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Thursday 6th December 2018


Bold and ambitious changes needed

to Mental Health Act
Akiko Hart, a member of the HVN Board commented:

‘Whilst we recognise the good intentions, dedication and heart of those who
contributed to this review, we cannot ignore its failure to address widespread and
institutional abuse and the ongoing erosion of people’s human rights. This is not the
time for timid changes or placating promises, it is a time for action and an
opportunity to revision the support we offer to those in most distress’.


The English National Hearing Voices Network (HVN England) is publishing an

alternative report, today, to coincide with the launch of the government’s report on
its Review of the Mental Health Act. HVN is a registered charity that offers
information and support to people who hear voices, see visions or have other
unusual sensory perceptions. See: for more information.

HVN recognise that the Mental Health Act has a profound impact on the lives of its
members, many of whom have either been detained under the act, witnessed the
detention of a loved one or lived under the threat of detention. In view of serious
concerns about the neglect of service user led groups within the review process,
HVN conducted an event for over 100 of its members, coupled with a survey, to find
out what changes they wanted to see. The report is the culmination of this process.

“The Mental Health Act (MHA) is not fit for purpose and needs to be radically
overhauled for the 21st century. This is not the time to sweep key issues under the
rug, or rush through timid changes which fail those who are most vulnerable under
the use of the MHA. We call for a bold and ambitious rights- based approach to the

Mental Health Act and its Code of Practice”. HVN England Report, 2018

The HVN survey results found:

• 88% of those surveyed believe it is never acceptable to use electro-shock therapy
against someone’s will
• 67% believe it is never acceptable to forcibly medicate someone, because they
hear voices
• 77% said it was never acceptable to forcibly medicate people in the community
• 69% believed that Advance Decisions should be upheld under the Mental Health
• 58% said that the MHA had made them feel unsafe to ask for help

Of those who had experience of being detained under the MHA:

• 70% of those surveyed said that being detained had not been at all helpful in
preventing them from attempting suicide
• 83% said it had not been at all helpful in reducing the likelihood of them harming
other people
• 78% said they were never or rarely treated with dignity and respect when detained
under the Mental Health Act
• 70% said their human rights were not respected by the staff involved

Akiko Hart, a member of the HVN Board commented:

‘Whilst we recognise the good intentions, dedication and heart of those who
contributed to this review, we cannot ignore its failure to address widespread and
institutional abuse and the ongoing erosion of people’s human rights. This is not the
time for timid changes or placating promises, it is a time for action and an
opportunity to revision the support we offer to those in most distress’.

Rai Waddingham, another Board member and who has experience of being
diagnosed with schizophrenia and being detained under the Act says:

‘Despite being in a relatively privileged position, working and living with my voices
and experiences, I am always aware of the potential for my right to liberty to be
removed simply by the say so of mental health and social care professionals. As
someone who continually hears voices, including voices commanding me to hurt
myself and others, I resent the fact that I cannot be honest with my mental health
team for fear of being detained or forced to take additional medication. There is little
room in current risk-oriented practice to recognise that people can, and do, live with

violent voices and other experiences that raise red flags without acting on them. I
am a mother, a sister and a daughter. I could be your friend or colleague. It is time
for society to stop ignoring those of us who have overwhelming and unusual
experiences and sanctioning our abuse. Whilst the MHA Review makes some steps
forward, it does not go far enough to make real and necessary changes’.

The Alternative Review of the Mental Health Act can be accessed at : from 12 noon on Thursday 6 December 2018.

Available for interview or comment:
Rai Waddingham:
Mental Health campaigner who has herself been sectioned
07472 102 208

Akiko Hart:
Board Member, Hearing Voices Network
07423 535221,

Social Media

For general media inquiries please contact:
James Scurry
07850 172 206

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