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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

English 11
October 24, 2017
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a) distinguish different types of conjunctions;
b) formulate grammatically correct sentences using conjunctions; and
c) use conjunctions to form compound sentences.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Conjunctions
Textbook: Making Meaning: Afro-Asian Literature
Materials: Manila paper, marker, fishbowl.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a) Routinary Activities
 Opening prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Review

b) Motivation
Good morning students! Before we
proceed with our next lesson. We
will first have an activity. I would
like you to divide yourselves into
groups, each should have four
members each. I will give a minute
to do the groupings. (Students group there selves)

(after one minute)

Are you done with the groupings? Yes ma’am

Choose a team leader. Okay group 1

who is your leader? (Student answers)
How about the other groups?
All leaders move forward please,
then pick 4 pieces of paper on the
fish bowl and distribute it on your
group mates. (Students follow)
Are you done? Yes Ma’am.
So now, let’s proceed to the activity.
Does every one of you receive a
Yes ma’am
Okay so unfold the paper, what can
you see? It contains phrases and clauses Ma’am.

Those clauses/phrases can be a

sentence if we will add some words
to link them. Now, it is your duty to
add or choose an appropriate word
that will correspond to the idea of
the clause/phrase. Question? Ma’am where are we going to write our
Very good question. I will give you
¼ piece of manila paper. Write your
answer on that manila paper and
post it on the board when you’re
done. The first one to finish
correctly will get plus 5 points on
your quiz later.

a) Lesson Proper

Congratulations to the 1st group

who finished linking the clauses/
phrases correctly. You will get your
reward later after your quiz.

To the winning team, what strat-

egies did you used to finish your
task in little time? Team leader,
would you like to share it to the
class? We used conjunctions to link the given clauses
and phrases.
Very good! That is exactly our topic
today. Conjunctions, what do you
know about conjunctions? It links phrases/clauses with the same ideas.

You have an idea.

Class, listen now. A conjunction is a
part of speech that is used to
connect words, phrases, clauses, or

The most common conjunctions are

called coordinating conjunctions.
They are used to form compound
subjects, compound predicate and
compound sentences.

Who has knowledge of coordinating

conjunction? Junar is rising is
hand. Yes! Can you please give me
an example? Ma’am one example of coordinating
conjunction is and.
Can you please us it in a sentence
Kylie? Sufferings and Challenges are inevitable.

Okay correct. Thank you. On the

sentence given by Kylie, what
words in the sentence was linked
together? Sufferings and Challenges

Suffering and challenges are the

words that was linked together by
the conjunction and. These two
words serve as the subject in the
sentence therefore it is a compound

Here are some examples

Compound Subject- Singapore and
Compound Predicate- I fear and
Compound Sentence- I fear and
hope, I burn and freeze like ice, I fly
above the world, yet can I not rise?
–Sir Thomas Wyatt

Who can give me an additional

example on compound subject,
compound predicate and compound
(Students raise their hands)
Okay, Lyka, Honneylet and Jinky
give an example. Lyka on
compound subject, Honneylet on
compound predicate and Jinky on
compound sentences. Write it on
the board please. (Students follow)

Are they correct class? Yes.

We are done with the coordinating

conjunction, we will now proceed to
correlative conjunctions.

Some conjunctions come in pairs

and compare or relate two
conditions. These are called
correlative conjunctions. The pairs
are not interchangeable. Either
comes with or, neither with nor, but
with and. Other correlative
conjunctions are joined by the same
words: and, but, and or.

 Its either you choose to be
happy or you choose to be
sad, so which do you choose
to be?

Are we clear with the Correlative

and Coordinating conjunctions?
Yes Ma’am.
c) Activity and Application

If that’s the case then do this in

your notebook. I will post a
paragraph and you will spot the
conjunctions used and identify
whether a compound subject, Ma’am what are we going to write, the
compound predicate or compound conjunctions only or the compounded words
sentence has been formed using together with the conjunction?

You will write the compounded

words together with the conjunction
used. Any more questions?
Okay start.

d) Generalization

Exchange you papers with your


Did you understand conjunctions?

What kind of conjunctions used to
form compound subjects, compound
predicate and compound sentences?
Coordinating Conjunctions.

What kind of conjunctions compares

or relates two conditions? Correlative Conjunctions.
IV. Evaluation
You will write a letter to a friend, describing your first cooking experiment.
Whether it was success or not, the thrills and difficulties you encountered while
cooking. You should use conjunctions to help connect some of the process of cooking.

V. Assignment
Read the passage on their textbook on page 34 entitled Confucianism.
A Detailed Lesson Plan in
English 11
October 24, 2017
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. identify subject and predicate in a sentence;
b. demonstrate understanding in constructing sentences with appropriate
subject and predicate; and
c. create their own sentences and identify the simple subject and simple
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Subject and Predicate
Reference: Making Meaning: Afro-Asian Literature

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

a) Routinary Activities
 Opening prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Review

b) Motivation
Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am
I will let you watch a short audio-
visual presentation. It contains
sentences and you will write the
sentence that will catch your
attention on your notebook.

What does the video talks about?
It talks about the Afro-Asian Literature.

Did you jot down the sentence that

catches your attention? Yes Ma’am
Cite some of your notes Liza? The sentence that catches my attention is
China’s greatest contribution to the body of
world literature and philosophy is
Why did choose that sentence?
Ma’am I chose that sentence because it is a
new knowledge. I didn’t know that
Confucianism is the greatest contribution of
china to world literature.

Well said Liza.

Now look at the sentences you
gathered. Analyze the sentence,
encircle the subject and underline the
word/s that tells something about the
subject. Do it within 1 minute. (Students follow)

I see that everybody is done. I will

pick students randomly and you
should present your work in front by
writing it on the board. Nardo, Ador,
Luis, Louise, and Jely write your
work on the board please. (Students follow)

Are they all correct? Yes

Will you read what Nardo wrote on

the board? From Japan came the first recorded novel,
tale of Genji.

What are the encircled words? The first recorded novel, tale of Ganji

How about the underlined words? From Japan came

From Japan came tells something

about the subject The first recorded
novel, tale of Ganji therefore Nardo’s
work is correct.

Take a look on other’s work. Are they

all correct? Yes Ma’am

c) Lesson Proper
Your activity a while ago leads us to
our next lesson. What do you think is
our lesson for today? Subject and Predicate.


What is a subject and Predicate?

Class all eyes on board.

The Subject names who or what the

sentence is all about, while the
predicate describes the subject. Both
subject and predicate can consist of
one or more words.

The simple subject is the basic group

of words in the complete subject. The
simple subject us usually a noun, a
word that names a person, place,
thing, or idea; or a pronoun, a word,
that takes the place of one or more

On Nardo’s sentence, what is the

simple subject? Novel


The simple predicate is the basic

word or group of words in the
complete sentence. It is always a verb
that is why, we say the verb and
predicate are interchangeable terms
in a sentence and express an action
or condition of being. In simple
sentences, the simple subject and
simple predicate are often already
the complete subject and complete

How about the simple predicate on

Nardo’s sentence? Came

Next would be the other types of

Subject and predicate.

The complete subject and the

complete predicate, these include all
the words in the subject and all the
words in the predicate of a sentence.

 Persia is one of the oldest
Persia is the complete subject and
one of the oldest civilizations is the
complete predicate.

Are we all clear? Yes.

Very good.

d) Activity and Application

Answer this activity on your

notebook. You will rewrite each
sentence. Underline the complete
subject once and the complete
predicate twice. Do this within 15

Are you done? Yes Ma’am

Let’s check it then. Exchange your

papers from the person behind you.

e) Generalization

Very good you all did well in your


What do you call a word/s that the

sentence is talking about, or it
answers the question who or what? Subject

How about the word/s that tells

something about the subject? Predicate.

This is the structure of a sentence.

The sentence consist a subject and a

IV. Evaluation
Rewrite each question into a statement, underlining the subject in each.
1. Did china go through a golden age of arts and letters?
2. Have Chinese been literate a long time?
3. Were the Persians among the earliest civilizations?
4. Did Africa and Asia share a common colonial experience?
5. Did African literature have anything in common with Asia?

V. Assignment
Write dialogues you heard or read in the social media(YouTube,
facebook)/media(Tv, Radio).
A Detailed Lesson Plan in
English 11
October 24, 2017
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. know the four different types of sentences;
b. differentiate the four types of sentences; and
c. construct different types of sentences correctly.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Conjunctions
Textbook: Making Meaning: Afro-Asian Literature
Materials: Manila paper, marker

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
a) Routinary Activities
 Opening prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Review

b) Motivation
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am.
I asked you yesterday to bring a
small piece of special paper/colored
paper/art paper right?
Yes Ma’am
So bring out the material. I would
like you write a three sentences
paragraph stating what you wanted
to say to your crush or best friend
inside the class. I will give you 5
minutes to finish the task.

Okay seems like everyone is done.

Give the letters to the recipient.
All settle down. Now look at the
papers you received. What kind
emotions are present? Anyone? Yes
Ricky? The emotion of the sender is somewhat
confused because of the question marks.
How about you Henry? Ma’am it show gratitude.

How did you say so? Because of the sentence Thank you!

Those sentences will be our lesson

for today.
c) Lesson Proper

We have different kinds of

sentences to express how we feel in
different ways or to fulfill different

Declarative sentence – it is a
sentence that makes statement or
tells a point. It ends with a period.
 Music is a universal
 The eyes are mirrors of the
Will you give me some example I love arts.

Another? She dances gracefully.

Good next kind is:

Exclamatory Sentence – Expresses

strong feelings such as great
happiness, surprise, awe and
admiration, wonder, and anger.
 What a beautiful day!
 Of course not!

Interrogative sentence - asks a

question. It ends with a question
 Are you coming with us?
 Did you see the movie?

Imperative sentence- the subject is

often understood to be you, or some
understood subject, for example, the
class. (You) Tell me a story. (Class)
Read the story.
 Eat.
 Sit.
 Com home early.
Any question? None Ma’am.

d) Activity and Application

You now know and understand the
kinds of sentences. For your
activity, write a 5 sentences reply
on the letter you received from your
classmate. Do this in just 15

Done? Give the reply letter to the


e) Generalization
Okay, to sum up the lesson.
What do you call a question that
asks request? Interrogative Ma’am

How about a sentence that shows

strong feeling of emotion? Exclamatory

And what are the other types? Imperative and Declarative.

IV. Evaluation
Answer the following by identifying the kinds of sentences.
V. Assignment
Search/make 5 compound sentences. Write it on your notebook.

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