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Aberration: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome

Abortion: the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy

Abrasive: causing irritation; rude and unkind

Abrazo: an embrace

Advantageous: involving or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chances of success or
effectiveness; beneficial

Affiliation: the state or relation of being closely associated or affiliated with a particular person, group,
party, company

Ambassador: an official who represents his or her own country in a foreign country

Amendment: an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution, etc

Application: the act of putting something to use

Arena: a place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict

Aspect: nature; quality; character

Aspirant: one who seeks to attain a desired position or status

Assail: to attack with arguments, criticism, ridicule, abuse, etc.

Assert: to state with assurance, confidence, or force

Asterisk: someone or something considered too minor for prominent mention

Backbone: strength of character; resolution

Bass fiddle: also known as a double bass, which is the largest instrument of the violin family, having
three or, usually four strings, rested vertically on the floor when played

Beaten track: a much trodden, or commonly used route or path

Brassiere: a woman’s undergarment for covering and supporting the breasts; a bra

Brassy: resembling the sound of a brass instrument; harsh and metallic

Broadcast: the showing of a television or radio program

Caking: congealing or compacting (usually of makeup products) in an excessive manner

Calico: Calico fabric is a plain-woven textile, made from half-processed and unbleached cotton fibres

Callous: insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic

Campaign: the competition by rival political candidates and organizations for public office

Campaign manager: a person designated by a candidate, or the candidate's representative, to exercise

general overall responsibility for the conduct of the candidate's political campaign

Canvass: a personal solicitation of votes or survey of public opinion; a campaign

Census: a count for official purposes, esp. one to count the number of people living in a country and to
obtain information such as age, sex, race, etc.

Chafing: making sore or irritate by rubbing

Chapped: cracked, roughened, reddened, especially lips or skin

Cloying: excessively sweet or sentimental

Coaxing: to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc

Coliseum: an amphitheater, stadium, large theater, or other special building for public meetings, sporting
events, exhibitions, etc

Contended: to assert something as a position in an argument

Contention: disagreement resulting from opposing arguments

(To) Contest: to argue against; dispute

Crusade: any vigorous, aggressive movement for the defense or advancement of an idea, cause,etc.

Cue: anything said or done, on or off stage, that is followed by a specific line or action

Curbing: to control or limit something that is not wanted

Debt: something owed, especially money

Deceit: the quality of being dishonest or misleading

Demeanor: behavior toward others; outward manner

Departure: deviation from an accepted, prescribed, or usual course of action

Diminutive: one that is notably small

Discipline: a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity

Disheartening: to depress the hope, courage, or spirits of; discourage

Dissonant: disagreeing or harsh in sound; discordant

Divisive: tending to cause disagreements that separate people into opposing groups

Dogged: to cause one trouble for a long time

Dubious: doubtful; of uncertain outcome

(Will) Effect: bring about; accomplish; make happen

Efficacity: the power to produce an effect; also known as efficacy

Emanating: to come from or out of a source

Embassy: a body of diplomatic representatives

Emotionalism: showing too much emotion

Enlightened: freed from ignorance and misinformation

Enumerator: a census taker

Enunciate: to utter or pronounce (words, sentences, etc.), especially in an articulate or a particular manner

Epoch: a point of time distinguished by a particular event or state of affairs

Erectile dysfunction: difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection of the penis; impotence

Erratic: characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity

Evoke: to call up, produce, or elicit

Extramarital affair: a romantic relationship or encounter that happens between a married person and
someone who is not the person's spouse

Fat cat: a wealthy and powerful person, typically one involved in business or politics

Feminist: a person who believes in feminism, and tries to achieve change that helps women to get equal
opportunities and treatment

Fey: excessively refined

Filibuster: a strategy employed in the United States Senate, whereby a minority can delay a vote on
proposed legislation by making long speeches or introducing irrelevant issues

First papers: papers declaring intention filed by an applicant for citizenship as the first step in the
naturalization process

Flourish: a trumpet call or fanfare

Foley: a sound effects technique for synchronous effects or live effects, often produced manually

Formidable: causing fear, apprehension, or dread

Fragrant: having a pleasant scent or aroma

Framed: to incriminate (an innocent person) through the use of false evidence, information, etc

Futile: serving no useful purpose; completely ineffective

Girdle: a lightweight undergarment, worn especially by women, often partly or entirely of elastic
or boned, for supporting and giving a slimmer appearance to the abdomen, hips, and buttocks

Gist: the main or essential part of a matter

Glib: marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or

Gratifying: giving or causing satisfaction; pleasing

Groundswell: any surge of support, approval, or enthusiasm, especially among the general public

Gutsy: having a great deal of courage or nerve

Hampered: to hold back; hinder; impede

Harmonizing (points): to bring ideas, feelings, or actions into agreement

Helpmate: a companion and helper

Hence: from this time; from now

Honeymoon: any period of blissful harmony; literally, a vacation or trip taken by a newly married

Humanism: any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and
dignity predominate

Humility: the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own
importance, rank, etc.

Hypersensitive: excessively sensitive

Implacable: not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated

Impotence: chronic inability to attain or sustain an erection for the performance of a sexual act;
sterility, especially in the male

Incumbent: a person who (specifically currently) has a particular office or position, esp. an
elected one

Indifference: lack of interest or concern

Indigent: suffering from extreme poverty; impoverished

Ingratiating: deliberately meant to gain favor

Inlaid: set into a surface in a decorative design

Integrity: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty

Jest: a joke or witty remark

The Jig is up: the scheme or deception is revealed or foiled

Jubilation: a joyful or festive celebration

Justice: the condition of being morally correct or fair

Mahjong: a game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with 144 dominolike pieces
or tiles marked in suits, counters, and dice, the object being to build a winning combination of

Managerial: of, relating to, or characteristic of management or a manager

Medicare: Medicare is the federal government program that provides health care coverage
(health insurance) if you are 65+, under 65 and receiving Social Security Disability Insurance
(SSDI) for a certain amount of time, or under 65 and with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).
The program is funded in part by Social Security and Medicare taxes you pay on your income,
in part through premiums that people with Medicare pay, and in part by the federal budget.

Medium: a person who claims to receive messages from people who are dead

Mental: slang for mentally ill

Menopausal: relating to menopause, which is when a woman stops menstruating (usually

between the ages of 45 and 65)

Militant: vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause

Modesty: the quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities

Momentous: of great or far-reaching importance or consequence

Monopolies: complete control of the supply of particular goods or services, or a company or

group that has such control

Monopoly: a real-estate board game for two to eight players, in which the player’s goal is to
remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy by buying and developing
pieces of property.

Mutual: (of two or more people or groups) feeling the same emotion, or doing the same thing to
or for each other

Nearsighted: able to see clearly only objects that are close up

Neglected: not given proper or necessary care or attention

Novelty: something new or unusual

Old maid: a single woman regarded as too old for marriage

On account of: because of

Orifice: an opening (such as a vent, mouth, or hole) through which something may pass

Outset: the beginning or start

(A) Permanent: also known as a perm; a perm is a process where your hairstylist treats your
hair with a chemical to alter the structure and permanently wave or curl your hair

Physiological: relating to the way in which the bodies of living things work

Pigeonhole: to assign to an often restrictive category

Pioneering: leading the way for a group

Platform: a body of principles on which a person or group takes a stand in appealing to the
public, especially in a political setting

Plight: a condition, state, or situation, especially an unfavorable or unfortunate one

Plum pudding: a rich boiled or steamed pudding containing raisins, currants, and spices

Postmaster general: the head of a country’s postal service

Powder base: a cosmetic cream or other foundation for use under face powder

Predating: to have existed or happened before something else

Preposterous: completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd

Principle: an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct

Privilege: a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most

Psychoanalyze/psychoanalysis: a method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating

emotional disorders that involves treatment sessions during which the patient is encouraged to
talk freely about personal experiences and especially about early childhood and dreams

Psychological: pertaining to, dealing with, or affecting the mind, especially as a function of
awareness, feeling, or motivation

Queer: identifying sexually as an orientation other than heterosexual

Quixotic: extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; impulsive and often rashly unpredictable;

resembling or befitting Don Quixote
Radical: favoring drastic political, economic, or social reform

Reciprocal: given or felt by each toward the other; mutual

Rekindle: to start or stir up (something) again

Remote: unlikely to occur

Rendezvous: a meeting at a particular place and time

Revile: to subject to verbal abuse

Ridicule: to make fun of

Rivet(ed): to attract or keep someone’s attention

Sap: a fool; stands for “sad and pathetic”

Scoffer: one who expresses scorn contempt, or derision toward another

(A) Scream: to be extremely funny

Screwy: crazy; nutty

Secretary: a person employed to handle correspondence and do routine work in a business

office, usually involving taking dictation, typing, filing, and the like

Secretary of Labor: in charge of overseeing the Department of Labor, which advocates for the
well-being of job seekers, wage earners, and retirees in the United States. It also ensures that
all U.S. workers receive the appropriate work-related benefits and rights

Secretary of State: the President's chief foreign affairs adviser; carries out the President's
foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States

Secretary of Transportation: serves as principal adviser to the president in all matters relating to
federal transportation programs

Semantics: the study of meaning in language

Shackle: a ring or other fastening, as of iron, for securing the wrist, ankle, etc.

Shrivel: to wither; make or become helpless or useless

Shun: to avoid deliberately

Skipper: the person in charge of a ship or boat; can also refer to the captain or leader of a team

Slogan: a brief attention-getting phrase used in advertising or promotion

Snood: a netlike hat, part of a hat, or fabric that holds or covers the back of a woman's hair

Solitaire: a game played with cards by one person

Sound (judgment): competent, sensible, or valid

Special interest: a person or group seeking to influence legislative or government policy to

further often narrowly defined interests

Splinter: a small, sharp, piece of wood,glass, or similar material that has broken off a larger

Sponsor: a person, firm, organization, etc., that finances and buys the time to broadcast a radio
or television program so as to advertise a product, a political party, etc.

Spontaneity: a way of behaving in which you do what feels natural and good whenever you want
to, rather than planning things first

Stagecraft: skill in or the art of writing, adapting, or staging plays

Stamina: staying power; endurance

Starchy: behaving in a formal way and without humour; stiff

Stockbroker: a person or company that buys and sells investments for other people

Stockings: tight-fitting,thin, cloth covers for the feet and legs worn esp. by women

Suffragist: one who fights for suffrage, especially a supporter women having the right to vote in
the early 20th century

Superstitious: pertaining to or connecting to superstition, which is a belief or notion, not based

on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing

Supreme Court: the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under
the Constitution or the laws of the United States; as the final arbiter of the law, the Court is
charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby,
also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution
Supreme Court Justice: preside over civil and criminal court cases with the goal of upholding,
enforcing, and interpreting the law, but most uniquely the U.S. Constitution

Swell: very good or excellent

Synagogue: an assembly or congregation of Jews for the purpose of religious worship

Take a letter: to ask a secretary to "take a letter" would mean that you're going to dictate a letter
to him or her

Teflon: literally, a brand name for a chemically-produced substance that is put on the inside of
cooking pans to keep food from sticking; in this case denoting someone whose reputation
remains undamaged in spite of scandal or misjudgement

Telegram: a message or communication sent by telegraph

Tenor: a man’s singing voice in the highest range, or a person or musical instrument with this

Term (presidential): the length of time during which a person has an official or political office

Thereafter: after that in time or sequence; afterward

Tide: literally, the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day; also any large change in
something, esp. an increase in the amount of something

Tokenism: the policy or practice of making only a symbolic effort (as to desegregate)

Trailblazer: a person who is the first to do something that other people do later; a pioneer

The Treasury: the executive agency responsible for promoting economic prosperity and
ensuring the financial security of the United States

Trotted: a jogging gait of a human that falls between a walk and a run; similar to a horse

Tumble (for something): to understand or become aware of (something)

Uncanny: strange or mysterious; difficult or impossible to explain

Unduly: excessively

Unenfranchised: not granted or not allowed to exercise political rights (such as suffrage)
Uterus: the organ in the body of a woman or other female mammal in which a baby develops
before birth; womb

Vaccinate: to administer a vaccine in order to prevent disease, usually by injection

Vaginal: pertaining to or involving the vagina, the passage leading from the uterus to the vulva
in females

Valid: well-grounded or justifiable; both relevant and meaningful

Vaudeville: a type of entertainment popular chiefly in the US in the early 20th century, featuring
a mixture of speciality acts such as burlesque comedy and song and dance

Veto: to refuse to admit or approve; prohibit

Viable: able to exist, perform as intended, or succeed

Violin: a small, wooden musical instrument with four strings that a player holds against his or her
neck and plays with a bow

War machine: the military resources of a country organized for waging war
Weathered: changed in color or form over a period of time because of the effects of sun, wind,
rain, or other conditions in the air

The White House: the official office and residence of the president of the United States at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. in Washington, D.C.

Zany: ludicrously or whimsically comical; clownish

Cambridge Dictionary
Oxford Living Dictionaries
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Iles Formula
Macmillan Dictionary
US Department of State
Collins English Dictionary
The Supreme Court of the United States
WordReference Forums
US Department of the Treasury

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