Germany, and Italy gave another impressive performance. In UK, too, there was big increase in
turnover. However, margins were reduced at the rising costs of Asian imports. An office was
opened in Russian as the first step into this uncovered market.
:::: :: :::::::::: ::: : ::::::::::: 30%: ::: :::::: :: ::
::::::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::: :: ::: :: : :: ::::::: :: :::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : ::

Part VI Sample Letter ::::::

a. Trip Report
To: Jack Pittman, Vice-President
From: Bill Davis, Purchasing Manager
Date: June 13, 1999
Subject: Visit to Discuss Purchase of Neodymium Oxide from Yong Kang, Shanghai. June 6-10

I visited Shanghai, China from June 6 to June 10. During my stay there, I met with the
representatives from Yong Kang Metals, Ltd. and discussed with them a long-term agreement on
their selling us neodymium oxide at a reasonable price. I also explored with them the possibilities
of a transfer of our metal-making technology and equipment in return for rare earth material and
Agreement Reached
The purpose of this visit was to find out whether it would be possible for Yong Kang to
provide neodymium oxide to us at a fixed price for a certain period. After several discussions,
Yong Kang agreed to sell us neodymium oxide at a fixed price of US $ ____per Kilogram, C & F
U. S. East Coast for a three-year period commencing in 1999 and including the following
minimum quantities in metric tons:
1999 30
2000 40
2001 60
Yong Kang representatives stated that the three-year price may change depending on the
allocation of foreign exchange for the Special Account.
Concern Expressed
During the discussions Yong Kang representatives expressed concern over the following
proposed contract points:
: International arbitration
:Official language
:Terms of equipment purchase
:Amount of royalty payment
These points call for further understanding and discussion and agreements will be made for
another meeting.
The visit was successful. The meetings and discussions with Yong Kang representatives led to a
mutual agreement on several important issues and helped to identify other areas which require
further understanding and discussion. I will draft a copy of the meeting summary, fax it to Yong
Kang and ask them to make changes and then send us a copy by return fax.

:::::::: Jack Pittman

::::::::: Bill Davis
::: 2002 : 6 : 13 :
:::6 : 6 :: 10 :::::::::::: ::::: ::::::
6 : 6 :: 10 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::

::::::::: :: :: ::::::::: ::: :::: :: ::::: :: ::::::
:::::::::::::::::: ::::::: :: ::::: ::: :: :: ::: : :::::::::: 1999 :::::: ____:
:::: ::: ::: ::::: ::: :::: :: :::::::::
2002 30 :
2003 40 :
2001 60 :
::::::: ::::::: :::: : :::::: ::
——:: ::
——:: ::: ::
::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::: ::::: :::::: :::: ::::::::: :::: :::::: :::: :::

b. Recommendation Report
To: George Miller, General Director
From: Jeffery Kahn, Sales Director
Date: April 15, 200_
Subject: Drop on the First Quarterly Sales

The sales of the first quarter this year dropped 24% than the same period last year. Last year,
the first quarterly sales reaches $12 m. and this year the sales were $ 9.7 m. Almost all the sales
staff were hit by the slow market.

Sales Figures
Our most important markets are in the North, West and Central regions. The sales in these
regions make up two thirds of our whole sales. This is their first quarter sales:
Region Goal Sales Actual Sales
The North 3.4 m. 2.1 m.
The West 3.6 m. 3.2 m.
The Central 4.7 m. 3.5 m.

Causes of Drop

We attribute the drops to:
a) the global warming weather. This can be taken into account on the matter drop on sales. Our
major products in the above regions are water-heating units and they used to sell well in the
first quarter as the weather there was coldest in January.
b) the pressing market competition. As the heating products market has got full with so many
competitors’ products it was very tough to maintain sales at the level of last year. Take the
West region for example, there are at least seven other major brands of water heating systems.

The market is slow but competition is pressing. Even our sales dropped there is still evidence
showing that our products still have a good share as we have had many established clients and
distributors. If we could provide strong support and better after sales service we might survive the
overstressing market competition.
But it seems the global weather has the warming trend and we should shift our products to
more types to adjust to the trend.

a) A comprehensive promotion campaign is needed
b) Seminars should be held for our established distributors and clients so they can be informed
of our latest development in the products, and that will result in better sales.
c) After-sales team should be strengthened with more favorable measures and skilled-in-
communication staff.
d) New range of products should be developed.

::::George Miller, :::

::::Jeffery Kahn:::::
:::2005 : 4 : 15 :
: :::::::: ::::: ::
. :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::: :: : 1,200
:: :::::: 970 ::::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::::: ::

: ::::::: ::::::::::: :::::: :::: :::: :::::::::: ::::: :::::
:: :::: ::::
:: 3.4 m. 2.1 m.
:: 3.6 m. 3.2 m.
:: 4.7 m 3.5 m

1: ::::: ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 ::::::::::::::
:: :::: :: ::: ::::: :::::::::::::::: :: :::: :::: :::::: :::::::

: :: :: :::::::::: :: ::::::::: :::::: :::: :::::::::::::::: :: ::::: ::::::::::::: ::: :
:: :::::::::: :: :::: :: :: ::: :::::

1: :::::::::
2: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
3: :: :: :: ::::: :::::::::: :::: ::
4: ::::::::

c: Investigation Report
To: Mike Johnson, Sales Manager
From: Sarah Lee
Date: October 9, 2006
Subject: Sales Performance of the Shanghai Branch

Following Your instruction, we examined the cause of the decline in sales of Shanghai Branch. We
visited the office and most of their major customers there. This is my finding.

1. Some of the major customers in Shanghai have closed down, and some have moved to other
2. Other customers are planning to move to new Suzhou or Wuxi as business there is booming
and they can enjoy favorable policy from the local government there.
3. The Shanghai Office has not kept an up-to-date mailing list for sending circulars to existing
customers who have moved, or potential customers moving in.
4. The customers I visited were interested in more advanced air-conditioning systems instead of
the traditional model we supply them with at present.

1. A more favorable after-sales mix is needed to keep our customers there.

2. An up-to-date circulars list should be made.
3. The supply needs adjustment as to replace the present a part of model with new ones.

1. A traveling sales representative is positioned in Shanghai as this personnel will keep contact
with customers who have moved out of Shanghai but may still purchase our goods.
2. Shanghai Branch needs technical support in dealing with information or data sorting
3. Replacement should be made in supply with latest models.

::::Mike Johnson, ::::

::::Sarah Lee
:::2006 : 10 : 9 :


1: ::::::::: :::: :::::::
2: ::: :::: :::: :::: ::: ::::::: ::::: :::::::::::: :::::
3: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
4: :: :::: ::: :::: :::: : :::: :: ::::::: ::::

1: :::::::::::::::::::
2: :::::::::::::::
3: ::::::::::::::

1: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
2: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
3: :::::::::::::

d. Investigation Report
Computing Supply
328 Federick Highway
Frederiksburg, Virginia 22401
May 1, 2001
Mr. George Land

Land Business Consultants
98 Sixth Street
Macon, Georgia 31220
Dear Mr. Land:
In responds to your request, we have listed our observations and recommendations on the
inventory level of computer products which you maintain.

Inadequate Inventory of Essential Software

Your current inventory levels of such basic software programs as Word Star, Wordperfect, Lotus
1,2,3, and other standard products should be raised by 40 percent. At your present pace of retail
sales, you will find yourself out of stock on many of these items during the expected summer peak
in computer sales. Reorder time is now 15 to 20 days—too long to suit your potential customers,
who may choose to buy elsewhere.

Inadequate Inventory of Laptop Computers

In your region, laptop computer for both personal and business use are increasing in sales more
than 30 percent each month. At the same time, laptop manufactures are experiencing difficulty
filling mounting backorders. We recommend that you increase inventory of laptop computers by
69 units to last through the summer.

Adequate Inventory of Printers

You now have on hand a good retail stock level of both dot-matrix and letter-quality printers. You
may, however, wish to stock 10 more units of Okida laser printer.

I have enclosed a partially completed order form for your review and signature. Again, thank you
for the confidence you’ve shown in Computing Supply. We look forward to providing you with
the best advice, the best products and the best prices.

Nancy Greene
Sales Manager

:::::: 328 :
::: ::::::::: 22401
2001 : 5 : 1 :
: 16 :: 98 :

:: ::::: 31220

::::::: : ::::::::: ::: :: :: ::: : ::: ::: ::::::: ::

: ::: :::: ::
: :: :::: ::: : Word Star, Wordperfect, Lotus 1,2,3 :::::::::::::: 40%::::
:: :::::::::::::: ::: :::::: ::: : :: ::: :::::::::: : 15 : 20 :: :: :: ::: :::::: :::: :

::: ::: ::: ::

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 30%:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
69 ::::::::::::::::::::

:::::: ::
: :: :: :: :::::: :: :::::: :: :::::::: :: :: :: 10 :

:: ::::::::::: :::: ::: ::::::: :: : :::::::::::::::::::::::


:: ::

e. Feasibility Report
To: The Executive Council
From: Allen Taylor, Director of Operation
Date: March 12, 2006
Subject: On the Re-invest of This Year’s Profit

This report sets out to examine how the company should re-invest this year’s profit.

The areas under consideration are:
1. the purchase of new computers;
2. the provision of language training courses;
3. the payment of special bonuses

● New computers

The majority of company computers are quite new and fast enough to handle the work done on
them. Consequently, new computers would not be recommended.

● Language training course

The company aims to increase exports, particularly in Spain and France. Therefore, language
training courses would be an excellent idea for those employees who deal with business
partners and customers overseas. In addition, training courses would increase motivation: staff
would enjoy the lessons and perceive that the company is investing in them. Therefore,
language training would be an option.

● Special bonus payment

Although special bonus payment would have a beneficial impact on motivation, they would
have no direct effect on the company’s operations. There are also potential problems concerning
the selection of staff eligible for the payments and the setting of a precedent for future payments.
Therefore, bonus payments would not be advisable.

1. Purchasing new computer is not necessary at present.
2. Special bonus payment may result in problem.
3. language training courses are good for both company’s operation and employees’motivation.

It is felt that the best solution for both the company and staff would be to invest in language
training. It is suggested that the company should organize courses in French and Spanish. Those
employees who have contact with partner should be assured of places but other interested
members of staff should also be allowed to attend.

::::Allen Taylor:::::
:::2006 : 3 : 12 :

: :::: :::::: ::: ::::::


3: ::: ::::

::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::: :::
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : ::: : : ::: :: :: :: : : : :::: : : :: :: : :: : : : : :: : : : :


:: ::: :::: :::::::::: ::::: :: ::::: ::: ::: :: ::: :: ::: :: :::: : :: : :: ::: : ::::: ::: ::

f. training Report
To: Robert Olson, Safety Director
From: Terry Miller, safety Training Coordinator
Date: May 3, 2000
Subject: Safety training Program for April 2000

The training staff held one advanced training course for supervisory personnel and one basic
training course for rank-and-file workers in April. In May, we have scheduled one advanced
course and two basic courses. With enrollment increase, we will consolidate schedule classes. The
final version of the safety Manual, which is under revision, will be ready by May 10.

Work Performed during This period

Two training sessions are not being well attended because this training is on a voluntary
basis. Unless this training is made compulsory, attendance will continue to be a problem.

Project Plans
The following classes are scheduled for May:
May 15 Advanced Course

(Shop Superintendents and General Foremen)

May 22 Basic Course

(Rank-and-File Workers)

May 29 Basic Course

(Rank-and File Workers)

Final editorial changes are being made in the Safety Manual. The cover and final artwork for
several drawings are nearing completion. The manual will be ready for distribution by May 10.

::::George Miller ::::::

::::Terry Miller :::::::::
:::2000 : 5 : 3 :
:::2000 : 4 ::::::
::: 4 :: :::: :::: ::: :::: : ::::: :::: ::: : 5 :::::::::::::::
:: :::::: ::::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::::::::: 5 : 10 ::::


::: 5 ::::::
5 : 15 :::: :::::::::
5 : 22 :::: ::::::
5 : 29 :::: ::::::
:::::::: ::::: ::::: :::: :::::::::: 5 : 10 :::::::::

Part VII Exercises ::::

1. ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: :::::: ::::::: ::: :::::::::::::: :::: ::: ::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::
::: :: ::: ::::::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::: ::: :::: :: ::::::::: ::::: ::::::: :::::: :::::
:: ::: :::::::::::: :::: :::: ::::::: :::::: :::: ::::::: :: :::::::::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· C· ::: (Lawrence C. Kelsey):::
2. : :: :: ::: :::::::: :::: : ::::::::::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: ::::: :: :::: ::::: ::::
::::::: ::: :: :::: ::: ::: :: :: ::: ::: ::::::::::::::: :::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::::::::: ::
::::::::Consumer Reports:: ::::::::::::::: ::::: ::: :::::::::::::: ::: ::: : ::::::

::: :::: :::::::: :::: :: ::: ::: :: :::: :: ::: ::: :: :::: ::::::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::

Unit 8 Business Proposal : :: ::

: :::: ::::: :: :: :::::::::::: ::::: :::::::: :::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::::: ::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: “Proposal”::::::::

Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (::::)

“Too many good ideas die in business for the lack of a written proposal.” :::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::“::::::::::::”:::::::::::::::: unsolicited proposal::::::::::::::::
::: ::::::::: ::: ::: :::::::::::: ::: ::: ::: :: ::: ::::: ::: :: :: ::: :::::::::::::::::
:::::::::(solicited proposal)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: :: :::: :::: ::::: :: ::::::: :::: :::::: ::: ::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::: :::::: :: :::
: :: :: ::: :::

Part II How to Write (::::)
::: ::: :::::::::: :::: ::
√:Problem ::: :: ::::
√ Objectives ::::::
√ Solution ::::::
√ Problem ::
√ Proposal Solution ::
√ Schedule ::
√ Cost/Budget ::/::
√ coordination ::
√ Benefits ::
√ Conclusion :::
:::::::::::::::::::::::(Proposed action):::::(required personnel):::(fees):

√:Introduction ::
√ Technical and legal details :::::::::::
√ Acceptance criteria ::::
√ Personnel and Facilities :::::::::
√ Sales and production volume :::::::
√ Marketing and distribution ::::
√ Revenue Taxes :::

√ Market prices of products :::::::
√ License fees ::::
√ Start-up costs ::::
√ Land and building :::::
√ Cost of sales ::::
√ Operating expenses ::::
√ Local labor cost ::::::

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (Informal Proposal)::::::(Formal Proposal)::

Part III Tips on Writing (::::)
√ ::::::::::::
√ :::::::::::::::
√ :: :: :: :::: ::::: ::::::::::
√ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
√ :::::::::::::::::: “::”::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Part IV Useful Words and Phrases:::::::
M. Words (::)
annually adv.
benefit n.
bidder n.
concrete adj.
convincing adj.
diagram n.
disqualify v.
economize v.
elaborate v.
escalation n.

evaluate v.
exhibit n.
favorable adj.
formula n.
hypothesis n.
impartial adj.
inquiry n.
logical adj.
negative adj.
objective adj.
offer v.
optimize v.
qualification n.
quotation n.
recommendation n.
regulation n.
statistics n.
teleconference n.
tenderee n.
zoning n.
N. Phrases ::::::

acceptance criteria ::::
bid opening ::
budget forecasting ::
constructive proposal :::::
cooperative project ::::
costing presentation ::::
executive summary : :: :: :: ::
form of tender :::
general contactor ::::
in view of ::
invitation to tender ::
license fees ::::
letter of guarantee :: : ::
local labor cost ::::::
long-range planning ::::
operating expenses ::::
primary source ::::
profit margin :::
return on investment :::::
return on assets :::::
revenue Taxes :::
secondary source :::::
serial number :::
submission of tender ::
terms of reference ::::
win the bidding ::
Part V Useful Sentences and Paragraphs:::::::::
H. Sentences ::::
a. This proposal recommends a solution and provides budget and time schedule
b. The suggestion is based on the research I’ve done in the past few years, and I
believe it will work well.
c. I hope you will adopt this proposal.
d. The following comparisons and evaluations form the basis of my

e. What we think is to reduce the wholesale price so as to make the retail price
acceptable in China.
f. If we were to do this, we might reduce the threat of loss good managerial-level staff.
g. I recommend that we purchases a company in East China rather than establish a
new one in West China.
h. This is an area that needs to be addressed in the near future.
i. I strongly hope that the next year will promise a brighter prospect for our company.
:::::: ::::::::: ::::::

B. Paragraphs (:: )
a. As we agreed in our weekly staff meeting, our current file-serving computer is
damaged beyond repair and must be replaced by the end of the week. The purpose
of this document is to propose that NTR PC905 would make a practical
replacement for our in-house file server.
::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: NTR PC905
b. We always agreed that one of the keys to our success as an accounting firm has been our ability
to create new services related to emerging business trends. In this era of mergers and
acquisitions, we anticipate a growing need for management advisory and support services on
the part of many companies vulnerable to takeover or buyout. Therefore, I proposed that we
create a special management consulting team whose goal would be to help such companies
remain independent.
: ::::::: :: :::: :::::::: :: :::: :::: :::::: :::: :::::::::
c. This project will certainly support sustainable development. But it must not be forgotten that our
future rests mainly upon urgently needed mental changes, and that the pedagogic effort required
for that aim will play an utmost important role.

Part VI Sample Letter ::::::

a. A Proposal for the Feasibility of something
To: Dr. John Lannon
From: T. Sorrells Deswoody
Date: March16, 2000
Subject: A Proposal for Determining the Feasibility of Marketing Dead Western White Pine

Over the past four decades huge losses of western white pine have occurred in the Northern
Rockies, primarily attributable to white pine blister rust and attack of the mountain pine beetle.
Estimated annual mortality is 318 million board feet. Because of the low natural resistance of
white pine to blister rust, the high mortality rate is expected to continue indefinitely.

Statement of Problem
White pine mortality results in a reduction in value of white pine stumpage, since the commercial
lumber market will not accept it. The major implications of this problem are two: First, in the face
of rising demand for wood, vast amounts of timber are not being used; second, dead trees are left
to accumulate in the woods, where they are rapidly becoming a major fire hazard.

Proposed Solution
One possible solution to the problem of white pine mortality and waste is to search for markets
other than the conventional lumber market. The last few years have been a burst of popularity and
a growing demand for weathered barn board and wormy pine for interior paneling. Some firms
around the country are marketing defective wood as specialty products (Note: These firms call the
wood from which their products come “distressed”. This term will hereafter be used to refer to
dead and defective white pine. ) There is a good possibility that distressed white pine might find a
place in such a market.

My primary data sources will include consultations with Dr. James Hill, Professor of Wood
Utilization, and Dr. Sven Bergman, Forest Economist — both members of the College of Forestry,
Wildlife, and Range. I will also inspect decks of dead white pine at several locations and visit a
processing mill to evaluate it as a possible base of operations. I will round out my primary
research with a letter and telephone survey of processors and wholesales of distressed material.
Secondary sources will include selected publications on the uses of dead timber, and a review of
and ongoing study by Dr. Hill concerning the uses of dead white pine.

My Qualification
I have been following Dr. Hill’s study on dead white pine for two years. In June of this year, I will
receive my B. S. in forest management. I am familiar with wood milling processes and have had
firsthand experience at logging. My association with Dr. Hill and Dr. Bergman creates the
opportunity for an in-depth feasibility study.

Clearly, something should be done to reduce the vast accumulations of dead white pine in our

forests. The land on which they stand is among the most productive forestland in northern Idaho.
By addressing the six areas of inquiry mentioned earlier, I can determine the feasibility of
directing capital and labor to the production of distressed white pine products. With your approval
I will begin my research at once.

::::John Lannon ::
::::T. Sorrells Deswoody
:::2000 : 3 : 16 :
: ::::: ::: ::: :::::::: ::

: :: : ::::::::: :: :: ::::::: ::: ::::::: :: ::::::: :: :
:::::::::::: 318,000,000 ::::::: :: : :: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::

::::: :: :: :: :::::: ::::::: :: :: :::::::: :: ::: :: :: :::::::: :::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::: ::: ::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::

::: :: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::: :: :: ::: :::::::: :::::: ::::: ::: :::: :: :::: :: ::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::“::: :: ”:: :::: ::: ::::::::: :::
::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::::::::: James Hill ::::::::: Sven Bergman ::::::: :: : ::: : ::::::
: ::::::::: :::: :: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::: :::: ::::::: :::::::::: :::::: ::::: ::: ::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hill ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

::::::::: Hill :: :: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :::
Hill :::Bergman :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:: : :::::::: ::::::: :: ::: :::: :::::::: ::: :::: :::::: ::::::::::: :::::: ::: :::: :
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::

b. A Proposal for the Feasibility of something

Mary Wilson
Senior Education and training Officer

XYZ Corporation
69 North Charles Boulevard
Cambridge 02139
January 16, 2000

Dear Mary,

Thanks for sending along the outline for your writing workshop. Understandably, such an
ambitious plan for eight hours of contact time would not likely produce noticeable results. Here’s
what we’re doing on our end to design an approach that should be realistic and gratifying.

Assessment of Needs
After conferring with technicians in both Jack’s and Terry’s groups, and analyzing their writing
samples, we identified the following limited hierarchy of common needs:
— improving readability;
— achieving precise diction;
— summarizing information;
— organizing a set of procedures;
— formulating various memo reports;
— analyzing audience for upward communication;
— writing persuasive bids for transfer or promotion;
— writing persuasive suggestions

Proposed Plan
Based on the above-listed needs, we have limited our instruction package to eight carefully
selected and readily achievable goals.

Course Outline
Our eight 2-hour sessions are structured as follows:
1. achieving sentence clarity;
2. achieving sentence conciseness;
3. achieving fluency and precise diction;
4. writing summaries and abstracts;
5. outlining procedures and manuals;
6. editing procedures and manuals;
7. formulating various reports for various purposes;
8. analyzing the audience and writing persuasively.

Classroom Format

The first three meetings will be lecture-intensive. So students can apply the material covered in
our sessions, we will assign weekly exercises to be done at home and edited collectively in class.
The remaining five weeks will combine lecture and exercises with group editing of work-related
documents. Our intent throughout is to remain flexible enough (within the course outline) that we
can respond to emerging needs.

If you have any suggestions for refining this plan, please let us know.

Best wishes,
Carl Winston

Mary Wilson
XYZ ::
:::::: 69 :
:: 02139
2000 : 1 : 16 :

::: Mary:
::: ::: :::: :::::::::::: :::: ::: :: :: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::

:: ::

::: Jack : Terry :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

::— ::::::
— :::::::;
— ::::;
— ::::::;
— ::::::::::::
— ::::::::::::::::::;
— :::::::::::::::::::::::;
— ::::::::::

: :::


::::: ::
:: ::: ::
::::: :: ::
::::: ::::
:::::::::::::: ::
:::: ::::: :::: ::::::

:: ::

::::: ::: :: ::: :::::: ::::: :::: ::: :: ::::: :: :: : ::: :: ::::::::: ::: :: : :::: ::: :


c. A Proposal for training plan

March 20, 2000

Dear Mrs. Weston,

As a follow-up to our discussion of the need for training in the area of oral and interpersonal
communication for your supervisory and middle management personnel, I am pleased to present
the following proposal.

The problem
Management has perceived a need for improved communication performance on the part of
supervisory and middle-management personnel to strengthen relationships between them and their

A proposed Course of Instruction

Based on our experience, the following broad concept should be effective in producing better
understanding and improved performance:

Teaching-learning Method
The acquisition of interpersonal skills results from an activity-oriented training in which students
have an opportunity to apply theory through role playing, case discussion, and critical feedback.

In this approach, the instructor is a learning facilitator rather than a lecturer. Frequent use of our
video playback accompanied by instructor and group feedback reinforces learning.

The following topics constitute the content core of the program:
1. Perception and self-concept;
2. A positive communication climate;
3. Sending skills;
4. Receiving skills;
5. Nonverbal skills;
6. Reducing communication barriers;
7. Resolving conflict;
8. Interviewing;
9. Small-group communication;
10. Power and persuasion.

Learning Materials
Because students seem to feel more comfortable when they have a textbook to guide them, we use
the Verderber book, Interact. Additionally, case-problem handouts are provided for role and

Length of Course
The course consists of twelve 2-hour sessions over a six-week period.

Number of Participants
Because of the activity orientation of the program, a maximum of 12 students (participants) is

All teaching-learning materials will be provided by us and include textbooks, handouts, video
camera and playback equipment. Based on 12-session, 12-partcipant program, the total cost is

Should you like to discuss implementation of the program, I will be pleased to meet with you at
your convenience.


R.M. McNitt

2000 : 3 : 20 :

::: Weston :::
:: :::: ::::: ::: ::: :::: :: :::: ::::: ::: :::::::::::::: ::


::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::

: :: :: :::: :::::: :::::::: :: ::::: ::::: :::::::: :::: :::: ::: ::: :::::: ::


1. :::::::
2. :: :::::
3. ::::
4. :::::
5. :::::
6. :: ::: :
7. ::::
8. ::
9. ::::
10. ::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Verderber :: ::: ::: :::: :::::::::: ::: : ::: ::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::12 ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: 12 ::: 12 ::::::::::: 1800 ::


R.M. McNitt

Part VI Exercises ::::

1. : :::::: :::: :::: :::::: :::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::::: :::::: ::: ::: ::: :::: :::: :
2. :::::::::::: :: : :: : : :: ::: : : :::: :: :: : : :::::: ::: : : :: : : : :: : ::: : : : ::::
:::::::: ::::::::: ::::: ::::::: :::::: :: :: ::::: :: :::::::: ::: :::: ::::: ::::::: ::: :::

Part Two Business Translation

Unit One Trade and Business

Section I: Text Reading


There is no standard order form with which an export is placed. Some companies may use a
company letterhead while others may use printed order forms to communicate their interest to the
exporter. As long as it contains all the essential information, the form in which the order is
communicated is unimportant. The order should include information of the desired merchandise,
the quantity requested, proposed price and credit terms, shipment method, etc. When an order is
received, the exporter will normally send a confirmation of receipt, followed by a commitment to
fill the order if the exporter finds all the terms and credit arrangements acceptable. It should be
noted that, according to international practices, the acceptance of an order without modification
creates a binding contract between the exporter and the importer. Thus, the exporter must not
agree to the sale until all problems are negotiated and resolved to its satisfaction. A pro-forma
invoice is then prepared to indicate the terms that have been agreed upon or counter-proposed. A
pro-forma invoice should indicate the type and amount of merchandise, unit costs, expected
weight and measures, and relevant payment and credit terms. If accepted by the prospective buyer,
the pro-forma invoice will become a binding contract.

When contact with the buyer is initiated by an offer from the exporter, an export order may
materialize only if the terms of the offer are accepted by the potential buyer. The order from the
buyer in this instance may be a simple acceptance of the terms of the offer or a formal purchase
order reflecting the same. When the acceptance or the purchase order is received, the exporter
would proceed to prepare a sales contract based on the terms of its original offer or those mutually
agreeable after intermediate negotiations.

It is difficult to enforce performance of a contract across national borders. Litigation between

nationals of different countries is so cumbersome and expensive that it effectively renders
litigation a non-option. Normally, unless monetary or serious non-monetary damages have been
created, a breach of contract is likely to be disregarded by the other party. However, for reasons of
honor and reputation, i. e. further business, an exporter must endeavor to fulfill all obligations
implied by an export contract. The relatively low cost, or any possible advantages, of non-
performance in the short-term may exact high costs to the exporter in the long run. International
trading rules and etiquette must be observed if an exporter is to survive and succeed in the
competitive world of international business. It is unwise to accept contractual obligations which

one is unable to fulfill.

In the event that commercial disputes are unavoidable, commercial arbitration can be used to
resolve the differences of opinion. Commercial arbitration procedures usually require parties to a
dispute to choose a disinterested and informed person or persons to serve as referee to determine
the merits of their arguments and to make a judgment that both parties have agreed to abide by. It
is thus useful to include an arbitration clause in export contracts to specify how possible disputes
are to be handled. Aside from domestic arbitration, international arbitration is also available for
dispute settlement. Most international arbitration is done under the auspices of a formal arbitration
organization. For example, disputes in the Western Hemisphere are settled through the Inter-
American Commercial Arbitration Commission and the U. S. -Canada Trade Tribunal. The
American Arbitration Association and the International Chamber of Commerce will arbitrate dis-
putes worldwide. China has recently agreed to utilize the International Chamber of Commerce as a
vehicle for settling her international disputes.

Government trade regulations begin with the requirement of the home country that firms
document their exports. Even when export restrictions are not present, export declarations are
commonly used by countries to record the nature and quantities of their exports. Many countries
also restrict the types and quantities of certain goods to be exported. In China, certain strategic
products are subject to export control and export licenses are required. The exporter must ensure
that the necessary export licenses and approvals are obtainable or are in place before finalizing the
export contract. In addition to export declarations and licenses, consular invoices or certificates of
origin are required for goods destined for countries with quantitative import controls. Consular
invoices are a tool used to ensure that the inflow of imports from any given country is in
consistent with the import quota allotted that same country. Finally, health certificates may also be
required for certain agricultural products if disease and pests are a potential problem.

The role of commercial trade documentation is usually to establish ownership of goods and to
indicate completion of essential tasks in the export process. The most important among these are
the bill of lading, commercial invoice, and insurance policy or certificate. The bill of lading is a
contract for shipment between the shipper and the carrier. It not only serves as a receipt from the
carrier for the shipment but also as a certificate of ownership by the shipper. The commercial
invoice is a statement of goods sold and is needed to trigger payment. It is often required for
customs clearance in the importing country. Similarly, the insurance certificate is proof that
insurance against damage to goods in transit has been obtained according to the terms of sale or
the requirement of the financing bank. Full protection from risk of damage during transit is
normally obtained through transportation insurance to the destination.


In order to achieve cost competitiveness and market strength in the home market, the importer
should negotiate a business contract with the supplier that will meet these two objectives over
time. In negotiating with a supplier, the importer must determine the volumes available for
export to China and the prices in effect at different volumes. Business samples should also be
obtained to ensure that the supplier has a clear understanding of product requirements and is
able to produce to specifications. Packaging of the product should be discussed with the
exporter as well, unless final packaging is to be done in China. Business samples are
generally paid for by importers but may be supplied free of charge by some exporters if
requests are reasonable. Other items to be negotiated may include the availability of product
brochures, documentation, publicity, advertising and other promotional support.

Two items deserve special attention in negotiating an export/import contract. They are
volume and exclusivity. Volume commitment is important because economies of scale in
purchasing and shipping affect procurement costs and thus profit margin and price
competitiveness. Discounts on goods are usually offered for certain minimum volume levels
while discounts on shipping charges may depend on the volumes transported at any one time.
Lower prices are usually obtainable on larger volumes. Knowledge of overall volumes and the
possibility of warehousing the product between shipments in the exporting country are thus
relevant to attaining cost-effectiveness in transporting the goods. One factor which may
impinge on the volume decision is the import distribution channels. Whether an import is
distributed through a large number of small agents and retailers or through a few large
wholesalers or retailers can affect the commitments the importer receives from its customers
and makes to its suppliers. Large buyers are more likely to make firm commitments to sales
volumes but are equally likely to demand price discounts from importers. Orders from large
wholesalers and retailers are thus more likely to put pressure on the importer to obtain better
prices from their suppliers and to control their cost, though they are attractive from the
standpoint of certainty of sale and marketing convenience. Clearly, unless the importer can
predict future sales with a degree of confidence, making a commitment to certain volume
levels in order to secure better terms of sale and transport charges may be difficult. This once
again demonstrates the importance of market research and planning.

Turning to the question of exclusivity, an importer may wish to negotiate exclusive marketing
rights to an import to prevent competition and maximize future profits. These rights are
particularly important in the event that the import become intensely successful in the domestic
market. They would prevent potential competitors from directly importing the same product
and diluting the importer’s profits, though importation of imitations and differentiated

products will still constitute a source of competition that the importer must be wary of. In ne-
gotiating exclusive rights, the importer should focus on issues such as duration, area or
territory covered, level of trade, future restrictions, future rights, termination provisions, and
the legal status of such exclusivity clauses. The exclusive rights should be no less than three
years, the average length required to develop new products and markets. In return, the
exporter will likely seek a purchase commitment from the importer for the duration of the
exclusivity agreement. A detailed marketing or business plan may also be required by the
exporter in order to assess the importer’ s strength, business skills, and capability to fulfill the
terms of the agreement. When the exporter demands commitments beyond the initial contract,
care should be exercised to protect the importer from unanticipated changes and business
uncertainties. For a new and inexperienced importer in China or anywhere else, for that
matter, exclusive rights may be difficult to obtain. Limited rights may indeed be a more
realistic goal in that situation.

2 New /key words and expressions

1) company letterhead 印有公司名字的信:

2) credit terms ::::
3) binding contract :::: ::::
4) pro-forma invoice :: ::
5) counter-proposed ::
6) in this instance : :::::
7) so cumbersome ::: :
8)for reasons of honor and reputation :: :::::
9) abide by ::
10) aside from ::
11) under the auspices of : ……::::
12) Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission ::: :::: ::
13) The American Arbitration Association ::: ::: ::
14) U. S. -Canada Trade Tribunal :: ::::
15) International Chamber of Commerce : :::
16:export declaration ::: :
17) strategic products :: : :
18) export licenses :: :: :
19) certificate of origin : :: ::
20) consular invoice :: ::
21) health certificate :: :: ::
22) bill of lading : ::

23) commercial invoice ::::
24) economies scale :: ::
25) exclusive marketing rights :: :::
26) termination provisions :: ::

3 Notes to the text

1) It should be noted that, ::: :::
2) in the event that commercial disputes are unavoidable, :: :::::::::::
3) according to international practice ::: :::
4) or a formal purchase order reflecting the same ::::::::::::: :::
5) based on the terms of its original offer or those mutually agreeable :::: :::::::: ::: ::
6) renders litigation a non-option :: :: :::: :
7) a breach of contract is likely to be disregarded ::: :::: :::
8) an exporter must endeavor to fulfill all obligations implied by an export contract :::: :: : :
::::: ::: ::
9) determine the merits of their arguments :::: ::::
10) that firms document their exports ::::: ::::::
11) if disease and pests are a potential problem ::::::::::: ::
12) to trigger payment :: ::
13) the price in effect at different volumes ::::::: ::::
14) one factor which may impinge on the volume decision : ::::::::::::

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (::: ::: )
1) When an order is received, the exporter will normally send a confirmation of receipt, followed
by a commitment to fill the order if the exporter finds all the terms and credit ar rangements
::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ::: :::: : :::: :::

2) Thus, the exporter must not agree to the sale until all problems are negotiated and resolved to its
:::::::::::: :::: ::::: :::: :: :::::::

3) When contact with the buyer is initiated by an offer from the exporter, an export order may
materialize only if the terms of the offer are accepted by the potential buyer.
:::: :::: :: ::::::::: :::: ::::::::: ::::: ::

4) The relatively low cost, or any possible advantages, of non-performance in the short-term may
exact high costs to the exporter in the long run.
:::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::

5) International trading rules and etiquette must be observed if an exporter is to survive and
succeed in the competitive world of international business.
:: :::::::: :::: :: ::: : ::::::: :::: ::: ::: :::

6) Commercial arbitration procedures usually require parties to a dispute to choose a disinterested

and informed person or persons to serve as referee to determine the merits of their arguments
and to make a judgment that both parties have agreed to abide by.
: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: :: ::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::

7) Volume commitment is important because economies of scale in purchasing and shipping affect
procurement costs and thus profit margin and price competitiveness.
: ::::::::::::: :: :: ::: :::: : :::: ::::::: ::::

8) Knowledge of overall volumes and the possibility of warehousing the product between
shipments in the exporting country are thus relevant to attaining cost-effectiveness in
transporting the goods.
:::::: :: ::: ::: :::: :::::: ::: :: ::: :::::

9) Whether an import is distributed through a large number of small agents and retailers or
through a few large wholesalers or retailers can affect the commitments the importer receives
from its customers and makes to its suppliers.
:: ::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::: :: :::::: :::::: :::: :::: :::::::: :: ::: ::::::

10) Orders from large wholesalers and retailers are thus more likely to put pressure on the
importer to obtain better prices from their suppliers and to control their cost, though they are
attractive from the standpoint of certainty of sale and marketing convenience.
:: : ::::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::: :::::: :::: :: :::::: ::::: :: :::

11) though importation of imitations and differentiated products will still constitute a source of
competition that the importer must be wary of.
:: :::: ::: :::::::::: ::: ::::: :::: :::

12) When the exporter demands commitments beyond the initial contract, care should be exercised
to protect the importer from unanticipated changes and business uncertainties.
::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::

2 techniques /methods : ::: /::
: :::: ::
: :: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::
1):: ::: : :: :
:1:When the acceptance or the purchase order is received, the exporter would proceed to prepare
a sales contract based on the terms of its original offer or those mutually agreeable after
intermediate negotiations.
:::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::

: 2 : Even when export restrictions are not present, export declarations are commonly used by
countries to record the nature and quantities of their exports.
::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::: :::: :::: :::::

: 3 : This means that production has become internationalized as foreign firms compete with
domestic firms in their home market.
::: :::::::::::: :: :::: ::: :: :::

: 4 : As investors in German or Japanese assets see the higher returns available in U.S. dollar
investments, they may buy dollar-denominated bonds, causing a decline in the exchange rates
fro the German and Japanese currencies.
::::::: ::: :: ::::: :: :: :::: :: :::: :: :: ::: :: :: ::::: ::::::: :::::

(5) When we approach the subject of international business without having previously had much
exposure, one of the questions we would likely raise would be ‘what are the rules and who sets
and enforces them?’
:: :::: :: :: ::: :::: ::: :::::::: :::: ::: “: :: :: :: ::: :::: :::: :: ::: ”

(6) As China’s economic reforms have proceeded, more links between domestic enterprises and
foreign entities have bee forged.
:::: ::::::: ::::::: :::: :: ::::::::

2):::::: :::
:: :::::::
(1) Business samples are generally paid for by importers but may be supplied free of charge
by some exporters if requests are reasonable.
:: : ::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: :::

(2) For managers there are new sources of conflict from international activities, if they want to
trade or invest.
::: :::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::::::::

(3) If there is only one seller, such as local power supply, users can also be protected from inflated
prices by a review process that limits the rate of return on investment.
:::::: ::::::: ::: :: ::: ::: :::: :: :: ::::::::::: ::::: :::::

(4) Had there been a stronger experience base, Chinese managers could have been even more
successful in their exports to world markets.
:::: ::: ::: :: :::: :: :::::::::: :::::::::::

(5) If managers want to gain an appreciation for the environment they are in, as well as some of
the forces that affect and shape this environment, it is useful to briefly review some recent
evidence on the order of magnitude and growth of trade in merchandise and services.
:: :: ::::: :: :: :: :::: ::::::: :::: :: :::::::::: :: ::::: :::::: :::: :::

(6) Countries which are heavily indebted internationally may therefore get additional funds from
the IMF only if they increase the competitiveness of their export sector.
: :::: ::::::: :::: ::: ::: :::: : ::::: :: ::: :::

3):::::: :::
(1) Our discussion so far has shown that nations cooperate to facilitate international business
transactions, because the benefits of trading are assessed as greater that the loss of some
: ::: ::: ::: :::::: ::::: :::: :: ::::: :: :::::::::: ::::::

(2) Because we are both prepared to proceed on the basis of equality and mutual respect, we meet
at a moment when we can make peaceful cooperation a reality.
::: ::::: :::::::: :::::: :: :: :::::: ::::::: ::::

(3) As the subject of culture is extremely broad and encompassing, our treatment must, again, of
necessity, be also highly simplified.
:::: ::: :::::::: ::::: :: :::::::::::

(4) The first and perhaps most important is the fact that international business is a “growth
industry”, because in the sense that all types of international transaction, whether in financial

or real assets, have been growing faster.
:::: :: ::::::: :: ::: :::: : :::: :::: ::::: :::::: :: ::::::: :: :::

(5) A number of trends characterize international business transaction. It is important to introduce

them at the outset of this introductory chapter, because they provide an essential motivation for
studying International Business.
: :: :::: :: :: ::: :: :: ::::::::::: :: :: :: :: ::::::::: ::::: :: ::

(6) The work of the IMF is important for managers involved in international business because it
helps maintain a stable macro-economic environment.
: :::: : ::: :: :::: :: :: ::: ::::::: :: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::: : :::

4):: :::: :: :
(1) Though the first step is to expose the reader to the broader environment that international
transactions bring with them, the manual can prepare Chinese manager for international
:::::: :::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :: :::: ::

(2) This task of necessity generalizes and thus simplifies the particular situation of individual
countries, nevertheless, such on overview should prepare Chinese managers for overseas travel
and for developments that may ensue in the Chinese environment as economic reforms lead to
more institutional change.
:: ::: ::::::::: ::: :: :: ::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::::: :: ::: :::: :: :::::: :::: ::: ::::::::
:: :::: :: :::: ::: ::::

(3) While it lays down a number of principles to govern international law, such as those on
sovereignty immunity and so on, the judgments of this court carry moral weight but they are
not enforceable.
:: : :::::: ::: ::: :: ::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: :::::: ::::: :::: ::: :::

(4) For him it is desirable to resume his membership in the organization, although the negotiations
on the conditions for membership renewal are bound to be difficult.
:: :: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: :: :::::::: ::

(5) Furthermore, though less specifically tied to such supra-national cooperation agreements,
international business activity involves the complexities of having to deal with the
international financial system and various national currencies.
:: : :: ::: :: :: :::::::::: :::::::: :::: ::: :::::: :::::::: :::::: ::: ::: ::::

5)::::: :::: :: :
:: ::::: :::::
(1) Because of its reputation as a solid borrower the World Bank can raise capital relatively
cheaply so that its loans are attractive to developing economies.
:: :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :: :::: ::::::::

(2) This means it becomes factored into wage demands, interest rates and exchange rates, so that
all of these rise reflect the expected rate of inflation.
:: :: :::: :::::: ::::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::: ::::: :::

Section III Translation Practice

1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?
1) In market economies relationships between individuals are more at arm’s length, people are
employed primarily because of their skills or expertise, not because they belong to a particular
group or family.
A. :: :::: :::::: ::::: :: :::: :::::: :::::: :: :::::::::::::::: :: :::::: ::: ::
B::: :::: :::: :::::: :: ::: ::: ::::: :: :::::: ::::: :: ::::::::::
C:: :::: :: :::::::: ::: :: ::::::: ::

2) While much more will be said about the technical aspects of international marketing later, some
links between cultures and getting one’s products into foreign market can already be made at
this point.
A:::: ::::::: :: ::: :::: : :::: ::::::::: :::: :: :::
B::::::::::: :::: : :::: :::::::: :: :::::: :::: :::::::


3) The profit orientation makes them choosy buyers of inputs; so it is important to be informed
about what competitors are doing as regards product changes, manufacturing developments
and market approach.
A:: ::::: ::: ::::: ::::::::::::: :: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::: :::
B:: :::: ::: ::::: :::: :::::::: :: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::: ::::::::
C:: :::: ::: ::: :::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::: :: :::: ::: ::::: ::::::::::
D: ::::: :: ::::: ::: :: :::::::::::::: :: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::

4) If a competitor develops a smaller version, which is handier to carry around, this may
necessitate a quick response in terms of discounts or redesign of one’s own product.
A::: :::: :::::::::::::: :: :::::::: ::::: :::::::: ::
B::: ::::: :::::: ::::: :: :::::: :::: :: ::::: ::::::::: ::
D::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::::: :: :::::::: :: ::::::: ::: :::

5) While in some countries consumers have very particular quality expectations, in others there
exist very stringent health and safety standards.
A::::::::: :: :::::: :::: ::: :: ::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::
D:::::::: ::::::: :: ::::::: :::::: ::: ::::::::: :::

6) So if a company has a large amount of cash on hand, there is the opportunity cost of not earning
some interest from holding the funds in an interest bearing deposit at a bank.
A::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::
C::::: ::::: ::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::

7) As people usually follow their economic interests, the economic incentives will determine
behavior, whether that is of employees or citizens in general.
A::: ::::: :::: :: ::::::::: :::::::: ::

8) Every country is a potential beneficiary of international trade because every country has a
comparative advantage in some products and or / services.
A::::::::: :::: ::::::: ::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::

9) While trade brings overall benefits to the countries involved, this adjustment will generate
winners and losers in each country.
A: :: ::: :::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :::


10) This may lead some firms to strengthen their domestic operations against foreign competition
while others may choose to internationalize their operations to create economies of scale and
strategic advantages overseas.
A: :: ::: :::::: ::: ::::: ::::: :::::::: :::: :: ::::::::: :: :: ::: :: ::: :: :::
B:::: :: :: ::: :::: ::: ::::::::: :::::: ::::: ::::: :: :: ::::: :: :::
C: :: ::::::::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::::::: ::::: ::: :: :: ::: :::: ::: :: :::

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.
1) This opening of the Chinese economy amounts to a greater integration with the world economy,
and the resulting increase in contacts, direct or indirect, with this external environment, brings fro
Chinese managers not only the opportunities of new markets and new ways of doing things, it also
means there is the additional challenge of comprehending the mentality, thinking patters,
institutions and cultures of the new trading partners.
:: ::::: :::::: ::::::::::::: ::::: :::::: :: ::: :::: :: :::: :: :::: :: :: :::: :::::::::: :::
:::: ::::: :::: :: :::: :::: ::::::::::: :::::: ::

2) Breaking through in computer technology made it possible that engineers in different parts of
the world can be combined through networks to design and manage systems and sub-systems of
production. Fax machines and jet airplanes have lowered the costs of communication and
transportation to such an extent that time and space have shrunk the world to village size.
:: :: ::::::::::::::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :: ::: ::: :: :::: ::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::
: :::::::::::

3) The challenges derive from the differences in the way foreign markets and managers work, as
well as the extra knowledge that must be acquired to understand international transactions and to
cope with the new competition that foreign companies and joint ventures bring for domestic
: :::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :: ::::: :: :::: ::::: ::

4) The increasing power of individual consumers to spend their income only on products of good

quality, to take their money only to banks that offer good services, and to invest only in currencies
that are stable in value, leads governments in market economies to review their rules, regulations
and policies to accommodate consumer demand and need, because result is that across countries
more and more harmonization of rules, regulations, practices and policies can be observed.
: :::::::: ::::::: :::::: :: :::::: ::: :: ::::::: :: :::: : ::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::: ::
:::: ::: ::::::::: :: :::: :::: ::::: :::::: :::::: :: :::::

5) For our overview of history is suffices to point out that since Ricardo economists have
understood that international trade is beneficial for everyone, whether it is a country just emerging
and generally not very productive compared to other countries, or whether it is a country that is
absolutely and in every product category the most productive (if such countries exist).
::: :: ::: :::::: :::: :::: :: ::: :: ::: ::::::: :: ::: : ::::::: :::: ::::: :::::: ::: ::: :::
: ::::: ::::: ::::::::: :::::::

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?

1) However, the evidence that is beginning to accumulate suggests that there is actually a positive
relationship between investment and trade as foreign plants sell components back to the parent
company and buy new specialized services and technology from it. It is estimated that as much as
one half of all international trade now is between various units of multinational enterprises.
::::::::: :: :::: :: :: : :: : :: :::::::: :: ::: :: : ::: : :::::: :: :: :: :::::::: ::: : :
:: ::: ::::::::: ::::: ::: :::: :::::::

2) Merchandise trade is generally the first type of international operation a company undertakes.
This is because these kinds of operations are relatively low risk in nature. In the first stages of
merchandise trade, risk and resource commitment by a firm can be limited through usage of
existing excess capacity and services of trade intermediaries in the company’s operations. As a
company’s international experience grows over time, it may venture into other international
activities with merchandise exports and imports the foundation of its international business.
:: ::::: :::::::::::: :::: :: ::: ::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::::: ::: :: ::: ::: :::: :::: ::: ::: :::::
::::::: :::::: ::: :::: ::::: ::: ::: :::: :::::: :::: :::: :: ::::: ::: ::: :: :: :: :::::::: :: :

3) Trade in services generally requires a greater level of commitment and sophistication than that
required by merchandise trade. This is because the services trade often requires components of
training and technology transfer that demand support from the vendor over time. The increasing
emphasis corporations have placed on technology and business processes in their drive to become

globally competitive also means greater opportunities for trade in services.
::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::: :: :: ::: :: ::: ::::: ::: :::: :::: ::::: :: ::: :::::::::::: :::
:: :: :::: :::::: :: ::: :::: ::::::::: ::::::

4) International market entry is a term used to describe the methods adopted by firms to penetrate
foreign markets and establish their business presence abroad. Although the subject of market entry
is often accompanied by the topic of market development after entry, the latter is beyond the scope
of the present discussion. The various forms of international business discussed above are not
mutually exclusive means of conduction international business.
: :: ::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: :: :::::::: ::: :::
:: : ::: ::: ::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :: :::::::::::::: :: ::::::

5) Under licensing, the licensor essentially becomes an exporter of a service or intangible asset.
Unlike exporting, however, production takes place overseas with manufacturing and marketing the
responsibility of the foreign licensee. The licensor is thus spared the capital and time investment
required for producing and marketing to foreign market. The major drawback of licensing is the
risk that the reputation of the licensor depends on licensee’s performance.
::: :: :: ::::: :: ::: :: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::: ::

4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into Chinese.

1) Sole venture investment are advantageous in that they allow firms to retain complete control
over the management and marketing functions of the foreign enterprise and to fully coordinate its
activities with the firm’s domestic operations. However, the high start-up costs and commitment
of managerial and other resources entailed by a sole venture, along with attendant political and
business risks abroad, may lead firms to resort to the joint venture format in order to reduce its
risk exposure.

2) A joint venture is a business established by more than one firm to pursue a specified business
objective. Its advantages over a sole venture include risk-sharing and resource contributions by the
partners. The firm may assume a majority, minority, and equal ownership position in a foreign
joint venture in accordance with its strategic objectives. When a joint venture is set up for a
specific project and is not intended to last longer than the life of the project, the format of
contractual joint venture can also be used.

3) Before a firm decides how to enter the international business arena, it must ensure that it is
ready to do so. Despite its many inherent and obvious challenges, the allure of international

business has often cause companies to engage in international endeavors without adequate
appraisal of their own readiness and suitability. International business success requires flexibility
and a wide range of capabilities.

4) International marketing research differs from domestic marketing research not only in its tools
and techniques, but also how they are used. Even when such data are published by the local
governments, they may not have the reliability required by the researcher. Therefore, established
techniques of marketing research must be applied in an imaginative manner taking into account
the environmental and data constrains characteristic of international marketing research.

5) Given the complexity and competitiveness of the international environment, a strategic plan is
an indispensable step after the business plan. A company should have a strategy on how to take its
product to market, compete with its competitors, and manage potential changes in the market
place. It differs from a business plan in that it is not static and is concerned not with goals and
objectives but rather with how they may be achieved.

Unit Two Contract and Related Material

Section I: Text Reading

1. (1)The Contractor shall, subject to the provisions of the Contract, and with due care and
diligence, execute and maintain the Works and provide all labor, including the supervision thereof,
materials, Constructional Plant and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature,
required in and for such execution and maintenance, so far as the necessity for providing the same
is specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from the Contract.
(2) The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all
site operations and methods of construction, provided that the Contractor shall not be responsible,
except as may be expressly provided in the Contract, for the design or specification of the
Permanent Works, or for the design or specification of any Temporary Works prepared by the
2. The Contractor shall, when called upon so to do, enter into and execute a Contract
Agreement, to be prepared and completed at the cost of the Employer, in the form annexed with
such modification as may be necessary.
3. If, for the due performance of the Contract, the Tender shall contain an undertaking by the
Contractor to obtain, when required, a bond or guarantee of an insurance company or bank, or
other approved sureties to be jointly and severally bound with the contractor to the Employer, in a
sum not exceeding that stated in the Letter of Acceptance for such bond or guarantee, the said
insurance company or bank or sureties and the terms of the said bond or guarantee shall be such as
shall be approved by the Employer. The obtaining of such bond or guarantee or the provision of
such sureties and the cost of the bond or guarantee to be so entered into shall be at the expense in
all respects of the Contractor, unless the Contract otherwise provides.
4. The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor with the Tender documents
such data on hydrological and subsurface conditions as shall have been obtained by or on behalf of
the Employer from investigations undertaken relevant to the Works and the Tender shall be

deemed to have been based on such data, but the Contractor shall be responsible for his own
interpretation thereof.
The Contractor shall also be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site and its
surroundings and information available in connection therewith and to have satisfied himself, so
far as is practicable, before submitting his Tender, as to the form and nature thereof, including the
subsurface conditions, the hydrological and climatic conditions. the extent and nature of work and
materials necessary for the completion of the Works, the means of access to the site and the
accommodation he may require and, in general, shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary
information, subject as above mentioned, as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances
which may influence or affect his Tender.
5. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the
correctness and sufficiency of his Tender for the Works and of the rates and prices stated in the
priced Bill of Quantities and the Schedule of Rates and Prices, if any, which Tender rates and
prices shall, except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the Contract, cover all his obligations
under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and maintenance
of the Works. If, however, during the execution of the Works the Contractor shall encounter
physical conditions, other than climatic conditions on the Site, or artificial obstructions, which
conditions or obstructions could, in his opinion, not have been reasonably foreseen by an
experienced contractor, the Contractor shall forthwith give written notice thereof to the Engineer’s
Representative and if, in the opinion of the Engineer, such conditions or artificial obstructions
could not have been reasonably foreseen by an experienced contractor, then the Engineer shall
certify and the Employer shall pay the additional cost to which the Contractor shall have been put
by reason of such conditions, including the proper and reasonable cost:
(a) of complying with any instruction which the Engineer may issue to the Contractor in
connection therewith, and
(b) of any proper and reasonable measures approved by the Engineer which the Contractor
may take in the absence of specific instructions from the Engineer, as a result of such conditions
or obstructions being encountered.
6. Save insofar as it is legally or physically impossible, the Contractor shall execute
and maintain the Works in strict accordance with the Contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer
and shall comply with and adhere strictly to the Engineer’s instructions and directions on any
matter whether mentioned in the Contract or not, touching or concerning the Works. The
Contractor shall take instructions and directions only from the Engineer or, subject to the
limitations referred to in Clause 2 hereof, from the Engineer’s Representative.
7. (1) Within the time stated in Part Ⅱ of these Conditions, the Contractor shall, after the
acceptance of his Tender, submit to the Engineer for his approval a program showing the order of
procedure in which he proposes to carry out the Works. The Contractor shall, whenever required
by the Engineer or Engineers’ Representative, also provide in writing for his information a general

description of the arrangements and methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the
execution of the Works.
(2) If at any time it should appear to the Engineer that the actual progress of the Works does
not conform to the approved program referred to in sub-clause (1)of this Clause, the Contractor
shall produce, at the request of the Engineer, a revised program showing the modifications to the
approved program necessary to ensure completion of the Works within the time for completion as
defined in Clause 48 hereof.
(3) The submission to and approval by the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative of such
programs of the furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties
or responsibilities under the Contract.
8. The Contractor shall give or provide all necessary superintendance during the execution
of the Works and as long thereafter as the Engineer may consider necessary for the proper
fulfilling of the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract. The Contractor, or a competent and
authorized agent or representative approved of in writing by the Engineer, which approval may at
any time be withdrawn, is to be constantly on the Works and shall give his whole time to the
superintendance of the same. If such approval shall be withdrawn by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall, as soon as is practicable, having regard to the requirement of replacing him as hereinafter
mentioned, after receiving written notice of such withdrawal, remove the agent from the Works
and shall not thereafter employ him again on the Works in any capacity and shall replace him by
another agent approved by the Engineer. Such authorized agent or representative shall receive, on
behalf of the Contractor, directions and instructions from the Engineer or, subject to the limitations
of Clause 2 hereof, the Engineer’s Representative.
9. (1) The Contractor shall provide and employ on the Site in connection with the execution
and maintenance of the Works:
(a) only such technical assistants as are skilled and experienced in their respective callings
and such subagents, foremen and leading hands as are competent to give proper supervision to the
work they are required to supervise, and
(b) such skilled, semiskilled and unskilled labor as is necessary for the proper and timely
execution and maintenance of the Works.
(2) The Engineer shall be at liberty to object to and require the Contractor to remove
forthwith from the Works any person employed by the Contractor in or about the execution or
maintenance of the Works who, in the opinion of the Engineer, misconducts himself, or is
incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties, or whose employment is
otherwise considered by the Engineer to be undesirable and such person shall not be again
employed upon the Works without the written permission of the Engineer. Any person so removed
from the Works shall be replaced as soon as possible by a competent substitute approved by the

10. The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting-out of the Works in
relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer in writing and for
the correctness, subject as above mentioned, of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of
all parts of the Works and for the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labor in
connection therewith. If, at any time during the progress of the Works, any error shall appear or
arise in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor, on
being required so to do by the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative, shall, at his own cost,
rectify such error to the satisfaction of the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative, unless such
error is based on incorrect data supplied in writing by the Engineer or the Engineer’s
Representative, in which case the expense of rectifying the same shall be borne by the Employer.
The checking of any setting-out or of any line or level by the Engineer or the Engineer’s
Representative shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness
thereof and the Contractor shall carefully protect and preserve all benchmarks, sight-rails, pegs
and other things used in setting-out the Works.

2 New /key words and expressions

1) site operations ::::
2) methods of construction ::::
3) surety :::
4) Letter of Acceptance :::
5) hydrological and subsurface conditions :::: :::
6) contingency ::::
7) Bill of Quantities :::: :
8) Schedule of Rates and Prices ::::::
9) physical conditions ::::
10) artificial obstructions : :::
11) written notice ::::
12) proper and reasonable measures :::::::
13) superintendence ::
14) at liberty :::::::
15) setting-out : :
16) original points :::
17) lines :::
18) levels of reference :: ::

3 Notes to the text

1) subject to the provisions of the contract ::::::
2) with due care :::::

3) when called upon so ::::
4) at the cost of the Employer :::::::
5) for the due performance of the Contract ::::::::
6) at the expense in all respects of the Contractor :::::::::::
7) be deemed to have inspected : ::: ::: : ……
8) so far as is practicable ::::::::::
9) except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the Contract ::::: :: ::::
10) in the absence of specific instructions from the Engineer ::::::
11) save insofar as it is legally or physically impossible ::::::::::::::::::
12) touching or concerning the Works :::::::::
13) is to be constantly on the Works and shall give his whole time to the superintendance of the
same :: :::: ::: ::::: :::: :::: ::
14) misconducts himself : :: :
15) subject as above mentioned ::::

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (::::::)
1) provided that the Contractor shall not be responsible, except as may be expressly provided in
the Contract, for the design or specification of the Permanent Works, or for the design or
specification of any Temporary Works prepared by the Engineer.
::::::::::, ::: ::: :::::::::: ::: :: , : ::::: ::: :::: :::

2) the Tender shall contain an undertaking by the Contractor to obtain, when required, a bond or
guarantee of an insurance company or bank, or other approved sureties to be jointly and severally
bound with the contractor to the Employer,
::: :: ::::::: :::: :::: :::::::: ::::: :: ::::: :::::: :: ::::: ::::

3) The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness
and sufficiency of his Tender for the Works and of the rates and prices stated in the priced Bill of
Quantities and the Schedule of Rates and Prices, if any, which Tender rates and prices shall, except
insofar as it is otherwise provided in the Contract, cover all his obligations under the Contract and
all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and maintenance of the Works.
:: ::: ::::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::: :::::::: :: ::::: :
:: :::::::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::

4) The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Engineer or Engineers’ Representative, also
provide in writing for his information a general description of the arrangements and methods
which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the Works.

: :: :::: ::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::

5) If at any time it should appear to the Engineer that the actual progress of the Works does not
conform to the approved program referred to in sub-clause (1)of this Clause, the Contractor shall
produce, at the request of the Engineer, a revised program showing the modifications to the
approved program necessary to ensure completion of the Works within the time for completion as
defined in Clause 48 hereof.
:::::::::::::::::::::: 1 : ::: :::: :::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::
::::: 48 ::::::::::

6) The submission to and approval by the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative of such

programs of the furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties
or responsibilities under the Contract.
::::::::: :::: :::::: :: :::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: :::

7) Such authorized agent or representative shall receive :on behalf of the Contractor :directions
and instructions from the Engineer or:subject to the limitations of Clause 2 hereof:the Engineer’s
::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: 2 ::::::::::::::::::::

8) only such technical assistants as are skilled and experienced in their respective callings and
such subagents : foremen and leading hands as are competent to give proper supervision to the
work they are required to supervise:and
::::::::::::: ::: :: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: :::::

9) If, at any time during the progress of the Works, any error shall appear or arise in the position,
levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor, on being required so to
do by the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative, shall, at his own cost, rectify such error to
the satisfaction of the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative,
::::::::::::: :: : : : : :: :: : : :: :: : : :: : : : : :: : : :: : : : :: :: :: :: : : : :: : : : :: ::

10) unless such error is based on incorrect data supplied in writing by the Engineer or the
Engineer’s Representative, in which case the expense of rectifying the same shall be borne by the
:: ::::::: :::: :::: ::::::::::::: :: ::: ::::: :::

11) The checking of any setting-out or of any line or level by the Engineer or the Engineer’s
Representative shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness.

:: :::: ::: :::: :::::: :: ::::::: ::::::::::: :: ::::: :: :::

2 techniques /methods ::::/::

: :::: ::
: ::: :::: :: :::: ::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::::: :: :::: :: :: :::: :::::::: ::: :::::::::: ::: ::::
(1) Such conditions or artificial obstructions could not have been reasonably foreseen by an
experienced contractor.
::: :::::::: :::::::::: ::::

(2) The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Engineer or Engineers’ Representative, also
provide in writing for his information a general description of the arrangements and methods
which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the Works.

(3) in which case the expense of rectifying the same shall be borne by the Employer.

(4) “Specification” means the specification referred to in the Tender and any modification
thereof or addition thereto as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the

(5) The Drawings shall remain in the sole custody of the Engineer :but two copies thereof shall
be furnished to the Contractor free of charge.
::: :: ::::::: :::::: ::: :::::

(6) The Part B shall not sublet any part of the house to others without the prior written consent of
the Employer:which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::.

(7) The contract can be revised, canceled, or terminated with mutual consent. Before both parties
have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictly observed.

(8) The temporary title of the engaged party is Visiting Scholar. Part B is required to be disciplined
to the related regulation of Part A during the contract period.
::: :::: :::: :::::::: ::::::: ::: :::::

(1) If the said documents are written in more than one language:the language according to which
the Contract is to be construed and interpreted shall also be designated in Part Ⅱ, being therein
designated the “Ruling Language”:
::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::: :“::::”:

(2) The shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the Buyers or the Buyers'
shipping agent, China National Chartering Corporation.
: :::: :::: ::: ::: :: ::::::::::::::

(3) Payment of rental will be one installment every month(s). The first installment will be paid
before_______(month)______(day)__________(year). Each successive installment will be
paid_________each month.
:::_____: :::::::::::: _______:_____:_____::::::::::::::::______::: :::

(4) One copy of the Drawings : furnished to the Contractor as aforesaid : shall be kept by the
contractor on the Site and the same shall at all reasonable times be available for inspection and use
by the Engineer.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::: ::: ::

(5) Services provided by Part A pursuant to this Agreement, may not be transferred, assigned or
distributed without the prior written consent of Part A.
:::::: ::::::::: ::: :::::::“::”:::::::::::::::

(6) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of
the State of North Carolina, U.S.A.
:: :::::::: :: :: ::::: ::::: :: ::: : :

(7) Should a platform be discontinued during the term of this Agreement, Part A will have the
option to continue supporting Customer on that platform or to issue Customer a pro rata refund.
::::::::: :::: ::: :::::: ::::: :::: :::::“::”::::::“::”:::

(8) Training IP is provided solely for these of the participants during the provision of the Learning
Services and shall not be copied or transferred without the prior written consent of Part A.
“: ::: :::”:::::“::::”:::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Section III Translation Practice
1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?

1) In order to access and utilize Support Services, Customer will be required to provide Part A
with its Customer number.
A. :::::::“::::”:“::”::::::::“::”::
B:::::::“::::”:“::”: :: “::::”::::::::“::”::

2) If the Contractor shall be dissatisfied by reason of any decisions of the Engineer’s

Representative he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Engineer : who shall thereupon
confirm:reverse or vary such decision.
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

3) In case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems, natural damages or
accidents, Party A will be responsible to repair and pay the relevant expenses.
A. :::::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::: ::: :::
C::: :::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::: ::: :::

4) All operations necessary for the execution of the Works shall be carried on so as not to interfere
unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public.
A. :::::::::::::: :: ::: ::: :::::::::::::: ::

5) All samples shall be supplied by the seller at his own cost if the supply thereof is clearly
intended by or provided for the contract, but if not, then at the cost of the buyer.
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

6) The cost of making any test shall be borne by the plaintiff.
A. :: :::: ::: :::::::::
D: :: :: :::: :: :::

7) The payment of the afore-said expenses shall be effected against presentation of the original
vouchers after being checked.
A. :::::::::::::: ::: ::

8) Contracts for the supply of goods to be manufactured or produced are to be considered sales
unless the party who orders the goods undertakes to supply a substantial part of the materials
necessary for such manufacture or production.
A. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

9) Should the Sellers fail to load the goods, within the time as notified by the Buyers, all expenses
such as dead freight, demurrage, etc., and consequences thereof shall be borne by the Sellers.
A. : ::::: :::::: :::::: :: :: ::::: :::: ::::::: :: :::

10) The decision made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both
parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::
D::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::::: :::: :: ::::: :::: :::

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.

1) The Engineer shall carry out such duties in issuing decisions : certificates and orders as are

specified in the Contract. In the event of the Engineer being required in terms of his appointment
by the Employer to obtain the specific approval of the Employer for the execution of any part of
these duties:this shall be set out in Part Ⅱ of these Conditions.
:: :: :::::: ::::::::: ::::: ::::: :::: :: ::: :: ::: :: ::::: ::: ::: ::: :::: :::: ::::::::::

2) Provided always that if, in the opinion of the Engineer :compliance with any such instructions
shall involve the Contractor in any cost :which by reason of any such ambiguity or discrepancy
could not reasonably have been foreseen by the Contractor : the Engineer shall certify and the
Employer shall pay such additional sum as may be reasonable to cover such costs.
::: :::: ::::::::::: :: :: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::: : ::: ::: :::: :: :::
:: ::: : :::

3) Such insurance shall be effected with an insurer and in terms approved by the Employer, which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and the contractor shall, whenever required, produce
to the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representatives the policy or policies of insurance and the
receipts for payment of the current premiums.
::: ::: ::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ::: ::::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::::::::: :::::: ::::::

4) Should the vessel be withdraw or replaced or delayed eventually or the cargo be shut out, etc.,
and the Sellers be not informed in good time to stop delivery of the cargo, the calculation of the
loss for storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the loading port should be
based on the loading date notified by the agent to the Sellers (or based on the date of the arrival of
the cargo at the loading port in case the cargo should arrive there later than the notified loading
::::::::::: :::::: :::::::::::: ::: :::: :::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::(::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :: ::::::):::

5) The seller must provide at his own expense packaging (unless it is usual for the particular trade
to make the goods of the contract description available unpacked) which is required for the
transport of the goods, to the extent that the circumstances relating to the transport (for example
modalities, destination) are made known to the seller before the contract of sale is concluded.
Packaging is to be marked appropriately.

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?

1) Questions concerning matters governed by this Convention which are not expressly settled in it
are to be settled in conformity with the general principles on which it is based or, in the absence of
such principles, in conformity with the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international
::: ::::::::::: :: :: ::: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: :::::: ::::: ::: :::::::::::

2) All disputes arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled through friendly
consultations to mutual satisfaction. In case no agreement can be reached, the case in dispute shall
then be forwarded to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the
Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of
Procedure. The decision made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon
both parties.
::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: :: ::: :::::: :::: :: :: :: ::::: ::::: :::::: :: :: :::: :

3) None of the Permanent works, shall save as hereinafter provided, be carried on during the night
or on Sundays, if locally recognized as days of rest, or their locally recognized equivalent without
the permission in writing of the Engineer, except when the work is unavoidable or absolutely
necessary for the saving of life or property or for the safety of the Works, in which case the
Contractor shall immediately advise the Engineer.
::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: :::: :::::::::::: ::: ::: :: :: ::::::::: ::: :::: :: ::
::: :::: ::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::: :::::: :::: ::

4) Written application is prerequisite for absence from duty, for sick absence the application shall
be presented with proof from hospital. Payment during sickness absence within 10 days is issued
at normal rate. If the Party B is unable to continue the employment due to health problem, the
contract can be terminated on basis of negotiation on merits of each case.
:: :: :: :::: :: : :: :::::: :: :::: 10 :::::: :: :::::: ::: :: :: :
:: :::::: ::::::::::

5) During the leasing term, any party who fails to fulfill any provisions of this contract without the
other party's acknowledgement will be deemed to breach the contract. Both parties agree that the
default fine will be________________. In case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss
suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::___________:::: :::::: :
: :::: ::: :::: ::::::::: ::::

4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into Chinese

1) Both parties will settle the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with
the contract through friendly consultation. In case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may
summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matter.

2) Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this
agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be
predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by
the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as
possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other
party within 15 days after its occurrence.

3) a) Party B shall observe Party A’s work system and regulations concerning administration of
foreign experts and shall accept Party A’s arrangement, direction, supervision and evaluation in
regard to his/her work. Without Party A’s written consent, Party B shall not render service
elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.
b) Party B shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work.
c) Party B shall respect China’s religious policy, and shall not conduct religious activities
incompatible with the status of an expert.
d) Party B shall observe China’s security stipulations about the relevant technology and research,
and shall not conduct any activities incompatible with the status of an expert.

4) Both Parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising, canceling, or
terminating the contract without mutual consent. The contract can be revised, cancelled, or
terminated with mutual consent. Before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract
should be strictly observed.

5) The Sellers shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in Clause (9) of this Contract by a
direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to China Port. Transshipment or reroute is not
allowed without the Buyers' consent. The goods should not be carried by vessels flag of the
countries not acceptable to the Buyers.

Unit Three Commercial Law Related Materials

Section I: Text Reading

Procedures for Balance-of-Payments Consultations

The Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions (referred to in this Understanding as the
“Committee”) shall carry out consultations in order to review all restrictive import measures taken
for Balance-of-Payments purposes. The membership of the Committee is open to all Members
indicating their wish to serve on it. The Committee shall follow the procedures for consultations
on Balance-of-Payments restrictions approved on 28 April 1970 (BISD 18S/48-53, referred to in
this Understanding as “full consultation procedures”), subject to the provisions set out below.
A Member applying new restrictions or raising the general level of its existing restrictions by a
substantial intensification of the measures shall enter into consultations with the Committee within
four months of the adoption of such measures. The Member adopting such measures may request
that a consultation be held under paragraph 4(a) of Article XII or paragraph 12(a) of Article XVIII
as appropriate. If no such request has been made, the Chairman of the Committee shall invite the
Member to hold such a consultation. Factors that may be examined in the consultation would
include, inter alia, the introduction of new types of restrictive measures for Balance-of-Payments
purposes, or an increase in the level or product coverage of restrictions.
All restrictions applied for Balance-of-Payments purposes shall be subject to periodic review in
the Committee under paragraph 4(b) of Article XII or under paragraph 12(b) of Article XVIII,
subject to the possibility of altering the periodicity of consultations in agreement with the
consulting Member or pursuant to any specific review procedure that may be recommended by the
General Council.
Consultations may be held under the simplified procedures approved on 19 December 1972
(BISD 20S/47-49, referred to in this Understanding as “simplified consultation procedures”) in the
case of least-developed country Members or in the case of developing country Members which are
pursuing liberalization efforts in conformity with the schedule presented to the Committee in
previous consultations. Simplified consultation procedures may also be used when the Trade
Policy Review of a developing country Member is scheduled for the same calendar year as the
date fixed for the consultations. In such cases the decision as to whether full consultation
procedures should be used will be made on the basis of the factors enumerated in paragraph 8 of
the 1979 Declaration. Except in the case of least-developed country Members, no more than two
successive consultations may be held under simplified consultation procedures.
Notification and Documentation
A Member shall notify to the General Council the introduction of or any changes in the
application of restrictive import measures taken for Balance-of-Payments purposes, as well as any

modifications in time-schedules for the removal of such measures as announced under
paragraph 1. Significant changes shall be notified to the General Council prior to or not later than
30 days after their announcement. On a yearly basis, each Member shall make available to the
Secretariat a consolidated notification, including all changes in laws, regulations, policy
statements or public notices, for examination by Members. Notifications shall include full
information, as far as possible, at the tariff-line level, on the type of measures applied, the criteria
used for their administration, product coverage and trade flows affected.
At the request of any Member, notifications may be reviewed by the Committee. Such reviews
would be limited to the clarification of specific issues raised by a notification or examination of
whether a consultation under paragraph 4(a) of Article XII or paragraph 12(a) of Article XVIII is
required. Members which have reasons to believe that a restrictive import measure applied by
another Member was taken for Balance-of-Payments purposes may bring the matter to the
attention of the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee shall request information on the
measure and make it available to all Members. Without prejudice to the right of any member of
the Committee to seek appropriate clarifications in the course of consultations, questions may be
submitted in advance for consideration by the consulting Member.
The consulting Member shall prepare a Basic Document for the consultations which, in addition
to any other information considered to be relevant, should include: (a) an overview of the
Balance-of-Payments situation and prospects, including a consideration of the internal and
external factors having a bearing on the Balance-of-Payments situation and the domestic policy
measures taken in order to restore equilibrium on a sound and lasting basis; (b) a full description
of the restrictions applied for Balance-of-Payments purposes, their legal basis and steps taken to
reduce incidental protective effects; (c) measures taken since the last consultation to liberalize
import restrictions, in the light of the conclusions of the Committee; (d) a plan for the elimination
and progressive relaxation of remaining restrictions. References may be made, when relevant, to
the information provided in other notifications or reports made to the WTO. Under simplified
consultation procedures, the consulting Member shall submit a written statement containing
essential information on the elements covered by the Basic Document.
The Secretariat shall, with a view to facilitating the consultations in the Committee, prepare a
factual background paper dealing with the different aspects of the plan for consultations. In the
case of developing country Members, the Secretariat document shall include relevant background
and analytical material on the incidence of the external trading environment on the Balance-of-
Payments situation and prospects of the consulting Member. The technical assistance services of
the Secretariat shall, at the request of a developing country Member, assist in preparing the
documentation for the consultations.

2 New /key words and expressions

1:The Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions :::::::::
2:restrictive import measures ::::::
3:BISD 18S/48-53 Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (published by GATT) ::::
: :: ::::: GATT :::
4:subject to the provisions set out below ::::::
5:inter alia ::::……:(=among other things)
6:General Council ::::
7:simplified consultation procedures :: ::::
8:Trade Policy Review :: :: ::
9:reduce incidental protective effects :: : :: :::
10:in the light of the conclusions of the Committee :::::::: in the light of :::
11:Basic Document ::::
12:the incidence of the external trading environment :::::::::::

3 Notes to the text

1:referred to in this Understanding as the “Committee” : :::: ::: :“:::”:referred
to … as ::::::::::::……
2:subject to the possibility of altering the periodicity of consultations in agreement with the
consulting Member :: : ::::: ::::::::::::::
3:including a consideration of the internal and external factors having a bearing on the
Balance-of-Payments situation :::::::::::::::::::::Bear on
4:References may be made, when relevant, to the information provided in other notifications or
reports made to the WTO. ::::::::::::: WTO ::::::::::
:::::Made to the WTO ::::::::……
5) The consulting Member shall prepare a Basic Document for the consultations which, in
addition to any other information considered to be relevant, should include: …… ::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::…… in addition to :……::::……

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (::: :: : )
1) The membership of the Committee is open to all Members indicating their wish to serve on
: :: ::::::::::: ::: ::::
2) A Member applying new restrictions or raising the general level of its existing restrictions by a
substantial intensification of the measures shall enter into consultations with the Committee
within four months of the adoption of such measures.
:: :::::: :::: : ::::::::: :::: ::::::: :: ::::: :::::::::: :: :::::

3) or in the case of developing country Members which are pursuing liberalization efforts in
conformity with the schedule presented to the Committee in previous consultations.
: ::::::::::::: ::: ::::::::: :::::: :
4) Notifications shall include full information, as far as possible, at the tariff-line level, on the type
of measures applied, the criteria used for their administration, product coverage and trade
flows affected.
:: :::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::: :: ::: :: ::::::::::
5) Members which have reasons to believe that a restrictive import measure applied by another
Member was taken for balance-of-payments purposes may bring the matter to the attention of
the Committed.

2 techniques /methods : ::: /::

1) Translation of Participial Phrases as an Attributive
::: ::: :: ::: ::: : :
::::::::-ing :::::::-ed : ::: ::::::: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: ::::: ::::: :: ::: ::
(1) The membership of the Committee is open to all Members indicating their wish to serve on it.
(2) A Member applying new restrictions or raising the general level of its existing restrictions by a
substantial intensification of the measure shall enter into consultations with the Committee
within four months of the adoption of such measures.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4 ::::::::::
(3) All restrictions applied for balance-of-payments purposes shall be subject to periodic review in
the Committee under paragraph 4(6) of Article XII.
::::::::::::::::::: 12 :: 4 :::::::::::::
(4) Consultations may be held under the simplified procedures approved on 19 December 1972 in
case of least-developed country Members or in the case of developing country Members which
are pursuing liberalization efforts in conformity with the schedule presented to the Committee
in previous consultations.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1972 : 12 : 19 :::::::::::::
(5) When a customs union applies a safeguard measure as a single unit, all the requirements for
the determination of serious damage or actual threat thereof under this Agreement shall be
based on the conditions existing in the customs union as a whole.
:::::: :: :::: ::::::: :: :: :::: :: ::: ::: ::::::: :::::::::::::: :: ::

2) Translation of Participial Phrases as an Attributive to Something Else

(1) including a consideration of the internal and external factors having a bearing on the balance-

of-payment situation and the domestic policy measures taken in order to restore equilibrium on
a sound and lasting basis;
:2:measures taken since the last consultation to liberalize import restrictions, in the light of the
conclusions of the Committee;
:::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::::
: 3 : Under simplified consultation procedures, the consulting Member shall submit a written
statement containing essential information on the elements covered by the Basic Document.
(4) The Secretariat shall, with a view to facilitating the consultations in the Committee, prepare a
factual background paper dealing with the different aspects of the plan for consultation.
:: ::: :::::::: ::::: :::: :::::: :::::::::::::

Section III Translation Practice

1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?
1) The authorities of the importing Member shall provide adequate justification as to the criteria
used to determine which products are subject to restriction.
A. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

2) This agreement shall apply to all pre-shipment inspection activates carried out on the territory
of Members, whether such activities are contracted or mandated by the government, or any
government body of a Member.
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. :: ::::::: ::: :::::: :::: ::::: :::: : :::
C. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

3) In respect of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations, this

obligation only applies in respect of the rights provided under this Agreement.
A. :: ::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::::: :: :::
B. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

4) With regard to the protection of intellectual property, any advantage, favor, privilege or

immunity granted by a Member to the nationals of any other country shall be accorded
immediately and unconditionally to the nationals of all other Members.
A. :: : :::: :::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::: ::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

5) Members agree to enter into negotiations aimed at increasing the protection of individual
geographical indications under Article 23, taking into account the need to ensure equitable
treatment of the producers concerned and that consumers are not misled.
A. ::::::::::::::: 23 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 23 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 23 ::::::
D. :::::::::::::::: 23 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

6) Payment of the transactions stipulated in Article 3 shall be effected by reciprocal L/C. Party A
shall open a L/C in favor of Party B to pay by installments the entire cost of the equipment to
be supplied by Party B.
A. ::::::::: :::: :::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

7) The cover of All Risks is the most comprehensive of the three. Aside from the risks covered
under F.P.A. and W.P.A. conditions as above, this insurance also covers all risks of loss of or
damage to insured goods whether partial or total, arising from external causes in the course of
A. ::::: ::: ::: ::::: :: :: :::::::::: ::: ::: : ::: ::: ::: ::::: : ::: : ::: ::::::::::::
::: ::: :::
B. :: ::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: :: :: :::::: :: ::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: :::::::::::::

C. :: ::::::: :::::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::::: :::: ::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

8) Pricing strategy is part of the process of developing an overall marketing strategy. According to
objections of a company, the pricing strategy may be demand-oriented pricing examining the
intensity of demand as expressed by consumers or competition-oriented pricing examining the
pricing behavior of competitors.
A. ::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::: :: :: ::: ::: :::: :::::::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::

B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

9) At all stages of the determination of the causes of a dispute and of dispute settlement
procedures involving a least-developed country Member, particular consideration shall be
given to the special situation of least-developed country Members.
A. ::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::: ::::::::::
B. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

10) These are the major rules governing transfer of technology to a party situated in China, which
may be a Chinese-owned company, a Sino-foreign venture or a sole foreign investment
A. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.
1) International trade involves long-distance transportation of commodities. Therefore, qualified
packaging is necessary to maintain the quality and quantity of commodities and to protect
commodities from deterioration, damage, lost or being stolen in transport. In addition, suitable
packaging which acts as one of the methods of sales promotion is to raise the value and eventually
the price of commodities. Finally, packaging serves to describe commodities. In accordance with
the official law in some countries, the buyer may reject the delivered products if they are not
packed on the basis of the description in contract. Evidently, packaging exercises a great influence
on whether or not the international trade can successfully goes on.
: :::::: :: ::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::::::: :::: : ::: ::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::
:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::::: ::

2:In international trade, buyers and sellers are in two countries far or near, so they may face many
problems during the delivery from the seller to the buyer. For example: freight costs, insurance,

packaging, handling, inspection fees, import and export taxes, and other incidental expenses
should be paid by which side; the loss or risk of the goods in transit should be assumed by whom,
and which party should be responsible for the arrangements for transportation, loading, unloading,
handling cargo insurance, customs declaration and taxes payment. If buyers and sellers negotiate
on all the above matters in each transaction, the transaction time and efficiency must be
significantly affected. During the long-term international trade practice, it gradually formed a
variety of trade terms. With the use of these trade terms, people can greatly shorten the negotiation
time and simplify the transaction process.
:::: ::: ::: ::: ::: : ::: :: :::: :: :::: :: : ::: :: :: ::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :: :::
:: :::: ::: :: :: ::: :: :: ::: :::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::: :::: ::: :::::::: :::: :: ::::
: ::::::::: :: :::: ::: :: :: ::::::: :: :: ::: :::::::

3:The price of goods is directly related to the economic interests of both buyers and sellers, which
is often the center of trade negotiations. So it is the main condition in the International Sale of
Goods. In foreign trade, when Chinese enterprises negotiate and contract with foreign customers,
it is important to choose the right trade terms, money of account and methods of pricing besides in
accordance with the international market price levels, combined with the operation intention and
regional policy. At the same time commissions and discounts should be considered in the specific
circumstances of transactions.

4 : International transport of goods is an important part in the international trade. In the

international trade, goods are delivered from the seller to the buyer through transportation, and
sometimes it needs to be achieved through many times change of carriers in transit. The so-called
delivery means that the sellers delivers the contract goods at the agreed time, place and in the
agreed manners to the buyers. In the International sale of goods, the delivery can be considered as
the transfer of necessary documents at the stipulated time to the buyer.
: ::: ::: : :::::::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::::: :: :::: ::::::::: :::: :::: :::::: ::::: :::

5 : Buyers and sellers in the international trade always are in two different places, so cash on
delivery is hard for them. It is more complicated for the payment after banks intervening if the
relevant countries have different monetary systems, exchange management and payment statues.
So it becomes a focus in negotiation that how to pay for the goods in international trade, the points
are always stipulated clearly in contracts. So many payment means, settlement methods, currency
of payment, payment documents, exchange rate and exchange business are carried over into

international trade to make a bargain and make the trade convenient with the development of
international trade and credit.
:: ::::: ::: :: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: :::: ::::::
: ::::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: :::: :::: ::: :::: :::::

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?
1) If the contract of sale involves carriage of the goods and the seller is not bound to hand them
over at a particular place, the risk passes to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first
carrier for transmission to the buyer in accordance with the contract of sale. If the seller is bound
to hand the goods over to a carrier at a particular place, the risk does not pass to the buyer until the
goods are handed over to the carrier at that place. The fact that the seller is authorized to retain
documents controlling the disposition of the goods does not affect the passage of the risk.
:: ::::::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::::: :::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::: : :: ::::::: ::: :

2) An issuing bank undertakes to reimburse a nominated bank that has honored or negotiated a
complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the issuing bank. Reimbursement for the
amount of a complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is
due at maturity, whether or not the nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity. An
issuing bank's undertaking to reimburse a nominated bank is independent of the issuing bank’s
undertaking to the beneficiary.

3) Recognizing that their relations in the field of trade and economic endeavour should be conducted
with a view to raising standards of living, ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing
volume of real income and effective demand, and expanding the production of and trade in goods
and services, while allowing for the optimal use of the world's resources in accordance with the
objective of sustainable development, seeking both to protect and preserve the environment and to
enhance the means for doing so in a manner consistent with their respective needs and concerns at
different levels of economic development,
: :: ::: ::: :: ::: ::::::::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::::::::: :: :::: ::: :: ::: :: :::::: :: ::: :::

4) Each Member shall maintain or institute as soon as practicable judicial, arbitral or administrative
tribunals or procedures which provide, at the request of an affected service supplier, for the prompt

review of, and where justified, appropriate remedies for, administrative decisions affecting trade in
services. Where such procedures are not independent of the agency entrusted with the administrative
decision concerned, the Member shall ensure that the procedures in fact provide for an objective and
impartial review.
:: :: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :: ::: : :::: ::::::: ::::: :::

5) However, a reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additional or

different terms which do not materially alter the terms of the offer constitutes an acceptance,
unless the offeror, without undue delay, objects orally to the discrepancy or dispatches a notice to
that effect, If he does not so object, the terms of the contract are the terms of the offer with the
modifications contained in the acceptance.
::: ::: ::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::: :: :: :::: ::::: ::::: :: :::: :::: :: ::::: ::

4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into Chinese.

1) In respect of at least computer programs and cinematographic works, a Member shall provide
authors and their successors in title the right to authorize or to prohibit the commercial rental to
the public of originals or copies of their copyright works. A Member shall be excepted from this
obligation in respect of cinematographic works unless such rental has led to widespread copying
of such works which is materially impairing the exclusive right of reproduction conferred in that
Member on authors and their successors in title. In respect of computer programs, this obligation
does not apply to rentals where the program itself is not the essential object of the rental.

2) Any sign, or any combination of signs, capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one
undertaking from those of other undertakings, shall be capable of constituting a trademark. Such
signs, in particular words including personal names, letters, numerals, figurative elements and
combinations of colors as well as any combination of such signs, shall be eligible for registration
as trademarks. Where signs are not inherently capable of distinguishing the relevant goods or
services, Members may make registrability depend on distinctiveness acquired through use.
Members may require, as a condition of registration, that signs be visually perceptible.

3) Banks play a central role in virtually all international commercial transactions. The inter-bank
payments systems provide a mechanism by which value can be transferred from one person in one
country to a different person in a separate country. This is primarily a mechanical function but it is
fundamental to effective international commerce. Banks also contribute to the management by
their customers of credit, settlement and other financial risks. They do this primarily through
international trade finance and through the loans and other financial services they provide for

international investments. Banks play this central role partly because of the competitive
advantages they have built up as institutions but partly also because of laws which, for prudential
reasons, give them a virtual monopoly over the payments systems and preserve their advantages in
other banking activities.

4) The irrevocable letter of credit means that once the credit is issued it cannot be cancelled or
amended before the expiry date without the agreement of the beneficiary. Under such a credit, the
exporter can rely on payment being made as soon as he has shipped the goods and produced the
shipping documents called for in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit. Because of its
greater security to the exporter it is very commonly used in the international trade. The revocable
letter of credit, as the name implied, can be cancelled or amended during the term of validity
without notice to the beneficiary. It does not constitute a legally binding undertaking by the banks
concerned. The value of this credit as security for payment is plainly doubtful so such credit is
seldom used in trading with other countries.

5) In case of quality discrepancy, claims should be filed by the buyer with 30 days after the arrival
of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy; claims should be filed by
the Buyer with 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. This these cases
claims must be accompanied by survey reports of recognized public surveyors agreed to by the
seller. If the goods have already been processed, the buyer shall thereupon lose the right to claim.
If the responsibility of the subject under claim is found to rest on the part of the seller, the seller
should, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, send his reply to the buyer together withy
suggestions for settlement.

Unit Four Accounting Related Materials

Section I: Text Reading

Purpose of the Cash Flow Statement

The income statement focuses on the economic results of the entity’s operating activities during a
period. Key concepts in the measurement of the period’s income are revenue recognition and the
matching of expenses. Revenue is recognized in the period in which the entity performs its
revenue-generating tasks (e.g., delivering good or providing services), irrespective of whether the
customer pays cash at that time or agrees to pay later. Expenses measure the resources consumed
in generating the period’s revenue and in administering the entity during the period, irrespective of
when cash was used to pay for those resources. Thus, the period’s income bears no direct
relationship to the cash flows associated with the period’s operations. Also because of its focus on

the results of operations, the income statement does not provide information about the entity’s
investing or financing activities during the period.
The purpose of the cash flow statement is to provide information about the cash flow associated
with the period’s operations and also about the entity’s investing and financing activities during
the period. This information is important both to shareholders part of whose investment return
(dividends) is dependent on cash flows, and also to lenders, whose interest payments and principal
repayment require the use of cash. The welfare of other constituencies of a company—including
its employees, its suppliers, and the local communities that may levy taxes on it—depends to
varying degrees on the company’s ability to generate adequate cash flows to fulfill its financial
The numbers on the cash flow statement are objective: Cash is cash, and the
amounts of cash flows are not influenced by the judgments and estimates that
are made in arriving at revenues, expenses, and other accruals. Because of this
objectivity, many analysts pay considerable attention to the cash flow
statement. It must be remembered that despite the judgments and estimates that
influence balance sheet and income statement amounts, the numbers in those
statements provide better information about an entity’s financial status and
operating performance than do cash flow statement numbers.

Sources and uses of Cash

The activities that the cash flow statement describes can be classified in two categories:
(1)activities that generate cash, called sources of cash, and (2) activities that involve spending
cash, called uses of cash. Of course, an entity’s operations routinely generate cash (especially from
cash sales to customers and collection of customer accounts receivable) and use cash (for most
operating expenses, especially the payment of wages and accounts payable). The user of a cash
flow statement is interested primarily in the net amount of cash generated by operations rather
than in the detailed operating cash inflows and outflows. Thus, rather than separately showing
operating cash inflows as sources and outflows as uses, this net amount is shown. Operations
ordinarily are a net source of cash; however, operations are a net use of cash if they use more cash
than they generate. A net use of cash is common in start-up companies and in companies that are
expanding rapidly.
Treating this net of operating inflows and outflows as a single number, here are the following
major types of cash sources and uses:
Sources Uses
1. Operations 1. Cash dividends
2. New borrowings 2. Repayment of borrowings
3. New stock issues 3. Repurchase of stock
4. Sale of property, plant, 4. Purchase of property, plant,

and equipment and equipment
5. Sale of other noncurrent assets 5. Purchase of other noncurrent assets

Inspection of the above lists suggests why cash flow statements are felt to be useful. They help the
user answer questions such as the following:
• How much cash was provided by the normal, ongoing operations of the company?
• In what other ways were significant amounts of cash raised?
• Is the company investing enough in new plant and equipment to maintain or increase capacity
and to replace old facilities with more efficient ones?
• Is the company reinvesting excess cash in productive assets, or is it using the cash to retire
• To what extent are the company’s investments being financed by internally generated cash
and to what extent by borrowing or other external sources?
• For the cash obtained externally, what proportion was from debt and what form equity?
• Is the company having to borrow cash in order to maintain its cash dividend payments?

Although the cash flow statement cannot provide complete answers to all of these questions, it can
at least suggest answers and highlight areas where it would be desirable to gather more
information before deciding, for example, whether to buy, sell, or hold one’s investment in the
company’s common stock.

Meaning of Cash
Companies using modern cash management techniques invest any temporary excess amounts of
cash in highly liquid (i.e., can be readily sold at current market prices), short-term investments
(e.g., money market funds and Treasury bills) for periods as short as one or two days. As a result,
for purposes of the cash flow statement, cash means the sum of actual cash and these short-term
investments; the sum is formally called cash and cash equivalents. The Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB) defines cash equivalents as highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible to known amounts of cash and that mature in no more than 90 days from the date of
the financial statement.

The Cash Flow Statement

Imagine that you have a checking account in which amounts over some minimum balance,
say $1,000, are automatically invested in highly liquid interest-bearing securities. Instead of your
account representing just cash, it constitutes the sum of cash and cash equivalents. In your
checkbook register, you record all deposits and other increases in the account (debit entries), and
you also record all checks written and other withdrawals from the account (credit entries). Now
assume that at the end of each year, you wish to prepare a summary of the sources of the items that
you deposited in your account and a summary of the various uses you made of the cash in the

account. For example, the sources categories might be wages, investment earnings, and gifts, and
the uses categories might be housing costs, other living expenses, recreation/entertainment, health
care, taxes, and major purchases (such as a new television set or a car). You could first classify
each entry in your checkbook register according to one of these categories, and then add the
amounts of all of the items in each category and report the totals of the various categories. The end
result could reasonably be called a personal cash flow statement.
In substance, the cash flow statement for a business entity is analogous in that it summarizes a
myriad of specific cash transactions into a few categories. However, in practice, the information
for the statement of cash flows is not taken directly from the Cash and Cash Equivalents accounts
but rather is derived from income statement and balance sheet data.

2 New /key words and expressions

1) cash flow statement :::::
2) income statement ::: : profit and loss statement, statement of earnings, statement of
3) operating activities ::::
4) revenue ::
5) irrespective :: [:: , ::]:(of)::::
6) other constituencies :::::::::
7) other accruals ::::
8) balance sheet :::::
9) accounts receivable ::::
10) accounts payable ::::
11:Treasury bills : ::
12) The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) :::::::::::
13) cash equivalents :::::
14) debit entries ::
15) credit entries ::

3 Notes to the text

1) Thus, the period’s income bears no direct relationship to the cash flows associated with the
period’s operations. :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: :

2) The purpose of the cash flow statement is to provide information about the cash flow
associated with the period’s operations and also about the entity’s investing and financing
activities during the period. ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ::

3) The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) defines cash equivalents as highly liquid

investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and that mature in no more than
90 days from the date of the financial statement. ::::::::::::::::: ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::: 90::

4:In substance, the cash flow statement for a business entity is analogous in that it summarizes a
myriad of specific cash transactions into a few categories. ::::::::::::::::
:: : :: :::::::::::::::::

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (:::::: )
1) This information is important both to shareholders part of whose investment return (dividends)
is dependent on cash flows, and also to lenders, whose interest payments and principal repayment
require the use of cash.
:: :: ::: :: :::: :::::::: :: ::: :::::::: ::::: ::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::

2) It must be remembered that despite the judgments and estimates that influence balance sheet
and income statement amounts, the numbers in those statements provide better information about
an entity’s financial status and operating performance than do cash flow statement numbers.
:: :: ::::::::::::: :: :::::: : ::: ::: :::: ::::: : :::: :::: :::::::::: :::: : ::::: :::: ::::

3) Thus, rather than separately showing operating cash inflows as sources and outflows as uses,
this net amount is shown. Operations ordinarily are a net source of cash; however, operations are a
net use of cash if they use more cash than they generate.
::: ::::::: ::::: :::: :::: :::: ::: : :::: ::::: :::: :: ::::: ::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::: :: :::

4) In your checkbook register, you record all deposits and other increases in the account (debit
entries), and you also record all checks written and other withdrawals from the account (credit
:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::::: ::::

5) However, in practice, the information for the statement of cash flows is not taken directly from
the Cash and Cash Equivalents accounts but rather is derived from income statement and balance
sheet data. This section describes these derivation techniques.

2 techniques /methods :::: /::

::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: ::::
:1:Conceptually, this net amount should be broken down into the portion that represents a cash
outflow and the portion that represents a cash inflow.

:2:It must be remembered that despite the judgments and estimates that influence balance sheet
and income statement amounts, the numbers in those statements provide better information
about an entity’s financial status and operating performance than do cash flow statement

:3:The activities that the cash flow statement describes can be classified in two categories.

:4:A net use of cash is common in start-up companies and in companies that are expanding

:5:It can at least suggest answers and highlight areas where it would be desirable to gather more
information before deciding.
:::::::: :::::: ::: :::::: :::::::::

:6:Now assume that at the end of each year, you wish to prepare a summary of the sources of
the items that you deposited in your account and a summary of the various uses you made of
the cash in the account.
:: ::::::::::::::: :::: ::::::::::: :: ::::::

2) ::::
::::: ::: ::::::: “::: ”:“::: ”:“::”:“::”: :::: ::
:1:Revenue is recognized in the period in which the entity performs its revenue-generating tasks
(e.g., delivering good or providing services), irrespective of whether the customer pays cash at
that time or agrees to pay later.
::: ::::::: :: :::: ::: ::::: ::: :: :::::: ::::: ::::::: :: :::::::::::

:2:This information is important to shareholders part of whose investment return (dividends) is

dependent on cash flows.

:3:The welfare of other constituencies of a company—including its employees, its suppliers,

and the local communities that may levy taxes on it—depends to varying degrees on the
company’s ability to generate adequate cash flows to fulfill its financial obligations.
: : : : : : : : --- : : :: : :: : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : --- :: : : : : : : : : :
::: :::: :: :::::: :::: ::::

:4:Imagine that you have a checking account in which amounts over some minimum balance, say
$1,000, are automatically invested in highly liquid interest-bearing securities. Instead of your
account representing just cash, it constitutes the sum of cash and cash equivalents.
: :: ::::: ::: ::: :::: :: 1000 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
: ::: ::::: ::::: ::: :::::: :::

3:: :: ::::: :
:1:Cash is cash, and the amounts of cash flows are not influenced by the judgments and estimates
that are made in arriving at revenues, expenses, and other accruals.
:2: Activities that generate cash, called sources of cash, and activities that involve spending cash,
called uses of cash.
:3:We emphasize that although the level of detail we have shown is conceptually correct, certain
immaterial flows would be netted in practice.
: :: :::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::: :::
: 4 : The amount of collections is of interest, because this is the amount of cash inflows that
resulted from sales.

Section III Translation Practice

1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?
1) Thus, the amounts at which nonmonetary assets are shown in an entity’s accounts do not :
indicate the fair values of these assets.
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

2) Consequently, there are many matters in accounting practice that differ from one organization
to another.
A. :::: :::: ::: :: ::::: :::::: ::
B. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

3) A principle has relevance to the extent that it results in information that is meaningful and
useful to those who need to know something about a certain organization.
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

4) They consist of no-monetary assets, such as land, buildings, and machinery, and other similar
assets whose cash value is not fixed by contract, and monetary assets such as money and
marketable securities and other similar assets whose value is fixed by contract.
A. : :::: ::: ::: ::::::::::: :::::: :: ::: :: ::: :::::::::: ::: ::: : ::: ::: : ::: ::: : ::: :: :
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

5) Assets are economic resources that are controlled by an entity and whose cost (or fair value) at
the time of acquisition could be objectively measured.
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

6) It follows that the recording of a transaction in which debits do not equal credits is incorrect. 84
A. ::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. ::: :::: ::::::: :::
C. ::::::::::::::::::

D. ::::::::::::::::::

7) To avoid cluttering the Retained Earnings account, a temporary account is established for each
revenue and expense item that will appear on the income statement.
A. :: :::::::: ::::: ::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::: ::: ::::
B. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

8) The accounts for balance sheet and income statement items are often referred to as general
ledger accounts, a holdover from the manual system in which these accounts were recorded in
a bound book called a ledger.
A. ::::: ::: : :: ::: ::::: :: :::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::: :: :::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. ::::: ::: : :: ::: ::::: :: :::: : ::::: :: ::: :: ::: :: :: ::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

9) This is the process of deciding which account or accounts should be debited, which should be
credited, and in what amounts, in order to reflect events in the accounting records.
A. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
C. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

10) A journal is a chronological record of accounting transactions showing the names of accounts
that are to be debited or credited, the amounts of the debits and credits, and any useful
supplementary information about the transaction. 97
A. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
B. : ::::: ::: :: :::: :::::: ::: :: ::: :::::: ::::::: :::::
C. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
D. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.

1) On in rare instances can outside parties insist that an organization furnish information tailor-
made to their specifications. In most cases, they must accept the information that the organization
choose to supple. They could not conceivably understand this information without knowing the
ground rules that governed its preparation. Moreover, they cannot be expected to learn a new set

of ground rules that interest to them, nor can they compare information about two organizations
unless both sets of information are prepared according to common ground rules. These ground
rules are the subject matter of financial accounting also called financial reporting.

:: ::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :: ::::::::::::

2) In general, revenue from the sale of goods is recognized in the period in which goods were
delivered to customers. Revenue from the performance of services is recognized in the period in
which the services were performed. For many events, cash is received at the time of delivery or
performance, and this is excellent evidence that the revenue had been earned. This is the case with
most supermarkets and for many transactions in other retail stores and service firms. It can
happen, however, that the cash is received in either an earlier period or a later period that that in
which the revenue is recognized.

:::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :: :::

3) Monetary assets are money or claims to receive fixed sums of money. By contrast, most non-
monetary assets are items that will be used in the future in the production and sale of goods and
services. No separate classification for monetary assets appears on the balance sheet. The
traditional distinction on the balance sheet is between current assets and non-current assets. The
reason for calling attention to the distinction between monetary and non-monetary assets is that
the concepts governing the amounts at which they appear on the balance sheet subsequent to their
initial recognition at cost differ for these two categories.

::: ::: :::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::: ::::::: :: :::: ::::: ::: :::: ::: : ::: :
: ::::: : ::::::: :: :::: :: :::: ::::::::::: ::: ::: : ::: ::: ::: :::::::: :: ::::: ::::: ::::: :

4) The way in which a manufacturing company classifies its costs into period costs and product
costs can have an important effect on its reported net income. Period costs are expenses in the
accounting period in which they are incurred, whereas product costs initially add to the total
amount of the entity’s assets. Product costs do not have an impact on income until the product had
been sold, which many be in a later accounting relation to sales, the longer the time interval that
elapse between the incurrence of a product cost and its impact on income.
::::: :::::::::::::: ::: :::: ::: :: :::::::::: ::: :: :::: :::: :: :: :: ::: :::::::: :::
:: ::: : ::::: :: :::: :: ::

5) Such exceptions to the general rule are relatively rare, and their rarity emphasizes the
importance of the general rule that nonmonetary assets are recorded at cost. Furthermore, as will
be seen that increases in market value do not affect the accounting records for capital assets.
Competent investors acquire or build apartment houses or shopping centers with the expectation
that part of the profit from this investment will be derived from the appreciation of the property.
We may know in a general way that the value of an apartment house is increasing, but there is no
objective way of measuring the amount of increase until a sale takes place.
:: :::::::::: :::::::::: :::: ::: : ::: ::: ::::: ::::: ::::::::::::: :::: :::::: ::::: :::
:: : :::: : :::: :: :::: ::::::::: :: ::: :::: ::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::: :::: :::::

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?
1) Since the depreciation expense as originally recorded turns out to have been incorrect, the
Retained earnings account, which reflects the net of all revenue and expenses to date, is also
incorrect. There is therefore some logic in closing the Loss on sale of Building account directly to
Retained Earnings, thus correcting the error contained therein. Nevertheless, the matching concept
requires that this loss be shown as an expense on the income statement of the current period. An
asset cost amount that no longer benefits future periods is an expensed of the current period.
::: :: ::: :: ::: : :::::::::::: ::: : ::::::: ::: :: :::::: ::: : :::::::::::: “::::: :: ”:
: : : : “ : : : : ” : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : :::: : : : : :: : : : : ::: : : ::: : : :: : :: : : : :

2) A petroleum company, in a given year, may be exploring in many different locations; it

probably will discover oil and gas reserves in only a few of them. Some people argue that all the
exploration costs of a year should be capitalized as the asset value of the reserves that are
discovered during the year; this is the full cost method. Others argue that only the costs incurred at
locations in which reserves are discovered should be capitalized as the cost of these reserves and
that the “dry-hole” costs should be immediately expensed; this is the successful efforts method.
Both methods are used in practice, with larger companies typically using the successful efforts
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : :: : : : : : : : :: : : : ::: : : : : : : ::: : : : :
:::: :: ::: ::: :::::: :::::::: :::: :::: ::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::: :
3) Employees often receive other retirement benefits (other postretirement benefits), such as
health care and life insurance benefits. The substance of the accounting for these benefits is
similar to that for pensions: The total costs that will be incurred by retirees is estimated and a
portion of the present value of these costs is charged as an expense in each year that an employee

works. For health care costs, this requires estimating employees’ needs for postretirement health
care services as well as the future cost of such services. These are even more difficult and
uncertain estimates than those required for pensions. 280
:: :: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::: :::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::::: :: ::::: ::: ::

4) In some organizations, any vacation and sick leave days that were earned this year but not used
this year can be carried forward and used at some future time. If the amount can be reasonable
estimated, the cost of these future compensated absences is treated as an expense of the period in
which the future absence time is earned. The offsetting credit is to an accrued liability account.
When the employee is later compensated, the liability account is debited and Cash is credited. 281
::: ::::: :::: :::::: :::: : :::: : :::: :

5) There are two important classes of book-to-tax differences. First, the income tax regulations
prohibit certain deductions from taxable income that are expenses under GAAP, and they permit
certain revenue items to be excluded from taxable income. For example, fines are an expense for
book purposes but are not tax deductible, and interest revenue on municipal bonds is income for
book purposes but it is not taxable. These exceptions create permanent differences between pretax
book income and tax income. The differences are permanent in the sense that they will not reverse
or “turn around” in some subsequent year.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: GAAP
: :: :: ::: :: :::: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: ::::::: ::: ::: :: ::::::: :: :::::::: :: : :: : ::::
4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into Chinese
1) The adjustment related to changes in inventory converted the cost of sales expense item to a
cash basis on the implicit assumption that all purchases for inventory were made for cash. The
adjustment related to Accounts Payable relaxes this assumption and deals at the same time with
purchases of resources that are expenses of the period, such as selling expenses, rather than assets.
Since, in a sense, Accounts Payable is a mirror image of Accounts Receivable, The payables
adjustment is algebraically the opposite of the receivables adjustment. Thus, if the balance in
Accounts Payable increases during the period, the amount of the increase is added to net income
to reflect the fact that the period’s expenses overstate the cash outflows for payments to suppliers.

2) The net amount of cash generated by operations is not the same as net income. Some expenses
(notable depreciation) subtracted in arriving at net income for the period do not use cash. The net
amount of cash generated by operations can be derived indirectly from the net income figure by
making adjustments for those income statement amounts that were not accompanied by an equal

amount of cash flow. These adjustments take account of changes in accounts receivable,
inventories, payables, and deferred taxes. Also, depreciation is added back to net income because
it is an expense that does not involve a corresponding use of cash. However, one must not infer
from this calculation that depreciation is itself a source of cash, for it definitely is not.

3) Almost all companies prepare budgets that show what performance is expected to be under the
circumstances prevailing. If actual performance corresponds with budgeted performance, there is a
reasonable inference that performance was good. Two important qualifications affect this
inference, however. First, the budgeted amounts may not have been developed very carefully. The
comparison can, of course, be no more valid than the validity of the standards. Second, the
budgeted amounts were necessarily arrived at on the basis of various assumptions as to the
conditions that would be prevailing during the period. If these assumptions turn out to be
incorrect, the amounts are also incorrect as a measure of results “under the circumstances

4) The principal value of analyzing statement information is that it suggests questions that need to
be answered. Such an analysis rarely provides the answers. A large unfavorable difference
between actual performance and whatever standard is used indicates that something may be
wrong, and this leads to an investigation. Even when the analysis indicates strongly that something
is wrong (as when one company’s income has declined while incomes of comparable companies
have increased), the analysis rarely shows the underlying causes of the difficulty. Nevertheless, the
ability to pick from thousands of potential questions those few that are really worth asking is an
important one.

5) The amount recognized as revenue is the amount that is reasonable certain to be realized, that
is, paid by customers. Many problems arise in deciding on both the period in which the revenue
for a given transaction should be recognized and the amount of such revenue. The conservatism
concept suggests when to recognize and the amount of such revenue; the realization concept
suggests how much to recognize. In unusual circumstances, the amount of revenue recognized
may reflect a considerable amount of optimism as to future earnings, but the auditors will
ordinarily detect and call attention to revenues whose realization is not reasonable certain.

Unit Five Trade and Business (:: : : :: : )

Section I: Text Reading

:::::::::: :: : :: : :: : ::: ::: :: :: : ::::: :: : ::::::::::::::::: :: : :: :: : ::

: ::: :::: :: ::::: :::::::::: :: ::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::: :: :: ::: :: ::: ::::::: :::::::
: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::: :: :::: :: ::::::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :: ::: ::
: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: :: ::::: :: ::: :::::::: :: ::::::::
: :: ::::: ::::::: :::: :: ::::: :: :::::: :::: ::::: ::::::: :::: :: :::::: :: ::: ::::::: :: :::
: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::: :::::::::: :::: ::::::: ::: ::: :: :::::::::::: ::: ::::::: :: ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
:: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::: :::: :::::::::
::::::: :: : :::: : :: ::::::::: :: :: :: :: :: ::::: :: : :: ::::::: :: :: :: : ::: :: :: :
:: ::: :::::: :: ::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::: ::: :: :::::
::: ::::: ::: :: :::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::: : ::::::::: ::::::: ::
:::: :::: :::: ::::: ::: ::: :::: :: ::: :: ::::: ::::: :: ::::: ::: :: :::: :::: : :::::::: :::: ::

:: : :::::: ::: :::::::::: :::: :: ::::::::::::::::: :: :: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: :::
:::: ::: ::::: ::: :::::::: :: :::: ::: ::: :: ::: :: :::::::: :::: ::::::: ::::: :::::::::::::
:: ::: ::::: ::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: :: :::: ::::: :: :: ::::: :: ::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::
: ::::: ::::::::::: :::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::: :: :: :::: :::::::::::::::: :: :::: :
::::: ::::::::::: ::::: :: ::: :::::::::: ::: :::::: :::: :: ::::::::: :::: :: ::: ::::: :::: :
:::: ::: :::: :: :: ::: ::: :: :::: :: ::: ::: :::::::: :::::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :: :: : :::
: ::::: ::::::::: ::::: :: ::::::::: :: ::: :: ::: :: ::::: :::::: :: ::::: :: :::: ::::::::::::
:: ::::::: :::::: :::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::: :: ::::: :::: :: ::: :: ::::: :: :: ::: : :::::
:: : ::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::::::::: :: :::: :::::::::::::: :::
:: :: ::: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::: ::::: ::::: ::: ::: :
:: : :::: :: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: :::::: :::: :::::: :::::::: :::: :: :::: :
::::::::::“::::”::::::: ::: :::: :: : :: :: :: ::: :: ::: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :::::
::::::::::: :: ::: :: ::: : : :::::: :: : ::: : : :::: :: : :::::::: :: : ::::: ::: :
:: ::::: ::::: ::: :: ::::::::::::: :: :::::: :::::::::: :: :: :: :::::: :::::::::::: ::::: ::
::: :: :: :::: ::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::::::::::: :::::: ::::: ::: :: :::::::::::: :
:::::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :::::: ::::
:::::::: ::: :: :::::: :::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::: ::::: ::: ::::::::: :: :::::::::::: ::
:::: :::::: ::: :::: :: ::: :: :: :: : :: :: :: ::: ::: :::: ::: :: ::::: ::::: :::::::::::::::
: :::::: :::::::: :::: ::: :::: ::::::::::: ::: ::: :::::: :: ::::: :::: :::: :::::::::::: :::
: :: :::: :: ::::::: :::::: ::: ::::: :::::::::: :::: ::::::::: :: ::::: ::: ::::::

2 New /key words and expressions

1::::: reform and opening up
2:::: internationalization
3) :: foreign exchange
4) :::: investment capital
5) :::: labor costs

6) :::: modern technological know-how
7) :: joint venture
8) :: subcontract
9) :::: franchise
10) :::: strategic alliance
11:::::: economic community
12:::::: potential contribution
13) :::: business collaboration
14) :::: market share
15) ::: destine
16) :: competitive
17) :: advantage
18) :::: ideal form
19) :::: vehicle for collaboration
20) :: benefits
21::::: investment capital
22::::::: direct administrative involvement
23) :::: intellectual properties right
24) :::: technology dissipation
25) :::: business environment
26) ::::::: unique business practices
27) :::: trade marks
28) :::: copyright protection
29) :::: local partner
30) :::: trade barrier
31:::: reallocate
32::::: resource allocation
33) ::: liberalization
34) :::: multilateral trade
35) ::::: regional trade
36) :::: comparative advantage
37) :::: global warming
38) :::: deforestation
39) :::: resource depletion
40) :: pollution
41) :::: environmental degradation
42::::: ecological balance
43) :::: ocean fisheries
44) :::: tropical rain forest

45) :::: emission standard
46) ::: recycling
47) :::: drift-netting fishing
48) :::::: sustainable development
49) :::: green-house gases
50) :::: international waterways
51:::: ozone layer
52::::::: Convention of international environment
53) :: adjustment
54) :::: direct investment
55) :: privilege
56) :::: capital flows
57) ::: privatize
58) ::::::: financial and industrial sector
59) ::: competitiveness
60) :::: market- orientation

3 Notes to the text

1:::::::::::::::::::::: has contributed much to China’s recent
economic growth and development
2::::::::::::::::::::::: take advantage of China’s relatively
low labor costs and potential markets
3) :::::: expand their operations overseas
4) ::::::::::::::: growth in market shares and expansion into new
5) :::::::::: be exploited to their advantage
6) ::::::::::::::: minimize capital investment and direct administrative
7) ::::::::::: loss of control over a proprietary technology and its return
8) :::::: mitigate against technology dissipation
9) ::::::::::::::: unfamiliarity with foreign conditions and capital
10) ::::::::: adjusting their investment and production strategies
11::::::::::::: be affected by environment and other factors
12::::::: mobility of the world’s financial capital
13) :::::::: impact on different production factors
14) ::::::: raise our awareness of ecological system
15) ::::::::: overstepped the boundaries of ecological balance

16) :::::::::::::: More stringent emission standards for vehicles and
17) :::::::: source of trade friction
18) :::::::::::::::::::: contributing to China’ s recent economic
19) :::: :: :::::: relentless pursuit of economic efficiency
20) ::::::::::::: further liberalize economy in the financial and industrial

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (::::::)
1: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
China’s desire to access foreign technology and markets and foreign desires to take advantage of
China’s relatively low labor costs and potential markets have led to cooperative ventures that have
made China a key participant in the process of globalization.

2) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
As China’s economy continues to develop and as relations with the outside world become more
intimate, the part played by Chinese businesses in the global economic community is likely to
grow. It is therefore important that Chinese businesses understand how global forces will affect
them and how they may take advantage of these forces and prosper in the global market place.

3) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
From the perspective of individual Chinese enterprises, the main appeal of international business
collaboration lies in its potential contribution to modernization, growth, and profitability. Foreign
technology can help Chinese businesses modernize their production, distribution, management,
and marketing, sometimes in short order.

4) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Indeed, international business collaboration affords Chinese firms an avenue whereby they can
explore new sources of capital, technology, markets and growth in an environment that is destined
to become more competitive and demanding as China becomes more integrated with the
international economy.

5) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
As foreign firms increase their presence in China, Chinese firms must also be prepared to deal

with these new entries, either as allies or foes, making international collaboration a strategic

6) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The benefits associated with each collaborative relationship must be weighed against its costs in a
given situation when deciding the most suitable vehicle for international collaboration.

7) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The suitability of any model of international collaboration is thus determined by the objectives of
a firm and the business environment it seeks to operate in.

8) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The joint venture is often chosen by foreign investors over other forms of cooperative
arrangements to address difficulties in achieving trade name and copyrights protection as well as
maintaining control over marketing and distribution.

9) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Trade barriers are tools to divert the flow of goods and services and to reallocate resources
according to the goals of national governments. Their presence essentially serves to prevent
integration of international markets and to distort international resource allocation.

10) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Trade restrictions tend to raise the incomes of factors which are used intensively in the production
of import-competing goods, and reduce those of factors which are intensive in the production of
exportable goods. A lowering of trade barriers would reverse this pattern of income distribution as
production structures shift.

11: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Expansion in exports will be accompanied by declines in sectors which were previously protected,
and which must now face intense, and rising competition from new imports. Workers and
communities relying on these sectors for earnings and employment will find trade liberalization a
hollowing experience. Not all factors of production can be expected to benefit equally from trade
liberalization, with economic dislocation a potential reality for some factors and regions.

12: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
As concerns with the environment escalate, environmental issues have steadily intruded into the

economic domain in recent years. Reports of global warming, deforestation, resource depletion,
and pollution have raised our awareness of the fragility of the ecological system and the need to
preserve its integrity.

13) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Environmental policies impact on the international competitiveness of a country because of their
effects on production costs. The higher is the environmental standard set by a country, the greater
is the cost of controlling pollution, and, thus, production cost.

14) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
The issue of trans-border environmental problems is best illustrated by the pollution of air and
water, the effects of which are not confined to the source of such pollution. The deforestation of
tropical rain forests, global warming due to green-house gases, industrial pollution of international
waterways, the disappearance of that involve more than a single nation.

15) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
They are of interests to the global community at large, and are thus problems of the global
commons, because of the global nature of their impacts. Although these issues are best addressed
through multilateral agreements, many countries may not want to subscribe to such agreements
because of international differences in scientific understandings of the sources and effects of such
problems, interpretations of required solutions, national priorities, and perspective on the efficacy
of these agreements.

16) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
As the world’s largest country, China cannot help but be affected by global developments. The
globalization of the world’s economies has increased international mobility of the world’s
financial capital and technologies, and their responsiveness to China’ s Open Door policy.

17) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
To reap the benefits of international trade and investment, certain adjustments on the part of China
have been, and will be, necessary. Continual access to foreign markets and capital requires an
economic environment that is conducive to international trade and attractive to foreign investors
and companies.

18) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Notwithstanding China’s immense economic strength, membership in the global economy means
adjustments must be made to accommodate global business practices, and consequences of

international trade are unavoidable.

19) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Among the trade-related adjustments China has made to date are liberalization of the trade system,
relaxation of controls over capital flows, privatization of businesses, and increased freedom for
foreign investors.

20) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Globalization means increased competition and the relentless pursuit of economic efficiency, both
of which require responsiveness to market forces. Therefore, further moves into the global
economic area must be accompanied by a rise in market-orientation in China.

2 techniques /methods ::::/::

::: ::
1) : ::: :::: ::: :: : : ::::
(1) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Since the adaption of reform and open-up policy, much needed foreign exchange and investment
capital as well as modem technological know-how have been attracted into Chinese market.

(2) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Although the various forms of international business collaboration are all feasible means of
collaborating with a foreign partner, the joint venture has received much attention and is the
most popular among them in China today.

(3) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The environment issues have been received much attention by many countries and they have
steadily intruded into the economic domain in recent years.

(4) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
In many places in the world the tropical rain forests was damaged. In order to protect our
environment we have to change this life style.

(5) :: : :::: :: :: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::

Trade barriers are employed to prevent integration of international markets and to distort
international resource allocation, so they have been resisted by many countries.

2) :: ::: :::: :::::::::::

(1) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

The intellectual property right protection system will be completed by the beginning of next year
to reduce the loss of control over proprietary technology and its return.

(2) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Reports of global warming, deforestation, resource depletion, and pollution have raised our aware -
ness of the fragility of the ecological system. Environment issues have been raised on this basis.

(3) : ::::::: :::: ::: :: ::: :::::::::::::: :: :::: ::::: :

Many countries may not want to subscribe to such agreements because of international differences
in scientific understandings of the sources and effects of such problems, so many problems need to
be further clarified.

(4) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
To reap the benefits of international trade and investment, certain adjustments on the part of China
have been made or will be made.

(5) :::::::::::::::::::::
The issue of further liberalization of economy in the financial and industrial sectors is not being

3) :::: :: ::::::::
(1) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Partnership with foreign enterprises both at home and abroad has been established to expand into
new market.

(2) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Indeed, through international business collaboration, an ideal environment has been offered to
Chinese firms to explore market with certain sources of capital and technology.

We proposed that a system of legal protection for proprietary technologies and intellectual
properties be established in every country to provide a better legal environment for business

Chinese commercial policy and legal environment are also studies by foreign enterprises
because they want to take advantage of China’s relatively low labor costs and access to the
potential markets.

(5) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The level of investment in China foreign can be raised and modern technologies can be gained in a
relatively short period of time through trade liberalization.

4) :::: :: ::: : ::::::::

(1) ::::……
It is considered …
(2) :::……
It is reported that …
(3):::: ……
It is well known to us all…
(4) ::::……
It must be pointed out that …
(5) ::::……
It can be seen from this that …
(6) ::::……
It cannot be denied that …
(7) ::::……
It is estimated / predicted…

Section III Translation Practice

1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?
1:::::: ::: :::: :::::: ::: FDI :::::::: :: :: :: FDI ::::::
A. Once foreign direct investment appears, people start to concern about the interdependence
between trade and FDI, people worry that FDI would reduce the output of home industry so
as to lead to a substitution of home exporting products with foreign production.
B. Foreign direct investment once starts to arouse the concern about the interdependence
between trade and FDI, people’s worry is that FDI would reduce the output of home industry
so that it can lead to a substitution of foreign production with home exporting products.
C. As soon as foreign direct investment raises the people’s worry of the decline of home
industry by the FDI, the substitution of home exporting products with foreign production.
D. One immediate concern of the rise of foreign direct investment had been the
interdependence between trade and FDI. The fear had been that FDI would lead to a reduction
of output in the home country of the investing firm and thus represent the substitution of
foreign production for exports from the home countries.

2:: :::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::: :: :::: ::: :: :::::::::: ::::::::: :: :::::::: :: ::: :::: ::

A. What we hope to propose is that international trade is a win-win result with all trade partners
being winners. For many half-informed people want us to return to the mercantilist notion that
exports are a good thing and imports are bad thing. This conclusion deserves underlining.
B. We hope to propose that international trade of a win-win result with all trade partners being
winners. Many half-informed people want us to return to the mercantilist notion of exports a
good thing and import a bad thing. This conclusion needs to be stressed.
C : The most important insight that we hope to have provided remains the following:
international trade is a win-win proposition, both trading partners are winners. This
conclusion deserves underlining as there are many half-informed people who would have us
return to the mercantilist notion that exports are a good thing and imports are not.
D. It should be hoped and proposed that international trade is a win-win result with all trade
partners being winners. We are asked to return to mercantilist notion that exports being a good
thing and imports being a bad thing. This conclusion deserves underlining.

3::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::::

A. Because of the abundant supply of people, so China has the relative low cost of labor character,
while Canada has abundant suitable land for wheat production for agriculture land to supply, so it
has relatively low cost for land supply.
B. China, with its abundant supply of people, will therefore be characterized by a low relative
cost of labor, while Canada, with its abundant agricultural land suitable for wheat production
will have a relatively low cost for such land.
C. China is of the character of low relative cost of labor for its abundant supply of people, while
Canada is of the character of low relative cost of agriculture land suitable for wheat production for
its abundant land supply.
D. Because China can supple abundant of people, so it is with a character of low relative cost of
labor, while Canada can supple abundant of land, so it is with a character of low relative cost of
agriculture land suitable for wheat production.

:::: :::: ::: ::::::::::::::: :: ::::
A. In situations where unit costs of production decrease with output or where significant
commitment to research and development expenditures are necessary, we tend to observe only a
few firms competing with each other. In such situations the first mover, by obtaining a technology
advantage or lower costs, gains a so-called first mover advantage over others, which are therefore
deterred from entering the industry.
B. When the production rises while the unit cost decreases or abundant capital has to be invested
into research, we observe that only a few firms compete with each other. In this situation, the first
mover can get technological advantage and benefit of low cost, and the first mover’s advantage

can deter the late movers from entering.
C. When the unit cost decrease because the output of production increase and abundant investment
in research and development, there are only a few competitors. In such situation, the first comer
has the technological advantage over low cost and benefit, which deter the late comers from
D. When the increase of output and abundant investment in research and development can
decrease cost, we find there are a few firms left for competition with each other. In such situation,
the first mover can defer the late movers from entering by its technological advantage over low
cost and benefit.

:::::: 10%: 20%::::::::::::::::
A. Foreign direct investment is different from financial or portfolio investment, it has the right to
control the productive assets. What on earth percentage is enough to control? It’s hard to say in
one word. If there are many owners with small shares, 10 or 20% may be enough to control.
B. Foreign direct investment differs from financial or portfolio investment because it holds the
right to control the productive assets. If you want to ask how much is enough to dominate the
controlling power, it is difficult to tell in one word, maybe you have to hold 10 or 20% percent
share to have it under your controlling hand, when there are many owners but each has small
C: Foreign direct investment differs from financial or portfolio investment because it controls and
owns the productive assets. If asking what the minimum percentage to enjoy the controlling
power, it is hard to say in a word, maybe 10 or 20% may be enough when there are many owners
but each has small shares.
D. Foreign direct investment differs from financial or portfolio investment abroad in that it
involves control and ownership of productive assets. What percentage of ownership is necessary
to have control is difficult to generalize. In situations where many owners hold small shares, 10 or
20% may amount to effective control.

6: ::::::: ::::: ::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: ::::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::
A. Several effects should be notified from trade restrictions. If the tariff is levied as quantity,
landed price or a quota, the result is obvious to increase the price of imported products.
B. Trade restrictions have several noted economic effects. No matter a tariff is levied as quantity
or landed price or a quota, the result is obvious that the price of the imported products is increased.
C:There are several noteworthy economic effects of trade restrictions. Whether a tariff is levied as
specific amount per unit or as a percentage of the landed value, or whether a quota is imposed, the
result will obviously be an increase in the price of the imported products.
D. Trade restrictions should be noticed for their several effects. The result is obviously the same

to increase the price of imported products, no matter what tariff is levied from quantity, landed
value or quota.

A. People’s custom is to describe profit as the only motivation of international business. No matter
how right is the description, it is of no special meaning when people explain various forms of
international business. In fact the motivation of international business is so broad that can be
briefly classified as sales expansion, resource acquisition, diversification and globalization.
B. It will be custom to describe the motivation for international business as simply the profit
motive. However true this description may be, it is not particularly helpful in explaining the
various forms of international business being conducted today. The motivations for international
business can be broadly defined to be sales expansion, resource acquisition, diversification and
C:Profit motive is described as the only motive of international business. No matter it is true or
not, it has no special meaning if various forms of international business is explained. The fact is
that the motivations of international business are so broad so that they can be briefly classified as
sales expansion, resource acquisition, diversification and globalization.
D. It is people’s custom is to describe profit as the only motivation of international business. No
matter how right it is, it is of no significance to explain the various forms of international business
because the motivation is so broad that can be briefly classified as sales expansion, resource
acquisition, diversification and globalization.

8:: :::: :: ::: ::: :::::::::::: :::::: :::::: :::: :::::::: :: :: ::: :::::: :::::::: :: “::
A. A franchise is a type of licensing or technical assistance agreement. Typically, the franchisee
operates under the name of the franchisor who supplies the former with an exclusive package of
business services and products what will provide the franchisee with a “ready made” business
B. A franchise is a type of licensing or technical assistance agreement. Under a typical situation,
the franchisee gives his operation name to the franchisor, the latter supplies the former with
exclusive package of services and products to make the former the “ready made” business
C:A franchise is a type of licensing or technical assistance. In a typical situation, in the name of
franchisee, given by the franchisor, operates. The latter supplies the former with business services
and products exclusive package. So the former has “ready made” business operation.
D. A franchise is a type of licensing or technical assistance. In typical situation, the name of
franchisor is given to franchisee for exclusive business services and production so that the former

can operate “ready made ” business.

A. In order to achieve cost advantages and market share in the home market, the importer should
negotiate with the supplier to satisfy two objective agreements. When negotiating, the importers
should determine the quantity to be imported into China and the real price under this quantity.
B. In order to gain cost advantages and have much market share at home market, the importer
should negotiate with the supplier so that two objective agreements should be satisfied. In the
negotiating, the importers should decide how much merchandise should be imported into China
and the real price under this quantity.
C:In order to gain home market cost advantages and have much market share, the importer should
negotiate with the supplier. Two objective agreements should be satisfied, which are the quantity
the importers should decide to import into China and the real price under this quantity.
D. In order to achieve cost competitiveness and market strength in the home market, the importer
should negotiate a business contract with the supplier that will meet these two objectives over
time. In negotiating with a supplier, the importer must determine the volumes available for export
to China and the prices in effect at different volumes.

A. Although exporting business is very popular in China, but you’d better not take this business if
you are not prepared with a careful plan. If you think to be successful in international business,
Chinese managers must have the ability to see from an international perspective and plan and
operate in a global environment.
B. Although exporting business is very commonly seen in China, but it is better for it to be
prepared carefully before hand, otherwise don’t be involved into it. In order to be successful in
international business, Chinese managers must get ready to be able to see things from an
international perspective and to plan and operate in a global environment.
C : Although exporting business is a public show cast in China, the business should not be deal
with unless a good preparation is made. If one wants to be successful, Chinese managers must be
able to see things from an international perspective and to plan and operate in a global
D. The current popularity of exporting in China notwithstanding, exporting is not an endeavor
one should undertake without careful planning. To be successful in international business, Chinese
managers must cultivate an ability to view things from an international perspective and capacity to
plan and operate in a global environment.

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.
Growth in market shares and expansion into new markets can now be made a reality through
partnership with foreign enterprises both at home and abroad. By the same token, growth are also
available through international subcontracting, franchising, and other cooperative relations.
2: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
It thus requires Chinese managers to become familiar with the exporting countries’ international
business collaboration and to ascertain how such collaboration may be exploited to their ad-
3: :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Although the various forms of international business collaboration are all feasible means of
collaborating with a foreign partner, the joint venture has received much attention and is the
most popular among them in China today, despite the rising importance of subcontracting
and franchising.
4: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The joint venture also allows foreign firms to access the Chinese market through a local
partner who is knowledgeable of Chinese business conditions and practices while keeping the
risk of technology dissipation to a minimum. For Chinese enterprises seeking to expand their
operations overseas, unfamiliarity with foreign conditions and capital restrictions also make
joint ventures an attractive vehicle of international cooperation.
5: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
As the international trade and investment environment becomes more open and liberal, it will
permit firms to respond to changes in market conditions, in both consumption and production,
by adjusting their investment and production strategies in the direction of basic comparative
advantages. An expanding international market and increased business freedom will also
encourage firms to rationalize their production on a global basis.

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?
1: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The main contributing factor to the environmental degradation of our planet has been identified as
our economic practices. Critics have suggested that, in our unceasing search for ever-increasing
profits, we have overstepped the boundaries of ecological balance and created an economic system

that is incompatible with sound conservation practices.
2: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The emission of green-house gases, the depletion of ocean fisheries, and the disappearance of rain
forests are all results of our production methods and consumption habits, which must be modified
in order to preserve our environment.
3: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The result of mounting public demands for preservation has been the enactment of environmental
legislation by governments around the world. More stringent emission standards for vehicles and
industries, prohibition of deforestation, recycling of industrial parts, and banning of drift-netting in
high-sea fishing are all examples of efforts to minimize the damage to our environment.
4: :::::::::::::::::::::“::::”:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The fact that environmental standards are usually lower in developing countries than in developed
countries has led to complaints of “ecological dumping”, and developed countries proposed
special duties on foreign products produced with insufficient environmental standards by the latter.
5: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
To offset the cost advantage which relatively low environmental standards confer, many developed
countries have adopted environmental considerations as a rationale for applying Technical Barriers
in restricting imports produced with environmental standards unacceptable to them.

4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into English.


2: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

3: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


5:::::::::::: ::::::: :::: ::::: :::: :: :: :: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::: ::

Unit Six Contracts (:::: )

Section I: Text Reading

聘 用 合 同

二、合同期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,其中第一个月为试用

四、受聘方的税前月薪为人民币 元,其中 %可按月兑换外汇。其他有关待遇
(2)根据医生诊断,受聘方在病假连续 30 天后不能恢复正常工作的。
3、当事人一方要求解除合同,应提前 30 天以书面形式向另一方提出,30 天以后方可
一方支付 800 一 3000 美元或相当于受聘方月工资 3 到 10 倍数额人民币的违约金。如双方认

受聘方因不可抗力事件要求解除合同,需出具有关机构证明。经聘方同意解除合同后 ,
十、本合同自双方签字之日起生效,合同期满即自行失效。 当事人一方要求签订新合
同,应当在本合同期满 30 天前向另一 方提出,经双方协商一致同意后签订新的合同。
本合同于 年 月 日在 签署,一式两份,每份用中文和英文写成,

聘方: 受聘方:


2 New /key words and expressions

1)聘方 employer
2)法定代表人 legal representative
3)委托代理人 agent
4)受聘方 employed
5)国籍 nationality
6)合法 legality
7)公平 fairness
8)平等 equality
9)自愿 voluntary
10)诚实信用 honesty and trustworthiness
11)协商一致 mutual agreement
12)友好合作的精神 spirit of friendly cooperation
13)指导 supervision
14)检查 inspection
15)评估 assessment
16)报酬 remuneration
17)法律 law

18)法规 regulation
19)兼职 part-time job
20)道德规范 ethics
21)风俗习惯 customs
22)变更 revision
23)解除 cancellation
24)终止 termination
25)达成一致同意 mutual consent
26)恢复正常工作 resume normal work
27)违约金 breach penalty
28)不可抗力 force majeure
29)合同期满 expiration
30)协商 consultation
31)调解 intermediation
32)仲裁 arbitration
33)诉讼 litigation

3 Notes to the text

1)保证认真履行合同约定的各项义务 pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter
2)可按月兑换外汇 converted into foreign currency on a monthly basis
3)其它有关待遇 other remunerations and benefits concerned
4)履行合同约定的各项义务 fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter
5)其他有关待遇 other remunerations and benefits concerned
6)配备合作共事人员 deploy fellow staff for Party B for coordination affairs
7)按时支付报酬 pay salary as scheduled
8)不干预中国的内部事务 not interfere in China’s internal affairs
9)严格履行合同 contract shall be strictly observed
10)根据医生诊断来 on the basis of the physician’s diagnosis
11)以书面形式向另一方提出 give notice to the other party in writing
12)出具有关机构证明 produce certifying documents issued by competent authorities
13)在合同的附件中写明 explicate in the appendix of this contract
14)不可分割的组成部分 an indispensable part of this contract
15)具有同等法律效力 have the same legal effect

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (重点、难点句)

Both parties, in line with the principles of legality, fairness, equality, mutual agreement, honesty,
and trustworthiness, on a voluntary basis, and in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this
contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter.
Party A shall inform Party B of relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China as
well as any institutions and administrative stipulations concerned with Party B’s employment as
herein provided.

Party B shall observe any institutions and administrative stipulations concerned with its
employment, and shall be subject to Party A’s arrangements, supervision, inspection and review of
his/her working performance. Without Party A’s consent, Party B shall not conduct any part-time
job assigned by any other party.

This contract can be revised with mutual consent. Before both parties have reached an agreement,
the contract shall be strictly observed.

(2)根据医生诊断,受聘方在病假连续 30 天后不能恢复正常工作的。
Under the following conditions, Party A shall have the right to inform Party B in writing of the
cancellation of this contract:
a. Party B fails to fulfill this contract or the obligations and agreed conditions as herein
stipulated, and fails to amend his/her actions after Party A has pointed it out;
b. On the basis of the physician’s diagnosis, Party B fails to resume normal work after a sick
leave for a period of successive 30 days.

(1) Party B has the right to inform Party A in writing of the cancellation of this contract under the
following conditions:
a. Party A fails to provide Party B with necessary working and living conditions as stipulated in
this contract:
b. Party A fails to pay Party B as scheduled.

7)当事人一方要求解除合同,应提前 30 天以书面形式向另一方提出,30 天以后方可解除
In case either party asks to terminate this contract, it shall give a 30 day notice to the other party in
writing, and the contract shall only be terminated after 30 days.

When Party B claims to cancel this contract due to force majeure, it shall produce certifying
documents issued by competent authorities; after the contract is cancelled with Party A’s consent,
Party B shall bear the traveling expenses thus incurred; and when Party B fails to provide any
valid reason to cancel this contract, it shall bear the traveling expenses thus incurred and pay the
breach penalty to Party A as stipulated in this contract.

The appendix of this contract forms an indispensable part of this contract and shall have the same
legal effect with the text of this contract.

Any dispute in connection with this contract shall be first of all settled between both parties
concerned through friendly consultation. In case no settlement can be reached through
consultations or intermediation, both parties shall submit the said dispute for arbitration with local
personnel authorities or the local labor arbitration system. In case either party refuses to accept the
arbitration award, it may bring an action before the people’s court.

2 techniques /methods 翻译技巧/方法

主体 - 行为标志 - 行为 - 行为客体
主语 + 状语 + 谓语 + 宾语(以及定语必须前置等)
主体 - 行为 - 行为客体 - 行为标志
主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 状语 (以及较长的定语必须后置等)

A. 合同有许多类型,它们根据产生、强制性和履行情况来分类。
There are many types of contracts, which are classified by formation, enforceability and
B. 居间合同是居间人向委托人报告订立合同的机会或者提供订立合同的媒介服务,委托人
An intermediation contract is a contract whereby the middleman reports to the truster the
opportunity for making a contract or provides intermediating services for the making of a contract,
and the truster pays remuneration therefore.
C. 技术服务合同是指当事人一方以技术知识为另一方解决特定技术问题所订立的合同,不
“technical service contract” refers to a contract whereby one party uses its technical knowledge to
solve specific technical problems for the other party, while not embracing the construction project
contract and the work contract.
D. 让与人未按照约定转让技术的,应当返还部分或者全部使用费,并应当承担违约责任;
The transferor that fails to transfer the technology as contracted shall refund the royalties in part or
in full and bear he liability for breach of contract. The party that exploits a patent or utilizes
technological know-how beyond the contracted scope, or allows an unauthorized third party to
exploit the patent or utilize the technological know-how in violation of the contract shall stop its
contract breaching acts and bear the liability for breach of contract.
E. 拥有从不同保险公司投保同一财产两份或更多保险单的人可以潜在地获得大于再置成本
An owner who obtains two or more policies from different insurance companies covering from the
same property could potentially profit by receiving more than the replacement cost.
F. 如果赴约,判给受损害的当事人的赔偿金可以由当事人事先决定并在合同里说明。
The amount of damages to be awarded to an injured party in case of a breach maybe determined
by the parties in advance and stated in the contract.

A. 保险人必须尽到一切必要的努力,避免被保险人的财产受到不必要的损失。

The insurance company should do everything necessary to prevent the properties of the insured
from suffering of unnecessary loss.
B. 消费者有权利希望他们购买的产品质量上乘,使用安全,并且符合设计要求,没有任何
Consumers have a right to expect that the products they buy are of good quality and safe when
used properly and as intended. There is nothing wrong with the products.
C. 依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。当事人应当一定要用一切办法来按照约定
A legally executed contract has legal binding force on the parties. The parties should fulfill their
obligations as contracted in every way possible, and may not unilaterally modify or terminate the
D. 当事人一方违约后,对方应该采取适当措施防止损失扩大;没有采取适当措施致命损失
After either party breaches the contract, the other party shall take appropriate measures to prevent
the increase of the loss; the party that fails to take any appropriate preventive measures available
and thus aggravates the loss may not claim compensation for the increased part of the loss.
E. 合同本身规定了出租人和承租人双方的责任和义务。
The contract alone specifies the obligation and responsibilities of the lessor and lessee.
F. 因赠与人故意或者重大过失致命赠与的财产毁损、灭失的,赠与人应当承担损害赔偿责
Where damage or loss of the property donated is caused by the donor to its deliberate intention or
major fault, the donor shall hold the liability therefore.

A. 承揽工作需要定作人协助的,定作人有协助义务。定作人不履行行协助义务致命承揽工
If the contracted work requires assistance from the client, the client has the obligation to provide
assistance. Where the client fails to perform its obligation of assistance and make thus the
completion of the contracted work impossible, the contractor may urge the client to perform its
obligation within a reasonable period of time, and may also prolong correspondingly the term of
performance. If the client still fails to fulfill its obligation beyond the time limit, the contractor
may dissolve the contract.
B. 当事人没有约定检验期间的,买方应当在发现标的物数量或质量不符合约定的合理时间

If the parties have not stipulated an inspection period, the buyer shall notify the seller of the
unconformity of the targeted matter with the agreed quantity or quality within a reasonable period
of time, because it quickly solve the problem.
(2) 一系列表示时间、地点、方式的状语先后顺序的调整。汉语的状语的语序是:时间状语→
In accordance with the law of health, he does exercises seriously on the sports ground everyday.
B. 如果在送货前卖方没有能力认真履行其义务偿还到期的债务,卖方可以合法地扣留用信
The seller may legally withhold delivery of the goods purchased on credit if the seller discovers
before delivery that the buyer is unable seriously unable to carry out his duty to pay debts that fall
We will be very grateful if sample and brochures could be soon forwarded to us.
B. 承运人应当向旅客及时告知有关不能正常运输的重要事由和安全运输应当注意的事项,
If will be dangerous if the carrier do not notify passengers about important matters rendering the
transport out of a normal state and matters of attention for a safe transport.

Section III Translation Practice

1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?

A. An offer should be given out in the form of letter or telegram, the acceptance time shows on the
letter or telegram, the letter doesn’t have time, the date shows by the postmark. Telephone and
facsimile are quick means, the date starts from the time the offeree accept the offer.
B. If an offer is made through a letter or telegram, the time limit for acceptance commences on the
date shown on the letter on the date the telegram is handed in for dispatch or, if no such date is
shown on the letter, from the date show by the postmark of the letter. If an offer is made by means
of instantaneous communications such as telephone or facsimile, the time limit for acceptance
commences at the moment that the offer reaches the offeree.
C. An offer is sent with a letter or a telegram, the time of acceptance is shown on the letter or
telegram. The letter is not shown a time, the date will be shown by the postmark. If the offer is
sent by quick means such as telephone and facsimile are, the date starts from the time the offeree
accept the offer.

D. If the offer is sent out through letter of telegram, the date should be counted from the time
shown on the letter or the telegram. If there is no time on the letter or the telegram the time should
be counted from the postmark. If the offer is sent be quick means, such as telephone or facsimile,
the time should be started from the time when it is reached the offeree.

A. After an invalid contract is withdrawn, the property should be returned. If the property cannot
be returned in terns of goods, it should be returned in terms of money. The fault party should
compensate the other party for the loss. If the other party has also mistakes, he should also
shoulder the responsibilities.
B. After an invalid contract is taken back, the property should be taken back with it. If the non-
returned property or needless returned prosperities should be reduce price to return. The party who
has fault should compensate the innocent person for the loss. If the other party is also mistaken, he
should also shoulder the cost.
C. After a contract becomes invalid or is rescinded, any property obtained under the contract shall
be returned. If it is impossible or unnecessary to return the property, compensation shall be made
at an estimated price. The party at fault shall compensate the other party for the loss caused by the
fault. If both parties have faults, they shall bear their respective responsibilities.
D. The property should be returned with the invalid contract after the contract is rescinded. The
cannot-returned properties should be discounted as a compensation. The fault party shall make
compensation to the other party. If both parties have faults, both of them should bear their
respective responsibilities.

A. For a contract that has become valid, where the parties have not stipulated the contents
regarding quality, price or remuneration or the place of performance, or have stipulated them
unclearly, the parties may supplement them by agreement; if they are unable to reach a
supplementary agreement, the problem shall be determined in accordance with the related clauses
of the contract or with trade practices.
B. After a contract becomes valid, the parties can make supplement for quality, price or payment
or the place of performance, or unclear stipulations; if no agreement, the related clauses of the
contract or common practices should be used.
C. After a contract becomes into effect, the parties concerned can negotiate an agreement in order
to supplement the quality, price or payment or the place of performance, or unclear stipulations; if
they fail to reach an agreement, they can use related clauses of the contract or common practices.

D. The parties concerned can set down to discuss an agreement if there is any unclear quality,
price or payment or the place of performance, after the contract becomes valid. Otherwise, the
related clauses of the contract or common practices should be used.

A. The party merges after the contract, the legal person of the merger has the right to carry out the
contract and fulfill the obligations. The party splits after the contract, the legal person of the
splitter has the right to carry out the contract and fulfill the obligations. Unless agreed otherwise,
B. Unless it is agree before hand, after the contract the legal person of party merges or the legal
person of the merger splits has the right to carry out the contract and fulfill the obligations.
C. Both the legal persons of the merger or the splitter are responsible for carrying out the contract
and fulfill the obligations after the signing of the contract, unless the two parties stipulate
D. Where a party merges after the execution of the contract, the legal person or the organization
arising from the merger shall exercise the rights under the contract and fulfill the obligations under
the contract. Where a party splits after the execution of the contract, unless the creditor and the
debtor stipulate otherwise, the legal persons or the organizations arising from the split shall enjoy
joint and several creditor’s rights under the contract and assume joint and several liabilities under
the contract.

A. If the stipulated penalty for breach of contract is lower than the loss caused by the breach, the
party concerned may apply to a people’s court or an arbitration institution for an increase. If the
stipulated penalty for breach of contract is excessively higher than the loss caused by the breach,
the party concerned may apply to a pope’s court or an arbitration institution for an appropriate
B. If the cost for breaking the contract is lower than loss, the party can appeal the people’s court or
an arbitration to add more money, the cost for breaking the contract is more than loss, the party
can appeal the people’s court of an arbitration to reduce some money,
C. If the breaching money is less than the loss money the party can apply to add more money from
the people’s court or an arbitration, the cost for breaking money is more than the loss money, the
party can apply to reduce some money from the people’s court of an arbitration.
D. The party can appeal to the people’s court or an arbitration to add more money or to deduct
some money from the people’s court of an arbitration, if the breaching money is less or more than
the lost money.

6)因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或者全部免除责任 , 除法律另
A. Because of the force majeure, the contract cannot be carried out and according to the impact of
the force majeure, part or the whole obligations may be exempted, unless laws provide otherwise.
If the party delayed to fulfill its obligations after force majeure, he cannot be exempted for the
B. If there is a force majeure and the contract cannot be fulfilled, according to the impact of the
force majeure, except there is a provision by the law, then part or the whole obligations will be
exempted if the party is late for the obligations after force majeure, he cannot be exempted for the
C. Because of the impact of the force majeure, the contract cannot be carried out and part or the
whole obligations may be exempted if there is an exception from the law. After the force majeure
and the party is late, party concerned may not be exempted.
D. If a contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure, the obligations may be exempted in
whole or in part depending on the impact of the force majeure, unless laws provide otherwise. If
the force majeure occurs after a delayed fulfillment, the obligations of the party concerned may
not be exempted.

A. If the aim of a contract cannot be achieved owing to the fact that the quality of a targeted matter
fails to meet the requirements, the buyer may refuse to accept the targeted matter or may dissolve
the contract. In case the buyer refuses to accept the targeted matter or dissolves the contract, the
risks of damage and loss of the targeted matter shall be borne by the seller.
B. Because the quality of a targeted matter fails to meet the requirements and the contract cannot
be achieved, the buyer may refuse to accept the targeted matter or may dissolve the contract. The
buyer refuses to accept the targeted matter or dissolves the contract and the seller has to bear the
risks of damage and loss of the targeted matter.
C. The quality of a targeted matter is not up to the standard and the contract cannot be achieved,
the buyer can refuse to accept the targeted matter or break the contract and the seller has to bear
the risks of damage and loss of the targeted matter.
D. The quality of a targeted matter is not good enough and the contract cannot be achieved, the
buyer refuses to accept the targeted matter or breaks the contract but the seller is responsible for
the risks of damage and loss of the targeted matter.


A. The parties stipulate the period for inspection in which the buyer shall notify the seller of any
unconformity of the targeted matter with the agreed quantity or quality. If the buyer is late to
notify the seller of the above matters, it deems that the targeted matter is in conformity with the
agreed quantity.
B. If the parties stipulate the period for inspection, the buyer has to inspect the goods and notify
the seller of any unconformity of the targeted matter with the agreed quantity or quality. If the
time is over, buyer still doesn’t notify the seller of the matter, the targeted matter shall be deemed
in conformity with the agreed quantity.
C. If the parties stipulate the period for inspection, the buyer shall, within the period for
inspection, notify the seller of any unconformity of the targeted matter with the agreed quantity or
quality. If the buyer is indolent to notify the seller thereof, the targeted matter shall be deemed in
conformity with the agreed quantity.
D. If the parties stipulate the period for inspection, the buyer shall obey the law and check the
goods as soon as possible and notify the seller of any unconformity of the targeted matter with the
agreed quantity or quality, otherwise he is deemed to agree that the targeted matter is in
conformity with the agreed quantity.

A. If lessee needs to repair a leased object he may ask the lessor to do it within a reasonable period
of time. The lessee may repair the leased object on its own but the lessor has to pay the expenses.
The rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended, if the maintenance and repair of the
leased object affects its use by the lessee.
B. The lessee may ask the lessor to repair the leased object within a reasonable period of time. If
the lessor refuse to do it, the lessee may maintain and repair the leased object by itself and ask the
lessor to pay the expenses arising shall be born by the lessor. Because the maintenance and repair
of the leased object affects its use by the lessee, so the rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall
be extended.
C. When a leased object break down, the lessee may ask the lessor to repair it within a reasonable
period of time. If the lessor fails to do it within this reasonable period of time, the lessee may carry
out the maintenance and repair the leased object on its own but the expenses arising shall be born
by the lessor. If the maintenance and repair of the leased object affects its use by the lessee, the
rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended.
D. When a leased object requires maintenance and repair, the lessee may ask the lessor to take
care of the maintenance and repair within a reasonable period of time. If the lessor fails to perform
the maintenance obligation, the lessee may maintain and repair the leased object on its own and
the expenses arising shall be born by the lessor. If the maintenance and repair of the leased object

affects its use by the lessee, the rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended.

A. If the contractor finds that the drawings or technical requirements provided by the client are
unreasonable he has to notify the client immediately. If the client fails to reply in time and he has
to bear the responsibility for the losses if there is any.
B. The contractor shall promptly notify the client if it finds that the drawings or technical
requirements provided by the client are unreasonable. Where losses are caused to the contractor
due to the client’s indolence in response or like reasons, the client shall hold the liability for
C. When the contractor finds that the drawings or technical requirements provided by the client
are unreasonable he has to notify the client immediately. When the client are lazy to reply in time
and any losses caused to the contractor shall be the responsibility for the client if there is any.
D. If the contractor fails to promptly notify the client when the drawings or technical requirements
provided by the client are unreasonable. If there are losses to the contractor due to the client’s
indolence in response or like reasons, the client shall hold the liability for losses.

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.

约定不明确,依照本法第 61 条的规定仍不能确定的,根据中间人的劳务合理确定。因中间
If the middleman contributes to the making of a contract, the truster shall pay shall make the
payment as contracted. It the payment for the middleman is not stipulated or not clearly stipulated,
nor can it be determined pursuant to the provisions of Article 61 of this law, the payment shall be
reasonable determined in accordance with the middleman’s services. If the intermediating services
provide by the middleman prompts the making of a contract, the parties to the said contract shall
equally share the disbursement of the payment to the middleman.

If the death, loss of capacity of civil conduct or bankruptcy of the agent leads to the termination of
an entrustment contract, the heir, the legal agent or the liquidation organization of the entrustment
contract will impair the interests of the principal, the heir, the legal agent or the liquidation
organization of the agent shall take necessary measures before the principal makes arrangement to
deal with the aftermath.

Where the depositor or the holder of the warehousing certificate fails to collect the stored goods at
expiration of the warehousing period, the depository may urge the depositor or the holder of the
warehousing certificate to collect the goods within a reasonable period of time; if the depositor or
the holder still fails to collect the goods beyond the reasonable period, the depository may have
the stored goods deposited.

技术服务合同的受托人未按照合同约定完成服务工作的,应当承担免收报酬等违约责任 。
Where the client to a technical service contract fails to perform its contracted obligations or
performs its obligations in a manner inconsistent with the contracted requirements, thus affecting
the progress and quality of the work, or fails to accept the work results or delays its acceptance,
the paid remuneration may not be reimbursed, while the unpaid remuneration shall be paid. The
agent to a technical service contract that fails to complete the service work as contracted shall bear
the liability for breach of contract in form of waiver of its remuneration.

技术成果的分享办法。约定或者约定不明确,依照本法第 61 条的规定仍不能确定的,一方
The parties to a technological transfer contract may, in accordance with the principle of mutual
benefit, stipulated the method for sharing any subsequently improved technological result obtained
from the patent exploitation or utilization of the technological know-how. Where such method is
not stipulated or not clearly stipulated, nor can it be determined pursuant to the provisions of
Article 61 of this law, the subsequently improved technological result achieved by one party may
not be shard by any of the other parties.

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?

For any invention or creation achieved through the commissioned development, the right to apply
for patents belongs to the researcher-developer, unless the parties stipulate otherwise. If the

researcher-developer obtains the patent right, the client may exploit the patent free of charge. If
the researcher-developer transfers its right of application for patent, the client enjoys the priority to
acquire the transfer on equal conditions.
The operator of multi-modal transport may stipulate with the carriers of the different sections of
the multi-modal transport on their respective responsibility for transport in each section under the
multi-modal transport contract. However, such stipulations shall not affect the obligations of the
operator for the entire transport process.

If two or more carriers engage in a connected transport of the same mode, the carrier which
concludes the contract with the consignor shall be responsible for the entire process of the
transport. If a loss occurs at one transportation section, the carrier which concludes the contract
with the consignor and the carrier in the said section shall bear joint and several liabilities.

A passenger who is unable to get on board at the time indicated by the ticket due to his own fault
shall, within the prescribed period of time, undergo the procedures for returning the ticket and
getting the refund or making a change of the ticket. If the passenger fails to undergo the refund or
change procedures within the prescribed period of time, the carrier may refuse to refund the ticket,
and has no more need to undertake the transport obligation.

It is forbidden for a contractor to subcontract its projects to a unit without corresponding
qualifications. It is forbidden for a subcontractor to re-subcontract its contracted project. The main
structure of the construction project must be completed by the contractor itself. Contracts for State
key construction projects shall be entered into in accordance with the procedures set forth by the
State and such documents as investment plans and feasibility study reports approved by the State.

4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into English.






Unit Seven Business Law (商法方面翻译)

Section I: Text Reading

同法表明社会允许人们做出有约束力的合同可以到达什么程度。 它也表明社会接受违法某


我们相互依赖为了获得到生活必需品(如食品,衣服和住房)。 但是我们怎样能确信当我们
需要它们时,他们人会提供这些商品? 很久以前,人们发现了非常简单的方法。 他们交
换诺言。 一个人将给一些有价值的东西允诺,与另一个人人接受一些有价值的东西允诺交

随着社会变得更复杂,人们签订不同种类的协议。 逐渐,这些协议在人们的生活中变得如
此重要,法律开始承认他们并加以实施。 不过,人们发现法律不可能实施所有协议。为了

协议必须通过法律来实施。 总之,合同是当事人之间具有法律约束的协议。 例如,张先生
找人粉刷他的房子。 一位刷墙工许诺以1,000美元在数日内做完。当张先生同意支付价格



立的。 多数情况下,口头合同的签订是通过行动来形成的,同书面合同一样有约束力。不

法性。 如果缺少任何一种要素,合同可能是不可能订立的。


为了帮助人们认识合同类型并且促进法律问题的讨论,合同被分为不同的类型。 合同有许
多类型,根据订立强制和履行情况来分类。 所有合同可能按下列方式分类:(1)口头与书





正式合同是需要某种特殊形式的合同。带有封蜡的合同是正式合同的例子。 根据早期的普



大多数合同是双边的。 双边合同中一方当事人向另一方当事人做出允诺,同样另一方当事



明确合同是协议的条件被清楚陈述。 例如,张先生同意明年每天买二瓶奶,每瓶一美元。





无效合同是违法的并且不受约束。 经常,一份合同可能是无效的,因为合同的目的是不合

法的。 因此,法庭不会强制执行。例如,张先生买了一台电视机,但是他知道这台电视机

销合同是一份有效的合同。 如果合同被撤销,双方都被解放。如果使其有效,双方必须完

行的合同是在各方面是合法的,但是不能满足合同的法律要求。 因此,法庭不会强制任何

2 New /key words and expressions

1)强制执行 enforce
2)实质 essence
3)复杂的 complex
4)限定 limit
5)必须遵守的 binding
6)通常(在多数情况下)as a general rule
7)签订(合同)enter into contract
8)维修 service
9)修表人 jeweler’s
10)标的物 subject matter
11)条件 terms
12)要素 element
13)存在的 present
14)有助于 promote
15)相对地 relatively
16)封蜡 seal
17)特别形式 special formality
18)推定的 implied
19)作为回报 in return for
20)换言之 in other words
21)交付 deliver
22)意图 intention
23)刈草 mow
24)公平的 reasonable
25)击昏 knock out
26)准合同 quasi contract

27)相反 in contrast
28)有效合同 valid contract
29)无效合同 void contract
30)可撤销的合同 voidable contract
31)不可强制执行的合同 unenforceable contract
32)在各个方面 in all respect

3 Notes to the text

1)合同法表明社会允许人们做出有约束力的合同可以到达什么程度。 Contract law shows to
what extent the society allows people to make contracts that are enforceable.
2)理论上有很多不同种类的合同,但实际上一份合同可以符合几类。 There are many
different types of contracts in theory, but one contract may suit some classifications in
3) 一个人允诺将给一些有价值的东西与另一个人允诺交换一些有价值的东西。One person
would promise to give something of value in exchange for a promise to receive something of
value from another person.
4)总之,合同是当事人之间具有法律约束的协议。In a word, a contract is a legally binding
agreement between the parties.
5) 合同有许多类型,根据订立强制和履行情况来分类。There are many types of contracts,
which are classified by formation, enforceability, and performance.
6 ) 尽 管 这 些 交 易 似 乎 简 单 , 但 是 所 有 合 同 所 需 要 的 要 素 都 具 备 了 。 Simple as these
transactions seem, all the necessary elements of a contract are present.
7) 推定合同是根据当事人的意向行为而不是书面或口头判定的合同。An implied contract is
one in which the intention of the parties may be judged from their acts rather than from written
or spoken words.
8)这种合同不同于明示合同,因为当事人的行为构成了合同条件。This contract differs from
an express contract in that the acts of the parties create the terms of the contract.
9)它是由法庭确立并为公平和公正赋予的虚拟合同。It is a fictional contract created by courts
and imposed on parties in the interests of fairness and justice.
10)相反,准合同是为了取得公正或者阻止某人不正当获利由法律确定的。 A quasi
contract, in contrast, is created by law in order to achieve justice or to stop someone from
being unjustly enriched.
11)除了可能由一方或者双方撤销,可撤销合同是一份有效的合同。 A voidable contract is a
valid contract but one that can be avoided at the choice of one or both parties.

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (重点、难点句)
系。 签订合同时,出现的问题之一是能否强制执行该合同。合同法的实质就是解决这种
Every business activity involves a contract. Indeed, no aspect of modern life is entirely free of
contractual relationships. When contracts are made, questions will arise as to whether the
contracts should be enforced. Settling such questions is the essence of contract law.

2)我们相互依赖为了获得到生活必需品(如食品,衣服和住房)。 但是我们怎样能确信当
We must rely on one another for basic necessities such as food, clothing, and housing. But how
can we be sure that others will supply the things when we require them?

However, the law found it impossible to enforce all of them. To settle this problem, limits were
placed on the kinds of agreements that would be enforceable by law.

Not all agreements are regarded as contracts. Social arrangements like dates are not regarded
as contracts. Dates are not enforceable agreements because there is no exchange of items of
value. A contract is an agreement between the parties to do or not to do a thing or a set of

Contract law deals with the formation and enforcement of agreements between parties. There
can never be fewer than two parties to a contract.
A contract usually includes the names of the parties involved, the subject matter of the
contract, and various important terms such as price. Contracts require both parties to perform
their duties.

7)为了帮助人们认识合同类型并且促进法律问题的讨论,合同被分为不同的类型。 合同
Contracts are classified into different types in order to help people recognize the type and to
promote legal discussion. There are many types of contracts, which are classified by
formation, enforceability, and performance.

Written contracts should be used whenever important matters are involved or the contract is
complicated. Written terms cannot be easily changed. If a misunderstanding arises later, it is
easy to establish the terms actually agreed upon.

9)大多数合同是双边的。 双边合同中一方当事人向另一方当事人做出允诺,同样另一方
Most contracts are bilateral contracts. A bilateral contract is one in which a promise is made by
one party in return for a promise made by another party.

A contract that is implied from the conduct of the parties is called an implied contract or an
implied-in-fact contract. An implied contract is one in which the intention of the parties may
be judged from their acts rather than from written or spoken words.

2 techniques /methods 翻译技巧/方法

1) 主语必须符合英语的语言习惯和英美文化习俗
(1) 我们热烈欢迎世界各地遵纪守法的客商来此进一步加强合作、建立和发展贸易商务关系。
Law-abiding customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and
develop business relations.

(2) 只有当协议可以被法律强制执行时才能产生合同。
Only when an agreement is enforced by lay can a contract be established.

(3) 就是说,如果要成为一个合法的合同,必须有当事人之间达成的协议和进行交换许诺的
That is to say, for a contract to be legal, there must be an agreement between the parties and a
consideration given in return for a promise.

(4) 我知道你要说服他接受这个协议的很困难的。
I know it is difficult for you to persuade him to accept this agreement.

(5) 希望今后我们公司能与更多的国外企业签订合作协议。
It is hoped that our company will sign more agreements for cooperation with more foreign


2) 主语必须是句中应该突出的部分
(1) ……到去年年底,我公司已经同许多国家和地区签订了建造大型机械的合同和协议。
By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with many counties and regions for
the construction of large scale machinery.

(2) 要约人许诺的要约在规定的时间内有效,但是还是可能撤回的。
Revocation is possible even though the offeror ahs promised to hold good for a stated time.

(3) 他若不同意,我们就无法签约。
There will be no contract unless he agrees.

(4) 她怎么哭了?
What made her cry?

(5) 我们公司严格地执行预算制度和管理制度,确保了公司以合理的速度向前发展。
The strict budget and management system has been carefully enforced, which ensure our company
to develop at a reasonable speed.

3) 主语必须符合句中的逻辑关系
(1) 改革开放初期我们浦东在吸引外资和房地产开发等方面制定了一系列优惠政策,从法律
At the beginning of opening up and reform, we had formulated a series preferential policies to
absorb foreign capital and develop real estate in Pudong, So a healthy development has been
ensured there by law.

(2) 随着法律环境的不断完善,我们的事业也会取得高速发展并取得胜利。
With the perfection of the legal environment, we will win victory and develop fast for our cause.

(3) 我的工作是咨询律师。
I work as a counselor.

(4) 原告和被告律师陈述后,由陪审团做出判决。
After the presentation from the lawyers of both plaintiff and defendant, a judgment will be made
by the jury.

(5) 今天做出决定行,不做出决定也行。
A decision can be made today or later.

Section III Translation Practice

1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?
1) 由于我们从不同的目的看待法律,可能对法律的性质有不同的理解,对于法律有众多不
A. Because we look at law from different purpose and understanding on the nature of law. There
are many different definitions of law, which vary in their details, but they are on the basis of
general view that law can keep order or to settle disputes.
B. Because different people look at law from different purpose which results in different
understanding on the nature of the law, on which there are so many definitions. Despite its
differences on its details, generally believes that law can keep order and settle disputes.
C. Because we look at law with different purpose and misunderstanding on its nature. Although
there are great deal definitions on law but they vary in details, but on the whole they are based on
a general view that law can keep order and settle disputes.
D. As law is looked at for different purposes, we may not agree on what the nature of law is. There
are a great deal numbers of different definitions of law. Although all the definitions vary in their
details, they are based on the general view that law is to keep order and settle disputes.

2) 极不公平性是指有问题的销售方法、当事人之间不平等的交易权、一方当事人基本是文盲、
A. Unconscionability refers to the contracts involving questionable sales tactics, unequal
bargaining power of the parties, the basic illiteracy of one party, hard price terms, terms written in
small print that limit the liability of one of the parties, or hidden clauses in fine print.
B. Serious inequality means problem sales method, unequal dealing power of the parties, the basic
illiteracy of one party, unacceptable price terms, terms written in small print that limit the liability
of one of the parties, or hidden clauses in contract.
C. Problem sales method, unequal dealing power of the parties, the basic illiteracy of one party,
unacceptable price terms, terms written in small print that limit the liability of one of the parties,
or hidden clauses in contract they are all mean serious inequality.
D. Serious inequality refers to such things as problem sales method, unequal dealing power of the
parties, the basic illiteracy of one party, unacceptable price terms, terms written in small print that
limit the liability of one of the parties, or hidden clauses in contract.

3) 如果当事人双方拒绝履行义务,被认为是违反合同,无论是没有履行义务或者是没有完
A. If both parties to the contract refuse to fulfill their duties, they breach the contract; no matter
they carry out the contract fully, incompletely or unsatisfactorily.
B. When parties refuse to fulfill their duties, either by failure to carry them out or by carrying
them out in an incomplete or unsatisfactory manner, they are said to have breached the contract.
C. The contract is breached if both parties refused to fulfill their duties, no matter no or incomplete
or unsatisfactory fulfillment.
D. When their duties are not fulfilled, they are thought to breach the contract, either fully,
incompletely or unsatisfactorily carried out.

4) 双方当事人履行其义务,完成了合同规定的条件后合同结束。履行是根据协议实现合同
A. When both parties to the contract fulfill the terms of the contract and perform their duties the
contract is terminated. Performance is the fulfillment of contractual promises as agreed. Full
performance is the most common method to terminate a contract.
B. If the duties of both parties are performed the contract is terminated. Performance is the
fulfillment of contractual promises as agreed. Full fulfillment is the most common method to
terminate a contract.
C. A contract is terminated by performance when the parties fulfill the terms of the contract.
Performance is the fulfillment of contractual promises as agreed. Full performance is the most
common method by which contracts are terminated.
D. Whenever the performance is fulfilled, the contract is terminated by both parties to the contract.
Performance is the fulfillment of contractual promises as agreed. The most common method to
terminate a contract is full performance.

5) 已经履行的合同是指合同的各方当事人履行完的合同,严格意义上讲,已经履行的合同
A. A contract that has been fully carried out by all of the parties is an executed contract. Strictly,
an executed contract is no longer a contract, because all duties under it have been performed.
B. An executed contract implies a contract that has been fully carried out by all of the parties.
Strictly speaking, an executed contract is no longer a contract, because all duties under it have
been performed.
C. A contract is referred as an executed contract as it has been fully carried out by all of the
parties. Strictly speaking, an executed contract is no longer used as a contract, because it has
performed all duties.
D. Strictly speaking, a contract is no longer used as a contract, because it has performed all duties.
An executed contract is n contract as it has been fully carried out by all of the parties.

6) 即使当事人有能力签订具有约束力的合同,并非他们有自由可以签订任何合同,如果合

A. They are not free to make any contact they want, although they can form a binding contract, if
a contract is illegal and both parties know that, a court would refuse to hear the case.
B. Although they can form a binding contract, they are not free to make any illegal contact they
want, if both parties know that, a court would refuse to hear the case.
C. Even although they can form any illegal binding contract, they are not free to do so, a court
would refuse to hear the case if he knows that.
D. Even when parties are competent to form a binding contract, they are not free to make any
contact they want. If a contract is illegal and both parties know that the contract is illegal, a court
would refuse to hear the case.

7) 因为法律认为未成年人和成年人在同等条件下做生意缺乏经验,所以未成年人在法律上
A. Because the law regards a minor as too inexperienced to enter into business deals on equal
terms with adults, a minor is given the special protection of the law.
B. Because the law thinks that a minor is inexperienced to enter into business deals on equal terms
with adults, a minor is given the special protection of the law.
C. Because the law thinks that a minor and adults are not on equal terms when entering into
business deals, so it gives a minor special protection.
D. Because a minor and adults are not on equal terms when entering into business deals, so the
law thinks to give a minor special protection.

8) 如果撤销不能当作可以的补救措施,受伤害的当事人可以提出请求强制履行。强制履行
A. When rescission is not the proper remedy, the injured party may sue for specific performance.
Specific performance is a court order forcing the breaching party to carry out the contract
according to its original terms.
B. If rescission cannot be used as a proper remedy, specific performance may be appealed by the
injured party. It is a court order forcing the breaching party to carry out the contract according to
its original terms.
C. If proper remedy is not used as rescission, specific performance which is a court order forcing
the breaching party to carry out the contract according to its original terms may be appealed by the
injured party.
D. Specific performance which is a court order forcing the breaching party to carry out the
contract according to its original terms may be appealed by the injured party, when rescission is
not used as proper remedy.

9) 出现违约时,受伤害的当事人有权指控违约方,违约方可能会提出一种无法履行合同的
A. Whenever a contract is breached, the party which is injured has a right to sue the party who

broke the contract. The party who breaches the contract may offer one of many defenses for not
performing on the contract.
B. Whenever a contract is breached, the party which is injured has a right to sue the party who
breaches the contract and may offer one of many defenses for not performing on the contract.
C. When a breach of contract occurs, the injured party has a right to sue the party who broke the
contract. The breaching party may offer one of many defenses for not performing on the contract.
D. Whenever a contract is breached, the injured party has a right to sue the breaching party who
may offer one of many defenses for not performing on the contract.

10) 在销售合同中,卖方和买方可以规定补救方法,以防某方违约。如果他们不规定补救方
A. In order to prevent any party from breach of the contract, remedies many be provided by the
buyer or seller, if there is not provision the law provided remedies are applied.
B. In a sales contract, remedies may be provided by the seller and buyer for in case of a breach of
the contract by one party or the other, if there is not provision the law will provide remedies.
C. In a sales contract, the seller and buyer may provide for remedies in case of a breach of the
contract by one party or the other. If they do not, the remedies provided in the law will apply.
D. In a sales contract, the seller and buyer may prevent each other from breach of contract by
providing remedies, which can also be provided in the law if they do not provide one.

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.
1) 当然,没有人可以预测事故是否将发生,但是个人和企业必须制定计划保护他们的自身
Of course, no one can predict whether an accident will ever occur, but individuals and businesses
must establish plans to protect their personal and financial interests should some event threaten to
undermine their security.

2) 法院允许受到产品伤害的个人起诉直接销售商,也允许起诉销售链中的所有当事方。
The courts allow all individuals injured by a product to sue not only the immediate seller buat also
all parties in the chain of distribution.

3) 根据严格责任制规则,最终消费者必须说明产品的设计或制造是有缺陷的,不合理的危
Under the rule of strict liability, the ultimate consumer must show that the product was defectively
designed or manufactured and unreasonably dangerous and it caused personal injures or damage
to the user’s property.

4) 消费者们经常抱怨,他们不懂所签文件的语言。通常的情况下,文件中使用的语言非常

Consumers often complain that they do not understand the language in the documents they sign.
The language is often complicated and understandable only by lawyers. As a result, consumers
may sign contracts without really understanding what the yare signing. To protect the consumer,
some laws require that certain contracts be written so they are understandable to the average

5) 如果广告有欺骗消费者的倾向,不论广告商是否知道广告上的陈述是假的,这种广告是
If the advertising has the tendency to deceive consumers, such advertising is prohibited by law,
regardless of whether or not the advertiser knows its statements are false.

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?
1) 过去,政府对保护消费者通常采取“袖手旁观”的态度,但是近年来这种态度完全变了。
In the past, the government usually adopted “hands-off” attitude when it came to protecting the
consumer. But now things have changed. To protect the consumer, many laws and regulations
have been made. The agencies concerned set the product standards to ensure product quality and
quantity. If a consumer complains, the agency will investigate and take actions.

2) 在部分消费者无法确定他们购买商品的价格是合理的,尽管他们可以比较同类商品的价
Most consumers cannot determine whether the price charged for an item is fair. Although
consumers can compare prices of similar products, they often rely upon their faith in the seller
from whom they buy a product. However, some dishonest merchants use unfair practices.

3) 不了解商务法律环境,你就无法知道在真实世界中商法是如何实施的,因为商法是法律
You may not know how business law can work in the real world, without knowing the legal
environment of business. Because business law is only a part of law, it is thus helpful for anyone
involved in business to have an overview of law.

4) 在准备经商时,你会发现商业伦理背景同商法知识同样重要。商业伦理强调商界行为的

In preparing for a business career, you will find that a background in business ethics is just as
important as knowledge of business law. Business ethics focuses on right or wrong behavior in the
world of business. Business ethics is not a different kind of ethics, the ethical standards that guide
our behavior apply equally well to our activities as businesspersons.

5) 消费者可能以自己的名义或者以集体的名义提出诉讼。代表消费者集体名义的诉讼被划
A consumer may sue on his own behalf or on behalf of a group of consumers. A suit on behalf of a
group of consumers is called a class action suit. The purpose of a class action suit is to enable an
individual with a complaint to obtain legal relief when the claim might otherwise be too small to
warrant a separate lawsuit.

4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into English.

1) 了解国际交易相关的法律是非常重要的,因为全球范围的货物、服务和投资贸易已经是

2) 跨境间的贸易涉及诸如商品、信息和服务的销售,或者为了人员流动的投资等等活动。因

3) 不同国家的货币和涉外合同中当事人之间的国际汇兑问题,在某种程度上增加了国际交

4) 国际水平的交易同一国境内的交易是不同的,国内环境中不存在的问题可能在国际环境

5) 国内商务合同遗传下来的问题也存在于国际商务合同中,另外还增加了一些特殊的问题,

Unit Eight Accounting and Related Material (会计方面)

Section I: Text Reading






另一方面,管理会计为内部使用者--- 企业的管理人员,提供信息。这些起信息将有助于


一套分类账户被称为总账。账户最简单的形式由三部分组成:( 1)账户名称;(2)借方;
(3)贷方。这种形式的账户叫做 T 账户。被记入账户左边的金额为“借”,被记入右边的









2 New /key words and expressions

1)会计 accounting
2)效率 efficiency
3)有利润的 profitable
4)投资 invest
5)企业 business
6)股票持有者 stockholder
7)外部阅读者 outsider
8)会计信息 accounting information

9)方法 approach
10)角度 viewpoint
11)根据 in accordance
12)提供 provide
13)经营者 operator
14)投资者 investor
15)可靠的 reliable
16)公认会计原则 generally accepted accounting principle
17)管理方面的 managerial
18)平衡 balance
19)资产负债表 balance sheet
20)收入 income
21)损益表 income statement
22)债权人 creditor
23)估计 estimate
24)记入 enter
25)借方 debit
26)贷方 credit
27)把……入账 post
28)适当的 appropriate
29)总账 ledger
30)日记账 journal
31)按时间顺序的 chronological
32)总结 summarize
33)营业收入 revenue
34)费用 expense
35)判断 judge
36)年度的 annual
37)匹配原则 matching principle
38)冲抵,抵消 offset
39)延期确定分录 deferrals
40)应计分录 accruals
41)折旧 depreciation
42)控制 control
43)柜台 counter
44)接近的权利 access
45)基金 fund
46)补充 replenish
47)存款户 depositor

48)收款机 cash register
49)减去 deduct
50)处理 handle

3 Notes to the text

Managers and outsiders make their decisions in accordance with the accounting information.
Financial accounting provides financial information for outside users
These statements will show how well the company has been doing its business.
Every business usually prepares a balance sheet at the end of each accounting period.
The balance sheet is made up of three sections: assets, liabilities and owner’s equity.
The total figure for assets always equals the total figure for the liabilities and owner’s equity.
An account is used to record in one place all the increases and decreases in a special asset, a
liability or owner’s equity. Usually, in creases in assets are entered on the left side; the
balances of asset accounts will appear on the left side of the balance sheet.
An income statement is used to summarize the operation result of a business.
In accordance with the realization principle, revenue should be recorded when services have
been provided to customers.
The good internal control over cash should prevent cash from being stolen.
The petty cash fund should be replenished and restored to its original amount.
A check mailed to the payee has been deducted from the depositor’s account.
Those handling cash should not have access to the paper tape.

Section II: Translation and techniques

1 translation (重点、难点句)

Accounting can be approached from either of two directions: from the viewpoint of the accountant
or from the viewpoint of the user of accounting information. The former approach emphasizes the
concepts and techniques that are involved in collecting, summarizing, and reporting accounting
information; the latter emphasizes what the user needs to know about accounting.

Those who use accounting information must understand what a given accounting figure probably
means, what its limitations are, and the circumstances in which it may mean something different
from the apparent “signal” that it gives.

These statements, such as balance sheets and income statement, will show to the outsiders how
well the company has been doing its business.

Because managerial accounting information is only for insiders, the presentation of the
information is not decided by generally accepted accounting principles. It can be presented in any
way that best suits the purpose of management.

A basic characteristic of every balance sheet is that the total figure for assets always equals the
total figure for the liabilities and owner’s equity. This is why this financial report is called a
balance sheet.

At the end of an accounting period, the balances of asset accounts will appear on the left side of
the balance sheet and the balances of liability and owner’s equity accounts will appear on the right
side of the balance sheet.

A journal is a chronological record of all business transactions. It keeps in one place all the

information about a transaction. After business transactions are recorded in the journal, these
debits and credits will be posted in their appropriate ledger accounts. This process is called

Usually, the revenue of a period exceeds the total of cost of goods and expenses. And the
difference between them is a net income. Otherwise, the difference is a net loss.

The entries to record these expenses and revenues are called adjusting entries. These entries are
divided into two broad types: deferrals and accruals.

Each business deposits money received over the counter in its bank and makes payments through
the bank. Therefore, there is a double record of cash, one kept by the business and the other by the

2 techniques /methods 翻译技巧/方法


1) 汉语的动词转换成英语的名词
(1) 银行应该为顾客提供优质服务,特别是要照顾需要特殊服务的年长顾客。
Banks should provide the customs with fine services; especially they must take good care of the
aged customs, which need special treatment.
(2) 他特别强调了财务信息的透明度,因为经理们根据它做出自己的决定。
He laid special emphases on the transparency of the financial information, according to which
managers make their decisions.
(3) 财务报表是根据公认会计原则编制的,绝不允许违反这个原则。
Financial statements should be prepared in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles) and no violation of this principle is tolerated.
(4) 很好地使用汇记表,这样可以帮助会计员们简化期末工作并且避免差错。
A successful use of the work sheet can help the accountants to simplify the period-end work and
avoid errors.
(5) 准确确定库存商品的数量和成本是成功禁止过度库存的前提。

An accurate determination of the quantity and the cost of goods is the premise of a successful ban
of the over inventory.

2) 汉语的动词转换成英语的形容词
汉语中的一些表示知觉、情感等心理状态的动词,往往可以转换成英语形容词,通常以 be
+ 形容词的结构来表示。
(1) 诸如投资者和股票持有者等到外部阅读者非常关切是企业的经营状况。
What the outsiders, such as investors and stockholders are deeply concerned at how well the
business has been operating.

(2) 妥善的内部现金管理有助于现金的准确核算和保持适量的现金余额,特别是免于管理部
The good internal control over cash can help the management to account accurately for cash and
keep a proper amount of cash; especially it can prevent the management from being anxious about
the stolen of the cash.

(3) 投资者们不怀疑公司提供的信息是否可靠。
They investors are not doubtful whether the financial information provided by the company is

(4) 公司不仅要清楚地知道流动资产的总额,还要知道流动负债的总额。
Companies should be aware of the total amount of the current assets but also the total amount of
the current liabilities.

(5) 我们决不满足于现有的成就,还应该更加努力地减少坏账。
We are not content with our present achievements and will make efforts to reduce bad debt.

3) 汉语的动词转换成英语的动词
(1) 公司的财务部管理得井井有条,高效率快节奏地运转,给投资者们留下的印象很深。
The financial department of the company has been managed in perfectly order with high
efficiency, which impressed the investors deeply.

(2) 公司是否能够实现盈利取决于全体员工的努力,大部分员工对工作的态度是认真的。
Whether the company is profitable or not depends on the hard work of its entire staff and most
staff behaved well in their work.

(3) 会计是一种特殊的商用语言。因为它能为管理部门提供有关信息,所以它在企业的运营
Accounting is a special business language. Because it provides financial information to the

management, so it figured prominently in the running of the business.

(4) 资产负债表的一个基本特征是资产的总和是与负债和所有者权益的总和相等。
A balance sheet basically characterizes by the equivalent of the total figure for assets and total
figure for the liabilities and owner’s equity.

4) 汉语的动词转换成英语的介词
(1) 一些企业追求利润最大化,而另一些企业追求货币流通最快化。
Some enterprises are after the best profit while the others are after the fast circulation of their

(2) 已经邮寄收款人的支票已从存款户账户中扣除。
A check mailed to the payee has been out from the depositor’s account.

(3) 我们反对直接将各笔业务记入分类账中,因为这样做很有可能会发生错误。
We are against the way to record all transactions directly in ledger accounts, because it is likely
that errors will appear in the process.

(4) 会计们都赞同简化期末工作的作法,因为这样可以避免出错。
Accountants are in favor of the way to simplify the period-end work so errors can be avoided.

Section III Translation Practice

1 Which of the given translations can best express the original meaning of each sentence?
A. What the accountants want to aware of is how the information is used because the information
should be collected and reported in the most helpful way to the users. Likewise, users need to
know how the accountant collect and report it; otherwise, they cannot understand the real meaning
of the information.
B. Accountants want to know how to use information because the collection and report should be
in a most helpful way to the users. Users want to know why the accountant does it in this way;
otherwise, they cannot understand the real meaning of the information that is provided.
C. Accountants need to know how information is to be used because they should collect and report
information in a form that is most helpful to those who use it. Users need to know what the
accountant does; otherwise, they are unlikely to understand the real meaning of the information
that is provided.

D. What the accountants want to know is how the information is used because they should collect
and report information in the way that is most helpful to the users. In the same way, users need to
know how the accountant does it; otherwise, they are unlikely to understand the real meaning of
the provided information.

A. After some experience with you log, you would gradually develop a set of rules to guide your
efforts. For example, since it would be impossible to write down every action of every person in
the organization, you would develop rules to guide you in choosing between those events that
were important enough to record and those that should be omitted. You also would find that your
log would be more valuable if you standardized certain terms. People who studied it would have a
clearer understanding of what you meant.
B. After writing you log for some time, you will accumulate your experience and gradually
develop e set of rules to guide your action. For example, since it would be not possible to record
every action of every person in the organization, you would dig out rules to guide you when you
make choices in the events: which events are important enough to be written down; which events
are not important at all to be ignored. At the same time you may find that if you standardize
certain terms your log would be more valuable. Those who study your log would have a clearer
understand of what you have written.
C. You will be more experienced if you write a log for some time and gradually you can develop a
set of rules to guide yourself. For example, since it would be not possible to record every action of
every person in the organization, you would dig out rules to guide your choices in the events:
which events are important to record and which ones are not. At the same time you will find it
would be more valuable if you standardize some of you terms for those who study your log,
because it is clearer to understand.
D. You will accumulate some experience if you write a log for some time and develop a set of
rules to guide you action. Fore example, since you know that you are impossible to record down
every action of every person in the organization. You could find a way to guide your action in
events: which events are important to record and which ones are not and could be omitted. At the
same time you will find your standard terms are more valuable for those who study your log,
because it is clearer to understand.


A. The beginners of accounting must be cautious against preconceptions. They will find that the
actual accounting is not the same as they thought about in some aspect, and at the same time they
can find reasons to explain the differences. The importance is that they should understand these
reasons. In order to understand these, the users should know enough knowledge on accounting so
that they can understand the limitations of accounting information.
B. Students of accounting must be wary of preconceptions. They will discover that accounting as
it really is may be different in important respect from what they had surmised it to be. They will
find that there are sound reasons for these differences, and it is important that they understand
these reasons. To achieve such an understanding, users need to know enough about accounting
concepts and techniques to understand the nature and limitations of the accounting information.
C. The new students of accounting must be cautious against preconceptions. They will discover
that accounting in reality may be different from what they had thought as it should be in some
important respect. And at the same time they will realize that there are sound reasons for these
differences, and it is important that they understand these reasons. To achieve such an
understanding, users must know enough about accounting concepts and techniques so as to
understand the nature and limitations of the accounting information.
D. The new comers of accounting must be careful about the preconceptions. They will find that in
some important respect what they expected is not the same with the reality, and they can find the
reasons to explain these differences. The important aspect is that they know the reasons. In order
to understand these, the users must have enough knowledge on accounting, so they can understand
the nature and limitation of the accounting information.

A. Sole proprietorships cannot issue stock or bonds, so it is difficult for them to raise large
amounts of capital. They can borrow money from banks or individuals, but they cannot obtain
outside equity capital because, by definition, investors who provide equity capital have an
ownership interest. Moreover, the proprietor is personally responsible for the entity’s debts.
B. It is impossible for a sole proprietorship to issue stock or bonds and for this reason he cannot
raise large capital. Of course he can borrow from bank or individuals but not outside equity
capital. Because from the definition the provider of equity capital has the ownership of the capital
he provides. Furthermore, the sole proprietor is responsible for the entity’s debts personally.
C. Sole proprietorships are impossible to issue neither stock nor bonds, because large amounts of
capital are hard for them to borrow from banks or individuals for the outside equity capital. The
providers of equity capital are the owners of the capital. Moreover, the owners of sole

proprietorships are responsible for the debts personally.
D. Sole proprietorships cannot raise large amounts of capital because they are impossible to issue
neither stock nor bonds. They cannot borrow outside equity capital from the bank or individuals, it
is because investors who provide equity capital have an ownership interest. Furthermore, the
employers of the sole proprietorships should be responsible for the debts of the company

A. The why they want to compile the cash flow statement is that it can provide information about
the cash flows, economy individual investment and financing activities, which are very important
for the share holders and creditors, because the cash flows influence the shareholders’ investment.
The interests of the creditors are in the form of cash.
B. The purpose of the cash flow statement is to provide information about the cash flows
associated with the period’s operations and also about the entity’s investing and financing
activities during the period. This information is important both to shareholders, part of whose
investment return (dividends) is dependent on cash flows, and also to lenders, whose interest
payments and principal repayment require the use of cash.
C. The cash flow statement is purposed to provide information about the cash flows, economy
individual investment and financing activities. This information is so important to both
shareholders and investors, for shareholders’ investment return is influenced by them and
creditors’ interests and principal repayment are in the form of it.
D. In order to provide information about the cash flows, economy individual investment and
financing activities a cash flow statement is provided, because it is important for both
shareholders, whose investment return is influenced by it and creditors, whose interest payment
and principal repayment are in its form.

A. If a company cannot sell its securities publicly and their price cannot be calculated, so the
values created by shareholders’ cannot be directly measured. But the indicators of interests and
rate of investment returns can be measured at any situation.
B. If a company cannot sell its securities to the public, the market price of its securities cannot be
measured and the shareholders’ value cannot be measured neither. But the interests and investment
return can be measured as a indicators of value creation, which can be measured in all situation.
C. If a company’s securities are not publicly traded and hence the total market valuation of its

equity securities cannot be calculated, then shareholder value creation cannot be directly
measured. Nevertheless, profit and return on investment, which are indicators of value creation,
can be measured in all cases.
D. A company has to sell its securities openly so as to measure its market price of its securities.
Otherwise, the value from the shareholders’ creation cannot be measured directly. But at any time
the indicators of interests and investment return can be measured.

A. Understanding some bookkeeping knowledge is very useful. There are at least two reasons:
first, accounting is a subject learned by doing as many other subjects. These tools can increase the
speed of solving problems, second, the main technique discussed frameworks an analytical
B. Understanding of some bookkeeping knowledge is of great help because of the following two
reasons. Firstly, accounting can only be learned by doing, speed up can be achieved to solve its
problem. Secondly, the main technique discussed frameworks an analytical process.
C. Some knowledge of bookkeeping is of great useful, for there are at least two reasons. First, as
in many subjects, accounting is a subject can only be learned by doing, and the speed of solving
problems can be increase. Here discusses frameworks an analytical process.
D. Some knowledge of bookkeeping is useful for at least two reasons. First, as is the case with
many subjects, accounting is something that is best learned by doing (by solving problems), using
some tools will often speed up the problem-solving process considerable. Second, the principal
technique discussed here provides an analytical framework to solve the problem.

A. In the usual situation, the amount of income that will be earned can be reliably estimated when
goods are delivered or services provided. A price agreed to by the customer minus the appropriate
cost of sales, is usually excellent evidence of the amount of income earned. Even though some
customers in the normal course of business may not pay their bills, allowances can be made for
this in estimating the amount of revenue.
B. Usually, the amount of income cannot be estimated until the goods are sold and services are
provided. The best way to established income is to minus the customers’ price from the cost.
Although some customers fail to pay in normal course of business, the incomes can be estimated
by making some allowances in this situation.
C. Normally, after selling the goods and providing services the income can be estimated. The

customers’ price minus the cost is the best way; the income can be estimated by some allowances
even though some customers do not pay in the normal course of business.
D. In normal case, the amount of earnings can be estimated after goods delivered or services
provided. Normally the best way to estimate the earnings is to minus the customers’ price from the
cost, even though some allowances should be made when some customers fail to pay in their
normal course of business.

A. Many retailers use installment to sell their merchandise, for it is a way that customers pay a
certain amount per week or per month. If they are faithful it is likely to receive the payment and
the store can measure its income. In other situation, the amount of income cannot be reliably
calculated then.
B. Many retail stores sell merchandise on an installment basis, in which the customer pays a
certain amount per week or per month. If the customers are of good creditability then the
payments are likely to be received and the store can reliably measure its income at the time the
sale is made. In other circumstances, the amount of income that is realized cannot be reliably
measured at the time the sale is made.
C. Many retail stores install the sales of merchandise; under this way customers pay per week or
per month. If the customers are not reliable the payments are not likely to be retraced and the store
cannot reliably measure its income. In other cases, the amount of income can be reliably
calculated then.

D. Many retailers install merchandise and customers make payment weekly or monthly. They will
receive the payment if the customers are reliable. Otherwise, the stores cannot measure their
incomes reliably.

A. If a person buys something without intention of payment, he doesn’t pay. In this situation, the
company has not sold anything, and no income is earned nor capital and receivables are added to
the company.
B. If a person does not make payment and without any intention of paying, the company has not
made any sale in that situation. This transaction makes no actual income nor additional capital is
C. A person makes a purchase with no intention of paying for it and in fact does not pay for it. In

this case, the company has not actually made a sale at all. No revenue was actually earned, and
nothing valuable was added to the asset accounts receivable as a result of this transaction.
D. A person makes a purchase but without any payment and he does not want to pay. In this case
the company has not actually realized any sales but lost something. No actual income is made
through this nor any additional capital and receivables are made.

2 Read the passages and consider the translation following. Make corrections where you
think are inappropriate and or wrong.
Usually, exporting companies take special cautions when granting credit. However, despite their
great care, some uncollectible accounts will arise. The amount that will not be collected is called
uncollectible account expense or bad debt expense.

For most companies, an inventory is made up of all the goods held for sale in the regular course of
business. It is often the largest of the current assets for wholesalers and retailers.

The rules and basic concepts of accounting are commonly referred to as principles. The word
principle is used in the sense of general law or rule that is to be used as a guide to action. This
means that accounting principles do not prescribe exactly how each event occurring in an
organization should be recorded. Consequently, there are many matters in accounting practice that
differ from one organization to another.

The reason for such differences is that a single detailed set of rules could not conceivably apply to
every organization. In part, the differences reflect that, within “generally accepted accounting
principles,” accountant has some freedom in which to express its own ideas about the best way of
recording and reporting a specific event.


Budgeting is the process of planning the overall activates of the organization for a specified
period of time, usually a year. A primary objective of budgeting is to coordinate the separate plans
made for various segments of the organization so as to ensure that these plans harmonize with one

3. Make comments on the methods of the translation. Do you think there are better ways to
do the translation?
The end product of the financial accounting process is a set of reports that are called financial
statements. Generally accepted accounting principles require that three such reports be prepared: a
balance sheet, an income statement and statement of cash flows.

To emphasize the distinction between accounting’s cost concept as it is applied to nonmonetary
assets and the ordinary meaning of value, the term book value is used for historical cost amounts
shown in accounting records.

Cash and other assets that are expected to be realized in cash or sold or consumed during the
Norman operating cycle of the entity or within one year, whichever is longer, are called current
assets. Although the usual time limit is one year, exceptions occur in companies whose normal
operating cycle is longer than one year.

Accounts receivable are amounts owed to the company by its customers. Accounts receivable are
reported on the balance sheet as the amount owed less an allowance for that portion that probably
will not be collected.

Accounts payable represent the claims of suppliers arising from their furnishing goods or services
to the company for which they have not yet been paid. Usually these claims are unsecured.

4. Assignment: Translation the following passage(s) into English.

Plant assets in a balance sheet include land, buildings, machinery, office equipment --- all tangible
assets owned by a business and used in operation. As time passes, all assets except land will
deteriorate physically from use and will become obsolete because better ones are available.

Most businesses purchase their inventories and plant assets on credit and collect money before
service is rendered. Then liabilities are incurred. These current liabilities should be paid within an
accounting period or a year, whichever is longer. They are paid from current assets or replaced
with new short term liabilities.

Retained earnings are a component part of stockholders’ equity. Its balance represents a
corporation’s accumulated income. It does not show how much cash is available in the
corporation. Instead, it indicates a source of some assets.

What business transactions will cause retained earnings to increase of decrease? Usually, a net
income for each period will cause it to increase and a net loss will cause it to decrease.

Cost is a monetary measurement of the amount of resources used for some purpose. An
expenditure is a decrease in an asset (usually cash) or an increase in a liability (often accounts


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