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UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program


Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
This guide may be used for the Culturally Relevant Lesson Plan, as well as the lesson observed by your Support Provider or Mentor Teacher.
Topic of Lesson: Real-World Race Related Issues Date: 08/05/18

Inquiry Question: In what ways can the issues of race addressed in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, relate to modern-day issues concerning race?
Grade Level: 9th
Expected Outcomes: What is your learning objective for students to know Behavioral Needs Focus Student: How will you modify, accommodate,
at the end of this lesson? or differentiate instruction to ensure universal access to curriculum for
your Focus Student?
§ Students will be able to research a modern-day social injustice In order to accommodate for a student with particular behavioral needs,
related to race. and in order to make sure that this accommodation is not targeted toward
only one particular student, all students’ presentations must be submitted
§ Students will be able to present research on a modern-day social and then previewed by Ms. Kadri prior to the presentation date, for
injustice issue related to race. approval.
§ Students will be able to develop critical thinking, higher order During the presentation, all students will be reminded, prior to beginning,
thinking questions to prompt their peers into discussion regarding that both the presenter and the audience should be engaged and focused on
this modern-day social injustice issue. the topic. If students are not on task, they unfortunately will receive a grade
deduction on their own presentation.
§ Students will be able to facilitate a discussion related to this modern-
day social injustice issue.

Assessment: What evidence of learning will you gather to assess student Flexible Grouping Strategies: How will you group students in the lesson
learning? to address identified language, academic, and instructional needs for
individual students?
In order to assess student learning, students will be asked to complete a As this assignment is an individual task, rather than one to be completed in
Works Cited illustrating that they have consulted and cited two reputable, groups, I will make sure to schedule individual conferences with students,
researchable sources. Moreover, their presentation skills will be assessed in outside of class, who might find this presentation particularly challenging
the following three ways: based on the depth of research, formal presentation due to language or academic barriers.
style, and proper use of mechanics, grammar, and spelling, as part of the

What academic content standard(s) will you focus on during this lesson?

Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or
broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each
source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following
a standard format for citation.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate
others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the
organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of
findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

Lesson Differentiation: Explain how you will ensure student engagement and differentiate within this lesson to meet the needs of students who have
learning difficulties, students who are language learners, and students who are gifted.

As indicated above, individual conference periods will be set aside so that students have the opportunity to discuss concerns they have with Ms. Kadri, or
so that Ms. Kadri can make certain that particular students are being supported and/or challenged to the best of their abilities, based on their unique needs.

Moreover, as students have a great deal of autonomy in choosing this topic, students who are language learners, for example, will have a great opportunity
to share social injustice issues revolving around their own cultures, if they feel comfortable and interested to do so (of course, there may be students who
would shy away from this, which is also very much acknowledged).

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
Lesson Design: Explain your planned activities to meet your learning objective.

As part of our analysis of To Kill A Mockingbird, and in order to relate the issues of racism and injustice presented within this timeless novel, more
specifically, students will be asked to lead a 15 minute presentation in which they research and present a modern-day social injustice issue pertaining to
race. Moreover, they will also be expected to facilitate a discussion or activity related to the research they conduct.

The objective of this assignment is thus not only in order to make sure that culturally relevant pedagogy is being implemented, in that it strives to
showcase real-world connections to a piece of literature, but also engages them in researching and thereafter presenting information in thorough, nuanced
Lesson Design:

v Pass out Race Relaters handout.

v Discuss the guidelines outlined on the handout by detailing that students will individually be required to consider a relevant and current social
justice issue that they are particularly interested in researching and presenting on. Presentations will be between 10-15 minutes in length, and will
require students to include information from at least two different reputable sources.
v Students will also be required to lead their peers in an activity or discussion related to their social justice issue. For example, they made lead a
Socratic Seminar or engage students in taking a quiz examining their own biases before then discussing what they learned from this experience.
v Students will be assessed based on their depth of research, as well as on the ways in which they effectively engage their peers in delving into their
particular topic.
Academic Vocabulary Instruction: What specific vocabulary/terms will Culturally Relevant: How is this lesson relevant to the students in your
you explicitly teach and have students practice during this lesson to ensure class? How does this lesson encourage a classroom that is supportive of
concept understanding? diversity?

Although there is no specific vocabulary that will need to be introduced as This lesson centers around students in a number of ways. Students will be
part of this assignment, students will be reminded to be formal in their given nearly full autonomy in choosing a topic related to race or social
presentation. We will have a brief discussion reiterating ways in which to injustice that they feel particularly interested and motivated to research and
avoid “vocal pauses” (i.e. um, uh), and also how to determine whether a present about. In the past, as part of this assignment, many of my students
source they use as part of their research could be considered credible or not. have chosen to discuss global issues pertaining to their specific race,
ethnicity, or religion. Moreover, some young women in my class have also
brought to light issues regarding gender discrimination, sexism, and sexual
In short, this project engages students in highlighting an issue of social
injustice that they feel specifically compelled to take on as part of their
research and presentation.

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
Classroom Management: What do you anticipate your focus student will Integration of Technology: How will you integrate available technology
need to be successful with this lesson? What other issues should you resources into this lesson as you plan, teach, and assess student learning?
consider to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for student learning? How might students use technology in this lesson to deepen their
understanding of the content?
Students with language barriers, for example, may need additional support in
discerning information from researchable sources, and in organizing their Technology will play a key role in implementing this project, as students
presentation. This is one of the main motivations for individual conferencing will need access to the internet in order to conduct their research and prepare
as part of this project. a visual presentation via PowerPoint, Prezi, or another preferred medium of
their choice.
As our school is very fortunate to have access to Chromebooks in our
Moreover, as students will also be asked to submit their presentation topic classroom on a daily basis, students will be provided with time in which to
and research prior to the presentation, issues that may emotionally trigger complete this research in class.
particular students can be anticipated and addressed.

Lastly, prior to each presentation date, students will be reminded that our
number one classroom rule is respect. Therefore, differences in opinion are
invited, but individuals on both side of a debate that may ensue will be
expected to remain cordial and respectful, above all.

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity

Race Relaters

As we read To Kill A Mockingbird, we will be focusing a great deal on issues of race.

Your job, as a member of both this class and of global society, is to GET INFORMED and
GET INVOLVED in important issues of race in the world around you.

You will be individually presenting (10-15 minutes) an issue of social injustice related to race
by doing one of the following:

v Researching a current events issue, song, rap, etc. on race and interactively analyzing it
along with the class by creating and leading a brief lesson (No Kahoot! This is about
engaging the class, not assessing them!). Specific open-ended and thought-provoking
questions connected to your research should be developed if your lesson involves a

v At least two reputable sources should be consulted as part of this research, and evidence
of this will be documented as part of a Works Cited page.

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

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